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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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It sounded like the tattoo thing was completely made up. He had been complaining about having to shave his head for a long time before he said it.

Wow, those costumes are much more revealing than I thought they'd be!

Oh, I want to see it! Those two are going to drive each other crazy. How will either one talk incessantly about themselves when the other one won't stop talking?

I admire Caleb for taking that punishment though.  He's been complaining non stop, but not many people would take it, they'd rather get evicted.  He won't look bad, his hair is already short and his face shape can take the baldness.


He's been in the DR for over half an hour, I wonder if he threw a fit.

I do feel bad that Victoria and Caleb have to wear these costumes. They're extremely revealing and it's clear they only chose it in hopes to boost their ratings, seeing as Hayden/Nicole (and Zankie) are their only showmances of the summer and they're not going anywhere.

Oh, and surprise, Zach's asleep through it all.

When everyone was waiting in the living room, Frankie was joking about how Victoria was going to come out and say that Caleb DOR'd rather than come out in his costume. He then followed it up with a Victoria impression, saying that she was going to come out and say "A crow? Flew into the room? And picked him up? And flew away?" I don't like Frankie, but I got a pretty good giggle out of that. 

He's claiming he has a head tattoo of an iron cross and some letters that are discriminatory to certain groups. So he's basically claiming he has a Nazi tattoo, I guess? Derrick keeps calling him a liar, and just called him out about the fact that Caleb said he went to West Point. 

ETA: He's calling him out in a laughing, joking way, not actually calling him out. But satisfying nonetheless.

Caleb didn't go to west point.  Just so we're all clear, I don't need to read the bio, but unless he has visited west point, or visited another school called west point, he did not attend the US Military Academy

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LOL! (the Caleb comments).

Funny though, I'd shave my head in a heartbeat before I'd wear a revealing costume on TV. My hair grows fast, and I've always wanted to have to guts for a pixie, so no biggie. But showing my fat rolls and cellulite? No way. Of course, I'm 44 and she's 20 something. Big diff.

Edited by TexasChic
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I love Victoria. And this Adam and Eve thing makes me like her more! She looks amazing but she is SUPER self conscious. She looks at herself in the mirror every chance she can get in that outfit. I wonder if they will do a montage of it on the show. I think it will be fun to see that competition too. 

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Confusing conversation between Hayden and Nic right now in the HOH. They definitely want either Zack or Frankie gone. He wants her to choose him to play POV if she has the option instead of Christine, because they both know she'd just throw it. But then he asked if she'd really want him to use the POV if he won it, and they weren't sure, and he made a big deal over Zach saying Nicole was definitely his #1 target. But they ALSO spent about 5 minutes talking about how dangerous Frankie was, and Hayden told her how Frankie told him he was willing to be completely cutthroat and make friends with people just to vote them out. So I'm not sure why he shared that story if his target is Zach.

Basically, those two were all over the place, but luckily for me they are only trying to figure out between Zach and Frankie. Hopefully they realize Jacosta wouldn't have the votes against either. Because I really need a male member of the detonators to leave this week. I need it bad.

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I don't know about that, sometimes I have a hard time looking at Derrick.

Someone on one of the BB sites that I visit (unfortunately I can't remember which one - it may have even been this one) posted an image of Chief Wiggum from the Simpsons in comparison to Derrick. The resemblance, especially the nose, is pretty accurate (though Derrick still has a fairly fit build, he may not by the end of the summer in the BB house as so many of them end up gaining weight). Now every time I see Derrick I think of Chief Wiggum.


I'm torn on whether or not I should be glad or upset that Donny isn't HOH anymore. I guess it may be more of a good thing with the DE next week. I'm glad Donny will be eligible to compete in the next HOH as I really don't want him to go home yet. If Nicole manages to carry out her plan to back door Frankie that will be fabulous as I am so tired of him and his 12 year old girl, obnoxious, over the top, attention whoring behavior. I don't have too much faith in this though as I'm sure someone will get to her and it sounds like Hayden may already be wavering a bit.

Edited by Rapunzel

And yet another alliance name. The "quad squad". Cody, Derrick, Nicole and Hayden (who is actually not a part of the naming of the alliance. Him not going up to the HOH after being told to is intriguing to me right now).

Derrick is 100% bullshitting, because it's Derrick, and while he makes the necessary noises about being fine with Zack or Frankie leaving, he also manages to throw Donny under that great big bus. He would love for Donny to leave, but is smart enough to know he doesn't have the juice to pull it off. Especially once Nicole and Cody agreed that the best case scenario would be for Donny to win POV and to use it on Jacosta. No one is remotely interested in his anti-Donny agenda right now.

