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S05.E07: JMM

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7 hours ago, Bannon said:

Gus could easily be a fast food chicken multimillionaire, if inflicting revenge on the cartel was not what he really cares about, really the only thing he cares about.

In BB, there were Los Pollos Hermanos all over the midwest-- remember, the batter distribution trucks were how they were getting the blue meth all over the place. There's no way he wasn't a fast-food chicken multimillionaire separately -- he just chose to reinvest the considerable funds from Los Pollos into an even bigger moneymaker. He definitely cared about Los Pollos -- it was his tribute to his lost partner/boyfriend/lover/husband(?). He just cared about taking down the cartel and the Salamancas more. Everything that drives Gus and everything he does and cares about in his life can ultimately be traced back to losing his partner. (And whatever happened in Santiago -- we have yet to find out how that factors in.)


Edited by SailorGirl
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On 3/31/2020 at 2:45 AM, gallimaufry said:

I'm also confused by what exactly Mike's play is here -- why put Lalo behind bars only to find a way to get him out again?

As Gus said when Lydia suggested something "happen" to Lalo in jail, if he's killed on this side of the border it will be immediately assumed that Gus had something to do with it. So i'm assuming that the plan is to get him out on bail, he then jumps bail, heads back to mexico and then Mike takes care of him.

Edited by MrWhyt
  • Love 7

I really appreciate the posts here by @gallimaufry, @PeterPirate, et al. because they sort of capture in amber for me the fleeting sensations I had while watching.

5 hours ago, gallimaufry said:

There's not much that Jimmy can do to shock me these days but how seemingly tempted he was by "just make money" surprised me.  He and Kim live such simple lifestyles that I don't see why Jimmy would be attracted to money; however, it's clear that Saul sees money as an emblem of his power, including his power over the Hamlins of the world.  Of course, we know that Saul was incredibly money-hungry so this is a transition I hope they play out carefully.

Maybe I'm just self-projecting, but I think it's clear that for both Jimmy and Kim money equals the security that they both always craved and never had. 
Same with the marriage. 


52 minutes ago, BonnieD said:

I thought this was to be the final season. Am I wrong? Because it doesn't seem they can wrap it up in the time left. 

One more. Right?


9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

So, Howard figures out that Jimmy was behind all of those pranks, which leads to Jimmy finally letting it all out: the reason he hated Howard making that offer was because he thinks he's "bigger" than Howard and his firm, and considered it an insult of all things.  Yeah, I really hope that Howard is through with him now.

I know, right? And Howard and Jimmy shouldn't have any reason to ever speak again till death do they part forever.
The title of the episode was JMM. 
And Howard still works under the name of McGill: HHM 
There could yet be something there, sort of like Winnie the Pooh who lived under the name of Sanders, meaning "he had the name over the door in gold letters and Pooh lived under it," but I don't know. Howard is a non-threatening as Winnie the Pooh, but if Jimmy has succeed in disrupting Howard's namaste vibe, Howard may feel it's necessary to get rid of the M, which could result in another dealing with Jimmy due to estate legalities. This might re-trigger Jimmy's misplaced rage toward's some end. Perhaps blowing up the structural M?
Maybe the reason Howard tried offering Jimmy a job was because if Jimmy turned him down HHM could go forward with removing the M. IDK. 


Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:



I think they just used that as an excuse in their own silly heads.  I may be a sappy romantic but I think they love each other.  You could see it in their faces when they said their vows. Jimmy is not a fool and knows, as Kevin said, that Kim could do a lot better, and Kim just has a big,  unconditional, soft spot for Jimmy.  

I tend to think that Kim lies to herself about Jimmy, trying to convince herself that as long as Jimmy doesn't conceal what he is up to, she can manage any situation to their mutual benefit, and getting married means that Jimmy has no reason to not confide in Kim.

