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I Love A Mama’s Boy - General Discussion

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15 hours ago, Real4real said:

 The dance instructor talking about the mom and son tango!  

I am pretty sure I've never heard of a "traditional" mother son dance, especially not a tango! So sick!

I forget their names, but the mom who wants a room in her baby's excuse for a house on *her* property because she can't envision walking 20 steps to her own house is too sick and obnoxious. My thing here is that I don't think any of these moms are acting. They are next level obsessed.

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On 11/17/2020 at 12:18 AM, Texasmom1970 said:

All these son and mom relationships are so messed up. I think Shakeebs Mom is the worst. The poor uncomfortable neighbors at the party. Her over the top if you leave I will die guilt trip. It was nice to see him leave with his girlfriend. I think his balls might have finally dropped!

Did you see his dad come out to the car and guilt him into going back in the house?  What a loser!  He'll sacrifice his kid so he doesn't have to deal with his own hyena of a wife.

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On 11/17/2020 at 11:45 PM, renatae said:

 My thing here is that I don't think any of these moms are acting. They are next level obsessed.

This!  The bewildered look on their faces when someone dares to suggest that at some point, baby boy’s girlfriend/wife will come first—unheard of!  Impossible!  They may try to laugh it off, but you can see that deep down, they will never accept it.  So sad.

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                          This show almost leaves me speechless. There is some icky greek tragedy shit going on. Boundaries people!


I simply cannot bring myself to watch this show, but was interested to see the comments.  I have two close girlfriends who each married mama's boys and -- oh, the utter horror that ensued!!!!!!  I've tried to watch this show and cannot stomach it....these women are total failures as human beings (of the mother variety).  Ugh!

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Here I am again, a glutton for punishment. I might just stroke out, lol. I guess I watch just to scream at the TV.

If I were Kim, the final straw would be Kelly and her smug, smackable face demanding a room in the shed for her to sleep in. Then she just piles it on, demanding changes in everything Kim asks for, snottily saying she's the mom (obey me). At that point, I'd have said, fine, I'm out. I want my own home where I am in charge, not you. I will not live on your property. And if gutless wonder disagrees, he stays behind. Nothing is worth having a harridan like that in charge of your life. That's not even accounting for her disgusting remarks about her son changing her diapers!

Speaking of smackable faces, Jason's mom. There is something about her moués that says "bitch eating crackers" to me. Her manipulative, "I'm just thinking of you, I just want you to have a say" is so much BS in the face of the fact she totally steamrolled over Justina in the tux shop. Mom didn't want the tux Jason wanted; she wanted the tux *she* wanted, and the venue she wants. Once again, you horror, this is not your wedding! Personally, I find earth tones boring, and the summer camp venue, or whatever it is, leaves me cold. But it's not my wedding either. I don't even think smother of the year is paying anything toward this wedding, so she needs to button it.


Edited by renatae
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At first I thought Laila was the worst, but after tonight’s episode, I actually think Kelly is worse.  At least with Laila she’s honest about her dislike for Emily and you know where she stands.  Kelly is just completely passive aggressive with her son and Kim.  That girl needs to RUN, not walk, away from that situation. Her whole life is going to be one long struggle with Jason and his mom.  She’s already the third wheel and it’s only going to get worse.

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I didn't want to watch this show but I can't help it. It like watching a bad train wreck in slow motion. 

I would be ashamed as a mother to be like this with my children, especially my son. They are not teaching them to be independent, free thinking individuals.

Is it narcissism, control issues, bad marriages... just what? Why are the dads not standing up to their spouses and telling them they need to let their sons be men? I know some of the dads are gone, but not all of them.

Instead of them being on TV, they need to be in therapy.

So disgustiing.

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On 11/17/2020 at 4:28 PM, candall said:

I guess the dance instructor--rightly--values his job too much to point this out, but that mother-son tango is horrifying.  The voiceover referred to the "romance" between tango partners, but it's really more like throbbing, sensual, sex on the hoof.  When I was dancing, we tried to keep our bodies glued together between the waist and knee.  Watching them just now, I kept thinking, "Just go ahead and _____ him, lady."

My heartstrings tugged a little at the poor bride sitting out the mother-son tango, over on the sidelines.  Welcome to your future, sweetheart.


Isn't the mother that keeps insisting she needs a spare room in the new house for her "sleepovers," the same one who is converting her garage so the couple can live in the backyard?  Yikes, I've seen that movie.  Ultimately she kills her own husband, imprisons the daughter-in-law in some underground torture chamber, and moves in with her darling boy.


