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Sheesh, season 2 people should just stay out of it. Those three women still have an axe to grind so of course, OF COURSE, Ashley would go running to them. Yeah, the show failed to give them their prince in shining armour, but they all have some issues and their time would be better spent working on those rather than spreading all kinds of rumours that may or may not have some truth to them. It makes them all look vindictive and ridiculous to me. You signed up for a stupid reality TV show, it didn't work out, tough luck. Time to move on!

  • Love 6

TBH all 3 matches are terrible. i wouldn't be surpirsed if none of them were "really" together. IMO Sam & Tres are faking it for the cameras. With 2 people on board, it wouldn't be that hard for production to convince ($$$) the others. 


Also, Olivia mentions the 100K once again. This amount has been thrown around since season 2. I wonder if that's acutally what they get if they decide to say together, at least for the camera. 



$100k to stay together for 5 YEARS? Are they that desperate for money?


Now if that was true then they would all be in violation of those contracts and money gone or risk being sued for breach of contract or something. There is no way if these couples knew they were going to split for their various reasons that they would sign on to that crap and but up with being left alone or abused or whatever else for 5 yrs for just 100K. It wouldn't be worth it first off and second they would have to put up a front for years and years and not be able to go out on any dates in hope of actually finding someone. I am doubting this is true. 

  Wasn't the 100K what was rumored the season 1 group got for doing the 1st year or am I wrong on that one? Can't remember now. LOL

Edited by Evil Queen
  • Love 4

Now if that was true then they would all be in violation of those contracts and money gone or risk being sued for breach of contract or something. There is no way if these couples knew they were going to split for their various reasons that they would sign on to that crap and but up with being left alone or abused or whatever else for 5 yrs for just 100K. It wouldn't be worth it first off and second they would have to put up a front for years and years and not be able to go out on any dates in hope of actually finding someone. I am doubting this is true.

Wasn't the 100K what was rumored the season 1 group got for doing the 1st year or am I wrong on that one? Can't remember now. LOL

Jaclyn's sister is so gullible that she think closed group means it's a secret. She deleted it ystrday becos Jaclyn was scared of production but she said since it's a close group, it shouldn't get to production. VERY NAIVE... I already saw the screen shot on twitter and the producer commented beneath it..

The production company for the bachelor is not the same as the one for MAF so that part of the story is a lie..

Edited by ctbabe
  • Love 4

As a lawyer, here's my guess as to how $100k for 5 years would work -- the contract would NOT pay them to stay together for 5 years. If you pay them in advance, good luck getting that money back after they breach. If you only offer it at the end, no one takes it because there's no money up front.  So, I bet it's a 5 year personal services/appearances contract -- you agree to make yourself reasonably available for promotions, appearances, etc. (up to a specified amount) & they agree to pay your expenses and also pay you a yearly stipend for your availability.  The network keeps the right to cancel at any time for any reason and subject to yearly reviews. They tell the couples that we have more interest in you if you stay married so if you get divorced, we are likely to drop you the next year (after the divorce storyline is used up).


As for Jaclyn's sister, yeah she probably doesn't have a contract with the network but her sister does. That contract has language about what you can tell your family and under what conditions. If you blab something forbidden to them and they publish it, you can be sued.  (And, if the contract doesn't cover it fully yet, it will next year.)

Edited by rab01
  • Love 4

I want to know how Tres/Vanessa and Sam/Neil will handle this latest spoiler on SM. I'm not a fan of Sam's, but her tone on SM doesn't match what Jacyln's sister is saying. I also have a hard time believing that Tres' family is still supporting Vanessa through SM if all of this were true.


Davina and the gang had such a horrible experience on the show, I almost feel like Ashley reaching out to Davina was her way of "saving face". 


But this is MAFS so who knows what is true and what is not!

  • Love 2

Oh, Ashley. Way to confirm everyone's worst opinions of you, and by association, the people close to you.


The only way she would have a legitimate beef with Kinetic Content is if she was being genuinely affectionate, expressive, openhearted, and communicative with David and the editors cut every single bit of it out. Which they would never do because there's nothing in it for them. Showing both the good and bad is what keeps the audience engaged and guessing.


