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S04.E02: Worst. Birthday. EVER.


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Myrka & Ethan—there are four girls in the sophomore class who are pregnant??  Good God, I weep for the future.  I guess the one thing I have to say in their favor is that they’re not playing coy about the fact that they had unprotected sex and that’s how she got pregnant.  It’s really sad that she was joking about this on Instagram though.  I’m just going to be that asshole all season who says the people in this environment are way too accepting.  Last season, it was Hailey or Tyra (I still can’t tell them apart) who had almost no one attend their baby shower, because the friends didn’t support the idea of an unwed, unplanned teenage pregnancy.  That was a more relatable reaction to me.

And I’m also going to be that asshole who points out that it’s not a “gender reveal,” it’s a “sex reveal,” it always has been.  It’s only in the last 10 years or so that I have started hearing “gender reveal” and I’m not sure where it’s coming from, but it’s incorrect.  I think people say it because they thing it makes them sound smarter or sensitive or something.  😖 It just grates.  

I don’t think it backfired on Myrka’s mom to kick her out of the house if she got pregnant at all.  I don’t think the mom’s goal is for her to be homeless or learn from the school of hard knocks—I think the mom doesn’t want to be saddled with another kid, so win-win (as much as a 16 y/o pregnancy can be a win).  It’s strange to me that Myrka’s mom never mentioned adoption though—I wonder if that was on the table.  Other than that, I think the mom was making really good points.  

Tyra & Alex—so he just hangs around all day and plays with and naps with the kid?  Hashtag goals!  Take online courses, get a part-time job, learn a freaking skill!—he’s 19 and his grandma will watch the baby if he wants to better himself.  I suspected he was a loser last year, and now it’s confirmed.  At least Tyra is getting off her ass and doing something.  If she cheers through college, it will be the best thing she can do for her daughter.  I really hope she sticks with it.  I don’t blame her for getting upset about a nonbiological male staying in the house.  That’s a deal-breaker, especially given Alex’s mom’s judgment.  

Jenna & Aden—Ok, this is a little interesting that she was in Catholic school when she got pregnant, and she transferred out.  And Jenna at least seemed like she was intimidated and humbled by being pregnant, unlike, ahem, Myrka!  Lol at her saying she thought she was just going to be like Kylie K and post a picture of her baby and that would be that.  This is why I watch—clueless teenage moms and moms to be and how they view the world.  I can’t believe this person is going to be operating a motor vehicle.  This makes me more afraid than her having a baby in a way.  I think she is intellectually stunted to begin with, and is playing it up in addition for the cameras.  I could totally see her doing doughnuts in an icy parking lot...at like 10 months pregnant.  That’s the “luxury car”?  It looks like the rental that costs $10/day.

Reanna & Taylor—OMG, Reanna sending dirty pics and him “talking” to other girls.  This is the good stuff right here—the high school bullshit that these people are going through and during a pregnancy, to boot.  The talking about cheating and what constitutes cheating is very relatable.  They are like a more attractive, less ghetto version of Hailey and Matthew.  This is pretty much the most realistic reality TV show I’ve seen in awhile, and I appreciate it.  Some of the stuff she said, some of the symptoms and her c-section was almost too real, but I’ll stick with it.  

This show is probably the only one I watch that is on an upswing—season three is better than season two, which was better than season one.    Jenna and Reanna are the ones that interest me the most.  One season of Tyra and Alex was plenty, and Myrka just looks so mature that it takes me out of the moment (like Rilah from last season), but...it’s definitely a good way to fill an hour, and I feel like it’s been a year since I’ve watched reality TV without an impending sense of dread so...two thumbs up.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Tyra & Alex—so he just hangs around all day and plays with and naps with the kid?  Hashtag goals!  Take online courses, get a part-time job, learn a freaking skill!—he’s 19 and his grandma will watch the baby if he wants to better himself.  I suspected he was a loser last year, and now it’s confirmed.  At least Tyra is getting off her ass and doing something.  If she cheers through college, it will be the best thing she can do for her daughter.  I really hope she sticks with it.  I don’t blame her for getting upset about a nonbiological male staying in the house.  That’s a deal-breaker, especially given Alex’s mom’s judgment.  

