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S02.E09: Zoey’s Extraordinary Mystery

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7 minutes ago, roctavia said:

I think what can make the Max/Zoey thing a struggle is that we don't have a good idea on the timeline. We know it was 3 months after Mitch died that this season started, and that's when Zoey and Max sort of got together.... for us it was very short how long they were together, maybe a couple of weeks? and then Zoey needed more time.... but we don't know how much time has gone by between then and last weeks episode when she got together with Simon. If another 3 months went by, that's more grieving time for her as a person by herself... and I wouldn't say that she lied about not being ready for Max but was magically ready for Simon... time went by, and unfortunately there is no set time for grief or for feelings. 

Max and Simon also became pretty good friends while Zoey was grieving her dad before the season started, and they both know they were interested in Zoey, so that might be playing a role here a well that Max isn't going to be pissed at his friend when his friend wasn't pissed at him when Zoey chose him... 

I'd rather they all get along with each other than have weird anger, so this direction doesn't bother me a ton, since I expect things to swing a different direction later.


yes ok but you can't even get angry because you see Max and Rose doing the heart dance when it was you who broke off the relationship and therefore also the cause of what happened (as Mo pointed out to him) and shortly after you refuse to resume the relationship but  but you start it with another !!!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, rejnel said:

Great episode. AND I want to see the programmers sing "Anything You Can Do . . . "

I can imagine it, but it would be nice to see the performers and heart songs matched up correctly! I especially want to see Simon sing "Love on the Brain".


53 minutes ago, roctavia said:

I think what can make the Max/Zoey thing a struggle is that we don't have a good idea on the timeline. We know it was 3 months after Mitch died that this season started, and that's when Zoey and Max sort of got together.... for us it was very short how long they were together, maybe a couple of weeks? and then Zoey needed more time.... but we don't know how much time has gone by between then and last weeks episode when she got together with Simon. If another 3 months went by, that's more grieving time for her as a person by herself... and I wouldn't say that she lied about not being ready for Max but was magically ready for Simon... time went by, and unfortunately there is no set time for grief or for feelings. 

Max and Simon also became pretty good friends while Zoey was grieving her dad before the season started, and they both know they were interested in Zoey, so that might be playing a role here a well that Max isn't going to be pissed at his friend when his friend wasn't pissed at him when Zoey chose him... 

I'd rather they all get along with each other than have weird anger, so this direction doesn't bother me a ton, since I expect things to swing a different direction later.

Yeah, besides love triangle stuff, the fuzziness of the timeline is a problem itself.

Edited by Trini
dropped word
  • Love 2

I'm surprised that folks seem to think that when people find out about Zoey's powers, they will be angry. I would think either they would just not believe her, or they would think it's pretty cool. Zoey is not spying on people, reading their mail, sneaking around, using their secrets against them, or anything like that. These songs are spontaneously happening. It's like if she was walking around and people had signs over their heads, telling her things. She can't help it. And she always uses the information to help them. She's not abusing the info.

It's true that she was first alerted to Simon's sadness by a song, and she reached out to him because of it. But it's like if you overhear someone crying and you go over and see if you can help-- I don't see that as an invasion of privacy. I see it as being a kind, caring, sensitive human being.

I have really disliked Max for his reaction to Zoey knowing what he's feeling. He interprets it as a power thing, but I would have interpreted it as an intimacy thing. Some people would love it if their lover knew what they were feeling and they didn't even have to say it out loud. What is Max defensive about? Why is he afraid for Zoey to hear his heart when they're together?????? 

I genuinely thought the Fox song was going to be from Miles, that maybe David sang it to him, and the kid absorbed it as pure love, and was carrying it in his heart, or something sweet and simple like that. But I couldn't figure out how they were going to have the baby sing someone else's song to reveal the switch. When Perry's kid sang it, that made more sense and also that kid was great. 

Mary Steenburgen can dance. She's danced in film before, and I love her. Her song was hilarious this week. I liked getting to see her show some other emotion besides sad. It made me realize that the mom character on this show is very muted, she's usually sad but it's not just that. There's something hesitant about her, which was erased during her song/dance this episode.

I like Perry, but he makes Mo look like a bad case of arrested development. And I usually like Mo a lot! So they are a bad match, or else something really big is going to shift for Mo. Otherwise, I don't know why they are introducing this plot. It's made me like Mo less, and gives Perry, who I really like, no other real connection to the show, so I worry he will disappear like the aide and his awesome daughter did last season.

Emily singing broke my heart. I was crying, even though I didn't expect to be-- I heard Max sing it and it did nothing for me. I was fully prepared for someone to be miserable, but somehow when she actually sang it, instead of thinking: OVERACTING!!! I just dissolved.

I'm bored and annoyed by the Micro/Macro argument at work. The two devices have different purposes and different markets. They need to do market research and not make this into some kind of gang war where grown adults act like kids at summer camp having a sports rivalry or "color war". 