That crazy desperate sinew-y mother with the 80's hair needs a membership to "Our Time."

i hope tlc does show where these idiots sees your wonderful post and has to read it!!  can't remember the title of the one showing now.

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1 hour ago, Porkchop said:

OMG, I thought I wouldn’t watch this show ... the premise is too horrid to be entertaining. but I did, and now I’m afraid I’m hooked. 

Welcome! Just how I feel. I love all the 90 Day Fiance Nonsense, so glad you are here for the snark.

Edited by jacksgirl
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Honestly, those two making the garage a home, what are they going to have 800 sq ft. And yet the mother who lives across the drive way in her 2500 sq ft home expects to have an entire bedroom for her to use. They can’t even have the extra space to meet their needs?! That girl needs to run far far away. Also dog doors can be designed in ways that makes them much more secure than seen on home alone. And people who have not built a place still have ideas about what they want. These men seriously need to find their balls. 

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I had a friend who was like this with her oldest son.  

Then I realized what her issue was, maybe these "mothers" have the same problem.  My friend could not stomach the fact that she wasn't young anymore, that she was middle aged/getting older and it scared her to see her son with a young, pretty woman.  She was like, "I used to be a young, pretty woman and all the men used to look at me."  And she took all that toxic shit out on the daughter in law.  

I bet it's not as bad with fathers and daughters, because 50+ men are considered attractive and can attract a woman half their age; harder to do when you're a woman.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I had a friend who was like this with her oldest son.  

Then I realized what her issue was, maybe these "mothers" have the same problem.  My friend could not stomach the fact that she wasn't young anymore, that she was middle aged/getting older and it scared her to see her son with a young, pretty woman.  She was like, "I used to be a young, pretty woman and all the men used to look at me."  And she took all that toxic shit out on the daughter in law.  

I bet it's not as bad with fathers and daughters, because 50+ men are considered attractive and can attract a woman half their age; harder to do when you're a woman.

I'm a 49 year old mom of 3 sons, ages 24, 20, and 17.  In addition to what you've noted, I've also seen lots of moms who can't let go because they don't have anything else going on in their lives but mothering their sons and can't accept that that part of their lives is over.  Of course, they're still moms, but not in that same day-to-day immersive way.  With my youngest leaving for college in less than 2 years, I understand how hard it is, especially if a mom doesn't have an active career or hobby  or other fulfilling activity to devote time and attention to.  But, to me, it's just so sick to make your children's lives be about YOU.  I've always felt like my parenting job was to raise my kids to be able to live their best lives, which they can't fully do if they feel like they're responsible for my happiness.  

I'd be really interested in the back stories of the young women in this show.  What's gone on with them that they're willing to stay in these relationships with "men" who don't value them more than they fear or defer to their mothers?

  • Love 19

I cannot fathom why the women (or the mama's boys) on this show have such a hard time saying "no."

"No, I don't want to wear a red paisley suit."

"No, you can't plan our wedding."

"No, you're not invited to dinner tonight."

"No, I'm not available to drink sleepytime tea tonight."

"No, I'd rather have the chicken parmesan for dinner."

What do they think the overbearing, pushy moms are going to do when told "no"? Ground them? Ban them from using the car? 

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On 11/26/2020 at 3:19 PM, the-grey-lady said:

I cannot fathom why the women (or the mama's boys) on this show have such a hard time saying "no."

"No, I don't want to wear a red paisley suit."

"No, you can't plan our wedding."

"No, you're not invited to dinner tonight."

"No, I'm not available to drink sleepytime tea tonight."

"No, I'd rather have the chicken parmesan for dinner."

What do they think the overbearing, pushy moms are going to do when told "no"? Ground them? Ban them from using the car? 

No, it's none of that; she'll cut them off (affection, love, time, money (if applicable) etc.) and the dad's (if in the picture) won't stand up to it.  I've seen this with my husband's family where my ILs cut off my husband's oldest brother. They haven't seen or talked to him or his kids for 22 years, despite living in the same town.  My husband, his other brother, and their father are all afraid to confront her or go against her.  Fortunately, she's not been a MIL who's been too interested in being our business.  

Edited by readheaded
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Shakeb getting all shirty about "Don't you give me an ultimatum!" Bitch, all your mom has done is give ultimatums! Everything with her is outright demands and refusal to give. And you gotta shit or get off the pot.