I don't see that Alex staying home with the baby would be worse than any of the other kids who do the SAHParent thing. If he's actually doing most of the work, that is. If he's leaving it all to Grandma, he's a loser. Alex's mom is just... a self-absorbed blank? Like, Alex is right there pointing out that she did fuck-all to raise him and her face is expressionless. And Grandma is actually crying about "having to choose between" Alex and the baby and Mom and her mystery internet squeeze and Mom has no response. ALthough why Grandma cares at all about Mom's issues when Mom clearly never cared about her kid and doesn't care about bringing in another mouth to feed to Grandma's house, I don't know.


Jenna & Aden—Ok, this is a little interesting that she was in Catholic school when she got pregnant, and she transferred out.  And Jenna at least seemed like she was intimidated and humbled by being pregnant, unlike, ahem, Myrka!  Lol at her saying she thought she was just going to be like Kylie K and post a picture of her baby and that would be that.  This is why I watch—clueless teenage moms and moms to be and how they view the world.  I can’t believe this person is going to be operating a motor vehicle.  This makes me more afraid than her having a baby in a way.  I think she is intellectually stunted to begin with, and is playing it up in addition for the cameras.  I could totally see her doing doughnuts in an icy parking lot...at like 10 months pregnant.  That’s the “luxury car”?  It looks like the rental that costs $10/day.

So much for Dad sticking to his guns. Maybe if she ever had consequences for anything she did, she might not be a Poor Little Pregnant Girl, Dad, and you wouldn't have to be all sad about it. Jenna doesn't know the meaning of the word "humble", juding by the constant smirk on her face. That was a basic car, not the "luxury" car she wanted - if she holds out a little while longer, Dad will cave and upgrade for her. I mean, if her attitude and grades improve... Like they were supposed to before getting THIS car. And didn't happen.

  • Love 8

Myrka is absolutely beautiful--those dimples! Her mother looks like Roseanne Barr. Face like a fist. What a mean, joyless hag. I would not be overjoyed to have my teenage daughter get pregnant, but man, she's cold as ice. 

The sulky 15 year old who got back at her boyfriend by sending sexy pics to another guy....oy. That child is just walking misery. Typical "God, you're so lame! Leave me alone!" teen. The last thing this kid and her family need is a baby to add to all the teen angst. 

Jenna and her ever present smirk drive me right around the bend. She is just shocked that all the other kids in school are talking about her. Her friend certainly loved dropping that bomb. 

Did anyone stick around for the update on last season's crop? Hoo boy.

  • Love 13
31 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Myrka is absolutely beautiful--those dimples! Her mother looks like Roseanne Barr. Face like a fist. What a mean, joyless hag. I would not be overjoyed to have my teenage daughter get pregnant, but man, she's cold as ice. 

I felt that way about Myrka's mom until they showed Myrka and dumb shit Ethan talking about how they got pregnant. Myrka knew the consequences and It's nice to see her mom not backing down.

  • Love 9

While I am very glad to see that Tyra is going to college is it really necessary for her to be a cheerleader? I thought the reason she was staying there was due to classes, but instead it is for cheerleading.  Stop the drama and just go to class...afterall that is the most important thing of all , HER EDUCATION .  The coach said they had 11 games in January alone and one of those in Florida!!!  That is what is keeping you from your child.  

I understand that cheering is important to her, but without practices and games she could probably be home more.  I was married my last 2 years of college and had to commute 2 hours to class, but i was able to get my classes on monday, wed and fridays and still be full time.  At the end of 4 years cheerleading will give her great memories and friends for sure, but a degree will change her life more.


I am so mad at Jenna's dad for caving and giving that spoiled brat a car.  That was the most pathetic thank you hug she gave her father.  She did nothing to deserve it. She did not improve her grades or attitude and still got her way.  She cant take responsibility to improve her grades...wait till the baby gets here.  Have fun dad and stepmom, you will be the ones doing 3am feedings and diaper changes so princess can sleep.

  • Love 9

I'm back. I fell asleep after the 1st segment but have now watched the entire episode and the check-in episode. 

Ya want to know why Myrka or whatever the h her name is, has a mom with a bad attitude  ? Meet Lilley from a past season,  19 with no hs diploma or GED, but with a 2nd baby from a different dude. Lilley clearly pays for nothing and has no real responsibility other than her child.