Addicts and the children of addicts are often compelled to try to control everyone around them. Kim kind of displays that need in her relationship with Mesa Verde Kevin and Schweikert as well. The thrill she gets from working with Jimmy on his cons, large and small, likely lies in the sense of controlling the marks. It's interesting that the two people most important to Jimmy, Chuck and Kim, both have/had a compulsion to control everyone within their sphere. 

This really is brilliant writing.

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I see they were determined to make that throwaway joke line from Saul about the ex-wives be accurate! Well, good for sticking with continuity.

Now Kim is his third wife. And now that they've done this I'm leaning much more towards her somehow being hidden in the background throughout the entirety of Breaking Bad, and figuring in somehow in the present day Gene timeline as well, at some point. 

They're always the masters of continuity.  All the details that go into this series and the various callbacks to Breaking Bad show us that they care about continuity and linking things together on a regular basis.

I think that some viewers interpreted what Saul said about his second wife in Breaking Bad as a throwaway joke line.  But that scene -- where he mentions the second wife and the stepdad to Walt in Breaking Bad -- is included in the video I linked here earlier in this thread, and to me it seems obvious that he is not saying it in a joking way.  That's why I believed him when he said it -- first, there was no advantage to Saul lying about a wife cheating with a stepdad in that specific moment, and second, he was not really saying it a joking way.  He was scolding Walt.

I guess it's open to interpretation, though.  Who knows with Saul?  But I'm glad the writers tied up that loose end.

Edited by TVFan17
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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I was watching for that!  Poor Gus having to sacrifice the tidiest chicken restaurant in the southwest.


I think they just used that as an excuse in their own silly heads.  I may be a sappy romantic but I think they love each other.  You could see it in their faces when they said their vows. Jimmy is not a fool and knows, as Kevin said, that Kim could do a lot better, and Kim just has a big,  unconditional, soft spot for Jimmy.  

I agree -- I think they love each other too. 

In fact, as I was watching the scene in which they got married (sans rings), my first thought was that it was the coldest, most awkward, most emotionless wedding ceremony there could possibly be between two people who actually do have feelings for each other and truly care about each other.  It was so impersonal, and the marriage was for the wrong reasons, but they actually do love each other.  I would expect that kind of marriage scenario between two people who dislike each other, or between people who barely know each other.  But that's not their situation, so it added an interesting dynamic to this marriage idea that Kim had.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 6

"I'm like a god in human clothing".  Yeeeeeeeeeesh.  If Howard does nothing else the rest of the season beyond triggering Jimmy's inherent malevolence, his presence on the show has been justified.  


8 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

I also chuckled at Gus proudly talking about the curly fries (or whatever they're called) to his peers, competitors and associates in the restaurant business. 

I even enjoyed the reference to the bathroom having a heated floor (in the room where Gus was staying), as it reminded me of Ted's heated bathroom floor in Breaking Bad.

There was also the nice BB callback when Herr Schuler put one of those fries into dipping sauce and popped it into his mouth.  

The hotel room also had a bidet.  Something worth thinking about these days.  

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, gallimaufry said:

There's not much that Jimmy can do to shock me these days but how seemingly tempted he was by "just make money" surprised me.  He and Kim live such simple lifestyles that I don't see why Jimmy would be attracted to money; however, it's clear that Saul sees money as an emblem of his power, including his power over the Hamlins of the world.  Of course, we know that Saul was incredibly money-hungry so this is a transition I hope they play out carefully.

Jimmy has always been interested in nice offices and homes, hasn't he.

Great ep. Loved Jimmy's meltdown with Howard and that Howard is really pretty zen these days. I'm glad he did know that Jimmy was responsible for the bowling balls and prostitutes. 

I think Kim believes she can protect Jimmy. Even if she can't keep him from doing stupid, illegal, and dangerous things, she believes she's a good enuf lawyer to at least keep him out of jail. I don't know if she'll ever reach a point where she tells him he's on his own.

I just realized what she tells Kevin is what she wants to tell Jimmy. "The truth is, you ignored our [my] advice… At every point you chose to go your own way…. If you continue to ignore us [me], then this is the wrong relationship."