Cody really seems to be done with Frankie, and seems totally fine with booting him. I've actually noticed his frustration with Frankie ever since Cody was HOH. While I do think he's sincere with keeping the nominations the same if he won POV, I don't think he'd have any problem with Frankie getting backdoored.

I cannot wait to see who picks who to play in the POV (I'd be willing to bet 80% of the chips are HG choice), who wins POV, and what happens with the POV. This week is finally fun.

Mr. I Gave Up My Recording Contract because I Had to Finish my Shift at Lowe's.

Thank you for this.


Those costumes aren't awesome, but they're not terrible.  But I do think it must be very awkward for Victoria, considering her background, and I'm guessing that's why she has her hair covering her front.  I imagine she is very uncomfortable, and I find myself appreciating her willingness to go along with it despite her discomfort.


Caleb American History X-gate has confused the hell out of me.  

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Yeah, the BB cameras are picking up on the inappropriateness of Christine and Cody. Right now she's full on hugging him in the kitchen, and he's pretty much caressing her arm, and we're getting overhead shots of the caressing, and then a close up shot of her wedding ring. I love it when the camera people are as creeped out as we are.

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The interesting question for me, now, is how much Hayden is paying attention.  He knows Derrick/Cody were in the BS originally without him.  He knows that Derrick/Cody were in a final 3 with Zach.  Does he know about the Detonators?  Does he know about the Derrick/Nicole final two "deal"?  Does he realize that D/C are in virtually every alliance?

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I don't like Zach as a person, but I do LOVE the way he winds up Caleb like a little toy just to watch him go.  He's great at throwing huge, OTT compliments at him with a straight face just to encourage Caleb to brag some more or do something stupid.  And when Caleb tells one of his hundreds of stories of awesomeness, Zach will egg him on with stuff like, "Dude, that's SICK!" which Caleb just soaks up like sunshine. 


Word. When Zach inflates Caleb's ego, it delights me to no end. On the other hand, I seriously hope that Zach gets the chance to blow up on him before either player leaves the house.


Yeah, the BB cameras are picking up on the inappropriateness of Christine and Cody. Right now she's full on hugging him in the kitchen, and he's pretty much caressing her arm, and we're getting overhead shots of the caressing, and then a close up shot of her wedding ring. I love it when the camera people are as creeped out as we are.


Every time I see their inappropriate displays, and I think about how Christine must be loving every second of it, I also remember that Cody has his hands on his nuts about 70% of the time. That makes me happy.

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Well, isn't Zach a clever boy.  He's spent all this time today making sure he perfected a new speech to give when he is on the block on Thursday, and by speech, I mean poem, and by boy, I mean child, and by clever, I mean idiotic in that he's not using those brain cells to play the game, because I think the game is beginning to pass beyond this clever boy.  He's also thinking about throwing the POV so he can stay on the block to recite his poem. 


You go Zach, you go.


P.S.: I say all this, and I still somewhat predict he will be in the final 2 as I never have the correct instincts of how these shows work out..

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But I do think it must be very awkward for Victoria, considering her background

Wasn't her intro video of her in a small bikini?  And wasn't she the one who paraded across the backyard in a sexy-cover up and bathing suit bottom with her butt cheeks peeking out, while in stripper heels? Not to mention just general lounging in the backyard in a bikini


I'd certainly feel uncomfortable in that outfit, and she very well might too due to it being out of her control; but I don't think her background has much to do with it- it looks just like the swimsuits she's hung out in all summer.

wow, Ive been away and lost in the feeds chats for a while. That can make one crazy with too many theories, kind of like the houseguests.  Disclosure: I am 100% Zankie, they are my ultimate f2, and I love the friendship/closeness/love between these two. The only thing that I dont like is that it made Frankie lose his game. That insular week they just spent in HOH took him way out of the loop mentally. 


The one prior with Cody is where Cody's animus began, I think. He seems to be very bitter and jealous about being excluded from the relationship, and has let his emotions lead him to his current strategy that is pretty much "I hate Zach." His partner in crime, Derrick, is a lot more level headed and has been playing a very good game. His game has been to do NOTHING but be a mirror-sponge. He listens to people's theories, absorbs them, bounces them back with a few questions (do you think that will work? what might stop that?) and basically harvests all these ideas and plans and shapes those that are best for his goals. All the while doing nothing but laying on the sofa. Awesome. Outside of my faves, at this point, I would give him the win. 


