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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Donny pretty much had no shot in this game, from the beginning.  I hate it, because I like the guy, but its true.

While it is true that older players tend to be screwed in general (as clearly, there is no doubt that Donny's age and appearance played a significant role in the women that they cast for this show, outside of the similarly older Jocasta, not wanting to work with him) I think he still had a shot if it were not for the twist. But since the twist was in place from the beginning of the game, I guess you're right. So I guess I would say "you're right in this particular season, but in other seasons without this awful, awful twist he'd have had a shot. Not a good shot because of his age and appearance, but a shot." 


Derrick really owes a big thank you to Devin for his win.



Yeah, another shot at the whole "Derrick is such a great player" idea is that probably the biggest asset to his game this season was a stupid move by Devin that Derrick was firmly against. Bringing in Amber and Christine (especially Christine) was a moronic gamble by Devin that paid off EXTREMELY well. Amber being there was helpful, but Christine, as we have seen, has been absolutely ESSENTIAL to their game plan, as this group of hamsters are SLIGHTLY smarter than the BB12 crew, so there were times early on when people began to say "Hey, maybe we should work against the guys?" and Christine quickly shut those topics down because she was aligned with the guys. And now that we are where we are, she is no longer needed, except for one last "fuck you" to the other side to help Derrick for no reason by putting up Nicole.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Plus, Devin being insane allowed Derrick to win an early HOH and not have to 'get blood on his hands' at all and do exactly what 'the house' wanted, while somehow making himself think he was pulling off the biggest move of the season.


Dammit Devin, you helped make this boring ass season possible!

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I do wholeheartedly agree that both the twists and his age have really hampered Donny and his game, but at the same time, I don't really recall him trying to build in-roads to actual alliances until it became clear that the 'weak' women & he were the initial (& often) targets in the early stages of the game; or if they weren't the 'target', they'd be nothing more than pawns to the "power players".  And by the time he realized he couldn't just 'be just too himself' anymore, all the major alliances were formed and he was left with only people like Paola/Jocasta/Brittany/Amber to try and do something game-wise with.


It actually looked like he might have had something going with Zach/Hayden there, for a bit, but that ended real quick - mostly because Zach can't keep a lid on anything.




Mon 12:51 PM BBT Chris says she just realized there are going to be 3 people in the jury who hate her guts.

Wow. THAT took a while.


That will only matter in that she will have to spend time with them there.  She won't have to worry about getting their votes.  She's not getting nearly that far.  


She should be much more concerned about Tim.

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I just read on Jokers that Frankie went up to the HOH room and plopped on the bed. Then when Christine came inside to go upstairs, Victoria told her that Frankie was in the HOH room, so she went to one of the other bedrooms instead.  When did the HOH room become the community room?  I miss the old days when only the HOH slept there, the others would ask if they could go up to listen to the HOH's CD, and they actually knocked on the door before entering.  What's special about having your own room if everyone and their brother can hang out any time they want, whether the HOH is there or not?

  • Love 16

I just read on Jokers that Frankie went up to the HOH room and plopped on the bed. Then when Christine came inside to go upstairs, Victoria told her that Frankie was in the HOH room, so she went to one of the other bedrooms instead.  When did the HOH room become the community room?  I miss the old days when only the HOH slept there, the others would ask if they could go up to listen to the HOH's CD, and they actually knocked on the door before entering.  What's special about having your own room if everyone and their brother can hang out any time they want, whether the HOH is there or not?

I made the same observation last Wednesday in a different thread. :)

Here's another little gem from Jokers:


Christine says Cody is very attractive & good at things, so that makes him easy to rag on. Donny says no one wants to cuddle with him because he's ugly. Nicole says he can't cuddle, he has a girlfriend. Christine: "Yeah!"


Good one, Nicole!  Too bad it went over Christine's head.

Edited by parisprincess
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Now that it seems a done deal that Nicole will go home this week (boo), my imagination would like this to happen...

When they're all sitting around the kitchen or something, just casually, Nicole says "Well, since it seems clear I'm going to be on the jury and we've got several days, you should all start telling me why you deserve to win the 500K".  She would say, "What have you done that would make me want to vote for you to win?"  Maybe they'd accidentally spill the beans about their roles in all the hoo-hah that goes on in that house.  

I suppose in reality, they'd just ignore her.  