It's hilarious to me that this is the first time any of the men in three seasons has acted sketchy with regard to other women* and nobody blames him for it! The Free David movement is in full swing.




* Although a lot of them acted plenty bad in other respects.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 4

I almost have to wonder if these season 2 girls have not moved on from it all? I would think to distance yourself once it was said and done would be the best thing to do for themselves instead of being bitter sounding and then having others post things that could get one in trouble. It comes off in bad taste to me and that they are bitter nasty women. I'm not saying they are but it comes off in that sort of light. I actually couldn't stand Davina or Sean. I thought they were both horrible people. She came off like she had a stick up her butt and he was just well....pathetic. I can't stand Ashley at all but even more so if its true she is reaching out to Davina. Yet it would figure since both of them had besties that couldn't keep their mouths shut on SM and wanted their 15 mins of fame too by trashing others. Then to not even fact check what you say about another...OMG how stupid is someone that doesn't make sure what they claim is true...or even the right person. SMH Make take a cue from Tres family in how to act. We don't know if they are together or not but I can imagine some could go out of this on decent terms since they didn't treat each other badly or get in horrid nasty fights like past seasons. I can't imagine the show liking stuff like this out there though because it sort of gives it away on who is not together (not like they would have been considering how Ashley acts) but you'd think they want us guessing til the end. Guess not though. 

  • Love 5

I almost have to wonder if these season 2 girls have not moved on from it all? I would think to distance yourself once it was said and done would be the best thing to do for themselves instead of being bitter sounding and then having others post things that could get one in trouble. It comes off in bad taste to me and that they are bitter nasty women. I'm not saying they are but it comes off in that sort of light. I actually couldn't stand Davina or Sean. I thought they were both horrible people. She came off like she had a stick up her butt and he was just well....pathetic. I can't stand Ashley at all but even more so if its true she is reaching out to Davina. Yet it would figure since both of them had besties that couldn't keep their mouths shut on SM and wanted their 15 mins of fame too by trashing others. Then to not even fact check what you say about another...OMG how stupid is someone that doesn't make sure what they claim is true...or even the right person. SMH Make take a cue from Tres family in how to act. We don't know if they are together or not but I can imagine some could go out of this on decent terms since they didn't treat each other badly or get in horrid nasty fights like past seasons. I can't imagine the show liking stuff like this out there though because it sort of gives it away on who is not together (not like they would have been considering how Ashley acts) but you'd think they want us guessing til the end. Guess not though.

The original claim came from a burner twitter account that was activated in December. I don't think it was a case of not fact checking, I think Ashley's camp purposely threw the rumor out there hoping people would believe it. They used a burner account so they couldn't be sued for libel.

  • Love 3

This is the thing.  I could tell that Davina had her issues.  That woman can work a nerve,  However, I had a feeling in my gut, that she was telling the truth about Sean being a total phony.  None of this is scientific, but it feels right.


I did not like Jacqueline's aggressive personality at first.  However, once I got to understand her better, I realized that she was a pretty nice person.


Both were horribly screwed by the show (though in Davina's case, not by her husband in the literal sense) and had a right to their anger, though Jacqueline was kind to the very end.


I think Ashley was trying to ride the good will the other women incurred by viewers and it has failed.  These people should learn that they are not spin doctors and stay off social media all together.


I agree that now that Ashley's camp has failed at throwing David under the bus, it is time to throw production under the bus...all in the name of protecting "poor widdle Ashley".

  • Love 9

Somebody needs to tweet at this woman that there needs to be a marriage in order to be cheated on.  Ashley is not married in any sense other than legally, and in  most states, adultery does not factor into divorce anyway.  What a crock.


YES!!!   Ashley's marriage is only on paper.  Many religions don't consider you married if you haven't consummated the marriage, especially if you believe the purpose of marriage is to have children.  

  • Love 5

The original claim came from a burner twitter account that was activated in December. I don't think it was a case of not fact checking, I think Ashley's camp purposely threw the rumor out there hoping people would believe it. They used a burner account so they couldn't be sued for libel.


