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S06.E03: Trash Talking

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I will never see the world with such sinister eyes as to believe that someone at Bravo sat down and consciously made the decision to make some kind of statement about Rosie and homosexuality

 I think Bravo sits down and makes conscience decisions as to how they want us to view ALL the cast members across all the franchises. They script a lot of this, tell the cast where to go, what "gatherings" to attend, what "vacations" they will go on and they edit to makes us see what they want the story to be.




My point stands.  Branding her as some kind of moron who only goes where she's told to go and doesn't see how exploited she is is doing her as much a disservice.  She made a choice, just because someone doesn't agree with it doesn't mean she's been exploited or is being foolish.

 I brand anyone who participates in these shows as a moron. I think they are ALL foolish and being explioted because they are incredibly foolish.

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I think Bravo sits down and makes conscience decisions as to how they want us to view ALL the cast members across all the franchises. They script a lot of this, tell the cast where to go, what "gatherings" to attend, what "vacations" they will go on and they edit to makes us see what they want the story to be.


Exactly. Rosie, like all the others, enjoys her part-time gig on the show. I don't think that makes her a moron. I think it means only that - that she enjoys her part-time gig. She doesn't have a camera crew following her every day. She gets a call from a producer, finds out where to go, and she goes. Just like everyone else. If editing presents her in a certain way, that just puts her in the company of....well, everyone. Hey, maybe Amber only said she had the cancer once, but the editors.....nah. That's all her.

So after seeing the stellar dessert line-up Teresa presented at her home I became curious-how are they going to ship those delicious looking cupcakes, and dairy based desserts.  I did notice Teresa did not claim to have made the desserts just tasted them.  So I checked her website is it much like her pasta, sauce and olive oil-it is something she slapped a label on?  There are no cupcakes or dairy based desserts-just dried up old cookies and coffee.  http://store.celebrityfoodsusa.com/Default.asp  They do feature nice pictures of desserts though.  They just aren't available for sale.


For a company with name like Celebrity Foods USA, I expected them to carry other celebrity food products-nope, only Teresa's.  Sounds like another idea that went south.  Why would anyone want to buy Teresa coffee?

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Word to all your posts! I think Hellania needs an ass whooping, too, but I wonder how much of her behavior is because she's worried about her parents. Naaaaaaaah.

HELLANIA ! Best. Name. Ever. You are all killing me the past couple of days with the hysterical snark. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. After the craptastic week I am having (yeah I know it's only Tues. but believe me it's bad), I love, love it! 

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Am I the only one who thought that the twins only wanted to put $10 in gas because they actually didn't have that much money? They annoy me so much I refuse to learn their names. In theory, I understand Amber's husband not wanting anything to with Juicy Joe due to the negative affect it can have on his career and reputation. In reality, I think you put your reputation and career jeopardy when you decide to go on a show like this. If he is as successful as he says he is, he would not be making such cheap, crappy commercials.


Someone needs to tell Joe Gorga that wealthy people do not jump in and out of businesses at the drop of the hat. If you have to delay building your house to start a shred your docs on wheels business, on a whim, you probably didn't have the money in the first place. I swear the people on these shows have 101 businesses started and none are ever successful enough to keep them out of bankruptcy. Why can't anyone on these shows actually go to a paying job for someone else's company? Oh wait, I forgot that involves real work, you can't take out a million "business" loans to "buy" a bently and it just isn't as sexy in the reality TV show world.


I would think that if Teresa doesn't come back next year that this will be the end of the show. I don't see how it can continue without her. People may dislike her and her actions but I have to believe she is the only reason people are watching. She is like the center of the show and practically every storyline revolves around her. She has driven this show from day one. The rest of these people are boring as hell. At least we know Teresa's crazy is not an act.

