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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Being tiny isn't the reason they're going for tests for Layla. It was a change in her growth pattern. She likely stalled in between visits. Failure to thrive can have many causes, so I'm curious to why they keep mentioning thyroid. One of the causes is poor diet - "Poor eating habits, such as eating in front of the television and not having formal meal times".

I wonder what Carlin and Evan told the pediatrician about Layla's diet? It doesn't sound like they told the truth, because if they did, the pediatrician would have recommended changes.

Layla was literally eating nuggets from McDonalds on the doctors table! 

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Jesus take the wheel. Katie's wedding dress disaster, as dictated in her stories:


Cliff notes version:

The dress they ordered in Florida took five months to come in. When it arrived it was totally different than the sample, and even worse with the alterations. Katie hated it, so she made a last minute trip to Miss Renee's to find a replacement. She found one and it's TWELVE sizes too big. The alterations on this gown won't be completed until literally one or two days before the ceremony. I don't normally like Carlin, but the "Yeah, she's fucking nuts" expressions on her face every time Katie panned over to her were hilarious.

She also mentioned she ordered her shoes a month ago and they still haven't arrived. Do these dingbats ever watch the news? Are they aware of supply chain issues and the dozens of cargo ships floating off the coast of L.A. because the ports are jammed? Just go to Macy's or Dillard's and buy a pair of heels, ffs. Nobody's going to be focusing on her feet.

ETA: Katie also explained that's why she had so many fittings. I wonder why she opted for some janky boutique in Florida rather than just going to Miss Renee's from the get-go? Although in fairness, I shouldn't slam the store. They were probably just following the Bateses' orders regarding modesty, and Katie never considered how drastically the changes would alter the dress. 

Edited by BitterApple
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33 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jesus take the wheel. Katie's wedding dress disaster, as dictated in her stories:


Cliff notes version:

The dress they ordered in Florida took five months to come in. When it arrived it was totally different than the sample, and even worse with the alterations. Katie hated it, so she made a last minute trip to Miss Renee's to find a replacement. She found one and it's TWELVE sizes too big. The alterations on this gown won't be completed until literally one or two days before the ceremony. I don't normally like Carlin, but the "Yeah, she's fucking nuts" expressions on her face every time Katie panned over to her were hilarious.

She also mentioned she ordered her shoes a month ago and they still haven't arrived. Do these dingbats ever watch the news? Are they aware of supply chain issues and the dozens of cargo ships floating off the coast of L.A. because the ports are jammed? Just go to Macy's or Dillard's and buy a pair of heels, ffs. Nobody's going to be focusing on her feet.

ETA: Katie also explained that's why she had so many fittings. I wonder why she opted for some janky boutique in Florida rather than just going to Miss Renee's from the get-go?

Perhaps going to Florida tied in with visiting Alyssa so often.

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If she'd bothered to look she'd know in normal times wedding gowns take four to six months to get made and delivered.  Getting the wrong dress happens more than it should.  My daughter was sent a size up and a different colored sash than she ordered.  Thankfully it was a corset back dress and we worked it out.  That's why you order allowing time for disasters.  Yes, that close to the date go to a store and buy a pair of shoes.  It's almost like Katie was trying to create disasters.

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21 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Does she get her money back for the disaster dress from Florida? 

My guess is no since she had it altered.  You make a large down payment on the dress when ordering and also pay up front for any customizing like ordering a shorter skirt.  If you go to pick it up and it's displeasing, you can finish paying for it and take it somewhere else to get it fixed, you can pay for it and pay that store to try to make it work, or you can leave it there without paying any more for it.  

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It sounds like Katie waited too long hoping the tailor could MacGyver the dress into what she wanted. By the time she did her 578th fitting and realized it wasn't happening, she had to scrap it and race to find something else. I have a feeling she's not going to like the new one either, but she won't have any other choice. It seems like the wedding planning has been disorganized and chaotic from the start. I think drama is the lifeblood of the Bates women. I swear they wouldn't know what to do with themselves if life ran smoothly. 

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Part of the problem is the short engagements.  Katie was engaged for a long time by fundie standards, 9 months.  And yes, there are a lot of supply issues these days, but even during "regular" times it takes at least a year to plan a big wedding with all the bells and whistles.

My daughter got engaged at Christmas 2014, and the wedding was in April 2016.  She ordered her dress in May of 2015.  It took 6-7 months to come in and then she had a few fittings.


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The whole dress drama is sickening.  Just shut up you dingbat.  Dresses, and anything wedding related, were high demand/short supply during the pandemic last year.  Only worse now.  Buy your damn shoes at a store, like someone mentioned above.  Or here's an idea, wear one of the many pairs you already own.  No one gives a shit what heels you wear.