Oh ok. Yet in this day and age its not that hard to find that info out still. Yet they obviously ran with anything and everything they could come up with to try to make her to be such a good person and him such a bad one. Not realizing those watching aren't as stupid as they thought we would be. 


Is Tres talking about what Olivia wrote?


Tres Russell ‏@Tres_MAFS  4h4 hours ago

Unless you see it posted by one of us, chances are it is a rumor and there is no real truth to it. Just keep watching until the end #MAFS


Well obviously rumors should always be taken with a grain of salt. They are always rumors until proven one way or the other when it comes to the truth. Of course he says keep watching because that is the typical response they have to give us. Yet the only way to know certain things is the decision day and 6 month reunion. I think no matter what we know at this point for sure there is no way in hell David and Ashley would have stayed together. Its more so obviously with the SM media wars going on with those friends and family members. I hope we hear more on things once this is all said and done and they can speak a little more freely. 

  • Love 2

Oh ok. Yet in this day and age its not that hard to find that info out still. Yet they obviously ran with anything and everything they could come up with to try to make her to be such a good person and him such a bad one. Not realizing those watching aren't as stupid as they thought we would be.

Well obviously rumors should always be taken with a grain of salt. They are always rumors until proven one way or the other when it comes to the truth. Of course he says keep watching because that is the typical response they have to give us. Yet the only way to know certain things is the decision day and 6 month reunion. I think no matter what we know at this point for sure there is no way in hell David and Ashley would have stayed together. Its more so obviously with the SM media wars going on with those friends and family members. I hope we hear more on things once this is all said and done and they can speak a little more freely.

Yeah but now I'm not even sure whether to trust what we see in the Decision episode. (Putting David and Ashley aside - we all know where that is going.)

  • Love 1

Sam' s take on this rumor


Is Tres talking about what Olivia wrote?

Tres Russell ‏@Tres_MAFS 4h4 hours ago

Unless you see it posted by one of us, chances are it is a rumor and there is no real truth to it. Just keep watching until the end #MAFS

Are they saying Ashley didn't tell team 2 anything? Of course she would deny it... I don't believe her.

  • Love 3

I believe the six month follow up was filmed around Jan 22-25, when the experts and Jamie were here in Atlanta. I believe it was also when they filmed all of the "Unfiltered" interviews. 


ETA:  This is in response to the question by floridaskixx - I just forgot to quote the original post. Sorry! 

Edited by BonnieLass

Yeah but now I'm not even sure whether to trust what we see in the Decision episode. (Putting David and Ashley aside - we all know where that is going.)


I agree with you. It is hard to know because we have no clue what really does go on behind the scenes and what is in contracts and the couples are willing to agree to or if they have anything to agree to even. Which really for this show is not what they should want us to feel/think about it. 

  • Love 2

My goodness, Cortney sure did post a book there.


It doesn't even read like it's from her. There is A LOT of psycho-babble/self-help book in there, especially the whole "emotional intelligence" part. 


Yep. Once it got to that point it felt like someone else wrote it and told her post this. I was hoping having them not saying anything was a good sign on not wanting to be part of that drama but guess they are being told suck it up and become part of the drama out there. Its a given that marriage is tons of ups and downs..as well as going through many things in life together. IF, by a small, itty, bitty chance, it wasn't the show behind it she needs to step away from the self help books. 


Yeah, seriously. Also at one point she wrote out "smile emoticon." WTF.


I was laughing at that. 

  • Love 4

It's funny.  Not a single person was questioning Jason and Courtney's marriage.  If anything, they seem to be the one sincere couple to come out of this mess.  It proved the saying " Even a  broken clock is right twice a day".  Once success does not mean the rest of the couples are not fake.


However, continuously trotting out Jaimie, who is faker then a three dollar bill, as a success story, lessens the show's credibility.

  • Love 5

It's funny. Not a single person was questioning Jason and Courtney's marriage. If anything, they seem to be the one sincere couple to come out of this mess. It proved the saying " Even a broken clock is right twice a day". Once success does not mean the rest of the couples are not fake.