The problem with Derrick is that Hayden is coming up strong. For two nights in a row, the 30th and 31st, he stayed up all night shooting pool with Cody and Frankie respectively. Cody was all to eager to spill information and ruminate on his hated people. He explained his game style to Frankie, and saw where F's mind was, which was distracted. Hayden explicitly said that an important part of the game was keeping your emotions out of it, and he could see that Frankie was failing at that. It was the first night that F&Z were apart and they were both distracted as hell. So obvious to anyone who is an observer like Hayden.


Putting the bug in Nicole's ear was genius, as it kept the "blood blah blah his hands." He already had the backdoor idea semi planted in Derrick's mind after the conversation w/Cody that just stoked the fires. So now, Derrick tells Cody that it's a good thing that he (derrick) kind of put that in Nicole's mind, taking credit for the bd Frankie idea. If Hayden keeps going, he will have beat the slow but powerful boa constrictor by being a striking viper. If either F/Z is out then he has eliminated one of Derrick's allies that hadn't even begun to consider cannibalizing their own. Even better, if F goes out, Zach will go crazy. if he gets HOH, he already has a target, Nicole, and would probably put up a person in the alliance (probably Christine---expendable women, amiright?)  up against her to ensure her leaving. Lets Hayden have another week to pick Derricks brain and see where he's headed. 


He still also kind of has that outsider card, which he can use to round up vic, joc, and donny to have as a voting force against Derrick and Cody. With only two of them vs his 4 and the wildcards Christine & Zach (who were brought together by Frankie in the first few days) and Caleb-who Zach can manipulate so easily, Hayden has a greater chance for attempts at HOH spots and winning pov etc with sheer numbers even if vic/jo suck. And all of them are great 2nd chairs. Joc and Vic are women plus have done nothing. Donny is an "outsider" by many factors and that would make it hard to resonate with jury members since there are less personal relationships there. 


If he gets this (or something close to it) done, hands down the winner of the season, in my eyes. He lied and said that Frankie was gunning for the Derrick, and since semi believing it along with Cody's vitriol, I dont know that Derrick sees him coming. 


I think at this point, Derrick's top pick for 2nd chair is Victoria. No question. If his game works, he would take Cody to top 4 for vote/comp work, then cut him off. Maybe have Christine and Vic with him after that. I see Derrick/Vic like a struggle version of Dan/Danielle bb14. The guys both run the game in a seemingly hands off way, but Dan planted seeds while Derrick just absorbs info and just guides the course that people were already going to take. Vic can't do anything tho, while Danielle used her lil thick self to win those comps. Plus there will NEVER be a better silent whisperer than Danielle. NEVER. 


All that said, whew they found some pretty men this year! Poor dumb borderline personality disordered Caleb, beautiful jealous twink Cody, asshole yet completely loving bro Zach, and pretty hardbodied Frankie right there to rub them all down. He has definitely used his body to get him far.  These are some affection starved men, and he has capitalized on it, along with the experience that goes along with his age compared to theirs. Doesn't hurt that a couple of them are curious, and he is a cool blend of bro and "gaying it up." (his words) that lets them feel comfortable. Zach has been a snag in his game, which sucks, because Frankie hasn't had nearly that impact on Zach's. 


My personal wishes make me want a production interference fix...the diamond encrusted platinum power of veto with Blu-ray that will allow Zankie to get off the block, be safe for the next 2 weeks, put up new nominees, and be privy to 10 minute clip video of all the other's scheming in the past week. This would be won in a dual segmented golf comp/dance off with teams assigned randomly by BB. 


As far as my game lover side, the gameplay I respect is Derrick, Hayden (if he can make all this happen, he might move up), Zach--anyone who doesn't play scared and hidden gets all my kudos, with Frankie in a distant fourth. My worst nightmare is for Andy 2.0-Cody's Plaything to end up with the 50k as a 2nd chair, although if Frankie is gone, I could see Zach taking her. Nic, Joc, and Caleb have no chance. Vic/Donny are possible 2nds. Unless by a final couple of hoh/pov wins, Cody isn't at the end either. 


So so long, sorry! I just love when we get to this part of the game where the actual play begins in full effect and people stop just hanging around being friends. Let's get paranoid!!!

