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S10.E09: The L Word

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Tardy to the party...

What is with the 6 canisters of air freshener on Tay/Bray’s counter top...crack a window.....

Michael’s clipped style of speaking makes me feel all kinds of annoyed...

Meka likes candy and that was a nice apology gesture by her husband who has Barney Rubble feet.

Taylor’s generous dinner portions...the only thing to like about her...

Brandon....your air purifier is not in the kitchen cabinets or the fridge....bye...

Austin, you are a sweetie....and don’t let Jess goad you into saying the L word.

Mindy stop being excited when Zach comes over....he’s not

In the tease, Mindy finally gets her bag of bones all up and entangled in Zach’s frontal personal space as some sort of couples exercise....please let that be a freshly laundered tank top, not one stanky from skate practice....Zach’s body language says he would rather hug Mills after rolling in his own doggie poo than having to hold Minsy intimately....




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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

What is with the 6 canisters of air freshener on Tay/Bray’s counter top...crack a window.....

Derek might need them more.

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

In the tease, Mindy finally gets her bag of bones all up and entangled in Zach’s frontal personal space as some sort of couples exercise....please let that be a freshly laundered tank top, not one stanky from skate practice....Zach’s body language says he would rather hug Mills after rolling in his own doggie poo than having to hold Minsy intimately....

Those scenes where she's in the sweats she doesn't fill out, her hair looks stringy & greasy, like she didn't shower after practice. Hopefully she'll at least do a bird bath for Zach before the up close & personal cringe scene. 🤢

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12 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Where are the experts this season? Just where are they?

Why isn't Dr. V there in the apartment with Taylor about the  Instagram video?

Why aren't the experts sitting down with Zach telling him he must move into the apt with Mindy? Hey, he can stay in the other bedroom but he has to be there. No free pass to go back to your own place and stop over to play cards.

I was very weirded out that we got a) Brandon's reaction to the video b) saw the video and c) Michael and Meka's discussion about the video before any of the experts contacted Taylor about it. Then when Dr. Viviana called her, it really just amounted to her saying, "Hey there, that video wasn't cool" and Taylor saying, "Oh, well." Where's her big come to Jesus sit down with the disappointed experts? Where's Zach's? As pointed out above, he's not even participating in the "experiment" at this point. They're not even pretending to date. That evening was more like he went over there to babysit a precocious 11 year old. That wasn't close to trying to figure out what an actual marriage could be like between them. This season is really frustrating on so many levels.

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What a joke that episode was! Yet strangely engrossing, like a car crash you can't help but look at. Anyone who can "love" anyone after what, 21 days, needs psychological care, preferably from someone more qualified than the missing "experts." The sole voice of reason this week was Austin, who very bravely stood up to Jessica's trying to control everything, including when "I love yous" are exchanged and who says them first. Poor guy, the writing is pretty clear on that wall.

The runner up is Derek for finally telling Katie that he is who he is, stop judging! If she was as smart as she thinks she is, she would see that his lack of experience is actually an opportunity to meet his needs and try to build something. Instead she's going on and on about how she's scared to be hurt. So why did you go on this show again? What was she expecting exactly? She is really quite the piece of work! My husband watched this with me last night and was astounded she was a "mental health professional." Would you really take advice regarding your child's well-being from someone who would go on this show? 

Taylor and Brandon are both incredibly immature and ridiculous, it's just a race to the bottom at this point. The most positive thing I can say is that at least this show is keeping them from procreating with anyone else (hopefully). I love how he seems to think that acting hurt over that idiotic video gives him the moral high ground after "giving so much to the process." My husband and I were dying last night when he took his enormous plate of food to go play Xbox. And hey! Cooking a huge meal a nice gesture, even if she is utterly clueless about phones at the table. And Brandon, when your partner does something nice for you, it's probably not wise to bring up what you feel that they did wrong in the past (especially when it was in response to your own epic tantrum). It's just SHOCKING to me this he couldn't make a relationship work on his own. They're both gems.

Finally, I think Taylor's hair should be recognized as a distinct character on the show ... it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as the show went on.

