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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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20 minutes ago, lids said:

So are some people trying to say that although the CO has the opportunity to change stereotypes, asssmble one of the most dominant alliances in BB history and have one of them win more money than any houseguest in BB history, they shouldn’t take this opportunity because… white people couldn’t do it and not be called racist… even though white alliances have been doing this for years? It doesn’t make logical sense. It’s basically saying they should ignore the people who would serve their best interests (the black hamsters) and team up with the type of people who typically beat them, thereby helping those people win…again. Wouldn’t that be what some of the people here call racist - because they’re choosing to give people a chance based on their race instead of just aligning with other underdogs that are obviously in the same position as them?


Your argument might hold water except that the CO isn't ALL the POC in the house.  It is literally ONLY the black people.  Even Hannah, who is bi-racial, is only CO-adjacent and wasn't considered by X, Tiff, Ky, Azah and Deref to be a full member of the CO.  So, yes, it is fair to criticize the CO for being just as racist as any previous white-only alliance that deliberately went about eliminating POC from the house previously.  The CO didn't align all of the other underdogs (which is your euphemism here for POC) who were "obviously in the same position as them" in the house.  I can't imagine how Derex and Alyssa will feel when they get out of the BB house and discover that the CO existed.  It certainly didn't benefit them in any way, now did it?

Btw, why does Derex trust Ky so much?  Ky's been spilling Derex's HOH intent all over the house today.  I saw him dropping pretty broad hints to X while in the bathroom earlier, about Derex maybe putting another King up as a replacement nom.  And then, right before Derex got his punishment costume & instructions, he was leading up to a similar info dump with Britini.  Sit down and STFU, Ky - let Derex run his own HOH, man.

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4 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Your argument might hold water except that the CO isn't ALL the POC in the house.  It is literally ONLY the black people.  Even Hannah, who is bi-racial, is only CO-adjacent and wasn't considered by X, Tiff, Ky, Azah and Deref to be a full member of the CO.  So, yes, it is fair to criticize the CO for being just as racist as any previous white-only alliance that deliberately went about eliminating POC from the house previously.  The CO didn't align all of the other underdogs (which is your euphemism here for POC) who were "obviously in the same position as them" in the house.  I can't imagine how Derex and Alyssa will feel when they get out of the BB house and discover that the CO existed.  It certainly didn't benefit them in any way, now did it?

It’s almost as if CO isn’t actually “just an alliance based on race” and has to do with protecting people who are interested in dispelling negative portrayals of black houseguests and promoting black players to a win.

Maybe people don’t know where the saying “invited to the cookout” comes from, but not all black people are invited to the cookout (which explains why they observed Hannah before they invited her). Know Your Meme.

Also, people of other races can be invited to the cookout if they show themselves to be an ally to the cause. The CO was started because, with very little conversation, some of the black houseguests realized they had the same agenda - to get a regular black person to win big brother and to make the black community feel inspired by seeing someone like them do well on a show that tends to terrorize black houseguests. They widened out the membership because as they talked to each other they each realized they were wanting the same thing. To people who don’t know what that’s like, they’re just seeing all the black people only helping each other.

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Ky and Xavier are trying to talk game but I missed the beginning and I'm a little lost, but somehow he thinks two yoga blocks are good way to represent his plans and wow Kyland you are lucky you are in a team with X and Tiffany. 

I don't think the CO is remotely racist, but I also don't think it's as completely rock solid as it appears and it's not necessarily the right frame to say "team up" since Big Brother is not a team sport, it has one winner and I'd like the winner to be Hannah/Tiff, but I can't see them winning against X/Kyland. So I don't have a problem with a single one of them flipping if the solid opportunity presents itself in service of their personal game.


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In Ky's check in with Azah to see if she'd rather Christian or SB go, and where the CO is generally on that question, she says she'd prefer Christian and doesn't want another Joker to go up as pawn to SB, and she's good with SB and also wants to just let Derek run his shit. But she also tells Ky that Hannah/Tiffy Toes are campaigning against SB, which Ky notes is not what they are telling him, he notes if she is saying different things to differet members of the alliance that's a problem, so something to note in terms of more cracks in the CO, Tiff is gonna have to get on that, and tell him she just wants the option as to what's best for the CO en masse. I do wish Azah would get more involved in things when she does she makes really solid arguments and her being out the loop means she gives up info that shakes things up without even intending to.

