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S12.E09: Three Little Words

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13 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

My favorite place to go .. Orlando.  Can’t because of Covid.  I’m very upset. 😞

Orlando is wonderful!  I went to Disney World there with my family when I was a little kid and had such a great time.  I'm hoping that when  travel becomes easier and safer that you and everyone else can enjoy their vacations again 🙂.  I don't go on vacations or travel much, but I really miss spending a few hours at water theme parks or county fairs nearby.

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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I think Haley would be too boring for Eric.  Their dynamic would make us all AND them fall asleep, LOL.  Eric loves having someone that can light him up like a Christmas tree.  Without Virginia we'd be checking for a pulse, LOL.  She is the the perfect counter for his generally inward nature. 


5 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

It's tricky to know who will actually stay together with this group, I thought Vinnie and Briana would at first but now seeing his tantrums and mood swings, I'm not so sure. I also thought Ryan and Clara would make it, but it seems like Ryan gets tired of her personality and not being serious enough. Clara seems like she's getting tired of his seriousness all the time and rigid behavior.  For Haley and Jake, I knew from day one she wasn't going to be attracted to him. I don't think his face is attractive, he kinda looks like Popeye in the face. I think it was rude of her to not tell him all the husbands were there hanging out at the supposed "girls night" . That would make me mad too. It's obvious she didn't want him there. And if she didn't know the husbands were going to be there,  she could've easily called him and told him to come hang out with everyone. That is messed up. She keeps wanting him to apologize for things he said or done but she never once apologized for lying to him about that night. I think she does come off as stuck up and she thinks she's above him. I think he kept asking about how she feels about him because he doesn't want to waste his time trying if she's completely checked out.  I'm not on his side either, I do think he's got a strange personality and is hard to start a conversation with. I think she should never have went on this show knowing she wants to come and go as she pleases and doesn't want anyone saying anything.  She's not ready to be married. I see him trying in the beginning more but has slowed down seeing that it's not going to change how she feels about him.  It makes it worse that they had slept together one time and after that her whole attitude changed. Why? Was he bad in bed? Was he tiny? She never talks about what happened an what was so awful. I agree with everyone wondering why Eric is so enamored with Virginia. I don't get it. I never have. The wedding day when she had that horrible purple makeup not even blended at all and her hair all messy, getting sloshed from the beginning, I thought there's no way he's going to be attracted to her. Plus her immaturity and her being wasted around his conservative family. She always looks like she sleeps in her makeup and doesn't wash her face the next day, and keeps the same yesterday's makeup on. Her skin looks bad. She looks aged. All that drinking is going to wreak havoc on her looks and body.  I think Eric can do 100 times better! He is intelligent,  would be a great husband and father and would provide anything her heart desires. He's too good for her. She doesn't deserve him. It was annoying how she was bugged that he would have a problem with her getting wasted and sleeping at guys houses. That shows you how immature she is and she's acting like they're dating and not husband and wife. I do think when time goes on, he will get tired of her always partying when he's gone working and will see how she really is and won't want to have to act like a parent to a child. I don't think he's at all acting too controlling, it's her immature mind saying he is. They should've paired him with someone older and more mature and that's not an alcoholic.  Aren't Haley and Virginia the same age? I could be wrong but if they are,  you can see the difference in maturity in these two. As far as Chris and his ex goes, they just wanted to meet with Paige to be on tv. I liked Paige but she's looking like a fool letting him play with her like a boomerang. She needs to cut him off for good 100% and go on with her life. Get her self esteem back up and be with a guy that will treasure her.

I kind of wonder about Eric's ex-wife. My guess is that straight laced Eric has always gone for flaky flighty girls and that is probably one of the reasons he is divorced. 

It is befuddling.  Eric is in his early thirties, makes a good salary (probably the most any groom has made on his show), and is looking to really settle down. He would have no problem getting women that are smarter, classier, and probably even younger than Virginia, even with his divorce. 