  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Trini said:


I don't think she necessarily being evasive even if she's keeping her (big, weird, insane-sounding) secret from him -- for now. She could still tell him. But I can see how Zoey would think things might turn out better by not telling him, especially when this relationship is so new.

To me she’s being evasive because she is giving him the impression that she has no secrets. He thinks they are being completely honest with one another which is a lie on her part. I think she should tell him because she has an unfair advantage but it would bother me less if she at least let him know there were things she wasn’t quite yet ready to share. She’s doing her normal thing where she avoids a problem rather than handling it like an adult. I find that really unfair to Simon.

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

But Zoey did tell mumble her secret to Simon in the first scene when she turned away and said something like "Oh, another secret is I hear voices sometimes."

She said, “Oh, another secret is I like to do voices sometimes” after her Dracula impression. 

Edited by Guest

Things I liked  in this episode:

1. Simon is all the way in love with Zoey. In. Love..Kid with the voice (damn!) sang "Love on the brain." Simon is sprung. The way he looks at her! Oh my lord... I want a man to look at me like that. I buy this relationship a lot more than the Max one... way better chemistry. Shared past pain, he just gets her in ways Max never could. When she was crazy hurting? Max was all ‘what bout ME?’ While Simon was ‘you feel what you feel, don’t run from it.’ He just gets it. And that matters. A lot.  Please show. Don’t mess with this...

2. It just works better when Zoey is out front. They can have secondary plots but it works best when they are MINOR plots and Zoey’s is the major one. This is the first episode this season (besides episode 1) that’s a mandatory re-watch for me.

3.  Love love love that the reason she glitched was because she wasn’t getting the main heart song person’s issues. That poor woman! Holy crow how sad! She’s the one who is seen as having it together, not needing any help, the stereotypical ice queen Asian...and she. Is. Hurting...can not wait for next week’s show!

and finally...4.  Call me shallow but I hate Mo’s blonde wigs! Ugh! No! And her getting pissed that he had to take the stuffie back to his kid? Instead of fricking HER? That’s a dump-able  offense in the real world...how insensitive and self centered can you get? Why would any man date that?

I feel better about this show when I just ret-con them doing time jumps...so “Zimon" has been happening for a few weeks in between episodes...and not just 7 days in my head. 

Overall, 4 out of 5 stars...loved it. 

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, hnygrl said:


I feel better about this show when I just ret-con them doing time jumps...so “Zimon" has been happening for a few weeks in between episodes...and not just 7 days in my head. 

Overall, 4 out of 5 stars...loved it. 

They did say in the opening something about "the last few weeks have been great" so Zimon has been going on for a few weeks in Zoeyland.... 🙂 

  • Love 6

Does anyone else wonder if Skylar has already made a commitment to another project next year?  Except for the first few episodes, Max and Zoey have been rarely together, almost as if the powers that be want the audience to get off the Zoey/Max train.  

Maybe the two actors secretly despise each other. (I'm joking...I think).



On re-watch I noticed that they started the switching theme with the opening scene with Simon and Zoey switching sides of the bed. Cute.


1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I'm surprised that folks seem to think that when people find out about Zoey's powers, they will be angry. I would think either they would just not believe her, or they would think it's pretty cool. Zoey is not spying on people, reading their mail, sneaking around, using their secrets against them, or anything like that. These songs are spontaneously happening. It's like if she was walking around and people had signs over their heads, telling her things. She can't help it. And she always uses the information to help them. She's not abusing the info.

It's true that she was first alerted to Simon's sadness by a song, and she reached out to him because of it. But it's like if you overhear someone crying and you go over and see if you can help-- I don't see that as an invasion of privacy. I see it as being a kind, caring, sensitive human being.


Plus, isn't it one of the "rules"* that she has to help when she hears a heart song? They even reminded us in this episode that the song would "haunt" her if she ignored it.

*(even though they're inconsistent about that)

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, ciubecca98 said:

already and this is also one of the reasons why I don't like Simon / Zoey ... him who gets interested and almost goes to bed with another woman while he is engaged and Zoey who uses her power to approach / conquer him, and  episodes are only three and for those like me who hoped in the real couple Max / Zoey we can forget it !!

in short, between Zoey / Simon I see a false feeling since the great feeling etc etc that Simon has seen born and grow up is due to power, the only true feeling was what Max has or had for Zoey

Zoey's not being malicious I think that she's scared of possibly losing Simon because she's not sure how he's gonna react. 

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, mommalib said:

Zoey's not being malicious I think that she's scared of possibly losing Simon because she's not sure how he's gonna react. 

I'm not talking about malice but sincerity and about the fact that Zoey has manipulated and is still doing Simon to get it !!!  and therefore of how the couple was formed ... only and exclusively thanks to her power, without which it was understood at the beginning of the season that Simon did not consider her at all but by exploiting the powers she began to get noticed and be with him the most  possible since she has always wanted to take him to bed even a severe boyfriend ... so for me it is and remains a relationship and a couple that is not TRUE !!!!  since it is more than clear that without that they would never have been a couple !!! obviously Max is still in love with Zoey and is with Rose so as not to suffer and leave room for Zoey but if he stays with Simon it will be more logical to see a definitive departure from  part of Max because it would be science fiction to stay united with a woman he loves but who has chosen another !!! (which as those who pointed out has already started after Zoey left him)

like those who pointed out Max / Zoey practically no longer exists I don't understand the writing method regarding relationships, in the first season for Zoey there was only Simon but then he made him sing the song of the heart to Max saying that he loves him, and then put them together  for a nanosecond, finally forming the couple Zoey / Simon and practically getting Max out of the scene ...

