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RuPaul's Drag Race Canada

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Canadian Screen Award nominations!

Best Reality/Competition Program or Series
Best Direction, Reality/Competition - Shelagh O’Brien (You Wear It Well)
Best Writing, Lifestyle or Reality/Competition - Mike Bickerton, Elvira Kurt, Jen Markowitz (Welcome to the Family)
Best Sound, Non-Fiction - John Diemer, Scott Brachmeyer, Daniel Hewett, Dane Kelly, Sarah Labadie, Carlo Scrignaro, Rob Taylor (You Wear It Well)
Best Production Design or Art Direction, Non-Fiction - Peter Faragher (Eh-Laganza Eh-Xtravaganza)
Best Achievement in Casting - Heather Muir
Best Host or Presenter, Factual or Reality/Competition - Brooke Lynn Hytes, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Stacey McKenzie

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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“As we know in Drag Race herstory, cliques never work.” 

What herstory does she know? A Heather won season 3. Most of RoLaskaTox made it to the finale of season 5, and then reassembled, got to the finale again and went on to win on All Stars 2.  So… clique away, ladies. They work just fine.

I don’t agree with the bottom 2 choices. It seems like Geometric was placed in the bottom largely for having too much confidence in a not so hot look. And at least the top of Beth’s outfit had some design to it. Eve’s ever shrinking dress was a complete disaster and should definitely have been in the bottom. And, frankly napkin dress queen and drunken Ocean with the bum knee could also have been in that bottom group.  

It was a good choice of two out of the top three. The green dress didn’t use any alternative materials…. And she still couldn’t walk in her gown.

Between Canada and the UK, what is with everyone’s knee? I blame Covid. Too much sitting at home and not moving around is taking its toll. 

Edited by 7-Zark-7
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  On 10/17/2021 at 8:14 AM, 7-Zark-7 said:

Between Canada and the UK, what is with everyone’s knee? I blame Covid. Too much sitting at home and not moving around is taking its toll. 


In Canada, I suspect it may have been a poorly designed challenge (platform unnecessarily high, not a big enough pit, and/or they didn't fluff the foam between jumpers, so by the time the last one went, everything was too tamped down and the landing surface wasn't as forgiving, especially for a larger queen (mass x acceleration . . .)). I know they've done this sort of thing before, but just because they've gotten away with it before doesn't mean it's completely safe. 

  • Useful 2

Hey all! I  really enjoyed this premiere even though the editing was crunchy AF and was by the numbers format-wise. 

I'm liking these judges even though the jokes seemed a bit stale and fell flat here and there. They've primed Brook Lynn Hytes to be the HBIC this season. It is a tad awkward but she'll grow into the role I'm sure. She looked stunning on the main stage.

That was a solid top 3 - am Team Icesis but really like Stephanie as well. Suki is a diva indeed.

LOL at Eve 6000 being a drama queen before the lipsync.

Ocean is a sweetheart - not sure how far that personality will take her though, as the looks have been not great.

I think GiaMetric will bounce back after that Bottom 2 like Lemon did last season. 

Synthia Kiss also seems like a strong contender.


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Honestly, I felt Synthia was robbed because that was probably the best live-singing I've heard in a Rusical yet. Even over Courtney Act and Adore. I SAID WHAT I SAID. However, I can't argue with Gia, Kendall, and Pythia all in the top, nor can I deny Pythia was the obvious winner this week. She just nailed both assignments so well. Ornacia, eat your nonexistent heart out.

I think Stephanie Prince has become my fave overall. She's just the right amount of shady, and her polish is very strong. And she's not part of a clique. Second fave is Synthia though, can't lie.

It's a fun cast! Still not quite feeling the judges panel! Brad is exhausting and Brook Lynn still hasn't eased into a natural host. She's no Supremme de Luxe, we shall say.

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Synthia's vocals were excellent. I guess her lacklustre runway did her down or she would have been Top 3. And as I predicted Gia bounced back from the bottom.

Overall it was one of the better musicals in recent times. Pythia was a great winner this week. I also loved Stephanie's bearded lady runway.

Didn't think that Icesis was that bad in the challenge?! I may have put Suki and Oceane in the bottom. Eve 6000 runway was great (very Ginger Minj being eaten by a bear) but she was terrible in the musical. 

Oceane's adoption story really is one for the books. Quite a journey. Stephanie's comment to the effect of "They kept you fed" had me on the floor.


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I think I might like this cast slightly better than DRUK right now, which makes it all the more unfortunate that it's not getting love. And tbh, it's the judging panel that's doing. Brad gets on my last nerve really quickly, but he's certainly well suited for it and knows how to be ON. Brook Lynn is just not host material. Fierce queen. Shady bitch (in a good way). Could be a decent adjunct judge like Traci Melchor. But she's no Mama Ru/Supremme/etc. She doesn't embody the "smooth hostess" quality that she needs.

