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S02.E10: Théâtre des Vampires

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Well, to echo something Nadja might say: I am in a shit mood right now.  Last episode???

Did love the Nadja/Nandor quarrel over the candles & the water on the wall.  Sounds like Topic A for the next house meeting.

And they tied for LotN*:

Nadja: "When I dance, the ocean parts!"

Nandor: "That's your hot take? the choreography???"

*Line of the Night

Nandor the Relentless is also Nandor the Teddy Bear: trying not to mourn his familiar; trying to bluster through the Council to protect him.  Sort of.

Though I applaud Guillermo Buillermo's Van Helsing explosion, I was let down by the coda (I have to wait another year, and that's all they have to say?) I admit it improved on second viewing.

Jemaine was Master of Ceremonies!!  Coolness.  Haven't checked IMDb yet but he looked like he was playing his character from the film?

Sigh. All good things, etc.  But I am sad.  Hope FX grows a brain cell and repeats the season -- I'd take the day off if they binged it.

My preliminary end-of-Season 2 Awards:

Best Ep: The Colin Robinson promotion.  Probably their best ep ever, right behind Vampire Orgy.  

Line of the Year: Lots of great ones but no one topped Nadja calling Nandor "Persian Frank Zappa".

Best character development: Tie between Guillermo and Colin.  Those two really came into their own this year.

Best disguise: Jackie Daytona's toothpick.

Best Guest Star: Nick Kroll ("New York Citaaaaaaahhhh!")

Best Prop: Snarky Nadja doll.

Vampire I'd hit first: Nandor.

Edited by voiceover
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Guillermo de la Cruz: Greatest Vampire Hunter on the entire planet!  Or at least out of the state of New York!  Talk about a bloodbath!  Curious to see how this is all going to come into play next season, with this all being out in the open.  I imagine Nandor will be fine with it for now (after-all, he seemed more upset over the dry cleaning than the massacre!) and I doubt Colin cares either way, but I wonder how Laszlo and Nadja will take all of this.  Granted, since I'm guessing the Vampire Council will still want their heads, I can see an uneasy alliance having to be formed going forward.

No surprise that the house goes to shit without Guillermo, since the vampires are a lazy sort and mainly hopeless without him, when it comes to chores and cleaning.  Loved Nandor wearing the jersey again, and, of course, Laszlo with the sweatpants!

I want to see more of this Pamela vamp, who is apparently another energy one that Colin seems to really hate.

Fun seeing Jemaine Clement again.  Can't wait for him to go back to New Zealand and tell Viago and the rest of his flatmates what went down (assuming he was playing the same character!)

Hope we see more of the Creepy Nadja Doll next season!

Definitely glad I gave this show a go.  It not only have lived up to the high expectations set by the film, but it is already becoming one of my favorite comedies ever.  One of the few shows where I love every character and performer here, and struggle to pick a favorite (if I was force to, probably Laszlo, but Colin is right behind him.)  I hope the wait for season three isn't too long!

Whelp, I guess it's time to go, now.  BAT!!!


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Damn, pimp! Guillermo was f**king awesome kicking ass (or arse as Laszlo would say) and taking names. I liked the cross “knuckle ring“ (what are those called?) he was brandishing.
Aw, Nandor really cares about him. I liked the “take a picture of me having fun without him” bit.

So, there are other energy vampires. 🤔 

I finally got my Baby Yoda today! I need a Doll Nadja, too! I have vampire Asian ball-jointed dolls so she would fit in quite nicely.

Yes, my fellow WWDITD fans, it will be a long wait! ☹️

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I pretty much figured this was going to be a set up from the Vampiric Council; regardless of their delusions we know they're not all that in the vampire world. Was semi-expecting Familiar Sam to jump in out of nowhere at the end. Would have been a great call back. And we got more direct interaction with the camera crew, someone even answered back! Also Guillermo's mother trying to feed them.