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Brandon drives me crazy.  He comes across as lazy AF and entitled in relationships.  I think he’s been way too coddled by the females in his family and expects to coast on his cute looks forever. He was infuriating with his 1950s attitude of only talking to his wife if she was in a frame of mind to be positive and make him happy regardless of how he treats her and anything else going on in her life.

Meka is very smart and well spoken.  I wish she would’ve been paired with Luke (a couple of seasons back) as she would’ve had him figured out.  I’m so confused by Michael.  What is with all the lies?  Some little and some big.  Makes no sense why he is doing this and behaving the way he is.

The editing for Mindy is odd.  When she is shown with Zach she lights up at the tiniest crumb of friendship he drops.  In her talking heads she acts like she is on to his word salad and lack of effort.  Wonder if talking heads were shot during the experiment or after decision day and they decided to give her an opportunity to change her narrative.

Edited by Booger666
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10 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Mindy is taking the marriage too much for granted with those ugly baggy pants.  Too comfortable for 2 1/2 weeks. That's the kind of outfit that you wear after a year and you got a ring.  Zach isn't going to be into her but at least try. Or at least try to look super appealing for some other man who might be watching the show but she's really not putting her best foot forward. Hey I'm a liberated woman and I feel like sometimes I don't feel like being a girly girl and having to do all that stuff for guys but you do need to dress up a little.

I'm old so I don't know if I would like these metro-sexual men with the masks and the pedicures and stuff.  

I hope that I would stay with Austin until I learned to love him.  He would be great as a long term partner.

Derrick seems to really be trying and I like him so far. I would suggest that unless the Person is repulsive you really should try beyond six weeks because it's crazy to be madly in love or even any kind of in love in six weeks. I know that many times six weeks is long enough to know there's no hope. I wants had a whirlwind romance that ended in six weeks I was crazy.  


I agree, the pants and tops have to go.  For a young woman, she is blah. When she gets dressed up and fixes her hair and makeup, she looks attractive.  She does tho, have to get rid of those front teeth.  It would make a world of difference, not for Zack, but anybody. She’s a lovely person and should put her best foot forward.  She’s on t.v. for goodness sakes.  That goes for Katy too.  She always looks messy.









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And, this is the episode when we finally get some truths!  Taylor would have gone on ANY reality show.  And yet she chooses one in which the potential to really hurt someone else was very real-she's just fortunate that the show she chose matched her up with someone else who was not totally in this for the "right reasons" (yes, I watch The Bachelor...).  Had she been paired with someone who was very earnest about the "journey" she would really face some backlash.  As it is, as bad as Brandon has been shown to be, she comes out of this even worse.  Marriage not going to work out?  Well, just wait out the rest of the eight weeks, then go back on instagram and talk about being single.  Congrats Taylor, you won the title of "being the worst person in this relationship" against Brandon (of all people!).

Oh, and Jessica?  Refusing to say "I love you" until after Austin does shows a level of control that very few people would want to experience.  Why make rules like that in a relationship?  Same with Katie-trying to hard to set rules about how the other person behaves and/or what they do.  Get over yourselves.

Now, I do not know about Michael's situation, BUT, if he signed a contract to be a principal (any administrator) and misinformed HR about his credentials, education, and/or experience it would be grounds for dismissal or reassignment after they conduct the reference and credentials checks.  I think that pretty much in any professional field this could lead to dismissal or reassignment.  Please note that, again, I do not know any specifics about Michael, but this is what made sense to me regarding the change in his position

Edited by seacliffsal
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12 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Taylor has refused to understand Brandon's objection to her constant phone attention, when he is right there. She has been giving him the distinct impression that her "followers" matter most, and always will. Hence, Brandon splits the scene, stage left.

Meka might have faked a little enthusiasm at getting the candy. Crack a smile, FPS! About his job: I think Michael simply prefers not to discuss that subject on camera or in the show at all.

So, Zach, about love..."Here, doggie! Come here, boy!"



11 hours ago, Kira53 said:

The editing monkeys make everything look bad.  So funny Brandon taking his huge plate to another room.  Male entitlement.  He isn't giving much, why not be on her phone?  I'm not a social media person but most people are addicted to it.  She needs a lot of attention and Brandon doesn't give a lot of positive attention.


