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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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Just now, greekmom said:

Damn it TLC . You couldn't re -edit??

I just got so angry just seeing his face, Paul should not be on the show at all. I would rather have a few more commercials than see him.

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1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

As stupid as this storyline is...if she really loves Michael, she'd just let him go and be a father with another woman.  Instead of guilting him for being hesitant to marry a 54 year-old lady who OBVIOUSLY isn't going to have kids.

Saying she might have cancer was her ace to play...guilt him into marrying her and perfect reason why she can't tote a baby. Nothing to do with her age or unhealthy body.

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Just now, Eldemarge said:

As stupid as this storyline is...if she really loves Michael, she'd just let him go and be a father with another woman.  Instead of guilting him for being hesitant to marry a 54 year-old lady who OBVIOUSLY isn't going to have kids.

Yes, that's exactly it.   You can't expect someone to give up on being a parent for your old ass, if that's their main objective in life.

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I can't believe they didn't get Pole's worthless butt off my screen.     

Syngin is so drunk.    Actually, is he ever sober?    It doesn't look like it. 

I like drunk sin-gin. Tania pushed him to the bottle

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10 minutes ago, Toodleoo said:

I am a lady but I dig and would totally wear Mykul's shirts, especially that purple one he wore last week.  

A friend of mine lived in Ghana for a time and brought me a fab Ghanaian shirt which I rocked with pride till I got too fat. 

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2 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

I'm thinking they were planning on egg donation.

Angie was trying to get her daughter to donate her eggs. The daughter took a dim view of this solution. 

And seriously, WHO would donate eggs to Angie? 

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

My guess is Michael's family will never support a marriage without children, or accept Angela as a family member either.    

Once they are living in the States, I don’t think she will care

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9 minutes ago, kacesq said:


How long do biopsy results take? Seems like she would’ve had them by now


When the doctor did the biopsy, she said the results would take a week. Angela said she’d be in Nigeria then, so the doctor agreed to a video call with the results. 

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Now I have trouble watching this. Nothing about Paul is funny or snark worthy. His mother must be ready to cut all ties with him.

Butter wouldn't melt in that woman's mouth. I think she's only being against him for the cameras. Otherwise, she would have put him in an institution. 

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Now I have trouble watching this. Nothing about Paul is funny or snark worthy. His mother must be ready to cut all ties with him.


Allegedly in Karines po po statement she says mum enables him. Also I’m only talking about this because he’s on our screen and it’s awful. There was a pix of the baby covered in poop 🤦🏻‍♀️


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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

A friend of mine lived in Ghana for a time and brought me a fab Ghanaian shirt which I rocked with pride till I got too fat.  shrunk it in the wash 


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2 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

Yeah, they coulda reedited this and gotten rid of Pole

Maybe they'll edit him out of Pillow Talk like they did with Geoffrey. 

The abusers Paul and Angela need to be cut out of any more seasons of this franchise. 

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1 minute ago, Angry Moldovan said:
  Reveal spoiler

Allegedly in Karines po po statement she says mum enables him. Also I’m only talking about this because he’s on our screen and it’s awful. There was a pix of the baby covered in poop 🤦🏻‍♀️



He says she hates changing diapers that is makes her gag and she would call him to come home and change the diaper.  If that is true WTH.


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1 minute ago, Grifter Lives said:

I'm very late in joining this thread!  But, I'm not going to watch this episode without reading and reacting to all your wonderful comments.  Theyre how I get through each episode.

Me, too. I hate-watch this show. Some of the comments are just pure gold here and I need all the laughs I can get.

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