Also, I'm really over Eve. But that's not news.

So this week I thought the judging was a bit wonky- I thought Synthia's team was much better. Yes Beth is not great at dancing but I did not care for Pythia or Adrianna this week either. Still was fine with the elimination

I think fans are eager to dislike the Brat Pack, but those 3 are actually quite sweet. I still think Synthia might turn it and Priyanka the win, despite being in the bottom a couple of times. She is a lipsync assassin indeed. Her chat about her dad coming out the same time as her was intriguing - I wonder if he will appear for a makeover episode.

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I am desolate. Synthia Kiss was pretty much my fave (although Pythia is really growing on me, and Kimora is the best interviewee -- besides Synthia). But i have to admit her actual outfits were always a little underwhelming. I think her rocker chick outfit was great and appropriate, but the other outfits -- oof. The greed one was dull and the ugly one was really cute and not ugly at all. Because she is so stunning in her face, I'm forced to conclude she was resting on pretty and not pushing the rest of her drag up to the level of her face.

I was not feeling Amanda Bruegal's critiques on this episode. She didn't come off as expert, and Pythia getting any sort of critique that she's not joyous on the runway is wack. Be contrary if you want, Amanda, but have solid rationale why. She just sounded contrary and ill-informed. I also think Adriana ending up on the bottom after two amazing looks and one solid one was ridiculous. She's won me over, and now I'm very protective. But c'mon, her ugly look and how she presented it was the funniest thing on the runway this episode.

I liked Brook Lynn's rocker hair, but I still laughed at Brad's dig. Someone's gotta be shady on this show, and the queens aren't going to do it, I guess.

The art challenge was far funnier than it had any right to be from Adriana doing a French accent to Kimora's phallic symbol to the commitment from Iceses -- all great.

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Yeah am sad that Synthia is out - I think she gave up this week and let Kendall win that lipsync.  Icesis and Pythia were definitely the top two this week and mostly likely one of them will win the whole thing. The mini challenge was fun indeed - some real characters there.

Did not care for Brook's look this week and the judging synergy was wonky  this week (though Gigi Gorgeous was lovely).

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Icesis was on fire this episode. Too bad her time management was poor. With 2 wins and almost a  3rd, I think it's her season to lose. I know many are rooting more for Pythia (and her runways have been quite exciting) but she's been a bit dull in many of her performances (the musical in episode 2 being an exception).

This roast was overall pretty weak sauce. Anyway, bye Kimoura Amour. That was a mess of a lipsync /exit, but engaging in a car crash WTF way.

Edited by Wonderlad71
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As a general rule I always side with the workers. That being said, whoever is in charge of of choosing wigs/hairstyles for Brook Lynn Hytes needs to lose their job IMMEDIATELY. 

Kimoura Amour made a common mistake on RPDR: She confused being sassy with being clever. 

Also I never understand the confusion the queens have whenever a roast is mentioned. Do they not realize it's the same thing as throwing shade? They always get excited when "The library is open" but seem to turn the anxiety-meter to 11 whenever a roast comes up. 



Edited by Mahfouz
Uno mas punto
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Great point about bringing the reading skills to a roast. Although let's be honest. There have been some WRECKS in the library too. That said, I'll never say Canadians don't know how to be mean because some of those roasts went hard. I guess "Brook Lynn in Snatch Game" is her "Ru is old/Michelle is so slutty," and it's deserved, but a little repetitive. I was surprised at the number of digs about her face though. Whew nelly. She is their peer more than their Mother, so it does come across pretty mean than bouncing off an icon like roasts on Ru tend to feel. (Shout out to Utica for her earned Ru double fingers tho.)

Kimora may have crossed a line with her lipsync but I was endlessly amused by it, so I can't judge. That said, don't tell me the critiques on her outfit weren't partly fueled by how deep she ragged on Brook Lynn. Come on.

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Well this was a heart warming episode this week. And fabulous looks too. 

I'm really surprised this wasn't a non-elimination episode; they often do that for guest episodes and/or message episodes. And this would've been a great chance for a "Lip sync for the Win" case. 


That all said, I have no quibbles with the rankings in the end. They did call out the Flintstones pattern, but I'm really surprised they got through the ep without mentioning the Peg Bundy look. :) 

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Adriana was never going to win so she could have bounced at any point in the season so good for her for sticking around for so long.

Has anybody else noticed that sometimes the name Pythia is pronounced with the accent on the 1st syllable and lately BLH and some other judges have been saying it with the accent on the 2nd syllable. Which is correct? PITH - ee - Ah or Pi -THEE - Ah

I thought all of the self-anointing as inspirations was REALLY weird. 

Finally caught up . I'm here for an Icesis win - I like Pythia and she has brought some inventive runways but Icesis has way more energy and on stage charisma.

