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S36.E08: A Muddy Matter

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Surprise motherfucker! CT fucked the last round up totally by letting Kyle get under him.

Theresa was absolutely the gazelle who thinks she’s running to safety, and actually jumps directly into the lioness’s maw.

I knew LeRoy was going to try to kiss Kyle after kissing Kam, and it made me laugh anyways.

Josh getting what he wants is always a bad time.

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What a disappointing end to an otherwise very compelling episode. 

Shut. Up. Josh. Forever. Ugh. 

I’m concerned for Darrell and CT. I want them both in the final and I just can’t see it happening. People will clearly go after Devin and Josh for the skulls. But to be able to do that you have to get power. 

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20 minutes ago, angelamh66 said:

What a disappointing end to an otherwise very compelling episode. 

Shut. Up. Josh. Forever. Ugh. 

I’m concerned for Darrell and CT. I want them both in the final and I just can’t see it happening. People will clearly go after Devin and Josh for the skulls. But to be able to do that you have to get power. 

At this point, it gets tricky... because the guys with skulls don’t wanna go in. All the skulls for guys have been allocated. Since the guys with skulls don’t wanna go in, how exactly would they keep the rest of them out?

Instead of keeping them out, you conspire with the ones you think would win, like Darrell or CT, and get them to steal someone else’s skull.

Edited by AntFTW
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I had a rough day. Took me too long to get my car off the snow, couldn't find some stuff, lost something I needed, and the guy from Grub Hub fucked up the order from Shake Shack. Basically, Josh winning a Golden Skull wasn't the worst thing that could have happened, but I'm not happy.

Actually, the entire episode was messed up. All Brawl had a great premise: find a doodad in the mud, try to get it out of the pit before you get tackled. Great. The best part was Nam winning with only Fessy touching him, and CT winning clean. Those two pole wrestle, as does Kam and . . . I can't remember, I don't care. Kam and CT win, so  . . . they have to pole wrestle each other's partners until one team gets two wins.

I'm not a CT stan. I can see the luster flaking off him as he doubted Big T. But how fair was it to drag her back? Ditto for Kyle, even though he actually wound up beating CT. Having CT and Kam be the Double Agents would have been logical, but then they might have been vulnerable to the vote. Maybe Nam Kyle and T could have been partnered between the mission and the Crater? Giving those two immunity would have meant a free ride for both, and I know TJ never wants that.

Yadda yadda yadda, layup vs. layup. Amazingly, Josh figures out the slide puzzle. I can't lie . . . Mechie probably would have figured it out before me. But then Josh proceeds to fuck up breaking the targets, which meant he was a loser even when he won. Mechie was the bigger loser for not getting the puzzle. And, natch, Josh bawls about his first elimination win. If the speculation that it'll be open season on Skull holders until the finale, Josh will probably be the first guy targeted. Of course, if CT or Darrell were to set up a Crater date with him and lose? That's it. Instant retirement.

22 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Josh: With this money, I'll be able to give my mom and dad a better life and--


I keep wondering why his family doesn't move away when he does this show. Seriously, he's a big dummy. Why live with him if you can avoid it?

And Lolo continues to be nasty. #FreeNam

Edited by Lantern7
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1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Yadda yadda yadda, layup vs. layup. Amazingly, Josh figures out the slide puzzle. I can't lie . . . Mechie probably would have figured it out before me. But then Josh proceeds to fuck up breaking the targets, which meant he was a loser even when he won. Mechie was the bigger loser for not getting the puzzle. And, natch, Josh bawls about his first elimination win. If the speculation that it'll be open season on Skull holders until the finale, Josh will probably be the first guy targeted. Of course, if CT or Darrell were to set up a Crater date with him and lose? That's it. Instant retirement.

