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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to watch the finale. 2 hours of complete and utter boredom. I'll definitely have to start it at like 9 at the earliest so I can fast forward a large chunk of it.

They really made a mistake with this season. They should have just waited and hoped by next summer Covid would be better under control.

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21 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I blame Derrick. Because I can, because I don't like him, and because there is historical reference (thanks, David!) that he fucks with seasons. Like, get a hobby, dude. It's just becoming sad. 

Seriously. Imagine orchestrating a season you weren't even on for your dumb friend and out of some weird obsession with proving you're the best player ever on a cheap reality show. It's so embarrassing.

  • Love 17

I really don’t like Christmas and yet I am annoyed that she panicked and Nicole won HOH. Earlier this season, Nicole was all nervous about potential competitions and being clumsy with poor balance, so Christmas taught Nicole how to run across balance beams by holding in your core and how to shift your balance on a teeter-totter. She even practiced knocking her off balance so that  could tighten her core to straighten instead of over correcting by moving the opposite way and falling. That was Christmas’ ego need to be recognized and appreciated for her knowledge, athleticism, and team value. I bet she regrets that now. 

Does Vic not even pay attention to Nicole enough to realize that she really doesn’t care much about how and what he is doing and she wants to know what he thinks about how and what she is doing? 

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15 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

I really don’t like Christmas and yet I am annoyed that she panicked and Nicole won HOH. Earlier this season, Nicole was all nervous about potential competitions and being clumsy with poor balance, so Christmas taught Nicole how to run across balance beams by holding in your core and how to shift your balance on a teeter-totter. She even practiced knocking her off balance so that  could tighten her core to straighten instead of over correcting by moving the opposite way and falling. That was Christmas’ ego need to be recognized and appreciated for her knowledge, athleticism, and team value. I bet she regrets that now. 

Me next, please. They could charge for the opportunity to "practice knocking" Franzel "off balance" and we'd probably still have a line that goes around the block three times. I never thought I'd say that but I'm a bit jealous of Christmas. 

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Even the jury segment was boring. What a year. It keeps giving. Normally in jury people are accusing each other for having warned other people for other players but this jury has just accepted that they lost because Cody was better. Only Dani seemed to care she lost, or maybe she felt someone she got to grow feelings for betrayed her after she ridiculed herself with her flirting on national TV. Who knows.

  • Love 5

Good morning! Goat City, TN (Memphis) is up! He didn't get up until the wakeup call. He's filling up the pot for coffee. I think his foot injury is real. There's no need for him to limp when no one else is looking unless he's trying to fool the feedsters. Nicole is still snuggling up with the covers in the HOH bed.

Does Goat City miss David?

a) Yes, because David kept the kitchen tidy. He might miss his morning coffee conversations with David, too.

b) No, he just tolerated David and kicked him out when the time was right.

I forgot the fashion segment - Goat City is wearing his BLACK hoodie today, hood up! And he was just called to the Diary Room, you can hear him scuffling along.

So Cams 1 and 2 switch to a bedroom and you can see someone's hair but that's it. I think it's Christmas because no one else has hair that long, but it seems a little dark. Per Cam 1 it is Christmas, you can see the blonde streaks. In another bed you can see a hand and a nose. The nose disappeared. That bed has the grey Linus blanket. Christmas has the tan and white macrame blanket.

I wonder why the camera's on the HOH bathroom ( think that's the room). 

And National Moldy Cheese Day is up! frowning in her green T-shirt. She joins Goat City in the kitchen.

Nicole's up now, too.

Edited by Lamb18
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Goat City is being polite and friendly to Nicole. Of course he has no ulterior motive in being extra charming to Nicole even though he barely spoke to National Moldy Cheese Day.

Moldy Cheese and Nicole are in the pantry. I see bananas, potatoes (?) apples, green pepper, onions and garlic - camera moved to someone hiding under the orange ribbed blanket and two pillows.

More STARS, must be more "Wakey, wakey, house guests! What do you not understand about wakey wakey?".

If Nicole was smart, she'd put up Cody and Enzo. My guess she will put up Moldy Cheese and Goat City. Goat City and Enzo might be a good choice, if the plan was to get Goat City out.

Edited by Lamb18
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Last night with that lipstick and pale face, Dani looked like a live action Disney villain on a coffee break.


Sigh.  This is so boring. 

