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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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SB is quite efficient. She’s started her one on ones, even without benefit of the HoH room. She’s talking with Tiffany in the HaveNot room. She is not targeting Tiff or Claire, at least not now. She wants to flush out powers. Tiff pushes Girl Power. She makes sure to stress her bond with Ky. She says she likes Derex, but suggests she wouldn’t be crushed if he were to go. She mentions Shelly as if she were real, which confirms she’s full of shit.

And in short order, without anyone being suffocated in word clouds, the meeting is over. So already an improvement on Ky.

Next up, Hannah. She is willing to do whatever SB wants. She is all about the HoH. Also, she was definitely never after SB. But that’s ok, SB never believed those rumors anyway. And that confirms they’re both full of shit. And just like that, another meeting down! Ky could learn from SB. 

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1 minute ago, leocadia said:

I hope she does go with X/Alyssa on the block.  Honestly, the CO will just vote out Alyssa so it won't even hurt them as a whole, but I'd like to see how X handles being the pawn.  He has been so calm and collected, I'm curious to see if he takes it in stride or starts to sweat a little. 

A curious thought: say SB does nom X/Alyssa, and then Alyssa comes off the Block one way or another.  What’re the odds of the renom being Hannah, or another CO member?

(Nothing against the CO, but I need this season SHOOK UP SOME DAMMIT)

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

A curious thought: say SB does nom X/Alyssa, and then Alyssa comes off the Block one way or another.  What’re the odds of the renom being Hannah, or another CO member?

(Nothing against the CO, but I need this season SHOOK UP SOME DAMMIT)

I could see her putting up Big D or Little D. 

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Claire’s turn! Girl power, redux. SB wants to keep Ky as a shield, but not as far as F2. This week, she wants to ensure powers are used. Claire suggests putting up someone with money, since she has none. Or put up people who would cause others to spend their money on them. Asked to name threats, Claire names X— but only in a general sense. He’s not coming after them. Asked who she’s most comfortable with among the guys, Claire names Dx and Ky.

SB shares that she hated Ky’s one on ones. Too long and too formal. She says that Alyssa was trashing Tiff a little bit in her one on one. She says Alyssa was also behind the rumors that Hannah was targeting her. So… Alyssa? Maybe going up? Claire is all about this. She will be on the lookout for Alyssa sketchiness! And report back like a good soldier!

SB says she heard Deref was coming after Ky. So, maybe Alyssa and Deref  noms. I could live with that.

ETA: As they wrap up, Claire  laughs that Ky always ended his meetings with a big hug. “His hugs are too long”, SB sniffs. Heh.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

It's official. Kyland is this season's Andy Herren for me. I'm so burnt out on him and his voice and his sleepless paranoia and Tara Kelly Music and not kissing Sarah Beth and even though he's not omnipresent like Andy, it feels that way. I can't escape him. He is my feeds killer. I'd rather a loop of Britini wailing without tears than sit through Kyland bumbling his way through another twelve minute long sentence that has three starts, eight middles, and four endings but says absolutely nothing of substance. I'm beyond Bitch Eating Crackers with him. It's more like Bitch Eating Crackers In My Bed Without Taking Your Shoes Off After Walking Through A Mud Puddle. Better known as BECIMBWTYSOAWTAMP. It's phonetic.

I feel ya, Callaphera.  You were the true hero of this thread last week.  I sat through a couple nights of Ky's one-on-ones and man...  So, here is my latest dream, knowing that the CO is very likely to make it to F6...  I would love nothing more than the rest of the CO to just let Ky have his way and for SB be the last non-CO standing at F7 and then have them throw the F7 HOH to Ky.  Force him to cut SB loose.  It would tank his social game with her and quite likely cost him her vote if he made it to F2.  That's about all I can hope for by way of feeds gold at this point.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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15 minutes ago, sisterspoon said:

At first I read:  …boogies the mind…


Well, Derek & Claire suspect something but still haven’t said it out loud. Derek did mention to Tiff if she realized that all the white people are gone. LOL!! She played dumb and sort of talked it off so he didn’t really pursue it. I also think no one wants to say it out loud-loud in fear of the unknown if they do say it out loud-loud. Also, the CO has been so good at hiding it. Have they ever been in the same room with just the 6 of them? Most previous alliances used to flaunt it front of the other HG but the CO doesn’t. It’s actually quite genius and smart on their part. 

Edited by ByaNose
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SB and Derex are both sketched out by Alyssa. That intense stare! Means she’s lying! 