Except for the army kid who married his gf ,these boys are all bums. Every last one of them.

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, Poohbear617 said:

While I am very glad to see that Tyra is going to college is it really necessary for her to be a cheerleader? I thought the reason she was staying there was due to classes, but instead it is for cheerleading.  Stop the drama and just go to class...afterall that is the most important thing of all , HER EDUCATION .  The coach said they had 11 games in January alone and one of those in Florida!!!  That is what is keeping you from your child.  

I understand that cheering is important to her, but without practices and games she could probably be home more.  I was married my last 2 years of college and had to commute 2 hours to class, but i was able to get my classes on monday, wed and fridays and still be full time.  At the end of 4 years cheerleading will give her great memories and friends for sure, but a degree will change her life more.


I am so mad at Jenna's dad for caving and giving that spoiled brat a car.  That was the most pathetic thank you hug she gave her father.  She did nothing to deserve it. She did not improve her grades or attitude and still got her way.  She cant take responsibility to improve her grades...wait till the baby gets here.  Have fun dad and stepmom, you will be the ones doing 3am feedings and diaper changes so princess can sleep.

I could be wrong, but Tyra may be getting a scholarship for cheering, because how else would she be able to afford college without an enormous amount of debt?

  • Love 13

This came up last year. She doesn’t have a cheer scholarship. There are virtually no cheer scholarships that cover the cost of attendance, or even full tuition. She could be going to college much closer to home and paying less by doing the first two years in junior college. She’s spending all this time away from her kid for a hobby. It’s insane.

I can’t believe Dad bought her the fucking car. 

  • Love 14
15 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

And I’m also going to be that asshole who points out that it’s not a “gender reveal,” it’s a “sex reveal,” it always has been. 

As unlikely as I am to attend a "gender reveal," I'd be even less likely to attend a "sex reveal."  God only knows what would go on there.


14 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

So much for Dad sticking to his guns. Maybe if she ever had consequences for anything she did, she might not be a Poor Little Pregnant Girl, Dad, and you wouldn't have to be all sad about it.

In a show chock full of annoying, this annoys me the most.  That's saying something.


4 hours ago, politichick said:

I could be wrong, but Tyra may be getting a scholarship for cheering, because how else would she be able to afford college without an enormous amount of debt?

I looked up her school, which is a private Christian college.  The financial aid page of their website says:


Our job doesn’t begin and end with showing you your financial options, it goes far beyond that. We have a commitment to each and every student that walks through our doors. Regardless of your situation, we will do whatever we can to ensure a college education is within your means.

Can't say I'm a fan of the comma splice.  And I guess I'll have to throw in the towel on calling people "that"s.  What exactly was the problem with "who"?  Confining them to identifying as people??

Anyway, it looks like a decent amount of financial aid is available, and Kentucky offers grants to residents attending in-state college.  And her college in particular offers scholarships in cheerleading, bowling, and bass fishing.

And speaking of Tyra, I noticed for the first time that she and Alex have the same smirk.  I hate it on both of them.

ETA: Maybe calling it a smirk is unfair.  It's the way Alex smiles, but doesn't actually allow his lips to move horizontally, and his mouth gets all bunched up in the middle.  Tyra does it, too.

Also ETA a further thought:  Why in the world is this show called "Unexpected"?  These kids getting pregnant is about the least unexpected thing I can imagine.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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1 hour ago, politichick said:

I could be wrong, but Tyra may be getting a scholarship for cheering, because how else would she be able to afford college without an enormous amount of debt?

I'm pretty sure she mentioned that last season. Cheer is making it possible for her to go to college. She's the most mature person on this show (including the parents) and I wish her the best! I would be very upset if someone moved some rando guy into my child's home, too. I'm sure none of them have taken the time to do any sort of background check on him, he could be a pedophile or some sort of fraudster for all they know.  I wonder why grandma is letting her flaky daughter move her boyfriend in?

Jenna is such a spoiled brat. I hope her dad and stepmom have flexible working hours because they're going to be taking care of a newborn while Jenna and her boyfriend lay around, glued to their phones and whine about how hard everything is. I hope some of the gossip Jenna heard about herself was how stupid and careless she was to get knocked up.

