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Small Talk: 90 Words Per Minute

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I grew up in Mayberry. Literally. There was a man who was little, and he was the town oddity, yet at the same time everyone loved him. First time anyone would see him, they'd be a bit taken aback, but he had such a jolly personality. I don't know what happened to him, one day I noticed that I didn't see him sitting on the bench with the other old guys in front of the appliance store.

The past few months I've been working on my genealogy, and I've learned that I'm related to Robert E. Lee. Not a direct descendant, I just know we're both descended from the original Lee immigrant from England. He's some kind of cousin, very much removed.


Cool....your dad makes moonshine?? So did my family - I'm one of the "real" McCoys (NOT like on that reality show! LOL).

I am so excited for tonight! Almost more than I was yesterday for the UK-UL game yesterday!! It's bern a great weekend!!


Damn.  Mama Persnickety was a Dalton (as in the infamous Dalton Gang) on her dad's side (her maiden name before marrying Papa Persnickety was Dalton).


Papa Persnickety is a blood relation of the infamous James brothers and, just for bonus points, has a very suspiciously-familiar sounding Clyde Barrow as a distant uncle.


The family tree, when my uncle completed it, was quite an eye opener.  I halfway expected Ma Barker to pop up but she never did.  


Maybe we should all get together and relive the Wild Wild West days.


Whenever I got into trouble growing up, I informed my parents they were considerably lucky that, with my lineage, I wasn't out knocking over banks and armored cars.  


Add me to the group that thinks Mo's family probably paid Dani to take him in.  People in this country squirrel away money and bury it in jars in their backyard.  I don't think it's much of a stretch to think Mo's extended family (which presumably is pretty decent sized) could have been squirreling cash away and handed it over to Dani when she arrived.  It's not like one is strip-searched or has a cavity search.  Hell, I've smuggled cans of beverages into concerts by hiding them in my bra.  I'm nowhere near Dani's size but I'm certain I could have strategically placed $6K at various spots on my body and had them go undetected.  


I consider anything possible where Dani and Mo are concerned but I definitely tend to believe that she was paid for "services" and just pissed the cash away.


Probably on her doll collection.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Add me to the group that thinks Mo's family probably paid Dani to take him in.  People in this country squirrel away money and bury it in jars in their backyard.  I don't think it's much of a stretch to think Mo's extended family (which presumably is pretty decent sized) could have been squirreling cash away and handed it over to Dani when she arrived.  It's not like one is strip-searched or has a cavity search.  Hell, I've smuggled cans of beverages into concerts by hiding them in my bra.  I'm nowhere near Dani's size but I'm certain I could have strategically placed $6K at various spots on my body and had them go undetected.  


I consider anything possible where Dani and Mo are concerned but I definitely tend to believe that she was paid for "services" and just pissed the cash away.


Probably on her doll collection.  

I also feel there was some sort of agreement between the two of them. Danni is constantly being humiliated and subjugated to derogatory comments on Mo's face book page. Mo says nothing. There are few men in any culture/religion  that would continue to stay silent. I feel that she continues to defend him not because she believes what she says--- but she knows that Mo will be gone in time and she will still be in Ohio with friends /family. Essentially, she does not want to "lose face". I suspect her suffering victim role is one that she has repeated her entire life and it has probably served her well in the past.


We will probably never know what the agreement was unless someone really "rats" them out...... but there is not one action, reaction or word that either of them have said or done that will ever convince me that this marriage is nothing more than some sort of contractual relationship between them and love had nothing to do with it.

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They never said he was married.  In fact they talked extensively on how he rarely had girlfriends just dated a lot.  I think that was a rumor that was started here.

Actually, to my knowledge, it didn't start here at this site but did come up here.

As I posted somewhere in this thread or another one, this tale of Justin allegedly having been married twice before was a random comment on the 90-Day Fiance Facebook page. The poster never indicated how they knew this and there was no supporting link or anything to validate the claim.

I didn't give it any credence and was kind of surprised when another poster brought it to PTV.

I've surmised a lot of the posters on the 90-Day Fiance page aren't of particularly outstanding intellect. Hell, it even crossed my mind that the person who posted about Justin's alleged previous marriages was totally confusing him with some other participant on some other reality show on some other network.

So, that rumor didn't start at PTV, but it was carried back here in what was, in my opinion, a vaguely-worded post that created confusion.

