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S17.E01: All Tomorrow's Parties / S17.E02: The Center Won't Hold

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On 11/12/2020 at 10:23 PM, PepSinger said:

I know we should be used to it by now, but the Asian Ortho ex -- who still cannot act, btw -- walking in to give Contacts a blow job and Jo asking Jackson to please fuck her while they're AT WORK is just too much.

That scene in the closet with Nico and Schmidt made me so uncomfortable at the start because Nico was flashing rapey serial killer vibes. When Nico came in, locked the door, stared at Schmidt to the point that Schmidt started backing up before Nico even said anything...that is how every Dateline special starts.

Edited by LexieLily
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I think Koracik has been soooo wasted on this show as already said. He and Teddy were so cute and it’s so frustrating that they’ve completely dropped that and now she just LOVES Owen again. She doesn’t deserve either to be honest as she has treated both horribly. Her self indulgent speech to Jo about how she cheats because she doesn’t feel worthy of love as well as Jo’s reaction makes me think we’re actually supposed to sympathise with her. No just no.

Also she keeps going on about how she loves her family? I NEVER see her with those kids. It’s always Owen talking about them, organising daycare or his mother to look after them. The few scenes she had with Them at the start was her ending her maternity leave early so she could go back to work as she wasn’t enjoying being off. I just can’t warm to her at all.

DeLuca and Meredith seem to be done now as per the last scene where they said they were friends. I can’t see them getting back together. I didn’t like them but she has zero chemistry with the Irish guy. Zero.


  • Love 10
3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

hat scene in the closet with Nico and Schmidt made me so uncomfortable at the start because Nico was flashing rapey serial killer vibes. When Nico came in, locked the door, stared at Schmidt to the point that Schmidt started backing up before Nico even said anything...that is how every Dateline special starts.

Omg Agree. Can we just lose Nico now. The actor is awful. The relationship is unhealthy at this point And although Glasses is a moron I think the best thing they could do for him this season is lose the love life and make him a more competent doctor.

How was that Amelia/Linc love scene shot? I didn’t think they could do hook up scenes. It Still looked very steamy but I assume it was done differently because of Covid?


  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Avabelle said:

Omg Agree. Can we just lose Nico now. The actor is awful. The relationship is unhealthy at this point And although Glasses is a moron I think the best thing they could do for him this season is lose the love life and make him a more competent doctor.


He was suppose to leave due to a new series, but that got shut down by COVID before they filmed one episode. With no idea when it is going to pick up again for filming or "if it will". So, he went back to his old job, where the writers were like: "Oh, we have you back on the show, well that's good... I guess.. umm... what do we do with him now?" 

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2 hours ago, Avabelle said:

How was that Amelia/Linc love scene shot? I didn’t think they could do hook up scenes. It Still looked very steamy but I assume it was done differently because of Covid?


I read somewhere (and probably about a different show, not this one) that if the actors are okay with it, then they could do it.  They are probably tested multiple times per week, and the two of them were already in all scenes with no masks and in close proximity to each other.  Like when she gives him the donuts - they were within 6 feet then it seemed.  If I were one of them, I'd agree to it.  Also, for their bedroom scene, did we ever actually see anything?  We saw them after they were done, and laying with their heads at opposite ends of the bed.  Their faces were basically still 6 feet apart, so it kind of counts? 🙂  

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9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

When you say the baby was born April 9, do you mean that is when the episode aired or did they mention the date in the episode last season? Because if it just aired on that date, it doesn't mean that was the date it was supposed to be in show time.  If they actually mentioned the date in the episode, then yeah, it is a bit of a paradox. But I am giving them a little leeway here, since they clearly wanted this episode to take place during the beginning of the real life pandemic and would not have known that back when they filmed the scenes with Amelia giving birth. It does seem pretty fast for Deluca and Richard's recovery, but it is TV and they are regular cast members, so they are going to find a way to put them in the storyline.

It's when the episode aired, which is why I said "on or about."  They never mentioned the date, but, IMO, that means the show would have had to have been approximately 4-5 weeks behind "real life" for anything about Amelia and Linc's story to even be plausible.  I don't think the show is ever that far behind, that Scout was actually born at the very beginning of March or before, and they didn't air it until April 9.  Same with Richard's surgery.  