SB knows Alyssa was lying about Hannah coming after her. She also knows Alyssa was lying about Tiff being disappointed that Derex didn’t win the HoH. So either SB is lying to Derex or she is a terrible judge of lying.

Derex admits that he is easily manipulated. And Alyssa is good at the manipulation. (She’s a mister! Just ask Azah.)

They talk about strategy and how to outfox the Coin of Destiny and the Cootie Taw. And how to keep Kyland off the block. And they’re doing all this without benefit of Skittles or Q- tips! Quite the feat.

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There's still time, of course, but for now, Claire and Derek are very close to just kissing any chance they had left goodbye with this whole, "Anyone but me!" approach they've got going with SaraBeth. 

The notion that they've not even TRIED to bring Alyssa in on this is just stunning to me. It's SUCH shitty gameplay. It's basically, "Well, at least eliminate me last, please!"

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4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There's still time, of course, but for now, Claire and Derek are very close to just kissing any chance they had left goodbye with this whole, "Anyone but me!" approach they've got going with SaraBeth. 

The notion that they've not even TRIED to bring Alyssa in on this is just stunning to me. It's SUCH shitty gameplay. It's basically, "Well, at least eliminate me last, please!"

Well, in Derek defense he’s a newbie and has been learning as the game has been going on. Now, Claire should know better as a super fan. I guess they were just put off by the whole Alyssa and Christian thing and never connected. 

Edited by ByaNose
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Yeah. I'm pretty disappointed neither Derex or Claire have tried to get SB nominate Alyssa since she has hinted she wants to nominate her. It looks like the cookout wants Tiff/Claire on the block. I just don't see SB being convinced she is pretty set her in ways. I don't think she really trusts X or Deref. 

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SB is done with Derex and has moved on to Azah. SB is the Cliff’s Notes version of Ky. 

Azah admits her target would have Ky, if she won. Maybe not the smartest admission. But SB says she understands. She stresses that even though Ky is good for her game, she’s not his puppet and this is not his HoH. She reciprocates Azah’s admission by admitting she worked hard to get Britini out.

And I should be timing these, because this was the shortest yet. 10 minutes, maybe? At this rate, SB will finish her week in about 2 days.

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I really do not care about that Cookout. At some point all alliance members have to turn on each other to get to a final 2. And there can be only one winner. I just don't see the big deal. If they had a comfort level aligning with each other for whatever reason... then that's how this season will go. 

Azah voted to keep Britini so I see layers inside everything. What I do think is that this is a very very boring season. I should cancel the feeds, I do not  think I have watched more than 6 hours since the start of  this season. 

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Good morning! Sarah Beth is up early, doing a monologue in the HOH bathroom. She is talking about putting up Derek F up as a pawn. She has a plan for who she wants to go home and a backup choice. "These people have campaigned against you," she says. She means Derek F. So who  campaigned against him? I guess Claire and Derek X did. She says the High Rollers game will make a difference. Her plan is neither Derek F nor Azah will go home this week.

By the way, Sarah Beth, congratulations on being the first woman to win HOH this season!

Cameras.1 and 2 switch to HOH room. She just went back to bed. That is one loud camera.

Looks like Kyland is a Have Not this week as Camera 3 shows him sleeping in the divider bed, his hair a la Tiffany looking a little scraggly.

Camera 4 shows the HN room. Actually I don't think there are Have Nots since Kyland is the only one in the room. No, there is someone else in a bed. I'd say Azah or Claire, someone who is long and skinny (the face isn't showing).

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Nashville said:

A curious thought: say SB does nom X/Alyssa, and then Alyssa comes off the Block one way or another.  What’re the odds of the renom being Hannah, or another CO member?

(Nothing against the CO, but I need this season SHOOK UP SOME DAMMIT)

Yes. Nothing against the CO, but I'm soooooo bored.  I get the goal, and I'm here for it, but it's not fun to watch when there isn't intense game conversations, vote switches, fights, etc.  I haven't watched the feeds all week because I just can't with Kyland.  I'm not really an SB fan, and I don't like her connection to Kyland either, but I might check in from time to time because I see posts here that suggest she is being somewhat independent.  Here's hoping!  If not, I'll see y'all in two weeks when the CO has to actually play for themselves.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well apparently Ky had SB up until 6 am and has convinced her to nom Claire/Deref.

Damn it. I caught a bit of their conversation around 3am. Everyone else was asleep, but they were laying in the HoH bed talking about noms. Ky was pushing really hard for Claire, but SB was pushing back just as hard. He kept saying Claire is coming for us, everyone told me so last week. But she insisted she really wants to work with Claire, she thinks Claire is open to working with her/them, and she thought keeping Claire off the block would be a good way to build trust.

