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"The View": Week of 10/26/2020


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3 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

That is not true and Cuomo did a lot to help his state and he has every right to blame him.  Cuomo has been a leader for New York  and has been a rock.  New York was a hotspot for Covid and under his leadership, he has brought  down the numbers without any help from the federal government.  New York gives more to the federal government than they get back.  No leader is perfect and he has nothing to be ashamed of.. His approval rating is through the roof, I have no doubt that if he were to go for another term, he would get it hands down.. In a time of crisis, I would want Cuomo by my side..

Thank you. I get so tired of folks bashing him. No one is perfect, and he has worked extremely hard. I would also want him by my side in a crisis. 

Chelsea's crush on him cracks me up, not gonna lie. I have a thing for his bro. lol

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Joy made the joke that they were happy to have Cuomo on so they know they won't be preempted by him (his news conferences). He didn't laugh or even react at first and she said: get it? Then he finally smiled but she waved it away and moved on. 

awkward happy endings GIF


6 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Whoopi looks cute today.  But still can't make a smooth segue to save her life.  Yeesh.

'You know what else is crazy?  Coming back for another segment after we go to commercial." 

"Ok, so you know, we'll be right back."

Yeah, she is terrible at this and it isn't that difficult to do. Also, she scrunches her face when she is having trouble reading the teleprompter (because of course she doesn't bother to read it beforehand and you know, prepare.)

Face Awww GIF

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On 10/28/2020 at 1:50 PM, mxmummy said:

Rahm has called the election....Biden is our next President.

I’m sorry but if these ladies find Trump disgusting, Ms Handler is the female version of Trump. Yuck 🤢 

I thought Handler was gross, too, but then, I've never been a fan of hers. I have mixed feelings about Gov. Cuomo, but he didn't deserve that nonsense. 

11 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Note to Sunny:  Lose that super bright & shiny halo light you're using.  This isn't Glamour Shots at the mall, you're on a morning chat show.  Save the glam for the evening.  Your square looks silly compared to your co-hosts. 

I've noticed that with hair, makeup, and outfit, Sunny usually gets two out of the three right--at least in my opinion. I've made a game of trying to guess which two when I hear the show's theme music. Maybe the halo light was a View-Your-deal leftover?

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10 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I hope to God Meg isn't here next week.

Awww, no costumes?! Booooooo!

7 minutes ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

How boring, I thought they'd at least dress up, but we got nothing but a crown.

Come on, now! Y'all KNOW they don't dress themselves! They have costume designers and make-up artists who do all the work! And since they're all at home, they probably couldn't be arsed enough to make the effort.

Yeah, feeling particularly....testy this week.


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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Come on, now! Y'all KNOW they don't dress themselves! They have costume designers and make-up artists who do all the work! And since they're all at home, they probably couldn't be arsed enough to make the effort.

Yeah, feeling particularly....testy this week.



But the kids costumes were cute and Ana's dog had a cute outfit. And adore James Monroe Iglehart. So I guess I can't complain too much.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Come on, now! Y'all KNOW they don't dress themselves! They have costume designers and make-up artists who do all the work! And since they're all at home, they probably couldn't be arsed enough to make the effort.


It's just a shame since other shows managed to dress up even though they were at home.

On 10/27/2020 at 11:11 AM, deirdra said:

I find it ironic that Bari Weiss, who cancel-cultured herself, is so interested in others that have been cancelled by mistake.

She said the left progressive folks are the ones doing it. Can you say Colin Kaepernick ?  

I am not familiar with the case of the power company employee showing white power symbol but hopefully the company would look deeply into his background.  How does she feel about the NY policemen making the symbol for posed picture?

In my city there is a case of at least 5 police officers belonging to a social media forum  that continued to post both racist and anti Muslim remarks in reference to tickets they gave and stops they made. I say they should be fired without retirement pay.  They were put on leave and all cases that  they made racist remarks were dropped and looking at previous cases these officers were involved in. 

I love Chelsea Handler and admire her decision to stop what she was doing finding   it unfulfilling  and dedicated herself to learn about the world and politics.  I’ve read her books ,saw her in concert and liked her Netflix documentary and her shows.  Admitting therapy allowed her to come to terms with anger long ago buried and I’d say her self awareness and ability to be self deprecating is a plus. Her joking about her crush on Cuomo Is just locker room talk..  I also tuned in to and relied on his briefings along with Fauci. He was on it hard every day not like some spineless self serving Representatives .  
I didn’t hear what they said about Christy but I’m sure it’s not worse than anything he’s said or done.  

