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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Jokers 08/15/14 09:16 PM

Caleb tells Derrick that he will trip him (Donny) up and bust his face before he lets him win the veto tomorrow. NT


Well, now I have to murder somebody. I hope you all will write to me in prison.


Sitting here watching Caleb pop off a nursery rhyme

Nothin’ better to do with my time

Than to watch some buzz-headed f**k

Rank on Donny - Boy, you wish you had that kind of luck

To be half the man that Donny is

But next to him, you’re just a stream of - better say whiz

Running down the leg of my pants

Make me want to get up and tap dance

A new rhythm on the side of your head

Think you’re to knock down the DonMan?  Try it - you’ll be dead

Before you even hit the floor

Try it - you won’t see nothing no more

Through those dimestore frames that got no glass

Pardon while I sit back and watch you get knocked on your ass.

  • Love 14

Caleb won't do a darn thing to Donny. He'll be the first one to try to be Donny's BFF when Donny wins America's Choice. (Please let Donny win, please let Donny win)


I'd be okay with Donny not winning America's Favorite if it meant he won the whole thing. ;) (Which, okay, I know would never happen, but still!)

  • Love 4


Do they only show the TV episodes, or do they have access to the feeds to kind of fast forward watch through them? Because if you are new to the game and don't know the live feeds stuff, you are really missing a huge part of what actually goes on. It almost seems misleading to prep houseguests this way.

I think they show only the episodes no live feed stuff. This is an assumption based on every year a house guest does not know how the feeds work.


He says it in reference to other HGs too though, mostly Zach. It's just another way for him to be patronizing to everyone around him. It's "nicer" than saying dumbass, which is what he really means.


I keep waiting for someone to say, "Shut up, Dorothy."   



Caleb, you are not a lyrical genius. My four year old is a better rapper than you. Please stop.


Yeah, I think Eminem can sleep sound tonight.

  • Love 1

But if he wins America's Favorite that means he wasn't in the top two. I'm still delusionally holding out hope!!

I get it. I'm not giving up on Donny FTW. At all. BUT, if he doesn't win, he has to know how much America loves him! Bless his heart. And I mean that in the nice southern way, not the you're an idiot way.

  • Love 5

From Joker's:

Fri 11:42 PM BBT

Cal tells Donny Hayden was talking bad about him.

Donny: did you hear him say it?

Caleb: No. Derrick told me.

Don: Nuff said.

'Nuff said indeed.

Donny! I hate it when he goes to bed. Right now Caleb is talking about himself, and Derrick is listening to Victoria.

Edited by Wavesofblue

I have a dream that veto gets used on Caleb, and that Frankie somehow realizes this is the golden opportunity to get rid of Derrick.  (Please BB gods, whisper the words "Big Moves" into Frankie's shell-like ears.) Then let "the House" realize that they won't get any better opportunity to send Derrick to jury.  Oh well, I would settle for getting rid of either Caleb or Cody (preferably Cody, because it would cause the most dismay to not only Cody, but Derrick and Christine).

  • Love 5

I have a dream that veto gets used on Caleb, and that Frankie somehow realizes this is the golden opportunity to get rid of Derrick. (Please BB gods, whisper the words "Big Moves" into Frankie's shell-like ears.) Then let "the House" realize that they won't get any better opportunity to send Derrick to jury. Oh well, I would settle for getting rid of either Caleb or Cody (preferably Cody, because it would cause the most dismay to not only Cody, but Derrick and Christine).

Your words to the idiot BB's ears. Cross your fingers.

Edited by Wavesofblue
  • Love 2

Derrick crying to Victoria about how something threw his focus off. Hmmm...I wonder if it is not having everything go exactly your way for the first time in the entire show?


Damn, dude. I don't mean to knock the guy for crying in general, as honestly, I get it - this situation would make anyone emotional (lord knows that I'm sure I would get emotional at some point in the game if I were stuck in that house), but it is just kind of weird that the guy has the first sign of distress in his whole time here and he's breaking down over it. 

  • Love 9

Yay, Donny! 


I want there to be a John Malkovitch entrance into Caleb's head. The amount of space available must be amazing. 


That would be horrifying.