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Yeah, only the people on this board know I watch Little Women... It's hard to explain to people why I do these things... Sometimes I don't want to talk about what's written in the Economist!!!!!  


Amen! I have an incredibly high-powered job with a public profile and I have to keep secret my addiction to RHONYC, RHOC, Millionaire Matchmaker, hoarder shows, The Taste, Top Chef and Project Runway - as well as any reality shows about dating (yes, I watched the one about the overweight women, streamed it online. It was awful.).


I'm not a complete Philistine - I go to the theatre, art exhibitions, this evening I saw a 3-hour movie about J M W Turner, the painter. But reality TV is my guilty secret. People at work would be shocked if they knew and none of my friends have any interest in reality TV.  The only reality show people at work watch is one about bailiffs turning up to repossess people's homes, cars and belongings - it's called Can't Pay - We'll Take It Away. I hate that show, it's actual real-life misery as opposed to the set-up reality shows I like to watch.

I am waiting for my 600lb life.


Considering what I ate over the holidays, you may well see me on that show next season ...

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Yeah, only the people on this board know I watch Little Women... It's hard to explain to people why I do these things... Sometimes I don't want to talk about what's written in the Economist!!!!!

Sistahs! I also have a professional position where I have to think twice about talking about my trashy tv addiction. I don't hide it completely but I might not admit to every show. I also like the symphony and artsy-fartsy foreign films (and The Economist!). But after a long day at work, I need to unwind with something totally non-intellectual.

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That's because no one wants to admit being associated with that show now, I would guess.

I'll be watching Celebrity Apprentice, never watch the Bachelor shows. Something just seems wrong to me about otherwise attractive people going on TV to find a mate in the manner of that show.

And even though I know it's fake and scripted, I watch the show about the Amish, the one with Levi as the leader. It's fascinating, to me. Until they bring in stuff like the girl who's boyfriend beat her.

Like many of you I keep my reality TV addiction fairly quite. I also am into Amish Mafia with Lebanon Levi. Use to be a frequent poster on Goslin's without pity, but so much has come out on Kate and the way that the children were filmed I am not sure that I can stomach watching them again even for snark's sake. 

Edited by LovetoSnark
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The only time I ever felt sorry for Sarah Palin was when Kate Gosselin and all the kids went up to the Palins' place in Alaska. Sarah had arranged all sorts of outdoorsy things for them to do, but the weather was bad and all Kate did was bitch and moan about it and refused to engage at all. Added to that, she and Palin instantly disliked each other - neither of them is used to playing second fiddle. It was good TV but I thought Kate was very ill-mannered and ungracious, she made no effort at all to participate in anything the Palins had arranged for them all to do.

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I also saw Jon Gosslin in the Salt Lake City airport, in the Delta Sky Club. Very low key, courteous, didn't mind talking to anyone who approached him. Seemed like a nice guy. When I saw him on that show with his new girlfriend, where they were in couples counseling (cannot remember the show name), he was once again being bullied by a woman. It seems he can't choose a nice woman to have a life with.

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Did you see Wife Swap when it was Bristol Palin and Melissa Rivers? The daughters are nice, but afraid to start their careers or meet new people because they feel attacked by even the most innocent conversation. Sara is just like Kate Gosselin IMO. Willing to sacrifice her kids' emotional well being to prove a point.

I saw the wife swap episode that you spoke about it and I agree. I actually felt more sorry for Bristol. I felt like Sara Palin could have shielded her children so much better than she did. I find it sad when a mother puts their own personal agenda ahead of their well being of their children. I can never imagine any situation or being so desperate for fame or money that I would have allowed the filming of my children when they were living at home. I think that above all has angered me the most at Danni. No one except her friends and family would know about Mo if she had not put it out there on national TV. The Gosselin children in my mind have not ever had a normal childhood due to their fame seeking mother.

I also saw Jon Gosslin in the Salt Lake City airport, in the Delta Sky Club. Very low key, courteous, didn't mind talking to anyone who approached him. Seemed like a nice guy. When I saw him on that show with his new girlfriend, where they were in couples counseling (cannot remember the show name), he was once again being bullied by a woman. It seems he can't choose a nice woman to have a life with.

Meh.  Jon is shiftless and lazy. He's drawn to strong women.  No sympathy from me.


Wanted to watch Celeb Apprentice but don't want to watch Brandi Glanville. 