Am I misremembering? Did TJ not say that the slide puzzle mapped out the targets that they had to break? Then Josh proceeds to hit the unbreakable targets constantly and completely disregarding the puzzle with the breakable pieces mapped out? Did that happen? Is that correct? 🤔

Edited by AntFTW
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1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

Josh: With this money, I'll be able to give my mom and dad a better life and--


I was thinking the exact same thing.  Also, I thought he said on Big Brother that his family was well off and they owned a bunch of hair salons or something in Miami.  I mean I guess owning a hair salon nowadays might not be profitable depending lockdown restrictions in the area, but I thought Florida was pretty much open.

Kam irked me about the Kama comment.  For one I do not believe in kama because people do bad shit all of the time and nothing seems to happen to them.  Also, how arrogant does one have to believe that the universe will smite your enemies just because they wronged you?

Not happy about Josh getting his skull but in the words of the late Randy "Macho Man" Savage, "It is, what it is."

I wonder what the strategy is going to be for the guys who do not have their skulls.  Do Darrell, Nam, CT, and the others try to take the skulls of someone like Fessy who might be hard to beat in a final or do you go after someone like Josh or Devin who while you might have a better shot at beating them.  You would eliminated a weaker person who could  be in the finals with you.

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The daily was very entertaining in the first stage, with CT and Nam being sneaky.

All the players call it the daily but doubtful they’re playing every day.

The first stage is purely trickery and in Cams case, luck.  Strongest person couldn’t fight 4 others off.

But the other stages turn into the pole elimination, with size and strength deciding the match.  CT was pissed when he found out about stage 3.  Maybe if they did accumulated time he and Big T might have had a chance.

The Asset Destruction elimination was okay.  Even with the puzzle it’s a retread.  Guess they epwanted to use that cage and the big screen again.

Probably too cold to have them do swimming events unless there was a heated pool.  Maybe they don’t want to do another long distance run of some kind?  Are they going to cut back on the endurance aspect of the Final?

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I hated seeing Josh get a skull. Fuck that guy.

i am interested to see if the rules change for the guys now that all five skulls have been won. What happens if some non-skull guy gets the house vote...will the double agents then be required to choose a skull holder to compete? Or would the show let two non-skull holders compete in the Crater to see who goes home and who stays to try to get a skull some other day? Skull holders would be smart to join together to keep pitting non skull holders against each other until such time as you have no choice to put in a skull holder.

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4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Josh: With this money, I'll be able to give my mom and dad a better life and--


Reminds me of Cory who at one point was getting three MTV paychecks at the same time while trying to convince the world that we should give a fuck about how he's going to provide for his kids. 

The only time I felt for someone on the money tip with this show was freckle face Amanda wanting to help cover her dad's extensive medical bills.

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in the episode when Big T won, I had negative Big T comments--but in this episode (and really any one when she doesn't win) I really loved her. The pre-round 3 interview where CT storms off--her look to the camera was just adorable. 

I've only watched 2 seasons with Josh, but it doesn't take much time to figure out he's annoying. It annoyed me that the match up they asked for, happened. I understand Kam not wanting big brother after her, but I was hoping for some more interesting results from Kyle/Kam having power. 

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Yeah!  What was with Kam and Kyle falling all over themselves before the commercial break when they found out who was voted in?  That was actually the least surprising outcome and why would Kyle be happy about that?  Isn’t he aligned with Devin, and not with Josh?

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I'm guessing that was obviously dramatic effect, but I found it interesting Kyle fell right in line with Kam's plan. What I don't get is how Kyle didn't see Kam is obviously loosely aligned with Big Brother, given Leroy and Kaycee are partners (or didn't comment on it). So, it was very clear who was calling the shots on that team, and it's not "K-Dog" and his blood feud against Fessy and Aneesa.

Kyle was good for his Josh imitation, thanking his neighbor's cat Mittens for his first elimination win in four years, though.

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2 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I'm guessing that was obviously dramatic effect, but I found it interesting Kyle fell right in line with Kam's plan. What I don't get is how Kyle didn't see Kam is obviously loosely aligned with Big Brother, given Leroy and Kaycee are partners (or didn't comment on it). So, it was very clear who was calling the shots on that team, and it's not "K-Dog" and his blood feud against Fessy and Aneesa.