Note to Grodner:  Next time you do an "All Star" season (please, don't), cast the crazy people not the boring people.  Janelle is good, so is Dani, but how about some Caleb and Rockstar and Cowboy and Vanessa and Chicken George and Marcellas and, yes, Frankie and Boogie.  Get a Hantz in there, bring back the guy that held a knife on the other hamster.  I want action and controversy, I want fights and tears.  Hell, bring back Evil Dick and Jen. 

Remember "This is the true story of seven strangers picked to live in a house, work together and have their lives taped — to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.”  Lets have some of that, shall we, eh, Grodner? 

Oh.  Now there's an idea.  Fill a BB house with former infamous Real Worlders.

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Cody and Enzo are arguing about the salmon. Enzo wants to have a piece for lunch and Cody says NO! It's for supper! Enzo says he's tired of crap and eggs and he doesn't want avocado toast. Nicole sticks up for Enzo and said Goat City didn't care. 

Cody found a bunch of nuggets in the fridge and is so excited!! But there's no sour cream.

Nicole says it stinks and that the fish smells like fish. I think Enzo took some tuna.

Goat City is giving Nicole advice on how to play the game and do HOH. He thinks he should take to the end who she can beat. Goat Boy said he didn't make any deals except for his deal with the Committee. Goat Boy is very straightforward. His proposal: if Nicole keeps him off the block this week, he would be completely content and OK and loyal and would make a Final 3 with her. If he was HOH next week he would keep Nicole. If she kept him off the block he would take her direction on who to vote for. If he wins the veto next week he'll keep noms the same. He can make this proposition because he has no other deals.

Nicole says she sees Goat Boy and Moldy Cheese, and Cody and Enzo, and she's just there. Goat Boy said if he'd won HOH this week Moldy Cheese would have been on the block. He says he and Moldy Cheese just have a friendly relationship.

Nicole says she's basing her strategy on how she will get to final 3. Unpopular opinion - I'm rooting for Nicole to win. Besides she's the only one left on my fantasy team. 

STARS! - I wonder if she's doing noms now.

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False alarm, back to Goat Boy and Nicole's conversation. 

Goat Boy leaves. Nicole says it's not a good proposal. If he wants to be kept off the block he needs to guarantee a final 2. She knows he already has two final twos.  She's watching the monitor.

In the meantime Enzo and Moldy Cheese are in the kitchen. Enzo's scooping something out of a bowl. Oops, sorry Enzo, that's Cody's back I see, not Enzo's. 

STARS again, I guesss that the non-conversation between Moldy Cheese and Cody is too riveting for the feedsters to listen to.

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Cody tells Moldy Cheese he doesn't think he needs her anymore. Now the real Enzo is here, next to Cody, at the big round table. The sound of smacking is very loud. Cody says Goat City already went up there. Enzo says he'll go next. Cody says, I don't know, what's the point? (for him to go up there). Enzo says he hates talking to them two. (Goat Boy and Moldy Cheese?) He's waiting for them two to throw each other under the bus.

Enzo wants to win the POV so bad. He and Cody are going to send Goat Boy out. Yo!

In case anyone was worried, Enzo had tuna for lunch, not salmon. Now everyone can have salmon for dinner.

OK, Moldy Cheese is with Nicole now. Nicole says she is trying to figure out how to keep Moldy Cheese in the house. Nicole asks if Moldy Cheese won veto, would she take Goat Boy down? Moldy Cheese says she would not use veto on Goat Boy.  Moldy Cheese says if she wins HOH, she and Nicole could leverage that veto vote. Nicole says she doesn't want Moldy Cheese to leave. That's smart because the guys would gang up on her if Moldy Cheese is gone. Moldy Cheese says the hierarchy is Cody - Memphis - Moldy Cheese - Enzo - Nicole. She's ranking by comp wins. 

If Nicole's being straight with Moldy Cheese, it sounds like she may put up Cody and Enzo. She's talking about the pros and cons of putting up the two strongest people. But it might be better if she puts up one strong who she really wants out and one not so strong. Cody is the strongest, but Goat Boy and Enzo would fit the scenario. Yo!

And STARS - have to save this conversation for the episode!!!

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From Joker’s:

Fri 12:22 PM PT Nicole thought Tyler was the saboteur. He had snake eyes and lies so much. She never trusted him. Christmas denies being close to Tyler just good vibe because of KC/Josh connection

Fri 12:23 PM PT Christmas explaining herself about not putting Tyler up when he wanted to go home. She was protecting their alliance. 