 I can't stand 'gender reveal' things and think they're ridiculous. Ethan's parents getting in on the whole thing with the kids and no doubt paying for some stupid announcement party makes me want to scream. I bet they also rent a space and hire a caterer for a huge baby shower. Ethan and Myrka have no reason to think they fucked up by not using birth control. We'll see what happens after the baby gets here and they realize it's a whole lot more than cute Instagram posts. Myrka's friends won't flock to her social media to read about cracked and bleeding nipples, being covered in baby bodily fluids, not sleeping for what feels like days on end and episiotomies.



  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

I'm back. I fell asleep after the 1st segment but have now watched the entire episode and the check-in episode. 

Ya want to know why Myrka or whatever the h her name is, has a mom with a bad attitude  ? Meet Lilley from a past season,  19 with no hs diploma or GED, but with a 2nd baby from a different dude. Lilley clearly pays for nothing and has no real responsibility other than her child.

Except for the army kid who married his gf ,these boys are all bums. Every last one of them.

I was so not surprised about Dumbbell Lilly. I predicted way back during her season that she would have five kids by the time she was 25, with several different fathers. She appears to be well on her way. 

And so sad about that great love for the ages, Lexus and Shaeden, being kaput. Life is so cruel. 

Jesus, the names on this show! Shaeden. Taron, Lexus. Myrka or whatever her name is.

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Cheer is making it possible for her to go to college. 

No, it isn't. If she said that, she was lying or in denial. It's possible that cheer is making it possible for her to go to that particular (crummy) college hours away from her kid. There's a public community college in Hopkinsville that costs $5k/year before financial aid, and she could be with her infant. A Pell grant would cover the entire cost. Campbellsville didn't even give her a spot at the main campus -- which is an hour closer to her child. She's at the satellite campus.


Regardless of your situation, we will do whatever we can to ensure a college education is within your means.

And if you order now, they'll throw in a set of steak knives! Now how much would you pay?

I can't believe I forgot to mention that Jenna DISCLUDED herself from her friends! A real brain trust over there.

  • Love 7

Happy to see more posts.  Love this shitshow. Jenna's dad needs to take a seat and let stepmom deal with little Miss Entitled. Reanna is the description of sullen and immature. Can't wait to see her handle a fussy baby. Myrka and Ethan aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Loved the updates. Yay Chloe for dumping Max. Yay Lexus for dumping Shaedon. Yay Emilie for dumping loser (cannot recall his name). All 3 of these young moms dumped their boyfriends and seemed to mend relationships with their moms. Good for them- their futures are much brighter than the others. Lilly is an idiot. Big blonde girl married to army guy with the skull scars, its called birth control, try it. This show is so much more authentic than Teen Mom.

Edited by jacksgirl
  • Love 4

This show is depressing and infuriating. These kids think that once their baby pops out, life just goes back to normal. Ummm, my “kids” are in their late thirties and I’m still waiting for my life to get back to normal. Once you become a parent, your life changes in ways you never contemplated or thought possible. And the teen parents refuse to learn from experience, thus Lilly getting pregnant a second time under the EXACT SAME conditions as the first time. Mykela 2.0. 

Tyra, you are a mother now. It’s nice that you want to get a college education (which will enable you to become a degreed hamburger flipper or barista) but you need to be home with your baby. That was the choice you made. If you have to put your own life on hold, too bad. Alex’s grandmother appears to be an old 60. Alex’s own mother is useless and too busy swiping right. Alex doesn’t appear to be well-equipped in any way to do anything other than being a teenage boy. 

Why do I feel like there will be another shoe to drop with regard to Alex’s mother’s new boyfriend? Probably because I’ve watched enough TLC/reality shit shows to have figured out that there is ALWAYS another layer of stupid. So place your bets now, kids. Former inmate? Been in rehab? Domestic abuser? On parole? And why would he have to move into an already overcrowded house? These people? <sigh>

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
  • Love 12

I had to laugh that Alex's mother spent the entire season last year with her hair covering her wonky right eye. It's really not that noticeable now that her hair is down and frankly she drew more attention to it with hair "disguise." 

And obviously, it wasn't distracting enough for her to snag a boyfriend. I'm sure he's a real charmer.

