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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Cody says David needs to go soon because he doesn’t belong. He compares him to Victoria in his first season.

Please. Veronica Victoria was a legend. I'm an early adopter of Team Chaos 2020 but David in either of his seasons is nowhere near Victoria's level. Has David ever told us about cats being walked on leashes or crows that have side hustles as child traffickers? Pfft. Call me when David has a batshit story about an owl and the six year old that lives on the corner, then we'll talk. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I think Bb could do an entertaining all star season if they actually committed to changing things up with twists that are meaningful. Survivor does returnees basically every other season and while there are pregame alliances, there’s still plenty of gameplay happening in the actual game. But I do think BB would have to change the format to be closer to Survivor—throw people into random groups and have them vote within those groups to shift alliances, then continue to mix those groups up. Make people actually play a social game once they’re in the house with everyone, not just their pregame friends. I also think the cast this year was just not well done, though part of that was likely the last minute scramble for contestants. I’ve said this many times, but it’s embarrassing for CBS that they chose to have Christmas back.

12 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

BB13 was a reminder that before the BB22 crushed our collective hearts by having fan favorites be total duds, there was the case of "America's sweethearts" Jeff and Jordan who came back and were ... they clearly had just signed on because of the bonus check. Jordan was sullen and spent a miserable summer on the back couches watching as Jeff smoked away his feelings. They had no game. Their relationship was no longer the cutesy flirty showmance of BB11. They were the original returning vet duds. 

The most interesting part of their game was how snowed they were by the evil, diabolical, but totally awesome Shelly Moore.

I think Jeff one hundred percent thought he was going to win and was there to win. He always suffered under the misconception that he was good at this game, when the truth is that whenever he actually got power (as opposed to playing as part of a minority alliance) he became such an ego inflated jerk and went on tours of grandiosity that made it easy to mess with him (cough, Kevin, cough) and convince him to target someone that wasn’t really in his best interest to target. Remember how he called himself “Big Jeff”? And he was so incredibly bitter when he was voted out on both 11 and 13. I think he still probably thinks he was robbed both times. Jordan, OTOH, clearly had only agreed because Jeff wanted to do it, which explains (but doesn’t excuse) her awfulness when he was voted out in 13. 

Edited by Jillibean
Friggin’ autocorrect
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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

That's definitely the story, but that seems fishy to me (as I don't believe they've EVER allowed singing, right?). I'll look into it! 🙂 

He  did it as his eviction speech maybe during a live show lol. I saw the clip on twitter during the whole Trevor thinks old school is boring, but Dr Will sang on a live show.


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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

I think Bob could do an entertaining all star season if they actually committed to changing things up with twists that are meaningful. Survivor does returnees basically every other season and while there are pregame alliances, there’s still plenty of gameplay happening in the actual game. But I do think BB would have to change the format to be closer to Survivor—throw people into random groups and have them vote within those groups to shift alliances, then continue to mix those groups up. Make people actually play a social game once they’re in the house with everyone, not just their pregame friends. I also think the cast this year was just not well done, though part of that was likely the last minute scramble for contestants. I’ve said this many times, but it’s embarrassing for CBS that they chose to have Christmas back.

I think Jeff one hundred percent thought he was going to win and was there to win. He always suffered under the misconception that he was good at this game, when the truth is that whenever he actually got power (as opposed to playing as part of a minority alliance) he became such an ego inflated jerk and went on tours of grandiosity that made it easy to mess with him (cough, Kevin, cough) and convince him to target someone that wasn’t really in his best interest to target. Remember how he called himself “Big Jeff”? And he was so incredibly bitter when he was voted out on both 11 and 13. I think he still probably thinks he was robbed both times. Jordan, OTOH, clearly had only agreed because Jeff wanted to do it, which explains (but doesn’t excuse) her awfulness when he was voted out in 13. 

It was pretty obvious that Jordan thought the house would vote her out first like how they voted out Brendan over Rachel who only did the show cus of Rachel which was a dumb theory on Jordan's part.

After seeing Ian this season, as a former winner I give Jordan a little more credit for her season 13 strategy knowing she couldn't play the same game twice. The fact Ian thought he could play the same game as a winner was not a smart move.

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7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Maybe TPTB forgot to pay the electric bill.

The electricity did go out the other day so you may be on to something.

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

The snack is ready, and oh look, it’s chicken nuggets! (Do these people eat anything else?) Tyler salts his and Dani finds that disgusting.”Who puts salt on chicken nuggets??” (Me: Who doesn’t?)

