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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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X and Whitney are doing some pre-eviction bonding. X doesn’t know that much about her, but that’s by design. He tries to keep it surface level with everyone, so he doesn’t get too close. He looks forward to getting to know her better after the game. (Be careful what you wish for…) They have already set up a post-game date.

Whitney doesn’t see why people think of her as a threat. It’s not like she’s won comps or anything. She’ll be embarrassed if she doesn’t get at least one sympathy vote. X would take that as a sign of respect.

From various house conversations:

Most people seem to think teams will be done next week. Claire thinks next week will be double elimination, to accelerate getting to the jury phase. (That actually makes sense, given the advantage she just got.)

The yard will be closed tomorrow, to set up something big.

Hannah’s next target is SB, SB and only SB.

Whitney is surprised, and kind of disappointed, that there haven’t been more pranks in the house. Well, that’s what happens when you vote out the Prankmaster first week.

SB tells Claire and Tiff that Whitney gave her a shirt. Tiff wants a shirt! Or some makeup brushes. Whitney told Tiff that she will be watching everyone on feeds. 

Claire wonders who’s hiding their background. There are no lawyers, scientists, police officers, poker players, and they love to cast those professions, so somebody’s lying. Everyone claims to be a model or bartender. But In Christian’s case, that’s probably true. He’s a model, for sure.

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Britini’s targets are Derex and Ky, but mostly Derex. Azah advises her to keep that to herself. Neither has Kings on their radar. They feel indebted to the Kings because they spared the Jokers this week. (Guess that 2nd Brit nom by X has been forgiven.)

Azah doesn’t think she has a chance in the next comp. She hasn’t been eating the slop, and her knees are messed up. Britini chastises her for not eating and recommends the slop chips. She says they are delicious.

Britini wants to win a comp so her mom can see her do something other than cry and break down. At least she can see her cast a vote this week.

Deref joins the conversation. He would put up SB and Hannah. Britini thinks that’s dumb. Why not target someone who stands in the way of him winning something, like Derex? Deref says yeah, but SB is too smart to leave around.

He feels loyal to Christian because Christian didn’t nominate a Joker, and *sigh*.

Edited by 30 Helens
15 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

"Whitney wasn't coming after me. so this is a good move for me. Good move" - Christian's inner mental gymnastics, I assume. 

Christian's mental gymnastics is more like a toddler trying to stand and walk, and instead falling on his cushioned, diapered butt - over and over.

14 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

Has Deref done any exercise in the house? 

He got up from the sofa once in a while.

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Good morning, fellow feed watchers! Time for the early morning shift (Pacific time). Cam 1 is on the wave room. We see one empty bed and someone else, I think Xavier, lying on his stomach. Could be Kyland, too.cam 2 shows someone sleeping on his side, my guess is Derek X, face is hidden, but I can't think who else has that haircut.

Cam 3 is on the Have Not room. That must be Azah sleeping in the divider bed. Cam 4 shows a fuller view in the HN room. Britini is in the bed against the wall from the jet ski, while Derek if is in the bed in the corner. I can see it is a slanted bed. Looks like the jet ski handlebar is used to drape towels.

And that will be it for about the next three hours. No comps today so they will probably sleep until 9 am Pacific.

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Just trying to refresh my memory here - isn’t the winner of the Wall comp the HoH whose evicted nom will be the first juror?

I don't remember most of what happens on this show the minute it's over, but in this case, next week's evictee (so, the wall comp winner's nominee) will be the last person to not make jury.

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House guests are up now. In the Cross bedroom Kyland is in Sarah Beth's arms, consoling him about a beach ball. I guess some HGs were rough housing with a beach ball yesterday by tossing it to each other and production told them to STOP IT. So Derek deflated it and brought it into the house.

Camera switches from that scene to Tiffani and Claire plotting and speculating in the bathroom. Tiffani says they can get Alyssa out any time and Christian can go at the double elimination.

Tiffani said Whitney said how the Kings and Queens were sticking together. 