I hope we find out what happened in Santiago, what Schuler did for Gus.

I felt sad seeing how affected Saul was by the murdered guy's family -- sad because we know his ability to empathize won't last.

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7 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I think Kim believes she can protect Jimmy. Even if she can't keep him from doing stupid, illegal, and dangerous things, she believes she's a good enuf lawyer to at least keep him out of jail. I don't know if she'll ever reach a point where she tells him he's on his own.

I just realized what she tells Kevin is what she wants to tell Jimmy. "The truth is, you ignored our [my] advice… At every point you chose to go your own way…. If you continue to ignore us [me], then this is the wrong relationship."

Are we supposed to think Kim's wanting to save Jimmy from himself is a pattern based on her relationship with her mother, and likewise what she lectures Kevin about ignoring her advice she would have liked to tell her mother that (as well as Jimmy)?


11 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I felt sad seeing how affected Saul was by the murdered guy's family -- sad because we know his ability to empathize won't last.

I like to think the compassionate side of Jimmy never goes away entirely, it just gets paved over with his other identities.


  • Love 5

This episode was quite operatic.  Gus was positively florid with Peter, then switched to pragmatic, hyper controlled in the burning down of LPH.  Jimmy and Lalo in the courtroom, then Jimmy and Howard in the hallway.  I feel like this is building up to a suitably operatic conclusion to the season;  someone is not going to make it out alive.  We know who survives into BB, so that leaves only a few candidates.  I shudder to think.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, BonnieD said:

I thought this was to be the final season. Am I wrong? Because it doesn't seem they can wrap it up in the time left. 

The unfortunate thing is that the 6th and final season of Better Call Saul was supposed to begin filming now, at the end of March.  But... considering what's going on in the world right now, and how everything is shut down (including all TV and film productions), the production will probably be delayed.  And that means that it is very likely that the premiere of the final season will, once again, be a long, long way off.  We might not see how this series wraps up until 2022 if they can't get production going in a reasonable amount of time.

Also, rescheduling productions is not necessarily as easy as just saying "Hey, everyone, we have new filming dates!  See you then!"  Seeing that the actors on BCS knew that Season 6 was going to be the last one, it is entirely possible that a couple of them might have already lined up other jobs that would have begun filming later this year (after BCS wrapped up production on Season 6).  So if no one can film anything for a few months, then by the time BCS production activity can get rescheduled, any actor who already committed to another project post-BCS might run into a scheduling conflict, which could result in an even longer delay to shoot the final BCS season. 

I'm hoping that it doesn't all pan out this way, but it is a definite possibility if things don't get back to some semblance of normal very soon.

Even The Walking Dead -- whose current season was filmed in 2019 -- is being impacted.  They can't air their season finale in April because they couldn't get the post-production finished on it due to everything being shut down.  So their season finale cannot air until that work is done, and that work can't get done until everyone can get back to work.  They can't start filming their next season in the spring either, as long as everything is shut down.


37 minutes ago, PeterPirate said:

"I'm like a god in human clothing".  Yeeeeeeeeeesh.  If Howard does nothing else the rest of the season beyond triggering Jimmy's inherent malevolence, his presence on the show has been justified.  


There was also the nice BB callback when Herr Schuler put one of those fries into dipping sauce and popped it into his mouth.  

The hotel room also had a bidet.  Something worth thinking about these days.  

Yes!  I enjoyed the dipping sauce callback.  It was an effective visual way to sort of jog people's memories and help them to make the connection to who Peter was in BB, and where they'd first seen him.

I have seen quite a few people saying they have recently bought bidets due to the current circumstances.  Seeing that the maniac TP hoarders have reared their heads (see what I did there?) in this terrible crisis, people have to resort to other ways of keeping clean.

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"I'm like a god in human clothing".  Yeeeeeeeeeesh.


