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25 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

"I won't let anything happen to you" - even Janine doesn't believe that anymore, and everyone else is dead.

Janine has become the MVP of the show for me. It broke my heart when she said "it wasn't so bad" giving that disgusting guy a blow job so she and June can share a piece of bread and get some dry clothes. And watching her in the flashback with toddler Caleb knowing that he's going to die before his tenth birthday was incredibly sad. Janine is such a sweet, simple person, and the world just keeps shitting on her.

I *loved* that Rita didn't let herself get talked into testifying for Serena. I was worried there for a second. BTW, why is Tuello now running around town trying to get people to help Serena? He knows what she did.

I was going to say, Janine should ask June "why should I believe you? You let Alma, Brianna, and the other handmaids die." I'm not entirely sure that Janine could survive on her own but I'm starting to think she should at least try. God, I felt so bad for her and what she had to do to that guy. The flashback was tough to watch 1) because of that horrible Gilead-type woman spouting off complete lies about abortion and 2) how adorable Caleb was and how good Janine was with him.

I really liked Rita in this episode and the reserved way that Amanda Brugel plays her. Her restrained joy at being able to eat sushi again was such a small thing, but so incredibly powerful. I really want her to find her sister and her nephew. 

As someone who really despises milk, that was hella gross for me.

Alma was loyal to June to the bitter end. God damn it. Wasted of course.

That ending music was so incredibly haunting. It's going to stay with me for a while.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 19
8 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

As someone who really despises milk, that was hella gross for me.

Same. Even the smell of it makes me gag, so having to swim in it would be a nightmare.

8 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I thought Rita was gonna fall for the trap.

It was so well played the way she quietly took the binder from Tuello, then looked him straight in the eye and told him how she was the Waterfords' property, "with a registration and everything, just like [her] old Nissan Altima."

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 21
46 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Janine has become the MVP of the show for me. It broke my heart when she said "it wasn't so bad" giving that disgusting guy a blow job so she and June can share a piece of bread and get some dry clothes. And watching her in the flashback with toddler Caleb knowing that he's going to die before his tenth birthday was incredibly sad. Janine is such a sweet, simple person, and the world just keeps shitting on her.

Agreed.  The other characters keep treating her like a stupid child, and she manages to keep on and survive.  The same with when she was in the Colonies (Janine has survived WAY worse shit than you, June) and Emily thought she was stupid to find beauty in the women's lives. Yet that ability to find beauty and joy probably helped them survive longer than they would have otherwise.


I really liked Rita in this episode and the reserved way that Amanda Brugel plays her. Her restrained joy at being able to eat sushi again was such a small thing, but so incredibly powerful. I really want her to find her sister and her nephew.

I wonder if they'll ever mention her son who died (it was implied, in the first season, that he died fighting for the U.S.).

Edited by Brn2bwild
  • Love 13

Janine's comment that Alma said "We have to wait for June" while they were hiding makes me wonder how long June was gone after being captured.  Wouldn't Alma have guessed when June didn't return the first night what had happened, and arranged for their next safe house, one June didn't know about?  It seems uncharacteristically naive of her to wait until June could join them. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, steph369 said:

Wow, June is really full of herself. She really thinks she’s saving them. She’s conveniently forgotten how many handmaids she’s caused to die. “I won’t let anything happen to you,” June tells Janine. Yeah, you have a great track record there, June. 

Or Janine asking if June has a brilliant plan. Oh yeah, June is full of plans. Unfortunately all her plans never work. All they do is get more handmaids killed, while she sails away unharmed. Janine even saved them by sleeping with the piece-of-shit freedom fighter to keep them from being kicked out. June couldn’t even accomplish that. It’s the handmaids following June that should be leading! 

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I don't find June likable at all. And that's okay, not all heroines have to be likable, but I don't find her interesting either. 

Ditto. I enjoyed all the scenes that didn’t have June in them. As soon as it switched to her it’s like it was a different show. Only Janine somewhat saved those scenes. June’s sour face telling Janine she should have left her long ago... Janine should have retorted the same to June at the end. 