Edited by Lamb18

Now for action in the Have Not room. Derek F is pontificating about the HOH after no more teams, engulfed in the orange ribbed blanket. Britini is listening to his words of wisdom. She said everyone is too timid to go after the Kings. She is going to go for HOH. Azah said she won't be much of an asset if the comp is endurance or physical. Derek says if it's a mental comp Azah needs to use that brain of hers to win it. He believes Britini, Azah and Sarah Beth are smartest women - no, the smartest players - in the house. Looks like the gray ribbed blanket is on Azah's bed.

Britini said her big move would be to put up Derek X and Christian, but she doesn't want to. I think I'll switch to the bathroom as Derek F's monolog is getting boring. Claire and Hannah (Chaddah) chat while Tiffani showers. They are speculating that Julie will announce a new twist when teams are done.

Does anyone miss Brent? I kind of miss the anticipation of what stupid thing he'll say next.

Edited by Lamb18
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Hannah's new nickname for Sarah Beth: instead of SB, she will be Sketch B. Hannah has quite a cough. Now she and Tiffani are whispering about taking a shot at Claire. Azah is now in the bathroom, too. She has some sort of injury which really hurts. Tiffani is providing medical advice, no peroxide as the wound is dry. Azah is talking about Jokers and Queens allying for the next nominations if one of them wins HOH. They would put up one King and Ace. Tiffani says Hannah is one of the six. Azah says Hannah is very smart and will be hard to beat. Tiffani says don't you think it's hard to beat Xavier and Kyland? Azah says yes but she doesn't know Hannah as well.

Edited by Lamb18
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Hannah and Claire in the kitchen. Hannah sliced a bunch of oranges and is now separating the insides from the peels. Two yellow grapefruit are in the counter next to the cutting board. Whitney is mixing up French toast batter, maybe in memory of French Toast's last day in the house. There is an avocado or a kiwi next to the grapefruit.  First pieces of French Toast slapped into the frying pan, sizzling away. That is a kiwi fruit by the grapefruit. Hannah is now slicing the kiwi. She's making a fruit salad. Looks like a big carton of almond milk on the other side of the orange peels. I kind of like Whitney even though she has some goofed up ideas about recent history. Claire is working on the apples. Hannah likes Honeycrisp (Minnesota apple) and Pink Lady apples the best. (My favorites, too.) Britini joins them in the kitchen, talking about Nietzsche and nihilism. I guess this is about someone's beliefs. Deep philosophical discussion here.

4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I thought Tiffany and Claire were a team. Is she telling the truth? 

I think so because there was whispered mention of "the six" aka the cookout. 

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Everyone's eating happily in the kitchen so I switch to Kyland and Tiffany's serious conversation in the Cross room. They are talking about things being resolved. Tiffani feels things are resolved but Kyland says both people have to feel things are resolved for things to be resolved. I guess Tiffani said something earlier this morning and no one responded, so she felt ignored and she said so. Kyland was the only one who acknowledged this and wanted to get it resolved. He also wants to talk about who they don't to be HOH. BUBBLES. I guess the button boy is confused by this conversation. Now Kyland is talking about a past conversation about working on days. He proposes working on the days with Hannah. Claire joins them and they are talking about working on days together.

Edited by Lamb18

Aw, kyland and Claire share a hug. Now he shares a hug with Tiffani. 

Returning to the kitchen. Shirtless Xavier is at the sink washing a pan. Christian and Sarah are in the kitchen. Someone asks Sarah how her leg is. What happened so that people have wounded legs?

Alyssa asks who cut the fruit. Hannah did! Alyssa usually doesn't like cut up oranges but these are really good. Someone asked if there is cheese in the eggs. Yes, a little. Then they talked about the moth being moved. I guess tonight is Spa Night.

They are talking about Jack from s21 and the water bottle conversation. Was that with Nicole? Or was it Kemi?

16 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I guess Tiffani said something earlier this morning and no one responded, so she felt ignored and she said so.