I read an interview from Austin in which he practically bends that it was inevitable that Zoey / Simon would end up together as they always work closely and given their chemistry ... and then I wonder how do you define a couple and say that there  chemistry when we saw a Zoey who always had Simon in her head and used her powers to get close to him and the chemistry grew na it was thanks to the fact that she always knew what to do and what to say to Simon !!!!

and the choice of Max to ignore it and be or befriend the man who is in a relationship with the woman he loves is rather ridiculous and unrealistic as a writing choice

and from the interview it became clear that to see Zoey / Max again we will have to wait for the next season ... too bad that we still don't know if there will be unfortunately

if there will be the third season ... however I would not be surprised if it is not the real direction they want to take (Zoey / Simon) ... since we have always seen a Zoey who in reality was always and only interested in Simon even coming to put in  a corner Max ... and if they showed us the couple together but with Zoey who instead of confiding in her man went to Simon ... Ok he too suffered the loss but they also showed us because as we always have  saw her she has always and only wanted Simon

Edited by ciubecca98
5 hours ago, Trini said:

On re-watch I noticed that they started the switching theme with the opening scene with Simon and Zoey switching sides of the bed. Cute.

Good catch!

Regarding Zoey not telling Simon about hearing heart songs/randomly reading people’s feelings:   
Given how telling Max about it ruined their relationship, I don’t find fault with her for not telling Simon, especially if she’s serious about him and doesn’t want to ruin it. 

In this episode, Zoey brushing off Emily’s texts seemed to possibly indicate that Zoey may have closed herself down emotionally to others with her father’s terminal diagnosis, and that her hearing heart songs isn’t a superpower, but rather a rerouting of a natural gift of being sensitive to others.
Of course, since we didn’t know her before her father’s illness, this is just a theory. 
But it would provide a means to give the series an ending in which she reintegrates her sensitivity to others into her personality. 
Tech workers are stereotypically not sensitive to others’ emotions. I don’t know how  Zoey’s career choice would fit into this story arc of her psyche, but since she’s in management now, it might not matter, although I can imagine Lauren Graham’s character coming back in a cameo to say she always “trusted” Zoey to be aware of others’ emotional needs. 

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Good catch!

Regarding Zoey not telling Simon about hearing heart songs/randomly reading people’s feelings:   
Given how telling Max about it ruined their relationship, I don’t find fault with her for not telling Simon, especially if she’s serious about him and doesn’t want to ruin it. 

In this episode, Zoey brushing off Emily’s texts seemed to possibly indicate that Zoey may have closed herself down emotionally to others with her father’s terminal diagnosis, and that her hearing heart songs isn’t a superpower, but rather a rerouting of a natural gift of being sensitive to others.
Of course, since we didn’t know her before her father’s illness, this is just a theory. 
But it would provide a means to give the series an ending in which she reintegrates her sensitivity to others into her personality. 
Tech workers are stereotypically not sensitive to others’ emotions. I don’t know how  Zoey’s career choice would fit into this story arc of her psyche, but since she’s in management now, it might not matter, although I can imagine Lauren Graham’s character coming back in a cameo to say she always “trusted” Zoey to be aware of others’ emotional needs. 

we have to say about his power with Max ... it's Zoey who used it and confessed (because he didn't care for a relationship) in the worst way ... she used it by making him walk away from her by letting him out  with another and then confess this to him !!!!  then the two involuntary heart songs, etc etc so it's more than understandable that Max doesn't like him to read them

7 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Does anyone else wonder if Skylar has already made a commitment to another project next year?  Except for the first few episodes, Max and Zoey have been rarely together, almost as if the powers that be want the audience to get off the Zoey/Max train.  

Maybe the two actors secretly despise each other. (I'm joking...I think).

I was thinking about the possibility of Skylar leaving the show (if there is a next season). He could then decide to move to be with Rose when she goes home to wherever she lives. (And of course that leads to drama for Mo and the restaurant.)

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Two days later and I'm still cracking up at the thought of Mary Steenburgen cheerfully doing the buffalo step behind Zoey!

10 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like Perry, but he makes Mo look like a bad case of arrested development.

I think it's less arrested development and more that they've had different experiences and responsibilities. When I was 20, I met a guy who was already married and about to get divorced. Even though we were the same age (we were born six weeks apart) and I'd already had a few serious relationships by the time I was 20, his being married and almost divorced was one of the areas where we were miles apart.