But, in my imagination the true masterminds would reveal how they've been masterminding 

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Christine is one of the worst and most oblivious players I've seen in a long time. And honestly, if Derrick is smart enough, he'll keep Nicole over Donny because Christine putting Nicole up squashes any chance of Christine winning or working with anyone else. It sounding lately like Donny would definitely go after Derrick. I don't think Nicole would target Derrick unless Hayden came back, especially if she won HoH this week. She'd immediately go after Christine/Frankie again.

What I read was that Derrick told Cody that he (Derrick) had Victoria, so Cody couldn't have both Nicole and Christine. This was around the time they were planning to take Christine and Victoria with them to the final 4. So, that's the reason to get rid of Nicole now. He sees her as a pawn for Cody. Derrick's end game is to have a poor player with him. Right now he sees that as Victoria, but he probably has a back up plan, and 10 to 1, Cody is not part of his back up plan. He wants to set up dumping Cody down the line.

As irritating as Derrick's sometimes condescension toward women can be, I compare it to last season when men sat around for hours talking about raping, torturing and cutting up women. There's been nothing like that this season. I also note that as much as he manipulates women in the house, he does the same to men. He's built some real bridges to Jocasta and Victoria which will help him. Of course now, that he's picked up that Nicole is on to him she has to go.

Edited by Stinamaia
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Frankie is just grosser than gross.  He's made several references to sexual acts that he really needs to keep to himself.

But isn't that what middle aged weirdos do?


Everyone's outside and Christine said to Cody, "You're very attractive blah blah blah."

Well, I have seen the husband and..........runs and hides.

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Christine hasn't even been sleeping up there at night.  She really hates him. Also he told her that she "owes" him since he won BoB and preserved her as HOH.  It actually makes me like Christine because of how much she loathes Frankie.


For someone who hates him, she certainly is giving an Academy Award performance in the role of Frankie's House BFF.


I've never gotten any true indication that she hates him.  Who has she indicated she was not 'with' him?

Christine complained about Frankie's behavior at the football event, but I think she is such a dorky loser and not that bright so I never trust her versions of events.

It wouldn't surprise me that he was acting like a Diva. But it also wouldn't surprise me if Christine was lying about him behaving that way as well. So who knows what actually happened.

I read somewhere that Donny promised Derrick that he would put up whomever Derrick wanted up if Donny won HoH after this week and Derrick told him not to worry about it. At first I was like "DONNY WUT ARE YOU DOING?!" but after thinking about it, I would love it only if Donny said in his nomination speech "These are the people Derrick wanted me to put on the block and I told him I would do it since he saved me" and maybe finally causing people to freak the fuck out re: Derrick.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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I wonder how different his game would have been if he had his medication.


How do we know Zach takes medication and how do we know he's not taking it?


I have a couple in my life that have been thrust upon me due to family ties and work, and find nothing about their arrogance, attention-craving and entitlement amusing.  Quite the opposite, in fact, I normally find narcissists to be some of the most abhorrent people on the planet, and yet with Caleb...I don't know, it's just funny.  I'm always waiting for the next thing to come out of his mouth that makes me say, "OMG that's one of the best yet.  More!  More!" like he's a dancing monkey.


I suspect Caleb's narcissism doesn't bother you while the narcissists you actually know do is because you don't have to interact with Caleb.



I can't look at Vagina anymore because she's constantly fooling with that big ole braid.  I can't stand that.  I also can't look at Christine anymore because, nothing to do with her hair, but I just can't stand her just because.

I wonder when the HGs will find out about the time extension. I want to see Veruca widen her eyes and say "But I need to be home in time for Rosh Hoshaneh!"




I think it sucks that they extended the season to end on Rosh Hashanah, which is a really important holiday.  I wonder what Victoria will do. 


From Jokers:

6:09 PM Chris: I dont even want to know if anyone watches live feeds. I only want to know that TIM and my parents watched, thats it. NT


Really Christine? Are you sure about that? I remember when Danielle Donato had a boyfriend and had a "thing" with Nick and they did a hometown visit and talked to her boyfriend. I wonder why they are hiding Christine's crush on the broadcast. Maybe because she is married and not just dating? 


