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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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There is no doubt that this show is heavily edited and the producers have manipulated many of the scenes. 


When David is seen in a bad light or doing things he does not want to do, then it is editing.  Ashley is such a bad person and does not communicate, that is not editing.   Remember the scene where David ran into the bathroom crying because it was father's day?  Everyone jumped on that bandwagon.  How could Ashley treat David like that? She knew his father was not alive.  Now we find out from a friend of a friend (confirmed spoiler of course) that the producers were trying to force an emotional scene into the script.  Ashley did not cause David to breakdown into tears.   


Ashley is not a good participant for this show and did not come across well in the beginning so the producers intensified her edit to make sure she is the villain.  David, of course, is edited to be the great guy who is also a victim.

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Also, I don't think everyone thinks David is saint.  Their main gripe with Ashley is that she went on a show to get married and then just didn't really do it.  When a women is at a bar and turns down a guy because she is not interested and she is called a bitch is not the same situation that Ashley is in on this show.  I completely agree it is unfair to women when they are accused of being cold and bitch for not putting up with unwanted advances.  Ashley is not at a bar hanging out and shutting down random guys.  She is on a tv show where the premise is to be married to someone you've never seen.  She put herself in that situation and she is not owning it.

Ha, I've just posted the same thing without seeing what you've written. *fist bump*

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I forgot to address what has happened in social media against David & I agree with you that a smear campaign from Ashely's friends & family is inexcusable. As with most things on here, we do not have all of the information but it is clear that the phxassociates(?) Twitter account was fake & deliberately trying to get the info out there about a possible criminal record.

This is a tough situation because they are pissed at the producers & probably thought it would get back at them to point out their error in having someone with a criminal record (if true). If it's not true, it is a terrible thing to do & now they've stooped lower than even the producers of this show. Also this directly effects David's life really forever until he clears it up & that is wrong.

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About David visiting his dad's grave, isn't his dad buried out of state? 


I feel like David so desperately wants to be married and loved that he is being unrealistic and a doormat.  I feel like every single person on this show is a candidate for intensive therapy.  It's like they look for people with serious issues.


Does anyone else think Neal is super passive aggressive?  When he did that whole "Do you miss me?  I don't miss you!" thing I was totally shocked.


Something is wrong with Neil. he still doesn't get it. What's the point of asking her if she misses you if you're gonna say no. Either he's dumb or he's playing dumb. I think he's playing dumb.

You hit the nail on the head.  It's almost like he was trying to make her mad.


(edited because of typos!)

Edited by visaidso
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About David visiting his dad's grave, isn't his dad buried out of state? 


I feel like David so desperately wants to be married and loved that he is being unrealistic and a doormat.  I feel like every single person on this show is a candidate for instensive therapy.  It's like they look for people with serious issues.


Does anyone else think Neal is super passive agressive?  When he did that whole "Do you miss me?  I don't miss you!" thing I was totally shocked.

You hit the nail on the head.  It's almost like he was trying to make her mad.

His dad was buried in New York.


You bring up some good points about most of these people having issues.  I thought it was strange that so many of them came from single parent homes.

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as ive been told by people close to production ashley had a chance at the alter to back out of the marriage and the show if she wasnt feeling david which she wasnt so she made the descion to go ahead with the show knowing she wasnt attracted to david so everything thats coming her way is she fault she should of known that when you go on a show where you dont meet the man until the alter that your in for surprises

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I actually thought Ashley was considerate & I know I am in a very, very small minority with that opinion. She's quiet & not does not like him--that does not make her a snob or a bitch. I'm so sick of reading this because this is a problem women face in our society - if we do not respond to a man who is "nice" to us, we have the right to be called a bitch. This has happened to me countless times so maybe it offends me more. Its so bad that if I even turn a man down after just meeting him out at a club, it is within his reason & is socially accepted for him to call me profane names as I try to get away from him. Why? I ask fellow posters, why do we put women down because they do not respond to a man's advances??

***I completely agree with you. I've had strange men yelling at me in mall parking lots when I didn't return their unsolicited attention. It was infuriating and scary. And online dating is a cesspool of angry, nasty men who accuse women of "playing games" and far worse if you don't immediately return their interest with instant delight and offers to meet.

I'm still not sure Ashley wasn't hung up on the old boyfriend, but I'd say if a bride is that disinterested in her groom after a few days *for any reason* the Show needs to cut their losses and put a stop to it right then. Otherwise, it's just too painful to watch. They could get another couple to fill in.

I agree that everything is speculation until there is proof. The reason why I call Ashley a bitch, and I use that word lightly most of the time. It's because she did not treat David with respect. Had I been in a similar situation, I would have been friendly with a girl even though I was not attracted to her. I would have told her what my favorite color was. I would have told her about my family and friends. I would have told her about my job. I would told her about what makes me tick. I wouldn't have treated him really with disrespect. I would have told him off camera that I don't think it's going to work out I just want to be friends with you. That's why ashley is a humongo bitch. Edited by Gator Stud
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thats how neil and sam got on the show another couple backed out because they werent ready to go through with it thats what ashley should of done

nobody is putting ashley down she watched two seasons of this show before she went on she was well aware with how people are treated on this show and when she saw david and wasnt feeling him she should of backed out the show if she backed out of the show nobody would even know she was going to be on the show

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His dad was buried in New York.