Every name he suggested, she rejected, and I had high hopes she would stand her ground and hold on to her independence. But it sounds like he wore her down. Or maybe she’s just placating him for now, with the expectation that initial noms will come down and her actual choice will go up after. (She did say last night that she expects 2 rounds of noms, because she wants powers to be used.)

Either way, it sounds like Ky is going to be far too involved in this weeks’s HoH, and DAMMIT DEREX, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. If he had just headed directly to the good planks, Tiff or Hannah would be guiding things and this week would be much more enjoyable.

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Did Claire/DereX make ANY ATTEMPT whatsoever to talk with her? I won't worry about what she decided 8 hours after winning HoH, and before they've clued her in, but if they do and she chooses to trust Ky over her goddamn eyeballs and math abilities then I don't know what kind of CSI she is.  

Ideally they need a whole bunch of things to fall their way, but I still think the risky but possibly high pay off play is to nom two Non CO's ostensibly for a backdoor of the third: aka Alyssa/Claire, BD Derex, and then have Derex play Roulette Renom which means the only people on the wheel are CO's: SB HoH, Claire/Alyssa on the block, and Derex safe with Roulette renom. And they could still have a chance to take down Alyssa and have two CO's on the block. It's extremely risky and involves a lot of what ifs, but GO BIG OR GO HOME, and really what other options in a week with Roulette Renom do they have? , There is no way to ensure a CO goes home, but this way they have a chance to get two against each other and still pretend it was just the way the cookie crumbled not targeted intent.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well apparently Ky had SB up until 6 am and has convinced her to nom Claire/Deref.

With Derex as the backdoor. Good job, SB. Exact same noms as Ky. So much for running your own HOH. :(


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Prayer circle that the roulette somehow ends in Claire off the block and X or Ky as the random nom lol.

I know! DX should get $100 again. I hope he isn't overconfident enough to save his money for the coin toss. I'm thinking not that many will either have enough $$ to play or feel the need to play this week and that DX can win and take off Claire. 

29 minutes ago, blixie said:

Did Claire/DereX make ANY ATTEMPT whatsoever to talk with her?

She had (short) 1on1s with everyone last night. Before Ky got to her she wasn't going after Claire or Derex at all, she said she wanted to work with them.

29 minutes ago, blixie said:

I won't worry about what she decided 8 hours after winning HoH, and before they've clued her in, but if they do and she chooses to trust Ky over her goddamn eyeballs and math abilities then I don't know what kind of CSI she is. 

I'm not that optimistic lol. Noms are in a couple of hours and her monologue this morning indicates she's sticking with Ky's plan. Claire and Dx are probably happily sleeping in, thinking they're fine.

Edited by kassandra8286
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well apparently Ky had SB up until 6 am and has convinced her to nom Claire/Deref.

I'm so glad that I decided to try and change my sleep schedule from it's current insomnia factory settings back to functioning human adult who is almost 40. Because I probably would have thrown the headphones and rage quit at that point.

Kyland sucks, we already knew that. But Sarah Beth is so disappointing as a HG. Her pre-show bio and the initial TEEEEAMS!!!1 game play made it seem like she was just flying under the radar and she would shine once she wasn't being one-twoed by Christian and Alyssa. But instead she's Amber, Kyland's Caleb with bigger words, only this time I don't think SB minds Kyland fucking up her game? Or maybe doesn't realize how fucked up her game has been even since he started draping himself all over her? Because I can't tell if she's passive normally or if she's this way because Kyland literally isolates you and sleep deprives you and runs roughshod over you until you just... agree with his vision. It's very cult leader of him, only he has no cult - he just has SB and a whole house who would rather be locked in a room with a crying Britini than sit through another three hour Kyland "quick chat". (Oh wait, maybe that's just me.)

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Kyland changed beds in the HN room. He's now in the sloping bed in the corner. And Derek X is the long skinny person I saw in the bed across from the jet ski.  Silence as Derek stared at the ceiling. Time to change rooms. Shoot, I tried to get.Claire and Xavier in the bathroom but the camera switched to HN. Now we see Sarah standing by herself in the Joker room. No, Azah is in there, too, lolling against the big blue couch.

Just kidding! Azah is lying in her bed, wrapped in her duvet. Silence.  Camera follows SB through the living room into the bathroom.

1 hour ago, blixie said:

Did Claire/DereX make ANY ATTEMPT whatsoever to talk with her?

1 hour ago, kassandra8286 said:

She had (short) 1on1s with everyone last night. Before Ky got to her she wasn't going after Claire or Derex at all, she said she wanted to work with them.