Even if Mo and Perry are the same age, Perry is divorced with two kids so his priorities are different than Mo's who is single and seems to have no family in the area (and hence no family commitments). I don't think there's anything wrong with being a fun-loving, child-free single person in your 20s/30s as Mo is. Mo has been shown to be responsible with work and friendships, so it's not like he's totally immature. He just hasn't dealt with parental responsibilities because he hasn't had to. It appears that Mo has also never dated someone with kids before. When you're single and all your friends are single, you don't realize how kids can interrupt every facet of your life at the drop of a hat. It can be a real eye opener for people like Mo when they finally encounter someone with kids. I've seen some single people get super annoyed when their first friend has a kid and suddenly they feel like their friend's life revolves around their kid - because IT DOES. You can't just pop out to get a drink whenever you feel like it when you have a newborn at home and that can be an adjustment for the parents as well as their friends if they're the first in their social group to have a baby.

  • Love 7

I really liked this episode. I fell behind the last couple of episodes, but caught up just because I heard some good things about this one, and it lived up to my expectations. I like that it had a focus on the mystery of Zoey's malfunctioning powers, and I like that I didn't know exactly where things would lead to.

So, with regards to the Zoey/Simon relationship, I am glad that they're exploring it and I love both actors. I think the major issue is that the love triangle aspect has ruined both prospective couples for me, since I just see Zoey continuing to go back and forth for however long the show has left. And it's ruined Zoey as a character, who has now started a relationship with Max, put it on pause (as was stated in the previous episode, their relationship is on a "break" but not over-over), and is now in a relationship with Simon that already seems to foreshadow an expiration date with Zoey's secret. Now, I get that Zoey's fearful of Simon's reaction to her secret. Given how it ruined Max and Zoey's relationship to the point where they fight about it more often than not, I get it. But Max brought up a good point once about how she's basically in tune with his thoughts and feelings but he's not with hers. She gets to know things that other people may not even realize yet and that creates almost an imbalance in a relationship. 

So it's a difficult situation for Zoey. We know how Simon feels, but Zoey does too because of her powers. Like the psychic said in this episode, she actually needs to learn to start listening to people OUTSIDE of the heart songs. Or else she's not really listening to them at all. Zoey needs to learn to control her powers first. Which is why her being in a relationship right now is not the greatest idea. Simon's going to find out about her powers eventually if she wants the relationship to work. She can't hide it from him the rest of their lives together, if they're planning to be serious. 

And I say all of this as someone who doesn't ship Zoey with Max. To be honest, right now, I don't ship Zoey with anyone. But Max has always judged Zoey for not being 100% on his side, or not wanting to be with him, so him giving the advice he did to her definitely felt pointed from his own biased views.

Mo's drama with Perry is...something, alright. Mo is being completely ridiculous. I understand that he is not ready for a mature relationship with someone who is divorced with two kids (two kids who had one scene and were great, especially Perry's son's singing!), but then...don't be in a relationship. Don't waste Perry's time if you're not ready for a relationship with someone who has kids. And I get that he may just need some time to adjust and to figure out that life isn't going to be the way that he had been living for years as a single individual. But Mo seemed so adverse to Perry choosing his kids over him and that would be a major red flag right off the bat. It's going to take time for Mo to accept this new reality and I'm thinking it'll eventually be the reason for their breakup.

The switched songs idea was great. I liked playing along with how was singing whose song. Maggie's rendition of Mackenzie and Tobin's song was fantastic. 

I really like Rose and Max together. Rose singing IDGAF was great.

Poor Emily. That ending was completely heartbreaking. I can't even imagine how tough post-partum depression is for women. Alice Lee did an amazing job with her end scene.

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Like the psychic said in this episode, she actually needs to learn to start listening to people OUTSIDE of the heart songs. Or else she's not really listening to them at all.

This fits with my speculation that Zoey’s heart song visions are going to turn out to be just manifestations of her repressed feelings of empathy since her father’s terminal diagnosis. 
But I probably shouldn’t latch on too tightly to that theory. 

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, roctavia said:

I think what can make the Max/Zoey thing a struggle is that we don't have a good idea on the timeline. We know it was 3 months after Mitch died that this season started, and that's when Zoey and Max sort of got together.... for us it was very short how long they were together, maybe a couple of weeks? and then Zoey needed more time.... but we don't know how much time has gone by between then and last weeks episode when she got together with Simon. If another 3 months went by, that's more grieving time for her as a person by herself... and I wouldn't say that she lied about not being ready for Max but was magically ready for Simon... time went by, and unfortunately there is no set time for grief or for feelings. 


12 hours ago, Trini said:

Yeah, besides love triangle stuff, the fuzziness of the timeline is a problem itself.

This is what I meant by the pacing of the storytelling, and why it isn't working for me.  I don't mind time jumps; episodes don't have to be one week after the last or anything like that, but I need to know roughly how long it's taken for things to happen.  I need to know this especially if you want me to think any of these romances are believable.  I know that Zoey and Simon said something about "these past few weeks" but it still seems very off to me.  And then I suppose this episode covered a week?  Maybe it just feels like they are moving the plots along too fast without showing enough, if that makes sense.  The writing just isn't great.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, possibilities said:

I'm surprised that folks seem to think that when people find out about Zoey's powers, they will be angry. I would think either they would just not believe her, or they would think it's pretty cool.