I'm fine with handwaving it and giving them leeway, and we can just forget about it and go with it...  But, in "reality," it makes no sense.  This episode, actually, should have been the more vague one, and instead of "April 2020" the caption should have said "6 weeks later" to continue to keep it vague.  The pandemic lasted that long in Seattle, it would have all still made sense, and given the stories a more sensible timeline.  The characters would have just needed to say, "I haven't hugged my kids in 6 weeks."  (They never see them anyway, so what's the difference? 😉) That's just my opinion, at least. 🙂 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, A coin in the hand said:

There real shame is that they have wasted the Koracick character, along with the actor and that is in the writing. They could have had a fun couple, who would break up all the dark and twisty and the mismatched couples. I mean really, what we have gotten is we too much Glasses and his robotic ex-boyfriend, Ben and Katherine being beastly and Maggie with anyone.


Dear Shonda..... 

I was listening to a podcast yesterday and got an ad (three times!) for Shonda's podcast, wherein she says, "If you've watched Grey's Anatomy or any of my TV shows, then you know I love to tell a good story." And I'm thinking, well can we get some on Grey's, then? (I don't actually know how much she's involved in the storylines at this point, but I'll still hold her responsible.)

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15 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I was listening to a podcast yesterday and got an ad (three times!) for Shonda's podcast, wherein she says, "If you've watched Grey's Anatomy or any of my TV shows, then you know I love to tell a good story." And I'm thinking, well can we get some on Grey's, then? (I don't actually know how much she's involved in the storylines at this point, but I'll still hold her responsible.)

Right because I know it's a contract and actors needing to make paychecks but: Nico, Schmidt, Owen and Teddy should have been thrown off the show a long time ago. They are just trying to mine for stories that are not only not there, but the actors know they are doing it for a paycheck and they have bent their stories and stuff so inside and out. They are barely a shadow of who they were. Big on with Nico brough back because the actor's show is on major hold right now due to COVID. Would have been a great way to move Schmidt as many of said to be you know "a good competent doctor". Instead it was: "oh, your show isn't going forward, just come back and while we have no idea what to do with you know, hey you're pretty on people's eyes."

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, readster said:

Owen and Teddy should have been thrown off the show a long time ago

Despite thinking Schmidt is a moron I do get why they kept him as he’s a new, young doctor so storyline potential  should be Endless. Problem is they’ve stuck him with Nico as soon as he became a regular and have never developed him outside being gay, clumsy and In love with Nico. Nico is a terrible actor so the storyline just doesn’t carry at all. I read the actor has been cast in Walker Texas ranger reboot so will hopefully be gone soon and they may focus on making Schmidt a competent doctor or at least not a complete moron.

Agree about Owen and Teddy - they should have been gone immediately after Alison was gone and they got their happy ending. Keeping them around has just been boring and painful to watch. I’ve no interest in a Teddy redemption arc where her affairs And shitty choices are everyone’s fault but hers and anyone who calls her on it is meant to be in the wrong. 

Edited by Avabelle
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3 hours ago, readster said:

He was suppose to leave due to a new series, but that got shut down by COVID before they filmed one episode. With no idea when it is going to pick up again for filming or "if it will". So, he went back to his old job, where the writers were like: "Oh, we have you back on the show, well that's good... I guess.. umm... what do we do with him now?" 

It was announced yesterday he signed on for a recurring role on the new Walker Texas Ranger series (with a character who sounds like another dick), so maybe he'll finally leave (though since it's just a recurring role, maybe he could do both. But Walker is filming in Texas, so...)

eta: I see Avabelle beat me to it. I need to type faster.

Edited by TheOtherOne
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1 hour ago, Avabelle said:

Agree about Owen and Teddy - they should have been gone immediately after Alison was gone and they got their happy ending. Keeping them around has just been boring and painful to watch. I’ve no interest in a Teddy redemption arc where her affairs And shitty choices are everyone’s fault but hers and anyone who calls her on it is meant to be in the wrong. 