  • Applause 1
  • Love 13

Steven can fuck right off. His faux incredulity that there were sex slaves in Gilead right this very minute was so gross since about 30 seconds later he matter of factly told two women who were former sex slaves that they had to blow him or GTFO. Not an ounce of compassion for two people who had managed to escape Gilead and years of rape, and not an ounce of irony in telling them that sexual favors were his price for allowing them to get some food and change into clothes that didn't scream "I am wanted in Gilead" to anyone who saw them. I guess the extent of his compassion was when he told June he wouldn't FORCE her and she was free to leave if she didn't want to. What a guy. I hope June and Janine don't stay with his group for long. Fingers crossed that they find May Day.

Those pregnancy crisis clinics are disgusting. I really feel for the poor girls who end up in places like that. The contrast between the lady trying to guilt trip Janine into changing her mind and the medical professional who said that Janine's reasons were none of her business was like night and day. What the doctor said to her about how she was legally required to tell her that it could cause breast cancer and infertility but that it was a bunch of crap reminded me of a documentary about Willie Parker. He said the same thing to his patients.

I was glad that Janine figured out June told the Guardians where the handmaids were and that she made June admit what she'd done.

I LOVED that Rita refused to give in and testify on behalf of Serena. I was already rolling my eyes in the earlier scene where Serena was acting like they were friends. As Rita later pointed out, she was their property. Now that she's no longer obligated to obey them, she can tell them to fuck right off. She really dropped a bomb into the whole situation by telling Fred about the baby.

Although Serena and Fred are both awful in their own ways, they have very different reasons for wanting a baby. Serena clearly loved Nichole so wanting her back is based on that. Fred, on the other hand, thinks of Nichole the same way he thinks of Serena, Rita, or June - they're all his property so he wants them based on his ownership and his need to be in control. But I'm pretty sure that if you showed him pictures of ten babies, he probably couldn't tell which one was Nichole. That's not love. I'm pretty sure that after a few weeks, Luke and Moira know Nichole better than Fred ever did. Fred has no interest in Nichole as a person. She's a status symbol whose destiny he wants to control.

Serena seems genuinely thrilled to be pregnant. She wants to be a mom and raise her baby. Fred, on the other hand, would hand that kid over to a Martha the second he got possession of him and then trot him out for guests at parties.

I loved the scene of Rita having sushi for lunch. It was such a lovely moment that showed one of the many freedoms that was denied to her while she was in Gilead. It was also nice to see her making bread of Moira. It's one thing when you're forced to do something for the family that owns you. It's another thing when you can choose to do it for someone you like.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 23
3 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

More later, but I did want to note that neither Fred or Serena seem to view their baby as an automatic death sentence in Gilead, and have no fear or concern in agreeing that they were having sex despite Serena "being barren". So far, this doesn't seem a big deal that they were having sex.

I get the feeling that Serena believes she’s not going back to Gilead.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

More later, but I did want to note that neither Fred or Serena seem to view their baby as an automatic death sentence in Gilead, and have no fear or concern in agreeing that they were having sex despite Serena "being barren". So far, this doesn't seem a big deal that they were having sex.

That doesn't jive with earlier scenes where they literally talk about not being able to have sex or when Fred and Serena almost do it and then stop because it's against the law.

I don't think either of them believe they'll be returning. They're locked up in another country and are charged with heinous crimes.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

Janine's comment that Alma said "We have to wait for June" while they were hiding makes me wonder how long June was gone after being captured.  Wouldn't Alma have guessed when June didn't return the first night what had happened, and arranged for their next safe house, one June didn't know about?  It seems uncharacteristically naive of her to wait until June could join them. 

I don't believe for 1 second June would have waited for one of them. 

  • Love 22

I swear, with all of the super close up shots of June, I feel like I'm more familiar with Elizabeth Moss's pores than my own. June can shut right the hell up about how she wont let anything happen to Janine, she didn't even look back twice at the other handmaidens who all just died. For as much as everyone goes on about how June is everyone's savior and has all of these amazing plans, she tends to mostly let people around her die while her "clever" plans crumble around her. For someone who is always talked up as being so smart, she really hasn't accomplished very much. Most of her plans rely on other peoples bravery and smarts and the fact that she's the protagonist so she's basically bulletproof, so everyone around her dies because of her plans while she lives to stare into the camera another day. 

