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13 hours ago, magemaud said:

This article is a few months old but I thought it was interesting. It claims the richest participant on the franchise is worth 2.5 million. By today’s standards of wealth, I don’t find that very impressive 



They don't bother to detail how they are coming up with the "estimated net worth" because they are pulling numbers from their asses. Larissa's worth $500k because of her endorsements and Colt's worth $600k between the show and his job? Bull. Kenneth had sold his home so he could have had money, but we don't know his mortgage amount or anything. I stopped reading at that point.

Michael and David likely have the most money from all the cast, but I don't think Michael has anywhere near the amount he tries to portray and David's money appears to be invested in real estate and stocks. 

There was something floating around months ago that said Kalani and Asuelu made $100k from the show and were worth $1 million. Kalani had to address it as untrue because members of Asuelu's family were believing it was real. 

My estimated net worth is $10 and no, you cannot have a loan.😁

  • LOL 3


EXCLUSIVE: TLC is expanding its hit 90 Day Fiancé franchise with two new original digital series in partnership with Facebook Watch.

Ask Mama Chantel, starring The Family Chantel‘s Karen Everett, will premiere Thursday, October 22 with new episodes dropping each week, and Spice It Up with David & Annie, featuring 90 Day Fiancé and Pillow Talk favorites David Toborowsky and Annie Suwan, will premiere weekly beginning Wednesday, October 28, on Facebook Watch. You can see sneak peek clips of both below.


I will watch David and Annie, can't stand anyone from the Family Chantel.

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On 10/9/2020 at 5:18 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

Has it been established if Angela is having gastric bypass or the lap band?  I just do not see her as a rule follower,

Exactly.  If she's televised before-during-during-during-after her procedure she'll be doing nothing but bitching/moaning/cursing the doctor, etc.  She has already declared that she's "always been beautiful."  She's probably expecting to have offers for movies or her own drama series.  I'll skip it all, thank you.

On 10/9/2020 at 5:18 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

I know someone who had lap band and she lost a lot of weight but after it was removed she gained it all back, seems like a lot of trouble if you are not going to stick to it.

I don't think it's normal to have the lap band removed unless there are problems (or the patient is breaking all the rules)...but things change.  Why did it happen?

On 10/20/2020 at 4:36 PM, Christina said:

Frauded has become all about herself. She is an attorney with the U.S. Attorney General's Office who would not post things she couldn't confirm, which helped make her site trustworthy. On top of that, she refused to post the revenge porn, fake text messages, unconfirmable rumors, disputes between cast, etc., which also make her trustworthy. She originally was partnered with a woman who was arrested for embezzlement from her father's business, and Katrina cut ties from her, refused to shit talk her or say why they separated, and when other people found out, thought her behavior regarding it was honorable. 

She got attention very quickly and it went to her head. She created a Patreon and got a lot of subscribers, started a podcast and got a lot of subscribers. She had other people trying to join her, cast and viewers sending her spoilers because they respected her, received offers of payment to write articles for websites and interview requests regarding her multiple sclerosis and sobriety journey, and now seems to turn everything about herself somehow. She appears to have the same issue as the cast when it comes to getting a lot of attention for doing nothing and now will do anything to keep it.

I saw part of the Armando/Kenny/Katrina feud and as much as she bugs me lately, agree with her that the response to her opinion did not make Armando or Kenny look good. She is hardly the only person who felt the family was over the top; it was said about Kenny's goodbye to his kids, too. 

I really did enjoy Frauded's podcast as she had the best tea. I mean she broke the news on Karine's 2nd pregnancy, alot of other rumors and what was staged on 90 days and what was not.  I agree though now, I was slightly peeved that she's putting in her energy into her Patreon podcast and stopped the freebie. While i do respect the fact she wants to make money from this podcast thing the fact that the 90 day gays are still doing a freebie i respect that more.

Some of these bloggers and vloggers are getting out of hand. Yates is always stirring the pot and now he and Sharrel had an online feud.

I loved listening to these podcasts for fun as they poke fun at the show and spilled the tea. Now they are just getting out of hand.