However, if he really is over the moon with his sloppy drunk of a wife...then more power to him.


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3 hours ago, crazychicken said:

I think Hayley is Molly 2.0 pretending to make an effort while the cameras around. 

Apples and oranges.  Hayley actually slept with Jake.  Jon wasn't even allowed to touch Molly.  

At first, I was on Team Jake, because Haley seemed standoffish.  However, I started seeing why she wasn’t warming up to him.  On their first night together, it was very presumptuous of him to go to bed half naked.  He seems to feel entitled to her affection, creates narratives in his head and declares them as truth whenever things don't go his way. He also projects his trauma onto others. He had the audacity to call her out for being single for seven years, when he is pushing 40 and has never been in a committed relationship.

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28 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Apples and oranges.  Hayley actually slept with Jake.  Jon wasn't even allowed to touch Molly.  

At first, I was on Team Jake, because Haley seemed standoffish.  However, I started seeing why she wasn’t warming up to him.  On their first night together, it was very presumptuous of him to go to bed half naked.  He seems to feel entitled to her affection, creates narratives in his head and declares them as truth whenever things don't go his way. He also projects his trauma onto others. He had the audacity to call her out for being single for seven years, when he is pushing 40 and has never been in a committed relationship.

I have to say, I understand that there is nothing wrong with being single for a long time, but a man pushing 40 who has NEVER been in a relationship would be a bit of a red flag for me.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Apples and oranges.  Hayley actually slept with Jake.  Jon wasn't even allowed to touch Molly.  

At first, I was on Team Jake, because Haley seemed standoffish.  However, I started seeing why she wasn’t warming up to him.  On their first night together, it was very presumptuous of him to go to bed half naked.  He seems to feel entitled to her affection, creates narratives in his head and declares them as truth whenever things don't go his way. He also projects his trauma onto others. He had the audacity to call her out for being single for seven years, when he is pushing 40 and has never been in a committed relationship.

I agree.  Also he seemed very concerned with how she was feeling about him right from the start, saying "I'm just trying to get a read on how you're feeling about me" on day 3 of the marriage.  I get it that she has a poker face, but that would put a lot of pressure on a woman, and that usually doesn't go well.  Plus she did tell him at the start of the honeymoon that her greatest challenge would be not being able to do what she wanted when she wanted because she was very used to being single. So it's not like she didn't tell him right away that that would be a challenge for her.  He could have understood that her not including him on the couples gathering might have been more about her than it was about him.  But Jake is insecure and always making everything about him.  Everything she does he chalks up to her rejection, when in fact it might have nothing to do with him and is just an issue of her having to get used to being in a relationship.  Since they were only a few days in at that point I would give her the benefit of the doubt and not just assume it was all about deliberate rejection and even worse, deception. 

I think Jake was projecting his own interpretation of her behavior onto her.  He may have felt inadequate about the sex because of his own insecurity and over-assumed and anticipated that her less than affectionate behavior afterward plus not calling him to be with the others was evidence that she was rejecting him and even worse, pursuing a boyfriend he fantasized when it may have been that she is generally not that expressive or part of her general problem about not being able give up doing what she wanted when she wanted.  I also think at that point she may have been confused about how she felt about him and wanted to ride out her confusion before saying anything about it, but he kept zeroing in and calling her on every thing he could interpret negatively before she could do that, only further driving her away and forcing her to say that she just wasn't feeling something.  Well, maybe she wasn't at that point but that didn't mean it would never happen.  She just needed more time to get there and he forced her into saying something that sounded to him very negative.  I think if he would have left it alone she may have started coming around - she seemed to be progressing nicely up to that point so I have no reason to think she wouldn't have continued to go in that direction.

I also think that after the sex Jake thought that meant the relationship should proceed to a new level of closeness, but she wasn't ready for that.  He again interpreted that as a rejection when she has been very clear and very consistent about saying she just needed more time because this was all very new to her.  I don't think she pulled away at all.  I think he interpreted her not being more affectionate after sex as pulling away when it was about the same level as before the sex.  And his constant nailing her about her every move was only sabotaging any chance that she might in time become more affectionate toward him.  She even said she needed time to process everything but he didn't want to be that patient, and his lack of patience only further drove her away.