I love Janine so I liked seeing some more of her backstory, it was so sad seeing how cute little Caleb was and how good Janine was with him, knowing how little time they have together and that Caleb wont live to see ten. As much as June says how Janine needs her or she wont survive and treats her like a child, Janine has survived a whole hell of a lot thanks to her can do attitude and ability to see the beauty in even the worst things, while most everyone June supposedly "helps" tend to die pretty soon after. Especially if this show had the teeth it tries to have and wasn't afraid of killing major characters, in which case no way would Rita, Nick, Emily, or Mr. Lawrence still be alive after they helped her in her oh so clever plans. 

It made me sad hearing how loyal Alma was to June and was insisting they wait for her. No way would June wait for them. 

I am so glad that Rita decided not to help the Waterfords, I was a bit worried for a second, especially as the show still tries to make us give a shit about Serena sometimes. Amanda Brugel plays her with so much quiet dignity, even when she is kindly telling Fred to fuck himself and that she will most certainly not be helping Serena. Rita getting to eat some sushi was such a nice moment, such a small but important moment of freedom. I hope she can find her sister and nephew. I also kind of want follow up on the Catholic counterfeit identity ring, that sounds pretty awesome. 

  • LOL 2
  • Love 21
3 hours ago, AntFTW said:


June seems like the type to sacrifice one for the “survival” of the group.

Had she not did her usual posturing, speechifying, HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW BRAVE I AM act with Aunt Lydia they would have all made it across the tracks. They should have started running without her but once again, everyone puts June's needs and best interest above their own. I don't like that part.

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, Brn2bwild said:

Janine's comment that Alma said "We have to wait for June" while they were hiding makes me wonder how long June was gone after being captured.  Wouldn't Alma have guessed when June didn't return the first night what had happened, and arranged for their next safe house, one June didn't know about?  It seems uncharacteristically naive of her to wait until June could join them. 

Well, they would have no idea of "where the next safe house" could possibly be, so the problem was a bit more complicated.  Mayday is very compartmentalized, remember June's longest escape, even the people who got her from one place to another only knew the NEXT place to drop her, nothing else.

It's not like there is a road map of safehouses for Alma or the others to follow.  Yes, they could have tried hiding in the woods, or just moving on (I probably would have) but I think it was much like that first place, "maybe this is the only freedom they'll ever have, let them enjoy it."  (dancing, singing, having sex etc.)

I agree it doesn't really make sense for Alma to say though.  Perhaps she just lied to Janine, rather than admit she had no idea of where to run?  June probably would have left, she has more experience with how all of it works.

Ester didn't know the next "safehouse" either, until word came down that it was available, coast was clear, etc.

3 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

At the same time, I really don't think Jeanine would have sacrificed baby Angela... I mean, June has a big streak of cold bitch running down her back but threatening the kid is always going to work. 

Of course she wouldn't.  I doubt many people actually would.  Modern day torture techniques the estimate is what?  If the person is really good it might last 3 days, but they all break sooner or later.  Alma's wasn't a soldier, or a general briefed on the procedures if someone is captured though, change all plans and codes immediately, etc.  What's the most odd to me is that the people at the safe house would LET them stay, assuming they knew one of the party had been captured.  I think they would have kicked them out fast, because they do know how things work.

ETA, not to save the handmaids, to save themselves!


9 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Steven can fuck right off. His faux incredulity that there were sex slaves in Gilead right this very minute was so gross since about 30 seconds later he matter of factly told two women who were former sex slaves that they had to blow him or GTFO. Not an ounce of compassion for two people who had managed to escape Gilead and years of rape, and not an ounce of irony in telling them that sexual favors were his price for allowing them to get some food and change into clothes that didn't scream "I am wanted in Gilead" to anyone who saw them. I guess the extent of his compassion was when he told June he wouldn't FORCE her and she was free to leave if she didn't want to. What a guy. I hope June and Janine don't stay with his group for long. Fingers crossed that they find May Day.

Those pregnancy crisis clinics are disgusting. I really feel for the poor girls who end up in places like that. The contrast between the lady trying to guilt trip Janine into changing her mind and the medical professional who said that Janine's reasons were none of her business was like night and day. What the doctor said to her about how she was legally required to tell her that it could cause breast cancer and infertility but that it was a bunch of crap reminded me of a documentary about Willie Parker. He said the same thing to his patients.