Hold up, Tyler was eating chicken?! 

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo ponders who he should put up. Maybe Memphis. Not Xmas, not yet. Maybe put up David as a pawn to get a bigger fish, but he doesn’t specify who.

You mean to tell me after weeks of whining about how no one makes moves and it's time to make moves Enzo is ... not going to make a move if he gets HOH?

random GIF

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Hold up, Tyler was eating chicken?! 

Most of the house this year has agreed that the vegan meat-free alternative "chicken" "nuggets" taste better than the actual chicken nuggets that come from non-vegan chickens that BB has supplied them with. That's how you know they've been locked up too long: the meat eaters chose the fake meat over the real meat. I'm not a steak eater, I like a chateaubriand cooked to a beautiful medium rare once or twice a year (the leftovers makes the best beef dips the second day), but I would take great pleasure in cooking a steak a day to keep Dani and her meat-free alternatives out of the kitchen. 

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Hold up, Tyler was eating chicken?! 

Good catch! Or was it vegan chicken? 

ETA Never mind. 

I'm convinced that Dani would be in a much better mood at all times if she let herself eat some animal protein occasionally. So would Tyler. Don't hate me, vegans! 

Edited by Melina22
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I have no problem with them being vegans. It's admirable tbh. They just need to stfu about it lol.

Also, impossible burger is good as hell. I love it. I think they give them the beyond burger though which is no where near as good imo. 

Are they still getting the morningstar farm nuggets? Every season vegans and non-vegans alike love those things. My mom is pescatarian and she likes them and my sister is a meat eater but she also likes them. I think they're nasty lol.

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29 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I have no problem with them being vegans. It's admirable tbh. They just need to stfu about it lol.

Between Mother's Angela's cookbook and Dani dramatically shuddering because Janelle cooked meat in the same kitchen that she cooked a vegan alternative for them, this. Like, be vegan. What the hell, vegetables are our friends. But it's not a personality and they kinda treat it like one. I'm lactose intolerant - I don't throw fits because the husband keeps his coffee cream on the same shelf of the fridge that my lactose free fine filtered 50% less sugar chocolate milk lives on. That would be weird. But that's kinda how Dani is (or was in the beginning of the season) with the whole meat thing. 

Also I find that most of those meat alternatives have more salt than the actual meat products do. That's my main issue with them. My other issue is that I know what meat tastes like and whatever they're trying to pass off as "just like chicken!" really isn't. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm definitely not vegan, because cheese, but I stopped eating meat and poultry years ago. I was always picky and semi grossed out about them growing up, so quitting them was a no brainer. I just can't not think about what meat is.

That being said, my SO is a big ol' omnivore and we co-exist fine. We both eat veggie options, and he cooks himself meat stuff. It's not an issue.

And because I quit eating meat because I found it gross, the fake meat options are not appealing to me. I guess they're a nice option for someone trying to phase out, but if I wanted something that looked and tasted like meat...I'd eat meat.

Topic? It's depressing as hell to read that Nic and Cody seem to have the most game knowledge down. Figures.

And while I'd love to see Labor Day gone during the triple, I'm still annoyed that I'll be denied watching her, or maybe Dani, sulk on the block all week. Thanks 2020 BB.

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7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Then they mused about what their comic book covers will be. Enzo thinks he will have whiskers, as the Meow Meow. Kevin doesn’t know. “The Sickening Savant?” David can’t wait to see his. 

Aren’t the comic covers obvious?

  • Kevin: THE BLANKET.  Picture: Kevin with his blanket over his head, crying face exposed, doing his best Audrey impersonation.  Tag line: Only THE BLANKET knows what happens under covers!
  • David: THE ROOKIE.  Picture: David in a cop uniform - probably short-sleeved, to sell the tickets to the gun show - fists cocked and knocking nondescript baddies left and right.  Tag line: Nobody knows what he’s going to do next - INCLUDING HIM!
  • Enzo: don’t know, don’t really give a shit.  Had one half-assed idea, but y’all REALLY don’t want to hear it - trust me.


7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Or at least they had one shining moment in BB17 when Audrey complained that the Nolan twins ate all the chicken nuggets as soon as they came in the house, leaving none for Audrey and beginning a blood feud that ended in... well, Steve ended up winning the season, Audrey almost had a mental breakdown, and Liz spent every afternoon in the HoH on the Fingerbang Express with Austin so technically we all lost. 