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On 10/9/2020 at 6:23 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

My friend's husband that had the gastric bypass belonged to a support group of other patients.    They would meet in each other's houses, and it was always a potluck.      My friend said when they met at her house, and she was warming up dishes, and setting up the buffet (I almost typed buttfet-how appropriate), except for my friend's dish (she was a rule follower), she said the other dishes broke every rule that gastric bypass patients are supposed to follow.   The rule was protein first, low carb, no sweets or snack foods.     

She said it looked like every church potluck she ever went to, including the dessert table.    Since they met in the living room, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation.    All but her husband were gaining back a lot, or had stopped losing not too long after surgery.     My friend's husband was the only one following the rules, and getting to his goal weight, while the others were gaining weight very quickly.     

This makes me so sad.  You are very right about the protein first, low carb, no sweets or snacks.  I do engage in sweets now and then but not half a sheet cake, lol.  I got very used to ordering off a children's menu as the portions are smaller but that doesn't always work as I am not a fan of chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese or a fatty pizza, lol.  

I went to a support group twice and I found them to be, and this struck me as odd, as very catty about each other.  You would think this would be a place of support but they were really gossipy with each other!  That, and I couldn't take the constant sobbing about what they gave up.   You go through psych evals, therapy, many doctor appointment, how was this a surprise?

On 10/10/2020 at 12:21 PM, Christina said:

My estimated net worth is $10 and no, you cannot have a loan.😁

Mine is less than that, thanks to grad school loans, ha ha ha!!!

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20 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Mine is less than that, thanks to grad school loans, ha ha ha!!!

I found seven cents in the couch so I'm doing better than I originally believed. still no loans to anyone, though.

There are new 90DF Pumpkins That links to the Instagram account where you can see everything, and here is a sample.

There are two slides to this one, but since I cannot decide what to add and what to cut, I'm going to post them under a spoiler tab to save room on the page. ALL of them are awesome!

That's acting like it doesn't want to embed and I don't know if it will show up or not. The person who carves/draws the pumpkins has said that last year's are better because she currently has swelling in her hands and fingers from being pregnant and due this month. They are all still awesome. I am easily impressed because I have no artistic talent, but these pumpkins are great.


I could have skipped this one - 



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I've had a hell of a month. On the 7th, I was in an online poker tournament and started feeling unwell. I asked my son to make me some toast because I felt lightheaded, and he said I sounded drunk. He ended up waking my mom up and she took me to the ER. I was having a horrible reaction to a medicine, which in turn, decided to set off my already messed up autoimmune system. I've been home a few days but I'm still mentally and physically exhausted, everything sounds like it's underwater, and my vision is blurry, but I just figured out something my sister told me and wanted to share before I forget.

I introduced this show to my cousin, and she has joined many social media accounts and keeps me updated on things. She called me in the hospital but I have no memory of that call. I'm guessing she mentioned this show because of what happened with my sister. My sister called and expected our Mom to answer; I don't remember this call, either. I must have thought I was still talking to Pam, because I told her that I hoped Janet had to sleep on the sidewalk since she gave up her car. She couldn't figure out why I wanted a kind woman in her seventies to be homeless and told me I wasn't making any sense. 

Janet happens to be the first name of Fernanda and Jenny, and we know Jenny gave up her car to go act out her Forbidden Love Harlequin Romance in India, so I'm guessing I was referring to her. In reply to her comment that I wasn't making any sense, I accused someone whose name she didn't know and doesn't remember of performing a hoodoo ritual to make me stop shit talking them and I was going to "get a chainsaw to cut down the tree with an ax." That makes perfect sense if Chainsaw is the name of the person I'm hiring to cut down the tree with an ax, because I'm way to lazy to even chop down the branch holding the cow tongue, and would almost certainly chop off my own leg in my current weak and drunk-like state.

Based on the Janet comment and my sister not recognizing the name, I'm guessing it was Larissa or Deavan. It may also have been Teen Moms Amber or Jenelle, all of who I talk shit about on a regular basis. Fortunately, like with the legal defense for defamation, truth is a defense in hoodoo. So, they can all 



Or stop doing things for me to shit talk. I don't actually believe I was cursed by anything or anyone other than Sharp Entertainment entertaining me with Danielle and Mohamed, which resulted in my watching so many of the shows. I bailed on LaL almost immediately because I hated them all, fortunately for me, and have bailed on HEA last season, PT, TFC, and SB. so the curse is being weakened with each new series.