9 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Meka the Interrogator is exhausting.  To me, the job thing wasn’t about Michael “lying” it was about him being less successful in her view.   Perhaps if she’d shown empathy towards Michael and asked him about how he felt and what that job meant to him, versus you’re lying you’re lying you’re lying what’s that do to our finances, he would’ve opened up to her.  I totally get it when Michael said he felt like she’s just waiting for a gotcha moment. Not that I think Michael is a prize, but I just think Meka is way too immature for marriage.  And Meka, stop saying “dat.”  

Brandon is also a terrible communicator.  WTF does “pulling an attitude” mean?  (I mean, I know, but wrong argument.) He just needs to speak plainly (as does Zach) and say, “this week’s worth of food you’ve prepared is wonderful, how about you put the phone down.”  He can’t even make small talk.

It would be nice if Jessica said some of the nice things about Austen in her talking heads TO Austen vs the passive aggressive controlling jokes.

I’d be good if Katie never said “like” again.



8 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I think Taylor was wrong for posting that message. She messed up big time, because Brandon will now play the victim. I have a feeling he wanted out since Day One and was just looking for an excuse. 

Someone should probably tell Katie and Jessica that you shouldn’t force your partner to say, “I love you”; its more meaningful if it happens organically.

That Meka is one tough cookie. I believe Michael underestimated her. She doesn’t let him get away with anything. 


7 hours ago, sometimesjennifer said:

Or at least seems to think she knows everything about relationships. Just because Derek's experiences are different from hers doesn't mean they're not valid. She needs to stop judging him for this nonsensical timeline of possibly being in love and focus on developing the relationship they're in now.

She clearly sees herself as some kind of glamour girl this nerdy guy is lucky to have married. I mean, I applaud confidence in anyone but she looks like the tiny offspring of a turtle and a frog while he looks like Ashton Kutcher's little brother. She needs to stop with that condescending shit because it's making her look delusionally egotistical.

In the past I have gently defended Taylor's enjoyment of social media, but that video was the end for me. Vacation photo shoots and food pics? Have at it. Spouting thinly veiled insults at your husband? No, ma'am. It was like I heard a record scratch and my jaw dropped open. No matter what he did, that was totally uncalled for. She's married. To him. Who else could that have been about?? She's out here trying to claim she innocently thought it was "funny." Stop that bullshit. She had the nerve to put him on blast on Instagram and then complain that he left without talking to her first? No, just no. Call the experts if you're suffering. Don't try to entertain your followers with your vitriol. They're both coming off as horrible people.

He tried to say that his "version" of giving it his all "might not include moving in." His version of reality seems very different from a lot of people's. I guess I'm just not emotionally intelligent enough to "get" him. 😖


7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I can't imagine any sane person wanting to sign up for this show after this season.

There is no way Brandon was lying about Taylor signing up for shows. Her on temptation island sounds right up her alley.

With all the rumors that Taylor is a sub in for women who dropped out of the show, it makes sense that they were able to get her. She just wanted to get on TV. 

Brandon is no prize but they should have scrapped that couple. They were clearly never a real match.


4 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

i developed a girl crush on Zach’s sister as soon as I saw her eyes glaze over while he was giving her the same word salad he is consistently doing with everyone else.

I feel like I am always negative, so I will start with positives.

Bravo to Taylor, Austin, and Katie for cooking in this and past episodes. I feel like this show likes to pretend young people these days do not know their way around a stove, oven, or even microwave. Kate, girl, you do have to tie up the hair or it will end up in the food.

Meka, I know it felt good to cut out that weave. Yaaazzzz, queen with your awesome natural hair.

I have a confession, I find Derek as hot as a lot of you find Zach. If he looked at me with those big chocolate eyes and told me he would happily put me on his health insurance...I would swoon.

I find Jessica to be a handsome woman. I call a woman handsome when she is very attractive but does nor necessarily have feminine features. This is going to sound weird but I think this couple will have some very good looking kids because the girls will be pretty like Austin and the guys will be handsome like Jessica.

Now back to the usual snark.

Taylor, I was on your side. You cooked a hella of a meal with what looked like surf and turf that included a Caesar salad.  