 What I read was that Derrick told Cody that he (Derrick) had Victoria, so Cody couldn't have both Nicole and Christine. This was around the time they were planning to take Christine and Victoria with them to the final 4. So, that's the reason to get rid of Nicole now. He sees her as a pawn for Cody. Derrick's end game is to have a poor player with him. Right now he sees that as Victoria, but he probably has a back up plan, and 10 to 1, Cody is not part of his back up plan. He wants to set up dumping Cody down the line.


I predict, that unless things change drastically or Cody starts either winning comps or actually starts playing the game beyond functioning as Derrick's yes man and being the house cuddle bunny, that Derrick cuts him loose at 5 or 6, and perhaps as early as next week. Derrick would not lose the votes of the other guys if he cut Cody loose - if anything it might rope them in further.

Edited by SteveAC10


Frankie is just grosser than gross.  He's made several references to sexual acts that he really needs to keep to himself.


But isn't that what middle aged weirdos do?


While Frankie might be BB old?  31 is not middle aged by any stretch of the imagination  A vast majority of our population would disagree with this characterization. Give him another 15-20 years before you slap him with that label.  Gross and weird on the other hand.....

  • Love 6

While Frankie might be BB old? 31 is not middle aged by any stretch of the imagination A vast majority of our population would disagree with this characterization. Give him another 15-20 years before you slap him with that label. Gross and weird on the other hand.....

Totally agree. 31 hasn't been middle-aged since around the Great Depression. And I expect those folks who are middle-aged don't want even that miniscule an association with Frankenflouter. :)

ETA: typos

Edited by Nashville
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I saw Christine was telling her that she had to nominate her because they threatened to target her if she didn't.

Someone has been editing Frankie's Wikipedia page, calling him an American Hedgehog and that he started his "acting career" as Boots the monkey in Dora Explorer Live (which may be true actually...)

  • Love 9

I think it sucks that they extended the season to end on Rosh Hashanah, which is a really important holiday. I wonder what Victoria will do.

This is not the first time the season has been extended, so I'm willing to bet the possibility of this occurring was part of Voldemort's contract. I think we'll see her on stage (or in the house) on finale night.

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Have any of TA talked about whether they've been given their new task?  I expect the one about convincing someone to be a pawn and then get them evicted will be chosen, and it's too late for that this week.


ETA:  ZSweetJane, I think you won the V-off.

Edited by Newbietunes
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This is not the first time the season has been extended, so I'm willing to bet the possibility of this occurring was part of Voldemort's contract. I think we'll see her on stage (or in the house) on finale night.


How dare you invoke She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?!  Voldy will be most upset.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm taking a bit of a self-imposed break from the feeds for my own mental health. The fact that two women won HOH, resulting in one woman leaving is mind boggling to me on so many levels. The fact that Frankie gets to prance around, finally able to do what I know he's desperately wanted to do all season - show off how "famous" he is - makes me want to punch something. The fact that Derrick's win is becoming just as inevitable as Maggie's win makes me want to cry. And finally, the fact that there's no person in there I have even .1% faith in changing any of the current dynamics makes me want to take my ball and go home.

The funny thing is, apart from this current incarnation of Frankie, there's no one in the house I truly despise (well, maybe Christine, see below). I find them all to be irritating, and don't have a huge rooting interest in anyone except perhaps Donny (which is hard, because he's such a non-entity), but no real 'hatred' like in prior seasons. But watching a group of mildly offensive assholes march to the end with no real opposition is BORING. No matter how hard Zach tries to create 'drama'.

Christine really is the worst of the bunch, though. She's determined to be Britney, with a side of Michelle. I don't have a whole lot of hope for that marriage, if she goes through the same famewhore ego trip Michelle did.

Edited by Katesus7
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The fact that Derrick's win is becoming just as inevitable as Maggie's win makes me want to cry.


It's funny you mention Maggie because that's exactly whose game I'm reminded of whenever I see Derrick in action. I really, really disliked Maggie but as the trite saying goes: "don't hate the player, hate the game" and I thought she was wholly deserving of the win. Likewise, I think Derrick deserves to win this season because, unlike Maggie who controlled only her core alliance, he has this whole house snowed. Would I love someone to rise up and finally challenge his dominance? Yes, but what worries me is that if he gets evicted, we'll end up with Cody as the winner. I think that guy is more useless than even Victoria. I can't stand how he's constantly going on about how he's gonna call someone out and yet when the time comes, he's sitting back scratching his balls as per usual.