Too bad they don't know how to read/watch the news to know what is happening in the world (supply chain issues) unless it has to do with weddings, babies or tacky home decorating.  Even then they are oblivious.  

Good thing Mama B has a big bank account to fund all this. 

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They don't have wedding shops in TN, lol? I definitely would have went very nearby if I needed a last minute wedding dress. And don't these girls have their wedding dresses pretty much picked out during toddlerhood? 

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27 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

They don't have wedding shops in TN, lol? I definitely would have went very nearby if I needed a last minute wedding dress. And don't these girls have their wedding dresses pretty much picked out during toddlerhood? 

I'm sure the place in FL and Miz Renee deeply discount if not straight up comp these dresses in exchange for air time. I guess they can't find a local shop that will cater to their insane timelines.

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The wedding week activities have commenced.  Yesterday was hair refresh for the bridesmaids followed by dinner at a Japanese steak house for some of the family.

I did not see any evidence of Whitney being present which is totally understandable, but it does strike me as odd that after the obligatory posts showing support everyone is just carrying on as if nothing has happened.  I get that he was just the daughter-in-law’s father and only a “fringe” member of the family, and that nothing will stop Katie from having the wedding of her dreams but it still feels a bit cold to me.  

Looks the the visitation and funeral are tomorrow evening.  The church is closer to Nashville.  The burial is Thursday morning but that will be closer to Rocky Top. 
Curious to see how many of the family make the nearly 3 hour drive to the funeral tomorrow, or if they will just go to the graveside on Thursday morning. And also wonder if Whitney will still be part of the wedding party.

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Looks like everyone is gathering for the rehearsal.  I guess the wedding is tomorrow.  Why can't they have weddings on Saturdays like everyone else? ( I know observant Jews have Sunday weddings because of the Sabbath).

From all the Instagram posts it really looks like no one showed up for Whitney's father's funeral.  It's possible some did go and just didn't post anything, which I can't fault, but given the busy schedule I just can't see that they were able (or willing) to drive 3 hours, go to the visitation and funeral and then drive 3 hours back.

I have not seen any sign of Whitney in any of today's posts.

I just can't imagine not showing up for the funeral of a sister-in-law's parent if I was in town.

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Erin and Chad sent flowers, which was nice.

I'm guessing they did a Friday wedding because it's cheaper. Castleton may have given them a discount in exchange for promotion, but I doubt they got the venue completely gratis.

I can understand why those in the wedding party weren't able to make a six-hour round trip, but somebody should've gone to represent the family. There's several useless brothers who have no jobs or other commitments. 

Hopefully it's like you said, and they were there but just didn't post about it. 

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Maybe Kelly went. After all the mother of the bride just needs to walk down the aisle. And she has plenty of practice with this. Yes venues for Friday weddings are less expensive so I am guessing this is why Katie's wedding is on Friday. 

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Well I take it back. It looks like Gil and Kelly were sitting up front and center at the rehearsal. I know their religion values marriage over and above all other relationships but when your daughter in law loses her father you would think that either Gil or Kelly would make the effort to attend the funeral. Guess they didn't want to miss out on any of the festivities. So selfish and shallow. 

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11 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Well I take it back. It looks like Gil and Kelly were sitting up front and center at the rehearsal. I know their religion values marriage over and above all other relationships but when your daughter in law loses her father you would think that either Gil or Kelly would make the effort to attend the funeral. Guess they didn't want to miss out on any of the festivities. So selfish and shallow. 

I expected nothing less from Gil and Kelly. 

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I wasn't able to screenshot, but Katie's rehearsal dress was absolutely adorable. It was a tea-length dotted Swiss with a furry bolero. 

And Alyssa totally reads here and over on Reddit. Her stories today are filled with glowing praise for John and several photos of her gazing adoringly at him. 🙄

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40 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I wasn't able to screenshot, but Katie's rehearsal dress was absolutely adorable. It was a tea-length dotted Swiss with a furry bolero. 

And Alyssa totally reads here and over on Reddit. Her stories today are filled with glowing praise for John and several photos of her gazing adoringly at him. 🙄

I loved that rehearsal dress. She looked adorable. It would’ve made a great wedding dress for her, if Miss Renee could’ve added a floor length skirt on it. I was surprised at his much skin was exposed, even through the sheer parts. I wonder what Gil & Kelly thought since I think it was Josie’s dress that they made her have lined so it wasn’t see through. 