You Just can’t post an Insta story about being single and passive aggressively diss your husband and then stay out all night with your friends wearing a Freakum dress. That does not scream “married woman”.

Brandon, I see you. You were saying you were hurt but you were struggling to not bust out with a big ole grin. You were waiting for Taylor to mess up so you could grab a free pass to get out of this marriage.

I actually think the problem with this marriage was not just Taylor being phony and Brandon not liking her in the first place.

In “How I Met Your Mother” they talk about each couple having a reacher or and a settler.

The reacher always works harder for the relationship because they are the one who married up.

I have a feeling both Brandon and Taylor are used to being catered to in a relationship. They both look at themselves at settlers and the other person should do most of the work. For this aspect I actually think Taylor made more of an effort...Brandon stopped trying the day of the wedding.

Michael with his ever changing job offers  make me want to yell at him like Tommy from Martin “You ain’t got NO JOB!”



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23 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I agree, the pants and tops have to go.  For a young woman, she is blah. When she gets dressed up and fixes her hair and makeup, she looks attractive.  She does tho, have to get rid of those front teeth.  It would make a world of difference, not for Zack, but anybody. She’s a lovely person and should put her best foot forward.  She’s on t.v. for goodness sakes.  That goes for Katy too.  She always looks messy.

Um...what? I don't understand this at all. Are you saying she has to replace her teeth--actual bones in her head--and then she would be more attractive to anyone?

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7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Oh, and Jessica?  Refusing to say "I love you" until after Austin does shows a level of control that very few people would want to experience.  Why make rules like that in a relationship?  Same with Katie-trying to hard to set rules about how the other person behaves and/or what they do.  Get over yourselves.

That whole thing felt forced and like the producers might have prodded her about it because they have zero flashy drama to contend with so far, so they must think we will find that boring. I don't! It's a nice reprieve, and almost jarring to see them just living their lives and behaving like a good old fashioned married couple still feeling each other out after the bonkers scenes with the other couples. If Jessica really doesn't want to be the first one to say the all too over-hyped magical 3 little words, why not at least tell him she can feel herself falling for him? Or if that is too much, she could just say stuff like, "I love being with you" or "I love the way I feel when I am with you" or even go with the love-adjacent "I'm crazy about you" if she feels the urge to express that kind of stuff to him. The fact that she is worried it might slip out during mundane activities illustrates that her feelings are pretty damn strong, and while I understand her hesitance to throw it all out there when she's not sure he feels for her on the same level yet, she could release the pressure a little with other sweet words of affection. It's not that difficult, and like I said, I don't think it's as much of a struggle or an issue as that TH tried to make it seem. I am rooting for them.

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52 minutes ago, qtpye said:


Bravo to Taylor, Austin, and Katie for cooking in this and past episodes. I feel like this show likes to pretend young people these days do not know their way around a stove, oven, or even microwave. Kate, girl, you do have to tie up the hair or it will end up in the food.

Are you referring to the mac n cheese, because that was all Derek. 

Btw, I think mac n cheese as a dinner (No vegetables, no protein) is so childish.

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36 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

@Captain Asshat, I think the comment was referring to Mindy's very bad veneers. Many people think they are going to have prettier teeth, but they come out way too large and I refer to them as cow teeth. She could have smaller ones made. These are NOT her real teeth. Veneers are covers that go over the teeth.

I know what veneers are. Since the OP said "teeth," that's what I thought she was referring to. Veneers make more sense and would have been more clear than "teeth." 🙂

Edited by Captain Asshat
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20 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

Are you referring to the mac n cheese, because that was all Derek. 

Btw, I think mac n cheese as a dinner (No vegetables, no protein) is so childish.

Hey, at least they didn't show him polishing off his plate and then announcing he had to take a massive, cheese-tastic dump. I have no doubt that he did that, but at least they didn't SHOW it. 💩

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14 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

“We’re both strong-willed people and I apologize for not communicating.  I’m still not going to be open with you, but here‘s a box of candy.”


