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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Looking back Keesha was a reactive player in BB10 rather than a proactive one. She was in the Coven and that provided lots of entertainment because all the women couldn't stand each other, but she never was good at bettering how own game. 

I still think she's a nice gal and I'd love to hang out with her and her dogs, but she's not a good player.

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Cody to Keesha:  "Listen, don't feel any type of way (followed by some blah blah blah)  These conversations can't happen because we're stuck inside, which is their fault.  But it's really not their fault because of the times we're living in."  Man, I turned on the feeds for the first time in 2 days and these words of wisdom is what I was met with.  It's a good thing I really don't care whose fault it is that they're stuck inside because if I actually had to rely on Cody to know, I'd be just as confused as ever.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, keke23 said:

I'm so torn. What I realize is that I don't even expect that the people I am rooting for will make the correct nomination decisions. I have to accept that I will never get nice things and take the season for whatever it will be.

Just think: NO combo in the F2 could be worse than Boogie and Erika. None. That will forever be the worst F2 of all time.

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Keesha is definitely an emotional player, and she clearly doesn't feel very invested this time around. I remember feeling very frustrated when she did nothing to put her and Renny in a better position heading towards the end game in BB10. Not preparing or studying for competitions, etc. But she can be highly entertaining and is very endearing. She didn't have to campaign to stay against Libra, and it's obvious she has no Idea what to do. 

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Keesha's idea of campaigning: "I don't want to make promises but maybe you can have hot showers in my HoH room if I stay and if I win HoH?"

Keesha, you have a VIP pass to the next two Safety Suite comps. You can promise your future +1 if you win. Why not use that as a bargaining chip instead of "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I won't eat your food?"

P.S. She's still in the bathroom with Cody and Janelle. She sucks at this game.

Edited by Callaphera
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50 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No, that's Dani's role in the house when she isn't threatening to throw out all the sugary cereal and the pop because ewwww, don't you know you're putting poison in your body? 

I'd look her right in the eye as I took a swig of my soda or ate a spoonful of my sugary cereal.

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4 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

Granted, I seem to like the Franz better than most of you (lol), but I'd take her bland cooking over Raven's salmonella chicken & onions any night!!

I'm sad to report that the dish in question was actually pork that looked like it was undercooked. I'm not sure the fat was fully rendered. There was plenty of chicken juice flying that season, though, but yeah. Pork. With a side of mac and cheese that was made by laying Kraft Singles over macaroni and warming it up. I remember how we all lost our shit over that meal. Good times.



2 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I'd look her right in the eye as I took a swig of my soda or ate a spoonful of my sugary cereal.

I am also a Petty Patty. It made me go in the kitchen and get a bowl of Cap'n Crunch. Suck it, Dani. 


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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole A walked into the BR and Bay told her she had such a great body and that she (Bay) always wished she had a thigh gap. Then Nicole A thought that meant she was bow legged and Janelle told her no that she was just skinny.

As someone who only had a thigh gap at conception, I find this interesting....I assumed all non overweight women had them, even the slighter thick thighed ones.

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Just now, zorak said:

Janelle:  "There's ants all over my bedroom."  I love that the ants are making up for lost time.  

The Have Not room is so infested that Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole was talking about how she has to shake out her clothes before she puts them on and that they crawl over them when they sleep. That would make me DOR.

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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:
24 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

Granted, I seem to like the Franz better than most of you (lol), but I'd take her bland cooking over Raven's salmonella chicken & onions any night!!

I'm sad to report that the dish in question was actually pork that looked like it was undercooked. I'm not sure the fat was fully rendered. There was plenty of chicken juice flying that season, though, but yeah. Pork. With a side of mac and cheese that was made by laying Kraft Singles over macaroni and warming it up. I remember how we all lost our shit over that meal. Good times.


You posting this pic made me remember this tweet from a few days ago that made me laugh:



  • LOL 3
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The Have Not room is so infested that Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole was talking about how she has to shake out her clothes before she puts them on and that they crawl over them when they sleep. That would make me DOR.

That is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Production, call a goddamn exterminator. Jesus. 