I've had outbursts on a par with Jimmy's, but I'm a nobody. I hope no one ever said yeeeeeesh about me.
Oh, good heavens; let's hope The Walking Dead is dead on arrival! Why is that show STILL hogging up the airwaves?
So delighted to see Herr Schuler with a smile on his face at the big meeting.

Edited by Dianaofthehunt
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30 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

I've had outbursts on a par with Jimmy's, but I'm a nobody. I hope no one ever said yeeeeeesh about me.
Oh, good heavens; let's hope The Walking Dead is dead on arrival! Why is that show STILL hogging up the airwaves?
So delighted to see Herr Schuler with a smile on his face at the big meeting.

I suppose that depends on whether you have ever yelled "I am Diana of the Hunt"!  

I got the feeling Herr Schuler wasn't all that on the ball.  Methinks Lydia will turn out to be Chilean, and the real driver behind Madrigal's financing of Los Pollos Hermanos.  

  • LOL 2
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12 hours ago, scenario said:

That's why its not actionable. There's not a shred of actionable proof that he did anything. But as soon as he talked about it, Jimmy flew into a rage and not once said that he didn't do it. If  I were Howard I'd feel he made it pretty clear he did it. 

He did say Howard sounded crazy (echoing descriptions of Chuck) so that would probably count as a denial. But even the way he delivered the line wasn't believable so as far as Howard's concerned it was totally a confession.

12 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

So, Howard figures out that Jimmy was behind all of those pranks, which leads to Jimmy finally letting it all out: the reason he hated Howard making that offer was because he thinks he's "bigger" than Howard and his firm, and considered it an insult of all things.  Yeah, I really hope that Howard is through with him now.  Now that Kim as hitched her wagon to Jimmy, Howard is the character I want to come out of this ahead somehow (oh, and Nacho, but I know the deck is really, really stacked against him.)

Excellent episode.


I don't think that's the real reason Jimmy hated the job offer. The real reason was probably far more self-loathing--like now Jimmy was getting this because he got rid of Chuck. But he turned it into something that was Howard's fault instead so he could blame it on him and get angry. Everything he said to Howard was what he could have said to Chuck, after all. Chuck did think he was above Jimmy and now Jimmy has destroyed him, like a God in human clothing with lightning bolts shooting out of his fingers. Embracing his bad side makes a lot of psychological sense in terms of his grief and guilt over Chuck. He's exactly as bad as Chuck always said he was and who's the winner? All that stuff he worked so hard for, to be a lawyer at that firm (iow, to earn Chuck's approval) was nothing. Really it was as simple as Howard said, that he was in pain.

2 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

They're always the masters of continuity.  All the details that go into this series and the various callbacks to Breaking Bad show us that they care about continuity and linking things together on a regular basis.

I think that some viewers interpreted what Saul said about his second wife in Breaking Bad as a throwaway joke line.  But that scene -- where he mentions the second wife and the stepdad to Walt in Breaking Bad -- is included in the video I linked here earlier in this thread, and to me it seems obvious that he is not saying it in a joking way.  That's why I believed him when he said it -- first, there was no advantage to Saul lying about a wife cheating with a stepdad in that specific moment, and second, he was not really saying it a joking way.  He was scolding Walt.

I guess it's open to interpretation, though.  Who knows with Saul?  But I'm glad the writers tied up that loose end.

Seeing the scene again in that clip I couldn't believe he was joking either. And it's a great calback in this ep too, because it's Jimmy taking a familial betrayal and the bitterness he feels about it and channeling it into his work defending a low life murderer.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

I didn't recall Saul ever mentioning being married 3 times -- he mentioned the second wife, but I thought that could have still meant he was married a 3rd time by the time we got to Breaking Bad and he told Walt about wife #2.

But in that video I linked above, they say that we've known that Saul was married 3 times.  So maybe the "3 times" is mentioned at some point in BB and I just missed it?  Not sure.

But we know now that he has had a few wives before the BB timeline starts.  He's been a busy guy!  lol

"In the Breaking Bad episode "Green Light", Saul states to Walt that he has been divorced twice, mentioning that his second wife cheated on him with his stepfather. 