Also known as How to Sum Up an Entire BB Season in One Long-Ass Run-On Sentence.  You back on the Peruvian Army marching powder, dear?  😉

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Tyler will go back to eating meat at some point. He keeps reminiscing about all the things he used to eat. His memories are happy memories of Taco Bell, Wendy's... My sister is vegan and she would never think fondly about things she used to eat - thinking about that makes her sick. Tyler only lives like this because Angela says so.

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4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Aren’t the comic covers obvious?

  • Kevin: THE BLANKET.  Picture: Kevin with his blanket over his head, crying face exposed, doing his best Audrey impersonation.  Tag line: Only THE BLANKET knows what happens under covers!
  • David: THE ROOKIE.  Picture: David in a cop uniform - probably short-sleeved, to sell the tickets to the gun show - fists cocked and knocking nondescript baddies left and right.  Tag line: Nobody knows what he’s going to do next - INCLUDING HIM!

Nailed it. If this isn't David's comic, I'll be shocked. 

I'm on my first cup of coffee today, and have read WAY more about Enzo's various ass related themes in the BB house than I was planning on, lol.

7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

David kept getting the days wrong because he was counting from the beginning of sequester.

 Sigh. I want to root for David, and yet...

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20 minutes ago, Nashville said:
  • Kevin: THE BLANKET.  Picture: Kevin with his blanket over his head, crying face exposed, doing his best Audrey impersonation.  Tag line: Only THE BLANKET knows what happens under covers!
  • David: THE ROOKIE.  Picture: David in a cop uniform - probably short-sleeved, to sell the tickets to the gun show - fists cocked and knocking nondescript baddies left and right.  Tag line: Nobody knows what he’s going to do next - INCLUDING HIM!
  • Enzo: don’t know, don’t really give a shit.  Had one half-assed idea, but y’all REALLY don’t want to hear it - trust me.


Raven Hill, TN (Memphis) would be THE HOODIE. But I don't know what his character would be. All I can think of is he'd wear a white hoodie, hood up and pointed, but I don't think BB would do that.

In the meantime, David is up! He's busy in the kitchen, washing dishes.

Camera 3 shows Raven Hill sleeping. I didn't recognize him without a hoodie or a hat covering up his hair.

Just thought of something: Enzo could be THE YO-YO. 

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18 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Tyler will go back to eating meat at some point. He keeps reminiscing about all the things he used to eat. His memories are happy memories of Taco Bell, Wendy's... My sister is vegan and she would never think fondly about things she used to eat - thinking about that makes her sick. Tyler only lives like this because Angela says so.

He has had some health issues this summer. Not sure what since everytime someone mentions it the feeds switch. 

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3 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

The fact Ian thought he could play the same game as a winner was not a smart move.

It's almost like that would seem to indicate - SAY IT WITH ME, EVERYONE - he's not a better player than Dan.

Also, let me just chime in to say, I love me a good chicken nugget. Don't hate on the nuggs! NUGGS 4 LYFE.

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4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

It's almost like that would seem to indicate - SAY IT WITH ME, EVERYONE - he's not a better player than Dan.

Also, let me just chime in to say, I love me a good chicken nugget. Don't hate on the nuggs! NUGGS 4 LYFE.

At this point he is at the same level as Jordan for me. Since both benefited from one twist. I do think Jordan would have made it to the F5 without the Coup de tat while Ian would have been 100% voted out during Willie's HOH. Ian comp wins are comparable to Jordan's social skills at the end. Remember Kevin wanted to take Jordan to the F2 which would have been a much closer vote than if he had just taken Natalie or kept Michelle at the F4. 

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

He has had some health issues this summer. Not sure what since everytime someone mentions it the feeds switch. 

Tyler is so hungry and is obviously losing a lot of weight and looking very thin. Several houseguests have commented on how thin he was getting a couple weeks ago. I heard them rumbling that he was not certain to be medically cleared for a veto and they didn’t know if he could play. It was obvious that they were trying not to talk about it and it cut to stars. I think Tyler is committed to the Vegan life style yet not that familiar with vegan recipes to make for himself which is why Angela’s letter said she worried about him eating enough. It seems like Angela spends a lot of time preparing healthy vegan food and is very committed to this lifestyle and she prepares food for Tyler that he always has things to eat which increases his dependence on her. She creates the schedule of when they work on the business and when they go for bike rides, when she cooks and makes videos for YouTube and when they relax. It is a disciplined life and Tyler likes living it and seems not to want to let her down at all, however he is clearly not consuming enough calories in the house in order to maintain his slim lean frame and is losing weight and looking almost borderline malnourished— he is still athletic and strong so it is not too obvious and he carries good muscle but is losing it quickly. I notice Tyler talking more about why he is vegan, almost like reminding himself why the principles are important for the animals due to their poor life experience in American cattle/poultry/pig industry. He seems more open to ethically grass fed pasture raised animals that have a good life (as described on Memphis’ beef jerky pack- Tyler asks if it is Whole365 or something from WholeFoods because it is Australian pasture raised?) before being made in to food.