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47 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

And Alyssa totally reads here and over on Reddit. Her stories today are filled with glowing praise for John and several photos of her gazing adoringly at him. 🙄

How are these idiots not sick of this wedding already? They're legit acting like this is an only sibling that'll get married or 1 of like 3 weddings their fam will have so they MUST make a big deal. Get over it, you guys have like 2 weddings/yr!?

After Alyssa's bitching yesterday re "oh joy" I have to watch my own damn kids all day, you're right today was all praises for John. I hope John is ok though, he looks exhausted. I'm sure it's just been a long few months with South Carolina; Nathan's wedding in Pa; Katie's shower in NJ; Alyssa off to Miami; hosting Thanksgiving; and now this and oh yeah he works a real job too -- but he looks TIRED. Lately you're really starting to see him age and he's only 32.

In the car she's all gushing about dad of the year and this time John was like yeah oh joy I love weddings 🙄. And REALLY Alyssa, do you REALLY need to sleep over at the venue with the other bridesmaids the night before the wedding? She gushed about how he's taking the kids straight from the dinner and dealing with them at night and then getting them dressed and bringing them to the wedding. So guess Alyssa gets another night of beauty sleep, another night away from the kids, and will get to have her hair and makeup done in peace. I mean that's great but then when people want that sort of life - they don't have kids every 18 mos!?

She gives me Michelle Duggar vibes -- LOVES the babies when she can tote them around like a purse and their cuteness is somehow attributable to her as she posts IG videos of them being all "say hi omg can you say hi" to the potato that sits there not walking or talking. And then after that she's like ok done with this kid. Yet we all know they're not done procreating - esp given that Whit and Carlin have boys recently, you KNOW she's desperate to have a boy and a spare. Yet this is not a woman who needs any more kids. I can see why they're training Ally to be sister mom. Sure right now she really probably can't help John tomorrow dressing her sisters - though even still she can fetch everyone's outfits and help put shoes on while he dresses the next kid. But say by the time Addie or Ellie get married in another 5-6 years, she'll be completely responsible for getting all the Webster kids ready and out the door on time.

And as expected we got the requisite Carlin & Evan gushing about OMG memories we got married here TWO whole years ago and now here we are with OUR kid and another on the way - cue Evan dancing w/ Layla on the stupid patio. I saw NO pics of Erin/Chad or Bobby/Tori at the rehearsal - certainly they must have attended? Though I guess not required since they aren't in the wedding.

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6 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I loved that rehearsal dress. She looked adorable. It would’ve made a great wedding dress for her, if Miss Renee could’ve added a floor length skirt on it. I was surprised at his much skin was exposed, even through the sheer parts. I wonder what Gil & Kelly thought since I think it was Josie’s dress that they made her have lined so it wasn’t see through. 

Katie's dress was adorable and she looked so pretty. She is a beautiful girl. It's going to be quite the letdown after this wedding for someone these people. Whatever will they do??  I haven't seen Josie posting about the rehearsal and isn't she the matron of honor? Maybe she went to the funeral.  I hope some of the family did. 

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8 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

I loved that rehearsal dress. She looked adorable. It would’ve made a great wedding dress for her, if Miss Renee could’ve added a floor length skirt on it. 

That's exactly what I thought. The back of it is especially adorable. I have mixed feelings about the chunky block heels, but I guess they are trendy now.



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Katie looked like she was struggling to walk in the heels. If her shoes today are something similar, her feet are going to be killing her by the end of the night. 

I noticed Carlin dyed her hair back darker and it looks so much better than the ashy blonde. 

With regards to Katie and married life, I think she's in for a letdown. Travis and his family seem like a serious bunch. She's used to noise and activity and chaos, 24/7. I don't think she'll deal well with not having her support system close by, and the culture shock of New Jersey is going to hit her hard. 

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Alyssa has more stories up of the girls getting ready. They should've left the bridesmaids dresses as-is. It looks like the they closed the slit by several inches and it threw the movement off. The girls look like their waddling rather than walking.

Kelly's MOB outfit is....interesting. The material looks cheap and it needs a good steaming. Hopefully  somebody pressed it out before they went to the ceremony.

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22 hours ago, BitterApple said:


Oh my.  Kelly has usually had better taste than Michelle, but I think that one is a fail.  That was a just no leave it in the store.

Katie's rehearsal dress is adorable.

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That color does nothing for Kelly. I wonder if she had not had her makeup done but why would she have her dress on before her makeup was done? She looks so washed out. The peplum style is not for Kelly. I know she thinks it hides things but it makes her look larger.  It seems like the wedding was this morning. Alyssa had a video up of the bridesmaids walking in procession but now it is gone.  