He's freestyle rapping in the bathroom right now. It's pure gold. He was about to start a new verse and was like "I got 6 senses..wait, how many senses are there, 6 or 7?" Good lord, did he even make it through elementary school?


I was laughing so hard at his lame ass attempts to rhyme. He gives me the shits, but I can't deny that his stupidity entertains me.

A couple of points...


1. I think Derrick is seriously...hmmm...I don't know if the word "pissed" really fits, but definitely upset in some manner or fashion over the "Go Donny!" remark. He is more realistic about how they are all viewed by the outside world, but I don't think he ever thought it was bad enough that people working for the show would be rooting against him. Also, for a guy who knows how the show can distort things, he likely is MORE rattled by a non-biased observer rooting against him. That likely led to his comment about how people wouldn't be rooting for Donny if it was taking food out of their kids' mouths. In other words, "Wah. People should like me more!"


2. I have been fine with Donny's game all season long, but if he doesn't use his first piece of safety in forever to actually try to make some moves, then I'll have my first real criticism of him. This is the time to get in Frankie's ear. What's the worst that could happen? Everyone might try to vote him out? Oh wait, that's already happened! So seriously, Donny, make your pitch to Frankie. There is a very decent chance that the POV could be used (Caleb would use it, Cody would use it and either Donny or Frankie could use it). In fact, I think Victoria is the only one who wouldn't use it (as Christine could use it to take Cody off). So if Frankie has to make a move, this is the time for Donny to push him on it to put up Derrick. Donny, Christine and Zack vote out Derrick over Caleb and we have a whole new game, one that would serve Frankie pretty well, honestly. Donny has to at least make the pitch. 

  • Love 9

Derrick crying to Victoria about how something threw his focus off. Hmmm...I wonder if it is not having everything go exactly your way for the first time in the entire show?


Damn, dude. I don't mean to knock the guy for crying in general, as honestly, I get it - this situation would make anyone emotional (lord knows that I'm sure I would get emotional at some point in the game if I were stuck in that house), but it is just kind of weird that the guy has the first sign of distress in his whole time here and he's breaking down over it. 



  • Love 11

Christine told Frankie that she'd help clear people out of his HoH room for him. Wow, this lady seriously has no self esteem, does she? 



EDITED TO ADD:  Oh man, this is delicious. Dee-lish-us. They're all gathered around discussing how much everyone was pumped about Donny winning BotB and they're talking about how the BotB have been changed so that you can't really throw them as easily as you used to be able to. Most of it is pretty normal stuff, like Christine asking "Does America not like us?" Hilarious, but to be expected from Christine. But no, the delicious bit is just how much this is eating at Derrick. He flat out acknowledges how it hurts for them to be seen as the bad guys, but he then tries to explain it by saying of COURSE they're rooting for Donny, it's 6-1 against him. It doesn't MEAN anything. This is so messing with Derrick's head and I'm loving it. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 9

I am really surprised Derrick is so upset about the "Go Donny" comment. He struck me as the type of guy who was using Big Brother as a business trip and would go back to his regular life after this. I really hope Donny tells Zach about Derrick running things because Zach will most likely blab it to Frankie which will plant some seeds. Frankie knows Zach will give him more camera time then working with Derrick. I really don't want Cody to be voted out because he has a good shot winning the competition to return to the house.

  • Love 2

A few items from Joker's which got me to thinking (always a dangerous thing) - time to put on your Criminal Minds BAU ball caps, sports fans:

Sat 12:05 AM BBT Earlier, Caleb says they heard a production guy say "Go Donny!" during BOTB. Derrick seemed upset by it.

Sat 12:01 AM BBT Derrick says he's upset about something he can't talk about, pertains to the show. Won't tell Victoria.

Fri 11:58 PM BBT Derrick sniffling and crying more to Victoria. Saying how focused he has been but something thru it off he can't say.

Fri 11:51 PM BBT Derrick is crying in the HOH room with his daughters blanket around his neck to Victoria.

Okay, several possibilities here:

A. Derrick is trying to snow Victoria about something. God knows tears would be effective in such a ploy dealing with The High Queen Of Readily Available Waterworks. Nothing new about that, keep moving, nothing to see here.

B. Derrick is trying to snow the live feeders about something. Two things leap immediately to mind:

B.1. Primary thing I can think of is, he's worried how his latest, most comprehensive, and (most importantly) failed mission to submarine Donny - a fellow TA(FY!) Player - is going to play in Poughkeepsie, and he's trying to do some baseline damage control.