In a deleted scene from the Breaking Bad episode "Caballo Sin Nombre", Saul stated to Walter that he has been married three times."



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19 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

"In the Breaking Bad episode "Green Light", Saul states to Walt that he has been divorced twice, mentioning that his second wife cheated on him with his stepfather. 

In a deleted scene from the Breaking Bad episode "Caballo Sin Nombre", Saul stated to Walter that he has been married three times."



Yes, the second wife being with the stepdad is known.  That part I remembered, and it is in the video I linked earlier.  I believed Saul that he'd had a couple of wives -- I didn't think he was joking or lying about it -- and thought there could be a 3rd wife at some point too.

But it was the verbal reference to being married 3 times that I didn't remember hearing explicitly stated by Saul.  It was addressed in the clip I linked here earlier -- they say in that clip that we've known that Saul has been married 3 times, as though it was common knowledge.  So I assumed it had been stated and I just somehow missed it each time I watched. 

Thank you for pointing out the specific episode where it was said and then deleted!   I wonder when the scene was deleted?  Before airing?  I have watched that particular BB episode many times (always on AMC, in repeats) and I don't recall ever hearing the reference to 3 marriages.  Is that deleted scene included in the episode in the Breaking Bad Blu-ray/DVD collection?

Edited by TVFan17

I don't get what's going on here. Why did Gus and Nacho burn down the restaurant? Lalo called Nacho from jail and asked him to burn down the restaurant, right? And Nacho told Mike. And Mike, who arranged for Lalo to be arrested, now wants Saul to get him out on bail? WTF? I'm very confused and unable to follow this story at all.

I also can't remember the circumstanced of Lalo killing some clerk (?) last season. Can someone refresh my memory? Thanks.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get what's going on here. Why did Gus and Nacho burn down the restaurant? Lalo called Nacho from jail and asked him to burn down the restaurant, right? And Nacho told Mike. And Mike, who arranged for Lalo to be arrested, now wants Saul to get him out on bail? WTF? I'm very confused and unable to follow this story at all.

I, too, would appreciate a recap of motivations/machinations for Gus burning down his own restaurant. 🙂

To answer your other question with a question: Didn't Lalo kill the wire transfer clerk (I think Lalo did a ceiling drop to get to him) that Mike used to trace the German contractor who was secretly trying to meet his wife?

  • Useful 1
35 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

I, too, would appreciate a recap of motivations/machinations for Gus burning down his own restaurant. 🙂

To answer your other question with a question: Didn't Lalo kill the wire transfer clerk (I think Lalo did a ceiling drop to get to him) that Mike used to trace the German contractor who was secretly trying to meet his wife?

Nacho is Lalo's right hand man and Gus's spy. Lalo told Nacho to burn down the restaurant. If Nacho didn't burn down the restaurant, Lalo would probably kill Nacho. He'd also try to figure out why Nacho didn't do it which could lead to Lalo finding out that Gus set him up. 

They want to give Lalo a reason to flee to Mexico where Gus can order him killed. If Gus kills Lalo in Mexico the suspicion would fall on Lalo's Mexican enemies rather than on Gus. They probably buried Lalo's body in the desert so Saul wasn't certain that Lalo was dead. 

The clerk was killed right after the drop ceiling scene.  


Edited by scenario
Edited for clarity on who gets killed
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14 minutes ago, scenario said:

If Gus is killed in Mexico the suspicion would fall on Lalo's Mexican enemies rather than on Gus.

I think you mean Lalo here but exactly this.  They hoped putting Lalo in jail would get him out the way.  It didn't.  Lydia suggested having him killed in jail but Gus pointed out that it'd start a war since it'd be pretty obvious who did it.  Whereas if it happens in Mexico, then there will be other suspects which is why he made the move to spring Lalo. 

He hopes this will send Lalo back across the border.  We don't know if this is how things will play out, though.