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I'm just going to go ahead and say it, I think Teresa is a crappy mother, based on the way she allows Milania to behave.  It wasn't cute for me when she was younger, and it's only going to get worse as she gets older.  I believe that Teresa allows Milania to behave like she does because she gets reinforcement from fans and viewers and even Andy Cohen who thought Milania was just adorable with her antics.  I think that Teresa will do anything to curry favor with fans, her livelihood, and so she doesn't correct Milania's behavior.  Plus, Teresa herself is a lot like Milania, so she probably sees nothing wrong. 


I think Teresa loves her children, but she doesn't do a good job of parenting them. 

She is a horrible mother. First she is a criminal. An idiot, Lives in Denial. Yeah, great role model. Then she allows those bratty kids, especially that little future serial killer, Milania, act like that on camera? She is at the very least top competition (along with Lynne Curtain formerly of OC whose daughters are now porn stars-but they are older than Tre's girls so the Guduice girls must be given time to catch up)  perhaps the worst mother in the Housewife Universe. And that is truly saying somethiing.  


If I hear one more person on that show talk about what is happening to Joe and Teresa. What "happened" is they got caught. It's not a disease, it's not a death, it's a consequence of their very own choices. No sympathy here. None.  


I was thinking I would be OK with jail time for Joe and Probation/restitution for Teresa, but after trying to sit through these episodes I now want to see that phony  bitch in jail right along with hubby. 


And just to show how utterly stupid these people are, do they honestly think that Judges don't own TV sets? That they don't research their defendents when the research is so damn simnple? Idiots. I hope the judge is having the same reaction I am. Throw away the key and maybe give those girls a chance at a decent life.

Edited by chlban
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I was thinking I would be OK with jail time for Joe and Probation/restitution for Teresa, but after trying to sit through these episodes I now want to see that phony  bitch in jail right along with hubby.

 If only one parent were to go to jail and one get probation I think the kids would be better off if Joe was the one to get probabtion and stay with the kids. He at least seems to have a grasp of what they have done and does seem remorseful (not that that excuses anything). He seems more grounded in reality and I think he'd actually step up and discipline the kids and get them under control. I do believe Teresa loves her girls but that's not enough when you're a parent. You have to do the dirty work too and that includes disciplining your kids and developing them into productive members of society, not letting them run wild and undisciplined and then unleashing them on the public in 18 years. It's almost like Tre doesn't see them as people who will be adults someday. They're like little dolls to her, there for her entertainment, there for her to dress up in cute little outfits. I suppose Tre's inability to see down the road is what got her into the mess she's in now.

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If I hear one more person on that show talk about what is happening to Joe and Teresa. What "happened" is they got caught. It's not a disease, it's not a death, it's a consequence of their very own choices. No sympathy here. None.


I'm wondering if they were advised to not appear on the show this season and didn't listen.

Joe's father (RIP) said in the episode that was dedicated to him, that people are "against" them. Yup, it's called the law.

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I'm wondering if they were advised to not appear on the show this season and didn't listen.

Joe's father (RIP) said in the episode that was dedicated to him, that people are "against" them. Yup, it's called the law.

I cannot imagine that their Attorney's are OK with this circus. They are still living in a tacky mini mansion, I think it was the first episode of the season showed Teresa's make up artist at her house getting her ready for a party, then they seemed to have a plentiful Christmas, are driving nice cars, etc. Add to that, no matter what BS they spout in court, they are clearly not takiing responbsibility for their actions, especially Teresa who continues to carry on as if they are being put upon with some terrible unforseen tragedy vs. getting caught for being criminals. Pretty big difference in most people's world. 


I just cannot imagine that anyone, other than that idiot Teresa, can think this is anything but a huge tactical error. They should be downsizing their lifestyle and at least acting like they are taking responsiblity for their actions and have some remorse. What galls me almost as much is the entire cast acting just as clueless.  


Yes, Amber overdoes the Cancer, but for fuck's sake, at least she did nothing to deserve the Cancer-no one does.. Cancer is a true tragedy. Getting caught is called Justice.


Howver, Amber totally lost me with all that over the top "you are such a great mom" BS. Gag me, please.