Haha, typical.  He should have added “and I don’t know what the hell youre talking about anyhow.”   It has been my experience that most times, men hate confrontation, don’t get what we need or want and hate discussions about what’s bothering us.  Most are not too verbal.  That’s why Brandon took his food and went into another room, or else he would have needed an alkaseltzer.  Once, when I was mad at my husband, I said I wanted an apology.  He said “ I apologize “.  I said “for what”?.  He said “for whatever you are mad at”.  He didn’t even know.  That’s Brandon.  Lol.

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

Meka, I know it felt good to cut out that weave. Yaaazzzz, queen with your awesome natural hair.

I thought that was a nice moment between them. Reminded me of Creed when Michael B. Jordan helped take down Tessa Thompson’s braids.

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On 2/26/2020 at 9:42 PM, ShowFan said:

I noticed Brandon was referring to his previous partner as “them” and “they” although he eventually said “woman”. Is that a thing today? 

I noticed that also!! 

Why are they even allowed to post on Instagram during the filming? I thought everything was under wraps until the show aired?

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10 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I thought that was a nice moment between them. Reminded me of Creed when Michael B. Jordan helped take down Tessa Thompson’s braids.

I think that might have been what Michael wanted it to be but Meka didn’t trust that he wouldn’t lop off half her head. 

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Regarding Mindy's teeth, I honestly can't tell if they're veneers or her real teeth.  I do think she's attractive, she has what I'd call a "classy" face, but she'd look so much better if she put on some pounds and had a fuller face.  I also noticed that she cleans up well in her talking heads, so I don't know why she dresses so sloppily otherwise.  That is, unless she doesn't care since she knows Zach isn't attracted anyway.

Speaking of sloppy, Michael needs to clean up his act as well.  When he and Brandon were walking down the street, Michael looked like he just rolled out of bed.  Maybe he doesn't care either since he's over Meka.  All I know is, if I were on television I'd make an effort to look put together, no matter how I felt about my partner.     

On the other hand, Taylor makes sure she's either in booty shorts or short outfits to show off her Instagram body, so I don't understand the messy hair. 

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3 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Regarding Mindy's teeth, I honestly can't tell if they're veneers or her real teeth.  I do think she's attractive, she has what I'd call a "classy" face, but she'd look so much better if she put on some pounds and had a fuller face.  I also noticed that she cleans up well in her talking heads, so I don't know why she dresses so sloppily otherwise.  That is, unless she doesn't care since she knows Zach isn't attracted anyway.

Speaking of sloppy, Michael needs to clean up his act as well.  When he and Brandon were walking down the street, Michael looked like he just rolled out of bed.  Maybe he doesn't care either since he's over Meka.  All I know is, if I were on television I'd make an effort to look put together, no matter how I felt about my partner.     

On the other hand, Taylor makes sure she's either in booty shorts or short outfits to show off her Instagram body, so I don't understand the messy hair. 

Not to be shallow, but it is weird how Taylor takes a lot of pride in her appearance but does nothing about that wig.

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1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

@Captain Asshat, I think the comment was referring to Mindy's very bad veneers. Many people think they are going to have prettier teeth, but they come out way too large and I refer to them as cow teeth. She could have smaller ones made. These are NOT her real teeth. Veneers are covers that go over the teeth.

Thank you.

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15 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

And Brandon is out! I’ll bet the ‘experts’ try to talk him into going back. 

Well, he left the apartment key behind!  The" experts" will probably text him to go back. They aren't showing up.

I wonder if they (except Zach) forward their mail to new address or what do they do for eight weeks? Make trips back home?

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10 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Not to be shallow, but it is weird how Taylor takes a lot of pride in her appearance but does nothing about that wig.

Yeah, and I was just thinking, she made a gigantic meal fit fora King, then she sat down with her phone and starts interrogating Brandon.  It wasn’t the time and place and it was stupid.  I would have taken the food and left too.  The wig is just too much.  It overpowers her.


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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Tardy to the party...

What is with the 6 canisters of air freshener on Tay/Bray’s counter top...crack a window.....

Michael’s clipped style of speaking makes me feel all kinds of annoyed...

Meka likes candy and that was a nice apology gesture by her husband who has Barney Rubble feet.

Taylor’s generous dinner portions...the only thing to like about her...