I liked the format of the reunion and the lipsync battle before the final but the editing was way off and Brad and the other hosts still quite clumsy in parts. Also we lost Suki and Stephanie way too early - they will make great All Stars,  as will Synthia Kiss. Glad Suki won something (but the most congenial of this bunch?). This has got to be the nicest bunch of queens ever. 

Edited by Wonderlad71

Not at all surprised Suki was Miss Congeniality. They were all very broken up and talked about how sweet she is when she was eliminated, and it seemed genuine.

I probably like Kendall the most of the remaining queens, as a person, but I completely want Pithia to win this, she's deserving. I'd be ok with Icesis.  This is a good top 3, I can't remember a time where I had a queen I really liked but thought they should come in third before.



I thought the reunion was a bit cringe-worthy. Seemed as if the queens (and Brad) were given directions to laugh uproariously at the most innocuous of comments.  

Pythia reminds me of, for the life of me I can't remember the queen's name, the queen that Rupaul always called El Debarge. Minus the most endearing smile ever. 

I don't see any real standouts (good or bad) in the Top 3 so if I am choosing who I want to win based upon who I would most like to drink a few beers with I would say my way-ahead favorite is Icesis, followed closely by Pythia, and my no way in hell 3rd is KG. 


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  On 12/15/2021 at 7:37 PM, akr said:

I believe that's Crystal Methyd


Crystal is one of my all time favorite queens.  And that final--Crystal, Gigi and Jaida was great.  It was another time I liked all three finalists but Crystal was my favorite.  

Icesis or Pythia as the winner are my picks.  Either one winning works for me.




Edited by Ms.Lulu
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So YASSSS! Condragulations to Icesis! I was soo thrilled for her. A worthy winner indeed. 

The other 2 had strong moments too in the finale. I'll run it down as follows:
Queen of the North: I'll give Kendall the edge here  -her lyrics and performance were great. But Icesis served as well

Speech: I thought Icesis came across as the most expressive and heartfelt

Runway: May give Pythia the win here - she looked exquisite. But Icesis was right up there. Kendall's was a boot for me. Especially with the amazing runways from the likes of Suki, Stephanie and Kimoura.

Lipsync: Icesis won it here  - she felt so connected with the emotions. Pythia was good too

Priyanka was gagatrondra with her Indian goddess look and the photo shoot scenes with her were fun. 

I still think that Season 1 was better but overall a good season. Again I think that if some of the other strong personalities like Suki and Stephanie made it further it would have been even more entertaining.

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Halfway through the finale I figured my hopes for an ABK (Anybody But Kendall) rested solely on Pythia so was pleasantly surprised that Icesis got the win. Well deserved from a season with no real standouts. 

I don't know what it is with Drag Race but I always feel as if I am seeing some of the eliminated queens for the first time when they bring them back for the reunion/finale. Even the dude who got dumped in the forest was mostly forgettable (sorry). 

I advocated for the firing of BLH's wig person/people a few weeks back and though I still feel the same way her hair stylings have been much improved over the last 2 runways. 

Queen of the North was, dare I say it, the WORST song I've heard on any of the Drag Races. My wife and I were walking out of a play once and the people in front of us said "There was nothing redeemable about that script". Both Mrs. Mahfouz and myself used the same phrase for the song: Nothing redeemable about it.

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  On 12/21/2021 at 2:17 PM, Mahfouz said:

Queen of the North was, dare I say it, the WORST song I've heard on any of the Drag Races


Totally agreed. I feel the song was half over before I ever heard BLH on it and I think she just rapped. Was there no singing? Very odd to me.

I also agree with those saying BLH has mostly looked meh this year but has brought it the last couple of episodes. I loved her Greek Goddess look.

Happy with an Isis win. She both evolved and showed diversity throughout the season and I love it when an "older" queen wins.

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Loved the season premiere.  I already have my favorites.  Giselle and Jada Shada interest me the most.

Random Thoughts:

  • Loved when Chelazon stopped Kim in her tracks by having 50% more insta followers.
  • Chaos gives me a RDRUK Charity Case vibe
  • Bom Bae's legs go on for days
  • I was sad to see Halal Bae go.  There is kindness there and it is a different kind of drag
  • I like the extra nerdy queens
Edited by Ms.Lulu
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I want to eliminate half the cast (translation: Miss "Fiercealicious") straight off the bat. You can tell that there's the bones of a good season underneath all the shrieking bitchiness, but good god some of the contestants are trying my patience. I will say that Miss F got half a point for the crying fake-out at panel, but that is far from the redemption needed for coming for my girl Chelazon in the Werkroom. 

I thought most of the challenge garments were HIDEOUS. I get that they wanted to keep Fiercealicious for the drama, but that garment was a trainwreck, and the sagging boobs were extremely distracting: that's the first time that I've seen anyone incorporate Front Rolls into a look. What!