You bring up some good points about most of these people having issues.  I thought it was strange that so many of them came from single parent homes.

Oh ok.  I guess I figure that could be why he hadn't gone back to the gravesite in several years.


It could be generational.  All of my friends are in their 20s and 30s and I find it hard to name more than one with parents that are still married to each other.

Edited by visaidso
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Is there some evidence that the Producers did not perform thorough background checks this season.


This viewer does not think the posers "experts" or producers are competent, but after the Ryan/Jessica situation last season background checks would seem sensible legal disclaimer.  Is there information that tells us each of the 6 current characters (and the couple Neil/Sam replaced) where not subjected to thorough background checks? 

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thats how neil and sam got on the show another couple backed out because they werent ready to go through with it thats what ashley should of done

nobody is putting ashley down she watched two seasons of this show before she went on she was well aware with how people are treated on this show and when she saw david and wasnt feeling him she should of backed out the show if she backed out of the show nobody would even know she was going to be on the show

Well, Ashley might have watched Season 1 which was the most honest show out of all three.  Two of the couples stayed together and nobody had major problems or issues at the time it was filmed.  Jamie's issues came later. 


They started filming Season 3 as the train wreck from Season 2 was rearing its ugly head.   The producers speeded up this season because Season 2 was falling apart at the seams. 

Oh ok.  I guess I figure that could be why he hadn't gone back to the gravesite in several years.


It could be generational.  All of my friends are in their 20s and 30s and I find it hard to name more than one with parents that are still married to each other.

I think his family still lives there but not sure.  I remember in earlier episodes he said he could not visit his fathers grave because it made him too emotional.  


You are correct it maybe a generational thing with many single families now.

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Normally I would never get involved in digging out spoilers or dirts abt a participant. I was so pissed with team Ashley for starting/spreading the rumors after the 2nd episode. Once they saw that people were against Ashley, they started the rumor and started referring people to the rumor they allegedly created. After that didnt work, then we were suppose to wait for txtgate. When that also didnt work, then Davina reached out to Ashley through Ashley's mum to figure out how to make reduce the backlash and shift the blame. (Let me not bore you with the story). How low could one go? Even if you don't like your spouse, at least show a little respect for him.

I am still waiting for Ashley to own up to something. At least she should show that she learned something from this experience. I can bet it that the backlash would reduce.

Edited by ctbabe
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I admit I was curious about Ashley's sainted ex and what made him so much better than David, for me easily googled information is about my limit, I do not search for criminal records, addresses etc but I do find old photos and fashions funny. I am just glad I grew up before digital cameras and the internet was just beginning so my secrets are safe.


My tip do not use your full name as a username on the internet people it is amazing what pops up and while you can control what you post and your security level you can not control your family and friends.

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I agree that everything is speculation until there is proof. The reason why I call Ashley a bitch, and I use that word lightly most of the time. It's because she did not treat David with respect. Had I been in a similar situation, I would have been friendly with a girl even though I was not attracted to her. I would have told her what my favorite color was. I would have told her about my family and friends. I would have told her about my job. I would told her about what makes me tick. I wouldn't have treated him really with disrespect. I would have told him off camera that I don't think it's going to work out I just want to be friends with you. That's why ashley is a humongo bitch.

I agree that you would expect someone to be respectful & considerate. I believe that it was edited to only show her negative reactions or times when she did not respond at all. The reason I think that is that David said that the couch conversation in which Ashley could not think of 3 things she liked about him lasted 3 hours. That was really the first time I thought they are more interested in telling a story than telling the truth. Even with the kiss attempt on the Ferris wheel, David said in an interview that he was surprised she wouldn't kiss him for the camera because she has already kissed him privately. But those are not the things aired.

Edited by Meliss
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as ive been told by people close to production ashley had a chance at the alter to back out of the marriage and the show if she wasnt feeling david which she wasnt so she made the descion to go ahead with the show knowing she wasnt attracted to david so everything thats coming her way is she fault she should of known that when you go on a show where you dont meet the man until the alter that your in for surprises

Could you ask your producer source if editing was that far off? I don't believe the editing was that bad but I am keeping an open mind.

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I agree that you would expect someone to be respectful & considerate. I believe that it was edited to only show her negative reactions or times when she did not respond at all. The reason I think that is that David said that the couch conversation in which Ashley could not think of 3 things she liked about him lasted 3 hours. That was really the first time I thought they are more interested in telling a story than telling the truth. Even with the kiss attempt on the Ferris wheel, David said in an interview that he was surprised she wouldn't kiss him for the camera because she has already kissed him privately. But those are not the things aired.

I really think David tried to help Ashley by indirectly giving info to favor her.. like the examples you cited above and also when he said they had kissed off camera. I just don't feel the respect is mutual. She like mean tweet. She adds people that say terrible things about him. It's just terrible.