Brandon....your air purifier is not in the kitchen cabinets or the fridge....bye...

Austin, you are a sweetie....and don’t let Jess goad you into saying the L word.

Mindy stop being excited when Zach comes over....he’s not

In the tease, Mindy finally gets her bag of bones all up and entangled in Zach’s frontal personal space as some sort of couples exercise....please let that be a freshly laundered tank top, not one stanky from skate practice....Zach’s body language says he would rather hug Mills after rolling in his own doggie poo than having to hold Minsy intimately....




It was an exercise?  Here I thought they were making out on their own.  Mindy looked like she was in heaven.  He, had a weird smirk on his face.  Eyes open, hers closed.  What was expected with that?  That was bad.

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I think the whole thing with the "L" word was producer instigated by having them answer those stupid "relationship" questions.  Geez Louise, this generation overcomplicates and overthinks EVERYTHING already, don't give them even MORE reasons to take a step back from each other and lose interest!  I truly think the show is sabotaging these relationships just for drama.  Speaking of the absence of the experts, why aren't we seeing them getting on Michael for his lack of communication, or Brandon for his bugging out yet again instead of facing Taylor head on?  Where are they when all this happens?  All Dr. Jessica can say to Taylor is "Well, I hope things can get back on track with y'all" instead of offering real help!  What charlatans and shills for the show they are!  Sometimes I think this show is intentionally abusive to these partners, especially the women.  Unless they just haven't shown us their meetings with the experts on this subject and instead have "treated" us to yet more tedious go-nowhere "word salad" relationship talk.  Anything to pad these shows out to 2 hours, huh?  Don't they realize the audience is getting tired of it?

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15 hours ago, ShowFan said:

I noticed Brandon was referring to his previous partner as “them” and “they” although he eventually said “woman”. Is that a thing today? 

I work on a college campus, yes it is a thing today.  

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9 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

It was an exercise?  Here I thought they were making out on their own.  Mindy looked like she was in heaven.  He, had a weird smirk on his face.  Eyes open, hers closed.  What was expected with that?  That was bad.

Thought the camera angle was such that you couldn't see the loaded gun pointed at Zach's head as Minsy straddled him...

Could be wrong but he looks like he would rather be any place but under her groin to groin and with her open armpits touching him.....

The smirk may be from holding his breath.....

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42 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

On the other hand, Taylor makes sure she's either in booty shorts or short outfits to show off her Instagram body, so I don't understand the messy hair. 

It's called the "just fucked" look.  Supposed to be sexy.  LOL, how can she be sexy when her hairline is almost to her shoulders?

I believe she did want to be on Temptation Island, she's got the TI clothes down pat.

I think Taylor is staying with Brandon because she knows if she asks for a divorce, it's less camera time, and less time to show off her cute outfits and broke down wigs.

Edited by Neurochick
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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I agree, the pants and tops have to go.  For a young woman, she is blah. When she gets dressed up and fixes her hair and makeup, she looks attractive.  She does tho, have to get rid of those front teeth.  It would make a world of difference, not for Zack, but anybody. She’s a lovely person and should put her best foot forward.  She’s on t.v. for goodness sakes.  

Re: Mindy, I couldn't agree more.  That outfit with Zach where she tied her hair up so haphazardly and wore those droopy leggings was so bad.....I didn't even dress that bad when I went to the hospital for my gallbladder operation, let alone on what is essentially a DATE on TV.  If she hasn't really given up on the relationship yet then why is she dressing like she has?  Probably because she's so thin she doesn't even fill out an xxxs in yoga pants, which is likely the sorry truth.  I hate to be this way because I agree she's a lovely person and can look so much better when she tries.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

Brandon, I see you. You were saying you were hurt but you were struggling to not bust out with a big ole grin. You were waiting for Taylor to mess up so you could grab a free pass to get out of this marriage.

So why didn't Taylor leave when Brandon was nasty to her?  To play the victim?   To be a professional martyr?  To get more camera time?

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like Brandon so much more than I ever thought I would and now I get why he was so upset at the recording.  She probably was IGing everything when they first met.  And for someone I thought was so smart, so put together, she's an immature valley girl who can't string together a sentence without "like" and "whatever."  

