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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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::runs in::  I’m here, I hate Ari and her enabling mother. Hey idiot mom, your daughter chose this life. Why the hell did you expect her to live in Princeton, Ethiopia.

Im sure Ari’s parents would be thrilled if Bini’s family talked about Ethiopian expectations...

is this the season finale?

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2 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

I am sure that Ethiopia is not as underdeveloped as portrayed. Just like Nigeria, where we get the not so rich areas, when you know that Lagos is a culturally vibrant and developed city.

Of course, its page one in the Sharp playbook. Every foreign country is backward, primitive, filthy, disease ridden and savage. Remember Nairobi, too? A beautiful, modern city. We saw chickens in the streets, flies, and mud. 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

I tripped over a tree root Wednesday and fractured my shoulder in four places. It’s Brittany’s fault. 

I will be watching and reading along tonight but typing is a nightmare. I’ll be snarking in my heart. 

I know what you are going through.......I fell and broke my right wrist and yes typing is bad.



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8 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Ontario is about 1500. Toronto is about 600.  

Sorry to hear about Alberta’s numbers. I lived in Calgary for a couple of years when I worked for CP.  

Yepper, sorry meant to say On 1599 Tdot today is 488. I blame the wine and ancient tablet that keeps crashing while I type. A few former coworkers live in Calgary. I was sorry to hear about Alberta and Manitoba 

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

Why does Bini have to meet Ari’s expectations, but she doesn’t have to meet his?


3 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Ari should not be bitching about Bini to her parents. What an idiot! And Mom needs to butt out. 


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1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

Because the card says it protects within one meter and obviously the virus can read. 

It must be a genius virus, here in NY our governor thinks it comes out to get you at after 10 PM!

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I tripped over a tree root Wednesday and fractured my shoulder in four places. It’s Brittany’s fault. 

I will be watching and reading along tonight but typing is a nightmare. I’ll be snarking in my heart. 

2020 is really awesome.

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What kind of bubble do Ari and her family live in? Her father, a medical doctor, is shocked at the conditions in a 3rd world country? Really? Read a book, do some research people.

Its apparent Ari expects Ethiopia to conform to her American ways. Good luck with that Princess. 

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1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

People have no idea that some folks living on farms raise chickens - they lay eggs and then they become dinner.

That was my grandma’s house in Jamaica. There were chickens in a pen beside the house. We had chicken for dinner. Next day, I realized the chickens weren’t there anymore. 

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5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I tripped over a tree root Wednesday and fractured my shoulder in four places. It’s Brittany’s fault. 

I will be watching and reading along tonight but typing is a nightmare. I’ll be snarking in my heart. 

Sorry fellow Jersey girl.

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4 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

We're out until January. 

Rumor has it we'll be out for the rest of the academic year. And I plan to retire in June so I may never go back to the office again. I'm crushed. Oh wait, no I'm not. Well, I'll miss my work peeps and my boss, who is FAB. 

3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Why does Bini have to meet Ari’s expectations, but she doesn’t have to meet his?

Because she's an American, silly! 

Seriously, this whole third degree from Ari's parents as they tag team on Bibi is cringeworthy. What awful people they all are. 

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17 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I just watched a rocket launch from my lanai and now im here.

Cool! My last trip pre pandemic was to Orlando and I happened to see a rocket launch while there. 

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It just seems that the cultural divide between Binyam and Ari (and by extension, her parents) is too wide. I agree with Dr. Weinberg, “they are heading for big, big trouble”...

They were screwed from the start.

It’s downright painful to watch.

Edited by GrammyPammy
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2 minutes ago, hula-la said:

That was my grandma’s house in Jamaica. There were chickens in a pen beside the house. We had chicken for dinner. Next day, I realized the chickens weren’t there anymore. 

My aunt would usually give a goose at Christmas. You knew he was there in the summer.

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7 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I’m so sorry.  I am going through the same with my sister.  She has been hanging on for years but I don’t think she can go on much longer.  I drove her for pet scan, labs and doctors visits about a week ago.  She told me her temperature at the visit was 66, seriously 66.  I’m freaked out.

Wow. I hope she isn't in too much pain?

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