Speaking of Lalo, another hilarious moment to me in this episode was Lalo not recognizing the guy who he's accused of killing.  I loved everything about the way Tony Dalton played that.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PeterPirate said:

I suppose that depends on whether you have ever yelled "I am Diana of the Hunt"!  

I got the feeling Herr Schuler wasn't all that on the ball.  Methinks Lydia will turn out to be Chilean, and the real driver behind Madrigal's financing of Los Pollos Hermanos.  

Yes, it seems like something is wrong with him, though we know he makes it a ways into the future.  I don't know if Lydia is Chilean, Rodarte is a Hispanic surname, but we do know she knows that Gus is way more than just a drug dealer, as she told Mike when she was showing him how to launder money.  And now we see that Gus is free to be himself in front of her.  How it all connects to what happened in Santiago has piqued my interest even though I haven't been one to care about the drug thuggery in general.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Yes, it seems like something is wrong with him, though we know he makes it a ways into the future.  I don't know if Lydia is Chilean, Rodarte is a Hispanic surname, but we do know she knows that Gus is way more than just a drug dealer, as she told Mike when she was showing him how to launder money.  And now we see that Gus is free to be himself in front of her.  How it all connects to what happened in Santiago has piqued my interest even though I haven't been one to care about the drug thuggery in general.

There are times when I type something and then delete it because I think it's too outlandish.  Here is one of those things:  Some decades ago I had a Christian minister tell me that if he could kill one person, it would be Augusto Pinochet.  

Just saying, we've seen a guy's head chopped off and put on top of a tortuga.  But we have yet to see government involvement in the drug trade.  

From The Guardian:  Revealed: Pinochet drug smuggling link

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

But we know now that he has had a few wives before the BB timeline starts.  He's been a busy guy!  lol

From what we know about his timeline, I think Saul must have been very young when he blew through his first two marriages, which makes me wonder if he had to get marry, at least to the first one. Does he have a love-child out there?

  • Useful 1
16 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

But in that video I linked above, they say that we've known that Saul was married 3 times.  So maybe the "3 times" is mentioned at some point in BB and I just missed it?  Not sure.

I would swear that in one of the first couple of BB episodes with Saul, there is a scene in Saul's office where he mentions to Walt that he had either 3 wives or 3 exes.  It was a throw-away remark in Saul's typical breezy style, but it's always stuck in my mind since BCS began and we met Kim. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

He did say Howard sounded crazy (echoing descriptions of Chuck) so that would probably count as a denial. But even the way he delivered the line wasn't believable so as far as Howard's concerned it was totally a confession.

It sounded like a denial to me, and a warning that if Howard tried to take him to court over it or have him disbarred, Jimmy would go to his usual extremes to prove Howard had imagined the whole thing.



1 hour ago, scenario said:

They want to give Lalo a reason to flee to Mexico where Gus can order him killed. If Gus kills Lalo in Mexico the suspicion would fall on Lalo's Mexican enemies rather than on Gus. They probably buried Lalo's body in the desert so Saul wasn't certain that Lalo was dead. 

In Breaking Bad, do we know 


whose faces were on the soccer balls? Could Lalo's be one?


3 hours ago, Penman61 said:

I, too, would appreciate a recap of motivations/machinations for Gus burning down his own restaurant. 🙂

To answer your other question with a question: Didn't Lalo kill the wire transfer clerk (I think Lalo did a ceiling drop to get to him) that Mike used to trace the German contractor who was secretly trying to meet his wife?

cause if Nacho doesn't follow Lalo's orders he's not going to retain a position where's he's useful as a spy for Gus.

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

It sounded like a denial to me, and a warning that if Howard tried to take him to court over it or have him disbarred, Jimmy would go to his usual extremes to prove Howard had imagined the whole thing.

It was a straight forward "though doth protest too much" denial.  The kind of denial which is essentially a flat out admission.  His claim that the job offer amused him and meant nothing to him is undercut in how he delivered that message.  His words say one thing but the fact that he chased Howard out of the courtroom yelling at him suggests something completely different.