However, continuously trotting out Jaimie, who is faker then a three dollar bill, as a success story, lessens the show's credibility.

Olivia (Jac's sister) did question Jason and Cortney marriage..

However, continuously trotting out Jaimie, who is faker then a three dollar bill, as a success story, lessens the show's credibility.


I strongly feel had FYI kept this show more authentic and zero involvement from Jamie and gang, it would be more believable! I've said it before, Jamie has convinced herself she is a celebrity and the face of FYI! 


I cringe everytime she appears on my tv...you can tell she's so desperate to hold on to her 15 minutes. I'm just hoping the 15 runs out quickly!

  • Love 6

How is Ashley the Davina? The experts throughout the season told Davina to be all about what Sean needs... Which they are doing to David about Ashley. By the end of the season especially after the finale, even though the girls got terrible guys, the majority of the public all felt sorry for all of them and the experts took a deserved public beating for their treatment of Davina and pushing Jaclyn. Jaclyn's sister doesn't need to defend her at this point, because she doesn't look bad. This looks bad. I really hope the two couples are together, sure this might be hearsay but I would LOVE it to mean Ashley broke contract and told people the ending. I'm sure they're not allowed to tell anyone. Too bad this is happening post-"reunion".

Things you never, EVER do is say someone commits domestic violence, sexual assault and crimes against children without being damn sure. I don't care how easy it may seem to just retweet/internet post something, you don't do that lightly. Ashley's friend doing that to David, clearly wrong, loses any and all credibility she may have. If David had been convicted of such a crime against a woman, Ashley would be suing the show, her friends wouldn't just be passing it along as internet gossip so I can't see her actually believing it to be true when passing it along.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 7

I have been a forum stalker for a while now, but thought I'd chime in with some interesting information.  Since the first episode I have felt something is not quite right with David.  I've seen posts from various sources claiming that he has issues with lying, stealing, etc., but only recently did a series of tweets come to my attention accusing David of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend.




I decided to do some digging and found the AZ supreme court records that corroborate these tweets.  There is a case (M-0750-CR-2007001033) of the State of Arizona vs David Norton (born 5/1985) arrested for disorderly conduct in 8/2007 and found guilty and ordered to pay restitution and attend domestic violence classes.  The case was closed 6/2008.  Interestingly enough, there is no activity regarding this case until 6/4/2015 (2 days before David and Ashley's wedding) where the records were requested by an unknown entity.


I've always felt there was more to Ashley and that her seeming "cold" felt more like discomfort rather than bitchiness.  Who knows what else she may have found out about him that made her feel this way.  I do think it's despicable that the producers would gloss over this and allow a woman to shack up with a man convicted of domestic assault.

How is Ashley the Davina? The experts throughout the season told Davina to be all about what Sean needs... Which they are doing to David about Ashley. By the end of the season especially after the finale, even though the girls got terrible guys, the majority of the public all felt sorry for all of them and the experts took a deserved public beating for their treatment of Davina and pushing Jaclyn. Jaclyn's sister doesn't need to defend her at this point, because she doesn't look bad. This looks bad. I really hope the two couples are together, sure this might be hearsay but I would LOVE it to mean Ashley broke contract and told people the ending. I'm sure they're not allowed to tell anyone. Too bad this is happening post-"reunion".

Things you never, EVER do is say someone commits domestic violence, sexual assault and crimes against children without being damn sure. I don't care how easy it may seem to just retweet/internet post something, you don't do that lightly. Ashley's friend doing that to David, clearly wrong, loses any and all credibility she may have. If David had been convicted of such a crime against a woman, Ashley would be suing the show, her friends wouldn't just be passing it along as internet gossip so I can't see her actually believing it to be true when passing it along.

Please see my post above.

This is my first year watching this show and now I'm glad I did. At first, I was sad to see David paired with that ogre. But now, with all this SM stuff, it is gratifying to see Ashley suffer the consequences of her actions and negative personality. Hopefully, this experience will help her become a better person but I'm not holding my breath.