Boy howdy - St. Swithin’s Day sure has problems keeping her stories straight for as much as a whole minute, don’t she now?


  • Love 2

All cameras now on Goat City swatting a beach ball around. Then they switch to Enzo looking at himself in a mirror in a bedroom. Must be one of the camera windows. He's looking at all these pictures on the wall and he took one down. He took several pictures down and he's peeling the tape of their backs. It's so quiet you can hear the cameras.

Now he's showing us pictures of himself from his season and telling us what they're about. Wearing a penguin costume, when he voted Brittney out and final four. 10 years ago.

A BB Chat person asked if Enzo was talking to the cow. (Moolawn is still here.) 

Edited by Lamb18

Now Cody's in HOH with Nicole. Nicole says, "Thank you!" to Cody for coming into HOH because then Moldy Cheese left. Now they're talking about what Moldy Cheese was saying. 

I think noms are going to be Memphis and Moldy Cheese with Memphis being voted out. Nicole says she is keeping Cody safe this week. He is annoyed because she is being high and mighty. Nicole does want Goat City to go home.

OK, it is Goat City and Moldy Cheese. Nicole was wondering whose face should show up first, Moldy Cheese's or Goat City's. She decides on Moldy Cheese because MC already knows she's going on the block.

Cody just said Nicole is his Final 2. Cody told Nicole she had final twos with everyone else. Nicole said she had a couple of others but they weren't serious. Cody said he has to kiss her butt this week because he would have been on the block if she wasn't HOH.

Cody is just obnoxious.


  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I think his foot injury is real.

I heard him mention, at some point, that it was something he’d been dealing with for awhile. Then he grumbled about getting old. My guess is plantar fasciitis or something similar.

7 hours ago, Jillibean said:

You just know that Vic is sitting at home thinking that if he had been the one to play he would have won every comp, he’d be America’s favorite again, and they would have a hundred new sponsors instead of losing a bunch. 

He’ll get over it when she brings home the 50k. That will make up for some sponsor losses, and probably give her enough sense of justification that she won’t give a second thought to why she lost the sponsors in the first place. Then they can revel in the fact that, between the two of them, they have won all top 3 prizes! They are the best!!

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Goat Boy said he didn't make any deals except for his deal with the Committee. Goat Boy is very straightforward. His proposal: if Nicole keeps him off the block this week, he would be completely content and OK and loyal and would make a Final 3 with her. 

Goat Boy should know that F3 is not good enough at this point. I hate to say it, but whoever makes it to the end would be stupid not to take Nicole with them. Most of the jury hates her, she’s already won, she has ridden coattails so hard and so often that she should have a signature saddle. She’s the perfect goat, for Goat Boy or anyone else.

34 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

A BB Chat person asked if Enzo was talking to the cow.

Moolan was his study buddy last night. They were going over stats together. Enzo said he had no one else to talk to.

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Goat Boy offered to put on Cody's tight jeans. He said the live feeders would like to see him doing that. Cody's jeans are leggings.

I don't see how Cody's girlfriend can stand him. He's so obnoxious, even when he thinks he's being fun and friendly. But maybe he's different when there's no camera on him and he doesn't need to perform.

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57 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

He’ll get over it when she brings home the 50k. That will make up for some sponsor losses, and probably give her enough sense of justification that she won’t give a second thought to why she lost the sponsors in the first place. Then they can revel in the fact that, between the two of them, they have won all top 3 prizes! They are the best!!

Victor might feel that way, but I predict that Nicole is going to have a very hard time learning that people didn’t think she was a sweet, precious, special snowflake to the degree that she was actually called a bully and lost sponsors over it. I think she’s going to have a brief apology tour, in which she doesn’t actually apologize but instead explains why everyone is wrong to think she was mean and she loves Ian so much and he was her best friend, followed by weeks of whining to Victor and her parents and anyone else who will listen about being soooooo misunderstooooood and demanding reassurances that she’s the nicest person in the world and this is so unfaaaaair. And there will be tears. Oh, there will be tears. 

