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6 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

I think you're right and they added A.J. and his wife later.

 I just started watching this season, but I noticed that they never had a picture of all four grooms together in the smoke shop.

A.J. was missing from the group.  Then when they show a shot of all 4  grooms, the one who is supposed to be  A.J.  never is filmed showing his face from the front. Also, the chin on the guy that is partially showing doesn't have that scraggly beard. Body double?

I also think striped shirt guy's beard is shorter in the first grooms picture,

than his beard is later when they (supposedly) had all four together.

I swear I'm usually not into conspiracies. 


I knew Stephanie and AJ were the back up couple!  I actually think that Dorian guy and match were a second back up couple just in case.  That's why they showed us all that film of them in the selection process show.

In the photo, I agree with you that Will's (striped shirt) beard is shorter in the first photo, and Luke's might actually be longer, which would make sense because we know that Luke trimmed his beard closer to the wedding.

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3 hours ago, Momtoagreat1 said:

Yikes! What's everyone's guess about how long Luke & Kate last?

Depends what you mean by "last." I think they're already over -- not a chance in hell for real romance. How long will they attempt a relationship for the purposes of the show? Tough to say. My gut says that Kate gets sick of his treatment and throws in the towel early. That said, if these couples are getting another $5k stipend per month for their participation, I could see them agreeing to struggle forward just to get the $10k.

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5 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Depends what you mean by "last." I think they're already over -- not a chance in hell for real romance. How long will they attempt a relationship for the purposes of the show? Tough to say. My gut says that Kate gets sick of his treatment and throws in the towel early. That said, if these couples are getting another $5k stipend per month for their participation, I could see them agreeing to struggle forward just to get the $10k.

One month. In one of those "teaser" clips, Kate was in tears having planned something special for their "anniversary" and Luke wasn't there...

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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2 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

I thought this was interesting.


It's a therapist's take on the couples so far.

She sounds like us a little bit - I agree with her about Stephanie doing this because she was checking off her life achievement boxes and it was "time", but I thought her reaction to her dress told me that she was having second thoughts and saw that as a bad sign.  Like if there are any real difficulties in the relationship she's going to regret going into it big time.

I also agree with her that Kristine seems a little superficial and bratty compared to Keith, but that could just be a surface impression so I'm not going with that just yet.

She describes Luke as a "judgy jerk", and I agree with that, but to me that's just another way to say he's a douche, which we already know he is.  I think she's waaaaay off with her assessment of them, but she did this before the most recent episode so she didn't know what we know.

I agree with her about the good energy between Jasmine and Will so far and that Will needs to get over being guarded like Jepthe.  They also seem to me like the best match so far, but it's really too soon to tell with them.

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It doesn't bother me that they had to recreate the grooms smoke shop outing so they could squeeze in AJ... production didn't do much to try to hide it, just asked the 3 original guys to wear the same clothes...no harm, no foul...

Next season just have a stunt guy in a green screen head to toe stocking suit and CGI the alternate groom in the scenes...

Anybody think Kate acts spacey? Like she is in a fog?

Why would she be planning something for their month anniversary when she knows he has a speed dating event the same night...producer induced drama.....

Guess Kate will be crying every episode...as Luke passively-agressively manipulates her.

Not looking forward to more Nick/Sonia type dysfunction....

Will Blondie be emergency Skyping Kate and Luke when the field director lets the "the experts" know that Luke is being a bad groom?

Edited by humbleopinion
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29 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Anybody think Kate acts spacey? Like she is in a fog?

Why would she be planning something for their month anniversary when she knows he has a speed dating event the same night...producer induced drama.....

Guess Kate will be crying every episode...as Luke passively-agressively manipulates her.

Not looking forward to more Nick/Sonia type dysfunction....

Will Blondie be emergency Skyping Kate and Luke when the field director lets the "the experts" know that Luke is being a bad groom?

I've seen others comment about her seeming spacey, but I don't think so. Could be the stress of everything making her seem ditzy when she really is overwhelmed by everything going on. I know I can come off that way to people when my plate is full and I'm half-ass focused on something. My mind is whirling with a thousand other thoughts.

I don't think Luke is passive aggressive though. Repulsed and dead inside is pretty blatant. I'm getting a vibe from this guy and it's way more than just him possibly preferring the company of men. I think he's very good at appearing to be a nice guy and I'm sure he's worked hard at this for the sake of his businesses, but he's starting to remind me of Ryan Castro. I don't think he has a tendency towards violence (but it's early still) but there's something completely insincere about him. Not like Nick, although I see why others are saying that. It's more sinister to me. I bet he's kicked a few puppies in his lifetime. And not just when he was a kid. 