Kyle was good for his Josh imitation, thanking his neighbor's cat Mittens for his first elimination win in four years, though.

Once they found out it was Mechie and Amber, I think it made sense to put that feud aside. If it was a women’s elimination, it would be giving someone an easy skull. Everyone would have bet against Mechie for the guys elimination, which they did this time... and it was Josh 🤮

Kyle’s Josh imitation was the funniest part of the episode for me. That was priceless.

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10 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Am I misremembering? Did TJ not say that the slide puzzle mapped out the targets that they had to break? Then Josh proceeds to hit the unbreakable targets constantly and completely disregarding the puzzle with the breakable pieces mapped out? Did that happen? Is that correct? 🤔

Yes. That's exactly what he said so... Good for Josh for winning based on brute force?  I can't do those slide puzzles to save my life. Any other kind of puzzle and I would have been fine but I'd be like Mechie on the slide puzzle, just constantly moving those damn squares around and around. 

I do feel badly for Big T that CT didn't have any faith in her. I was really hoping it was a fake out and Big T would have magically pulled out the win on that one. That would have been nice. I think CT lost to Kyle because he gave up. I'm not sure I blame him. The more often they did this the less likely it would be that Big T would win. I also figured the win would be based on time or something along those lines.  Making their partner come back and go against the winner was not that fun for me. I do kind of love that CT pinkie promised not to swap out Big T. He's definitely matured over the many, many years he's been doing this and originally called girls in the contest dead weight.  

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22 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Kyle’s Josh imitation was the funniest part of the episode for me. That was priceless.

I take that back. Big T tackling Nany, and Nany throwing the relic because Big T tackled her may be up there for me.

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After the first heat, I thought "what whoever finds it needs to do is pretend they are still scrabbling around in the mud, get close to the edge, and then go, but none of them are smart enough to do that."

Nam:  "I'm smart enough to do that."

I think both Nam and Mechie are too sweet for this game.  

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1 hour ago, joanne3482 said:

I do feel badly for Big T that CT didn't have any faith in her. I was really hoping it was a fake out and Big T would have magically pulled out the win on that one. That would have been nice. I think CT lost to Kyle because he gave up. I'm not sure I blame him. The more often they did this the less likely it would be that Big T would win. I also figured the win would be based on time or something along those lines.  Making their partner come back and go against the winner was not that fun for me. I do kind of love that CT pinkie promised not to swap out Big T. He's definitely matured over the many, many years he's been doing this and originally called girls in the contest dead weight.  

I think CT gave up as well. I also assumed that the win would come down to time if each team got 1 win. CT would have probably spent more time wrestling with Kyle and winning than Big T wrestling with Kam and losing.

CT has definitely matured. All of the old school guys have. CT has come to recognize when he's lashing out too harshly or when he's wrong compared to the stubborn dickhead he used to be.

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Theresa: I don't have the relic.

Also Theresa:


I definitely gotta call bullshit on that round three sudden death. Since when does "sudden death" mean keep playing over and over again until your team collectively wins. It's "best out of x" to ensure a quick resolution. I'm sensing producer shenanigans all over that.

Also producer shenanigans on Kam and Kyle having that extremely over the top reaction to Michie and Amber being the house vote. 

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I actually really enjoyed this episode, Josh aside (and I imagine his win will end up being a moot point anyway as the season progresses). Kyle was on fire with his commentary, and then the guys’ faces at Josh’s ball throwing, especially Darrell...I laughed through the whole episode.

Theresa really botched her strategy for the relic from all sides—first her expression giving away that she had it, then her attempt leave with it unnoticed. It’s a shame that her advice that the vote would blow over ended up applying to her, but not Jay. But really, Jay should have been more aware of the fact that it was a male day next, so the eyes would be on him and not her. 

I thought the episode made it pretty clear that CT gave Kyle that win. 