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Somewhere I saw a chart online that outlined the risk level of certain activities during COVID. For example, gettiing on a plane or going to a bar were very high risk.  Going for a walk was low risk. Somewhere in there they included going to the dentist and it was not considered high risk because of the pre-COVID hygiene standards that existed in dental offices, which were then enhanced by the COVID standards.

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12 minutes ago, bannana said:

Somewhere I saw a chart online that outlined the risk level of certain activities during COVID. For example, gettiing on a plane or going to a bar were very high risk.  Going for a walk was low risk. Somewhere in there they included going to the dentist and it was not considered high risk because of the pre-COVID hygiene standards that existed in dental offices, which were then enhanced by the COVID standards.

I’ve heard that too, that a dentist visit is low risk but I can’t fault Joy for being uncomfortable and putting it off.

Thats how you know this was prerecorded- talking about going to the dentist instead of recent events.

Anyway, a plane is also low risk, especially if the middle seat is empty. But the airport?  Covid city. 

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54 minutes ago, AryasMum said:
On 10/29/2020 at 12:25 PM, Pearson80 said:

I live in a red state. So with no guidance or truth from my president or governor, I relied on what they allowed Fauci to say, and Cuomo’s daily briefings. Here is where I found a leader who was calm, decisive, factual, and effective in fighting this virus. I ignored what my own supposed leaders told me to do, and followed Fauci and Cuomo.

I’m in a red state as well with a governor with no guidance. Many are disappointed in him not enforcing mask mandates, etc. He has been leaving it up to each city  as far as what they choose to do and not do. I’m an adult who can decide what I should or should not do I don’t wait for someone to tell me. I choose not to go to weddings and funerals and large gatherings, I do go out to eat occasionally and go to my daughters sporting events otherwise I try stay home if it’s not essential. Fauci and the CDC have went back and forth on findings and beliefs so I can’t say I follow either one 100 percent. 

1 hour ago, AryasMum said:

I live in a red state. So with no guidance or truth from my president or governor, I relied on what they allowed Fauci to say, and Cuomo’s daily briefings. Here is where I found a leader who was calm, decisive, factual, and effective in fighting this virus. I ignored what my own supposed leaders told me to do, and followed Fauci and Cuomo.

To me, Cuomo was the de facto leader in the fight for this virus. There’s a reason his briefings were shown beyond the state of New York. 

Ditto. My governor was very dismissive of the virus, so I really appreciate the governors who show leadership. I don't expect perfection. There was a learning curve with this for everyone. I expect giving a damn, learning from your mistakes, and trying to do better.

I get that Halloween can be a lot of work and not always worth the money for a lot of people. But if I had access to the best in the business to make me up to the nines, I'd be so excited to go all out for Halloween! 

  • Love 6
58 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Ditto. My governor was very dismissive of the virus, so I really appreciate the governors who show leadership. I don't expect perfection. There was a learning curve with this for everyone. I expect giving a damn, learning from your mistakes, and trying to do better.

I get that Halloween can be a lot of work and not always worth the money for a lot of people. But if I had access to the best in the business to make me up to the nines, I'd be so excited to go all out for Halloween! 

Exactly. My senator was briefed on the virus before the public knew. He chose to cash in all of his stocks that would be affected, and then invest that money in all the stocks that would thrive. He’s a scum bag and he is up for re-election. 🤞

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Haleth said:

^ 😡

Yes, exactly; when the primetimer shocked emoji response just doesn't cut it for crap like this:


2 hours ago, AryasMum said:

Exactly. My senator was briefed on the virus before the public knew. He chose to cash in all of his stocks that would be affected, and then invest that money in all the stocks that would thrive. He’s a scum bag and he is up for re-election. 🤞


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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2020 at 2:54 PM, MeThinkMeNot said:

Whenever Ana or the others bring up looting and rioting and how it's not acceptable, I just tune them out. You can't bring up that when people are being murdered with no consequence. Don't talk to me about buildings when people who look like me are being killed.