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2 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

No, it was understood. When they have an all white alliance and systematically eliminate all non-white players, they don't have to say it aloud.

And isn’t that what is happening with The Cookout  as well? They are not stating it directly, but it is what is happening… Seems the same to me.

Edited by lisette
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OMFG is Alyssa getting mad at Christian for hypothetically complimenting a hypothetical girl who is hypothetically hitting on him while he has a hypothetical girlfriend based on his pre-Alyssa self? Y'all. What the fuck.

ETA: For the record, yes. Alyssa asked Christian if a girl hit on him pre-show and he had a girlfriend, how would he respond? So he said he would compliment the girl back because Alyssa said to Deref earlier that you should always return a compliment with a compliment (Alyssa: "That was a joke!") and take the free drink because he still lives with his parents (okay, that was my commentary) and then move on. And she got mad because that wasn't the right answer, the only right answer is "Sorry, I have a girlfriend" so clearly the S.S. Chrisalyss just hit an iceberg. Woe.

Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I’m guessing Alyssa wins the game once Christian gets voted out. She won’t remember him on Finale night. Love or Money? You can only have one. LOL!!!!!

Hard to say but earlier today during the Ky, X, Tiff conversation, there seemed to be an implicit offer that each of the CO side-pieces (SB, one of Chrisalys, Claire, Derex & Britini; Deref has no side-piece) should make jury with SB as the first out and X's side-piece the last out (in the discussion Alyssa was explicitly named).  So, it's possible that Alyssa could last far into the game and maybe even make F2.  I think the only way she wins, though, is if she's sitting next to a non-CO member at F2.  She might be able to beat Deref at F2 - maybe Hannah or X would vote for her over Deref depending on how the rest of the game plays out but I'm positive Tiff, Ky and Azah will all vote for Deref over any non-CO player.  

Edited by HighQueenEB
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In the grand tradition of roasting the HGs cooking attempts, enjoy some very overdone pizza.

Derex didn't know that Azah had her handmade pizza crusts waiting in the oven after a blind bake and he went to pre-heat the oven for a pasta dish without checking. They only learned about it when the oven was at temp and he went to put the casserole in. "They're salvageable!" he claimed after first pretending to be innocent and then finally fessing up. Yeah, I'm not sure about that.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Deref to himself in the mirror: "I. Am. Running this shit."

Umm. Wha? I...never mind. Oh Deref. Such an early pre-season fav, and yet here we are.

And Derex just makes me laugh, in a good way. Sticking his foot in his mouth, at least twice, ruining dinner...he's relatable.

Tiffany (from what I'm reading) seems to be diving into the paranoia pool of BB. I hope she can rein it in a bit. I'd be happy with a Tiff or Derex win, if those are still possible. And I'm sad that I kind of forgot about Claire today. Same with Azah.

I don't really care for SB, but it's never fun when the desire to oust someone leads to exaggerating their faults, which it kinda sounds like is happening within the house.

Christian may be the physical competitor but Alyssa is a far more dangerous player. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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It’s 2:30 BB time, and most of the HGs are still awake.

Britini wonders to Azah why Christian has not approached her. She finds that very strange. She fantasizes about becoming HoH, and Azah tells her to guard against getting HoHitis. “What’s that?” Brit asks. “Frenchie had it”, Azah responds. “Ohhhh..”

Tiff, Hannah and Claire are in the backyard, laughing over past events and practicing their veto ceremony reactions. Should they act super surprised or just kind of surprised? (Surprised with a dash of confusion) Where should they sit? (T/C: together, end of sofa. H: between Deref and Ky, for protection) What should they say to Alyssa? (Be noncommittal, try to preserve relationship.) 

They wonder what happened when Derex informed X. They shake their heads over how Alyssa and Christian have isolated themselves and pretty much brought this on. They will all be voting Christian out.

Derex joins them in his Lord of the Thrones costume, and they continue talking veto ceremony. Derex wonders if he should get Deref to act as bodyguard. They laugh about Christian in his short shorts today, and how production might have to employ some blurring. Ky in his short shorts was less of an issue. Tiff says she’s seen him in his sweats and there is nothing to hide.