He talks about food more and more... I can tell that he is hungry, yet not quite sure even what to make himself and kind of tired and not feeling like preparing it. He is talking to Dani more about where certain avocados and fruits are that he asks the DR for because there aren’t any and they tell him that there are and that it was rearranged and to ask the girls where they are. Dani does not eat that much or that often and does try to offer him some, but she doesn’t like to prepare food and doesn’t do it every day and it isn’t enough for Tyler. I remember on BB20 and videos after with Angela, Tyler cooked A LOT and often several times a day. It was super healthy lean proteins and veggies and healthy carbs. He has a style of eating that he knows how to cook with grilled chicken and a vegetable and maybe brown rice and season it. He seems not as familiar with how to imagine an avocado/mango citrus salad wrap or how to eat vegan food that isn’t prepared already and he seems struggling to find things to eat. I am familiar with disordered eating. Dani is in to restriction, yet she is at a healthy weight and can exercise. She might be in a better mood if she ate more, but she likes this lifestyle and it works for her. Tyler is currently not quite right in his current mental struggle with restriction and his weight may be borderline. He is definitely hungry and needs and wants to eat more, yet he seems to be working hard trying to stick to a restrictive diet of specific plant foods. He doesn’t have a lot of energy left over. It is affecting his mood too, he had more anxiety at the beginning and now he simply gets quiet and doesn’t speak on it and tries to go to sleep earlier and take care of himself. I think it explains a lot of his idealization of Angela and wanting to live up to her ideals.

Edited by Luckylondon
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I hate Tyler but damn that made me sad for him because I think you’re totally right about all that.

I feel like it seemed like Tyler was a pretty typical guy (personally I always thought he was secretly kind of deranged but anyway lol) before but post-Angela has made it obvious he has some big issues. Which makes sense as it’s hard to imagine any sane, well-adjusted people going on this show once let alone twice!

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 There's already The Blanket in the BBverse.  As with all comic canons, there can be multiple/subsequent versions of a character but to me Audrey IS The Blanket so I hope Kevin's isn't The Blanket II: Polyester Boogaloo.

 Enzo will be Captain Bidet or Baron von Bidet or some variation.   No matter what it will involve a bidet.   Enzo has had anything else memorable the entire season.   Which is going to be a problem for a lot of them.   They can use Janelle and Nicole's punishment costumes for inspiration but the rest of them haven't done anything unique/quirky/entertaining enough to inspire a comic.   Cody? Bayleigh? Ian?  None of them have done anything that jumps to mind for a comic.   Memphis might get a Grandpa angle (probably drawn as some GILF) and maybe Tyler something about Angela's Vegan Cookbook but it slim pickings for the rest.

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23 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

 Tyler is currently not quite right in his current mental struggle with restriction and his weight may be borderline. He is definitely hungry and needs and wants to eat more, yet he seems to be working hard trying to stick to a restrictive diet of specific plant foods. He doesn’t have a lot of energy left over. It is affecting his mood too, he had more anxiety at the beginning and now he simply gets quiet and doesn’t speak on it and tries to go to sleep earlier and take care of himself. I think it explains a lot of his idealization of Angela and wanting to live up to her ideals.

Hit the nail on the head with this! 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate Tyler but damn that made me sad for him because I think you’re totally right about all that.

I feel like it seemed like Tyler was a pretty typical guy (personally I always thought he was secretly kind of deranged but anyway lol) before but post-Angela has made it obvious he has some big issues. Which makes sense as it’s hard to imagine any sane, well-adjusted people going on this show once let alone twice!