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

With regards to Katie and married life, I think she's in for a letdown. Travis and his family seem like a serious bunch. She's used to noise and activity and chaos, 24/7. I don't think she'll deal well with not having her support system close by, and the culture shock of New Jersey is going to hit her hard. 

Agree.  And I hope BUB captures it instead of glossing over it.  From the previous clips on the show of his family, especially his sisters if I recall, NJ is going to eat Katie alive.  I suspect her silly jokes on Travis days are soon over. 

2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Kelly's dress. I don't know if any of you are Outlander fans, but it reminds me of the 1700s style dress modern Claire cobbled together out of raincoats when she was planning to go back in time to find Jaime. 


Gee Alyssa, "gorgeous" isn't the word I'd use. 

Between the wedding and the in-law funeral, guess none of the Bates had time to slip over to an Arkansas courthouse to support their good buddies, the Duggars. 😁

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Dare I say it but is Travis’s family Covid conscious? The ceremony was in some space that was open on all sides with just that fabric over top and Tiffany posted a reception set up pic - outdoors. We also saw their wedding shower in NJ was outdoors too. I mean we all know the Bates didn’t insist on this, I wonder if the Clarks did? They’re from NJ where people are taking this seriously - like even non serious ppl living their life/trusting God are more serious about it than the Bates. Because usually Dec doesn’t scream outdoor wedding to me. They got lucky with a 70 degree sunny day but it just as easily could’ve been 50 and cloudy - which is how the forecast is going forward.

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I wonder if Katie had no choice but to go with a simple dress? Her options may have been limited to what Renee could alter at the last minute. It wouldn't surprise me if her original gown was more lacey and sparkly. She does look beautiful though, so I'm happy it worked out. 

I'm not sure how I feel about the guys in all black, but Travis looked very handsome. 

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I LOVE the dress. It might be my favorite of all Duggar/Bates weddings. I'm not quite sure about the fit - the neckline looks a little loose in some photos, and the skirt might be a touch too long - but overall she looks amazing considering the extremely short timeline. 

It's funny that she's wearing a veil in one photo, but not any of the others.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
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What is the color of boring?  The Bates.  

Her dress and flowers were pretty.  But no color whatsoever just bores me.  But, not my wedding, not my choice.  Can't believe she has no sleeves and that is all they came up with for a dress.  Wonder what the original style was supposed to be?  Maybe the same since, it matches her rehearsal dress style.  I know it's the style, but hate clunky heels.  There was a pic of Carlin holding hers.  I'm sure most kicked off their heels.  

Kelly Jo's dress, per the usual, is hideous!  

Of course Carlin HAS to cradle her bump in the pictures.  The dresses are so dark, no one can tell she's knocked up anyhow.  She seems terribly small to me.  I know all people have different pregnancies, but still...


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It isn't my style dress or fabric.  Somehow the ones like that always look like they don't quite fit.  It's another case of buy a dress you like as is for the attendants.  Altering the slit alters the fit and lie of the fabric.  I wonder if it looks like she expected being so black and white.  Usually adding some color helps.

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I like Katie's dress, but I always have liked simpler, cleaner lines.  I wonder if her first dress was more frou-frou and when they tried to "Batesify" it, it ruined the look.  I am shocked the dress was sleeveless especially being outdoors in East Tennessee in December (was the ceremony outdoors also?).  Katie looks grown-up; Travis still looks like a kid.  
Carlin - we know you are pregnant, you don't need to cradle your non-existent bump.  

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Alyssa's girls looked as if they were dressed as adorable little witches for Halloween. Layla reminds me of Grumpy Cat.

I agree with most of you, Katie looked beautiful, but the (last minute) dress was altered poorly.

The bridesmaid dresses were kind of head tiltingly off. A confusing mix of evening gown and prom dress, without even a hint of bridesmaid dress anywhere. I also wonder how they sat down - that fabric has no give.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Alyssa's girls looked as if they were dressed as adorable little witches for Halloween. Layla reminds me of Grumpy Cat.

I agree with most of you, Katie looked beautiful, but the (last minute) dress was altered poorly.

The bridesmaid dresses were kind of head tiltingly off. A confusing mix of evening gown and prom dress, without even a hint of bridesmaid dress anywhere. I also wonder how they sat down - that fabric has no give.

The fabric looked similar to the fabric in Meghan Markle's wedding dress.  As I recall there was talk about that dress being poorly altered as well.  Similar necklines too, I believe.  I think that heavy satin just does not have any give and is very difficult to fit properly, especially depending on the style of the dress.  A v-neck probably would have been better from a fit perspective.

Josie posted a bunch of photos in her stories this morning.  Kudos to her for waiting a day.

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