I think at first it would be cool, but then when you really think about it and realize Zoey knows your deepest feelings, that's where some discomfort would start. 

12 hours ago, possibilities said:

I like Perry, but he makes Mo look like a bad case of arrested development.

If Mo is going to keep getting offended when Perry has to deal with his kids, I want the relationship to end sooner rather than later. It wouldn't say much for Perry if he didn't put his kids first.

  • Love 3

Max's only issue with knowing about Zoey's powers was that while she is able to see his feelings, she wasn't sharing her feelings with him. He felt left in the dark, and that's what makes a romantic relationship unbalanced. All he wanted was to know how Zoey was feeling, too. And that is valid. 

And he gets vilified for it. 

It's Zoey's choice who she chooses to share the information about her powers with. It's not good for the show if too many people know. As for Zoey and Simon: the root of their "connection" is Zoey's ability to see what he was truly feeling when other people - his fiancee Jessica - couldn't. Without that, he would've just been Zoey's office hottie crush who by now would be a married man. 

Edited by funnygirl
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5 hours ago, ciubecca98 said:

if there will be the third season ... however I would not be surprised if it is not the real direction they want to take (Zoey / Simon) ... since we have always seen a Zoey who in reality was always and only interested in Simon even coming to put in  a corner Max ... and if they showed us the couple together but with Zoey who instead of confiding in her man went to Simon ... Ok he too suffered the loss but they also showed us because as we always have  saw her she has always and only wanted Simon

I think Simon is her guy and her and Max are better as friends. 

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Max's only issue with knowing about Zoey's powers was that while she is able to see his feelings, she wasn't sharing her feelings with him. He felt left in the dark, and that's what makes a romantic relationship unbalanced. All he wanted was to know how Zoey was feeling, too. And that is valid. 

And he gets vilified for it. 

It's Zoey's choice who she chooses to share the information about her powers with. It's not good for the show if too many people know. As for Zoey and Simon: the root of their "connection" is Zoey's ability to see what he was truly feeling when other people - his fiancee Jessica - couldn't. Without that, he would've just been Zoey's office hottie crush who by now would be a married man. 

exactly you perfectly described the problem between Zoey / Max ... he at the beginning of their short relationship had somehow accepted his power but then she stopped talking to him / confiding in him preferring Simon ... and from there Zoey decided  the end of their relationship

such as in the first season when she sang him the song of the heart telling him she loved him she then refused to admit it but instead admitted without problems with Simon thanks to whom they also kissed there in the office ... so yes the problem  of Zoey with Max is that she never confided her feelings to him which she does with Simon !!!

Edited by ciubecca98
12 hours ago, possibilities said:

Her song was hilarious this week. I liked getting to see her show some other emotion besides sad. It made me realize that the mom character on this show is very muted

I hadn't realized how much we keep seeing her sad, or even happy with that underpining of sad, until we saw her in that moment of pure silly joy and I love it. I know Mary is indisputably the worst singer and dancer on the show, but she sells it with such enthusiasm and joy.

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

This fits with my speculation that Zoey’s heart song visions are going to turn out to be just manifestations of her repressed feelings of empathy since her father’s terminal diagnosis. 

I don't think that will be the case, just because no one seemed surprised by her lack of empathy, even people that have known her for years, like her family. And the implication that Max knew her dad before the diagnosis. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, HappyBerry said:
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

This fits with my speculation that Zoey’s heart song visions are going to turn out to be just manifestations of her repressed feelings of empathy since her father’s terminal diagnosis. 

I don't think that will be the case, just because no one seemed surprised by her lack of empathy, even people that have known her for years, like her family. And the implication that Max knew her dad before the diagnosis. 

Good point. 
Then maybe Zoey's father's diagnosis triggered empathy in her, and since she didn't have previous experience with that emotion, she's channeling it into imaginary singing and dance numbers? 
The show just doesn't seem fantasy genre enough to me for Zoe's "power" to be supernatural.
Plus I keep getting Eli Stone brain tumor flashbacks.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:


So it's a difficult situation for Zoey. We know how Simon feels, but Zoey does too because of her powers. Like the psychic said in this episode, she actually needs to learn to start listening to people OUTSIDE of the heart songs. Or else she's not really listening to them at all. Zoey needs to learn to control her powers first. Which is why her being in a relationship right now is not the greatest idea. Simon's going to find out about her powers eventually if she wants the relationship to work. She can't hide it from him the rest of their lives together, if they're planning to be serious. 


I think the upcoming episodes are going to explore this (well, I hope they do...), because I do think she wants to give this relationship with Simon her best shot.


19 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Max's only issue with knowing about Zoey's powers was that while she is able to see his feelings, she wasn't sharing her feelings with him. He felt left in the dark, and that's what makes a romantic relationship unbalanced. All he wanted was to know how Zoey was feeling, too. And that is valid. 