Did Guillermo also do Nadja's hair, because that was a mess too. Of course the household fell apart without him. Oh, and we found out the name of the vampire family that was killed, the Hustle Dynasty.

"I would never high five!"

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The camera crew got media passes to the vampire counsels performance/trap! 

I had no idea this was the season finale, I am almost as disappointed as Laszlo realizing that this play wouldn't have any full nudity! At least we got to go out on another great episode, and I am so excited to see where this goes next, now that the vampires know about Guillermo de la Cruz The Vampire Slayer! Of course Nandor is mostly just focusing on the laundry not getting done, because he has priorities damn it! 

Its so impressive how much this show has such consistent high quality, every episode is a winner, every character is perfectly executed, every episode has so many great jokes cant even get close to quoting them all ("Thats your takeaway, the choreography?!) and so many great gags (like Nandor wanting to send Guillermo a picture of him having fun with a stuff bear) one right after the other, its just got so much going for it! 

Its hard to pick a favorite character, but oh my God do I love Doll Nadja. "I dont think you'll do it." 

Well I guess I will see you all next season! BAT! 

  • Love 10

Season finale already? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

That was my exact reaction because I had no idea. I knew we were getting close but I didn't know we were already there. This season just flew by. I wish we had more episodes but I guess I'll take quality over quantity. This season as a whole has been so strong, even better than the first.

That said, I'm not sure this was one of the strongest episodes of the season. I liked all the callbacks and the references to Interview with the Vampire. It just wasn't as jam-packed with laughs like last week's. 

The fight scene was awesome but it kind of showed how lame these vampires really are. Not to denigrate Guillermo's fighting skills but I think even Buffy would have succumbed to being that outnumbered.  

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49 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I liked all the callbacks and the references to Interview with the Vampire. 

The fight scene was awesome but it kind of showed how lame these vampires really are. 

So I didn't even connect this to that scene in Interview with a Vampire where they lure them in to kill Kirsten Dunst.  But now that I think about it, it was all very similar.  

And I think the fact that Guilleirmo was able to off all those vampires is because of how lame they are.  He was one guy and the minute he killed the vampire on the stage everyone started running.  He only had one group swarm over him and he got them with the holy water super soakers. 

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3 hours ago, HotRats2112 said:

So I didn't even connect this to that scene in Interview with a Vampire where they lure them in to kill Kirsten Dunst.  But now that I think about it, it was all very similar.  


No wonder Guillermo caught on to it being a trap so quickly, he is a HUGE Interview with a Vampire fanboy!

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So I didn't even connect this to that scene in Interview with a Vampire where they lure them in to kill Kirsten Dunst.  But now that I think about it, it was all very similar.  

The whole "Theatre of the Vampire" thing was very much Interview with the Vampire-inspired.


No wonder Guillermo caught on to it being a trap so quickly, he is a HUGE Interview with a Vampire fanboy!

I always love that photo in the opening credits of teen (?) Guillermo dressed up like a vampire. He's just a huge vampire fanboy in general.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

No wonder Guillermo caught on to it being a trap so quickly, he is a HUGE Interview with a Vampire fanboy!

Also wasn't there even an engraved VC on the invitation? I love how all vampires are pretty dumb and also arrogant, assuming that no familiar could possibly kill one and having a child play Guillermo in costume.

There's also something just so great at having Guillermo both be a dorky guy and also Zorro without one being a cover for the other. Like he's not faking being a dork to cover up for really being a badass. He can just do both.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The whole "Theatre of the Vampire" thing was very much Interview with the Vampire-inspired.


I wonder if they had to get an ok from Anne Rice?  I mean, it was the first thing I thought of when I read the episode title.

Poor Mama Guillermo and her broken fridge.  He’s got to take care of everyone everywhere he goes doesn’t he?

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That's amazing that he came up with 'de la Cruz' without knowing he was going to be a slayer.  The second he said it I burst out laughing - it's just perfect.