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I really, really doubt that Ashley was as unfriendly and uncommunicative with David throughout filming as we've been shown.  I think it was clear early on (to the producers at least) that this couple wasn't happening and that Ashley was keeping David at arms' length so as to protect herself and her image. Since it's difficult to show that interaction in the few minutes of footage aired each week, they convey it by editing together her silences to give an impression of what it was like.


As for David, I think he is more committed to the process than to Ashley. I bet he felt "I agreed to do the show and I damn well WILL do the show to the best of my ability." He's thinking of a commitment to MAFS as something separate from a question of whether he would have chosen to date Ashley in real life. *shrug* People get that way sometimes - once you've committed to something, you do what you think is expected of you, rather than pause to question whether it's in your own best interest. I also doubt that David was clueless about her lack of feelings but I don't think he quite got the depth of her disinterest (in part because I bet they interacted on a polite and friendly-ish way at times that we never saw).


Unfortunately, the editing to try to tell that story makes her seem like a robotic bitch and him like a clueless guy who's been to too many positive thinking seminars.


Back to the SM stuff - I would just like to say that no one should ever believe someone's publicly available blog as to how or why a break-up went down. Assuming that guy is Ashley's 9-year-guy, I don't think they had a lovey-dovey week and she then just broke up with him out of the blue at the end of it. Not a chance.  Also, I don't see how the date of that blog can square with him being the guy she just broke up with (whether 6 months or a year before filming).  Finally, if Ashley wanted to be and was a "bar model" (what the liquor companies called "shooter girls" 10 years ago), Ashley isn't some introvert. The liquor companies hire for outgoing personalities first and attractiveness second. (Sure, they have to have both but the one company with whom I used to work valued that personality type more than looks.)  Shooter girls are like the idiot versions of pharmaceutical reps but they work in dark environments with skimpy clothes so the patrons aren't as picky ....

Edited by rab01
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as a editor thats been on alot of editing team of reality tv the editing is only suppose to show the most interesting moments of the filming they give the editors 3 months worth of footage and expect us to par it down to an hour eps every week its hard to do so its not going to show the whole story but THEIR IS A MAJOR RULE WE ALWAYS TELL CAST IF WE EVER MEET THEM "YOU MAY NOT CONTROL EDITING BUT YOU DO CONTROL WHAT YOU GIVE US TO EDIT" so if she acted really bitchy at times thats whats going to be shown you got to be self aware well being on a reality tv show

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to be honest it doesnt really matter if its fair toward ashley or not every person going on a reality tv show knows if you act a fool act bitchy or are the villian then your going to get the raw edit she choose to be the bitchy villian and thats a easy edit for the editors

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ctbabe...if Ashley is taking advice from Davina I pity Ashley.  Davina and her friend Chris had zero class when it came to managing the situation on social media.  Poor Ashley and her camp for taking advice, In any situation it is best to keep a positive outlook.  David has clearly portrayed that image. I think Ashley was honest when she said she did not find David attractive and she did not want to hurt his feelings.  I think Ashley was overwhelmed with all the negative posts on social media and did not know how to handle it and she should have ignored all of it.


If Ashley really did the show to get an ex-jealous...then I do pity David for going into the show with the right intentions.  If Ashley did this she should apologize to David, the viewers, and the experts.Her mother should look in the mirror and figure out how she raised such a deceitful and selfish human being.

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I agree that you would expect someone to be respectful & considerate. I believe that it was edited to only show her negative reactions or times when she did not respond at all. The reason I think that is that David said that the couch conversation in which Ashley could not think of 3 things she liked about him lasted 3 hours. That was really the first time I thought they are more interested in telling a story than telling the truth. Even with the kiss attempt on the Ferris wheel, David said in an interview that he was surprised she wouldn't kiss him for the camera because she has already kissed him privately. But those are not the things aired.

You are trying to tell me that Ashley acted nice and treated David with respect most of the time, but production edited out all of those scenes? That Ashley came up with 3 thing that she liked about David, but production was a dick and refused to show them?

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Oh ok.  I guess I figure that could be why he hadn't gone back to the gravesite in several years.

David's father is buried outside of Buffalo NY where they lived. His family is still there.  I'd imagine that David has been back to visit friends/family sometime in the last 8-9 years.  What seems fake to me is that he has claimed that it was the producers idea and he's also claimed that he'd never use his father's death for a story line.  Well...  Feels like more double talk.


Ashley is vile because she didn't have pure intentions according to some posters.  Vile.  OK.  Yet, David was on Tinder looking for hook-ups when a producer asked him out and then got him to try out for this show.   David constantly spouts illogical remarks about how he's falling for his wife and will do anything to make the relationship work and he thinks things are going well or improving; he's either lying or delusional.  His salesman skills are showing.


As are Tres'.

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I really think David tried to help Ashley by indirectly giving info to favor her.. like the examples you cited above and also when he said they had kissed off camera. I just don't feel the respect is mutual. She like mean tweet. She adds people that say terrible things about him. It's just terrible.