For me the possibility of a redemption arc for Teddy disappeared when we got the backstory of her cheating with her best friend's girlfriend who was killed on 9/11. Everything about that was foul as hell. Then we learned she named her daughter Alison after her which I know was supposed to come off as poignant but to me just feels creepy. Owen has always made my teeth itch so there's no one rootable in that relationship for me. They are just two emotional invalids joined at the hip.

The funny part for me is that I'd completely forgotten about Leo as one of Owen's kids. The only kid I remember on this show is Zola. All the rest cease to exist for me as soon as the credits roll.

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Teddy needs to leave, I definitely agree with all of the above.  IMO, Owen can stay, but only if they focus on him being a competent military veteran doctor, and stop focusing on his personal life.  He's great as the head of the ER or as a trauma surgeon, but not a great character otherwise.

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1 minute ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Teddy needs to leave, I definitely agree with all of the above.  IMO, Owen can stay, but only if they focus on him being a competent military veteran doctor, and stop focusing on his personal life.  He's great as the head of the ER or as a trauma surgeon, but not a great character otherwise.

Oh I know, once they decided to show that Teddy has "always been bi-sexual" that just ended it right there. That not only came out of left field, that just made the characters to the point of no return with: "once a cheater always a cheater and has to self-sabotage because she has survivor's guilt." With Owen, I agree, I hate to say this, but seriously after everything happened with his sister being alive, admitting she screwed up her own life and Owen agreed, he had some warped idea that their father gave him and then getting Alison should have been it right there. Instead they continue to show that his personal life will constantly screw him up whether he knows about things or not. It's like how Maggie grilled him about possibly being Amelia's baby daddy, which first of all that is ZERO her business. Plus she also had ZERO evidence that was it. She was basically: "You fucker, just can't do anything right." Look in the damn mirror Maggie. Now, you got a guy who loves and cares about you, you two have a good history and you are already going: "Oh no, he's not my boyfriend or anything." STOP self-sabotaging!

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26 minutes ago, marceline said:

For me the possibility of a redemption arc for Teddy disappeared when we got the backstory of her cheating with her best friend's girlfriend who was killed on 9/11. Everything about that was foul as hell. Then we learned she named her daughter Alison after her which I know was supposed to come off as poignant but to me just feels creepy. Owen has always made my teeth itch so there's no one rootable in that relationship for me. They are just two emotional invalids joined at the hip.

The funny part for me is that I'd completely forgotten about Leo as one of Owen's kids. The only kid I remember on this show is Zola. All the rest cease to exist for me as soon as the credits roll.

Owen doesn't know about the origin of Allison's name, does he? He knows that Allison was her deceased best friend that died on 9/11, but knowing that his daughter was named after Teddy's long-dead secret lesbian lover has to make him feel some type of way.

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17 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Owen doesn't know about the origin of Allison's name, does he? He knows that Allison was her deceased best friend that died on 9/11, but knowing that his daughter was named after Teddy's long-dead secret lesbian lover has to make him feel some type of way.

No, he doesn't know. But I think I'd really enjoy watching him find out and be like "You named our daughter after the person you cheated with?! Are you going to name your next kid 'Koracick'?!!" 😄

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Probably an unpopular view, but I really don't want Derrick to keep showing up in any way, shape, or form.  As somebody mentioned upthread, this may be a device to show Meredith experiencing early onset of Alzheimer's, which I hope is a storyline taken off the table.  I was never a Derrick fan so wasn't sorry when Patrick left.

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21 minutes ago, schnauzergirl said:

Probably an unpopular view, but I really don't want Derrick to keep showing up in any way, shape, or form.  As somebody mentioned upthread, this may be a device to show Meredith experiencing early onset of Alzheimer's, which I hope is a storyline taken off the table.  I was never a Derrick fan so wasn't sorry when Patrick left.

I'm not a MerDer fan but I'm happy if this gives those fans some closure.

I hated the Alex/Izzy stuff but I also knew that I wasn't the intended audience.

  • Love 3
22 hours ago, LexieLily said:

That scene in the closet with Nico and Schmidt made me so uncomfortable at the start because Nico was flashing rapey serial killer vibes. When Nico came in, locked the door, stared at Schmidt to the point that Schmidt started backing up before Nico even said anything...that is how every Dateline special starts.