You know each of the franchises has someone truly awful (I'm looking at you Brandi, Aviva, Tamra, NeNe) but, honest to god, New Jersey cannot seem to come up with one decent, respectable human being, I am one of the small minority that actually kind of liked Dina the first time around, but all the blind Guduice support has lost me with her too.


I only made it about 1/2 way through last season of this train wreck, I don't think I will get even that far this year. It is truly awful.

So, when Amber says that she's acting, she means in her husband's commercials, right?


When the twins left the store in a huff to go confront Ambah, they not only stopped for gas, they also stopped for a Dunkin' Donuts drink. And what's with the lipstick that goes on the lips, and then continues above the upper lip, on the skin? So you have a little lipstick-covered lip shelf.


How can these women stand all that hair? There are yards and yards of it hanging off of their heads. That would drive me nuts.


And again with the raccoon eyes. I don't know; I just don't get it. And the NY housewives do it, too. All that dark makeup winds up making the eyes look smaller, not bigger. I find myself really trying to see their eyes behind the goo.

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So, when Amber says that she's acting, she means in her husband's commercials, right?


When the twins left the store in a huff to go confront Ambah, they not only stopped for gas, they also stopped for a Dunkin' Donuts drink. And


Speaking of Ambah, that reminds me of the obnoxious dipshit twins' accent. There's no way that's a NJ accent. They definitely have a New Yawk accent.

They're so annoying. And boring as hell.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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On the contrary, I think they not only gave their approval, but encouraged it. For one reason, and one reason only - to get paid. This show is the Giudices only source of income.

Then they should be sued for Malpractice Not that I like the idea of giving those two con artists any additional money making ideas. But the attorney's have a responsibility to their clients and I cannot iimagine there is anyone on the planet that believes the Guduices have helped their cause one bit. Hell is the Gorga's that have "downsized" not that I buy their BS either. I get infuriated when I see he way the Guduices are living. They even had to buy a designer puppy, no shelter pup for those spoiled monsters in training they call children.  


Sorry, but I still can't get past the make up artist before the party. Other than a department store demo, I have never hired a make up artist in my life.  Considered it, years ago for my wedding, but just couldn't justify the expense. Yet, I pay my bills, my taxes and qualified to buy my condo on my actual, legitimate income. Now I don't care if someone else that can afford it chooses to hire one, but Theresa? Bankrupt, broke and supposedly drowning in legal bills? Really?


That alone should cost her jail time, IMO.

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Speaking of Ambah, that reminds me of the obnoxious dipshit twins' accent. There's no way that's a NJ accent. They definitely have a New Yawk accent.

They're so annoying. And boring as hell.

I have only been in New Jersey once for a business trip and we were so close to NY, well the one night we had there, we wanted to see New York. However, if I lived in Jersey I would be really pissed about this show. The business people we met with, who all worked in Jersey and I know at least one of them lived there because he mentioned it, were all classy, professional well mannered and well spoken. I noticed one guy had a slight Jersey/New York (CA girl here, can't really tell the diff) but it was very, very subtle. No one acted anything like these low class, clueless bufoons.


Why is it that all we see on this franchise are a bunch of idiots fortifying every bad Jersey stereotype. They can't seem to fully comprehend English (OK Tamra Barney has trouble with that too, but she is just a moron) and certainly cannot speak it. They all appear to have some kind of "shady" connections and businesses (because everyone in Jersey is in the mob, right?). They are so low class and low rent, no matter how big their McMansions are, it's just embarassing and I am CA born and raised. 


I know you could argue that the other franchises play on the stereotypes as well such as the previously mentioned "dumb blonde striving to stay young" Tamra from the OC. But I really think that New Jersey plays up the stereotypes like no other franchise. Really BRAVO, shame on you.  

Edited by chlban
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Then they should be sued for Malpractice Not that I like the idea of giving those two con artists any additional money making ideas. But the attorney's have a responsibility to their clients and I cannot iimagine there is anyone on the planet that believes the Guduices have helped their cause one bit.