I was glad that Janine figured out June told the Guardians where the handmaids were and that she made June admit what she'd done.

I LOVED that Rita refused to give in and testify on behalf of Serena. I was already rolling my eyes in the earlier scene where Serena was acting like they were friends. As Rita later pointed out, she was their property. Now that she's no longer obligated to obey them, she can tell them to fuck right off. She really dropped a bomb into the whole situation by telling Fred about the baby.

Although Serena and Fred are both awful in their own ways, they have very different reasons for wanting a baby. Serena clearly loved Nichole so wanting her back is based on that. Fred, on the other hand, thinks of Nichole the same way he thinks of Serena, Rita, or June - they're all his property so he wants them based on his ownership and his need to be in control. But I'm pretty sure that if you showed him pictures of ten babies, he probably couldn't tell which one was Nichole. That's not love. I'm pretty sure that after a few weeks, Luke and Moira know Nichole better than Fred ever did. Fred has no interest in Nichole as a person. She's a status symbol whose destiny he wants to control.

Serena seems genuinely thrilled to be pregnant. She wants to be a mom and raise her baby. Fred, on the other hand, would hand that kid over to a Martha the second he got possession of him and then trot him out for guests at parties.

I loved the scene of Rita having sushi for lunch. It was such a lovely moment that showed one of the many freedoms that was denied to her while she was in Gilead. It was also nice to see her making bread of Moira. It's one thing when you're forced to do something for the family that owns you. It's another thing when you can choose to do it for someone you like.

Loved this entire post!

Also, I have to say, good work on that milk tank producers, when that milk was sloshing around when the train started, it was pretty dang scary to me as well.  They all, production and actors, rocked that scene.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6

Ughhh that milk smell.  That was the most terrifying part.  

Glad to see more of Janine’s backstory.

Fuck Serena and Fred 

Rita is literally the embodiment of Stockholm Syndrome.  

I wanted to kick Serena when she said, let’s pray together and 

Fred when he said, I was never cruel to you.

She was your property.

Treating a person like property is treating them badly

  • Love 15
5 minutes ago, HerkyJerky said:

I'm old and I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday!  Can somebody please remind me what happened to Caleb?

They were trying to find Caleb for Janine, but they found out Caleb had been killed in a car accident, within a year or so, I think, of him being stolen from Janine.  Janine was extra fragile at the time, so June lied to her and said they couldn't get him out of Gilead because his family moved to California.  Janine then pictured her son tan, and playing on the beaches, and was more content.  She still doesn't know her son is dead.

ETA I think it was information in Lawrence's files in the basement.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Useful 3
  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Janine was extra fragile at the time, so June lied to her and said they couldn't get him out of Gilead because his family moved to California.  Janine then pictured her son tan, and playing on the beaches, and was more content.  She still doesn't know her son is dead.

Wont that be a fun conversation for them to have later...

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Wont that be a fun conversation for them to have later...

It will be sad.

Wasn't it right when they were planning to get all the kids out?  I think so, and understandably, June couldn't risk any uproar or mistakes, and she was planning on getting Janine out as well, despair could have hampered that.

It might be another chance for Janine to yell at June.  Now that Janine is out of Gilead proper, and at least not a handmaid anymore, I hope to see her get stronger and stronger, and turn back into the feisty powerhouse that had an eye taken out for her backtalk and calling bullshit on Lydia's handmaid school.

What I can't remember is what happened to Janine's little girl.  Were they able to get her out, or not?

Edited by Umbelina
added stuff
  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I don't remember even any conversation about getting Angela out, so I'm guessing no? 

I remember there being a baby in arms and I thought it was Angela because Jeanine was involved and was supposed to be one of the ones getting out but that might be wishful thinking on my part.

Now that I have more time to comment, here's what I thought on the episode.

I thought the milk container was stupid and would have most likely gotten them killed. Being wet, in a refrigerated container, I can't see them surviving. I also can't see no one at the train station noticing that the milk was dumped. Further, never jump into a container of liquid that you can't easily get out of. Most women don't have the upper body strength to pull themselves up the way June did. The whole time they were in the milk tank I was wondering why they didn't jump into the open boxcar. 