Amber M really annoys me. She’s extremely self-satisfied for a rookie who has done absolutely nothing to suggest she is good at this game. The way she said she didn’t want to go in with that look on her face—not pleading, not hopeful, but seemingly annoyed that she even had to convey this to people—was the end of my rope with her. I was so glad that CT called her out. I would say she was obviously doing something right to still be there, but this episode clearly showed that the only reason she’s still around is that a lot of people are trying to send her in at the right time to benefit themselves. If this were a season without good skulls she probably would have been gone week one. 

I think we might need a meme of Devin just rising into people’s confessionals across different reality shows with sarcastic commentary.

16 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Kam irked me about the Kama comment.  For one I do not believe in kama because people do bad shit all of the time and nothing seems to happen to them.  Also, how arrogant does one have to believe that the universe will smite your enemies just because they wronged you?

Yeah that’s also just not how karma works. But I think she’s found that alliteration works for her, so she’s sticking with it.

8 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

in the episode when Big T won, I had negative Big T comments--but in this episode (and really any one when she doesn't win) I really loved her. The pre-round 3 interview where CT storms off--her look to the camera was just adorable. 

I know CT tried to walk it back a bit with “I don’t think I could even beat Kam,” but that interview was uncomfortable to watch. Big T having to stand there while CT vented that there was no point to this because she was never going to beat Kam was pretty close to being openly disparaging. He could have easily said “hey, she’s going to do her best, and you never know!” and then just quietly given Kyle the win. I didn’t like the dynamic that she felt she had to apologize to him repeatedly for not winning a wrestling match, which clearly came from his undisguised frustration at the challenge.

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1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

I definitely gotta call bullshit on that round three sudden death. Since when does "sudden death" mean keep playing over and over again until your team collectively wins. It's "best out of x" to ensure a quick resolution. I'm sensing producer shenanigans all over that.

I really didn't like this episode and didn't even really feel inspired enough to post thoughts after watching last night and this kinda sums up why. I guess maybe they were going for a "twist" like last week's votes not counting, but combined it just makes it seem that this is all being scripted by production. Doesn't make for enjoyable watching.

Also I can't even enjoy laughing at Josh. Talk about not enjoyable to watch!

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49 minutes ago, Jillibean said:


Amber M really annoys me. She’s extremely self-satisfied for a rookie who has done absolutely nothing to suggest she is good at this game. The way she said she didn’t want to go in with that look on her face—not pleading, not hopeful, but seemingly annoyed that she even had to convey this to people—was the end of my rope with her. I was so glad that CT called her out. I would say she was obviously doing something right to still be there, but this episode clearly showed that the only reason she’s still around is that a lot of people are trying to send her in at the right time to benefit themselves. If this were a season without good skulls she probably would have been gone week one. 


She has annoyed me the entire time, because they keep showing her acting offended that people want to put her in and she has this how dare they/that's not fair attitude about it. It's just weird. I'm small and short--I would expect everyone to want to go against me and I can see trying to fire myself up with "they are so underestimating me!" but to keep acting offended about it when she's done nothing to demonstrate strength, athleticism or even puzzle smarts. . . Annoying [also, I just would not ever go on these shows because not only do I look small and short but I'm also super non-athletic. I would get destroyed.]

and I'm down for more Devin sarcastic commentary wherever I can get it. 

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I just about died laughing at Josh throwing the balls and missing! How embarrassing lol.

Nany got screwed by it being a boy's elimination. I think she definitely would've beaten Amber M. It feels like there have been a gazillion boy's eliminations and hardly any girl's ones. 

Lolo continues to be horrible. I really hope she goes soon. She talks about teamwork and then didn't even bother to cheer on Nam when he won the first round.

I also find Amber M annoying. She acts extremely entitled, and I want to see her in an elimination soon. I like Mechie well enough, but both of them saying "we don't want to go in" like that's supposed to mean something was ridiculous. 

