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S11.E10: Top 14 Perform, 4 Eliminated

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Yes, four people will be eliminated next week.  It's going to be brutal.  I wish they had eight people in the bottom instead of six.  For example, if Ricky ends up in the bottom (unlikely) then the other two guys are toast.  If there were at least four guys to choose from, then each guy has a chance. 


I'm nervous for the girls too.  I think they want Valerie in the top 10 since they never had a female tapper make it that far.  That's why she hasn't had any tough criticism even when her form is bad.  If Tanisha and Valerie are in the bottom, would they save Tanisha?  To me, she's the best female in terms of killing everything so far.  Carly has also never set a wrong foot but she's been given three contemporaries so I don't know how well she'll do in ballroom.


I still don't like Bridget. She just grates on me- has ever since her tearful audition. And now that I know she's been homecoming court and queen my past high school self dislikes her even more. lol


And this is terribly shallow of me but I just don't think Tanisha is very pretty. She's a beautiful dancer with a great body. I feel kind of bad saying it. Whatever! I'm bringing my snark over from twop.


I'm happy that Zach and Jacque are in the top- I like the Pasa in theory, and I like the song, but I don't know that I liked them TOGETHER. lol.


I thought Teddy was loads better than the poor man's Natasha Lyonne.  I love that style of dance. I thought he got it but she danced heavy.


First time I liked Casey- and I'm a Jessica fan so I'm totally okay with this. The dance was beautiful.


I love Valerie. She's so damn adorable. Who did she get paired with? I just think Daniel Radcliffe when I see Ricky.


Twitch & Jessica is such a weird pairing to me. But maybe they are thinking they want his popularity to rub off on her? I think Ricky should have gotten Kathryn but I like Lauren so that's okay. I miss Mark. *sniff*

Edited by Dejajeva
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Jean-Marc's back!  I'd have been even more happy to see him if I could have looked directly at my TV screen during the paso doble, but I was afraid the strobe lights would give me a seizure. I always suspect the show's production team is trying to hide weak dancing when they use really busy lighting and too many quick cuts.  Does that make me paranoid?


Travis should do more group numbers.  He's had the best dances of the night for two weeks running and it's great to see that he can do more interesting work than yet another "guy and girl in love and OMG they might kiss" routine.

Edited by Lindsey

Every single one of these kids look alike to me, I can hardly tell any of them apart, they're like a bunch of dancing multiples who all do Contemporary.


It's nice to see how Nigel still will take every opportunity to pat himself on the back about how bloody amazing the show is, always so classy that one.


I am not sure what Christina was on but I wanted some.


All Travis has ever done was copy all the people who taught him how to dance, imo, and it isn't as if he's all that brilliant at it but they love to kiss his ass. I miss Danny.

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I think probably the right people went home, but I'm not into Jessica or Casey. People talk about Tanisha's face, but Casey's is just so off-putting to me. It's not his fault but it makes it hard to enjoy his dances. Plus, I feel like everything he can do, Ricky does better so it would have been nice to keep Serge or Teddy for the unique skills they bring.


As for Jessica, the show is working so hard to make her happen, but she's a black hole of chemistry (as evidenced by three partners in a row being in the bottom. Casey dodged a bullet.) Plus, she tries too hard to be "sexy." That solo was boring as hell. And now I have to put up with her to see Twitch. So upsetting.


Overall, I liked the Paso and the hip-hop, though I had some issues with both of them. The rest of the duos were fairly forgettable.


Valerie had no sense of character in that hip-hop. She broke out a huge grin several times. If that was supposed to be a creepy or dark piece she kind of killed the atmosphere. Also, the choreography was almost too fast paced. When you want real character (and not just costumes substituting for character) you need less frantic moments so the dancers can take a beat and establish who they are in the routine. The HH lacked that, as did the Paso which bugged me.


The group routines were the strength of tonight's show. The girls were surprisingly strong but the boys were remarkable. Mostly I watched Ricky and Zack; they really stood out but no one was a weak link.

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Seriously, the ONLY style Jessica has performed decently in is contemporary. Carly has outperformed her every time, but of course Nigel can't let his precious Jessica leave. Then, to top it off, they give her fan favorite Twitch next week. Propping at it's worse. 