I agree and I said so up thread.  It looks to me like David is trying to make Ashley look better to give her a break.  I'm not sure what his motives are with that but it does look like he really had her back with that.  It contradicts a lot of what was shown before it so I can only imagine he was trying to make her look better out of some misguided sense of caring about her.  Too bad she didn't return the feeling enough to keep it classy herself.  And I don't believe that the editors deliberately left out some significant stuff that would make Ashley look more invested in David and the process, especially after Dr. Pepper pretty much called her out on being completely opted out of it altogether.  The only other thing I can imagine is that Ashley did kiss David and "cuddle" with him on one occasion but deliberately didn't own up to it or let any of it appear on camera because she didn't want the ex boyfriend to see it.  David might have bought into some line of hers that she was too shy to let that stuff be shown on camera when the truth was she just didn't want the ex to see her engaging in anything with another man.  It would be the same reason why she didn't want male strippers at her bachelorette party.

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Just thinking. What could a spouse do to deserve this much bitterness? Lack of attraction? Trying to get drinks with another girl when it's a 4 weeks marriage, shouldn't amount to having her friends and family insult him. If he had actually had drinks with the girl. I wonder what they would have done. Or is it due to the hate in social media? Then he should be lucky, he divorce her then. A spouse that turns on one at the slightest problem is a very Dangerous enemy.

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I think I have some ideas about why Ashley isn't very well liked. I don't think it's any one thing but a combination of stuff:

-it started with her deliberately ignoring David or checking her phone or cutting off conversation. It seemed out of the blue and came across as very cold hearted. Most people were confused and found it hard to relate and warm up to her behaving like that unless she gave a reason for it. She didn't.

-she's left people guessing about why she doesn't like David. At first she said it was because she moves slowly. Later she said she isn't attracted to him. But there are no solid examples given as to why she's not attracted to him so, unfortunately, she comes across as shallow/superficial. Again, her behavior doesn't seem justified and people can't relate to her. People start seeing her behavior as suspicious.

-Her family antagonizes people on SM and not only started a SM firestorm but continue to throw fuel on the fire as the season progresses. They need to step away from the keyboard because this seems to be doing the most damage. Attacking David to make Ashley look better is the most fail idea ever.

-I don't know what she did to piss off the production crew but she's getting a bad edit. Whether deserved or not, it's not helping her "like" rating.

-and, finally, the cupcake in the backpack.

Edited by Paddywagon
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The cupcake in the backpack. Seemed strangely thoughtful at the time, but now seems like she realized she looked bad by not calling and showing up late (because she was possibly with Dude, or family she secretly had dinner with), and remembered she had something in her backpack that she could use to try to redeem herself. Pffft.

Ok, I'm way too into this. Not healthy. Ommmmmmmm...

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It would never occur to me, personally, to negatively judge anyone for not being into someone, even if said someone really is indisputably the nicest, most awesome person to ever grace planet earth. I haven't been in the dating game for the last 8 years or so since meeting my hubby, so I also wasn't aware that women are now regularly judged harshly for not falling for guys who society deems nice. Just didn't realize that was even a thing, I guess.

For me, I have developed a negative opinion of Ashley, as she's been depicted on the show and from her personal tweets, for two reasons. One, I think that if you sign up for MAFS, you should give your match a chance, even if you're not initially into him - not because he's a great guy and you're therefore obligated to fall for him, but because you agreed to be on a show where being open to developing a relationship with someone you might not be initially into is kind of one of the major premises of the "experiment." Two, as many others have said, regardless of whether you have any romantic inclinations toward someone at all, you can still treat the other person with respect, kindness, and basic human decency...all while still being clear about your intentions and not leading the person on. I suppose it's possible, but doesn't seem probable, that David, or any of the participants for that matter, would be truly incapable of understanding the statement, "You seem like a great person, but you're never going to be a great match for me, and even though I kind of agreed to do so when I signed up for the show, I really am just not willing to stay open to the possibility that I might change my mind about this. We're in this together for the next 6 weeks, however, so let's be friends and make the best of it. Deal?"

I'm other words, as has been repeated ad nauseum, you can't control who you're attracted to. But, you CAN control being open to the possibility of attraction developing. And even if you aren't willing to do that, you certainly nonetheless can still control how you treat someone.

From what we've been shown on the show and what I've seen of Ashley's tweets, it appears to me she never even considered the possibility an attraction to David could develop, and even worse, she appears to think he's scum and treats him as such, without ever really articulating any reason why, other than he's not attractive because he doesn't have dark features. So yeah...that's why she comes across as being a bitch to me.