Rats that this is the last one.  I really enjoyed it.  Like others said it wasn't as constantly funny as some of the others but it was fun and heartfelt.  I love the ridiculous final moments with Guillermo and the four vampires still tied up on stage.

5 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

There's also something just so great at having Guillermo both be a dorky guy and also Zorro without one being a cover for the other.

It is a great balance.  I loved it when he shimmied up that wall and then looked back over excitedly at the camera crew.

I'm sad Jemaine Clement won't be shepherding this as much in the future.  But at least they got to a point where things really gelled.  I hope next season soars as high as this one did - both in terms of achievement and insanity.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The whole "Theatre of the Vampire" thing was very much Interview with the Vampire-inspired.

I always love that photo in the opening credits of teen (?) Guillermo dressed up like a vampire. He's just a huge vampire fanboy in general.

I especially love that he's inspired by Antonio Banderas as Armand in "Interview with the Vampire".




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Another fun season comes to an end. If the Emmys are still a thing, I'm hoping these guys get a few nominations. I'm glad there will be a third season, though I don't know where they can go. Guillermo basically decimated a theater full of vampires, and now his boss (and his friends) are aware. Nadja is the smartest of the three main vampires (or at least the most aware), and she probably never knew she was that close to possibly getting killed. Lazlo will probably lie and say he saw it coming. Nandor will probably fake emotion, mournfully looking into a mirror, knowing full well he can't see himself. Colin Robinson probably did see that coming, but he's all about staying on the sidelines and feeding the drama.

Seriously, what is Gizmo's next movie? Nandor basically tried to disavow him, but then the host brought out a little guy dressed as Guillermo, and I think that pushed him to start the murder spree.

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered already: does everyone in the house know about the Nadja Doll? Or is it one of those things where Guillermo was too pumped up to realize he was talking to a doll with the soul of a vampire before she became a vampire?

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:


Seriously, what is Gizmo's next movie? Nandor basically tried to disavow him, but then the host brought out a little guy dressed as Guillermo, and I think that pushed him to start the murder spree.

I took Nandor's reaction to mean he was trying to protect Guillermo with the added bonus of having someone to blame for the various murders.  That person is also coincidentally dead because Nandor administered the necessary justice.  The council can then let our heroes go and stop bothering them.  At that point, all Nandor knew was that he and the rest of the vampires did not kill anyone and that Guillermo had disappeared.  He was protecting his Gizmo.  

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6 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I took Nandor's reaction to mean he was trying to protect Guillermo with the added bonus of having someone to blame for the various murders.  That person is also coincidentally dead because Nandor administered the necessary justice.  The council can then let our heroes go and stop bothering them.  At that point, all Nandor knew was that he and the rest of the vampires did not kill anyone and that Guillermo had disappeared.  He was protecting his Gizmo.  

I thought the same thing! 

"I think they're going for some kind of Hamilton vibe". 

"That's your hot take, the choreography is bad?!" 


  • LOL 5

Poor Mama Guillermo and her broken fridge.

Great callback to Topher and his mini-fridge. The continuity of this show is impressive as hell. 


Jemaine Clement leaves the writing staff of WWDITS. 

That gives me pause. It remains to be seen the extent to which the show relies on him to be as great as it is now. It could suffer with his absence. We'll have to wait and see, but change is bad! Especially when a show is this good.

The playful way Nandor was searching for Guillermo at the beginning of the episode sounded like someone talking to their puppy. I think that's kind of how Nandor thinks of Guillermo, too. He's like a pet to him. He cares for him even if he's sometimes dismissive of him or insults him. 

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I had assumed that Jemaine Clement was Vlad again, just as he was in last season's "The Trial". All three original vampires from the movie (Vlad, Viago, and Deacon) are on the Vampire Council.