Condemning looting and rioting is how she began her comments, but then she segued into exactly what you're saying here though? It began with "You know what's also not acceptable?" and went from there.

Today was boring, but personally... I always hated the costumes. I laughed when Joy said the same herself. I wondered if she might just throw a sheet over her head and dress as a "ghost" if they forced costumes on them this year.

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This week ended as a dud.


The 'Halloween' opening was ridiculous, the only saving grace was that no one was dressed as a Disney character.  I'm glad Joy mentioned how much she dislikes dressing in a costume each year as much as we, the viewers,  dislike seeing the cast dressed in costumes each year. It's hard to take the conversation seriously - especially during an important Presidential election as this one - when the hosts are dressed up like Sleeping Beauty, Elsa, Snow White, and The Little Mermaid. Here's hoping this season has started a new trend for the rest of the season.

The show didn't pick up speed after that. I wasn't particularly interested in Joy's walk-out from the dentist's office.  But even their 'election' topics were stale. Nothing was said which hasn't been said the past 6 months. How many times can Whoopi repeat something the President said or tweeted, and then ask each host with a quizzical look...'Sooooo, do you think he's a racist ?' or 'Sooooo, do you think he has a handle on the pandemic?' or 'Soooooo, should we believe him or Dr. Fauci?' 

I'm just waiting for one of the hosts to curtly respond, "Already asked and answered over the past seven months, Whoopi. Pay attention when it's our turn so you don't keep repeating the questions each day."

I actually missed MeAgain, and the frenzied energy she brings. I thought for sure she'd be back this week to spark things up and throw out her cliches: 'chickens came home to roost', 'spill the tea', 'read the tea leaves', etc. I actually missed the totally wooden  Adam Glassman from 'Oprah' magazine.  You know it's a dull show when the viewer was waiting for it to end with 'View Your Deal'  - and it didn't happen.

Maybe next week will be better. Maybe MeAgain will return on Monday. Maybe Adam Glassman will return with Oprah's favorite pasta noodles at just 50% off.

See ya'll Monday.   And until then, "Remember to wear a mask, wash your hands, get out and vote, and take a little time to enjoy whatever view you happen upon".

Edited by LetsStartTalking
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22 hours ago, Haleth said:

Anyway, a plane is also low risk, especially if the middle seat is empty. But the airport?  Covid city. 

Yes, that's what I have been saying to famly who want to visit relatives in other states - sure, it might be safe to BE there, and to FLY there, but first, you'd be at OHARE airport, one of the busiest in the world.  


22 hours ago, mxmummy said:

Fauci and the CDC have went back and forth on findings and beliefs so I can’t say I follow either one 100 percent. 

This is something that is repeated many times, but Fauci has been pretty clear that he is transparent in conveying the latest information to American people.  Did he once say not to wear masks?  Yes, in MARCH.  That was when the only advice was to wash your hands after touching anything.   Remember, that was when the only masks were the N95s and the paper hospital surgical masks.  he advised people not to buy them for home use, because hospitals had shortages.   in APRIL he recommended cloth masks for everyone - that was around the time stores and online businesses started selling the cloth masks.  before April/May, you couldn't find them.  

Dr. Fauci has been pretty clear about masks, social distancing, and gatherings.   Fauci has been an advisor in this field for a number of presidents, and is regarded as one of the world experts in infecitous diseases, so there is no reason to doubt what he says.  Especially when he said recently that he refuses to be stifled by the administration. 

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On 10/28/2020 at 2:30 AM, Haleth said:

Oh, here we go with Bari whining about cancel culture and being forced to quit the NYTimes.

Can't stand this horrid woman. She's such a hypocrite, going on about cancel culture when she got her start trying to get professors at her university fired. And everyone knows she wasn't forced to quit the NYT. More like the NYT brought in Charlotte Greensit as managing editor for the Op Ed section and Bari couldn't hack it. Her resignation letter was hilarious, it went on and on and on: "blah blah blah blah I'm such a victim wah wah wah!" Seriously, just when you thought it would end, there was another page.

On 10/28/2020 at 2:35 AM, MeThinkMeNot said:

Bari Weiss looking solemn as they discuss cancel culture....yet the only one who canceled Bari was herself so I don't understand why she's looking so hurt by this, when she's the one who inflicted it on herself. Make it make sense.

Absolutely. She just has to make herself the victim in every situation. She's foul.