Edited by Yeah No
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On 3/11/2021 at 10:12 AM, gonecrackers said:

Jake would've been happier about the shirts if they were from a woman who really liked & cared about him. Haley wants to make him more acceptable for her. She wasn't putting anything over on him as his expression said it all. He knew & I felt sad for him, because she's already told him she's not attracted, now she's trying to change him to fix that, which won't work. I think Jake wants to be set free but Haley is trying to 'play the show' out.

 I didn't look at it that way. I think she wants to bring him out of the eighties, And I think it's a good idea.  I can't believe she ever slept with him. I think these people get intimate too soon.  They do it before they know the person, and the even do it before they like the person. Page would feel less angry about Chris, if she hadn't slept with him so often and so soon. The marriages may be legal but they're not sensible.

Edited by antfitz
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6 hours ago, qtpye said:


I kind of wonder about Eric's ex-wife. My guess is that straight laced Eric has always gone for flaky flighty girls and that is probably one of the reasons he is divorced. 

It is befuddling.  Eric is in his early thirties, makes a good salary (probably the most any groom has made on his show), and is looking to really settle down. He would have no problem getting women that are smarter, classier, and probably even younger than Virginia, even with his divorce. 

However, if he really is over the moon with his sloppy drunk of a wife...then more power to him.


 I like Haley. I don't think she lied. She may not have called him down with the group after the guys showed up, but I think she needed space. Once he called her a liar, that would be it for me! There's no going back from that.

On 3/10/2021 at 8:50 PM, JustDuckie said:

So Clara is a flight attendant who binges on cookie dough and donuts?


Who cares but him.  I was always thin, but I would hate to be married to a Health nut. 

11 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

I wear Hello Kitty shirts to bed and around the house so I'm also guilty! 🙂

 You 2 may have those shirts,  but that is not ALL you wear.

Edited by antfitz
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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I agree.  Also he seemed very concerned with how she was feeling about him right from the start, saying "I'm just trying to get a read on how you're feeling about me" on day 3 of the marriage.  I get it that she has a poker face, but that would put a lot of pressure on a woman, and that usually doesn't go well.  Plus she did tell him at the start of the honeymoon that her greatest challenge would be not being able to do what she wanted when she wanted because she was very used to being single. So it's not like she didn't tell him right away that that would be a challenge for her.  He could have understood that her not including him on the couples gathering might have been more about her than it was about him.  But Jake is insecure and always making everything about him.  Everything she does he chalks up to her rejection, when in fact it might have nothing to do with him and is just an issue of her having to get used to being in a relationship.  Since they were only a few days in at that point I would give her the benefit of the doubt and not just assume it was all about deliberate rejection and even worse, deception. 

I think Jake was projecting his own interpretation of her behavior onto her.  He may have felt inadequate about the sex because of his own insecurity and over-assumed and anticipated that her less than affectionate behavior afterward plus not calling him to be with the others was evidence that she was rejecting him and even worse, pursuing a boyfriend he fantasized when it may have been that she is generally not that expressive or part of her general problem about not being able give up doing what she wanted when she wanted.  I also think at that point she may have been confused about how she felt about him and wanted to ride out her confusion before saying anything about it, but he kept zeroing in and calling her on every thing he could interpret negatively before she could do that, only further driving her away and forcing her to say that she just wasn't feeling something.  Well, maybe she wasn't at that point but that didn't mean it would never happen.  She just needed more time to get there and he forced her into saying something that sounded to him very negative.  I think if he would have left it alone she may have started coming around - she seemed to be progressing nicely up to that point so I have no reason to think she wouldn't have continued to go in that direction.

