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S22.E08: Safety Suite #3; Nominations #3

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Holy fuckballs having Enzo and Nicole in the Safety Suite worked out terribly, because all of those DR’s from the two of them were TORTURE.

Do you think Kaysar knows how hot he is?  I mean, if they want to just show shots from season six (pre-pressure cooker), that would be just fine.  I mean, I could watch “no, I just sealed your partner’s fate” on loop forever.

Christmas is terribly annoying.

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I guess we know the answer to the question of "Is it better to have no Big Brother this summer or Bad Big Brother All-Stars?"

Was Enzo winning Safety Suite pre-planned or is Memphis just a huge misogynist?  I can understand counting NicF out of a win, but when he said "I hope Enzo can beat this score" he completely discounted Dani who has previously been pretty solid in competitions.

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So, never mind "Dan's Funeral" that Kaysar/Janelle packet they put together was the producers tacit acknowledgement that this is it,it's now or never to air it as they are toast. It was the only redeeming segment of the whole predictable show. I would gladly watch an hour of old Jaysar clips than what we got tonight.

For two people married to other folks they still have MORE chemistry than actual BB spawned couples, (I'm looking at you Jeff and Jordan, Rachel and Brennon to  name a few)  OMG to this day I wish they had gotten together back in the day. Love them!

What irony that Kaysar and Janelle are bonafide all stars with many fans yet they are about to bow out early in the game when players that likely have almost zero true fans like Enzo and Cody  who are producer picks/pets and will go far into this game. You really can't come up with a worse scenario than this. 

A Davonne backdoor is possibly the only thing that can stop this season being derailed by the fact that you can't wring any entertainment value out of a season where a massive alliance dominates everything...the best seasons for a viewer are  power shifts from week to week.

Right now they have a dud on their hands and if Jaysar gets broken up well...someone call the undertaker.

Edited by North of Eden
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8 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

So, never mind "Dan's Funeral" that Kaysar/Janelle packet they put together was the producers tacit acknowledgement that this is it,it's now or never to air it as they are toast. It was the only redeeming segment of the whole predictable show. I would gladly watch an hour of old Jaysar clips than what we got tonight.

For two people married to other folks they still have MORE chemistry than actual BB spawned couples, (I'm looking at you Jeff and Jordan, Rachel and Brennon to  name a few)  OMG to this day I wish they had gotten together back in the day. Love them!

What irony that Kaysar and Janelle are bonafide all stars with many fans yet they are about to bow out early in the game when players that likely have almost zero true fans like Enzo and Cody  who are producer picks/pets and will go far into this game. You really can't come up with a worse scenario than this. 

A Davonne backdoor is possibly the only thing that can stop this season being derailed by the fact that you can't wring any entertainment value out of a season where a massive alliance dominates everything...the best seasons for a viewer are  power shifts from week to week.

Right now they have a dud on their hands and if Jaysar gets broken up well...someone call the undertaker.

It's like last season of Survivor, Winners at War. The really good old school gamers were axed first by a large alliance of 'meh' players.

Day won't get backdoored this week. But prob will be on the block next week. Guessing with Kaysar as Janelle will go this week. That's my prediction. 

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It's so frustrating--Janelle and Kaysar were set up to fail. I'm not even a huge fan of theirs (moreso Kaysar than Janelle after his idiotic decision making in Season 6), but they walked into the house with a huge target on their backs. They walked in as a pair. Even if they hadn't talked in years, they're SO associated with each other that they were always going to be regarded as a threat. If, as it's been rumored, Kaycee and Josh were supposed to be in the house, that could've been interesting, because then you'd have three pairs. But it wasn't to be.

I assume Janelle goes this week, and I wonder if Kaysar will just offer himself up after that. If not, he could probably make it pretty far. He's less of a threat than Janelle at comps, so people could just pull him along for a little while--cannon fodder until the various alliances have to go after their own.

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I really didn't know how much I wanted to see Janelle play BB again until it actually happened-- and now she'll probably get the boot. And I really have no desire to see the likes of Cody, Memphis and Nicole play the game out to a conclusion that will no doubt be disappointing ! I'm sure the producers had to scramble just to get enough players for this season, but seeing who we ended up with, I almost wish it hadn't worked out.