"I love my son and I always want to make sure he's taking care of himself." No, you want to leave constant reminders that he is inadequate without your supervision. "Look, I brought you fruit! FRUIT! I BROUGHT FRUIT!" Steph, just give it up. Mike sees nothing wrong with his mother being up his butt with 24/7 access.

"I'm traditional! My husband's traditional! This wedding has to be traditional or it means Justina is steamrolling my baby!" Apparently. their family tradition is Vegas Tacky? And Jesus Christ, Mom, get some medication for that rosacea; you're neon-colored. Justina looked lovely and I'm glad that it coincidently appeased Mom enough to not have to fight her. I swear if Jason gives in to her bullshit... Sounds like next week is going to be her drama-queening over "grandma says fuck your rules".

Edited by CoyoteBlue
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On 11/26/2020 at 2:19 PM, the-grey-lady said:

What do they think the overbearing, pushy moms are going to do when told "no"? Ground them? Ban them from using the car? 

Screech, cry, carry on, guilt, gaslight, and depending on how important the issue is to the mom, even threaten suicide, or plead medical dependance. Narcissists like this must be in control and will stop at just about nothing, unfortunately.

On the sons' side, they are operating in the FOG - fear, obligation, guilt. The moms use their emotion arsenal to keep them in line by relying on their sons having these feelings. Examples here - the the mom who nearly died holding it over her son's head whenever she needs the leverage, and the opposite, where the mom nursed him through his serious illness. Instead of just being happy he's here, she uses guilt and obligation to maintain control.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 9

I am just watching part of that tonight for the 1st time. I was avoiding it, but was intrested to see how bad they were.  The future MIL picking up wedding dresses for the girl was so lame. And what is wrong with that cow's face it's all bright red. Is at her idea of make up, or did she get a chemical peel?? Ick I was right these people suck 

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Justine's sisters and Jason's sister are THE BEST. They weren't fucking around with the mom's shitty ideas and tacky stuff.  The red ribbon was SO insane.  I see some of my mom in Jason's mom.  Much of her chagrin is not being totally in the know from bowel movement to wedding jacket, but it is also about her innate controlling need to have things totally and completely her way from her POV b/c other POVs are wrong.  The ugly ass red jacket is a great example; I would have said, fuck your tacky jacket, but Justine's thought process of "wear that for the mother-son dance" is generous and giving in without selling out to the control freak.  Also, you can tell her concerns about the venue in Vegas are not about anyone but her and her people (she doesn't really care, but army of 1 isn't going to make her argument), and I'm glad her daughter called her out.  You can tell Paige CANNOT with her mother and was happy to have the sisters as back up.   Next week's tears have zero to do with the immediate situation and everything to do with the anger she feels at all the other stuff and her lack of info and control.  She's just going to use that as the "in" to emotionally manipulate her boy and if she doesn't get her way, blame Justine (who seems lovely). 

The issue with the young ski couple was clear tonight:  He has no real interest in his mom not wiping his ass, but he wants to have sex with a girl and pretend to be independent.  80s hair mom needs to go out, and live life.  It doesn't have to include a man, unless she wants, but, Jesus, go take a pottery class and make some friends, so you can let your son grow up.  He obviously needs it.

Shakeb is another one who likes having his mom up his ass. Even thought marriage #1 with Afgani girl mom guilted him into marrying didn't work out, she's coming again b/c her perfect boy needs to marry an Afgani and make little Afgani grandkids.  Shakeb needs to decide if he wants that life or one of his own choosing.  Laila is a monster; I know some of this is scripted and producer driven, but you can tell the worst parts of her are not.  Emily needs to go. Find a Korean man.  Or a black man.  Or a white man. Or a Latino man.  Or a South Asian man.  Or another middle eastern man.  Just not this one.  His dick and personality cannot be worth the trouble.  

I was happy to not have Matt and his mom and his "girlfriend" on this week.  They are tew much wrong. 

Frankly, I'm annoyed I've even thought this much about this POS show, but here I am. 

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4 hours ago, antfitz said:

I am just watching part of that tonight for the 1st time. I was avoiding it, but was intrested to see how bad they were.  The future MIL picking up wedding dresses for the girl was so lame. And what is wrong with that cow's face it's all bright red. Is at her idea of make up, or did she get a chemical peel?? Ick I was right these people suck 

She looks like she has rosacea: https://www.rosacea.org/

Maybe they can do a cross-over with Dr, Pimple Popper.

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13 hours ago, readheaded said:

She looks like she has rosacea: https://www.rosacea.org/

Maybe they can do a cross-over with Dr, Pimple Popper.