  • Love 2
I decided to do some digging and found the AZ supreme court records that corroborate these tweets.  There is a case (M-0750-CR-2007001033) of the State of Arizona vs David Norton (born 5/1985) arrested for disorderly conduct in 8/2007 and found guilty and ordered to pay restitution and attend domestic violence classes.  The case was closed 6/2008.  Interestingly enough, there is no activity regarding this case until 6/4/2015 (2 days before David and Ashley's wedding) where the records were requested by an unknown entity.

If FYI is telling the truth about David's age (29), that's a different David, isn't it?

  • Love 1

If FYI is telling the truth about David's age (29), that's a different David, isn't it?

It makes sense that if they wrote the bios before the weddings he would have been 29 at that time and he turned 30 on 5/2015 one month before the wedding.  At one point in the episode last week Ashley even says "I want you to talk to me like a 30 year-old man".

Also, if his dad died in 1992 when David was 7, that means he was born in 1985.

Edited by sniglet
  • Love 1

I have been a forum stalker for a while now, but thought I'd chime in with some interesting information. Since the first episode I have felt something is not quite right with David. I've seen posts from various sources claiming that he has issues with lying, stealing, etc., but only recently did a series of tweets come to my attention accusing David of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend.


I decided to do some digging and found the AZ supreme court records that corroborate these tweets. There is a case (M-0750-CR-2007001033) of the State of Arizona vs David Norton (born 5/1985) arrested for disorderly conduct in 8/2007 and found guilty and ordered to pay restitution and attend domestic violence classes. The case was closed 6/2008. Interestingly enough, there is no activity regarding this case until 6/4/2015 (2 days before David and Ashley's wedding) where the records were requested by an unknown entity.

I've always felt there was more to Ashley and that her seeming "cold" felt more like discomfort rather than bitchiness. Who knows what else she may have found out about him that made her feel this way. I do think it's despicable that the producers would gloss over this and allow a woman to shack up with a man convicted of domestic assault.

My Arizona source is checking the case #. meanwhile I don't think there is any way Ashley would have known.. She didn't know his name two days before the wedding.. sorry this does not excuse Ashley's coldness.. Edited by ctbabe
  • Love 5

My Arizona source are checking the case #. meanwhile I don't think there is any way Ashley would have known.. She didn't know his name two days before the wedding.. sorry this does not excuse Ashley's coldness..

I pulled the info from the AZ Supreme Court website. I have a screen shot but can't figure out how to post it.

I understand that she didn't know anything up front, but learning about it later on could help explain her growing distance and distrust as the episodes have aired. Who knows, really. I mainly just wanted to provide some proof that those tweets from December could be corroberated and that 100% of the negative speak wasn't just Ashley and her cronies bad-mouthing him to remove attention from her negative behavior.

Edited by sniglet

I have been a forum stalker for a while now, but thought I'd chime in with some interesting information.  Since the first episode I have felt something is not quite right with David.  I've seen posts from various sources claiming that he has issues with lying, stealing, etc., but only recently did a series of tweets come to my attention accusing David of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend.




I decided to do some digging and found the AZ supreme court records that corroborate these tweets.  There is a case (M-0750-CR-2007001033) of the State of Arizona vs David Norton (born 5/1985) arrested for disorderly conduct in 8/2007 and found guilty and ordered to pay restitution and attend domestic violence classes.  The case was closed 6/2008.  Interestingly enough, there is no activity regarding this case until 6/4/2015 (2 days before David and Ashley's wedding) where the records were requested by an unknown entity.


I've always felt there was more to Ashley and that her seeming "cold" felt more like discomfort rather than bitchiness.  Who knows what else she may have found out about him that made her feel this way.  I do think it's despicable that the producers would gloss over this and allow a woman to shack up with a man convicted of domestic assault.

I hope you didn't dig too hard. This tidbit has been floating around on other forums, for weeks. There are multiple posts by the same OP, over on the imdb forums. I knew about this stuff, by like episode 4 or 5. Is it true or not...who knows. Do I care if it's true or not...not really. I can't even be arsed to see if it was mentioned here or not. 