In other news, I'm so excited to see Chehon again! That boy is delicious. Kathryn is always one of my favorites, and I hope they continue to switch up the All Stars. 


I liked Teddy, so sorry to see him go. Casey's eyes freak me out. I guess Jessica finally didn't give the kiss of death to a partner. 


I liked the girls performance over the boys. It was very pretty and flowy. Mandy Moore can do some amazing work. The rest of the show bored me, unfortunately. I am so excited for the new Step Up movie though! 


Ricky is the LeBron James of SYTYCD. He doesn't do the choreography or the camerawork that focuses ALL ON HIM, but I hate him for it anyways. I mean, the first group routine was ridiculous with it and Travis's routine wasn't much better.

Teddy is so pretty. I miss him already. But as soon as he got panned for the Broadway (which I liked) and they made special mention of Casey's turning turning turning, I knew that Casey and Jessica were going through. I imagine Jessica probably could have stood in one place for 30 seconds and she still would have gone through.

And she gets Twitch. Of COURSE.

I'm not that excited about the all-stars other than Twitch. Where is Mark?? But I do find myself gravitating towards Tanisha because I think she's so beautiful when she dances so I like she is with Ryan. I hope it's a ballroom in her style.

Cyrus is in the new Step Up? Shut up and take my money!

Edited by mojoween

Some things that I never need to see/hear again :  any remake of "Wicked Game".  You can't top the original or make it better, so stop trying.  Please don't ever put the upside down, in your face splits into another routine.  This has replaced the HMV move for me.  It's disgusting and unnecessary and looks clunky and seems to pause any routine it's been in.


Someone last week on here was talking about the lack of "connection/passion" between the couples.  I think tonight really showed that.  I love, love, love the Paso but thought this one sucked.  There was no tension, no sexual pull and the song was horrible.  The only couple to come close to having me believe they have a "connection" were Casey and Jessica.  I liked their routine - not totally enamoured with it, but I can live with it.  I don't think it's an age thing as I've known people of all ages who either have "that something" or don't that connects with others.  I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is as time and again it's been proven you don't have to want to have sex with the person to look like you want to jump their bones.


This leads me to Teddy giving off a John Barrowman look for me tonight and I really liked that.  John is a performer and for some reason tonight Teddy brought him to mind.  There's a fine example of someone who is gay but has off the wall chemistry with  anyone/anything he shares a space with (that would be John Barrowman and not Teddy). 


On a positive note, I really enjoyed both group numbers and thought the different colours and bodices on the ladies was wonderful.

  • Love 3

Loved both group numbers - had tears in my eyes by the end of both.  I agree with the up-post that Travis should do more group numbers; while he is a great choreographer, he is getting stuck in the rut.


I am a Jessica fan - have been since auditions.  Personally, I think she has done well with the different genres, and that is in spite of the fact she has had a different partner every week.  She may not have been able to elevate her partners, but she certainly isn't the cause of their dismissal.  I haven't liked Casey, but I thought they made a great partnership. Do NOT know how she and Twitch will work, however.   I would have loved to see Carly stay -- and I felt Nigel may have been overly harsh on Teddy tonight.  That was an extremely physical dance and i thought he not only danced it well, but performed it well.  I recognize that Tanisha is a great dancer, but I just can't warm to her; don't know why.  Really REALLY wish Rudy went home.


I like Misty, but Christina was a welcome change tonight.  So many of the dancers "pull" faces but I feel like she targets a select few over and over.  

No surprise that they saved Casey and Jessica, and out of that bottom six I'm glad they were the ones saved.  Though I would've been happy with Carly, as well.  


I liked Valerie and Ricky's number, but I don't know that it was the best of the night.  And I don't understand the judges sometimes when they say that.  They gave standing ovations to Jessica and Casey's number, and not to Valerie and Ricky's, but they say Valerie and Ricky had the best number of the night.   Of the two numbers, I felt Jessica and Casey's was better.   (Also, the horrid green lights in Valerie and Ricky's number were distracting.)


