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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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21 minutes ago, vb68 said:

For this one I feel like I have a very simple explanation. Memphis is a big asshole. And he seems very proud of it. He's been showing that since he got back in the House. 

Legit the only thing I really remember about Memphis from his season was him being a prick. Guess that wasn't just a phase in his life and is his default setting. 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Memphis, leans close to Franzel, whispering, about Janelle: "She loves you. She loves you."
Franzel: "Oh, really?"
Memphis, laughing: "Fuck no."

Does Memphis even have a strategy? 


1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Cody and Memphis are in the HoH laughing that Janelle gave up all her information for the bottle of wine. Sigh. 

Dammit, Memphis!




Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

For some reason, Daniele is building another 6-person alliance with Janelle.

Daniele to Janelle: "Nicole [F.] loves you." 

Very convincing, Daniele. Very convincing.

She has turned on her original alliance every season lol. No way she stays loyal to Cody till the end. (I don't think this  alliance with Janelle is real for the record)

Edited by choclatechip45
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It really pisses me off the way this game is now played. If someone puts you on the block, it's personal. If you want to make someone a target, you have to vilify them to make the mob angry at them. If you talk to someone else, you are untrustworthy. If someone tells you something, you have a house meeting. 

ETA: I almost want Janelle and Kaysar out pre-jury so they can watch and snark with us. 

Edited by kellog010
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Just out of curiosity do you think if Nicole A. leaves this week that she will be making the BB talk circuit and be the go-to-person for the BB podcasts for the season?  Adding to her post-BB life. She may want to go.   Keesha certainly wouldn’t have wanted that. Don’t see David in that role either.  Bay would probably jump at it.   Or am I the only one that thinks that part of early BB evictions is having a ‘spokesman’ for the season?

11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole finally breaks her silence: "Damn. [pause] I am good. [flexes] I am loyal and strong. I am an Anthony. I have my penguin-"

Aaaand the person manning the button gives no more shits and flips over to Enzo in the camera room. Hee!

My first thought was -who's Anthony? What season was he on? Then I remembered - last name.

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8 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

I really can't wait until Tyler turns on Cody.

I'm about to have to start rooting for Tyler's ugly, ramen-haired ass. That's what this season has come to. Are you fucking happy, All Stars?!

6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ok Enzo made a funny.

Cody: "I hate HoH's who don't do anything."

Enzo: "You got rid of Keesha."

This is fantastic.

Reading up on last night, I won't lie, this is some good shit. I do love a group calling people evil who have done nothing and are, in fact, the most popular group. I mean, come on, that's always fun. 

Dani making her 3rd 6-person alliance is amazing. Her game play is fun to watch lol.

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5:11PM BBT: Memphis makes a deal with Bayleigh that if he protects her this week, he wants her to protect him later. She agrees.

This is one of the reasons I think Memphis is playing a good game. He is not running around making multiple alliances ( although people are with him!). Making a quid pro quo deal is good big brother. It is a livable deal that in fact you can live up to.

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A thought. Since HG's , after years and years of Big Brother have figured out that 6 is the perfect alliance ( because if having the majority of votes) the twist that BB needs to drop on the HG's should somehow ruin that number. Either have a power that eliminates votes, or at some point, randomly divide the house for a week and play in teams. Something that disrupts the majority votes.
The reality is, the notion of having a bloc of votes is never going to change. The best players cannot move against that. So, BB will need to throw a wrench into that!

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Tyler is playing low and in the background. Granted, he hasn’t any power so what else could he do but no one is going after him yet and he still has time. I would like him to turn on both Cody and Memphis but that’s a tall order since Cody and Memphis have a bunch of people around protecting them. Tyler isn’t able to use his voodoo powers like he did last time so it will be interesting to see if he can get rid of one of them. That said, Tyler has been working with them so maybe it’s just me wanting him to do all this. Now, if I could just Tyler to cut that seaweed hair on his head. Who told him that was a good look? LOL!!!!! Let’s go!!!!!!!

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I do not like David's line of campaigning ( and I do think that is what he is doing). He is talking to Kaysar ( who probably has felt persecution or biases for his faith ) about keeping him because of the history of the show. He needs to be part of BB history. He is playing on the political climate of today. 
Kaysar says what is making you feel that? Because of what happened last year. Kaysar says this is a new season. Well, last year..... You can be part of history, keeping me as long as possible. Kaysar tells him it doesn't look like people dont like you. Well, lsat year........
I really feel this an act for David. That this is how he will get to people to keep him. Prey on their fears of being "sensitive" to the climate.

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8 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

Yeah, Memphis is dead to me. He knows the connotation of that word. 

It seems like he may not have specifically said it but David and Bay felt some implications from what he did say. We’ll probably never know because his nom speech might be edited and no one seems to want to really make any statements about it other than to kinda dance around what Memphis said.

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I have no idea what his lifestyle is like, but Memphis told Janelle last night when they were drinking wine that one reason he's in there  is that he's saving so much money. Then he said "you have no idea how much money I go through in a week."  He made it sound like he has exorbitant tastes and it's maybe thousands and thousands of dollars.  Who knows.

7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

and no one seems to want to really make any statements about it other than to kinda dance around what Memphis said.

Or they were specifically told by production not to talk about it.

Edited by vb68
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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Or they were specifically told by production not to talk about it.