I also think that after the sex Jake thought that meant the relationship should proceed to a new level of closeness, but she wasn't ready for that.  He again interpreted that as a rejection when she has been very clear and very consistent about saying she just needed more time because this was all very new to her.  I don't think she pulled away at all.  I think he interpreted her not being more affectionate after sex as pulling away when it was about the same level as before the sex.  And his constant nailing her about her every move was only sabotaging any chance that she might in time become more affectionate toward him.  She even said she needed time to process everything but he didn't want to be that patient, and his lack of patience only further drove her away.

 I agree with you and ADEEJAY.  I  I can't believe you came to bed naked. I would have moved and slept on the couch or in another Room or something. It was too much too soon. I think that also may have pressured her into having sex with him and now she resents that.  I think he's creepy, and I can see why is almost 40 and had no serious relationships.

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6 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Apples and oranges.  Hayley actually slept with Jake.  Jon wasn't even allowed to touch Molly.  

At first, I was on Team Jake, because Haley seemed standoffish.  However, I started seeing why she wasn’t warming up to him.  On their first night together, it was very presumptuous of him to go to bed half naked.  He seems to feel entitled to her affection, creates narratives in his head and declares them as truth whenever things don't go his way. He also projects his trauma onto others. He had the audacity to call her out for being single for seven years, when he is pushing 40 and has never been in a committed relationship.

Oh  I don't think Haley is like Molly at all. Molly was mean. I think Haley is just not attracted to that guy. These couples should call it quits Sooner, when they are not attracted or when there's something seriously wrong with the match.

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On 3/10/2021 at 8:16 PM, Silver Bells said:

Haily has a forced smile on her face the whole time.  She should go get an apartment by herself.  Stop giving Jake false hopes.  What’s so funny about his work out room?  Most men would like to have one.  She is so condescending.  Everything he does and has is wrong in her mind.   She’s even dressing him now.

 I don't agree. I like Haley and can't stand creepy Jake.

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On 3/10/2021 at 6:25 PM, Gator Stud said:

After last week I have revised my opinions (I’m on the West Coast)

1)      Eric is kinda controlling.  Texting every hour is unnecessary.  In Eric’s defense, I would want my gf to text me all the time if she regularly passes out. VA drinks too much.  I don’t think it is editing.  She looks rough with all those hangovers.  If she stopped drinking for a while she would look 5 years younger. After being called out as an alcoholic by Chris, I cant believe she is still raging it out on alcohol.

2)      All of the friends are completely on fire. They are good people.  The preachers said the right thing, almost.  They were fine when they dragged Chris.  But they were wrong to tell him to make it work after he again told them he thought Paige was ugly. They said Paige was a diamond.  That was going a bit too far. I think the baby momma was going to stick with Chris until she learned that he went bareback on Paige. Paige was wise to mention it. I do think his ex is better looking and its not related to her shade. Chris thought he was going to watch a catfight, but the cats tore him apart. I loved it. This is what Jesus truly wanted.

3)      Vincent and Brianna are going to make it.  Vincent has to get it together and stop being insecure. Brianna has to be sensitive about joking at Vincent’s expense.

4)      80’s guy seems ok.  I agree he and Hailey’s friend should hook up. Hailey should at least try to get through this with dignity and be nice to 80’s guy.

5)      Clara and Ryan.  Ryan, can you please bone this lady?  She really wants you and is starting to feel insecure and desperate.  Clara, you should stop begging for it and act like you no longer want it. I don’t understand why Ryan is making this so difficult since he said he is attracted to her. He seems wound really tight. I wonder if the comments Clara’s friends made to Ryan about how he better have a huge penis has impacted things and have gotten inside his head.

 Is Ryan a Virgin?

On 3/10/2021 at 6:45 PM, Silver Bells said:

On Unfiltered.  Jamie asking good questions.  Haley still blaming the 80’s.  That’s bullshit.  It’s more than that.  If she wants to go that same ole route, he should say she drinks too much and rather be out with her girlfriends than a man.  I would have more respect for her if she just tells the truth.  She just doesn’t like him, period, and he knows it.