I liked Rudy and Tanisha's number.  It wasn't outstanding, but I find both of them entertaining to watch in their own way.  Ditto Carly and Serge's quick-step.  


Emily and Teddy's number Broadway jazz number was cute, but they didn't dance it well IMO.  They were off so much it was like watching two separate numbers happening at the same time.   I thought the judges were kind to them in their critique, probably because they knew both of them were going home anyway. 


Bridget and Emilio's Long Road to Hell and Jacque and Zach's vampire number were okay but not memorable.


The girl's group number was not bad, but I think the guy's number was the stronger one.  And yeah, I realize that's probably because of the way it finished, because during the first part of it I wasn't too impressed.  So I guess I'm easily influenced by certain tricks.


Looking forward to seeing some of the All-Stars next week.  I love Chehon, Kathryn, Twitch, Amy, Jasmine...


This leads me to Teddy giving off a John Barrowman look for me tonight 



Yeah, I can see that.   (I've also been thinking that Casey looks like he could be Luke McFarlane's kid brother.)  


I liked the return of the solo DFYL's.  I didn't realize until tonight how much I'd missed those.


I didn't DVR it so off of my memory Ricky has Lauren Froderman, Emilio has Jasmine, Tanisha has Robert, Rudy has Amy (I think), Jessica has Twitch, Valerie has Ade, Casey has Kathryn, Jacque has Brandon. I can't remember who has Chehon and who has Fikshun and I'm missing people. 


Looking at it, I think something's wrong with my list but I'm sure it'll hit the internet soon.

Edited by vibeology
Rudy is the anti-sexy.



So true. For whatever reason, most of the dancers this year can't pull off basic characters with Rudy being the worst. He can't be sexy at all and they keep giving him romantic/sexy dances. I just want people who can inhabit a character. I don't need people to be Mark, just be believable in the roles.


Oh, found the pairings for next week.

Bridget Whitman and All-Star Brandon

Emilio Dosal and All-Star Jasmine

Jacque LeWarne and All-Star Chehon

Ricky Ubeda and All-Star Lauren

Tanisha Belnap and All-Star Ryan

Rudy Abreu and All-Star Jenna

Valerie Rockey and All-Star Ade

Zack Everhart and All-Star Amy

Jessica Richens (Saved) and All-Star tWitch

Casey Askew (Saved) and All-Star Kathryn

Edited by vibeology

I didn't watch last season so I need some clarification   Are the all-stars announced tonight the only ones we are going to see all season or are they just the all-stars for next week?


The judges pretty much told us who they were saving right from the beginning so no shock, but I would have preferred that Cary stay and either Serge or Teddy since Casey is pretty much a non-entity to me.


I noticed that Adechicke was one of the Dance Day leaders.  Given that he was treated like he stinky stuff on the bottom of Mia's shoe for the better part of his season, I'm surprised that he would have any affiliation with the show.  I guess he's a better person than I.


Group dances - Super big awesome

Rob Zombie song used on SYTTYCD - Awesome.

Frenetic Paso Doble done to said Rob Zombie Song - Not Awesome

Happy Contemporary Dances where no one is left lying on the ground heartbroken -  Awesome

Another 2 contemporary dances instead of any other genre - Not Awesome

An entire show where I didn't actively HATE any of the dances - Awesome

Another show where Nigel (and probably Mary - but I FF'd through her most of the time) made me want to throw my TV against the wall- NOT AWESOME.


This show really would be great if Nigel wasn't on the panel.  I vote that Dan Karaty be brought back to take Nigel's place on the judging table.

  • Love 1

Oh man - I lose Serge! I love him!


The quickstep, the Broadway, and the contemporary were the routines of the endangered ones…I could have told you early on that contemporary will always trump anything more structured because of the longing looks and the emo music.  Damn. The quickstep was pretty good.


Ricky and Valerie killed it. I loved it.


I have to admit that I went back and forth between this and Sharknado 2 Electric Boogaloo.  Sharks are endangered and Ian Ziering wants to kill them all. If that's not a Sonya routine waiting to happen, then I don't know my show.