Something Howard could take to court?  No but I'm not entirely sure that's his goal. He wanted to reach out one last time to Jimmy to see if he could.  I think their interactions may have convinced him it was to no avail.

  • Love 6

cause if Nacho doesn't follow Lalo's orders he's not going to retain a position where's he's useful as a spy for Gus.

But . . . if Lalo gets out on bail and flees for Mexico where Gus has him killed, it seems to me Gus and Nacho should be able to stall for time, instead of immediately blowing up the chicken restaurant. That seems . . . extreme. And unnecessary.

4 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Yes, the second wife being with the stepdad is known.  That part I remembered, and it is in the video I linked earlier.  I believed Saul that he'd had a couple of wives -- I didn't think he was joking or lying about it -- and thought there could be a 3rd wife at some point too.

But it was the verbal reference to being married 3 times that I didn't remember hearing explicitly stated by Saul.  It was addressed in the clip I linked here earlier -- they say in that clip that we've known that Saul has been married 3 times, as though it was common knowledge.  So I assumed it had been stated and I just somehow missed it each time I watched. 

Thank you for pointing out the specific episode where it was said and then deleted!   I wonder when the scene was deleted?  Before airing?  I have watched that particular BB episode many times (always on AMC, in repeats) and I don't recall ever hearing the reference to 3 marriages.  Is that deleted scene included in the episode in the Breaking Bad Blu-ray/DVD collection?

Yeah a deleted scene is one that is cut during production with some of them included as extras on DVD/Blu-ray Releases

45 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But . . . if Lalo gets out on bail and flees for Mexico where Gus has him killed, it seems to me Gus and Nacho should be able to stall for time, instead of immediately blowing up the chicken restaurant. That seems . . . extreme. And unnecessary.

Possibly.  But Lalo will still be calling the shots from Mexico, in all likelihood.  And Gus might not be able to put a plan into place to kill him.  Blowing up the restaurant bides him time.

  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But . . . if Lalo gets out on bail and flees for Mexico where Gus has him killed, it seems to me Gus and Nacho should be able to stall for time, instead of immediately blowing up the chicken restaurant. That seems . . . extreme. And unnecessary.

Lalo doesn't seem to me to be one to take "I'll do it tomorrow boss, I swear". Nacho needs to be a good soldier, which means following orders.

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Possibly.  But Lalo will still be calling the shots from Mexico, in all likelihood.  And Gus might not be able to put a plan into place to kill him.  Blowing up the restaurant bides him time.

Yes, and Gus is playing a long game.  Very long.  He likes his Pollos business but he cares more about taking complete vengeance and whatever else from Chilean days that is motivating him.  He'll do whatever is necessary. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

But . . . if Lalo gets out on bail and flees for Mexico where Gus has him killed, it seems to me Gus and Nacho should be able to stall for time, instead of immediately blowing up the chicken restaurant. That seems . . . extreme. And unnecessary.

Killing someone takes time. They have to set it up carefully. The bail process might take a few days. Then he has to actually get across the boarder. Then they have to find him in Mexico, and kill him. The whole process could take weeks or months. 

Lalo wants it burned now. They can't afford to wait more than a few days at most. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MrWhyt said:

Lalo doesn't seem to me to be one to take "I'll do it tomorrow boss, I swear". Nacho needs to be a good soldier, which means following orders.

Nacho might also be under suspicion by the cartel since Lalo was picked up shortly after dropping Nacho off somewhere. 

I'm not certain Gus and Mike will want to kill Lalo even if he is back in Mexico.  As long as Lalo is a fugitive from American justice, he can't come north again to cause trouble.  Lalo alive is more likely to take the hint that Gus can cause trouble for Lalo just as effectively as the opposite.  The cartel also will not be happy about having to forfeit Lalo's $7 million bail--even if it is technically "Salamanca" money, it still makes that family look bad.  If Lalo remains alive, he is weakened and there is a chance for a stalemate.  He may even take Nacho with him back to Mexico so Gus will have an agent inside the cartel.  Gus puts a lot of value of Nacho's ability to deliver intelligence.  