Zach.  Does he really want us to believe he never used a facemask?  And there is zero chemistry.  I personally think Mindy is attractive, while yes, looking older than her years.  I can't imagine how awkward is would be to have someone flat out tell you they weren't attracted to you and then try to make him attracted.  I'm sure she was hoping there would be a spark when she put on the mask and then redid the mask, but there's zero.  Other than trying to save face for a show, I bet in real life, a first date with him and his world salad and zero personality, she'd be blowing him off.  He's not that goodlooking to be that boring.

Austin.  I love him.  He's a cutie.  I wonder if his mom/wife was surprised that he isn't in love yet?

Michael.  My God dude.  He's a habitual liar.  Why would anyone lie so much on a show for the world to see?

Edited by sasha206
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Does anyone else find it strange that Brandon and Michael seem to talk on a regular basis? Brandon must have DM'd him Taylor's post, which he then showed to Meka so they could discuss it. Have we ever seen such a blatant case of producer manipulation? I mean, this show is wild but this season just seems so heavy handed with the scripting. All of that with Taylor and Brandon just happened to happen the same night Michael and Meka were on their date night?

Brandon and Michael probably get together regularly to bitch about the show and their wives. Wasn't Michael the one who piped up to say Brandon was working when he was late to lunch last week? It all just seems so fake - not their friendship but everything with the show.

I can't believe any single one of them at this point. I'm including the show as well. They clearly want us to see Taylor on her phone all the time, Brandon losing his shit almost every episode, Meka accusing Michael of lying during every conversation and Michael is now saying he doesn't trust his wife, meanwhile he can't give a straight answer about damn near anything.

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15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

So why didn't Taylor leave when Brandon was nasty to her?  To play the victim?   To be a professional martyr?  To get more camera time?

I think she did kind of like him in the beginning and was not just trying to play him. Yes, she is a reality tv wanna be but I think she did try to like him. I would not be surprised if she dove more into SM as he started to be cold to her. I honestly think everyone who does this show is a reality show wanna be since this show has such a horrible record of successful marriages. 

Of course, she could be a total phony, I guess we will have to wait and see.

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2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Derek said he was in one relationship for two years. I find it strange that he didn't love that woman

I'm kind of thinking he, and most of these people, have no idea what love is.  One person in this episode said basically it was like being super infatuated all the time, 100% pedal to the medal.  I wonder if they expect that after year 3 or 5 or 10,  that that "exact feeling" is still there.

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2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Derek said he was in one relationship for two years. I find it strange that he didn't love that woman

I thought about this. I don't know him personally but he may be of the mind because that relationship never amounted to anything substantial, as in marriage, that he wasn't actually in love. He said in confessional that he feels that you should only be in love with one person. That's the person you, marry and grow old with etc. So, if has done that with no one yet, then he thinks he hasn't been in love. And since this is such a young relationship he can't drop the I love you yet either. He doesn't know where it's going to go. 

He may be putting too much pressure on that word or that feeling. 

Like I've felt all the things towards certain women in my life that would constitute being in love. But, those women never felt the same way about me. They loved me as a friend and all that. So, I can't say I've ever been in love. In 37 and soon to be 38. When or if it falls together both ways, I could say it.

We also don't know if that relationship was done on again off again thing that wasn't built to last either. Time-frames of relationships mean nothing without context.

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6 hours ago, Kareem said:

 If she needed a picture of the meal she just made, do it in the kitchen before you sit down with the clown you’re married to who’s not fond of your time on Insta.


18 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

They clearly want us to see Taylor on her phone all the time, Brandon losing his shit almost every episode,

I have a theory that Brandon was informed early on that his wife wanted to be on some other reality tv shows, and he is totally bugged by that.  So her IG video WOULD BE slamming the door worthy.  Think back to all his comment for "social media" and "instagram"...they can sound like just he is miffed at her always filming stuff, but it's part code that she is living out basically a fake-marriage story line and communicating to her fans while doing so.  Totally posturing in some way, ready for when the marriage "fails."  Oh, and remember that major freak out waking up with the camera in his face.  He knew!!!

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Do we think Michael really got a Director job?