Edited by beeble
  • Love 8

Is Mandy Moore capable of choreographing to music made within the current decade? And it's not as if she uses classic music - it's just corny stuff like Celine Dion and Evanescence.

It was nice to have a break from Misty and her permanent "who farted?" face. That said, I wish they would stick with choreographers or professional dancers for the third judge, not celebrities with collateral dance experience.

Well, I surprised myself, or they surprised me is more like it. I loved Casey and Jessica together, and LOVED their dance. It was the only dance so far this season that actually made me feel, what do you call them, oh, yeah, emotions. I think Jessica was lovely in it, but I thought Casey made it. It was so light and swingy (literally) and felt like young love.


Tanisha looked gorgeous tonight.


I really liked the boy's number, and loved that music, which I'd never heard before.


I wished all three boys could stay.

  • Love 1

Are the contestants paired with the same all-stars every week, or do they change? I came out of lurkdom to ask this. 


I can't believe Carly didn't make the top ten. I know Jessica was an early favorite, but Carly has been consistently strong every week. I'm very excited that Zach is being paired with Amy. This is my first season to watch, but I've been watching more youtube videos from previous seasons than I care to admit, and I think they'll be fun to watch. 




I think Zach is doing amazingly! I picked him out in the Guys' number and went wow, he's kiling it! I actually really really liked that group number by Travis, even though I thought for a brief moment that Emilio was going to die on national TV.


Casey and Jessica? Ugh. Ughhhhh. She's a partner killer, and I find Casey boring, and neither of them engage me. It sucks that they had to save two contemporary dancers instead of a ballroom or Hip Hop. But if they did save Serge or Teddy, the Top 10 would only be 50% contemporary/jazz/ballet and we can't have that. I'm really bummed about Teddy especially since I loved his solo. But Jessica and Casey got the kiss!contemporary with Travis so of course they're safe. That stopped being cute like 2 routines after Jeanine/Jason, Travis.


Jean-Marc I love you!!


I wanted to like that Mandy Moore routine so badly. But Evanescence, and My Immortal takes me back to being 13 years old and emo, so I really can't take that song anymore.


ETA: is this the least diverse Top 10...ever?

Edited by allypenguin

Doubt it. On the girl's side we have 1 Contemporary, 1 Ballroom, 1 Tap, 1 Jazz and 1 Ballet. On the guy's side we have 1 Hip Hop, 1 Tap and 3 Contemporary. Thats pretty standard. Though this is quite a diverse group of girl's considering what we normally get.


I meant in terms of ethnicity. I mean we started out the show without any African American girl dancers and no Asian dancers which is rare for the show, seeing in past seasons it was usually diverse? I mean it gave us Sasha, Jasmine, Aaron, Katie, Marco, Tadd, Joshua, Cyrus, Fikshun, Alex, Kupono, etc etc.

Edited by allypenguin

I missed Misty, especially when Christina Applegate made some comment about how she commented a lot on facial expressions.  Shut up, Christina.  Go schtick it up some more.  They should have kept Misty through the Top 10.  Was there some tension there or something?  Nigel called her out, too.


The Paso- music was so bad I muted it, which made me see how bad it was.  On her part, really.  She seemed wobbly.

Rudy/Tanisha- I know their names, which is nice.  The whole routine I felt was sloppy and I thought he was going to drop her.  But that was probably camera angles- I saw faces when I don’t normally see them (like when she’s upside-down looking slightly concerned). 


Broadway- that girl didn’t need to be in the routine.  I’m surprised they didn’t call them out on the total lack of connection.

Travis Wall routines…I dread.  At first, I appreciated the way he brought sex into a routine.  Now I’m fully over him.  I didn’t get why that routine was good enough for them to screw over the others in the bottom and proclaim that Jessica and the guy should never be in the bottom again, or whatever (those poor kids who had to dance after them!).  He spins, she’s seems to only be able to dance contemporary…with a contemporary dancer.  And the only thing her latest partner can say about her is that she’s awkward.  Not sure how that translates into “you can win this.”  And she made “Fever” unsexy in her solo.  I think I may hate her now.


I’m looking forward to All-Stars, but I’m also not because I’m concerned they’ll blow these kids off the stage.  Not necessarily with technique, but with personality.