B.2. He is feigning homesickness so viewers will feel bad for him and vote to give him money.

C. Derrick isn't trying to snow viewers, and is genuinely distressed about something. I see two primary branches down this fork in the trail:

C.1. Derrick is distressed about something outside the Game - maybe simply homesick, or worried about things at home, or whether his job will still be there when he gets out, etc., etc. Understandable, but unverifiable. Moving on....

C.2. Derrick is distressed about something in the Game. I think this is the kewpie doll here, folks, because - if taken in conjunction with Caleb's statement about Derrick being upset by Production's apparent cheering of Donny - I suspect Our Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent may be struggling with some uncomfortable personal insights.

I believe Derrick has (consciously or unconsciously) always assumed each of the TAFY players were selected by viewers for specific reasons:

- Frankie. Initially because he was flashy and entertaining, later because of his sister's fan base.

- Donnie. The kindly old country gent everybody finds likeable, and possibly something else (another star relative, maybe?) which has yet to be revealed.

- Derrick himself. Why would he be on this list? Possibly because he's a street-smart cop with the best skill set to win this game with this group of people? Hmmm, could be....

Purely personal observation born of insomnia, but I think Derrick's selection as part of TA(FY!) instilled in him the impression he's America's favorite horse to win the BB race - an impression which has grown and been supported by strategic victory after victory in the Game - an impression which might mean even if he doesn't make it to F2, he might be able to give Frankie a solid run for America's Favorite Player.

An impression which is cracked to its core when he hears even Production cannot contain itself in its support for Donny.

If Donny is Production's favorite player, then by extension might he not also be America's?

What has America been seeing that Derrick hasn't?

If he (Derrick) was wrong about that - what else might he be wrong about?

Like everybody else, Derrick's life within the construct of this game is based upon a set of fundamental perceptions which serve as the foundation of every decision, every action, every interaction, etc. It's served him well so far, but lately it has seemed like the wheels are coming off, and now he's considering the unsettling possibility a substantial portion of his foundation is MIA.

If - and it's a BIG if - C.2 is the reason for Derrick's turmoil, then only time will tell if he can (a) wrap his head around it, accept the suggestion he's not America's favorite, and move on, or (b) come up with an excuse to rationalize away any such challenges to his original perceptions.

P.S.: Sigh. Looks like Derrick's already started to rationalize Production's cheering as simple support for the underdog. Again, from Joker's:

Sat 1:10 AM BBT Derrick: If it's 6 to 1 of course the audience will root for Donny, it's disheartening but it is what it is.

  • Love 5

Sat 1:10 AM BBT Derrick: If it's 6 to 1 of course the audience will root for Donny, it's disheartening but it is what it is.

Yeah, but just the fact that he is talking about it this much shows that it clearly IS driving him nuts. Note that even as he explains why it isn't a reflection on them, he admits that it is disheartening. 

  • Love 4

Standing ovation for your song, Nashville! I'm holding up an imaginary lighter.

Thank you, ma'am. Caleb keeps going on about coming to Nashville, where everybody will - of course - fall in love with him and start shoving album contracts down his pants.

Just wanted to give BMBB fair warning: if you're coming this way, better bring a helluva lot better A-game than what you've shown so far.

We're talking a Music City USA, baby.

Here, a 50-something database administrator can out-rhyme your sorry ass.

P.S.: I knocked that out in about 90 seconds even. Not bad, huh? ;>

  • Love 9

C.2. Derrick is distressed about something in the Game. I think this is the kewpie doll here, folks, because - if taken in conjunction with Caleb's statement about Derrick being upset by Production's apparent cheering of Donny - I suspect Our Friendly Neighborhood Narco Agent may be struggling with some uncomfortable personal insights.


Along these lines, Derrick may be worried that he's getting a bad edit on the TV show.  If he's a BB fan, then he knows that the TV edit can be very different than what appears on the live feeds.