LMAO. I went back to rewatch that scene, and it's really creepy! I remember in my movement class in school, our professor told us that people do not walk or think in neutral. If an actor is in neutral, 9 out of 10 times it's because they have no idea what they're doing (i.e., they don't know their objective, tactic, action). The only exception to this is when an actor is doing it deliberately, and it's very obvious -- at least, to me -- when that is and is not the case. That's why Michael Myers (a serial killer!) is so frightening; he's entirely in neutral. It's unnerving. When Nico approaches Contacts, he's in neutral. Add his flat, monotone voice and mask to cover any sort of facial expression he may be making, and you have a rapey serial killer! I'm sure that's what the director was going after!

13 hours ago, readster said:

Right because I know it's a contract and actors needing to make paychecks but: Nico, Schmidt, Owen and Teddy should have been thrown off the show a long time ago. They are just trying to mine for stories that are not only not there, but the actors know they are doing it for a paycheck and they have bent their stories and stuff so inside and out. They are barely a shadow of who they were. Big on with Nico brough back because the actor's show is on major hold right now due to COVID.

(emphasis mine)

So we all have to suffer?

On a serious note, I like Krista Vernoff, but I 100% blame her for Teddy being back. There was no reason to add Kim Raver back to the cast. The cast is large enough as it is. Her story was finished. I'm still baffled. 

Edited by PepSinger
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On 11/13/2020 at 11:06 AM, Daisy said:

I honestly have to say my favourite part  was when that girl who came over naked (like seriously. why do people do that? especially y'all in a health care profession. if you got hit by a car etc, do you WANT to be that person?) - and Harriet is looking at her like she's the most dumb person  she's experienced in her 2-3+ years of life.  and vic is babbling like a moron, and then Harriet looks at her and goes


"not stepmom"

I cracked up so much there. That was an exclamation point if i ever heard one 

So do we think that was an ad lib?  It sure sounded like one.

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29 minutes ago, Shellie said:

So do we think that was an ad lib?  It sure sounded like one.

Sometimes I wonder how they get kids that young to say their lines (assuming it actually was a line...maybe she just unexpectedly repeated some words). Is someone off camera going "say not stepmom!" until she does it and then they edit the scene accordingly? Do they give them treats for saying what the director wants? (And sometimes they have a too-young-to-know-better child saying something for a scene that you wouldn't want to encourage in real life...are those kids' parents cursing the script writer when their kid starts repeating it in public?)

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I thought that Harriet's line was added by the writers and voiced by an adult actor who does children's voices. You don't see Harriet actually saying it.

I don't know what Krista is doing with Teddy. I can accept her on the show, especially now that Amelia and Linc are so enjoyable, but she was utterly ruined first by the Alison/cheating story and then with Koracik. By the time she did her "Woe is me, I cheat because I don't feel worthy of being loved" speech (yeah, and how do you think that the people you cheated on feel?) I had lost any interest in seeing her on my screen. And yet in her interviews, Krista seems all hyped up on what a great character Teddy is and what good storylines are coming up for her.

Overall in the episode, I thought that they did a poor job of showing the pandemic especially compared to a show like The Good Doctor who really made you feel it. This was like an After School Special telling rather than showing. I know that they must have medical consultants on GA but it seems like they don't pay attention to them.

Ironically the episode also showed that surgery is not be all and the end off of medicine.

On the plus side, I like that they brought in the wildfires even if those kids were very stupid not to pay attention to where they were burning. The rest of the world's horrors didn't stop for the pandemic.

Deluca's intervention made me cringe. Shut up Bailey about "I function with my OCD" because OCD is nothing like bipolar disorder. Catherine is wrong that Koracik's sex recording would have made him unhirable elsewhere. He's a renown neurosurgeon and no one really cares who you sleep with if it's adult and consentual.

One of the things I really dislike on the show is that people get promoted based on who the writers love rather than the character's  competency. Richard is a good guy and he did okay as Chief of Surgery (sort of) but I have yet to see him have the kind of competency it takes to head all of the Fox hospitals. Koracik does, even if the order got screwed up. The hospital isn't out the money, they can just send it back.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:


On the plus side, I like that they brought in the wildfires even if those kids were very stupid not to pay attention to where they were burning. The rest of the world's horrors didn't stop for the pandemic.