I think it is more than just a coinkydink, that every forum I visit about this show, when people start bagging on Ashley, there is ALWAYS a "David is a criminal, that's why Ashley acts that way".

  • Love 3

Are we sure that there isn't more than 1 David Norton born in 1985 in the entire United States?     Do you have any proof that this is the exact David Norton that is on MAFS?  This is how peoples' lives get ruined in the day and age of the internet.

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 13

I hope you didn't dig too hard. This tidbit has been floating around on other forums, for weeks. There are multiple posts by the same OP, over on the imdb forums. I knew about this stuff, by like episode 4 or 5. Is it true or not...who knows. Do I care if it's true or not...not really. I can't even be arsed to see if it was mentioned here or not.

I think it is more than just a coinkydink, that every forum I visit about this show, when people start bagging on Ashley, there is ALWAYS a "David is a criminal, that's why Ashley acts that way".

I totally agree. Ashley DIDN'T know this detail until after filming so I don't think it excuses her behavior.

BTW We are still digging. It's surprising that the offense and punishment don't align

  • Love 1

It's hard to imagine that after the Season of Suck (season 2) that the producers would fail to do a thorough background check.

There could be several - if not more - guys with that name born in 1985. It's quite possible that the producers found that info, checked it out, and verified that that was a different DN.

I don't give them credit for much but you'd think they'd at least focus on covering their asses legally.

  • Love 3

Not sure if this Twitter link will work, but I'll try:


It's a preview of next week. Sam kisses Neil!

On the cheek, but still....it's progress.

I've kissed women on the cheek within an hour of meeting them and with no romantic intentions. This counts as progress? Edited by Gator Stud
  • Love 2

I have been a forum stalker for a while now, but thought I'd chime in with some interesting information.  Since the first episode I have felt something is not quite right with David.  I've seen posts from various sources claiming that he has issues with lying, stealing, etc., but only recently did a series of tweets come to my attention accusing David of domestic violence against an ex-girlfriend.




I decided to do some digging and found the AZ supreme court records that corroborate these tweets.  There is a case (M-0750-CR-2007001033) of the State of Arizona vs David Norton (born 5/1985) arrested for disorderly conduct in 8/2007 and found guilty and ordered to pay restitution and attend domestic violence classes.  The case was closed 6/2008.  Interestingly enough, there is no activity regarding this case until 6/4/2015 (2 days before David and Ashley's wedding) where the records were requested by an unknown entity.


I've always felt there was more to Ashley and that her seeming "cold" felt more like discomfort rather than bitchiness.  Who knows what else she may have found out about him that made her feel this way.  I do think it's despicable that the producers would gloss over this and allow a woman to shack up with a man convicted of domestic assault.

So you've been lurking and never wrote a post about this show before. And your first post is a deep dive investigation about David's supposed domestic violence charge. But no mention of any of the other cast members. Hmmmm. I am not saying that you are Ashley or Ashley's friend. But it is just weird that this is your first post. What do you think about the other people of the show? Or is David your target? I have know people that have been gaslighted before, and this is how it normally happens. On the other other hand, the producers did let coke head, anger management Ryan on the show, so who knows.

  • Love 12

So what if david has an arrest record people can change. AAnd people can and have been charged for things that didn't happen. I was arrest for burglary when I took a friend to HER house to get baby things for her son. In the state I lived in if you leave your house for 3 days it's abandonment, therfore technically she had no right to her house anymore. Just because your arrested doesn't mean you actually done what's said.

  • Love 4

So you've been lurking and never wrote a post about this show before. And your first post is a deep dive investigation about David's supposed domestic violence charge. But no mention of any of the other cast members. Hmmmm. I am not saying that you are Ashley or Ashley's friend. But it is just weird that this is your first post. What do you think about the other people of the show? Or is David your target? I have know people that have been gaslighted before, and this is how it normally happens. On the other other hand, the producers did let coke head, anger management Ryan on the show, so who knows.

I'm neither Ashley nor her friend. I don't know anyone involved with this show. I've been lurking for a while because I haven't had anything interesting to add to the conversation. I had a really boring day at work so I poked around on the internet for a while. It's really not a very exciting story. Hell, I wouldn't even consider this a "deep dive" since it amounted to a google search. Apparently, according to another poster this info has been readily available for weeks anyway. Shows what I know.