I don't care why Tyra is going to college and what she is doing there = I'm just glad she is doing so.  Boys have been able to continue their lives after they knock up their girlfriends for generations...going off to college, playing sports, etc.  Why shouldn't Tyra be able to do the same?  Oh...because she's a woman?  She has other people who are taking care of her child and who apparently do not have a problem with her pursuing her education, she seems to come home as often as she can, and she's motivated to continue college and get an education, even if we might think cheerleading is not necessary.  Let's not apply a double standard here.  This is a good thing for both her and her daughter and hopefully will break the cycle of teen pregnancy in at least one branch of her family.

I could live forever without seeing Max or his father ever again. The girl whose husband joined the military - to me it looks like those are scars on his head, not just bald spots.  They are kind of randomly placed to be bald spots.  Emilie's little girl is her spitting image and her mom looks a lot better with longer hair.  Lilley seems to be limited, and Lexus seems to think she is a lot more mature but is she really?  I actually did like the recap show though.

  • Love 24
21 hours ago, RoxiP said:

I don't care why Tyra is going to college and what she is doing there = I'm just glad she is doing so.  Boys have been able to continue their lives after they knock up their girlfriends for generations...going off to college, playing sports, etc.  Why shouldn't Tyra be able to do the same?  Oh...because she's a woman?  She has other people who are taking care of her child and who apparently do not have a problem with her pursuing her education, she seems to come home as often as she can, and she's motivated to continue college and get an education, even if we might think cheerleading is not necessary.  Let's not apply a double standard here.  This is a good thing for both her and her daughter and hopefully will break the cycle of teen pregnancy in at least one branch of her family.

I could live forever without seeing Max or his father ever again. The girl whose husband joined the military - to me it looks like those are scars on his head, not just bald spots.  They are kind of randomly placed to be bald spots.  Emilie's little girl is her spitting image and her mom looks a lot better with longer hair.  Lilley seems to be limited, and Lexus seems to think she is a lot more mature but is she really?  I actually did like the recap show though.

Tylor is the guy in the Navy and they are scars.  https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-tylors-head-from-unexpected

On 12/28/2020 at 8:52 AM, Mr. Miner said:

I felt that way about Myrka's mom until they showed Myrka and dumb shit Ethan talking about how they got pregnant. Myrka knew the consequences and It's nice to see her mom not backing down.

I couldn’t agree more about Myrka’s mom. 

We are Catholic and my mother was the hard nosed parent in our home. I’m #5 of 6 and she made NO bones about it growing up that if we were arrested, don’t waste our phone call ringing home because she and Daddy would provide ZERO assistance. She said that if we got pregnant, or in my brothers’ cases If they impregnated a girl, we were to pack our bags and leave. If we were old enough to play Russian Roulette by having unprotected sex, we were obviously ‘grown’ and would be on our way STAT to whatever nest we could make for ourselves. BC was provided for my older siblings and my younger sister years later but I was a ‘goody two shoes’ and had no need for BC until I was engaged in my 20’s. 

My oldest brother was arrested, along with a group of friends at the beach one county over, where they were smoking marijuana in the moonlight. It was 1975. My parents were best friends with our county Probate Judge and his wife and their son was friends with my brothers. Long story short, my parents got a call in the middle of the night from the judge, letting them know what was going on and that he was headed over to pick his son up and wanted to know if he had permission to get my brother. All the boys except my brother made a call home and the judge’s son told him just that in his own call home. His son reported correctly that my brother knew not to call home from jail and he had no one else to call so he supposed he’d stay there until he went before a judge. My parents did let the judge bring him home and my 5 year old self can still see my big, strong brother collapsing into my parents arms and crying when he got home that morning. Taught the rest of us a lesson! I guess my brother learned a lesson too...it’s nice to have friends whose parents are in high places LOL 

My oldest sister got pregnant at 16 in 1976 and my mother told her to pack her bags and gave her $500 to begin her new life. Just as promised...pregnancy is a ticket to your own nest. My sister didn’t want to leave home, she was obviously scared as hell, and Daddy couldn't bear the thought of it so my mother said she could have an abortion and remain in our home. Our Catholic home. Daddy suggested a compromise and they sent her to a home for unwed mothers in New Orleans. We went to visit her every other Sunday. After the baby was born, my sister decided she wanted to keep the baby. When the nun in charge of the home called to tell my parents, my mother packed up her belongings and she and Daddy went to New Orleans and gave her $500 and wished her all the best. Harsh as hell but also true to what we were told. This same sister had another baby by the same guy 17 months later and lived a hard scrabble life for many years. I’ll tell you what, she wound up with 3 daughters of her own and they damn well weren’t teen moms because she laid it out super clear for them...x,y,z is what happened to me when I got pregnant and it was hell! If you think I might feel sympathetic toward you if you get knocked up, think a damn again! Maybe it’ll only take one pregnancy for you to figure it out and wise up instead of the two it took me. 