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6 hours ago, Jess14 said:

Nany got screwed by it being a boy's elimination. I think she definitely would've beaten Amber M. It feels like there have been a gazillion boy's eliminations and hardly any girl's ones

I guess that's what happens when you lose three women without an elimination having a chance to take place.


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10 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I just about died laughing at Josh throwing the balls and missing! How embarrassing lol.

Nany got screwed by it being a boy's elimination. I think she definitely would've beaten Amber M. It feels like there have been a gazillion boy's eliminations and hardly any girl's ones. 

Lolo continues to be horrible. I really hope she goes soon. She talks about teamwork and then didn't even bother to cheer on Nam when he won the first round.

I also find Amber M annoying. She acts extremely entitled, and I want to see her in an elimination soon. I like Mechie well enough, but both of them saying "we don't want to go in" like that's supposed to mean something was ridiculous. 

Who would Nany have a decent chance of winning against? Amber M is off limits next elimination.

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3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Who would Nany have a decent chance of winning against? Amber M is off limits next elimination.

I think she could also beat Big T and Gabby or Aneesa depending on the elimination. For example, I think she could beat Aneesa in the same eliminations that Leroy and Kam won, but not the others.

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Nany could maybe beat Amber B, but Amber B. also seems like a good athlete with a similar build to Nany.  I am interested to see the fallout between the two Ambers next week.  I'm sure Kyle, the shit-stirrer, will let Amber M. know that her friend voted for her.

Nam is too good for this world.  I, too, was annoyed that Lolo didn't even seem happy for him when he won his heat. 

Edited by Matteo
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1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

I think she could also beat Big T and Gabby or Aneesa depending on the elimination. For example, I think she could beat Aneesa in the same eliminations that Leroy and Kam won, but not the others.

Maybe... if they don't start the 2.0 versions of these eliminations with a puzzle.

I actually think Gabby could beat Nany.

On Big T, I would have thought that before seeing Big T tackle Nany 😂


20 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Also producer shenanigans on Kam and Kyle having that extremely over the top reaction to Michie and Amber being the house vote. 

I'm thinking the over the top reaction was to seeing who voted for them. I don't know if they posted the video showing the votes yet but if I had to guess, it was a reaction to seeing Amber M's "allies" voting for her.

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Unpopular opinion alert:  Josh doesn't bother me that much.  I watched his season of Big Brother and, since I hate Paul with the white-hot intensity of 1,000 burning suns, I was rooting for Josh to win over Paul and I guess that feeling has just carried over to The Challenge.  Josh is not a mental giant (clearly), but I find others on the Challenge more annoying.  Kyle's overly-white teeth annoy me more than anything Josh has done, for example, but that's just me.  Lolo too -- she definitely annoys me.  Nam is a saint.


Edited by MMLEsq
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On 2/4/2021 at 8:12 AM, Jobiska said:

After the first heat, I thought "what whoever finds it needs to do is pretend they are still scrabbling around in the mud, get close to the edge, and then go, but none of them are smart enough to do that."

Nam:  "I'm smart enough to do that."

I think both Nam and Mechie are too sweet for this game.  

When TJ kept saying "I'll let you know" about the later stages of the daily challenge, it could have meant they were making things up as they go along, seeing who would win the first stage.

Or at least that's what Bill Simmons and David Jacoby mentioned in their podcast.

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2 hours ago, aghst said:

When TJ kept saying "I'll let you know" about the later stages of the daily challenge, it could have meant they were making things up as they go along, seeing who would win the first stage.

Or at least that's what Bill Simmons and David Jacoby mentioned in their podcast.

I figured TJ didn’t reveal the whole game plan because someone like CT wouldn’t have been incentivized to go hard on round one, knowing his partner would never be able to cut it in round three. It logistically had to come down to partnerships at some point because it’s not like they could have a male/female winner from two different teams. If they hadn’t planned to make it a partner thing, they probably would have done it the way they did in WotW1, where your success or lack thereof determined whether your partner could compete in the next round. After listening to some of the cast’s patreon recaps, I think we give the producers way too much credit for potentially manipulating things on the fly. It doesn’t really sound like that’s something that happens. 