***ETA...I realize editing plays some role in what we see, as only a very limited amount of footage can be aired, and it would be naive to think the footage is chosen to give us the most accurate picture of the situation. This show is for entertainment, and therefore it only stands to reason the editing will be done not so much with the intention of being true to actual reality, but with the intention of creating something entertaining. However, what we're shown is what we have to go off of in forming opinions about the participants, and to me that's pretty much an implicit disclaimer to any discussion we have about them. It also seems like it would be obvious to the participants that what's shown of them on tv might not be true to life...but it seems like participants on all reality shows are regularly shocked when the footage is chosen to maximize entertainment value. Finally, the only way to avoid editing biases would be to have 24/7 unedited footage of the couples. But one, who would agree to that, as it's only really feasible if the people stay locked up in a house Big Brother style? Two, even if participants would agree, staying locked in a house would lose the contrived "reality of being married" situations created by the producers. And three, who the hell would watch hours of unedited footage of people doing mostly absolutely nothing of any interest??

Edited by MommyToMyCats
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the real problem with ashley is during the casting process to get on this show the experts and casting asked her a series of questions about if she would be open to all different types of guys she answered yes so when she answered yes that was her first mistake or lie because its clearly shown on this show shes not open to all different kind of guys shes open to the kind of guys she dates and thats it thats why i say this is her own fault because she knowly went on a show where the experts were likely to give her a different kind of guy then she normally dates and wasnt open minded about the process and then went on twitter instead of saying listen i went on this show expecting a certain type of guy i didnt get it so me and david didnt work or she didnt own anything and tried to blame david for anything their is a lesson here NEVER GO ON A REALITY SHOW AND PLAY THE VICTIM IF YOU REALLY ARENT THE VICTIM 

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Ashley is proof that someone can absolutely go on reality TV and project only the image they want. If her goal after seeing David was not to give anyone the idea that she liked him, then mission accomplished, including banner and aircraft carrier speech. She has resolutely never given the editors anything to work with or footage to manipulate to make it seem as though she led David on or gave him an inch of false hope. No open expressions, no flirty body language, no chattiness, no kind words or compliments, minimal physical touching. She can hold her head up and rightfully claim she stayed true to herself.


Whether or not that makes her an inconsiderate shitstain, given the premise of the show, is for each viewer to decide.

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Ashley is proof that someone can absolutely go on reality TV and project only the image they want. If her goal after seeing David was not to give anyone the idea that she liked him, then mission accomplished, including banner and aircraft carrier speech. She has resolutely never given the editors anything to work with or footage to manipulate to make it seem as though she led David on or gave him an inch of false hope. No open expressions, no flirty body language, no chattiness, no kind words or compliments, minimal physical touching. She can hold her head up and rightfully claim she stayed true to herself.




My problem with this is why did she not drop out at the wedding?


We had a couple drop out and Sam/Neil was the replacement.  This is why they were married three weeks later then the other pairs.  Ashley went through with the wedding, with no intention of making this marriage work (she might have even been trying to make an ex boyfriend jealous), because she wanted the money and to manipulate her image as the poor put upon wife, who is trying so hard.  This was her sole motive for going forward with the marriage.


This is an absolutely shitty thing to do to David, who sincerely was looking for someone to share his life .

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The cupcake in the backpack. Seemed strangely thoughtful at the time, but now seems like she realized she looked bad by not calling and showing up late (because she was possibly with Dude, or family she secretly had dinner with), and remembered she had something in her backpack that she could use to try to redeem herself. Pffft.

Ok, I'm way too into this. Not healthy. Ommmmmmmm...


When that show aired, some posters here speculated that she might have gone out with some people after the exam to celebrate. Recently there were some posts saying that, during those 6 weeks, she had a dinner with her family that she hadn't told the producers about. So that scenario (her going out with her family after the exam, in secret) is very plausible.


There were also posts saying that she was on her phone all the time, and the producers had to step in to stop her from doing that. Then there are those allegations that she only did this for the money and to make her ex jealous.


So now, the picture I'm getting is this: She broke up with her boyfriend because he didn't want to get married. She got laid off from her nanny job. She saw the opportunity to make some money and make her ex jealous by signing up for this show. Since these were her only two goals for doing this, she said she didn't care if she got paired up with someone who wasn't her type--because she knew she wasn't going to give this thing a chance anyway.


During filming, she tried to look classy by rejecting the strippers at her bridal shower and by being cold and aloof with David most of the time. She tried to say as little as she could whenever they had to talk because she thought that was the best way to present herself. But the whole thing backfired when viewers started to lay into her for her attitude, and things just went downhill from there.


As for the edits, I really don't think that the producers would want to present one of the participants as a cold bitch unless there was a reason for doing that. I think they would much rather have another successful, loving couple. They want to show that they can make good matches. That didn't happen with Ashley. And if David had been so terrible to her, she would have said something about that in her THs. But she didn't. It was always about him being a stranger, she needing more time, etc. etc.

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When that show aired, some posters here speculated that she might have gone out with some people after the exam to celebrate. Recently there were some posts saying that, during those 6 weeks, she had a dinner with her family that she hadn't told the producers about. So that scenario (her going out with her family after the exam, in secret) is very plausible.


There were also posts saying that she was on her phone all the time, and the producers had to step in to stop her from doing that. Then there are those allegations that she only did this for the money and to make her ex jealous.