  • Love 2


C. Derrick isn't trying to snow viewers, and is genuinely distressed about something. I see two primary branches down this fork in the trail:

You have some really great points here, Nashville. I doubt that he's genuinely upset, though, as he's trained to hold in his emotions working as an undercover cop. I think it may be a combination of a couple of your points. He's trying to score points with viewers as well as other house guests and I think he does see that he's no longer one of America's favorites due to the "Go Donny". I also think as you've said, that the wheels are starting to come off the bus & he's scrambling to put them back on. I sure would love to see him be the next one out the door!

Having ready through the thread about what happened yesterday in the house, I would like to say a couple things, if I could:


- First off, Congratulations Donny!  To use a couple Zachs; "Fear the Beard and you 'are a beast!', ya'll!"  (LOVE that he won the BotB, even having to do it against 1-v-3 odds)


- Secondly and lastly, to everyone in the house not named Donny, Victoria, & Zach; "Taste the Rainbow, bitches!!"

  • Love 9

Caleb and Derrick had a weird conversation about how Caleb would vote out Zach if Zach was up against Victoria. Which, well, fair enough, but that's not possible this week, so why even bring it up? It is crazy how Caleb is going out of his way to help Derrick bring along someone who is there only to be Derrick's goat. 

Caleb and Derrick had a weird conversation about how Caleb would vote out Zach if Zach was up against Victoria. Which, well, fair enough, but that's not possible this week, so why even bring it up? It is crazy how Caleb is going out of his way to help Derrick bring along someone who is there only to be Derrick's goat. 


I'm guessing that Caleb thinks the BS is still a 'thing'.  So that tells me all I need to know, when trying to figure out his thought processes.  Although, he would be voting out a BS vs a non-BS;  but they're well into the Jury now, so I'm guessing its "scratch & claw" time (in his mind).

No one in the alliance was willing to be put up and throw the competition, so the HoHs decided to draw Skittle colors from a bag to choose which three would go up.


The rundown from BigBrotherDaily:

They finally decided to draw Skittles in order to determine the nominees. The first one drawn would have to throw the competition. Zach chose orange, Cody chose red, Caleb chose green and Christine chose purple. The first Skittle drawn was purple, meaning that Christine has to go on the block with Donny and throw the competition. The next Skittle drawn was red, followed by green, meaning that Cody and Caleb will go on the block as Frankie’s nominees.

Must have missed it. Please - can someone explain the Skittles references?

They drew skittles to see who would go up against Donny and throw it and I think to see who else would go on the block. They told Donny they drew skittles to see who would go up and Donny's color was picked but he's on to them because he asked Derrick and Cody separately what color he was and they both said different colors.

  • Love 1

These Caleb gems are cracking me up, and reminded me of something he said the other day. He was talking about when BB cameras came to film him at home being a "real cowboy" and doing things real cowboys do. At one point, he was on a horse and said he kept trying to get it to do "the Hidey Ho", but it never would. Someone must have asked what the Hidey Ho is, or hell, maybe no one asked, it doesn't actually matter if Caleb wants to talk. Anyway, he went into a long, detailed description of basically a horse wheelie, like the kind "Zorro's horse" always did, up on the hill, when you would see the silhouette of Zorro and the horse up on its back legs kicking its front legs in the air. Either no one cared enough to say, "Caleb, it wasn't Zorro, it was the Lone Ranger, and it's not called the "Hidey Ho", you're thinking of when the Lone Ranger said "Hi-Yo Silver, away!", or no one in the room knew that none of this was actually about Zorro.

It is a bit twisted but I think Caleb is correctly immersed in Americana here...and I must chime in:

First off, the technical phrase or horse terminology for the action Caleb is describing is a horse "rearing" up on its hind legs. The thing is, Zorro's horse did do it. Funny though, some horse people do call it a "Hidey Ho" which is slang from watching the Lone Ranger say High Ho Silver, Away!

("High Ho silver, away!" was said every time my dad started the car, which was called old white, and my mother still says "Hidey Ho!"when answering the phone)

Edited by Seawolff
  • Love 2

I think it's safe to say that Donny is savvy enough to realize that actually winning the veto when he's already safe probably isn't the best thing to do, but I could see him accidentally winning it because the others are such crap. I'd love it if he did win, took down Caleb after making a deal to work with him, and either Derrick's protection of Victoria is exposed when he overplays his hand trying to keep his goat, or Derrick goes up himself. But, if the veto does get used, I'm sure it will be Zach that goes up and out, because I can't have nice things.