When Lalo said to Jimmy, "The 7 million's no problem, but you're picking it up," what did he mean? Jimmy's picking up the tab? He doesn't have that kind of money. Or did it mean something else?

Also, what kind of business is Madrigal, legitimately? From BB, it didn't seem to be a company that was all about chain restaurants. But I never did understand what they did.  Obviously at some point they invested money in the drug cartel--or maybe they've really been part of the drug cartel from the beginning--I just can't figure what they put down on their tax forms as the business they're supposed to be in.

6 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

When Lalo said to Jimmy, "The 7 million's no problem, but you're picking it up," what did he mean? Jimmy's picking up the tab? He doesn't have that kind of money. Or did it mean something else?


it means he's literally going to be picking it up. Getting the cash from some Salamanca person and delivering it the court.


I just can't figure what they put down on their tax forms as the business they're supposed to be in.

they're a multinational conglomerate, with many fingers in many pies. Like how Hitachi makes consumer electronics and heavy machinery.

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One thing that occurred to me about Kim's speech. It seems to me that if you are a lawyer and your client consistently ignores your advice and gets hurt by it, you would eventually be obligated to call them on it. At some point, you may want to drop them as a client because they are making you look bad. 

What Kim did might be dangerous but not calling them out wouldn't be the best thing for their client, all things being equal.

Jimmy is Kim's husband but what if he was some stranger? How should Kim have reacted differently when he came in with his lies. She told her client to shut up and let the lawyers handle it in a very firm tone which is exactly what she should have done. They could have blown Jimmy's case out of the water if he had just kept his mouth shut and let the lawyers handle it. 

Jimmy's almost certainly not the first shady lawyer to try to get money from the bank and he won't be the last. If the owner insists on spouting his mouth off and refuse to listen to his lawyers every time he's just making himself an easy mark. While Kim has done a lot of unethical things, telling her client to shut up wasn't one of them. 

12 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

When Lalo said to Jimmy, "The 7 million's no problem, but you're picking it up," what did he mean? Jimmy's picking up the tab? He doesn't have that kind of money. Or did it mean something else?

Also, what kind of business is Madrigal, legitimately? From BB, it didn't seem to be a company that was all about chain restaurants. But I never did understand what they did.  Obviously at some point they invested money in the drug cartel--or maybe they've really been part of the drug cartel from the beginning--I just can't figure what they put down on their tax forms as the business they're supposed to be in.

I think they're like GE. A conglomerate with a lot of different type businesses. The idea is that if the restaurant business has a bad quarter, one of the other businesses like the chemical producing business can pick up the slack. 

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OK, I went back and reviewed Breaking Bad, second last episode, where Saul is bring 'processed' by the Disappearer. His picture is taken for an ID, which we see is being processed into a Nebraska Driver's License. Saul asks, "Nebraska? What's in Nebraska?", in such a way that I am rethinking my theory that Saul ends up with Kim in Nebraska instead of immediately making the connection.

Now, in the beginning of this season, as Gene, Saul does take the Nebraska license plate off his car and exchange it with a Missouri one...there's a lot more that's going to happen there, and during his conversation with the Disappearer in the one there's no mention or allusion to Kim or anyone else...I'm still holding out hope that someway, somehow, they end up together in the end and there's something good about it.

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I  admit it, I squeed when I saw Laura Fraser in the opening credits!

Seeing Madrigal Houston was fun to watch here in Houston. They got the Rodeo timeline right in that it did move from the Astrodome to Reliant (technically, NRG) Stadium in 2003, so that fits in the BCS/BrBa timeframe. I did think it was odd that the bellhop said the Rodeo was in town "tonight," as it runs for a good two weeks.  But I'll give Messrs. Gilligan and Gould a pass on that since everything else about this episode was so interesting and well done 😊

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