So now, the picture I'm getting is this: She broke up with her boyfriend because he didn't want to get married. She got laid off from her nanny job. She saw the opportunity to make some money and make her ex jealous by signing up for this show. Since these were her only two goals for doing this, she said she didn't care if she got paired up with someone who wasn't her type--because she knew she wasn't going to give this thing a chance anyway.


During filming, she tried to look classy by rejecting the strippers at her bridal shower and by being cold and aloof with David most of the time. She tried to say as little as she could whenever they had to talk because she thought that was the best way to present herself. But the whole thing backfired when viewers started to lay into her for her attitude, and things just went downhill from there.


As for the edits, I really don't think that the producers would want to present one of the participants as a cold bitch unless there was a reason for doing that. I think they would much rather have another successful, loving couple. They want to show that they can make good matches. That didn't happen with Ashley. And if David had been so terrible to her, she would have said something about that in her THs. But she didn't. It was always about him being a stranger, she needing more time, etc. etc.

To play devil's advocate, there were also accusations that David was on his phone constantly when the cameras weren't around. 


I like what another poster said about her being open to the idea but in addition to not being attracted to him, his personality became a complete turn off for her.  There are several instances in the textgate episode where she calls him a liar, or says under her breath that what he's saying isn't true.  What if those are more general statements and not specifically related to that one incident?  He is a salesman after all... (no not all salesmen are bad).   Maybe she got to know him and didn't trust him at all, or always had a bad feeling that she couldn't explain?  I can imagine as an introvert or someone who needs trust in order to open up to someone how having a bad feeling about them may be the deal breaker for really allowing them to get to know you.


Who knows, really.  It's all very interesting to me but at the same time, I can't wait for this season to be over.

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All Ashley ever had to do to fix this is tell the camera why she's feeling this way. That would've been staying true to herself. Instead she hid behind a curtain of coldness. Her family could've helped so much more by explaining her behavior rather than attacking.

Picture this...Ashley in front of the camera with tears in her eyes pleading 'I might've made a mistake...I'm a shy person...I need help dealing with the pressure...I need to talk to Dr Pepper...etc, etc. OMG we'd all be wanting to protect her and help her. Production would love that...they always love it when people cry on camera. She'd get the sympathy edit. David would be the big bad wolf.

Instead she doesn't explain anything, she just turns off. We're left wondering what the hell is going on in her head. What's she hiding? What's wrong with her? She's confusing poor David! What a cold hearted bitch!

I'm not saying I have all the answers by any means but this is why I see people disliking Ashley so much.

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Let me also play devil's advocate. Ashley's friend, Ashley Houser was the one that accused David of being on the phone a lot. I recalled that David responded immediately on that she was lying and she kept quiet. From that little SM interaction, I can conclude that those allegation was false. Also Ashley inferred that he was bothering her off-camera when Dr C met with them so I am confused.

BTW accusations from Camp Ashley has been conflicting.

Edited by ctbabe
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Let me also play devil's advocate. Ashley's friend, Ashley Houser was the one that accused David of being on the phone a lot. I recalled that David responded immediately on that she was lying and she kept quiet. From that little SM interaction, I can conclude that those allegation was false. Also Ashley inferred that he was bothering her off-camera when Dr C met with them so I am confused.

BTW accusations from Camp Ashley has been conflicting.

That's fine, but since AH was there and I was not, I'm inclined to believe her...  Again, who knows.

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That's fine, but since AH was there and I was not, I'm inclined to believe her... Again, who knows.

According to David's response and 'the insider's info', AH only visited for 5-10mins so I don't think that counts for much.. I am wondering why its ok to give Ashley the benefit of a doubt and David none. Just thinking.

BTW I respect your opinion

Edited by ctbabe
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That's fine, but since AH was there and I was not, I'm inclined to believe her...  Again, who knows.


You believe her because she was there? Because it's not possible for her to be lying? Okay.


Either that bitch Ashley went on the show for nefarious reasons and didn't care whose emotions she toyed with when she signed up or she immediately turned off any efforts to participate in the show after she saw David. Either way, she's still that bitch Ashley. David could have been a serial killer, she didn't know it when she married the dude. I'm done with her excuses.

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You believe her because she was there? Because it's not possible for her to be lying? Okay.


Either that bitch Ashley went on the show for nefarious reasons and didn't care whose emotions she toyed with when she signed up or she immediately turned off any efforts to participate in the show after she saw David. Either way, she's still that bitch Ashley. David could have been a serial killer, she didn't know it when she married the dude. I'm done with her excuses.

I said I'm *inclined* to believe her.  It's just a TV show!

According to David's response and 'the insider's info', AH only visited for 5-10mins so I don't think that counts for much.. I am wondering why its ok to give Ashley the benefit of a doubt and David none. Just thinking.

BTW I respect your opinion

I give them both the benefit of the doubt.  It just seems that there are a LOT of very strong feelings being expressed about how awful Ashley is and I find it confusing when none of us know her or the whole story. 

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You believe her because she was there? Because it's not possible for her to be lying? Okay.