I have a few episodes to watch and about fifty pages of comments to read. I'm tempted to just decide they are all insufferable and mark everything read, but the comments are the best part of the show, so I guess I'll give my eyes a break and try and catch up before the next season starts.

Also, I won't preach about it again, by applause and standing ovation to all the blood donors. I'm lucky that my mom and son can both make direct donations to me, because the need always outweighs the supply. Since we are all O-Neg, everyone can accept our type, which makes the supply lower.

Also, also, and a slight preach, everyone needs to google their State and Advance Directives. There are forms you can and should fill out including a Medical Power of Attorney. Everyone should have a will, also, but these forms are standard and do not take anything special to complete. I had to update mine during this visit because it was five years old, and they wanted to make sure I didn't want to change anything. I've made sure to have one current since I learned that my son was the one who would be asked to sign the permission to remove me from life support after he turned fourteen. I don't want that for him ever, and as long as Mom is alive, she'll remain my MPOA. Even if you are married, you should make sure to have one that lists a person in addition to your spouse, in case you are in a car accident together or your spouse is otherwise incapacitation, too. It's especially important for those who are estranged from their families and do not want their parents or siblings to be called should the need arise. /End preach.

EDIT: After hitting submit, a screen popped up saying I had a direct message; I've never seen that before. Clicked the button to read more, it took my to my DMs, where there were seven going back a few months, which I didn't know existed and was therefore ignoring. Then, I managed to delete them all without reading somehow. I could blame my misfiring brain or blurry vision for clicking the wrong thing, but we all know it is Jihoon's fault.

Edited by Christina
Added paragraph.
  • Love 1

My cynical view is that the TOW couples, just like the others who keep posting constantly from other shows, are trying for another season of TLC money.  Amazing how this time of year, there are proposals, break ups, and all kinds of other events that get into the headlines.   Or like Brittany, to get more followers for her various accounts, and businesses. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

Adam, the Arabic/English translator used in the Brittany/Yazan story, posted on Reddit a few days ago and answered some questions. That lead to someone asking about his cat, which lead to him mentioning his cat shelter, and people finding the FB account and sending donations. He posted a thank you on Reddit.

Direct link

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Not sure where to post about the three spinoffs coming, well some sites are saying three but after some digging I found four:

  • The 90 Day Fiancé offshoot 90 Day Journey is a collection of stories for superfans. Each curated miniseries is made up of every single scene a beloved couple has appeared in across each show in the 90 Day universe.
  • 90 Day Bares All: Get ready for your favorite 90 Day couples to bare it all – the lies, the secrets and everything we couldn’t show on TV. Hosted by Shaun Robinson, this companion series to 90 Day Fiancé will put cast members in the hot seat where they reveal pivotal new information and speak completely uncensored. Exclusive content, must-see footage and all the stories behind 90 Day Fiancé.
  • 90 Day Diaries: An intimate look into the lives of our couples, told from their perspective. Without producers or crew, the cast members film themselves in their day-to-day lives as they continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the new challenges it brings to their relationships.

Tarik Myers and Hazel Cagalitan will be on 90 Day Journey. Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi, as well as Elizabeth Potthast and Andrei Castravet, will also take part in the show. Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester will be part of 90 Day Fiance Diaries. Paola Mayfield and Russ Mayfield, on the other hand, are part of promotional materials for Discovery+. It remains unclear which spinoff they will join.


Edited by Leilani

I'm glad people are donating to his cat shelter. We run a kitten rescue center and the pandemic has been very hard. We go through over 400lbs of cat food every 10 days. Between that, the massive amounts of litter and cleaning supplies, and vet visits it's crazy expensive. Our county shelter has a high kill rate, though, so it's important to try to find them homes. 