If you must know how I feel about the other folks in the series, here goes:

Ashley - seems nice enough. Definitely more animated when talking to David's friends or family than she is with David.

I like Neil. He reminds me of my husband. He's a respectful and introverted guy who may allow himself to appear run over, but who seems like a confident man who doesn't really mind not always getting his way right out of the gate.

Sam - weird, immature, but seems receptive to learning and is becoming more introspective.

Vanessa - mature and responsible, definitely has abandonment issues

Tres - same as Vanessa to an extent. Seems to want to settle down. I hope he finds a balance that works for them

Edited by sniglet
  • Love 1

So you've been lurking and never wrote a post about this show before. And your first post is a deep dive investigation about David's supposed domestic violence charge. But no mention of any of the other cast members. Hmmmm. I am not saying that you are Ashley or Ashley's friend. But it is just weird that this is your first post. What do you think about the other people of the show? Or is David your target? I have know people that have been gaslighted before, and this is how it normally happens. On the other other hand, the producers did let coke head, anger management Ryan on the show, so who knows.


Agree with those saying unless its shown this is him there is no proof on it and it is how people's lives can very well be ruined. Its easy to look up a case number if you go to the states court site. I saw it but there is still no proof its him from what I can see. I know it was mentioned way back about this being a rumor on him from her camp being tossed around and it could still very well be that they saw someone with his name and threw it out there acting like its him but they have no clue for sure. Those that have watched past seasons will remember that with Sean's arrest his mug shot got posted as soon as it was found. So I would think tabloid like sites would have found it out and posted it all over for the world to see his mug shot. God forbid anyone look my real name up because they will find it all over the world and I would hope that no one would think if one did something wrong that it was me. As well as they would either ask me directly about it or double check their facts before telling the world I was arrested when I wasn't. 

  Plus since there was no way for her to know right away anything on who she was marrying before hand that is not an excuse for how she behaved. She just didn't like that he wasn't her dark featured dreamboat even though she told the "experts" she wanted something different. SMH

  BTW, it says arrested for disorderly conducted-disturbance and criminal damage deface. The first part with the disorderly looks like it was a guilty plea and the other dismissed. Filing date was 8/17/2007. Disposition Date 10/2/2007 It looks like 6/26/2008 case was closed completely for this person. It does say DV classes and when it was done as well. Yet we still have nothing showing proof on if its him.

Edited by Evil Queen
  • Love 3

Are we sure that there isn't more than 1 David Norton born in 1985 in the entire United States?     Do you have any proof that this is the exact David Norton that is on MAFS?  This is how peoples' lives get ruined in the day and age of the internet.


Exactly. When I first read those rumours about David having stolen money and whatnot, I tried looking for some proof and found some other David Norton near Atlanta, who'd been arrested several times. Clearly wasn't this David though, since he was born decades before. It's a pretty common name. When has David even lived in Arizona? He's from Buffalo, New York originally.


I think these anonymous internet rumours are pretty messed up. If David really is some con man and criminal, then why isn't anyone confirming that with their name attached? The rumours also claimed that he owes his friends money and whatnot, yet he seems to have about 50 close friends who love him. You don't have a huge circle of totally normal seeming friends if you're some dodgy pathological liar. At least I've never seen it.


I just can't be bothered to believe any of this stuff unless I see some evidence. I instantly disliked Sean last season, yet I felt really bad for him when all kinds of ridiculous rumours were spread about him. I still wonder if Davina's camp was behind those or if it was some bitter ex. They claimed all kinds of things that were proven false. Like Sean never got a promotion etc. even though he's clearly in some management position now and seems very liked by his staff. Or that he only ever wanted to be on TV, even though he's shown no signs of that since. Anyone can say anything on the internet, doesn't make it true. If Ashley's been getting tips from Davina then no wonder there's some campaign in place to tarnish David's reputation. Makes a lot of sense. Crazy bitches the both of them.

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