I know what you mean. I don’t want to sound too controversial, yet there is a slight sociopathy in both Tyler and Dani that I have observed that I believe comes from trauma and economic lifestyle struggle and messed up (absent) parents. I don’t know details about Tyler or specifics exactly on Dani, but it wasn’t easy for either growing up and they didn’t have too much, but learned how to succeed by fitting in socially and being socially competent and being good athletes and being thin/lean with “cool” attitudes. They both work at this. Cody does too, it is easier for him and he doesn’t have the emotional control of Tyler. Cody has a security that comes from a loving family that gives him great confidence. Cody just talks out loud what he is thinking. Dani does this a bit with Cody which is why she likes to be around him. Tyler does not. I am not suggesting introverted thinking style equals sociopathy at all. It is more subtle. It is not necessarily a bad thing. I don’t think they are bad people and I think they channel their energy and work hard to direct it for good. That is how a lot of successful people from distressed or traumatic backgrounds operate. Tyler and Dani are highly successful and now live Instagram influencer lifestyles without really having to work, yet that takes effort and extreme discipline too. They are all working to achieve this, some have been at it longer than others, some care more than others, some don’t understand all the pieces. But that somewhat quesy feeling that makes your arm hairs slightly raise with Tyler is because there is a bit of a skilled predator there or simply an animal highly tuned for survival (depending on how you look at it and view things as pathology or coping mechanisms or a sliding spectrum— which is how I view it). Tyler is not pathological, but there is sociopathy— not enough for a diagnosis or disorder (there is no evidence of thinking rules and laws don’t apply to him). Perhaps it is more detached highly attuned social understanding of how power, influence and success occur and an understanding and willingness to barter and manipulate on multiple levels. This may be why he is interesting to watch for some people and discomforting to others or both.

Edited by Luckylondon
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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Raven Hill, TN (Memphis) would be THE HOODIE. But I don't know what his character would be. All I can think of is he'd wear a white hoodie, hood up and pointed, but I don't think BB would do that.

In the meantime, David is up! He's busy in the kitchen, washing dishes.

Camera 3 shows Raven Hill sleeping. I didn't recognize him without a hoodie or a hat covering up his hair.

Just thought of something: Enzo could be THE YO-YO. 

Ok, you talked me into it:

  • Memphis = THE HOODIE.  Picture: Memphis in his hoodie swinging a frying pan around and sending it’s sizzling contents at evildoers.  Tag line: Serving Up Fat Chunks of Justice!
  • Enzo = THE PICKER.  Picture: Enzo looking furtively over his right shoulder while his (concealed) left hand is going down in Asscrack Town.  Tag line: Digging For the Truth No Matter Where It Is!

(And FYI - that’s the nicer Enzo version)

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40 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Tyler is so hungry and is obviously losing a lot of weight and looking very thin. Several houseguests have commented on how thin he was getting a couple weeks ago. I heard them rumbling that he was not certain to be medically cleared for a veto and they didn’t know if he could play. It was obvious that they were trying not to talk about it and it cut to stars. I think Tyler is committed to the Vegan life style yet not that familiar with vegan recipes to make for himself which is why Angela’s letter said she worried about him eating enough. It seems like Angela spends a lot of time preparing healthy vegan food and is very commuted to this lifestyle and she prepares food for Tyler that he always has things to eat which increases his dependence on her.

I haven't been watching the feeds, but what you described is really sad. I do think people can absolutely be healthy & vegan, but it does require some work and attention to calories and nutrients, and it does need to be the right plan for *them*.  Some people thrive on it, but others might need something different.

I'm guessing it's not at the point where BB needs to intercede (if they would ever even bother) but it's definitely concerning for him if he's losing weight in the house. (that's the opposite from most people!)

I feel bad for him. He needs to do what's right for him.

I also don't feel like he and Angela need to be vegan to be successful on social media though, yeah, Angela has now made that one of their hooks. 

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1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

How did they handle Gina Marie? Did they make her see a therapist? This is sticking in my brain for some reason, but I'm not sure if I'm even remotely correct.

I was wondering that too. Did they even do anything when she was allegedly purging? I feel like they didn't, and she was trying to hide it on the feeds, but my memory of past seasons is terrible.

On 9/28/2020 at 12:50 PM, Lamb18 said:

Now they're talking about movies. Christmas talks about a Johnny Depp movie called "Charlie" which is a remake of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." And that the story was about Charlie and why he was obsessed with chocolate and built the factory.

Except - wasn't Willy the one with the chocolate factory? And Charlie was the boy who won the golden ticket?

And Christmas saw Hamilton and loved it. 

I don't know - I don't recognize much past the early 80s.

Like other people have stated she is wrong, but she's partially correct about a little bit. Johnny Depp's moving does go into the backstory of why Willy Wonka becomes obsessed with Chocolate. His dad was a dentist and never let him have chocolate or sweets ever. Once WW got his first taste he become obsessed and took off on his own to discover the world of chocolate because his father didn't approve.