  • Love 2

My guess is Dis. + will start off with a lot of unique stuff (Tell Nothings, Pillow Talk, added special programming) to get subscribers, and if it does will very shortly they'll run out of extra content.   I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't eventually start running on the regular networks, and then use that to advertise the new stuff on the streaming channel.     

Is anyone other than yours truly finding the “Hilaria” Baldwin story hilarious? I live in the Boston area and had heard about her Latina scam years ago. From now on, any mention of her in the gossip columns will include a sentence about how she made up her heritage and is a WHITE, UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS Latina poseur. Her verbally abusive husband Alec might have to go beat someone up just to get this story out of the headlines. Come on, SNL. Do a skit about it. The comedy writes itself.

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
  • LOL 2

There's a lot of comments on the Ilaria (apparently the H is silent) situation on Other TV Talk, Everything Else TV, and then Who, What, When, WHere?!: Miscellaneous Celebrity News.    The part on the last page with information is hysterical.   

What a phony, and at her wedding she claimed her Boston Brahmin family couldn't pronounce Baldwin, and she didn't know what a Cucumber was on a cooking segment on something. 

There's some really hysterical articles linked on that thread.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 2/3/2021 at 8:05 AM, AZChristian said:

Me on our 55th wedding anniversary in 2019.  Icy Strait Point, Alaska . . . going 65 MPH hanging from a cable.


I want to do this!!  Not on our 55th anniversary - got married at age 52, not interested in being 107, but that is a new goal for me.  Did you get married when you were 10 or what?  You look fab!!  And fearless!

These boards and threads have some VERY interesting and smart and accomplished people.   And by interesting I mean a good interesting, not Brandon's parents are "interesting."

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I want to do this!!  Not on our 55th anniversary - got married at age 52, not interested in being 107, but that is a new goal for me.  Did you get married when you were 10 or what?  You look fab!!  And fearless!

I laughingly tell people I got married when I was 6.  I am NOT fearLESS.  I won't do skydiving or anything that includes freefalling.  When you zipline in the USA, the safety regulations are excellent.  The one in the picture above involves NO effort on the part of the rider.  Sit down, hold your camera, and go.  No stops, nothing to do to land (it's all automatic).  And it is the BEST we've ever done.

Here's their website.  As soon as Covid goes away, we're going back.

On 2/4/2021 at 8:27 AM, AZChristian said:

I saw on my Facebook feed that Disco is offering a discount for Discovery+ . . . $29 for 6 months instead of $42.  Sounds to me like maybe it's not doing as well as they had hoped.  

Yes,, and they're advertising that you should buy it for someone else as a gift, for Valentine's Day.    

I just want to know who at the producer's or TLC comes up with the hysterically funny episode titles, on 90 Day, and 1,000 Sisters?    They are so appropriate, and a bit snarky.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 2

My county is now an island and we have no water. Nobody can get in or out other than by boat or helicopter. There are only 10,000 people in our county but all have been affected. We now have the National Guard and FEMA here. Houses completely submerged. With the river not cresting until 4am and it being days before we can get all the water cleared out we've lost most everything on our first floor. We took the kayak out earlier and rescued stray dogs and cats and delivered food to neighbors. We live on a mountain but we lived on the side and we're surrounded by 2 rivers. With the torrential rain the groundwater runoff seeped into our downstairs first, and then the rivers rose.

Polish_20210302_205252228.thumb.png.4feea76b0e5532aa9ef48cb1c354c03f.pngOur downtown


Well, we lost...a lot. Our whole bottom floor. Bedrooms, office, family room...Not just flood water but raw sewage in the house. It's overwhelming and I'm in no mood for toxic positivity. We're still alive but it sucks. 


My friend and neighbor wrote this last year. It's still applicable. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/eastern-kentucky-is-underwater-but-you-probably-didnt-notice/606973/

Edited by mamadrama
19 hours ago, AZChristian said:

So sorry, @mamadrama.  I cannot imagine what you are going through.

Thanks. It's bad. 

And it actually happened on my birthday. 

It was so scary on my little one that after we got to my mom's I lost her and her dog for awhile. When I found them they were like this in one of the bathrooms. She was so scared getting out that it literally made her sick. 


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