Deluca's intervention made me cringe. Shut up Bailey about "I function with my OCD" because OCD is nothing like bipolar disorder. Catherine is wrong that Koracik's sex recording would have made him unhirable elsewhere. He's a renown neurosurgeon and no one really cares who you sleep with if it's adult and consentual.

One of the things I really dislike on the show is that people get promoted based on who the writers love rather than the character's  competency. Richard is a good guy and he did okay as Chief of Surgery (sort of) but I have yet to see him have the kind of competency it takes to head all of the Fox hospitals. Koracik does, even if the order got screwed up. The hospital isn't out the money, they can just send it back.

Right and honestly the kids' situation rang true. I know plenty of my students who were in the same boat. Yet, almost got caught up in one of the protests in a larger town happening. Thinking: "Well, it's over in cities and now is a good time to go out and hang with 4 of my BFFs." Next thing they know, they almost got attacked by crowd control. 

As for the intervention, it's been half assed since day 1. First of all, Katrina talked the talk about how bad it was, but cared more about who to sleep with than even adding: "Lack of sleep is bad and we need to get him to some help." Hell, Bailey could have picked up the phone after it was pretty evident that the human trafficing was true with the patient, but instead waited until they were "forced" to come back and then it all went down. Or the fact Deluca himself went: "I don't know what's wrong with me?" It was there he should have been: "I am like my dad, oh God!" Oh no, everyone was: "Go to your room and think about what you did wrong." Same with the Chain of Command or promotions/demotions for the pat 10 seasons. Sorry, Richard was shown he really wasn't a good chief in the long run. He did bend to the old board if they told him too. He would look the other way if he had to or the fact things were staring him in the face and he was: "Well, I'll just fix it MY WAY." That didn't show a great chief, showed someone who got where he was through his experience and seniority and successes, but NEVER learned from his failures and people enabled him with: "But you are so awesome!" 

  As for Koracik, it's true his persona life isn't part of anyone's business, what he did wrong was use his position of power to screw up Owen, seed doubt with his co-workers and got way, way too personal when it came to his past. THAT showed why Koracik would not be hired or be looked under a bigger microscope. Instead of just be: "I left my personal life at the door and continued to be a damn good doctor." But he didn't. 

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47 minutes ago, readster said:

Or the fact Deluca himself went: "I don't know what's wrong with me?" It was there he should have been: "I am like my dad, oh God!" Oh no, everyone was: "Go to your room and think about what you did wrong." 

I can buy that he, in the moment, didn't grasp that what was happening to him was the same as his dad - he has a mental illness and was in the middle of his first real episode of that illness; the rest of them (especially his sister, who should recognize it better than anyone) not doing anything is what gets me.

47 minutes ago, readster said:

Same with the Chain of Command or promotions/demotions for the pat 10 seasons. Sorry, Richard was shown he really wasn't a good chief in the long run. He did bend to the old board if they told him too. He would look the other way if he had to or the fact things were staring him in the face and he was: "Well, I'll just fix it MY WAY." That didn't show a great chief, showed someone who got where he was through his experience and seniority and successes, but NEVER learned from his failures and people enabled him with: "But you are so awesome!" 

He can't even stand up to Bailey, who's a terrible chief, herself. Whenever he tried to tell her his thoughts about the cleaning of PPE, she just told him to shut up and finish reading all the new protocols. No one is allowed to have a thought or idea unless they've done exactly what she says first, and she'll yell over you if you try. She's a shitty boss.

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30 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I can buy that he, in the moment, didn't grasp that what was happening to him was the same as his dad - he has a mental illness and was in the middle of his first real episode of that illness; the rest of them (especially his sister, who should recognize it better than anyone) not doing anything is what gets me.

He can't even stand up to Bailey, who's a terrible chief, herself. Whenever he tried to tell her his thoughts about the cleaning of PPE, she just told him to shut up and finish reading all the new protocols. No one is allowed to have a thought or idea unless they've done exactly what she says first, and she'll yell over you if you try. She's a shitty boss.