 I would rather go out with my girlfriends than him. I find him repulsive. I would rather go out with my girlfriends than him. I find him repulsive

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On 3/10/2021 at 6:52 PM, gonecrackers said:

Well, I feel for Haley with the ex getting someone else pregnant, causing her commitment issues. But it doesn't sound like she worked it out before signing up for this.

 I think she just doesn't feel like Jake is a good match.

On 3/10/2021 at 6:52 PM, gonecrackers said:

Well, I feel for Haley with the ex getting someone else pregnant, causing her commitment issues. But it doesn't sound like she worked it out before signing up for this.

 I think she just doesn't feel like Jake is a good match.

I think the producers or the psychologists need to do more background checks and things like that. I also think they need to talk to their exes. Had they spoken to Chris is X com that they would have found out that they had not been broken up for that long, and that they were still sleeping together.  Over the seasons a few people have been on here not to get married.  They were on to raise their profiles or like that 1 basketball guy to get a place to live.  You might also find out what cheaters they are and that they are not ready to settle down, again like th he ugly basketball player.

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19 minutes ago, antfitz said:

 I think she just doesn't feel like Jake is a good match.


I have to agree, and for whatever reason we may never know why.  It could very well be a physical attraction issue or speaking only for myself (and just my opinion), when I was not married if was set up with someone whose political / social views were opposite or significantly different  to mine, it would be a no go.   It doesn't make one wrong and one right, it just may be too much of a divide in their world view.

  • Love 6

Clarabelle's "been around the block" is an understatement by her own account.

 Clara been around enough to have whole city blocks named after her...Clara Avenue, crosses Clara Promenade, intersecting Clara Boulevard with Clara Drive...not  judging and NOT slut shaming, she self confesses to "having needs" (not being met 3 weeks into their marriage by her huzzy....) but that is another story to tell over daiquiris with the brides

Edited by humbleopinion
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ring ring

Clara: Hello. Oh.... Hi Richard. What?

You want to date my friend Louisa?

You just dropped me off...I can still see the tail lights of your car down the block.

Yes, I agree that I didn't feel any magic when we had that "moment" in your car, with my head in your lap in the parking structure.

Thank you for saying that it was "you" and not me...

You want to offer me one hundred dollars to date Louisa?

Well...I'm not her pimp, you know.

No, I don't want a $100 gift card from Outback as a early birthday gift.

Well, if you must...here's my Venmo account you can drop $100 so I can get my dress dry cleaned and my hair washed and blown out...

Okay, I got notification of your deposit.

Louisa is a lovely woman...hope you two hit it off...




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34 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Clarabelle's "been around the block" is an understatement by her own account.

 Clara been around enough to have whole city blocks named after her...Clara Avenue, crosses Clara Promenade, intersecting Clara Boulevard with Clara Drive...not  judging and NOT slut shaming, she self confesses to "having needs" not being met 3 weeks into their marriage by her huzzy....

Three weeks?  That’s a vacation.  He’s worried he won’t measure up.  Poor guy.  This show is just laughable.  Here we all are arguing, and they are all laughing on the way to the bank.  We are the fools.  I think they all will get divorced either now or later.

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6 hours ago, antfitz said:

 I didn't look at it that way. I think she wants to bring him out of the eighties, And I think it's a good idea. 

It's not necessarily a bad thing, IF they were a real couple who had love (or even like) between them. But since she's really just trying to find him attractive by dressing him differently, it was not a good move. She can change his clothes but he'll still be Jake. He was good about it, though.

6 hours ago, antfitz said:

I can't believe she ever slept with him.

She admitted she was drunk & thought "why not? I'm married to the guy."  I have no comment on that; just repeating what she said.

6 hours ago, antfitz said:

I think these people get intimate too soon.  They do it before they know the person, and the even do it before they like the person.

Totally agree. But every season the ones who want to wait are usually criticized for holding out to get to know their spouse first, which is also what I think they should do.