So, I've been reading up on yesterday.  First off, a big WOOHOO to Donny winning the BOTB even when it was set up for it to be thrown so he could be voted out!

Second, I think Donny does want to win the POV so he can keep the nominations the same.  He's trying to build something with Zach and he seems pretty sure that Zach will be backdoored if someone else wins the POV and uses it. 

  • Love 1

YAY Donny!!!


Zach mentioned again that if Victoria is on the block he's going to make her cry for a week. I want one of these women to tell him that as soon as he tries to do that to a guy on his way out, she won't think of him as such a pansy. I hate that he relishes the thought of harassing reserved, helpless (in the game) women and driving them to tears but wouldn't do that to a guy who could possibly get up in his face and either start getting aggressive with him or saying some embarrassing truths about him and making him look like a fool/wimp. Zach can be entertaining and I've enjoyed some of his antics, but I still think he's a spoiled, immature, attention loving, woman-hating little creep. By the way, I know Zach has said he's unemployed but does he ever say where he gets his spending money? He's been out of school for a year, right?


ETA: Watching some of the feeds from last night, I was glad to hear Frankie and Zach talking about who could win at the end. They agree that both Derrick and Donny would win easily if they were in F2. Frankie knows he's got only a slim chance of winning and that makes him a good person to take to the end. Zach thinks Christine and Cody couldn't win if either was in F2 but Frankie said he wasn't sure. They aren't sure about Caleb. They think both Christine and Donny could be jury members who might be swayed by final speeches in deciding (if Christine had 2 friends in F2).


This gives me more hope that if Frankie wins veto, which he very well could, he'll take a swing at Derrick. If he has Cody and Derrick on the block, I think Donny and Christine would vote to keep Cody. Zach would probably vote to keep Cody. Caleb and Vic vote to keep Derrick and Derrick goes home. I don't hate Derrick or anything but for entertainment purposes, it could be fun to watch once his influence is gone from the house.  Also, Zach and Frankie agree that Donny isn't a threat to them. But for some reason, Zach still thinks Donny should be the target for next week. Hope he's just blowing smoke.

Edited by NeelyO
  • Love 1

Frankie can get the votes to evict Derrick if he has the cojones to put him up. If he takes Caleb down, and puts up Derrick, he can maneuver Christine and Caleb and Donny's vote is a lock. I'm pretty sure Zach can also be persuaded with a combination of truth and lies.

I am really not rooting for Derrick to be evicted because that means Frankie wins and I dislike Frankie and his faux everything than I do Derrick. I would like Donny to win, but I think that is kind of impossible so than I have to think who is the next least objectionable. Victoria. Also sort of impossible. I get to Derrick through a process of elimination.

  • Love 1

The thing I've noticed Derrick does is act as if he is leaving the decision up to the person he is talking to, and then subtly influence them to do what he wants. For instance with Caleb, he was talking about who would go up if the veto was used. He told him he would go with whatever he (Caleb) decided. But then, while acting as if he could care less, convinced him that Victoria would be less of a threat than Zach. In the end Caleb not only thought he was the one who decided Victoria was the better choice, he actually thought he had the upper hand over Derrick. I can't stand Derrick, but that's pretty clever. If Caleb thinks he came up with a smart idea and Derrick agrees with it, he will, in his infinite stubbornness, defend that idea to the death. I bet he's doing something similar with all of them – using their weaknesses against them and playing to their egos. I think this is why everyone trusts him so much. He gets them to believe they are the ones controlling him. 

  • Love 5

I don't think it's really going to matter who comes back into the house even if it's Hayden or Nicole. Neither of them walked out of the house blaming Cody or Derrick for their eviction and I doubt they've wised up in the jury house. They'd probably come back in and go right back to working with Derrick and Cody to get rid of Frankie or Zach. Which would be fine but it wouldn't change anything. Nobody seems interested in targeting Derrick.

  • Love 3

By the way, I know Zach has said he's unemployed but does he ever say where he gets his spending money? He's been out of school for a year.

He actually just graduated in May and after he graduated he had a part time job as a server I think while living with his parents and seeing if he was going to get cast on BB. Now he says he wants to go back to living with his parents after the show, but "unemployed" for him really just means "hasn't started career yet". It's part of his persona they cast him as, because Nicole's title gets to be Recent Nursing Graduate while Zach gets Unemployed. I think he likes it for whatever reason though.