She has a lot wrong with her, that needs more than medication  She’s obese and inflamed. She’s obviously not just emotionally unbalanced.  Seems to run in the family, hopefully Paige can avoid that future self.

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If I walked into my apartment and my boyfriend’s mom was cleaning (and I was unaware she had a key), there would be hell to pay. I would have flipped out right in front of her.  And she thinks my flowers are almost dead and throws them out? Bitch, get your own life.  And then in the talking head, Michael says his mom needs a key so she can clean bc the girlfriend doesn’t.  What an ass.

Again, WHY do these girls stick around? Life’s too short. Find someone else who is off his mommy’s boob! Jeez. 

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On 11/30/2020 at 1:34 AM, TrininisaScorp said:

I was happy to not have Matt and his mom and his "girlfriend" on this week.  They are tew much wrong. 

Matt's mom is just TOO DESPERATE to have her own television show.  I'll bet she has tried every reality and game show since the 70s and this one finally bit.  I don't know if I dislike HER or the producers more.

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On 11/29/2020 at 9:27 PM, CoyoteBlue said:

Mom, get some medication for that rosacea; you're neon-colored.

Her condition seems much more than then worst cases of rosacea; I'll bet she was shocked to see her complexion's various Shades of Red  when she watched herself on television.  She needs a  dermatologist...but mostly therapist who can prescribe anti-anxiety meds.  Her complexion, her NEED TO CONTROL, and her family members will benefit.

Edited by Back Atcha
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I'm thinking if it was not a medical condition TLC would have discussed how her skin wasn't coming out well on film. They have other perimeters they don't allow because it interferes with filming quality. And if it is a medical condition it may have a lot to do with her aggressiveness and fear of losing perhaps the only person wh doesn't judge her because of it. Maybe not exactly but somewhere in that ballpark.

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On 11/17/2020 at 9:45 PM, renatae said:

I am pretty sure I've never heard of a "traditional" mother son dance, especially not a tango! So sick!

Tango, me neither.  But I've been to weddings where there were mother-son dances...and my son and I participated.  He chose the music because his favorite dance (in 2000) was a country two-step.  We were a hit!

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On 11/29/2020 at 8:37 PM, renatae said:

Screech, cry, carry on, guilt, gaslight, and depending on how important the issue is to the mom, even threaten suicide, or plead medical dependance. Narcissists like this must be in control and will stop at just about nothing, unfortunately.

Oh, I know you're right. I've cut off a few toxic relatives in my time.

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I don't normally watch shows like this, but once I saw how nutty the moms were, I was hooked! I just wanted to see what nutbag thing they would come up with next.

No clue who takes the medal for most incestuous mom yet, but Annette and Laila are leading the pack! Laila bringing that woman to lunch or Annette saying she knows that her son must not know about Justina's wedding plans, so she must speak to him about this! Don't know which takes the cake!

Next week should be interesting!

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Can anyone explain to me how any of these men could possibly be worth it? There are much better men out there who don’t have horrible mothers.

I can’t believe how stupid these men are. Especially Mike. He’s a dumbass. He’s so stupid that he thinks it’s okay that he gave his mom a key to his apartment without telling his girlfriend because she came over and cleaned. And she was so hateful about the apartment not being clean (to her standards). It was so horrible because not all of their clothes were put away. That woman has a screw loose. Steph seems to be smart, so I think she’ll get out of this okay, but she really deserves better. Run, Steph, run!

Laila scares me. I don’t think she’s faking. She is so hateful and nasty. I would like to coach Emily in how to respond. She’s doing pretty well, but I think she could do better. I hope Shekeb cuts off contact with Laila so he can finally have a life.

I was on the verge of not watching this show any more, but the moms are getting nuttier, and I want to see what happens next.

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15 hours ago, MagicEyes said:


I was on the verge of not watching this show any more, but the moms are getting nuttier, and I want to see what happens next.

Yes! Its the gift that keeps giving, the car wreck you can't look away from.

The men are weak, the mothers are crazy and the women are so afraid to be alone that they put up with it.

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This show is my guilty reward. I save it for the weekend after a long, hard week of Distance Learning. Love, love,  love Justina's sisters and Jason's sister at the bridal shop. The giggling gave way to side eyes and awkward silences. I actually liked the "Paisley" dress, but its for a different bride, not Justina. Mother Justin needs therapy. Way too enmeshed in her son's life. And Our Time mom is nuts too. I'd ask for the key back. Or get an alarm system and not tell mom the code. Have fun when you set it off.

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