What a sad state of affairs. Well, pretty much everything in 2020 has sucked, why not BB.

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We know producers manipulate the shit out of the comps to benefit their pet favorites, why can’t they throw us a bone and create a diamond veto (was that what it was called?) where the winner can take themselves and a plus one. It would be so fucking boring to just have one power group in the house.

Then make it a mental comp, or a series of tasks that Janelle aced in the past.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Christmas is terribly annoying.

In other late-breaking news, water has been proven to be wet.


1 hour ago, NYCFree said:

We know producers manipulate the shit out of the comps to benefit their pet favorites, why can’t they throw us a bone and create a diamond veto (was that what it was called?) where the winner can take themselves and a plus one. It would be so fucking boring to just have one power group in the house.

Then make it a mental comp, or a series of tasks that Janelle aced in the past.


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I feel like every season of Big Brother is deemed as the worst thing ever. It just seems like this season just annoyed people quicker. 

But, meathead alliances, petty beef, wrinkles in the game that don't work out well and predictable losers are an every season thing. 

I don't know. It's just another season of Big Brother to me.

This episode did make realize that I don't think I know who's in a real alliance anymore. There are so many of them.

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

I want to keep listening to Kaysar talk. There's something about his voice. Its the only redeeming thing about this season .

That, and anything that makes Nicole cry.

...waitafugginminute, what am I saying?  EVERYTHING makes Nicole cry.  Hearing Enzo misuse the bidet probably pushes Crycole to the brink of emotional collapse. 

Edited by Nashville
Correcting damn autocorrect
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6 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I want to keep listening to Kaysar talk. There's something about his voice. Its the only redeeming thing about this season .

He is so intensely quiet. He's mesmerizing.

I had already decided to quit watching and if one of them goes, it just solidifies my decision.

Ian didn't have much to do this episode.

I loved Janelle imitating Nicole's voice.

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3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

In what universe would that have been interesting?

Word! Kaycee was a piece of furniture until the last couple of weeks to the point she would dissapear for entire episodes at a time and then becomes the person who jumps into the Boston Marathon at the quarter mile mark before the finish line and wins.


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"I feel like a BEAST!" - David, after once again losing a competition, but this time having his one friend in the house win instead.  I can't imagine how excited he'll be if he actually wins something himself!

It's funny how players like Tyler, Cody, Memphis, Nicole and Enzo were who I considered "the good guys" during their seasons, but now that they're aligned against Janelle and Kayser, they're "the enemy".  I'm getting so confused! (Not to mention all the alliances - both real and "fake" - that have popped up so far.)

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37 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

"I feel like a BEAST!" - David, after once again losing a competition

He is far too into himself and believing all those things Grodner told him about himself to come back as an "All-Star" it's quite annoying. Yes David you are playing a magnificent game and your trajectory is nothing but up from here!! *meh*

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Janelle had Nicole dead to rights - she plays the victim then cries about it. I don't mind that she plays a "snake" game or backstabs people, that's just game play. But her passive aggressive bullshit and crying jags are intolerable. 


Was Tyler this thin during his season?

He's got skinny legs! I noticed how bony his knees were when he was talking to Janelle in the HoH room.


Until TPTB find a way to make it harder for meathead alliances to form, this reality series will never improve.

Well that's the thing, as long as they keep casting the exact same type of people - in the exact same mix - year after year, you're always going to have the exact same outcome. It's not rocket science - if you always use the same recipe you always get the same dish. They have a set number of jock bros and frat boys, a set number of bikini babes who want to hang all over the guys, and a set number of nerds who want desperately to hang out with the popular kids. So the same people always end up running the game.

It would be interesting to go back to the original formula where the audience votes for the nominations and the evictions, although I worry the TV audience isn't getting the full picture when you consider who some of the "America's Choice" winners have been. 

I'd like to see them try a season where alliances are not allowed. I'm not sure how they would enforce that but nobody makes moves anymore because virtually everybody thinks they're in an alliance. Nobody is going to go after the obvious threats like Cody or Tyler because everybody thinks they're working with them.