I would say that the plea deal they worked out for Joe and Teresa is an example of good lawyering, not malpractice. These two are long-time con artists, and the lawyers got 45 of the 52 charges dropped, with Joe pleading guilty to 5, and Teresa 4. We'll never know all the details, and who's to say what other lawyers would have done for them, but based on the federal indictments, plus the maneuvering of Joe's state case, I think they lucked out.

If you're referring to the show, keep in mind that the judge is not watching, and will base sentencing based on the evidence presented in court and in court briefs. We started talking about this in another thread, and the mods asked us to stop discussing the case if it wasn't in the episode. And then a new thread devoted to the case was started, so if you want to write back, maybe go there? (I'm trying to follow the rules....see how it's done, Teresa?!)

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NJ  housewife here!  (haha)  (with an education)

NJ often has a New York accent depending on which part of NJ you are from. 


I have figured out that the NY acccent carries for about 60 miles outside of NYC.  Seriously.  I'm from NY and I have a heavy NYC accent.  If I'm within 60 miles of NYC, there is often an accent and I blend in. If I go further than that, people say "are you from Brooklyn?"


My kids have a split with the accents.  I have two kids with a heavy NYC accent and two with a more neutral non-descript accent. One little one who switches back and forth. All raised here. 


So, I would say that the twins have a very authentic NJ accent. The pitch of their voice is very grating on the nerves though. 

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"cancer" or "the cancer" is said both ways in this area. I've heard it both ways. 


I THINK adding the "the" is because of the influence of other languages here. 


Anyone speak Italian?  Do you say "cancer" or "the cancer" in Italian? 

Any other languages use the 'the" before the word cancer? 


I find this "the cancer" thing interesting.  I'm a geek!

Edited by Marigold
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NJ  housewife here!  (haha)  (with an education)

NJ often has a New York accent depending on which part of NJ you are from. 


I have figured out that the NY acccent carries for about 60 miles outside of NYC.  Seriously.  I'm from NY and I have a heavy NYC accent.  If I'm within 60 miles of NYC, there is often an accent and I blend in. If I go further than that, people say "are you from Brooklyn?"


My kids have a split with the accents.  I have two kids with a heavy NYC accent and two with a more neutral non-descript accent. One little one who switches back and forth. All raised here. 


So, I would say that the twins have a very authentic NJ accent. The pitch of their voice is very grating on the nerves though. 


I'm very familiar with an area about 45 miles west of NYC and no one I know there sounds like these people. I think there's a huge difference between the twins' NY accent and the people that I know in NJ.

I'm very familiar with an area about 45 miles west of NYC and no one I know there sounds like these people. I think there's a huge difference between the twins' NY accent and the people that I know in NJ.


I've lived in North Jersey all my life (within 10 minutes of the cast, and 30 from the city) and while I have heard accents like these women's here and there, it's not often--it's definitely odd enough that I've specifically noticed it as opposed to being used to it. But I have had people ask me while I am traveling where my "New Joisey" accent is (incidentally, the people who ask this are the only ones I've ever actually heard say "New Joisey). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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A little digging around tells me that Nicole and Teresa and their parents are from Brooklyn, NY. I'm not sure how long they've all lived in Colts Neck, NJ, but I think their accent is definitely more Brooklyn than anything NJ.



ETA:  Sal and Santa bought their house in Colts Neck in November 2006.


ETA again:  It looks like they bought the house in March of 2000 (built in 1993). There was a deed transfer (for a $1) into just Sal's name in November 2006.


One more edit:  There's a long history of deed transfers and mortgages on that house. Actually, Teresa bought it in 2000 in her name only. According to her bio at Bravo's website, that would be about the time she was divorced from Rino (the bio says they spent eleven years apart and then remarried on New Year's Eve 2010). Then, in 2006, she added her father to the deed. It's long and convoluted, with mortgages along the way, including a 2012 second mortgage taken out by Sal and Santa for over $660,000. 

Edited by LuckyBitch
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I never go to Western NJ...like over to the PA border. I imagine they are more linguistically influenced by Pennsylvania.  