Christine really is the worst of the bunch, though. She's determined to be Britney, with a side of Michelle. I don't have a whole lot of hope for that marriage, if she goes through the same famewhore ego trip Michelle did.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit. I got a very Michelle vibe from her when, in one of her pre-interviews, she said she would love to move to L.A. afte the show to pursue some "show-biz related opportunities." I could totally see her dumping her husband and appearing in porn like Michelle did.

  • Love 5

While Frankie might be BB old? 31 is not middle aged by any stretch of the imagination A vast majority of our population would disagree with this characterization. Give him another 15-

20 years before you slap him with that label.

Gross and weird on the other hand.....

I'd say 40 years. Even the 70s aren't really old these days.

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Wasn't James Rhine convinced Maggie was really a cop? Christine really does remind me of Michelle. The only thing is I could see why Michelle was the way she was the whole house treated her like crap except for Jeff & Jordan and Russell at times. Christine has been treated pretty well by everyone. I guess we'll know if Christine ends up getting into porn.


Wasn't James Rhine convinced Maggie was really a cop?

Yes, which is another reason why I'm always reminded of Maggie when I watch Derrick.



The only thing is I could see why Michelle was the way she was the whole house treated her like crap except for Jeff & Jordan and Russell at times. Christine has been treated pretty well by everyone. I guess we'll know if Christine ends up getting into porn.

Yes, but Big Brother isn't real life. In the real world, Michelle has a loving, supported husband and was pretty accomplished in her career as a scientist. Christine, on the other hand, is a barista (I'm not knocking them that profession at all but it's not something most people are striving to make into a career) and she's clearly insecure evidenced by how much she attacks other people's looks. I could easily see her falling into porn to prove how worthy she is looks-wise.

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Yes, but Big Brother isn't real life. In the real world, Michelle has a loving, supported husband and was pretty accomplished in her career as a scientist. Christine, on the other hand, is a barista (I'm not knocking them that profession at all but it's not something most people are striving to make into a career) and she's clearly insecure evidenced by how much she attacks other people's looks. I could easily see her falling into porn to prove how worthy she is looks-wise.

Good points. I just looked up Michelle's age she was 27 when she did Big Brother. The only difference I see between them is Christine has some social skills while I never thought Michelle did. It won't surprise me if Christine has some post show meltdown like Michelle. I wonder if Nicole will just sleep for the rest of the week like Zach did last week it might be her best bet.

Edited by choclatechip45

I'd say 40 years. Even the 70s aren't really old these days.


I don't know.  I'm a few shy of 45, and I'm willing to admit this is my mid-life.  I'm also quite willing to share that this is the happiest and most satisfying time I've had in adulthood.  Mid-life does not equal washed up!


I feel this label is more harmful to Donny.  Trying not to project too much of my stuff on him, but if he is in a similar place as I am, I can see him washing his hands of the nonsense which is this season.  If 31 is BB washed-up and irrelevant, why bother trying to change their thinking?  I just really, really want to archive this thinking, and remind these characters of these thoughts when they reach their own 30s-40s.  I will seriously doubt that they are willing to throw in the towel at that age. 

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I hardly ever post anything in all the seasons of reading this forum, but my horizon has widened greatly since starting to follow these posts. So I'm sorry, but I don't know how to put stuff in the little block to show you that I'm quoting someone but I'm quoting this following piece:

"That reminds me, he actually asked someone while he was out, a driver maybe? to look up his Instagram and tell him how many followers he's up to. His IG name is "Insane Physique", and that's funny. Also, he got to weigh himself on the field trip, and thought people would be very interested to know how much he weighs now, and how much he weighed when he came into the house, as well as a detailed description of how the scale went back and forth by one pound on his final weight, blah blah blah. Riveting, Caleb! PLEASE TELL US MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! (rubs hands together with evil glee)"

I absolutely have changed my mind and love Caleb, and between Caleb, Zack and Violetta, I am really not sure who is my favorite anymore.

Caleb was a serious douche when I started to watch this, but with Amber's departure he really has become such a bright light of entertainment. He reminds me of the guys from Daisy of Love, particularly the skunk episode. The entertainment is endless.

Violetta on the other hand, I have to say, I do not understand what her hair issue is, why people bitch about her fake hair, I absolutely love her gorgeous tresses, I don't care if they're fake or not, I love them.