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1 minute ago, HartofDixie said:

Wonder if Keesha isn’t campaigning because she was more into the appearance fee rather than play the game?

$40K to sit in a hotel for two weeks, spend one week in ant hell, and then go home? Where do I sign up?

I really do think there's going to be some first four buyback like Camp Comeback where they continue to live in the house. Turn the Safety Suite into the Second Chance Suite?

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Janelle to Cody: "I remember meeting you. ...And you didn't want to shake my hand."

Apparently, he had just gotten into a fight with Evel Dick, and was not in the mood. Cody doesn't even remember. I've been wondering why Janelle has cryptically referred the time she met Cody as "awkward."  I love the gossip, but I'm not sure he'll appreciate her bringing that up.

25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

$40K to sit in a hotel for two weeks, spend one week in ant hell, and then go home? Where do I sign up?

I really do think there's going to be some first four buyback like Camp Comeback where they continue to live in the house. Turn the Safety Suite into the Second Chance Suite?

Janelle has implied that it's a foregone conclusion, based on whatever the agreement with CBS was. But we'll see. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something to keep these players around for a few more weeks.

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I had forgotten how much I hate the concept of All-Stars.  WAY too much pre-gaming, outside friendships, pre-hates coming into the game even if you didn't know they were going to be there, a ridiculous focus on how you're coming across, it's just all so much.  I've barely watched the feeds in days, I want BOTH Keesha and Kevin to be gone to speed things up, the only thing I'm rooting for is to Nicole F to be nominated some day.

But then I hear Kaysar's voice, and Janelle's laugh, and....sigh.  And hopefully the longer these people are in here, the more genuine alliances will form, and things will shift, and I'm not giving up, but this week is just kind of brutal to watch right now.


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Survivor created a whole island to keep the winners around for the entire season; BB will at least let the first few stay around longer than they would normally. I'd bet money on it.

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

But then I hear Kaysar's voice, and Janelle's laugh, and....sigh.  And hopefully the longer these people are in here, the more genuine alliances will form, and things will shift, and I'm not giving up, but this week is just kind of brutal to watch right now.

Janelle is, by far, the most interesting person on the feeds to watch. Not that that's a surprise. Losing her too soon would suuuuuuck.

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22 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole A., Da'vonne, and Kevin are having a whispering session.  Kevin says he's doubling down on Nicole A., Da'vonne, Nicole F., and Dani.  Nicole A. had been telling him that Janelle was going around saying that Kevin was untrustworthy and how he lied on his original season.

I don't really get what Nicole A. gets out of this. She shouldn't want Kevin and Da'Vonne going after Janelle and vice versa. Why not sit on that information until you need it? Or try to plant some seeds about people that are actually, you know, a threat to you? 

It's pretty surprising how many people have their trust in Nicole F. She is one of the two actual winners this season. And she's not exactly known for loyalty. I get why she wouldn't seem threatening if you didn't see her play before. But she has! And one of her seasons was with the guy in power who just nominated you, Kevin. 

Edited by mooses
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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

I don't really get what Nicole A. gets out of this. She shouldn't want Kevin and Da'Vonne going after Janelle and vice versa. Why not sit on that information until you need it? Or try to plant some seeds about people that are actually, you know, a threat to you? 

It's pretty surprising how many people have their trust in Nicole F. She is one of the two actual winners this season. And she's not exactly known for loyalty. I get why she wouldn't seem threatening if you didn't see her play before. But she has! And one of her seasons was with the guy in power who just nominated you, Kevin. 

NicoleA has said on the feeds that she needs to side with the "quirky" outcasts. It's like ... part of her social media brand now. A little ridiculous but as her social media brand does rely on this idea that she's a quirky outcast I think she feels like getting into an alliance with Janelle isn't on brand.

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Janelle telling Christmas: "We've had a party in our room every night. Me, Nicole F., Nicole A. stops by, Bayleigh stops by, Kaysar ususally shows up because he's in that bed, Keesha, and Ian always comes...We talk do girl talk. We talk about Showmances. And love. And past relationships. Tonight, the topic is Showmances again." Christmas says she has to hop on over. 

Why does Janelle insist on torturing Nicole? I cannot wait.

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