I don't mind that the resistance guy was an asshole into blowjobs but its one of those "was that really necessary, show?" moments. Have him be a gruff bastard, have him not want to be helpful or to share food with two probably useless handmaids, but the blow job thing was kind of an unnecessary smack. I did like that June tried to take one for the team, and I hope she has a better appreciation of Jeanine after Jeanine ended up being the one to get them some food. Jeanine is one of those characters I sometimes want to strangle but I do like her essential toughness. 

Rita pleased me - I loved the idea that she made bread for Moira as a signal of friendship and because she wanted to, not because she had to. And that last bit where she was indulging in sushi, clearly for the first time...  I wish they'd give this actress more to do.

Serena's level of delusion concerning Rita is only exceeded by Fred's. I thought Rita handled her well, and I liked her genuine joy about the baby and also her making the call that she's not responsible for Serena and Fred any more and they can handle their own problems. I do wonder though even if she's not intentionally exaggerating, if her testimony wouldn't sink Fred and free Serena.

  • Love 13
4 hours ago, DiabLOL said:

I actually cried during Rita’s lunch scene. I  found it so shockingly powerful and the actress conveyed so much.

It was the chopsticks that got to me. I kept thinking that Gilead would never had allowed chopsticks. Sob. 

2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Wont that be a fun conversation for them to have later...

If a June ever tells Janine, that will be the end for me. There is absolutely no non-selfish reason to tell her about Caleb. I hope Janine goes to her grave (eventually, a long time from now.  Poor thing deserves a long and happy life) believing her son is dancing in the summer rain on the California coast. 

  • Love 12
39 minutes ago, Trillian said:

It was the chopsticks that got to me. I kept thinking that Gilead would never had allowed chopsticks. Sob. 

If a June ever tells Janine, that will be the end for me. There is absolutely no non-selfish reason to tell her about Caleb. I hope Janine goes to her grave (eventually, a long time from now.  Poor thing deserves a long and happy life) believing her son is dancing in the summer rain on the California coast. 

Lots of extreme close ups of everyone this episode, and I loved them, "Rita" knocked every scene out of the park.

I agree.  Letting Janine have that peace seems important to me.  They may be a time, but from here, I can't see what good it will do.  I do hope she someday gets her little girl though.

  • Love 9

When they were running along the train looking for somewhere to hide there were actual cars strapped to the train, I was thinking, that’s probably a good place to hide, no one will look inside a car. But no, they dropped into the unknown that ended up being a tanker full of milk. Blech. My first thought when they dropped in was hope it’s not some poison/chemical/acid thing.


and the guy knowing they were basically giliad sex slaves asking for a blow job is just so gross on so many levels 

  • Love 22
10 hours ago, Boofish said:

I don't believe for 1 second June would have waited for one of them. 

I agree, but for once it would be because June was doing something smart, not peeking out curtains when she was supposed to be hiding, etc. etc. etc.  I'm glad they at least gave a reason for all the handmaids to still be at the second safehouse, even though it is a supremely stupid reason.  We still don't know why they left the Keyes' farmhouse a) without June (she obviously expected them all to be there when she got back with the guard, but they left early, somehow knowing Nick and the eyes were coming), and b) without Esther. 

6 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Also, I have to say, good work on that milk tank producers, when that milk was sloshing around when the train started, it was pretty dang scary to me as well.  They all, production and actors, rocked that scene.

Yeah, I'm not so sure about the milk tank...  if someone has actual knowledge, please fill us in, but wouldn't there be baffles in any type of liquid carrying train car, to prevent all that sloshing around?  I'd think that much weight going side to side could easily cause a train to derail.  Also, why are there skylights in a milk tank?  Plastic milk jugs are purposely opaque to help preserve the milk.  And, the drain would be configured so the entire car would drain.  You wouldn't leave a couple hundred gallons in the bottom of a tank. 

I did really like this episode, though.  Finally, some movement!  And Jeanine's backstory!  Could have done without the pervert, or it would at least had been nice if the woman smacked him upside the head and said "fuck no, not to these women". 

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, the "pregnancy crisis center" scenario was 100% spot on.  That's pretty much the script they use today, and the tactics - posing as an actual abortion clinic - is also accurate.  (One used to be around the corner from my house, and how I wanted to just throw rocks through their windows!  Don't worry, I didn't.)  As is the "abortion is oh so dangerous" speech that the doctor had to give - that's very close to what actual states have mandated in the last 10 years or so, with the additional mandate that they are not allowed to qualify it with "and that was total BS" type comments.  