Right and why she always got the nickname "the nazi". Of course Richard helped her get there as we saw in various flashbacks. "You can either be a fish or a barracuda and stand up for herself." Of course as it was proven over the course of the series, all the attending doctors were just HORRIBLE teachers. They cared about themselves, were more interested in cutting people open that showing others how to be "better doctors/surgeons" and God forbid if anyone put them on report or said: "You're a damn doctor, act like it." Instead as we have seen from Deluca to Schimdt to Bailey and Richard they are either too full of themselves or act like they won a contest and were given a medical degree. 

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After rewatching the series during quarantine, it makes no sense that DeLuca is an attending in 2020.

He arrives as an intern in July 2016 (a year after Derek died) at the end of season 11. How can he be an attending in April 2020? He should be finishing his fourth resident year. Shouldn't he?

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2 hours ago, readster said:

hey cared about themselves, were more interested in cutting people open that showing others how to be "better doctors/surgeons" and God forbid if anyone put them on report or said: "You're a damn doctor, act like it." Instead as we have seen from Deluca to Schimdt to Bailey and Richard they are either too full of themselves or act like they won a contest and were given a medical degree. 

It's  extremely annoying.
and the thing is, no one ever call people on their behaviour

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Daisy said:

It's  extremely annoying.
and the thing is, no one ever call people on their behaviour

Exactly, every time they did a flashback I was always: "Oh great, what asshole was at the hospital now that felt teaching and patient care was beneath them?" I mean you have that constant toxic environment and then wonder when other characters go: "How did you even become a doctor?" they look at you dumb founded. When really, was the hospital ever "great" as Richard said it was? 17 years and the answer seems to be "no". 

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I know it’s more difficult (or irresponsible) to show social scenes in pandemic times, but I miss when any of the doctors seemed to be friends. I miss scenes at Joe’s or playing baseball or camping or something. Right now everyone is just f*cking each other or f*cking each other over and it gives me very little to care about. 

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, readster said:

Right and why she always got the nickname "the nazi". Of course Richard helped her get there as we saw in various flashbacks. "You can either be a fish or a barracuda and stand up for herself." Of course as it was proven over the course of the series, all the attending doctors were just HORRIBLE teachers. They cared about themselves, were more interested in cutting people open that showing others how to be "better doctors/surgeons" and God forbid if anyone put them on report or said: "You're a damn doctor, act like it." Instead as we have seen from Deluca to Schimdt to Bailey and Richard they are either too full of themselves or act like they won a contest and were given a medical degree. 

I don't think all surgeons/attendings were bad at teaching. 

The Shepherds (Derek and Amelia) were horrible, because they were/are really the typical arrogant Neurosurgeons who thought that they were god,but I also remember that surgeons like Burke and Montgomery did good. Especially the latter. Who knows if someone like Karev would have stuck to pediatric surgery if it wasn't for Montgomery? 

Bailey was always great,too. 


Yeah,most of the attendings are "I know it alls" but there are exceptions.

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On 11/13/2020 at 3:45 PM, statsgirl said:

Who would look after Meredith's children then?

If Derek is there to tell Meredith to live her life and be happy with McWidower, I will throw things at the TV.

Even though I forgot Grey's is back and didn't watch on Thursday -- I did record and watched this past weekend.

It was lovely to see Derek waving at Meredith at the end. Mere totally has The Rona (COVID) and Derek is her "dream"  My first thought was -- yup. They will have a lovely conversation where Derek tells her to move on with the McWidower dude (I can't remember his name but the actor doesn't really excite me and I fail to see any kind of chemistry between him and Mere) I guess I was one of the few people who didn't mind Mere's little fling with Deluca --- which I am guessing is over now?

Don't care about Teddy or Owen.

What did Amelia and whatshisname name the baby?  What did they talk about for 9 long months? Never once did they discuss names?


  • Love 2

Scout Derek Shepherd Lincoln, I think. I'm still laughing at "Gabe Lincoln".

34 minutes ago, taanja said:

I guess I was one of the few people who didn't mind Mere's little fling with Deluca --- which I am guessing is over now?

I liked them together too. But the writers Meredith never really committed to it and now she's going to go with McWidower who is not just dull but whose judgmentsalism tops even Bailey's.