If I'm remotely correct (and I honestly hope I'm dead wrong for Kate's sake) then they should definitely end this and get her out of there as soon as possible. If it were me, dead and repulsed inside would have been our last conversation and the last time I filmed. Contracts be damned. 

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 Totally acceptable that Kate is just overwhelmed so she acts and reacts a few beats slow....

Not acceptable if Luke is a mean jerk to her..."an expert" needs to intervene because it does not bode well for the show if they allow abusive behavior like Sam treated Neil, Nick treated Sonia, etc...

We see you...Luke...not going to give you a pass for tearing Kate down just to lift yourself up...

Disheartening to see that he feels it was okay within hours of meeting her at the alter to disrespect her about how she looks in her wedding dress...

 addenum: Luke said moving around in her dress was terrible...but his choice of words gets lost in the hub bub of the reception....never say terrible when a bride is talking about her dress.

Luke is a skoch less douchey...

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I think he's very good at appearing to be a nice guy and I'm sure he's worked hard at this for the sake of his businesses[...]  I don't think he has a tendency towards violence (but it's early still) but there's something completely insincere about him. Not like Nick, although I see why others are saying that. It's more sinister to me. I bet he's kicked a few puppies in his lifetime. And not just when he was a kid. 

If I'm remotely correct (and I honestly hope I'm dead wrong for Kate's sake) then they should definitely end this and get her out of there as soon as possible. If it were me, dead and repulsed inside would have been our last conversation and the last time I filmed. Contracts be damned. 

Totally picked up the same vibe.  He seems like someone who is totally lacking genuine sympathy/empathy/compassion but knows the right things to say to appear otherwise.  I don't get the impression that he's physically violent either, but he definitely seems to have manipulative tendencies and alternates between insincere charm, passive aggression and flat out cruelty, depending on the situation.  He certainly sets off my douche detector, that's for sure.

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It looks like Dorian Evans , the one guy they did not pick out of the final 5 (he was the guy that said something about short women and Dr. Pepper was talking to him), is now dating his match. Maybe they will be the one couple that makes it from this season. It is posted on his twitter. 

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Tommee is okay with Dorian's Mommy's Joscasta Complex tendencies?

I would be running to the hills, plucking my eyes out from being totally creeped out......

But whatever floats your boat....

Edited by humbleopinion
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37 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

It looks like Dorian Evans , the one guy they did not pick out of the final 5 (he was the guy that said something about short women and Dr. Pepper was talking to him), is now dating his match. Maybe they will be the one couple that makes it from this season. It is posted on his twitter. 

That's fantastic! I hope to dog his mother approves.

I'm curious how they met. The show seriously needs to have them on an episode of Unfiltered.

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13 minutes ago, 2727 said:

That's fantastic! I hope to dog his mother approves.

I'm curious how they met. The show seriously needs to have them on an episode of Unfiltered.

The experts commented on the annoucement which was today. I wonder if they saw the episode and decided to look each other up. The experts did no seem to know they were togetehr so they did it on their own.

I think unfiltered is already filmed for the season? Hopefully if Dorian and his match work out, they could be on some update show. Of course the experts would take the credit. What would be interesting is to see if they were a good match but if they last longer because of he lack of cameras. I really think the cameras play a big role in the stress and problems.

Edited by silverspoons
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Too bad we can’t get rid of Danielle and put Kate with Bobby. I felt so heartbroken watching her get snubbed right and left. I don’t think I can take another Shawniece and Jephte dynamic this season. I’m pretty pissed off at the experts by putting them together. They always say “trust the process” but they’d have the same results if it were just a random matching. Ugh. 

Kate’s mom! Oh my goodness. This has got to be tough to watch your daughter get married in such an unconventional way, not to mention being newly divorced and probably never expecting not to have her husband there to share the experience with. I’m sure she’s heartbroken to see how Luke treats her too  I know I would be.

Luke’s mother seems full of emotional intelligence and empathy. It’s hard to image Luke is her son. I think he was wanting someone less rubenesque and edgier to be partnered with. He acts like she’s beneath him  

Jamie was repulsed by Doug but came around though I think she feels she settled. Maybe it will turn around but I just want to airlift her out of there. It’s just bullshit how she’s being treated. 