So I think she just got the names mixed up. 

22 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

One small joy is that the HGs will emerge to see how boring their season was, and how disappointed many of the fans are in the lack of active gameplay. Some won't care, some might know already (Enzo?), but really, it's the one petty highlight of this season for me.

Most probably won't care because they've been through it before and for most it was an easy money maker for them. 

13 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

I haven't been watching the feeds, but what you described is really sad. I do think people can absolutely be healthy & vegan, but it does require some work and attention to calories and nutrients, and it does need to be the right plan for *them*.  Some people thrive on it, but others might need something different.

I'm guessing it's not at the point where BB needs to intercede (if they would ever even bother) but it's definitely concerning for him if he's losing weight in the house. (that's the opposite from most people!)

I feel bad for him. He needs to do what's right for him.

I also don't feel like he and Angela need to be vegan to be successful on social media though, yeah, Angela has now made that one of their hooks. 

I completely agree. A vegan lifestyle is very healthy, yet does require attention to food preparation and combination to get the required nutrition. I don’t think Tyler is that familiar with this eating lifestyle or has done it long enough to know what to eat. He seems like he kind of outsourced the food prep stuff to Angela and Angela may need to control this in order to have a handle on their nutrition. That is why he is a bit lost on what to eat and why that was an issue of concern for them going in to the house. It is clearly something that he is battling right now. Regarding how production can intervene, I don’t see how they can if he has a BMI over 18.5. They can’t make him or anyone eat. What he needs is someone to prepare vegan meals for him and production won’t do that. Dani, Nicole, and Christmas eat most similar to him and are not interested in making his meals for him. The guys seem to eat animal protein and whole grain carbs and vegetables— similar to how Tyler used to eat— yet not as lean as he used to eat— yet I don’t think he is interested or is offered anything from their dishes or side dishes. He is eating. He is simply not eating enough. They have all complained that they don’t have enough vegetables. I guess that is how production can help. Stock more vegetables and lentils and they could tell him how to make them. Canned beans are easy to eat.

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There's a girl I know, she used to date a guy who was always making jokes and making us laugh, she used to be chubby and healthy. Then she broke up with him and she met a guy who owns a gym and she got into gym stuff, they got together, they got married and had a kid. Well she has become skinny, she and her husband are obsessed with exercise, they even made an online shop selling pills and other stuff for working out. I think he has drained the fun part out of her. I remember one Easter we went out and she spent like two hours explaining with EVERY detail how she ate half a sausage at the Easter table and then all the exercises she did at home to lose the 456 calories of the sausage. Me, I love my meat, I'm chubby and I like it, yeah! 😛

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1 hour ago, Luckylondon said:

I know what you mean. I don’t want to sound too controversial, yet there is a slight sociopathy in both Tyler and Dani that I have observed that I believe comes from trauma and economic lifestyle struggle and messed up (absent) parents. I don’t know details about Tyler or specifics exactly on Dani, but it wasn’t easy for either growing up and they didn’t have too much, but learned how to succeed by fitting in socially and being socially competent and being good athletes and being thin/lean with “cool” attitudes. They both work at this. Cody does too, it is easier for him and he doesn’t have the emotional control of Tyler. Cody has a security that comes from a loving family that gives him great confidence. Cody just talks out loud what he is thinking. Dani does this a bit with Cody which is why she likes to be around him. Tyler does not. I am not suggesting introverted thinking style equals sociopathy at all. It is more subtle. It is not necessarily a bad thing. I don’t think they are bad people and I think they channel their energy and work hard to direct it for good. That is how a lot of successful people from distressed or traumatic backgrounds operate. Tyler and Dani are highly successful and now live Instagram influencer lifestyles without really having to work, yet that takes effort and extreme discipline too. They are all working to achieve this, some have been at it longer than others, some care more than others, some don’t understand all the pieces. But that somewhat quesy feeling that makes your arm hairs slightly raise with Tyler is because there is a bit of a skilled predator there or simply an animal highly tuned for survival (depending on how you look at it and view things as pathology or coping mechanisms or a sliding spectrum— which is how I view it). Tyler is not pathological, but there is sociopathy— not enough for a diagnosis or disorder (there is no evidence of thinking rules and laws don’t apply to him). Perhaps it is more detached highly attuned social understanding of how power, influence and success occur and an understanding and willingness to barter and manipulate on multiple levels. This may be why he is interesting to watch for some people.