Either that bitch Ashley went on the show for nefarious reasons and didn't care whose emotions she toyed with when she signed up or she immediately turned off any efforts to participate in the show after she saw David. Either way, she's still that bitch Ashley. David could have been a serial killer, she didn't know it when she married the dude. I'm done with her excuses.

Ashley Houser has lied and contradicted herself a lot. I am assuming it's to shift the blame from Ashley. There are so many examples I can cite but I do not think its necessary (this is from her SM not thru a spoiler).

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Ashley is vile because she didn't have pure intentions according to some posters.  Vile.  OK.  Yet, David was on Tinder looking for hook-ups when a producer asked him out and then got him to try out for this show.   David constantly spouts illogical remarks about how he's falling for his wife and will do anything to make the relationship work and he thinks things are going well or improving; he's either lying or delusional.  His salesman skills are showing.


As are Tres'.


Wait, wasn't it Tres that was found off Tinder? Not David? 

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I agree that everything is speculation until there is proof. The reason why I call Ashley a bitch, and I use that word lightly most of the time. It's because she did not treat David with respect. Had I been in a similar situation, I would have been friendly with a girl even though I was not attracted to her. I would have told her what my favorite color was. I would have told her about my family and friends. I would have told her about my job. I would told her about what makes me tick. I wouldn't have treated him really with disrespect. I would have told him off camera that I don't think it's going to work out I just want to be friends with you. That's why ashley is a humongo bitch.

Ashley is too immature to handle the situation. Unfortunately I can relate but that was when I was a teenager. A mature person would do as you said. Even if she friend zoned him it would have been better than how she acted. Whatever reason she had for being on the show- she could have just played along as a friend
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Wait, wasn't it Tres that was found off Tinder? Not David? 

I don't know if it was Tinder or another dating site.  Before the show started a copy of an email or txt from his mom went around some of the sites.  She stated David signed up for a dating site and went on a date but did not know it was a producer for this show.  He was not interested until she mentioned how much they pay if selected for MAFS.   


She also mentioned she would be on the show and get paid for her appearances.  How tiring it was to do the show because they shot many takes before they got the scene right.


I am sure someone can find the text/email since it hit many of these sites in November or December. 

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Ashley is proof that someone can absolutely go on reality TV and project only the image they want. If her goal after seeing David was not to give anyone the idea that she liked him, then mission accomplished, including banner and aircraft carrier speech. She has resolutely never given the editors anything to work with or footage to manipulate to make it seem as though she led David on or gave him an inch of false hope. No open expressions, no flirty body language, no chattiness, no kind words or compliments, minimal physical touching. She can hold her head up and rightfully claim she stayed true to herself.



I agree. I do think this was what she wanted, and she wanted it because she did not want Mr. Ex to see her interacting with another man in any way. Be careful what you ask for: You may get it.


My problem with this is why did she not drop out at the wedding?


*****Because she wasn't finished making Mr. Ex jealous yet. It wasn't enough to just threaten to marry someone else. She had to actually do it. So she did.


This is an absolutely shitty thing to do to David, who sincerely was looking for someone to share his life .


*****I completely agree. 



So now, the picture I'm getting is this: She broke up with her boyfriend because he didn't want to get married. She got laid off from her nanny job. She saw the opportunity to make some money and make her ex jealous by signing up for this show. Since these were her only two goals for doing this, she said she didn't care if she got paired up with someone who wasn't her type--because she knew she wasn't going to give this thing a chance anyway.


*****Bull's Eye!


During filming, she tried to look classy by rejecting the strippers at her bridal shower and by being cold and aloof with David most of the time. She tried to say as little as she could whenever they had to talk because she thought that was the best way to present herself. But the whole thing backfired when viewers started to lay into her for her attitude, and things just went downhill from there.


*****Yes, look "classy" and not have Mr. Ex see her show the slightest interest in David - because that might have wrecked her new chance with Mr. Ex. But apparently Ashley forgot that she actually was (1) married to David and (2) on a TV show with thousands (?millions?) of viewers who knew Nothing about what she was actually doing - but who would only have despised her more if they had!


As for the edits, I really don't think that the producers would want to present one of the participants as a cold bitch unless there was a reason for doing that. I think they would much rather have another successful, loving couple. They want to show that they can make good matches.


*****Yes. Even someone getting the "villain" edit will be given a chance for redemption, because that's what the audience for THIS KIND OF SHOW really loves. But there was no hope for that with Ashley, who gave the editors absolutely nothing to work with.



All Ashley ever had to do to fix this is tell the camera why she's feeling this way. That would've been staying true to herself. Instead she hid behind a curtain of coldness. Her family could've helped so much more by explaining her behavior rather than attacking.


Picture this...Ashley in front of the camera with tears in her eyes pleading 'I might've made a mistake...I'm a shy person...I need help dealing with the pressure...I need to talk to Dr Pepper...etc, etc. OMG we'd all be wanting to protect her and help her. Production would love that...they always love it when people cry on camera. She'd get the sympathy edit. David would be the big bad wolf.