But I just double-checked, and his character in the movie was "Vladislav", and for his two appearances now in the TV show, IMDb lists him as "Vladimir".  Interesting.

Either way, it's a bummer that he's not going to be writing for the show anymore.  I don't know how much he was personally responsible for the show's awesomeness, but I'm sure it didn't hurt having him on board.  I'm just glad that there's going to be a Season Three, eventually.

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Carol was in there, too.  Just "Carol".  I don't remember it saying how she died.

Actually, we know that Guillermo killed her, and his "team" was responsible for The Hustle Family, but somehow the Vampire Council has decided that Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo are responsible for all of these deaths.  How did they decide that?  Or the Baron, or the guy in the hallway on the way to The Trial, or any of the others for that matter?

(I know, it's just supposed to be funny because we know what really happened, and it was a way to recap all of Guillermo's "slayerness", but it would be nice if it made sense in-show.)

30 minutes ago, Orbert said:


Actually, we know that Guillermo killed her, and his "team" was responsible for The Hustle Family, but somehow the Vampire Council has decided that Nandor, Nadja, and Laszlo are responsible for all of these deaths.  How did they decide that?  Or the Baron, or the guy in the hallway on the way to The Trial, or any of the others for that matter?


I have no idea how they got blamed for the Hustle Family, but the Baron was known to be visiting them and many of the others were actually sent to kill them.  I guess by the Council?  Guillermo had been defending them without their knowledge.

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25 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

I have no idea how they got blamed for the Hustle Family, but the Baron was known to be visiting them and many of the others were actually sent to kill them.  I guess by the Council?  Guillermo had been defending them without their knowledge.

I presumed they blamed them for the Hustle Family because they also lived in Staten Island.

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On 6/11/2020 at 12:07 AM, thuganomics85 said:

I want to see more of this Pamela vamp, who is apparently another energy one that Colin seems to really hate.

I think we saw Pamela's dead body. 

I do have questions about the dead "regular" vampires. Don't their bodies turn to dust? Can a vampire die from swallowing holy water and leave a body?

There's a little bit more, because Nandor is Nandor:

Nandor: Guillermo...is there something you haven't been telling us?  (camera pans around to see the devastated theater while ominous music plays)
Guillermo: My name's Guillermo de la Cruz.
Nandor: I don't care what the f*** your name is...we had to pick up our laundry!
(camera cuts back to Guillermo staring at them.  Cut to the credits with a Spanish language rock song "Yo No Se (I don't care)".)

I forgot that at the start of the massacre Guillermo does an Errol Flynn rope swing down onto the stage.


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I want to see more of this Pamela vamp, who is apparently another energy one that Colin seems to really hate.

He was an admirer at first, because when he spotted her in the audience and pointed her out he told his roommates "Don't embarrass me." It was only after he was dragged up onto the stage he said something like "Shut up, Pamela."

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Now after my fifth viewing, closing thoughts.  Goddamnit.

Nandor & the opening sequence was so touching and bittersweet.  Something of what Kayvan gave us in last year's finale with his "Is this 'grief'?...I don't much care for it."  He's really a softy.

Colin & his "I'm doing this to show how dumb you all are."  He is no longer the group punching bag.

I think my favorite character bit that Natasia does as Nadja are all those snarky grins to the camera.  She's so adorable.

Edited by voiceover
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Something I picked up on re-watch: 

When the little boy comes onto the stage as the re-enactment of Guillermo versus the vampire, Nadja says "Guillermo is much smaller." LOL.

This episode benefits from closed-captioning to hear all the comments the vampires are making while the accusations are flying. A lot of them are easy to miss because there's a lot of people talking at the same time.

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I've now rewatched this several times, it just gets funnier each time.


I've done a full rewatch of both season 1 and season 2 now, and I really love season 2 so much! I feel like season 1 was still an extension of the movie - not bad, of course, but it feels like in season 2 they really got their own narrative and world down. 

I'm so excited for season 3!

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