Ryan may be a different story though, if it's been a one-way street with them.

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10 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Three weeks?  That’s a vacation.  

Having integrity, Clara most likely stopped swiping her phone screen when she got cast, so 5 to 6 weeks in the sex desert.

Ry Ry is such a tease with spooning her at night...walking around from his workout all sweaty and breathless with his nice booty...but most grievously, not going to Petula Clark's Downtown in payback when she tunnels the bed sheets for him every night....


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None of these girls use protection on these shows.  Then, they all act surprised when Aunt Flo doesn’t arrive.  Dumbasses.

You don't know that. I haven't watched all the seasons but I can only remember this discussion twice - Paige and Kristine from Philadelphia. Plus the producers ensure that they have condoms and birth control is not solely the responsibilities of the women.

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21 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

They don't need to "end it" early. Just agree that they will be friends. They can stay in the apartment (separate bedrooms), go to activities together, do their camera obligations and just take the pressure off.

Right.  So why don’t they just do that?  It’s the sensible thing to do.

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44 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

You don't know that. I haven't watched all the seasons but I can only remember this discussion twice - Paige and Kristine from Philadelphia. Plus the producers ensure that they have condoms and birth control is not solely the responsibilities of the women.

Pastor Cal asked Woody and Amani, too. Who production shows Pastor Call asking is a whole thing. Maybe production just shows the conversation when the couple chooses not to use the MAFS provided condoms.  That said, plenty of the women (and men) on this show seem fairly responsible. Charlotte Keith brought condoms with him even though he and Iris didn't end up consummating the marriage. On Couple's Cam, Deonna mentioned being on the pill for more than a decade before she and Greg starting trying for Baby O. 

19 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'd still take that over Get A Job (Jake's).

Just to clarify, his shirt did not say "Get A Job". It said "No One Cares......Try Harder".....which is a concept I try to instill in my kids a lot. Why didn't you clean your room like I asked? You're tired? Too bad. What is going on with your grade in this class? You don't like the teacher? Good luck with that in life, there will always be people you don't like - buckle down and get it done anyway since the only person you're hurting is yourself. This is the manner I took his shirt.

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8 hours ago, antfitz said:

 I didn't look at it that way. I think she wants to bring him out of the eighties, And I think it's a good idea.  I can't believe she ever slept with him. I think these people get intimate too soon.  They do it before they know the person, and the even do it before they like the person. Page would feel less angry about Chris, if she hadn't slept with him so often and so soon. The marriages may be legal but they're not sensible.

Hahahaha .. 2 or 3 weeks in and already there’s trouble.  If they survive 2 or 3 years, then they will see what trouble means.  You don’t know what or how a person is until you live with them.  Could be great or bad or tolerable.  At the rate they are going, it doesn’t look good.  Marriage is hard when there’s love.  I can’t imagine them. 

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13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I think he interpreted her not being more affectionate after sex as pulling away when it was about the same level as before the sex.  And his constant nailing her about her every move was only sabotaging any chance that she might in time become more affectionate toward him.  She even said she needed time to process everything but he didn't want to be that patient, and his lack of patience only further drove her away.

Isn't everything you're describing (accurate as far as I'm concerned) regarding the issues that are challenging Jake an Haley things that  THE EXPERTS are supposed to hash out and guide the couples to resolve????

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57 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

Just to clarify, his shirt did not say "Get A Job". It said "No One Cares......Try Harder".....which is a concept I try to instill in my kids a lot. Why didn't you clean your room like I asked? You're tired? Too bad. What is going on with your grade in this class? You don't like the teacher? Good luck with that in life, there will always be people you don't like - buckle down and get it done anyway since the only person you're hurting is yourself. This is the manner I took his shirt.

I saw him wearing another t-shirt that said "Get a Job."  Also, I'd already posted that the "No One Cares....Try Harder" shirt was worn by Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens, and it's apparently a popular shirt among athletes/fitness types.  So my only comment about Jake wearing it was that it could be misinterpreted by people who don't know the story behind it (unless you google it out of curiosity like I did).    