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Faith was really the only bright spot in those segments but I would rather not have seen her at all, because she and her sisters have had to face public scrutiny over her mother's bad decisions. As well as being exposed  in an uncomfortable, possibly horrible way in their own community, they now also have the dubious fame-bestowed privilege of being picked apart by strangers on the internet. For similar reasons, I didn't care for some of the scenes with Cassidy where she was acting out, even though her eventual dynamic with Daya was endearing.


I find I can easily get suckered into reality shows that feature children, but I can get turned off even faster if I feel they are being exposed in a potentially damaging way.  The Gosselin's being a prime example.

Edited by yuggapukka
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I bet the girls are tired of hearing half-baked suggestions that they "get off their asses and get jobs". I know I'm tired of reading it.


They are minor children. Their job is to get properly educated and hopefully at the very least obtain some further education that will upgrade their prospects in life. Jobs ought to go towards savings to help them get a start in life, not contributing to the household expenses of a grown ass woman who collects over-priced dolls but can't pay her bills.

Edited by yuggapukka
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I bet the girls are tired of hearing half-baked suggestions that they get off their asses and get jobs. I know I'm tired of reading it. 

I am with you yuggapukka. These girls are all children. Their jobs should be right now going to school. If they were my children, I would not be letting them go on the internet right now and posting in reply to adults. Yes, I realize they could do it from their friends houses etc .... but, in my mind, Danielle it does not appear to me that she  is doing anything about it except reveling in the fact that her girls are being attacked while they are trying to protect her.


 Why she continues to allow them to have their face book pages up, allows them to defend her and Mo on her page, his fan page and twitter is another sign of her irresponsibility to me.


I wonder where these girls father is ,why he is allowing this to continue and why he allowed his children to be filmed. I just don't get it. Didn't John Gosselin ( creep that I consider him) and Aunt Jodi try at one time to prevent filming of Gosselin children.

Edited by LovetoSnark
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That's because no one wants to admit being associated with that show now, I would guess.

I'll be watching Celebrity Apprentice, never watch the Bachelor shows. Something just seems wrong to me about otherwise attractive people going on TV to find a mate in the manner of that show.

And even though I know it's fake and scripted, I watch the show about the Amish, the one with Levi as the leader. It's fascinating, to me. Until they bring in stuff like the girl who's boyfriend beat her.

I loved Amish Mafia! I watch a ton of crappy "reality" shows from the U.S. and the U.K. From Mob Wives to Vanderpump Rules to Geordie Shore. I love them all.

Add to that, these girls are all online with Facebook and Twitter accounts, talking to people about the show and their mother & Mo, having to fend off attacks... the entire family needs to get offline and stay off until everyone forgets who they are.


Cooksdelight, i daresay that eventually (probably within 6 months or less) most people will forget anyway, no matter what they post on social media.

Sistahs! I also have a professional position where I have to think twice about talking about my trashy tv addiction. I don't hide it completely but I might not admit to every show. I also like the symphony and artsy-fartsy foreign films (and The Economist!). But after a long day at work, I need to unwind with something totally non-intellectual.

I also enjoy a good balance between trashy and highbrow.

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Same on the hidden TV life. My law firm at one time had a cheesy marketing campaign featuring women attorneys in their extracuricular pursuits -- ya know like rock climbing or kickboxing or what have you -- and I thought "hmmm me slurping a Cosmo sprawled out with the dog watching RHOBH probably won't work." I had to evade.

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I've mentioned my enjoyment of trash TV once or twice at work, only to be met with blank stares or looks of pity. I spend my day in intellectual activity and need a break in the evening. Of course, if I couldn't snark with fellow fans here, watching wouldn't be so much fun.

It always amazes me how pretty much no one I associate with IRL except ONE person who reviews TV shows as her side gig are unaware of the existence of Sister Wives or 90DF.

Add to that, these girls are all online with Facebook and Twitter accounts, talking to people about the show and their mother & Mo, having to fend off attacks... the entire family needs to get offline and stay off until everyone forgets who they are.

Even if you don't want to get off social media, there are other options... Such as not making everything you post public, not posting your location, etc. The more they post, the more Dani and Mo look like attention seekers who are trying to leverage 15 minutes of fame into some other kind of money/exposure/whatever. And that's probably how they got on the show in the first place. Several of the other cast members who claimed they were unfairly portrayed also have very active and public social media presences. At some point it's no longer about defending your reputation. If these people don't like the way they're been talked about or portrayed, they should stop adding fuel to that fire.