And he gets vilified for it.

That's not the only issue; he also doesn't like that she can essentially read his mind. Which is totally valid! If anything, I see people upset that he has yelled at her about it when it's something she can't control.


It's Zoey's choice who she chooses to share the information about her powers with. It's not good for the show if too many people know. As for Zoey and Simon: the root of their "connection" is Zoey's ability to see what he was truly feeling when other people - his fiancee Jessica - couldn't. Without that, he would've just been Zoey's office hottie crush who by now would be a married man. 

Probably not, since Simon and his fianceé were having issues before Zoey talked to him; plus, that's not the story they're telling.

But her powers also played a part in her relationship with Max since he was always in the 'friend zone' until she started hearing his heart songs. So to me both pairings are level in that way; it's fine, because both guys have connections to Zoey outside her powers.

  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, mommalib said:

I think Simon is her guy and her and Max are better as friends. 

absolutely not and as I have already written everything is false because they got together thanks to his power with which he was able to approach and conquer him since he always knew what to say and do ... Which also Simon said that he likes his  insight, if it were not for the power they would never have gotten in tune they would have remained colleagues and that's it !!!  so for me a relationship that was born thanks to that (too easy to always know what he wants, and think who interests you) then take advantage of the situation by manipulating and putting him !!!

Zoey Season 1 was more than the sum of its parts. I told many friends to watch it on Peacock or on demand and see for themselves. It had great characters -- regular and recurring and guest -- compelling story lines and interesting themes. It was far more than a song-and-dance show most people would expect it to be.

But Zoey Season 2 is just barely the sum of its parts and more song-and-dance show (including the main plot lines) than what I had hoped for. It's still entertaining and Jane Levy is terrific (more on the comedy this year than the drama), Mo it intriguing, and Max is far less of a wimp. So I concur with those commenters above that they have a problem with the pacing and timespans and plotting. The show now lacks direction and seems to be drifting, symbolized by the silly magaphone/microphone debate. (Both ideas are stupid.)

I still hope they can pull it together and not get cancelled. But they need to craft episodes as good as S1 and develop plot lines with forward momentum or it will get tiresome fast. So far this season, only MaxiMo and Max's romance show any sign of progress. The rest has been detours. 

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, Trini said:

But her powers also played a part in her relationship with Max since he was always in the 'friend zone' until she started hearing his heart songs. So to me both pairings are level in that way; it's fine, because both guys have connections to Zoey outside her powers.

Max was always harboring feelings for his friend Zoey, it wasn't Zoey gaining powers and tapping into his feelings that opened his eyes to some sort of connection with her. Zoey's powers opened her eyes to see that he had feelings for her. So in that sense, no, Max and Simon are not level in that way.

Simon may not know about the powers, but it's because of the powers that Zoey was able to tap into his feelings and thus make him think she just naturally "gets" him. 

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Max was always harboring feelings for his friend Zoey, it wasn't Zoey gaining powers and tapping into his feelings that opened his eyes to some sort of connection with her. Zoey's powers opened her eyes to see that he had feelings for her. So in that sense, no, Max and Simon are not level in that way.

Simon may not know about the powers, but it's because of the powers that Zoey was able to tap into his feelings and thus make him think she just naturally "gets" him. 


Max's is true love born without tricks what if you absolutely cannot say for Zoey / Simon ... the problem for Max is that Zoey has always refused to really open up to him so if we don't see this unfortunately it will never be  Zoey / Max !!!

it seems quite clear to me that whoever wants Zoey / Simon does not care at all how it happened but the important thing is that they are together .... mah !!!!

Edited by ciubecca98
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, funnygirl said:

Max's only issue with knowing about Zoey's powers was that while she is able to see his feelings, she wasn't sharing her feelings with him. He felt left in the dark, and that's what makes a romantic relationship unbalanced. All he wanted was to know how Zoey was feeling, too. And that is valid. 

And he gets vilified for it. 

It's Zoey's choice who she chooses to share the information about her powers with. It's not good for the show if too many people know. As for Zoey and Simon: the root of their "connection" is Zoey's ability to see what he was truly feeling when other people - his fiancee Jessica - couldn't. Without that, he would've just been Zoey's office hottie crush who by now would be a married man. 

I'm not sure that was Max's only issue.  But his feelings about the whole thing are 110% valid.  Zoey can read his mind.  What if he's mad at her one day but he doesn't tell her?  She'll know anyway.  It could be over something petty that he'll get over and laugh about the next day, which happens all the time in every relationship, but if Zoey knows all of those little things all the time, that's a big deal.  Max would basically not be allowed to be human.  And that's an impossible situation.  Yet Simon is in it now and doesn't even know it.  So that's impossible too.  I think Max has the capacity to handle it, but we don't know yet about Simon.  