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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Victor might feel that way, but I predict that Nicole is going to have a very hard time learning that people didn’t think she was a sweet, precious, special snowflake to the degree that she was actually called a bully and lost sponsors over it. I think she’s going to have a brief apology tour, in which she doesn’t actually apologize but instead explains why everyone is wrong to think she was mean and she loves Ian so much and he was her best friend, followed by weeks of whining to Victor and her parents and anyone else who will listen about being soooooo misunderstooooood and demanding reassurances that she’s the nicest person in the world and this is so unfaaaaair. And there will be tears. Oh, there will be tears. 

I was going to joke about how they all go to the "but there are things you didn't see!" defence and then realized that it's actually true this season. The feeds were down so often, there probably are things that we didn't see. Not that I think it would apply in this case but damn it, that's my favourite part of every non-apology tour. 


34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I am absolutely rolling over Tyler refusing to answer and EW calling him out on it. Fucking loser lol.


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21 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Cody didn't win it, though, did he? Frankie Grande won it the second time in the Rewind, I don't remember who won it originally. 

The packaging looks different than it used to, but I couldn’t take the smell when I tried it. I am super sensitive to smells, I am a weirdo. Anyone who uses the garnier curl stuff, I can smell them a mile away, with that in my hair all day and all night I would die...but their curls look amazing. 

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

It makes sense why Franzel and Victor get along so well, though. He had some pretty shitty views and comments about women during his season. They truly are made for each other. 

I think we just figured out the reason that, in spite of all the women he could apparently snag, Nicole was the one he actively pursued as a legitimate partner.

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So - has Production still not figured out how to put a functional lock on the WC door, or is it simply beyond Enzo’s capacity to operate it, or is something else going on here? Because if I’m not mistaken, every WC “whoops” This season has been a female walking in on Enzo.  Awfully coincidental, that....

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4 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

The only good thing that will come out of Cody winning is that everyone is going to say it needs an * behind it because of all the pregaming and also that Derrick set it up for him to win.  Cody will hate that!

Fuck that, I say we declare it a win for Derrick with an asterisk and a note that says Cody was the physical winner but Derrick did all the work. Cody will hate that even more. 

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If Derrick really did influence this season, and a money split was decided beforehand... I think CBS should investigate it. It may be allowed and not a real violation but it is tampering with a game show and that sh*t received high profile press when it happened with Herb Stempel's run on Twenty-One. He blew the whistle on it and the press did not respond favorably. And Derrick is a cop? It's a breach of ethics and an attempt to manipulate a game show. 

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Nicole says Corey and Paulie were the reasons she won her season. She said everyone was mad at her in jury, but they stuck their necks out for her. She says Corey was a good ally, but working to get him out was her best game move. She says Paul is really smart and has a good heart. She will always have a soft spot for her because he changed her life by taking her to F2. Her dad loves him.

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“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast”: Cody’s golden rule on how to play a comp. Nicole’s strategy is Have Fun. Cody is always laser focused on winning, even if he doesn’t think he has to, because you never know. Nicole has comps she wants to win and others she doesn’t care about. Potato, potahto.

Nicole says if they lose the veto, Cody and Enzo have to rock/paper/scissors on who goes up. She tells them, please please don’t let Memphis win. He might go on a roll if he wins this one. Sounds like Memphis is their preferred choice to leave this week.

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Feeds went to stars so if Nicole had a meltdown, I didn’t get to see it. 

They are back and talking about FaceTime. Cody likes to FaceTime Christie while playing video games. Sounds like he spends a lot of time playing video games. Enzo says that will stop once he gets married. Cody doesn’t know why she would care, because they’ll be together so much more. Enzo acts out a scene of going to bed after spending hours with video games and getting the cold shoulder from his wife. “You can kiss that shit goodbye, yo.” Cody and Nicole roll around, laughing.

They are getting ready for bed. Cody knocked over the bathroom trash and now “tampons are everywhere.” Ohhh, oooh, he moans and groans. “Disgusting.” “Circle of life”, Enzo shrugs.   Cody picks up the trash, moaning and sighing the whole way. Good luck, Christie.

They are in the bedroom now. Enzo walks around looking at pictures, Moolan under his arm. He is looking for pictures of hot chicks. He points out a photo of Tyler. Cody says Tyler’s hair looks better now. Enzo points to Jace. “That’s my guy.  How’d he do?” Cody points out Daniele Reyes with admiration, then “BLOCKstarrrr!” Enzo chuckles. 

Cody leaves to get water. Enzo asks Moolan if she thinks he can win veto tomorrow. Pause. “Thanks.”

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