Apparently Tiffany felt her “good morning” today wasn’t sufficiently acknowledged by Ky/SB/X, so they are all now Evil and must be disposed of at the earliest available opportunity. 

Anybody else getting the vibe Tiffany is completing a transition to become Frenchie v2.0?  And I had such high hopes for Tiffany at the start of this season…

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They are talking about Big Meech from season 18, how Big Meech didn't like Bridget because of Frank. Now they are talking about Paul. 

4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What does this mean? 😁

I believe the mock trial last night was about Marty the Moth and that was the moth being moved.

Now they are talking about who voted for Paul and who voted for Nicole.

  • LOL 1
4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What does this mean? 😁

SB has a phobia about moths, and one was out and about in the House last night - until it turned up dead.  Little big brouhaha about who killed it.  Guess the mystery deepens as someone apparently broke into the coroner’s office in the dead of night and stole the body, or something like that.

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Now they are talking about Marty the moth. Claire says it was breathing and was exhausted. I guess she took everyone to Court about Marty the moth. Someone said his major was in Mothology in college. I think it was Christian. Now Xavier and Christian talk about future weeks. Order of elimination: Brit, Hannah, Big D, Azah. Christian is quite dashing in his light blue headband, blue hoodie, shorts, tube socks and loafers.

Christian thinks Kyland is his biggest threat. He is a part of every alliance.  He also says Baby D is his biggest physical threat.  Xavier says the final three will be three Kings (Christian, Xavier, Alyssa).

Edited by Lamb18

Christian and Xavier are in the HOH room, looking at the other rooms. Then the room camera shows the screens they are looking at. Now Xavier is going to work on his chest and Christian is looking for someone to play chess. Derek F is still in bed, wrapped in the ribbed orange blanket. The smell of breakfast cooking was driving him crazy. Plus it is so musty in the HV room. He tried to Febreeze the jet ski because it is musty.

4 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I guess some HGs were rough housing with a beach ball yesterday by tossing it to each other and production told them to STOP IT. So Derek deflated it and brought it into the house.

Say what?  How can messing around with an inflated beach ball be a problem?  Man, ever since Christmas got injured horsing around with Cowboy, Production got invested in making sure the hamsters don't ever have any fun anymore unless it is some sort of "made for TV" mock wedding or mock trial.  Spontaneous fun like bopping a beach ball back and forth is harder to fit into their set narrative.


3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Azah is now in the bathroom, too. She has some sort of injury which really hurts.

OK.  So maybe production was right to stop the roughhousing with the beach ball.  Eh, I don't really know how Azah got hurt, maybe that is a coincidence. 


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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

SB has a phobia about moths, and one was out and about in the House last night - until it turned up dead.  Little big brouhaha about who killed it.  Guess the mystery deepens as someone apparently broke into the coroner’s office in the dead of night and stole the body, or something like that.

This is like a puzzle wrapped in a riddle spewed forth as a high school play, and I have NO IDEA what is even happening in this house anymore.

37 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Say what?  How can messing around with an inflated beach ball be a problem? 

I think it was night before last, everyone was in the yard playing that game where you see how long you can bop the ball from person to person without it ever hitting the ground. I didn’t watch for very long because this is not exactly a spectator sport, but maybe some of them got so into it they were diving to save the ball? 

That could explain how Azah’s knees got so messed up. Last night she was complaining that the bandage was stuck to the wound and she couldn’t remove it without ripping everything open again. She had bandages on both knees. But this is just speculation; I don’t know how she got hurt, either.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany did a cam talk earlier and she wants Claire out next after SB. I just. Sigh.

Also, not only do they share a name but she said her son and Christian are very similar personalities so yea she’s gonna hang on to Christian and it’s gonna screw her.

Christian is gonna end up winning like fuck lol.

Their confidence that they can get Christian out any time they want is just absurd.

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Eh, I don't really know how Azah got hurt, maybe that is a coincidence. 


Maybe she got hurt in the Wildcard Competition. 🤣

8 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I thought Tiffany and Claire were a team. Is she telling the 

I dont watch the feeds but I try to keep up via Twitter and/or Reddit. Tiffany is afraid Claire is smart enough to figure out The Cookout. 

