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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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8 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Hypothetical scenario:

David users his power and goes off the block. Kevin wins power of veto.

What does Dani do?


Tyler.  I don’t think Dani will give up a shot to backdoor him.

I think Ian will replace David.  
Would Christmas use her blocker power on Tyler?

Who would go up if she did?  Day or Enzo?

Edited by Coco88
4 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Tyler.  I don’t think Dani will give up a shot to backdoor him.

But if Kevin won POV and took himself off the block, that would mean two replacements. I think this could happen. It would liven things up!

Kevin and Nicole are noticing the sky. Kevin says it's overcast and the fires are causing the strange tint.

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Okay, I think it's possible that David chooses to NOT use his power. He's talking to Ian and saying "If I win veto, I worry about who goes up." I think he's concerned about Day. I could actually see him not using it and wanting to comp it out. Also interesting to see Ian and David try to get info out of each other - it's kind of funny.

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Just now, Tuxcat said:

Okay, I think it's possible that David chooses to NOT use his power. He's talking to Ian and saying "If I win veto, I worry about who goes up." I think he's concerned about Day. I could actually see him not using it and wanting to comp it out. Also interesting to see Ian and David try to get info out of each other - it's kind of funny.

Can he seriously take himself off of the block at any point? That's odd. You'd think they'd at least make him decide pre-Veto. 

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At least if David stays, next week could have some wackiness and hijinks.

David, most likely: "I'm sorry, Tyler. I'd like to continue working with you but I heard you say my name-"

Tyler: "I was asking if you wanted a veggie wrap..."

David: "- and Bayleigh told me that your credit rating took a hit when Angela had to trade in her Range Rover for a Ford Focus so I just don't think we can move forward together. No hard feelings, though. Did I ever tell you about this book on emotional intelligence that I read in sequester?"

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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

BOOOOOOOOOOORING. It's actively annoying me how boring this all is. I'm slowly re-watching BB17 and a season I've already watched half a decade ago should not be more interesting than a game going on right now, but it 150-200% is.

I am rewatching 14 and same. I wish BB of today would be like OG BB. Minus the Hantz drama.

Edited by Lamima
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4 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I think he would have to use it before veto....but might choose not to use it and to just play in veto anyway?

Before noms, I think. The CBS website says that it's good for "three nomination ceremonies". It makes more sense for it to be before noms, otherwise it's just a Veto that David doesn't have to compete for. It has to be possible to mis-read the situation and burn it for hilarity. 

4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Before noms, I think. The CBS website says that it's good for "three nomination ceremonies". It makes more sense for it to be before noms, otherwise it's just a Veto that David doesn't have to compete for. It has to be possible to mis-read the situation and burn it for hilarity. 

You mean before initial nominations? Because that creepy voice lady said you can disrupt the reign of the HOH by secretly saving one of the nominees. which would imply he would use it after initial nominations.

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12 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

You mean before initial nominations? Because that creepy voice lady said you can disrupt the reign of the HOH by secretly saving one of the nominees. which would imply he would use it after initial nominations.

Yeah. So if David used his power because he didn't feel comfortable with who the HoH was, and he ended up being nominated, the HoH would either be told before the key turning or would have to name someone else on the spot. Or maybe even have Creepy Voice Lady interupt the ceremony and announce that David is immune from nominations because the power was secretly used and the HoH has one hour to name another nominee. 

Big Brother can sometimes be exact with wording and sometimes they leave wiggle room. This reads to me that you have to gamble with it, like Tyler's Cloud power app. You might burn it needlessly or you might read the situation right. 

12 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Yeah. So if David used his power because he didn't feel comfortable with who the HoH was, and he ended up being nominated, the HoH would either be told before the key turning or would have to name someone else on the spot. Or maybe even have Creepy Voice Lady interupt the ceremony and announce that David is immune from nominations because the power was secretly used and the HoH has one hour to name another nominee. 

Big Brother can sometimes be exact with wording and sometimes they leave wiggle room. This reads to me that you have to gamble with it, like Tyler's Cloud power app. You might burn it needlessly or you might read the situation right. 

But in the DR on the show that aired he was talking about whether or not to use it on Bay and Day who were already on the block. I mean I know this is BB - so you're right - it could be either way or they could just change what the power means on a whim. 

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12 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

But in the DR on the show that aired he was talking about whether or not to use it on Bay and Day who were already on the block. I mean I know this is BB - so you're right - it could be either way or they could just change what the power means on a whim. 

You know, I completely forgot about that DR. Oops. Well, at least spitballing that gave me something to do instead of watching Jeopardy! reruns.

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Enzo has let his competition wins this season get to his head. He has exhausted me with that talking shit about Day not winning anything.  It's like he gets on a tangent and won't let it go.

Can't wait to see Dani's DR. She keeps telling people she doesn't want Tyler to go but she might just be saying that until she sees what happens with the veto.

Kevin is the only one trying to believe David's lie. Not surprising. Kevin swears he's a mastermind.

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9 minutes ago, keke23 said:

Enzo has let his competition wins this season get to his head. He has exhausted me with that talking shit about Day not winning anything.  It's like he gets on a tangent and won't let it go.

Can't wait to see Dani's DR. She keeps telling people she doesn't want Tyler to go but she might just be saying that until she sees what happens with the veto.

Kevin is the only one trying to believe David's lie. Not surprising. Kevin swears he's a mastermind.

I agree. I think she actually wants Tyler to go. No one believes David's lie but it does have them rattled a little.  Seeds of doubt are there cause they keep talking about it. I think its pretty funny that  its David causing this much disruption.

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