Needless to say, the other 4 of us siblings knew that our parents meant business and we minded ourselves quite well. I want to say that my parents loved us all beyond words and provided private school educations, cars(NOT luxury ones though LOL), a fun and laughter filled home, an open door policy for all of our friends(no one of the opposite sex in our bedrooms though), and the knowledge that we were their priority. BUT...break the rules and you know the consequences. 

When Myrka said her mom told her if she ‘opened her legs for a man, she must be grown,’ I gasped because my Mother used that same crude expression with us girls in private when she was making her point. 

I agree with those of you who have made the point that the boy’s parents(can’t think of his name) wholehearted welcoming attitude into their home and lives definitely ensured that Myrka didn’t consider any option but raising the baby and I think she should have chosen a different path. 

  • Love 13
On 12/28/2020 at 4:33 PM, jacksgirl said:

Happy to see more posts.  Love this shitshow. Jenna's dad needs to take a seat and let stepmom deal with little Miss Entitled. Reanna is the description of sullen and immature. Can't wait to see her handle a fussy baby. Myrka and Ethan aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. Loved the updates. Yay Chloe for dumping Max. Yay Lexus for dumping Shaedon. Yay Emilie for dumping loser (cannot recall his name). All 3 of these young moms dumped their boyfriends and seemed to mend relationships with their moms. Good for them- their futures are much brighter than the others. Lilly is an idiot. Big blonde girl married to army guy with the skull scars, its called birth control, try it. This show is so much more authentic than Teen Mom.

I think big blonde girl is Laura? I was yelling the same thing at the TV. Birth control, you idiot! I was rather glad to find out Chloe finally dumped Max. But, I think it's awful to keep Max's dad from seeing the baby. He's still her grandpa and that will never change. Sounds like Chloe's mom is driving that train and I hope Max's dad does follow through and gets to spend time with his granddaughter. Emily and her mom being roommates seems to be working out well for both of them and it's nice for the baby to have grandma right there, too. Lexus still seems dumber than a box of hair and more interested in taking duck lips selfies than anything. Did she say she had a job? Lilly will have 5 kids by the time she's 25 and will still be living in her mom's basement apartment. She needs to have a tubal ligation after this one, girl just doesn't seem to understand how these babies keep happening.

Reanna is't mature enough to care for a goldfish, let alone a baby. Her boyfriend seems to want to be a part of the baby's life. His best course of action would be to hire a family law attorney and set up a parenting plan the instant the kid is born. That way, he won't be subject to Little Miss Sunshine's whims when it comes to seeing his child. She'll be obsessively stalking his social media and will withhold the baby for every perceived slight. If he really wants to be involved, she needs to know he has the same rights and she doesn't call the shots.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

 But, I think it's awful to keep Max's dad from seeing the baby. He's still her grandpa and that will never change. Sounds like Chloe's mom is driving that train and I hope Max's dad does follow through and gets to spend time


Lexus still seems dumber than a box of hair and more interested in taking duck lips selfies than anything. Did she say she had a job? Lilly will have 5 kids by the time she's 25 and will still be living in her mom's basement apartment. She needs to have a tubal ligation 

Chloe & Jessica reminded me of Farrah & Deb from Teen Mom just at that moment, “ we don’t need to talk about Todd”

( for some reason, I’m a Todd fan, but I side-eye his parenting, because, Max)

thank fucking God Lexus & Kelsey (her *mom’s* name is Kelsey!  I am four hundred years old) ditched the bangs and heavy eyeliner....



Edited by teapot
  • Love 3

Emiley and her mom being roommates seems to be working out well for both of them and it's nice for the baby to have grandma right there, too.