6 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Maybe... if they don't start the 2.0 versions of these eliminations with a puzzle.

I actually think Gabby could beat Nany.


I think Gabby versus Nany might come down to who chokes more. Nany’s issue in eliminations has often been mental toughness, and it seems like Gabby might have a similar vulnerability. Nany has more to prove, though—has she EVER won an individual elimination? I can’t think of one, and she’s done, what, ten seasons? I mean, Josh has won an individual elimination after four seasons. Josh. 

8 hours ago, Jess14 said:

I think she could also beat Big T and Gabby or Aneesa depending on the elimination. For example, I think she could beat Aneesa in the same eliminations that Leroy and Kam won, but not the others.

Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

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42 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I figured TJ didn’t reveal the whole game plan because someone like CT wouldn’t have been incentivized to go hard on round one, knowing his partner would never be able to cut it in round three. It logistically had to come down to partnerships at some point because it’s not like they could have a male/female winner from two different teams. If they hadn’t planned to make it a partner thing, they probably would have done it the way they did in WotW1, where your success or lack thereof determined whether your partner could compete in the next round. After listening to some of the cast’s patreon recaps, I think we give the producers way too much credit for potentially manipulating things on the fly. It doesn’t really sound like that’s something that happens. 

I think Gabby versus Nany might come down to who chokes more. Nany’s issue in eliminations has often been mental toughness, and it seems like Gabby might have a similar vulnerability. Nany has more to prove, though—has she EVER won an individual elimination? I can’t think of one, and she’s done, what, ten seasons? I mean, Josh has won an individual elimination after four seasons. Josh. 

Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

Nany has one a couple (one in Battle of the Seasons and one in Rivals III), but her overall record is pretty atrocious. 

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38 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Nany has one a couple (one in Battle of the Seasons and one in Rivals III), but her overall record is pretty atrocious. 

Right, but all of those were team eliminations in which both partners played. I can’t think of a single individual elimination that Nany has won. 

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Anytime we get TJ giggling, it's a win for me; so I give that episode a win, even though Josh got way too much air time.

Also, I would like a People's Couch/Pillow Talk type of show with Devin... maybe with Aneesa. Recap the Challenge and snark all about it TLC/Bravo style. They give the best talking heads. 

Edited by UniqueHandle
I forgot what Pillow Talk was called.
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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

Oh don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Nany is good at that elimination. I just think Aneesa would be particularly bad at it. It’s possible that Aneesa has done that elimination before and I missed it, but it just seems to be the worst possible elimination for her.

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2 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I think Gabby versus Nany might come down to who chokes more. Nany’s issue in eliminations has often been mental toughness, and it seems like Gabby might have a similar vulnerability. Nany has more to prove, though—has she EVER won an individual elimination? I can’t think of one, and she’s done, what, ten seasons? I mean, Josh has won an individual elimination after four seasons. Josh. 

Unless Nany has been practicing, she might struggle with the elim Leroy won. That was the exact elimination she did in BotE2 and she performed so badly Johnny didn’t even get to try to take his turn against Leroy and Nia. She got stuck on the bump and just stayed there the whole time. 

My thoughts exactly. Almost every elimination, she chokes and panics... and no, she hasn't won any individual elimination in all of her 10 seasons.

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Kyle and Josh walking around acting like they did something big made me laugh. Kyle literally only beat CT because CT knew that Big T was never going to beat Kam so  he obviously didn't give it his all. And Josh, if Mechie could have figured out a slider puzzle (dude) he might have put a bigger challenge. Like both of you, shut the fuck up.

Also both CT and Lolo are running around bitching that no one wants them to go into the elimination and get their skulls while Kyle, who has a skull, is holding a grudge that he was made to get a skull. Again, STFU Kyle.

I was so proud for Nam for faking out the guys and getting that idol. He actually gave CT a good fight.

I hope CT gets his skull from Josh because that would be fun.

Trivia up next?? I'm so excited.

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