3 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

 Oh, and remember that major freak out waking up with the camera in his face.  He knew!!!

That's what I.'m now led to believe.  He already knew her motives.  Already knew what she was about.

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20 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I'm kind of thinking he, and most of these people, have no idea what love is.  One person in this episode said basically it was like being super infatuated all the time, 100% pedal to the medal.  I wonder if they expect that after year 3 or 5 or 10,  that that "exact feeling" is still there.

This reminds me of Darcy on 90DF who had known a guy IRL for like 2 weeks (after chatting online/phone with him for 4 years). She was saying "I love you" to him all the time and was miffed that all she would get back from him was an uncomfortable stare. In one of her TH's she said something like, "I love you is a very special thing to say. Maybe he's just waiting for the right time." It seems like some of these people (and maybe even the experts) subscribe to that - that saying "I love you"/being "in love" is just some "special" thing you do with a person to whom you are attracted and like a lot, rather than a real emotional bond with someone you care for deeply.

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16 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Meka might have faked a little enthusiasm at getting the candy. Crack a smile, FPS! About his job: I think Michael simply prefers not to discuss that subject on camera or in the show at all.



But he has talked about the job.  That he is going to make DOUBLE what he did when he signed up for the show.   Then he takes a different job and when questioned about that different job he gives a bunch of shady AF answers.   I would be willing to bet this "Director" job doesn't materialize either.

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15 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Mindy is taking the marriage too much for granted with those ugly baggy pants.  Too comfortable for 2 1/2 weeks. That's the kind of outfit that you wear after a year and you got a ring.  Zach isn't going to be into her but at least try. Or at least try to look super appealing for some other man who might be watching the show but she's really not putting her best foot forward. Hey I'm a liberated woman and I feel like sometimes I don't feel like being a girly girl and having to do all that stuff for guys but you do need to dress up a little.


She's been dressed up before for him, and he flat out said he wasn't into her in then.   don't think I'd get all dressy for a guy that didn't want me.  

Not to mention, a lot of men prefer a dressed down girl.  I always dress up for the boyfriend, make up nice.    I had a hockey game before going to his house and wasn't going to have time to get dressed up.  I didn't even shower! Came over with my hair back, little makeup, tshirt and sweats and he was way turned on!


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17 hours ago, linley said:

Katie sure has had a lot of relationships for 26.

She has?  She talked about the one boyfriend and then in general terms about being hurt in other relationships.  At 26, most people have had a lot of relationships.  What's wrong with that?  That's what you're supposed to do when you are young and single.  He's also talked about being such a heartbreaker!  He breaks hearts but hasn't had his heart broken.  But we don't talk about him sure having a lot of relationships do we?

I don't blame her at all for having concern when he says he's never fallen in love.  I'd be wondering what it takes, do I have it or whether he's just a player on a reality show.  I'd be concerned about him saying he is always the one breaking hearts is also, dated someone for 2 years without feeling love?  What?  Now he's just picky?

His perspective on what love is in his talking head sounds extremely infantile to me.  I mean, kudos for him for not confusing infatuation with love, but thinking that only real love just one person on the universe of people sounds awfully immature and Disney fairy tale.

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16 hours ago, Kira53 said:

Just because you're married but you've never met before a couple of weeks ago who would expect to be saying I love you.

Dallas Bobby.

Blame the  producers for having an episode called "The L Word".

It is not realistic for eight weeks but realistic for the drama, I guess.

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28 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Katie has diabetes.  Derek offered to put her on his health plan.  This leads me to believe that his plan is better than hers.  If that doesn’t say I am in it for the long haul, I don’t know what does.  However, she is still miffed because he hasn’t said “I love you!” Talk about immature.

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think she's miffed he hasn't said it to HER yet, she's wondering whether he has the capacity to be in love with anyone.  He told her that he dated someone for two years.  Two years is an awfully long time to date someone and still claim to have never been in love.  Then he tells her how he breaks hearts doncha know!  He hasn't had his heart broken.  

She hasn't said "I love you" to him yet either.  But she has felt love and knows she's capable of it.  She's wondering if he's capable of it or frankly just full of shit.  I'm thinking it's the latter.

Edited by sasha206
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