Emiley's mom did not impress me during her season, but she's a way better parent than Diego, so I'm glad there are two adults in the house to love that baby.


Let's not apply a double standard here.

What double standard? No one's applauded a teen dad's idea to move hours away from his kid to go to the satellite campus of a crappy college so that he can fulfill his dream of being on the ping-pong team. Tyra is way less stupid than her castmates, and I hope she graduates from college however it is achieved. But that doesn't mean this plan is wise when there are less expensive colleges close to home. Her family has no college alumni to advise her, and it shows.

My whole life in college revolved around my a cappella group, so I know something about passionate devotion to a hobby with no professional potential. It's not a good use of time for a young parent.

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What double standard? No one's applauded a teen dad's idea to move hours away from his kid to go to the satellite campus of a crappy college so that he can fulfill his dream of being on the ping-pong team. Tyra is way less stupid than her castmates, and I hope she graduates from college however it is achieved. But that doesn't mean this plan is wise when there are less expensive colleges close to home. Her family has no college alumni to advise her, and it shows.

My whole life in college revolved around my a cappella group, so I know something about passionate devotion to a hobby with no professional potential. It's not a good use of time for a young parent.

The best plan for a teen parent would be an online community college degree, followed by an online or close in person degree at a state school, unless one qualified for a full ride in grants at a private university.  Alternatively, there are some community college/public universities that offer vocational courses that lead to becoming a certified electrician, plumber or other skilled technicians.  Those jobs can support a family and it might be a much better path for some of these girls.

But looking at all of the girls who have appeared on the various iterations of this show and Teen Mom, I can't say that critical thinking skills appear to be their strength.  Aside from Farrah on Teen Mom who seemed like she had a strong work ethic (although a completely unpleasant and possibly mentally ill person), I'm not sure we've even seen a girl on these shows who had any particular goals beyond getting paid for d-list reality tv fame.    Cheer might be the only thing that gets that girl through college.  Of course, if she winds up going into debt and never graduates so she can pursue her hobby of cheering, that would be a disaster, but at least attending college is a plan beyond attempting to be a "domestic engineer." 


The reunion was much better than the Teen Mom ones, and I was really glad not to see a moronic host ask stupid questions during the reunion.  It would help me greatly if they did a brief compilation of who each of these girls are before updating their segment.  2020 felt like it was a hundred years long, so it took awhile into the segment until I remembered who each of the girls and their families and boyfriends were.  

Edited by kitkat343
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17 hours ago, IvySpice said:


My whole life in college revolved around my a cappella group, so I know something about passionate devotion to a hobby with no professional potential. It's not a good use of time for a young parent.

Did you go to Cornell and is your name Andy? HA! Agree that Tyra is smart and motivated. Agree that cheer may not be the best use of her time now, but at 18 or 19, she's allowed ill-advised choices.  I'm sure covid put a dent in her cheer plans.

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The double standard that has gone on for generations where the female is supposed to be ashamed and stay home and remain uneducated after she gets pregnant (and it sometimes seems like divine intervention if you ask the boy's parents, or she was trying to trap him) and the boy waltzes away scot-free and doesn't have to grow up.  Maybe that hasn't been the norm in some places but I can tell you a lot of times in the south it is.  (I wasn't referring to this specific show but more in general.)

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If a parent kicked out a minor child today and social services got wind of it through a mandated reporter or otherwise the minor pregnant child would be placed in foster care and the parent ordered to pay child support for the minor pregnant child. It might be worth it for that parent to get that pregnant minor out of the home but a parent can't just kick a minor, pregnant or otherwise, out of the home without some sort of consequence if authorities get involved. A parent who kicks a pregnant minor out of the home may even face legal charges for child neglect and endangerment.

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In some jurisdictions, pregnancy emancipates the minor. 

Curious what those jurisdictions are. I am a lawyer and I have never seen such a law. That's not true in Texas, anyway. The pregnancy may emancipate the minor for purposes of decisions about the pregnancy, but not in the sense of freeing the guardian from support responsibilities. If the rule in your house is no pregnant teens, then the way to enforce that rule is to put long-acting birth control in your daughter, not to kick your daughter out of the house. It is illegal in Texas to refuse to support your minor child, full stop. The county may be too busy to charge Myrka's mother with neglect, but that doesn't change the fact that she's committing it.

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