HOW was Kimmy Couture NOT in the top! I love Lady Boom Boom, but Kimmy's look was great. That was some Anastarzia level of robbedness!

I hated Bombae's paint, a problem that was also apparent with about half of the cast. What is going on here??

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Halal Bae had so much energy in that lip sync and a more consistently interesting POV. Not off to a great start there. I like everyone for the most part, although I'm not super feeling Miss Fiercealicious -- which is fine because she's clearly feeling herself. Giselle Lullaby is probably my fave interviewee now that Halal Bae is gone already, although Bombae is filling her mother's shoes well there. But there's something about Giselle's "stupid" persona that just works for me.

I like Canada Drag Race, I do. But. I do not love the judges. That it takes three of them to do Brook Lynn's job. That Traci is reading everything off a cue card -- or at least sounds like it. And a little Goreski goes a long way. Glad we're going to get to see Jimbo this season though. If they're auditioning replacements....*coffs*

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  On 7/17/2022 at 7:04 AM, Rai said:

I like Canada Drag Race, I do. But. I do not love the judges. That it takes three of them to do Brook Lynn's job. That Traci is reading everything off a cue card -- or at least sounds like it. And a little Goreski goes a long way. Glad we're going to get to see Jimbo this season though. If they're auditioning replacements....*coffs*


Agreed. Stacy was great; the replacement judges are non-entities. JBC really should have stuck it out, because he has far more natural charisma and likeability (despite the controversies) than Brad. Brooke Lynn is far too stiff, and her speeches are perfunctory. It was literally "Halal Bae, bye!" this episode, and you could tell that Brooke Lynn didn't really care. Compare and contrast with Nicki Doll, who always speaks from the heart and apparently loves her job. Let's switch judges!

Jimbo would be amazing, but there's no way that WoW would allow judging to devolve in a breastplate and deli meat Russ Meyers Boobapalooza. Maybe her "manservant" can sub in for Brad.

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Finally watched the S3 premiere and I too was sad to see Halal go. I thought the judging was a bit wonky. I like Brook as a host (and she looked amazing on the runway) but the panel dynamic is still off for me. 

Otherwise the Canadian girls always are such charming sweethearts that it's easy to overlook lots of flaws in production. (LOL I'm also here for Miss Fiercalicious clearly feeling her French Vanilla Fantasy.) 

Edited by Wonderlad71
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I also finally got around to watch the premiere and the judges really want to make me go no further. How was Halal in the bottom three and Chelazon wasn't? And how was Jada with her glued on ensemble in the top three and Bombae wasn't?! 

Feels like the judges and I watched two different episodes. I'm very sorry Halal is gone, he seemed so kind and I'd have liked to see more.

Also I agree that, like davidcalgary29 said, they want to keep Fiercealicious for the drama, but then again, how is that fair?

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Agreed. That was a painful experience. This show, to my eyes, has serious problems still. Brad Goreski is the person sent in to punch up the jokes and provide a critique? Better than Brooke Lynn, I guess but oh my, that is a problem.

The best he was able to offer was "this sounds like real awards show banter." Has anyone ever found real awards show banter funny? Like on the level of Drag Race funny? This episode needed a comedian as the guest judge and they needed to be in that workroom giving advice and pushing for better jokes. That was atrocious. Those top performances would have been safe filler in a US season if they were lucky and someone bombed.

This judging panel does not work still. Everyone is too much a looks person and there's no one there who performs comedy or really performs much at all. It needs either a replacement for someone (they all could go, the only judge I ever loved was Stacy) or an addition. I have no idea how producers have let this go on for so long?

Also, if that's what the so called comedy queens could do, this is going to be a long season. But again, that comes down to the producers who cast this group. Not every funny club queen will translate to reality tv but this is not a new genre and casting should be able to find a few queens who are suited to reality tv. I guess I just don't understand why the Canadian version of this show has failed to launch three times now. By season three, the show should be getting stronger and more polished and instead it's like something put together by a high school media class that would air on Rogers Cable 22. And that's not a dig on the Queens. There have been many amazingly talented Queens in seasons 1 and 2 and I hope the talent will rise this season. But Drag Race is really a plug and play model and somehow the producers are fucking it up.

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I didn't hate the awards ceremony, but I feel like the judges are still watching another show. Kimmy Couture came across as super mean and uncooperative while they were preparing the challenge (and also in some talking heads, tbh) but was funny during the presentation. Now, how she won the challenge with that cardboard-pieces-glued-on-a-bikini dress of a goddess that doesn't even exist (you googled "the sun"??) is and will remain a true mystery for me. 

My favorites so far are Lady Boom Boom, Chelazon and Giselle. Also, I would've preferred if Vivian Vanderpuss had left instead of Moço. But that's okay, I like her and all, but I don't think she's here to stay.

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