Instead she doesn't explain anything, she just turns off. We're left wondering what the hell is going on in her head. What's she hiding? What's wrong with her? She's confusing poor David! What a cold hearted bitch!

I'm not saying I have all the answers by any means but this is why I see people disliking Ashley so much.

Yebbut - she couldn't tell the truth because then she'd be admitting that she went on the show under false pretenses. I think she kind of panicked when, apparently, her plan actually worked and Mr. Ex called and wanted her back. She couldn't admit the truth on camera, so she just completely shut down because she didn't know what else to do.


Of course, anyone with a conscience would never have done such a thing in the first place, because of the one little detail that Ashley seems to have entirely overlooked: The fact that another person would be involved. A person that she'd be marrying under false pretenses. That was a shitty, shitty thing to do to another human being, and that's why people despise Ashley and will despise her even more when this thing is over and more of the story breaks.

Edited by okerry
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the real problem with ashley is during the casting process to get on this show the experts and casting asked her a series of questions about if she would be open to all different types of guys she answered yes so when she answered yes that was her first mistake or lie because its clearly shown on this show shes not open to all different kind of guys shes open to the kind of guys she dates and thats it thats why i say this is her own fault because she knowly went on a show where the experts were likely to give her a different kind of guy then she normally dates and wasnt open minded about the process and then went on twitter instead of saying listen i went on this show expecting a certain type of guy i didnt get it so me and david didnt work or she didnt own anything and tried to blame david for anything their is a lesson here NEVER GO ON A REALITY SHOW AND PLAY THE VICTIM IF YOU REALLY ARENT THE VICTIM 

Maybe Ashley thought she should try a different kind of guy and agreed to be more open.  But then reality hit and she decided that she really wanted what she wanted and wasn't open after all.  Most people have a type and stick with it. 


My problem with this is why did she not drop out at the wedding?


We had a couple drop out and Sam/Neil was the replacement.  This is why they were married three weeks later then the other pairs.  Ashley went through with the wedding, with no intention of making this marriage work (she might have even been trying to make an ex boyfriend jealous), because she wanted the money and to manipulate her image as the poor put upon wife, who is trying so hard.  This was her sole motive for going forward with the marriage.


This is an absolutely shitty thing to do to David, who sincerely was looking for someone to share his life .

I don't think we know yet what her 'sole' motive is.  Can't agree that David was sincerely looking for someone to share his life.  Though he did say he sucked at dating and I think I'd agree with him on that.  To me, it looked like David wanted insta-wife and it didn't matter who it was as long as she was attractive and played the role that he envisioned. 


 Instead she doesn't explain anything, she just turns off. We're left wondering what the hell is going on in her head. What's she hiding? What's wrong with her? She's confusing poor David! What a cold hearted bitch!

 Either that bitch Ashley went on the show for nefarious reasons and didn't care whose emotions she toyed with when she signed up 

Posters rail on Ashley for being a robot, a cold hearted bitch, who hasn't given David any affection or attention.  How then is she toying with him?  How is she confusing him? She's been consistent -- fairly distant and aloof on camera all along.  All the 'toying' comes from David's assertions of "falling in love" etc that don't seem to be borne out of anything we see on TV.


Wait, wasn't it Tres that was found off Tinder? Not David? 

Not sure how they found Tres but that's how they found David.  It was linked to many pages back.

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Found it posted on this forum in September.  I copied and pasted.......



OK guys, here's some of the BEST information about MAFS 3 you will read ANYWHERE. This information comes DIRECTLY from one of the participants (David) mothers. I will copy and paste her entire message to me!!



"The show is done filming and will air in Nov. They filmed me a lot also because I was the only parent for both of them in Atlanta. I have a lot more respect for actors now, filming is exhausting work. I had to walk into a restaurant and we must of done that one scene 15 times to get all the angles right. We'd start filming early and not finish until past midnight, plus my son still had to work at his job.I'm glad it's over and Ashley, my son David's wife is sweet. I don't know how it ends because my son and his wife have to stay apart until it airs, kind of like the bachelor. If they break secrecy then they don't get paid and they would be out $100K. I got 3 Checks from the producers today in the mail, the movie industry pays well and they pay for everything. My son was tricked to be on the show. He was on Tinder and met this girl. When they met in person, she confessed that she was really a producer and asked him to be on the show David refused until they told him how much they would pay him. It was fun but exhausting. My son really wanted to be married and settle down, but I have a feeling Ashley did it for the money because she was unemployed. We're having a preview party here with all the people that were on the show. I think you'll like the show, some parts are funny. Hope you're all doing great. Hugs.

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^^^^ This message was written from David's mom to a friend of hers.  However, this friend leaked this text/email on a huge MAFS site with many other comments about David.  Saying he had many issues.   Word got out about this ^^^^^^ message and she removed herself from the MAFS site and we heard David's mom was upset.  She also deleted all her comments.   


Since this message was posted months before the start of the season I cannot remember the comments this friend said about David.  We were not as focused on all the postings because the show had not aired yet.

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