Certainly possible but it seemed like the feeds came back pretty close to when noms were done last night, like before they could have been talked to, and even then no one would make any real statements about it besides David who did imply initially that Memphis called him boy. David was alone, I think, in the storage room and he said something like, what is this boy shit I’m a grown man.

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Here's what confuses me about Nicole A. Her whole thing is that she is a Big Brother super fan. So why in the world is she not all in on the person that she knows Big Brother fans all love the most? It's baffling. It's like she knows that we want everyone to work with Janelle, she just doesn't want to do it for some odd reason. 

I asked that same question about every one of them. I don't get it either. Like someone else said, either they haven't watched back far enough to know how popular Janelle & Kaysar are (which, still, doesn't make them much of a "super" fan), or else their social media platforms have them so far up their own asses they have no perspective on how popular anyone is besides themselves.

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51 minutes ago, missyb said:

I do not like David's line of campaigning ( and I do think that is what he is doing). He is talking to Kaysar ( who probably has felt persecution or biases for his faith ) about keeping him because of the history of the show. He needs to be part of BB history. He is playing on the political climate of today. 
Kaysar says what is making you feel that? Because of what happened last year. Kaysar says this is a new season. Well, last year..... You can be part of history, keeping me as long as possible. Kaysar tells him it doesn't look like people dont like you. Well, lsat year........
I really feel this an act for David. That this is how he will get to people to keep him. Prey on their fears of being "sensitive" to the climate.

I think David played it right last night. Go with the moment - there was aggression from Memphis and everyone saw it. But now, David needs to let it go because the heat of that moment has past. Now David needs to go with "it's game" angle. Even last night you could see that Kaysar was not buying the "its personal" angle. He wants to play the game.


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Dani is starting to try to get Memphis to BD janelle since janelle told Memphis that Dani/Tyler/Cody/Nicole f are aligned. Dani is nuts lol. Does she really think if janelle goes she’ll be the most popular person lol?

memphis is handling this so poorly. He is a complete asshole that doesn’t understand how alliances work. He’s so fucked lol.

  • Love 4

Memphis and Daniele cannot for the life of them figure out how Janelle "built this narrative in her head" that Daniele/Cody/Tyler/Nicole F. (I think) are in an alliance. Danielle said, "But we never talk!" 

I really can't believe how sneaky they think they're being. They're talking together all the time, and Daniele is always talking about her conversations with them (all the "Cody said he really likes you's."). Daniele is freaking out because she realizes now that, if Janelle/Kaysar win HOH, she's in trouble. She wants one of them BDed. She's trying to push "alliance loyalty" and Memphis is like, "What? You think no one is going to go after someone?"

Memphis: "They built a narrative in their head." Also Memphis: "They only reason we're scared, is because that's true."

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The crux of the conversation Dani is having with Memphis is she is jealous of Janelle's legacy. How dare she still have fans after so long in the game!

The more people who come at Memphis and keep pushing to backdoor Kaysar and Janelle, the more he may dig his heels in to not do it. He's already downplaying what Janelle and Kaysar said about the alliances last night. 

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4 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

The crux of the conversation Dani is having with Memphis is she is jealous of Janelle's legacy. How dare she still have fans after so long in the game!

The more people who come at Memphis and keep pushing to backdoor Kaysar and Janelle, the more he may dig his heels in to not do it. He's already downplaying what Janelle and Kaysar said about the alliances last night. 

If he truly does not want to BD them, it was stupid for him to tell Cody about their conversation. Did he think everyone would laugh and be happy voting out Nicole A. or David after hearing that Janelle/Kaysar coming after the Memphis' Alliance minus Memphis?

Edited by mooses
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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dani is pissed that Janelle is "doing NicoleA's makeup every day. Settle down. Poor little Nicole has no one to talk to." 

She's so hateful. Janelle likes to do other peoples' makeup. 

But Dani was friends/friendly with Janelle in the outside world, right? If not, she really holds a grudge doesn’t she?! LOL!!!

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2 hours ago, missyb said:

A thought. Since HG's , after years and years of Big Brother have figured out that 6 is the perfect alliance ( because if having the majority of votes) the twist that BB needs to drop on the HG's should somehow ruin that number. Either have a power that eliminates votes, or at some point, randomly divide the house for a week and play in teams. Something that disrupts the majority votes.
The reality is, the notion of having a bloc of votes is never going to change. The best players cannot move against that. So, BB will need to throw a wrench into that!

I’ve long hoped for a season in which vote total was not revealed. It would give some of the cowards more courage to take a chance. 

Something else I would love, when nominees draw for who will play, the person they choose should be required to take them off the block.  I realize there will be people throwing the comp, but there are some Uber competitive meat heads who couldn’t help themselves.  Anything would be better than the endless veto winner keeping the noms the same. Plus, it would force the HOH to rely on something other than gutless backdooring all the time. It gets old for me. 

Anything to shake up the monotonous Pagonging every season, particularly when I am usually rooting for the Pagong.



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Even though I don't always care for how they've done it on Survivor, Peachy is right that these shows have to evolve.  Not only do the participants know what's coming and how to navigate it, it gets boring to watch.  Big Brother is about as stagnant as they come.  Expect the unexpected?   Not lately. The HGs sit around waiting for OTEV, Hide and Go Veto, a player to return, they memorize days, there's always a final two with the same lame questions.   There's so much they can do to shake this game up and since they do one season a year they have 9 months to plan it.

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