And then there is Zach, sweet funny hilarious, what seems to be tongue in cheek and wild eyed and bushytailed Zack. He reminds me when he laughs of Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills cop, that smirk and that glint is a dead ringer. His sense of humor and the way he totally plays with the cast, is highly entertaining and I totally can say I'd be friends with him. What's not to love, right?

Then, controversial Derek, I love Derek. I think he plays a perfect role. I have a friend who's a narc and he's a little older than Derek but I see the similarities in training and the way that they observe the situation, sum it up and manipulate it to make it work for them, to keep them and only them safe and to make it work the way that they want things to play out and for that, kudos. It's not his fault that the rest of the people are total dimwitted, inexperienced and insecure,

Finally, the other girls on this season have been so weak, I find myself (and I consider myself a fair person) don't even could want to be friends with them, there's nothing redeeming about any of them that I find appealing or encouraging, they are all weak and lame and pushovers, no wonder the guys are steam rolling them.

At this point, the best thing about this season is reading these posts and reading the snark, that's major entertainment, and watching the sad sacks create chaos on the show. Oh one last thought, I absolutely love Donnie but he never had a chance. I honestly feel so bad for him because he has been shocked to his core because he realized after a few weeks what a rigged and planned show this is and that he never even had a chance from the get-go.

And for Frankie, well, I really think that deep down inside he knows he's middle-aged and it's pretty much over for him, and he's just grasping at the last few straws that he can, secure that retirement and he knows that he can only fake it for so much longer before he will be exposed, and I don't mean exposed on the show but in general.

Oh Lord, another thought. Cody equals boring. And Christine, there are no words, she is just so grating and reminds me of a cardboard box.

Lastly, not that it means anything, nut I just want to sincerely thank you all, you posters, I won't name names, but I have been following you for years and love everything you write. So insightful and has absolutely altered the way that I view shows like this.

Essentially it's a game of bullshitting. Who's going to be the best at bullshitting. Donny is useless. Christine thinks she can. Same with Cody and N. (Can't remember her name. ). However, I think the best bull shitters are Caleb (duh), Veronica, Zach and Derek.

Edited by TheGapper
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As I near my 31st birthday this month, I'm horrified to think that this is "mid-life". I expect to live far past 62. I'm no Frankie fan, but no, not middle-aged. He does look older than his actual age sometimes to me on the feeds, like he partied a little too hard in his 20's.

I feel bad for Nicole, but can she please can it with the waterworks? We have a long way until Thursday yet. Every time I check on the feeds today, she's in tears again!

Edited by Callaphera
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 I'm shocked Vim-n-vigor isn't on the block this week.  I suppose it was inevitably that someone from the Perpetual Nominee Corps would last long enough for real players to start taking each other out.  It's a valid reality show strategy to play the worthless, disinterested player if you can be the lucky one to survive deep enough into the game to be able to coast to the end as the weak player not worth trifling over. Viennese could easily be Big Brother's Vecepia.

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It's funny you mention Maggie because that's exactly whose game I'm reminded of whenever I see Derrick in action. I really, really disliked Maggie but as the trite saying goes: "don't hate the player, hate the game" and I thought she was wholly deserving of the win. Likewise, I think Derrick deserves to win this season because, unlike Maggie who controlled only her core alliance, he has this whole house snowed. 


I don't think Maggie was in the very top tier of BB players (in many ways she struck me as being along the lines of Hayden in BB12 in that she lucked on to an inordinately loyal alliance - alliances rarely stay quite as loyal as the Friendship and the Brigade) but I think that she did a better job in her season than Derrick has so far in his, because the major difference between the two (so far) is that production has been on Derrick's side almost all season long while production was working AGAINST Maggie all during her season. So she impressed me a lot in her ability to outdo production (her standard tactic was "If Production suggests I should do X, I will do the opposite of X"). Derrick, however, now likely IS on the wrong side of production going forward (with Frankie being their golden boy) so if he manages to outwit production and beat Frankie, I will gladly put him up there with Maggie. He's already very well-deserving of winning this season based on his game so far, which HAS been quite good (he's already better than 85-90% of past houseguests). He's done a fine job. How he does now that he's no longer on the side of production, though, will be really interesting to see (and very impressive if he pulls it off).

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