  • Love 13
19 minutes ago, chaifan said:

We still don't know why they left the Keyes' farmhouse a) without June (she obviously expected them all to be there when she got back with the guard, but they left early, somehow knowing Nick and the eyes were coming), and b) without Esther. 

Mayday tells them what to do, so Mayday got word, got clearance on the new place, and told them Ester's place was about to be searched.

20 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Yeah, I'm not so sure about the milk tank...  if someone has actual knowledge, please fill us in, but wouldn't there be baffles in any type of liquid carrying train car, to prevent all that sloshing around?  I'd think that much weight going side to side could easily cause a train to derail.  Also, why are there skylights in a milk tank?  Plastic milk jugs are purposely opaque to help preserve the milk.  And, the drain would be configured so the entire car would drain.  You wouldn't leave a couple hundred gallons in the bottom of a tank. 

The bottom of the tank thing is easy, they would have attached a hose and a pump, June just opened the hatch.  (Although why there would be a hatch INSIDE is problematic to me.)

Great point about the skylights!  This show is dark enough without removing all light from that tank though.

22 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, the "pregnancy crisis center" scenario was 100% spot on.  That's pretty much the script they use today, and the tactics - posing as an actual abortion clinic - is also accurate.  (One used to be around the corner from my house, and how I wanted to just throw rocks through their windows!  Don't worry, I didn't.)  As is the "abortion is oh so dangerous" speech that the doctor had to give - that's very close to what actual states have mandated in the last 10 years or so, with the additional mandate that they are not allowed to qualify it with "and that was total BS" type comments.  

Horrifying and true.  They talk about that in one of the extras videos I think.  SO much of this show has been spot on with things that are actually already happening.

  • Love 6

The milk tanker was stupid when there were a few perfectly good trucks or jeeps they could have stowed away on before the tanker.
Super surprised that Rita fell for the Gilead bullshit as soon as she saw SJ. And SJ's comments of "Gilead's clean air, and Gilead's clean water" comment is so bullshit. Fred was raping June, Moira (at Jezabels) and the previous handmaid frequently.  Gilead's clean air and water didn't assist at that time.  You can take the girl from Gilead but you cannot take the Gilead out of the girl.  Rita - all of these people are suffering from major PTSD. 
I can't even with the clinic Janine went. Plus hasn't the consensus been that the world is over populated? So Gilead isn't about the lack of children but the power.
The asshole that wanted the blow job was forcing her. 
Again Janine is lucky anywhere she goes she can get an eye patch to match her outfits.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Oh, forgot to mention earlier... I love how Serena was all "I'm trying to stay off my feet"...  while wearing 4 inch stilettos.  😆

For a political prisoner accused of horrific crimes, she sure gets one hell of a wardrobe. 

Yeah, Canada  is treading carefully right now, since Gilead is threatening them.

They have several choices in front of them, probably all being debated.  Return the Commander and his wife and baby (Nicole) is just one of them, Gilead's also demanding all the children back, so they aren't about to mistreat either Serena or her husband, among other things they could be bargaining chips.  Also, they still want more information about Gilead (the black box mentioned several times) from Fred if he will.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 2

One thing I liked about this episode, even though the circumstances are horrible, is that the relationship between June and Janine changed a little bit. It starts off with June thinking Janine's dead weight and believing she's the older sister in the relationship, making all the sacrifices, keeping them both alive, and then, at the low point, when she can't make herself do the awful thing she has to do to save them, Janine does it instead -- so, now they're surviving together.

I also like that the show didn't just bundle all of the characters up and send them to a colony to repeat the exact same story. We're at least seeing something new.

On 5/5/2021 at 1:00 AM, chocolatine said:

"I won't let anything happen to you" - even Janine doesn't believe that anymore, and everyone else is dead.

Yeah, I though that was weird, too. Like, literally after everybody died on June's watch.

One thing I didn't like about this episode is that June was super mean for no real reason. I have zero read on her character anymore. It just doesn't track for me, and I don't understand what they're trying to portray with her.

  • Love 8

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