More discussion of SB’s love life: They agree that Shelly is fictitious. She could be a sister or friend, but that’s all. If she were a girlfriend, SB would talk about her more. Either SB is faking or she’s the new Christine (because of all the cuddling with Ky). And everyone hated Christine.

They all move to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Ky and SB join them, fresh from a cuddling session.  Brushah brushah brushah and several toilet announcements. They talk about their love of Lost, Prison Break and Walking Dead. Ky stopped watching when Glenn got killed. Derex loved how the Asian guy got the hot wife.

Everyone leaves except for Hannah and Derex. She advises him to tell Christian and Alyssa 15 minutes before the ceremony. She tells him how both have said they’re coming after Derex, so he can use that as a reason. He says X didn’t want to know about it, because he didn’t want to have to lie to his team. So X knows, but doesn’t know.

Derex thinks they’re making history by sending all the strong players home first. Hannah says no— Season 15 did it too. Among former contestants, she equates Derex with Frankie— a hustler who went far.

Hannah says Christian clearly doesn’t know the game. He won comps when he didn’t need to and made himself a target. He started out with a strong social game but it’s now one of the worst. Alyssa, too, entered as one of the stronger players but completely threw her game away. Derex says she’s the new Brent: clueless, too comfortable.


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9 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

So they haven't had the POV meeting yet? They better hurry so they can get into Wednesday's episode. 

The POV ceremony is always on Monday.

3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Everyone leaves except for Hannah and Derex. She advises him to tell Christian and Alyssa 15 minutes before the ceremony.

NOOOOO! Let it be a complete blindside, dammit!

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Good morning, everyone! You better respond or else I will throw a Live Feeds hissy fit and one of you will have to have a long conversation with me about resolving the issue.

In a shocking change of early morning protocol, Camera 1 is not showing a bedroom, but instead is showing part of the entrance to the 2nd floor poker room and also spooky darkened hallway leading to the Have Not room.

Camera 2, in another shocking break with the routine, is showing the HOH room instead of another zoomed in or out angle of Camera 1's view. Derek is sleeping soundly, tucked in a light colored white blanket, pillows and socks strewn on the floor by the side of his bed.

Camera 3 shows, I think, the Jokers bedroom. No, the closeup is of the back of Tiffani's head and I think she is usually in the Cross aka Coral bedroom.

Camera 4 shows the untidy wave bedroom. The two beds shown are empty and unmade. So each camera is showing a different room.

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11 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Good morning, everyone! You better respond or else




12 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I will throw a Live Feeds hissy fit

Let’s go! 😄 (please include rap lyrics if possible)

10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently, Alyssa admitted that her and her friends all do cocaine when they go out and that it's totally normal. OK lol.

Well, there may or may not have been a brief period in my early twenties where I could have been Alyssa’s friend. Then again, if Alyssa was part of the package, I may have been inclined to Just Say No.

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Well, Derek X is up, donning his courtly garb and trumpet. I guess he needs to do his announcement. Sounds like Tiffani in the BR. Derek forgot a key so he had to traipsing back up to the HOH room.  Oh, the toilet cubicle's door is kept locked and he has to unlock it. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Tiffani is using the porcelain throne."

The announcer tells the Lord of the Latrine to speak up. Derek X makes a half-hearted toot on the trumpet.

Back to bed for the Lord of the Latrine.

And the cameras.are.back to where they were earlier.

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I am SUPER excited about today.  Alyssa/Christian are going to be SO butthurt.  The question is how soon do they take to their beds?  

Tiff has officially lost her damn mind with her hatred of SB, and I fully expect her to still attempt to flip the vote.  Hopefully Hannah/Claire can talk her down.  I was happy to hear that Christian had committed the cardinal sin of not congratulating Brit after veto, so now she's down with getting him out.  Tiff would have to convince Claire and Deref to join her and the other two Kings, and I'm not sure that's possible  But who the hell knows - it's a LONG time until Thursday. 

I'm just happy a King is going home.  I like the fact that the "former" teams will be almost even going into jury.  

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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