Jokers had updates about Donny trying to start an alliance with Zach last night. I so wish Zach would take that bait. Someone is coming back, and it could potentially change the tide in the house.

My pro-Zach self also wants Caleb gone this week, because Caleb is firmly anti-Zach lately. I can't tell what's happening in Frankie's sparkly mind, but I sure hope it's not a Zach backdoor. They seem ok, but Frankie has proven to be disloyal in the past.

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A favorite comment from Derrick last night regarding someone in production rooting for Donny was "we were all underdogs coming into the house."  Uh, Derrick, you were all part of an 8-person alliance beginning on Day 2.


Thanks AndreaK1041 for the scoop on Zach's employment status. I had it in my head that he's just been sitting around for a year living off his parents. And I agree, he milks the unemployed thing with the way he talks about living with his parents and golfing everyday.


I still think he acts like a pre-teen. When he was talking to Victoria the other day, spilling his guts, he told her about something he pulled on one of the women and Victoria said, 'you did that?" and Zach said, "Yeah, bros be...." stopping just in time as he realized he was talking to one of the ho's.

  • Love 1

The thing I've noticed Derrick does is act as if he is leaving the decision up to the person he is talking to, and then subtly influence them to do what he wants. For instance with Caleb, he was talking about who would go up if the veto was used. He told him he would go with whatever he (Caleb) decided. But then, while acting as if he could care less, convinced him that Victoria would be less of a threat than Zach. In the end Caleb not only thought he was the one who decided Victoria was the better choice, he actually thought he had the upper hand over Derrick. I can't stand Derrick, but that's pretty clever. If Caleb thinks he came up with a smart idea and Derrick agrees with it, he will, in his infinite stubbornness, defend that idea to the death. I bet he's doing something similar with all of them – using their weaknesses against them and playing to their egos. I think this is why everyone trusts him so much. He gets them to believe they are the ones controlling him.

Yes, I agree with you, that is how Derek is operating this game, but I want to add that all of these people are such easy targets to manipulate, they are easy influencable and this doesn't really make Derrick THE brilliant master, he is just a tad smarter than the average Joe and has his undercover cop training which helps. If he gets pitted against stronger players we'll see how well he fares. I think under real pressure, he's bound to crumble.

Edited by TheGapper
  • Love 6

I'm loving Derrick's distress over the Go Donny comment too. It's so nice to see something not going Derrick's way for once. He's not handling it well at all. What a baby, one thing goes wrong and he can't take it.

Well, at the end of the day he is probably worried that his daughter is going to starve.

As much as I hate Frankie, I'd rather see Derrick out b/c I hate how he acts like he is on America's side and when he is in the DR he is having a personal conversation with us. I especially hate when he talks to the "spy" camera as if he is letting us in on the game. I want to see him crumble. LOL

  • Love 11

Oh I agree. If he was really a mastermind he would be working with Donny as well. He seems to only be good at manipulating the easier HGs. I think he has Victoria convinced they are partners and that she has been an integral part of the game thus far. At one point she was asking why Zach was taking credit for getting Nicole out when she was the one who did it. I think Derrick manipulated her to think she convinced him to get out Nicole.


ETA: Jokers, 08/13/14 04:17 PM

Vic: "Why does Zach keep taking credit about Nicole being on the block instead of me?"

Derrick says because Zach's the one who was told the "Christine was going to get backdoored by Nicole" info and they knew he'd run and tell Christine. "He's a puppet. He's a f'ing puppet."

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 3

It's kind of funny, but as much as I've hated the double HOH twist and think it played a big hand in ruining this season for me, it's the reason this week has the potential to be so awesome. If it was just Derrick or Frankie as HOH, Donny would only have one shot of saving himself, and there would be no way that Caleb and Cody were ever on the block together. If Donny saved himself with the veto, I would bet bet that either Christine or Victoria would go home, depending on who won HOH. So, uh, yay dual HOH? At least for this week. I'm fine with being a hypocrite if it means Caleb and Cody are on the block come Thursday, and if Frankie actually does decide to backdoor Derrick, so much the better.

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