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2 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I saw him wearing another t-shirt that said "Get a Job."  Also, I'd already posted that the "No One Cares....Try Harder" shirt was worn by Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens, and it's apparently a popular shirt among athletes/fitness types.  So my only comment about Jake wearing it was that it could be misinterpreted by people who don't know the story behind it (unless you google it out of curiosity like I did).    

Sorry - I never saw that one. I guess I only noticed the one that resonated with me. 😜

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

You don't know that. I haven't watched all the seasons but I can only remember this discussion twice - Paige and Kristine from Philadelphia. Plus the producers ensure that they have condoms and birth control is not solely the responsibilities of the women.

Amani and Woodrow also had sex without condoms.

Sad I know this.


1 hour ago, Shauna said:

I feel like Ryan is turned off by Clara and is just going along with the marriage until decision day.     I get annoyed with his "sure" replies. 

Ry's "sure, sure" replies makes me want to smack his sidepart....

Edited by humbleopinion
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32 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I saw him wearing another t-shirt that said "Get a Job."  Also, I'd already posted that the "No One Cares....Try Harder" shirt was worn by Lamar Jackson of the Baltimore Ravens, and it's apparently a popular shirt among athletes/fitness types.  So my only comment about Jake wearing it was that it could be misinterpreted by people who don't know the story behind it (unless you google it out of curiosity like I did).    

I had no idea that the Raven's Lamar Jackson wore that shirt, I am not aware of much football related things.  Thanks for the info.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

They need to give Virginia one, too.  She dragged in from work in a hoodie and a mini skirt.

Do we know what Virginia does for a job? I am honestly not going to fault anyone for their work attire during the pandemic - last year everyone in my office quit wearing heels and dress pants and is now wearing mostly jeans and sneakers, myself included.

The outfit that made me do a double take was the athletic leggings and sports bra with a blazer over it that she wore to the driving range. What kind of outfit was that????

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36 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

The outfit that made me do a double take was the athletic leggings and sports bra with a blazer over it that she wore to the driving range. What kind of outfit was that????

That is a "past the time to do laundry outfit" when she has no clean bras or panties...everything is festering and fetid in the laundry hamper....

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1 hour ago, Ilovepie said:

Do we know what Virginia does for a job? I am honestly not going to fault anyone for their work attire during the pandemic - last year everyone in my office quit wearing heels and dress pants and is now wearing mostly jeans and sneakers, myself included.

The outfit that made me do a double take was the athletic leggings and sports bra with a blazer over it that she wore to the driving range. What kind of outfit was that????

Yes, I know the workplace is understandably more casual now, but Virginia looked dumpy.  I can see not wearing heels and dresses, but there are many ways to dress casually yet look nice for the office.  Virginia didn't look like that.   I think she's some sort of customer service rep.

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10 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Yes, I know the workplace is understandably more casual now, but Virginia looked dumpy.  I can see not wearing heels and dresses, but there are many ways to dress casually yet look nice for the office.  Virginia didn't look like that.   I think she's some sort of customer service rep.

Maybe she “freshened up” Before going to erik’s place. He did say he left her a note back at their shared apartment 

1 minute ago, JAndy said:

Maybe she “freshened up” Before going to erik’s place. He did say he left her a note back at their shared apartment 

She walked into the place looking like that when she met Erik.  I don't know where they were.   Based on what I've seen of her so far, I wouldn't associate her with the term "freshened up." 🤣

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14 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

She walked into the place looking like that when she met Erik.  I don't know where they were.   Based on what I've seen of her so far, I wouldn't associate her with the term "freshened up." 🤣

I don’t know why I thought you were talking about the end scene with them having dinner at his place 😂 

I am not going to fault her for wearing leggings at the driving range though (is that what you meant?) I’ve been living in my leggings since last March 😂

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