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22 hours ago, AryasMum said:

Exactly. My senator was briefed on the virus before the public knew. He chose to cash in all of his stocks that would be affected, and then invest that money in all the stocks that would thrive. He’s a scum bag and he is up for re-election. 🤞

That stinks.  Hope he's charged.  Thankfully we've had a great Gov P.  I would put him just a step or so under Cuomo.  He was tough when he had to be and there every step of the way.  Unfortunately he loosened the grip and now we are back to one step before another lockdown.  Hopefully doesn't get to that

2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Yes, that's what I have been saying to famly who want to visit relatives in other states - sure, it might be safe to BE there, and to FLY there, but first, you'd be at OHARE airport, one of the busiest in the world.  

I thought that once you got to your destination, you had to Q for 14 days before you could even visit.  Thats whats been holding me off from going to see my Mom.  I dont want to endanger her


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2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Yes, that's what I have been saying to famly who want to visit relatives in other states - sure, it might be safe to BE there, and to FLY there, but first, you'd be at OHARE airport, one of the busiest in the world.  


This is something that is repeated many times, but Fauci has been pretty clear that he is transparent in conveying the latest information to American people.  Did he once say not to wear masks?  Yes, in MARCH.  That was when the only advice was to wash your hands after touching anything.   Remember, that was when the only masks were the N95s and the paper hospital surgical masks.  he advised people not to buy them for home use, because hospitals had shortages.   in APRIL he recommended cloth masks for everyone - that was around the time stores and online businesses started selling the cloth masks.  before April/May, you couldn't find them.  

Dr. Fauci has been pretty clear about masks, social distancing, and gatherings.   Fauci has been an advisor in this field for a number of presidents, and is regarded as one of the world experts in infecitous diseases, so there is no reason to doubt what he says.  Especially when he said recently that he refuses to be stifled by the administration. 

Exactly.  They had to learn more about the virus in order to better tell us what we should do.

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On 10/31/2020 at 12:23 PM, tinkerbell said:

Dr. Fauci has been pretty clear about masks, social distancing, and gatherings.   Fauci has been an advisor in this field for a number of presidents, and is regarded as one of the world experts in infecitous diseases, so there is no reason to doubt what he says.  Especially when he said recently that he refuses to be stifled by the administration. 

I’m not doubting Dr Fauci but there has been no rhyme or reason to this virus so we are all learning as we go. 

On 10/31/2020 at 12:23 PM, tinkerbell said:

Yes, that's what I have been saying to famly who want to visit relatives in other states - sure, it might be safe to BE there, and to FLY there, but first, you'd be at OHARE airport, one of the busiest in the world.  


This is something that is repeated many times, but Fauci has been pretty clear that he is transparent in conveying the latest information to American people.  Did he once say not to wear masks?  Yes, in MARCH.  That was when the only advice was to wash your hands after touching anything.   Remember, that was when the only masks were the N95s and the paper hospital surgical masks.  he advised people not to buy them for home use, because hospitals had shortages.   in APRIL he recommended cloth masks for everyone - that was around the time stores and online businesses started selling the cloth masks.  before April/May, you couldn't find them.  

Dr. Fauci has been pretty clear about masks, social distancing, and gatherings.   Fauci has been an advisor in this field for a number of presidents, and is regarded as one of the world experts in infecitous diseases, so there is no reason to doubt what he says.  Especially when he said recently that he refuses to be stifled by the administration. 

Exactly, and it frustrates me to no end how people act like Dr. Fauci was anti-masks for months and months. Meghan's done this numerous times when she talks about donating masks she had. I started wearing masks in April and remember everything just as you posted. I cut the mask-less slack during the spring since it was all so new for us. But by the summer even folks who aren't news junkies had been hearing consistent information for awhile, and masks of some kind were easy to find. You didn't need a hookup with a healthcare worker or to spend a fortunate on them or get them off an obscure site. IRC, that was the situation around the time Dr. Fauci wasn't encouraging the average person to wear them. My opinion is from the summer and more than ever now, if you don't want to wear a mask, be honest that you just don't want to wear one. Do not cite ancient advice Dr. Fauci gave for the above reasons. I don't believe Dr. Fauci lied to us about masks. But people who say they don't believe in masks due to early advice are full of it. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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