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1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I'm not sure that was Max's only issue.  But his feelings about the whole thing are 110% valid.  Zoey can read his mind.  What if he's mad at her one day but he doesn't tell her?  She'll know anyway.  It could be over something petty that he'll get over and laugh about the next day, which happens all the time in every relationship, but if Zoey knows all of those little things all the time, that's a big deal.  Max would basically not be allowed to be human.  And that's an impossible situation.  Yet Simon is in it now and doesn't even know it.  So that's impossible too.  I think Max has the capacity to handle it, but we don't know yet about Simon.  

yes Max had accepted him we saw him when they were together but then unfortunately Zoey choosing not to confide seriously in him made Max get angry and retrace his steps

sure that:


for me being team Max 110% from the first episode reading in the sipnosy of the eleventh episode that Zoey will put all her energy to make her relationship work and being aware that she never wanted to do it with Max pisses me off a lot  !!!

Ps:after reading this I hope that in the dramatic ending ... a drastic decision by Max will also be included !!!!


Edited by ciubecca98
On 4/12/2021 at 7:52 AM, D Angel said:

Zoey's not Simon's "supervisor", whatever that might mean in the tech world. His office just happens to be on the 4th Floor where Zoey's engineering group is. She never gives him assignments or anything. So we can ignore that aspect of their relationship, although it is weird to see your lover at work every day. That could cause a strain. I'll be disappointed if they use the boss/subordinate angle to advance the plot. That would just be lazy.

As much as it makes no sense I don't think this is true. I think she is Simon's "manager" as evidenced when Simon spoke out about their company not having any people of color in leadership positions and Danny Michael Davis told Zoey that she (as Simon's manager) had to talk to him and get him to retract his statement.  The racial issue with Zoey/Simon is yet another thing that has been brushed aside in favor of the hotness/newness of Zoey/Simon as a couple.  

As others have said and this episode actually spelled out - Zoey is not a good listener or communicator (she really shouldn't be a manager but then again no one at that company should).  It says a lot about how likeable Jane Levy is because there's a lot not to like about Zoey.  

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Trini said:

I think the upcoming episodes are going to explore this (well, I hope they do...), because I do think she wants to give this relationship with Simon her best shot.


That's not the only issue; he also doesn't like that she can essentially read his mind. Which is totally valid! If anything, I see people upset that he has yelled at her about it when it's something she can't control.

Probably not, since Simon and his fianceé were having issues before Zoey talked to him; plus, that's not the story they're telling.

But her powers also played a part in her relationship with Max since he was always in the 'friend zone' until she started hearing his heart songs. So to me both pairings are level in that way; it's fine, because both guys have connections to Zoey outside her powers.

I have a feeling that Simon is going to react to her powers better than Max did, I think the potential contrast is the whole point of upcoming drama.

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6 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Max was always harboring feelings for his friend Zoey, it wasn't Zoey gaining powers and tapping into his feelings that opened his eyes to some sort of connection with her. Zoey's powers opened her eyes to see that he had feelings for her. So in that sense, no, Max and Simon are not level in that way.

Simon may not know about the powers, but it's because of the powers that Zoey was able to tap into his feelings and thus make him think she just naturally "gets" him. 

Yes; her powers played a part in both romances (and every other relationship too), that's why I think both are similar when it comes to that.

I think Simon and Zoey 'get' each other a lot without her powers, so it's moot to me.

11 minutes ago, mommalib said:

I have a feeling that Simon is going to react to her powers better than Max did, I think the potential contrast is the whole point of upcoming drama.

I agree; if Simon reacts the same way they'd just be repeating themselves.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, ciubecca98 said:

I'm not talking about malice but sincerity and about the fact that Zoey has manipulated and is still doing Simon to get it !!!  and therefore of how the couple was formed ... only and exclusively thanks to her power, without which it was understood at the beginning of the season that Simon did not consider her at all but by exploiting the powers she began to get noticed and be with him the most  possible since she has always wanted to take him to bed even a severe boyfriend ... so for me it is and remains a relationship and a couple that is not TRUE !!!!  

Zoey hasn't intentionally manipulated Simon though. She got these powers and started hearing Simon's songs about being in pain. She'd have to be a terrible person to ignore him, especially since she does truly relate to losing a parent. Do you think Zoey is manipulating everyone else in her life when she helps them after hearing their songs?

Simon and Zoey have built a real bond. The problem is he doesn't know how it started and he doesn't know she can still read his feelings. Once he does know, he may not be able to handle it.

It also kind of sucks for Zoey because in any relationship she's either going to feel like she's keeping secrets or be worried that the guy will not be able to take it. It's also not something you can admit on a first date, because they'd think you're crazy.

2 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

As much as it makes no sense I don't think this is true. I think she is Simon's "manager" as evidenced when Simon spoke out about their company not having any people of color in leadership positions and Danny Michael Davis told Zoey that she (as Simon's manager) had to talk to him and get him to retract his statement.  The racial issue with Zoey/Simon is yet another thing that has been brushed aside in favor of the hotness/newness of Zoey/Simon as a couple.  

Yes, Zoey is definitely Simon's manager. They specifically stated it in two different episodes. The racial one that you mentioned, but also earlier in the season Zoey made a comment about now she was his boss too.