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Even if you don't want to get off social media, there are other options... Such as not making everything you post public, not posting your location, etc. The more they post, the more Dani and Mo look like attention seekers who are trying to leverage 15 minutes of fame into some other kind of money/exposure/whatever. And that's probably how they got on the show in the first place. Several of the other cast members who claimed they were unfairly portrayed also have very active and public social media presences. At some point it's no longer about defending your reputation. If these people don't like the way they're been talked about or portrayed, they should stop adding fuel to that fire.


While I don't believe that putting yourself out there is open season for people to harass, stalk, and systematically demean, I do agree that there are ways to mitigate the effects by employing some of the tactics you mention.  Unfortunately you can't control the way people behave, but you can take measures to protect yourself and your family without feeding the flames.

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Over in media links, ToasterStrudel posted a story about a UK woman who got scammed by a Tunisian love rat.    So this woman accepts a friend request from someone she didn't even know -- and surprise he turned out to be a scammer.   Really?   Quelle Surprise!!!!!   Rule 1:   If you are not actual friends with someone, don't accept their friend request.   Think about it?   Why would a complete stranger send you a friend request?   No they are not all scammers.   But there are serious questions to be asked.   


At least Dani was the one trolling the sites looking for the hot young man.

She's beyond taking advice, she's very entrenched in proving every one wrong, that HER Mohamed is different.


She will be proven wrong, I'm not sure she can handle it.

 The fallout from these type of shows have included divorce in a majority of cases, violence, prison and suicide. The harm done to children, the list is endless.

             I am guilty in that I watch these shows, but the only way we can stop it is by refusing to watch. No ratings, no show.

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She's getting just enough encouragement from sympathisers, myself among them, to come out all right. She will always be Danielle, but may at least learn to stop falling for scams. She seems quite disgusted with him the past couple of days.


I don't think she will. She admitted in the interview, that was linked to here in a couple threads, that she was scammed before. 


Oh and hi all, new to posting but have been a lurker for a couple of weeks.

Edited by KarmaG
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I think Dani had the same dream as many teens do.  She wanted to be married to a handsome young man. She wanted a traditional wedding including a white wedding dress.
All of this to be followed by the white picket fence, etc.

Instead, she ended up living with a guy for about 20 years who clearly didn't want to marry her.  Maybe she had hopes with each pregnancy.

Then Dani saw this poster     http://momsinablog.com/taking-action-makes-dreams-come-true/

She finally got the husband and the wedding.  It wasn't quite what she had hoped for, but close enough if you squint really hard.

And I think that Dani is secretly thrilled that she has a husband other women are after

Oh a lot of it is manufactured by the family, without doubt. The fake page, set up by Dani, that openly states any negative comments will be removed. The language on that page that shows us that it definitely wasn't written by Mo, he does NOT refer to Dani's girls as "the kids". I am guessing that they think they'd be great in place of Honey Boo Boo. Had they both been better actors, perhaps but doubtful, but they aren't so no. I'd rather watch an American Pickers type show with Jason and Cassia (and Ron/the swiffer, of course!)

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What amazes me is the women who are in the same boat as her coming to defend him. You click on their FB pic and lo and behold it is yet another very obese middle aged woman with a boy toy from the middle east. Of course they are defending the faux relationship. My question to them is how long have they been in the lovefest? If less than 2 years it is laughable. They are going to get ditched most likely too.


I think I am more amazed by those defending their relationship on the fake joint page. I know some people are blind and even without any "behind the scenes" info it's extremely obvious they are not a couple that are in love yet those on the fake page are defending them as though they were/are. It's insane to me.

"Watch the new series premier after Sister Wives, the new show "Hitched With Swiffer.. tonight at 9!"

I probably would watch it. I find Jason more and more interesting . His snark is obvious in his hmmmm!  Cassia's spitfire attitude would definitely be an improvement over Meri ( sister wives) and Danni's whining and crying. And no one can say a word about swiffering !!!!! 

Edited by LovetoSnark

I did watch Big Women and it was truly execrable but I did laugh at the chick's reaction to the Ethiopan food (the initial reaction, pre-vomit).

I caught a few minutes of the show and saw that scene. I thought the woman's reaction to the food was someone who has never eaten anything past her ignorant comfort zone of chicken nuggets.

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