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17 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Too bad we can’t get rid of Danielle and put Kate with Bobby. [lol] I felt so heartbroken watching her get snubbed right and left. I don’t think I can take another Shawniece and Jephte dynamic this season. I’m pretty pissed off at the experts by putting them together. They always say “trust the process” but they’d have the same results if it were just a random matching. Ugh. 

Kate’s mom! Oh my goodness. This has got to be tough to watch your daughter get married in such an unconventional way, not to mention being newly divorced and probably never expecting not to have her husband there to share the experience with. I’m sure she’s heartbroken to see how Luke treats her too  I know I would be.

Luke’s mother seems full of emotional intelligence and empathy. It’s hard to image Luke is her son. I think he was wanting someone less rubenesque and edgier to be partnered with. He acts like she’s beneath him  

Jamie was repulsed by Doug but came around though I think she feels she settled. Maybe it will turn around but I just want to airlift her out of there. It’s just bullshit how she’s being treated. 


Except, I do agree with people who say Luke's behavior goes waaay beyond the (shallow, selfish) way that Jepthte treats Shawniece. Luke might actually be a psychopath.

I thought immediately of Jephte and Shawniece when I saw the way Luke reacted to Kate at the altar. But considering what we saw in those previews-- Luke is worse.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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I'm confused about Luke and Kate.  I really don't see him being douchey to her.  Sometimes you meet a person and you Just. Aren't. Into. Them.  And nothing anybody can do will change that.  

Do people want him to pretend to be into Kate?  I don't get it.

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8 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I'm confused about Luke and Kate.  I really don't see him being douchey to her.  Sometimes you meet a person and you Just. Aren't. Into. Them.  And nothing anybody can do will change that.  

Do people want him to pretend to be into Kate?  I don't get it.

This happens every season.  There's a world of difference between not being into someone right away and not giving them a fair chance.  This show requires you to be able to give people a fair chance.  If you can't, if you automatically decide in a few minutes yes or no and it's final forever, don't go on the show and ruin someone's chances of finding a mate.

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8 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

This happens every season.  There's a world of difference between not being into someone right away and not giving them a fair chance.  This show requires you to be able to give people a fair chance.  If you can't, if you automatically decide in a few minutes yes or no and it's final forever, don't go on the show and ruin someone's chances of finding a mate.

But I wonder if the "experts" ask participants if they usually make judgments right away when it comes to dating.  If they do, then they shouldn't be on the show.

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I think it is going too far to call Luke a psychopath because he didn’t kiss her during the reception. We haven’t seen any further than that and editing can mean anything. It seems obvious he isn’t attracted to her and I agree he should give her a chance, but psychopath is a bit much. 

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The experts should present a scenario where they are partnered with someone who they don’t immediately feel a connection, response, or overwhelming attraction to as to how they would react.  That should give them insight into how a particular candidate would react in these situations. It’s just painful watching when one person is so obviously disappointed but that’s what brings the drama and trainwreck viewership.  

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5 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I think it is going too far to call Luke a psychopath because he didn’t kiss her during the reception. We haven’t seen any further than that and editing can mean anything. It seems obvious he isn’t attracted to her and I agree he should give her a chance, but psychopath is a bit much. 

I agree.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm living in a world where the belief is just frowning/rolling your eyes at/showing your distaste of, or even disagreeing with someone is akin to abuse.

Is every behavior that isn't "nice" abuse or a personality disorder these days?

Edited by Neurochick
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18 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Repulsed and dead inside is emotional abuse in my book but y’all’s mileage may vary drastically. 

But what if you really feel that way?  Are we telling people now that they can't say how they feel because everything is abuse.  To me, this dude, small potatoes.  Kate should divorce the asshole and cut her losses, he's telling you who he is, listen to him.  

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On 1/8/2019 at 11:58 PM, Momtoagreat1 said:

Yikes! What's everyone's guess about how long Luke & Kate last?

After he sleeps on the couch.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

But what if you really feel that way?  Are we telling people now that they can't say how they feel because everything is abuse.  To me, this dude, small potatoes.  Kate should divorce the asshole and cut her losses, he's telling you who he is, listen to him.  

I don’t think it’s abuse, but I do think it is highly INSULTING to a woman.  And MEAN.   He doesnt have to touch or have sex with her .. just sleep in the bed.  To sleep on the couch, he must be repulsed.