Yes, and she reiterated this to Ky, over and over. But sometime between the time I stopped listening and when she finally kicked him out of the room, he apparently wore her down. Or maybe she just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to say whatever she had to in order to make him shut up and leave. I know I’d be tempted to do the same.

But very disappointing. Especially since the one on one between SB and Claire seemed to go so well. They were friendly, laughing, and really seemed to be on the same page.

I’m really starting to dislike Ky.

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Not sure what this High Roller or whatever thingie is but maybe BB wants Claire/DX in the mix to make it exciting.  

I don’t want to see either anywhere near the block. 

Question. I know the Cookout wants all to make final 6 but if for some reason  X, Ky or Tiffany is on the block could they truly pass up the opportunity to evict?

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I’m assuming he’s then safe from being the random replacement but would he also be safe from veto renom or not?

I believe both the roulette power holder and the person taken down are both out for renoms. What's not clear is who can play in the regular degular Veto after the renom goes up. We could still end up with two CO's on the block I guess I but I refuse to hope.  

Also if Claire/DereX if they had their one on ones the important part was wether DereX and Claire mentioned the CO theory. If they didn't? Eh fuck em they deserve to go out. Like the whole point is to undermine SB trust in Ky. Like the odds are all massively against you winning, way to snuff them out almost entirely. Also way to run your own HoH SB.

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Since we're seeing puppies I assume we've got nominations or High Rollers going on. Feeds just came back. Derek F said he took it better than last time. I guess Xavier fell apart. He said Hannah made him laugh.

They still have High Roller to do. I'm guessing from Derek's comment that he is on the block but I haven't heard Claire confirmed yet.

Kyland and Hannah whispering in the Poker room. Derek X and Sarah Beth in HOH.

Sarah and Derek X discussing who would play High Rollers and who would go up if someone was taken down.

12 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Also, the CO has been so good at hiding it. Have they ever been in the same room with just the 6 of them? Most previous alliances used to flaunt it front of the other HG but the CO doesn’t. It’s actually quite genius and smart on their part. 

It definitely is very smart on their part. I just realized something else though- if the CO members weren’t aligned, and their game success as individuals was happening coincidentally, wouldn’t some of them be talking about it openly? “Hey, look how many POC are still in the house this far in the game! This is historic for Big Brother!” The fact that non-CO players are noticing and commenting on this historic development before the CO players do is surely a clue for somebody that the CO players had something to do with making it happen. 

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21 minutes ago, HerkyJerky said:

Why do people doubt if she is real or not?

SB was talking with Tiffany and Claire one day in the bathroom and mentioned something about a single ticket to Disneyworld. Tiffany took that to mean that SB was single despite SB talking about her long distance relationship with Shelly and how they went to Disneyworld together. That, along with Tiffany's paranoia that Kyland and SB knew each other before the house and/or that Kyland and SB were paired together by Production as America's Sweetheart Saboteurs because of how they're attached at the hip, started this whole "Shelly doesn't exist" story in the house. Most people bought into it - some even questioned whether SB really was a lesbian or bi - and it gets brought up every now and then.

Most of it is just Tiffany creating stuff because she doesn't like SB and has a bit of a hate boner for her. She gets a touch obsessive at times but that's pretty normal for Big Brother.

Edited by Callaphera
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Now Sarah is saying the person she has next to Derek F is the one she wants to stay. Claire is now in HOH. She has nothing to say. Tells Sarah she has to think about next week. Talking about who will play Roulette. Alyssa Will, Derek X may, Tiffani might. Claire is being nice about this and is sympathizing with Sarah.

What would be interesting if the women decided to unite but Tiffani, Hannah and Azah remain in the Cookout. It would be a Venn diagram and interesting to see how people maneuver themselves. Claire has confirmed, she said she is on the block. 

Foreshadowing: Xavier and Derek X are sitting in the nominee chairs, chatting about Xavier's conversation with Sarah.

Edited by Lamb18
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It sounds like Tiffani's Invisalign is going to be code for something between Tiffani, Derek X and Claire. Claire was called to the Diary Room, so Derek and Tiffani were practicing conversations about the Invisalign.

Kyland has cornered Sarah in the HOH room, telling her what to do regarding High Rollers. It's like he thinks he's spokesperson for SB to the rest of the house. She says just tell them I'm considering my options. He wants to say something about he and Sarah working together to the rest of the house.  He wants Derek X to think he has insight into what she wants.

They are figuring out what Kyland is to tell others. But why does Kyland need to say anything?? She can speak for herself.

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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