I wish they’d filmed the throw in Travis’s group routine from a different angle.  I felt like we missed seeing the height and distance because it was towards us the way it was.


On the bright side- I loved the opening.  I thought it was Mia, who I miss.  I loved Mandy Moore’s group routine- she did a great job of showcasing everyone, in my opinion, which is rare in group routines on this show for some reason. 


I also enjoyed the hip hop, for the first time this season I got through it.  So that was nice.


The two who made it through it was based on viewer votes again, right?  That's been their thing thus far- that it's the audience vote.  So...it was this time too?

Edited by phoenix780

I meant in terms of ethnicity. I mean we started out the show without any African American girl dancers and no Asian dancers which is rare for the show, seeing in past seasons it was usually diverse? I mean it gave us Sasha, Jasmine, Aaron, Katie, Marco, Tadd, Joshua, Cyrus, Fikshun, Alex, Kupono, etc etc.


oh. yeah then you're probably right. i thought you were talking about dance styles.

They should have kept Misty through the Top 10.  Was there some tension there or something?



I believe she had other work commitments. Nigel said something last week about Swan Lake in Australia.


I liked the opening number until Ricky smeared what looked like feces on his shirt. 


None of the couple dances blew me away, but I liked both group numbers at the end (yes, despite My Immortal).


Poor Carly was robbed. At least Nigel didn't make it worse by trying to justify it. 


If there was every any doubt that Ricky is being pimped as the winner, now that he's been paired with LoFro, there is none.


Looking forward to seeing Chehon and Ade next week. Sad about the lack of Mark, Robert, and Allison.

Edited by chocolatine
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The train done ran right over Serge to make good and dang sure the corpse would not rise.  Quickstep?  Zero coinkydink that he got it.  Poor Carly.


I loved two things tonight:  1) Warren Carlyle's Kiss Me Kate routine, and 2) Beck's "Wave."  The costuming and make-up on the boys was spectacular.  The music was evocative of Pink Floyd (who are debuting new music soon!).


Ricky is still the clear alpha dancer to me.  No other has his combination of technical brilliance and appropriate expression.

  • Love 2

So happy I found this board, I was suffering from twop withdrawal.

The group numbers were excellent tonight! Travis' started a bit slow but it kept building and they really pulled off that ending.

Can we keep Teddy and send Rudy home instead? Rudy really really bugs me. I'd much rather watch Teddy. He seems to really enjoy performing. For me Teddy reminds me a bit of the lead singer of the 80's band A-Ha though I can see the Bowie resemblance too.

I agree that Ricky looks like Elijah crossed with DanRad. In group routines it's always Ricky and Zack that stand out for me. I did enjoy Emilio in his routines tonight. None of the girls individually wowed me. I think if I have to pick one at this point it would be Tanisha. ( I did like Carly but now she's gone.)

  • Love 2

That Paso was quite bad. Mainly because of Jacque who was quite slow and wobbly to me. Zack wasn't fantastic either but at least he was in character.

I loved the boys routine. Zack really killed that one. He may not have Ricky's extensions or flexibility but the quality of movement is beautiful.

Not too sad about Serge, Teddy and Emily but Carly was a loss imo. She's a better dancer than Jessica. But that's what having no screen time will do to you. The only people left in the competition who also had no screen time during auditions are Zack and Jacque.

That was a great show!  I don't think there was a single number that failed, every one was interesting and entertaining for me.  (Of course I know nothing of dance, only what I like.)  Manoman, the boys' routine was jaw dropping.  I'll have to watch that one again.  And again.  (Even with my untrained eye I've said all along that the guys are as a whole better than the girls, Nigel.)

That paso was just dreadful.  Zack is my clear favourite, but the costumes didn't go with the stage, didn't go with the music, didn't go with the dance; the dance didn't go with the music etc.  JM should be bonked on the noggin for that horrible piece of tripe.  I couldn't believe the praise it received.  Both dancers looked somewhat straitjacketed by the volume of their clothes - it made all the sharp lines difficult to see.  If they'd been b3ed, they would have been out and I don't feel that's on the dancers. 

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