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On 11/14/2020 at 6:56 PM, marceline said:

Deluca: "Who died?

Meredith: "Everyone."

I know this seems like bad writing but it's how a lot of people who have been living with the loss of loved ones to this disease feel.

Plus she then proceeded to name all the patients -- which looked to me like Deluca was familiar with all of them.

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Hey I recovered my password and logged-in just to respond to this (after not being active on this site for over 6 years).

On 11/16/2020 at 1:45 AM, statsgirl said:

...Deluca's intervention made me cringe. Shut up Bailey about "I function with my OCD" because OCD is nothing like bipolar disorder...

I totally agree. I get a layperson could well be forgiven for having that kind of reaction (well meaning but ignorant) but a fellow Dr? No. I know Drs have to do a certain amount of learning about MH issues in their study and anyone who has ever had anything to do with either or both of those conditions knows they are not the same.

On 11/14/2020 at 3:44 AM, LittlePeas3 said:

...The Deluca story line - while I expect relapes, they did address the fact that he needed sleep to regulate his behaviour, etc...

I thought this was so good. Sleep routine and hygiene are so very, very important. It is possible to leave Australia perfectly healthy and arrive in the UK experiencing manic symptoms (or in rare cases full-on mania). Time zones are important.

On 11/16/2020 at 3:13 AM, readster said:

...Or the fact Deluca himself went: "I don't know what's wrong with me?" It was there he should have been: "I am like my dad, oh God!" Oh no, everyone was: "Go to your room and think about what you did wrong."...

On 11/16/2020 at 4:06 AM, ams1001 said:

I can buy that he, in the moment, didn't grasp that what was happening to him was the same as his dad - he has a mental illness and was in the middle of his first real episode of that illness; the rest of them (especially his sister, who should recognize it better than anyone) not doing anything is what gets me...

This. Insight into their illness is not something that everyone with Bipolar (and other MH issues) has, unfortunately.

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Finally watched the premiere.

If it's possible, my low opinion of Teddy got even lower. She looked right into Owen's face, and lied to him. Without the butt-dial, she would have gone through with the wedding like nothing ever happened. And then she has the nerve to snap at Jo for her relationship troubles. Jo wasn't at fault for her marriage ending, and she sure as hell never cheated on Alex. After lying to Owen's face, the rest of her sadness and shame was just hollow to me. She really tried to proclaim her love to Owen after all of that. Owen's was right. She never said "No" or "I'm in love Owen" when Korasic asked her to leave with her. She just stated "I'm marrying Owen" like she was settling for him. She's not sorry she cheated. She's just sorry she got caught and that the whole hospital knows.

I really hope Richard doesn't take Catherine back. She doesn't deserve it. Jackson's words about his mother went in one ear and out the other. The woman is petty. She bought the hospital that Richard had moved to out of spite because she couldn't stand to see him being happy and successful without her. Why would anyone want a woman who does that? Sorry, Maggie, but though Richard wasn't perfect, he never resorted to anything like that. Richard should be free, instead of constantly letting her drag him down. 

There were some decent COVID storylines, but the place really just seems like a high school, even in the height of a pandemic. Relationship drama and somebody needing a sex buddy.

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19 hours ago, shantown said:

I know it’s more difficult (or irresponsible) to show social scenes in pandemic times, but I miss when any of the doctors seemed to be friends. I miss scenes at Joe’s or playing baseball or camping or something. Right now everyone is just f*cking each other or f*cking each other over and it gives me very little to care about. 

Couldn't agree more. I remember the days Derek or Arizona or Callie would do a cool surgery in almost every episode. Now, it's a rarity, and Meredith does most of them as a general surgeon. More of the focus, it seems, is on the relationship drama. Who's sleeping with who, so-and-so is pregnant, or a marriage or coupling is on the rocks.

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If it was up to me I would've ended the show long ago. In my pov it is way more satisfying to end the show on a high note. Cool surgeries have been done, enough tragedies have happened, enough kids for the characters have been born. Meredith has her Harper Avery award (the titular character always needs to shine,right?) What else is there to tell? 

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On 11/16/2020 at 2:34 PM, statsgirl said:

Scout Derek Shepherd Lincoln, I think. I'm still laughing at "Gabe Lincoln".