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8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:


It would be interesting to go back to the original formula where the audience votes for the nominations and the evictions,

Your heart is in the right place but the problem then was America immediatly voted out all the controversial/interesting people and were left with a group of dullards. It was so bad in desperation the original powers that be attempted to bribe at least one BORING person to leave with a suitcase full of cash but when nobody took the bait  it was the inaugural flop in a long line of twists that continue to fail to this day.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

It's not rocket science - if you always use the same recipe you always get the same dish.

Hah, this is perfect and you're so right, the names change but the faces remain the same.

I watched Aussie Big Brother this year and it's a totally different game in ways I won't mention but mainly there is no HoH and NO vetos... and in the end the winner out of the final three is voted in by the viewers.

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The Janelle/Kaysar video montage was the best few seconds of this show in the last several seasons. OMG, I love both of them, individually & especially together. 

The second best moment of last night was when Janelle's pix showed up at the nomination ceremony, & she said "great picture, though", & Kaysar slyly said "yeah". They just adore each other. 

The only good thing about them leaving, which I fear is inevitable, is that when they're both gone, I'll have 3 hours of my life back. There's no other reason for me to watch. I don't even hate NicoleF enough to hate-watch her. Now, if Vic shares on social media that he's dumping her at finale, I'll tune in for that. Run, Vic, run like the wind!

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I don't know why TPTB haven't changed it up a bit.   Fewer jocks, add more social outcasts.

It's because they've market researched and focus grouped this thing to death and have arrived at the formula their metrics say the audience responds to the best. All CBS reality shows have the same problem. They all have formulated a specific list of characters they cast every season. And as long as ratings stay steady they're not about to change.

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3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Hah, this is perfect and you're so right, the names change but the faces remain the same.

I watched Aussie Big Brother this year and it's a totally different game in ways I won't mention but mainly there is no HoH and NO vetos... and in the end the winner out of the final three is voted in by the viewers.

There was a HoH really (though they didn't call it that), but no vetos.  A winner of a competition did nominations, that's HoH to me.

Of course viewers voted for the winner on BBOTT as well.

Edited by amazingracefan
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1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

There was a HoH really (though they didn't call it that), but no vetos.  A winner of a competition did nominations, that's HoH to me.

Yeah true I guess, but there was no HoH room as everyone slept in two big rooms. The only 'perk' that came with them being "HoH" was being able to nominate people. I also found it interesting that most of theirs were three person nominations as well; another thing I liked better.

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Nicole’s MO in a nutshell:

  1. Shit on HG 1 (ex. Janelle).
  2. Go to HGs 2, 3, 4, etc. and get all teary about how HG 1 is being mean to her for “no reason whatsoever” - with absolutely no countenance given to Nicole’s instigating actions in #1.
  3. If HG 1 gets wise to Nicole’s shittery and reacts, then it validates Nicole‘s complaints to the other HGs.
  4. If HG 1 doesn’t catch on to Nicole’s shit OR gets wise but doesn’t react, then Nicole spins that as HG 1‘s callous indifference to other people’s feelings - in any case, an undesirable to keep in the House.
Edited by Nashville
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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Most sports are not nearly as popular as they once were, I don't know if the jock factor is as popular now as it was back in the day. 

The jock factor doesn’t really have anything to do with any specific sport per se; it’s more about the fact that relatively speaking, jocks are (a) physically fitter than the average and therefore (b) make better eye candy, especially in swimwear - which (in Production’s mind, anyway) translates to higher ratings.

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On 8/24/2020 at 3:36 PM, iMonrey said:

It's because they've market researched and focus grouped this thing to death and have arrived at the formula their metrics say the audience responds to the best. All CBS reality shows have the same problem. They all have formulated a specific list of characters they cast every season. And as long as ratings stay steady they're not about to change.

I agree that casting is the biggest problem. I just wonder who they’re including in their focus groups. Because everything I’ve read indicates that the majority of fans would prefer more of a mix of ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities, much like the early seasons. It also doesn’t help that everyone they cast seems to be there for the sole reason of adding more Instagram followers, rather than wanting to play the game. 

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