I might be wrong, but I think Tyler's dad died when he was young? I remember something about that from his original season. Didn't Kaitlyn try to use it against him?

  • Love 2

Friendly argument just now about who made the bad coffee. Raven tells National Coffee Day, "You made the last pot. I watched you do it." (By the way Raven Hill is donning his purple hoodie again - what happened to the black one?) Tyler had made a pot. Cody says "I always rinse the pot out and fill it with water!" Then they were joking about David making coffee. That on Thursdays he will make the coffee extra strong that everyone is super hyper. Tyler said David made coffee like that just the other day.

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  • LOL 2
2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Tyler is so hungry and is obviously losing a lot of weight and looking very thin. Several houseguests have commented on how thin he was getting a couple weeks ago. I heard them rumbling that he was not certain to be medically cleared for a veto and they didn’t know if he could play. It was obvious that they were trying not to talk about it and it cut to stars. I think Tyler is committed to the Vegan life style yet not that familiar with vegan recipes to make for himself which is why Angela’s letter said she worried about him eating enough. It seems like Angela spends a lot of time preparing healthy vegan food and is very committed to this lifestyle and she prepares food for Tyler that he always has things to eat which increases his dependence on her. She creates the schedule of when they work on the business and when they go for bike rides, when she cooks and makes videos for YouTube and when they relax. It is a disciplined life and Tyler likes living it and seems not to want to let her down at all, however he is clearly not consuming enough calories in the house in order to maintain his slim lean frame and is losing weight and looking almost borderline malnourished— he is still athletic and strong so it is not too obvious and he carries good muscle but is losing it quickly.

If you look at Angela's twitter she definitely makes being vegan a moral issue. 

It also sounds like as you said she controls Tyler's entire life, which might explain why he's in such a funk. He hasn't been apart from her for more than a day since they got together. He hasn't even gone home to visit his mom. I definitely think he doesn't actually know how to cook vegan meals with the right preparation and nutrition which is why he's often just snacking on empty calories. When Janelle was in the house she used to cook both meat and vegan meals every night. Tyler used to scarf down her meals. (Dani used to get morally offended she was cooking meat and veggie meals in the same kitchen.) 

I definitely think for Tyler to be happy long-term he needs to develop a sense of self apart from Tangela Inc. and What Angela Wants. I also think Dani in order to be happy also has to develop an identity outside of I am Tennessee's Mother. 

One thing that I am puzzled by is both Tyler and Dani seem to think that vegan = exclusively plant based stuff. Dani's idea of vegan seems to be rice with boiled veggies. That's not actually what vegan is. You need protein in the form of beans, nuts, etc. In other words it's fine to be vegan but you have to think about the nutrition and make sure you're not just starving yourself on raw veggies all day. 

  • Love 10
21 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I might be wrong, but I think Tyler's dad died when he was young? I remember something about that from his original season. Didn't Kaitlyn try to use it against him?

I think Kaitlyn said she manifested his dad and had a message or something from him, which really upset Tyler. He felt like she was exploiting his sorrow to make herself look good.

  • Useful 4
1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

I was wondering that too. Did they even do anything when [GM] was allegedly purging? I feel like they didn't, and she was trying to hide it on the feeds, but my memory of past seasons is terrible.

Did Production do anything about GM’s eating disorder(s)?  Sure they did - TPTB exploited it for television.  Or had you already forgotten about the comp with the soft-serve ice cream machine?  Personally I’ll never forget that, no matter how hard I try. 😞 


ETA: Found it - and it was frozen yogurt, not ice cream.  Prepare to be kinda horrified....



Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

Did Production do anything about GM’s eating disorder(s)?  Sure they did - TPTB exploited it for television.  Or had you already forgotten about the comp with the soft-serve ice cream machine?  Personally I’ll never forget that, no matter how hard I try. 😞 

Andy was anxious during that comp too. He had lost over 100 pounds at some point (not clear if he ever had a gastric surgery that could effect how much he could eat and thus not eating a lot of volume of fri yo in that comp could have led to him potentially being confronted with having to explain that— but that didn’t happen, so we don’t know).

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

He  did it as his eviction speech maybe during a live show lol. I saw the clip on twitter during the whole Trevor thinks old school is boring, but Dr Will sang on a live show.


Oh, Will definitely DID do that. I'm just saying that that wasn't the reason why singing was banned. I believe it was banned right from the get go in Season 1. 