Edited by Gem 10
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18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

But what if you really feel that way?  Are we telling people now that they can't say how they feel because everything is abuse.  To me, this dude, small potatoes.  Kate should divorce the asshole and cut her losses, he's telling you who he is, listen to him.  

Luke can feel however he wants. But there’s no reason to tell Kate that he felt that way after kissing her. None. Saying I’m not attracted to you is different than saying I felt dead inside after we shared some level of intimacy. 

His friends warning her about him not communicating effectively is starting to sound like a warning that he’s one of those assholes that “keeps it real” and doesn’t take other people’s feelings into consideration. 

Emotional abuse is a real thing. Luke’s an ass and yes, I agree she should divorce the hustler and cut her losses. 

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What does it say for Lukes’s Speed Dating business that he can not communicate effectively?  Isn’t it a social event?  Shouldn’t the organizer be socially adept?  If I saw him on my TV, I would not participate in one of his events. I can just hear him saying that he can’t believe I wore such a terrible dress!

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On 1/10/2019 at 3:16 PM, Neurochick said:

But I wonder if the "experts" ask participants if they usually make judgments right away when it comes to dating.  If they do, then they shouldn't be on the show.


On 1/10/2019 at 4:38 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

The experts should present a scenario where they are partnered with someone who they don’t immediately feel a connection, response, or overwhelming attraction to as to how they would react.  That should give them insight into how a particular candidate would react in these situations. It’s just painful watching when one person is so obviously disappointed but that’s what brings the drama and trainwreck viewership.  

The problem with that is we all tend to think we are better than we are, and I bet most people would answer that they are open to all kinds of people and would certainly want to know the person's personality before making any kind of judgment! (Luke seems to be the type to wax eloquent on the subject)


On 1/10/2019 at 4:33 PM, Madding crowd said:

I think it is going too far to call Luke a psychopath because he didn’t kiss her during the reception. We haven’t seen any further than that and editing can mean anything. It seems obvious he isn’t attracted to her and I agree he should give her a chance, but psychopath is a bit much. 

I agree - every asshole isn't a psychopath.  If you're going to do this show, you'd better have it in your mind that you have to hug for pictures, slow dance together, and give a few smooches throughout the day.  It's just good manners.

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I haven’t seen anyone comment, yet, on the fact that Kate is wearing the same dress during the final decision scenes as she is for the shot where she is seen turning around to cry hysterically (in the coming attractions compilation which was shown this week (ep.3, I think?)) It doesn’t look like happy tears! Could be nervous crying prior to decisions but it reminded me of when Neil said no to Sam and they showed her torn up afterwards. 



Edited by MissEm
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Season 6 page 9 of the Spoiler and Speculation thread is when the rest of us got wind of Jon's and Blondie's love affair getting it on since past June....

Jon's ex, Molly is dating Dave (Moustachley's ex) from Season 3

Edited by humbleopinion
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13 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Season 6 page 9 of the Spoiler and Speculation thread is when the rest of us got wind of Jon's and Blondie's love affair getting it on since past June....

 Jon's ex, Molly is dating Dave (Moustachley's ex) from Season 3

Keeping in all in the MAFS family I guess.

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1 hour ago, discoprincessthe2 said:
That body language is so awkward!


Mm-hm.  Just taking notes on the mannerisms. Kate is an unwitting beard. I ain't got nothing else to say.

ETA: Kate though. Maybe this sticks out to me because I just edited a depo where a woman said like 733 times in 45 minutes (yes, I checked) but girlfriend, please stop. My god that word. 

Edited by Soup333
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21 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Mm-hm.  Just taking notes on the mannerisms. Kate is an unwitting beard. I ain't got nothing else to say.

ETA: Kate though. Maybe this sticks out to me because I just edited a depo where a woman said like 733 times in 45 minutes (yes, I checked) but girlfriend, please stop. My god that word. 

I'm confused. Is "stop" the word you mean? Or is it "girlfriend"?


Does anyone here think Kate will give up on Luke by the end of tonight's episode?  (I wish I did, but I don't...)

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30 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

I'm confused. Is "stop" the word you mean? Or is it "girlfriend"?


Does anyone here think Kate will give up on Luke by the end of tonight's episode?  (I wish I did, but I don't...)

Like. Kate said it a few times in this preview. Probably nervous from bringing up the subject with him. I’ve noticed that when people are nervous or are lying, they fall into their verbal tics. Like drives me crazy. But not as much as “you know what I’m saying.”

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