I liked them together too. But the writers Meredith never really committed to it and now she's going to go with McWidower who is not just dull but whose judgmentsalism tops even Bailey's.

Yes, that's the baby's name.

And count me in too.  I liked that Meredith found herself a hot, younger man.  I think Deluca is a decent character, too.  McWidower is as dull as watching paint dry; there is absolutely nothing interesting about him and they have less than zero chemistry.  

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On 11/14/2020 at 1:54 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

IMO, Owen can stay, but only if they focus on him being a competent military veteran doctor, and stop focusing on his personal life. 

But this show being a soap opera, the character's personal lives (and the dumpster fires that they are) are central to the show; being doctors is not. Watching happy, competent, fulfilled characters does not make for compelling viewing (and I say that sarcastically).

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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

Watching happy, competent, fulfilled characters does not make for compelling viewing (

Agreed. But that’s why he should have been removed after Teddy had Alison and they reunited. This season and last are proof they’ve nowhere interesting to go with them that isn’t just retcon after recon. 

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I liked this episode, beyond the final cameo. I used the PPE as cues for the flashbacks. Full PPE (or well, KN95s) and face shields indicated present day, regular surgical masks (or no visible masks at all inside the hospital) indicated the past.

Those must've been PAPRs (powered air purifying respirators) most of the cast were using (the clear headgear with a tube into a backpack-like device). Makes more sense for a fictional TV show than N95s. I wonder if they're purely props or broken PAPRs or what.

Maybe there were some things that could've been more subtle or better done, but I liked seeing that Seattle Grace Mercy Death was doing the best it could to take care of patients during the pandemic. I needed to see that, for some reason, and I thought they did as well as could be expected for them.

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21 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Those must've been PAPRs (powered air purifying respirators) most of the cast were using (the clear headgear with a tube into a backpack-like device). Makes more sense for a fictional TV show than N95s. I wonder if they're purely props or broken PAPRs or what.


From what I read, they donated any real equipment they had and were using fakes for filming.

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On 11/16/2020 at 11:49 PM, Spritti12 said:

If it was up to me I would've ended the show long ago. In my pov it is way more satisfying to end the show on a high note. Cool surgeries have been done, enough tragedies have happened, enough kids for the characters have been born. Meredith has her Harper Avery award (the titular character always needs to shine,right?) What else is there to tell? 

It may be getting closer to that point. Debbie Allen did say this season was supposed to be the last, but then she backed off. Though, really, there is nothing more to be done that hasn't been done already. How many more annoying doctor relationships do they want to create? Who else do they want having an unplanned pregnancy? What other disaster can happen? The show really just seems to be going aimlessly at this point, and the maturity level of the characters has fallen drastically over the last few years. Maggie and Teddy are the prime examples. And it seems these opening episodes are trying to bring everything full circle.  So we'll see.

Edited by WinJet0819
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5 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

It may be getting closer to that point. Debbie Allen did say this season was supposed to be the last, but then she backed off. Though, really, there is nothing more to be done that hasn't been done already. How many more annoying doctor relationships do they want to create? Who else do they want having an unplanned pregnancy? What other disaster can happen. The show really just seems to be going aimlessly at this point, and the maturity level of the characters has fallen drastically over the last few years. Maggie and Teddy are the prime examples. And it seems these opening episodes are trying to bring everything full circle.  So we'll see.

I agree, all the characters have hit their points for the series. I mean if they are going to have Maggie actually have an "adult" relationship and not have her do her stupid 14 year old panics again. Really, I don't see how they can really do anything else with Jo, Deluca and Katrina have hit their points too. If they want to keep anyone around, then ship them off to Station 19 and keep that another year if the show MAKES it another year. Grey's has really gone past its expiration point.

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Hi guys! I'm rewatching all season since quarantine. I have realized that it's imposible that DeLuca is an attending/fellow in April 2020. He was starting his internship in July 2016 (Derek dies in March 2015, Meredith moved back to Seattle in January 2016, and it's supposed to be July 1st when De Luca arrived as an intern). If the residency takes 5 years... It's just imposible. He should be finishing his 4th residency year. What do you think? 

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