  • Love 2

Angela's tweet sounds unhinged. Animals "at the age of a child"? Who are screaming and begging for their lives? That's very extreme. Obviously, it's putting a lot of pressure on Tyler. 

What's the term for people completely obsessed with eating "clean"? Orthorexia? I see it a lot. Also, I hate that term, "I eat clean", implying the rest of us eat dirty. Just eat healthy food and don't be judgy, DANI! 

I've eaten vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, and "normal" diets at various times. Some made me feel better than others. It's just food. 


  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Ah okay! Totally misunderstood your comment lol. 

It's fascinating going through early articles online about BB1, as obviously the internet is WAY different than it was 20 years ago. So far, no confirmation about the singing, but I'm still pretty darn positive the rule was always there.

One thing about BB1 that reminded me of this season was the point, with about a month to go, that they offered $50,000 to get anyone to drop out of the show so that they could add a young hot chick to the cast to hopefully spice things up. This season might be the most boring season since the season so boring that they had to change the entire format of the series! Luckily, once they go back to newbies next season, the show will only suck in its normal way. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I was wondering that too. Did they even do anything when she was allegedly purging? I feel like they didn't, and she was trying to hide it on the feeds, but my memory of past seasons is terrible.

If I recall correctly, weren’t people finding towels full of Gina’s vomit?   If so, this means Gina was not purging in the bathroom, so the cameras would have definitely picked up on this behavior. 

2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

I completely agree. A vegan lifestyle is very healthy, yet does require attention to food preparation and combination to get the required nutrition. I don’t think Tyler is that familiar with this eating lifestyle or has done it long enough to know what to eat. He seems like he kind of outsourced the food prep stuff to Angela and Angela may need to control this in order to have a handle on their nutrition. That is why he is a bit lost on what to eat and why that was an issue of concern for them going in to the house. It is clearly something that he is battling right now. Regarding how production can intervene, I don’t see how they can if he has a BMI over 18.5. They can’t make him or anyone eat. What he needs is someone to prepare vegan meals for him and production won’t do that. Dani, Nicole, and Christmas eat most similar to him and are not interested in making his meals for him. The guys seem to eat animal protein and whole grain carbs and vegetables— similar to how Tyler used to eat— yet not as lean as he used to eat— yet I don’t think he is interested or is offered anything from their dishes or side dishes. He is eating. He is simply not eating enough. They have all complained that they don’t have enough vegetables. I guess that is how production can help. Stock more vegetables and lentils and they could tell him how to make them. Canned beans are easy to eat.

I’m a long-time vegetarian who flirts with veganism, and google is my best friend. If production can cater to Jackson’s food issues, and provide Nicole her precious smoothies, they can provide simple print out vegan recipes to Tyler.  Also, veganism doesn’t necessarily require a daily multi-vitamin, but I think they should be offering one to Tyler. 

44 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Angela's tweet sounds unhinged. Animals "at the age of a child"? Who are screaming and begging for their lives? That's very extreme. Obviously, it's putting a lot of pressure on Tyler. 

What's the term for people completely obsessed with eating "clean"? Orthorexia? I see it a lot. Also, I hate that term, "I eat clean", implying the rest of us eat dirty. Just eat healthy food and don't be judgy, DANI! 

I've eaten vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, and "normal" diets at various times. Some made me feel better than others. It's just food. 


Ah, but there’s the difference. Vegetarians and vegans don’t think of animals as “just food”.  

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

I'm definitely not vegan, because cheese, but I stopped eating meat and poultry years ago. I was always picky and semi grossed out about them growing up, so quitting them was a no brainer. I just can't not think about what meat is.

That being said, my SO is a big ol' omnivore and we co-exist fine. We both eat veggie options, and he cooks himself meat stuff. It's not an issue.

And because I quit eating meat because I found it gross, the fake meat options are not appealing to me. I guess they're a nice option for someone trying to phase out, but if I wanted something that looked and tasted like meat...I'd eat meat.

Topic? It's depressing as hell to read that Nic and Cody seem to have the most game knowledge down. Figures.

And while I'd love to see Labor Day gone during the triple, I'm still annoyed that I'll be denied watching her, or maybe Dani, sulk on the block all week. Thanks 2020 BB.

You are my people. I’m a vegetarian because I personally think meat is gross, and therefore I also avoid fake meat products. But mmm give me all the cheese and dairy.

I think if Christmas becomes a target during the triple, she will blow her stack and it will be best for everyone in the house for her not to have a week to think about being targeted for eviction. I find her to be extremely scary.

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