I'm in a part of NJ that has many people who lived in NY/Brooklyn/Staten Island and moved down to NJ. So the accent carries along with the people and the families who live here.  I definitely hear a NYC accent often and I also hear a non-NYC accent. I actually live very close to the twins. (not in that wealthy area though!)


And honestly, we can all make our accents heavier or more standard English.  I imagine those fake twins are hamming up the NJ/NY Italian accent for the cameras. 

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I'm from the area.

I think a Long Island,NY and NJ accent can all be similiar. 

Some of this accent stuff even breaks down to the ethnicity of the person in NJ or NY.  Jewish (which is not an ethnicity), Italian, Hispanic, African American...there are subsets of accents within accents!  (Ok, I like this stuff way too much! Send help!)


I love how the most interesting things about the bimbo twins is their accent! 

Speaking of the twins...I assume they have both had their breasts done.  Do they make a joint decision about this? 



Great article, @zoeysmom . Thanks for posting it. Lots of good info, like how Teresa's crappy products aren't selling and her possible other offers are probably toast now, plus the info on the sentencing of a NJ couple who committed very similar crimes. Like we've all figured, Tre and Joe will probably get staggered sentences. As long as they both serve time, I'm okay with that. They deserve prison time and for any and all offers for TV shows, products, and books to be gone for good. Thanks to the Bravo show and all the money-making offers that came with it, they've had far too much easy money come their way. 

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Great article, @zoeysmom . Thanks for posting it. Lots of good info, like how Teresa's crappy products aren't selling and her possible other offers are probably toast now, plus the info on the sentencing of a NJ couple who committed very similar crimes. Like we've all figured, Tre and Joe will probably get staggered sentences. As long as they both serve time, I'm okay with that. They deserve prison time and for any and all offers for TV shows, products, and books to be gone for good. Thanks to the Bravo show and all the money-making offers that came with it, they've had far too much easy money come their way. 

Watching the scene with Teresa and all the yummy looking  desserts I wonder when she had time to become a dessert expert.  Alas, yet another fraud she sells primarily cookies and coffee, including the dreaded sprinkle cookies.   I cannot imagine people wanting to pay close to $30.00  for 2lbs of cookies but that is just me.  I hope for the sake of those expecting restitution that she and Joe aren't investing any money in these endeavors.


I agree about the easy money.  Her first bestseller was more about the show than any breakthrough recipes.  I guess the others followed suit until Caroline put her foot down about being included.  So this has all come full circle-now the show is peddling a softer Teresa for all of us to see this changed woman.  A woman had she behaved the way she did pre-table flip would have slid into obscurity years ago.  Milania has grown up one bit since Season 1-still a brat. 

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I think I am going to like the twins.  They are dumb, "traditional," open, and interconnected. I think they are going to play out well.  There is going to be a lot of snark there.  They have connections to NYC with their restaurant. I can see the show segueing in that direction.  Teresa was boring until the table flip.  Joe Giudice became more entertaining the more we saw of him - the splits, the cooking, his family place in the catskills.  I think the twins are going to have some more "traditional" stuff. 


I don't care about the stereotypes.  I am sure everyone in California doesn't do botox or have fake boobs.  I live in NJ. There are women like this around.  There are a lot of other stereotypes around for each ethnicity, but there are also a ton of people who don't meet any stereotype other than generic bland.  NJ is a huge melting pot of recent and not so recent immigrants.  Some people have clung to their traditions and have bastardized them - like this crew.  Italy Italians don't act like these clowns.  These guys revel in acting like throwbacks to the Godfather.  I wonder if those were the traditions that Sal was talking about. 

I've heard people say "cancer" but never "the cancer". Unlike mumps, chicken pox, measles, I've heard them both ways. And I've never heard just "flu" always "the flu". I'm originally from New York not that it matters, LOL.


Any South Park fans here? There are two little Canadian boys, Terrance and Phillip, and when one is really angry with the other, he will say, "I hope you get THE cancer!"

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