It is weird that they would make a point of doing that, only to put them in a relationship and not have it be an issue. Was it just so that Zoey was the one that had to tell him to retract his statement about race issues?

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Zoey can read his mind.  What if he's mad at her one day but he doesn't tell her?  She'll know anyway. 

Maybe not. It's not like she can instantly look at someone and know exactly what they are thinking. People all around Zoey have thoughts and feelings that she is completly unaware of. The heart songs seems to be intense, strong, emotions. 

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8 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

Maybe not. It's not like she can instantly look at someone and know exactly what they are thinking. People all around Zoey have thoughts and feelings that she is completly unaware of. The heart songs seems to be intense, strong, emotions. 

In a way, that might make it worse for Max...he never knows which of his thoughts/feelings she does and doesn't hear, unless she tells him he sang and what the song was about.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Zoey hasn't intentionally manipulated Simon though. She got these powers and started hearing Simon's songs about being in pain. She'd have to be a terrible person to ignore him, especially since she does truly relate to losing a parent. Do you think Zoey is manipulating everyone else in her life when she helps them after hearing their songs?

Simon and Zoey have built a real bond. The problem is he doesn't know how it started and he doesn't know she can still read his feelings. Once he does know, he may not be able to handle it.

It also kind of sucks for Zoey because in any relationship she's either going to feel like she's keeping secrets or be worried that the guy will not be able to take it. It's also not something you can admit on a first date, because they'd think you're crazy.

Yes, Zoey is definitely Simon's manager. They specifically stated it in two different episodes. The racial one that you mentioned, but also earlier in the season Zoey made a comment about now she was his boss too.

It is weird that they would make a point of doing that, only to put them in a relationship and not have it be an issue. Was it just so that Zoey was the one that had to tell him to retract his statement about race issues?

I could handwave that they gave Simon a promotion after his statement since he was meeting with Danny Michael Davis and the rest of the board etc. he could have been given a position more on par with Zoey and not subordinate, but it would be nice if they spelled that out for us since we had the whole “work romance bad” thing with Leif and Joan. 

As far as the relationships go, I don’t think Zoey’s powers are the only reason she and Simon came together. Sure it prompted her to pry a little, but she already was crushing on him and occasionally saying hi, all it would take is a little more conversation and a mention of her dad before they have a connection and friendship. It will be interesting to see how Simon responds when he finally learns about her power... and who knows what else could cause relationship drama.. tv is all about relationship drama.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

Maybe not. It's not like she can instantly look at someone and know exactly what they are thinking. People all around Zoey have thoughts and feelings that she is completly unaware of. The heart songs seems to be intense, strong, emotions. 

That's an interesting point, but in this past episode, she was basically willing them to sing - and they did.  So can she make them sing?  Or at least know enough of what to say to egg them on (especially now with the enlightenment of the psychic)?  I think this is still something about her "power" that needs to be explored.  

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I'm curious as to the limitations of Zoey's powers.

I think that one of the things going on in this episode was Zoe admitting that her real super power is making quirky vague comments and annoying (sorry, prompting) people into singing a heart song. Though that doesn't mean she's always going to prompt the right emotion/song.

On that note, it would be funny if in a future episode she tried to deliberately prompt a heart song only for someone to see through it and for her to get "Leave me alone" by Helen Reddy as a heart song.

  • LOL 2

Also, I think that if you are an introvert and tend to keep your thoughts to yourself (like Max) you're more likely to be weirded out by Zoey's powers. Mo is extremely extroverted.

Simon is an interesting example because he's kept his feelings to himself in the past and has been working to be more open about things.

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On 4/13/2021 at 11:32 AM, shapeshifter said:

Good point. 
Then maybe Zoey's father's diagnosis triggered empathy in her, and since she didn't have previous experience with that emotion, she's channeling it into imaginary singing and dance numbers? 
The show just doesn't seem fantasy genre enough to me for Zoe's "power" to be supernatural.
Plus I keep getting Eli Stone brain tumor flashbacks.

Eli Stone was a great show. We need a musical show like Zoey and Eli Stone at least every decade.

  • Love 3

I haven't read the comments yet. I loved this episode. It was obvious that the sad song was Emily's. Every time Zoey was trying to figure out who sang it, I kept screaming "Emily" at the tv; I mean most of the times we've seen her lately she's in the background (usually holding Miles) looking sad whilst everyone goes on with their life and ignores her plus she did ask Zoey to ask the psychic if she'd ever be happy again (I did think it was strange that, other than Zoey's puzzled expression, no one reacted to that). Alice Lee was heartbreaking.

I loved that the psychic told Zoey that having a power isn't enough, that you also need to observe people though I'm afraid that her"sometimes what you need is right in front of you" means Max.

I also loved the little detail of Perry in the background talking to Mo when Mo was singing his song thus reminding us that the songs are all in Zoey's head. And, speaking of Mo, I do so enjoy his wardrobe and, although it's nit really my style, I do covet some of his pieces.

Edited by christie
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