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

That could explain how Azah’s knees got so messed up. Last night she was complaining that the bandage was stuck to the wound and she couldn’t remove it without ripping everything open again. She had bandages on both knees. But this is just speculation; I don’t know how she got hurt, either.

Same here; I’d caught that SB had an injury - scraped or cut her leg during a comp, I think? - but no idea about what happened to Azah.

5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK.  So maybe production was right to stop the roughhousing with the beach ball.  Eh, I don't really know how Azah got hurt, maybe that is a coincidence. 

I'm pretty sure she smacked one (or both) knees either on the couch or the living room table - I remember her talking to someone after the live show about how she checked three different first aid kits in the house and only one had bandages and they only had shitty normal sized bandages when she needed something larger or a gauze pad. Because of course Big Brother - the same show that had expired food and medication from the previous season in the next season's storage room - would skimp out on bandages for the first aid kit.

Edited by Callaphera
forgot about the expired advil
5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

SB got a 'rug' burn outside on the fake grass.

Only 9 posts overnight and half of them were about a posting error. Wow lol.

I love this thread, but I'm used to catching up periodically and having to read through several pages to get caught up. I hope ratings are good, but this season is crawling.

I still like that we don't have to watch a bunch of racist jerks, but for once, it seems like BB may need to wrench things up a bit.

And really, comp beast Christian is not a huge target? Sigh. 

I've watched more Love Island than BB this week, and I'm not proud of that.

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9 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I've watched more Love Island than BB this week, and I'm not proud of that.

I’ve never actually watched Love Island - just the ads put me off something fierce - so as soon as BB is over I’ll either switch the channel, or fire up something on the DVR.

A few days ago, though, I thought, “Hey - maybe I’m being too harsh, and should give it a look”.  So I clicked back over to LI...

...and am greeted with what seemed to be a “skank-off” between several girls dressed in their Sunday Stripper Pole best, apparently competing to see who could give the best lap dance to a bunch of Roid Rage Ronnies.

Well, THAT was 2 or 3 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

I’ve never actually watched Love Island - just the ads put me off something fierce - so as soon as BB is over I’ll either switch the channel, or fire up something on the DVR.

A few days ago, though, I thought, “Hey - maybe I’m being too harsh, and should give it a look”.  So I clicked back over to LI...

...and am greeted with what seemed to be a “skank-off” between several girls dressed in their Sunday Stripper Pole best, apparently competing to see who could give the best lap dance to a bunch of Roid Rage Ronnies.

Well, THAT was 2 or 3 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.

Oh, it's completely terrible, thus my shame. You did miss the men also giving sexy dances to the love island ladies. But will Trina ever find love? Will Kyra finally dump Will? Will Cash get over Cinco?

Or back in BBville, will Azah find an acceptable size bandaid? Will BB confiscate the beach ball? Will Whitney donate her workout top to another HG if she's voted out? Did we find out who murdered the moth?

I need more drama, lol.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I think there is plenty of drama left in BB, there just isn't any at this point in the week because Whitney has just accepted her BB death like a moron.

I would imagine whoever is nominated later this week will fight more for their BB life. Not only that, but there are very few pawns left, so The Cookout is going to have a hard time continuing to hide itself. 

There is still drama to come!

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Every week the target has basically just lets death take them so I’m just expecting more of the same tbh. Every season we’re like ‘well it’ll be fun when they have to eat their own!’ and then it never ever is lol. 

I really think I’m just personally not into BB anymore. Now if I could just bring myself to actually stop watching!

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Every week the target has basically just let death take them so I’m just expecting more of the same tbh. Every season we’re like ‘well it’ll be fun when they have to eat their own!’ and then it never ever is lol. 

I really think I’m just personally not into BB anymore. Now if I could just bring myself to actually stop watching!

Last year didn't count, but there was some drama in BB21 once people turned on each other. Christie really brought that crazy energy well. And BB20 had drama every week!

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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