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By late night last night, sounded like Derrick and Cody were confirming that they were OK with BDing Frankie and possibly voting out Zach. But I don't think either would use the veto if they win it. There seems to be such a slim chance that Zach will be up against Frankie but that would be great. Even if Nicole can get Zach out the door, it would be to her benefit.


I can't see Cody, Derrick, Frankie, Christine, Caleb or Victoria using the veto -- well, maybe Victoria if Nicole and Hayden can convince her to make a big move. Donny is a big question mark for me. I think he'd like to see Frankie go but not sure he'd stick his neck out. And not sure what Hayden would actually do if he won veto. So here's hoping that either Nicole or Jocasta win the veto.


Hayden was complaining to Derrick about Christine's tactic of throwing out seemingly innocent statements that he thinks are really her attempt to plant seeds. Hayden was supposed to join Derrick, Cody and Nicole in HOH but in front of a group in the kitchen Christine said she thought those three were talking game in the HOH to stop Victoria from going up there. Hayden was pissed because others heard it and he knows it was on purpose.  I had heard Christine make another little comment the other day and now it sort of makes sense, Out of the blue, she said in front of a group that she thought she heard Hayden and Victoria making out the previous night. It was such a weird comment but now I'm guessing it was an attempt to start trouble either between Nicole and Victoria or Nicole and Hayden. Maybe Christine wants to keep Nicole for herself or she sees that Nicole is getting chummier with certain people and is afraid Nicole will take her place within the male alliances.


Also heard Christine say something interesting yesterday or last night. A group was in the LR and I can't remember what they were talking about -- maybe the affection being shown or how sweet Cody is or something but Christine said at one point something along the lines of "I'm going to have to go home and face my husband" so I guess she's aware that she's way too touchy feely with Cody (but I'm sure she won't stop).


One thing I appreciated about Hayden several days ago while in the SR with Frankie and maybe Cody. Hayden was confirming the plan with voting or what to tell Caleb/Amber while Amber was on the block, and after confirming, Frankie threw his arms around Hayden's neck and said "I love you." Hayden didn't hug him back or say that he loved Frankie too. As Frankie was walking out the door, he tried again with an "I love you!" and Hayden still didn't respond. So nice to see someone refusing to engage in the BS.

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Nah, Derrick and Cody wouldn't use the veto; they know they have to protect their game and by getting others to use it, it takes the blood off of their hands, which is why they'd probably vote out Zach, if it pleases the house. 


I'm liking Hayden's game right now. He's the one floating under the radar, but I can see where his head is at, for the most part. His main alliance is definitely with Nicole and I think he really would like Christine out, with all the times he's subtly thrown out comments about her and agreed with other people about her untrustworthiness. People see him as a physical threat but nobody is throwing his name out as a target yet, which is quite interesting. I truly think he wants Frankie out before Zach and he's trying to plant the seeds to get that to happen. He's smarter than some of the people in the house and he definitely sees the long term plans. 


Personally, I'd love to see what Hayden would do this week if he won the veto. I think there's a chance he could take down Zach and put up Frankie, if he wants to keep Zach around. He knows it would be risky to keep Zach up with Frankie, since Frankie is a good player who can manipulate people to do what he wants. Ultimately, Zach winning would be idea, because I have a strong bias and would rather I know he was 100% safe. He won't be safe if the noms stays the same, and he has about a 50/50 chance if Frankie goes up beside him. I know Derrick and Cody said they'd vote out Frankie, and I honestly do like Frankie but I'd rather him go than Zach. Frankie's a very dangerous player because he can manipulative and conniving. Zach's a very dangerous player too, but because of his unpredictability and strong headedness. The thing with him, though, is that he's 100% loyal, he'd never turn his back on Derrick and Cody (and they know why they can't use the veto be...because they'd lose that trust easily) and he can be manipulated if needed. 


However, Nicole has expressed the fact that she's afraid to put up Frankie, so would she actually do it? Perhaps, but there's also that sliver of doubt that she would chicken out and put up Donny, which would be my least favourite scenario, especially up against Zach (I see Zach/Donny as my final 2, so...)

The problem with Derrick is that Hayden is coming up strong

I think Derrick, Cody and Frankie and probably Caleb all see Hayden as a threat and were talking about BDing him before Nicole won HOH. Unless Hayden can win when he needs to, I'm not sure he can make it far but I hope he does. All guys in the house know they can't let Cody make it to the end and have said so. I think Caleb could make it to the end as a goat along with Victoria. Frankie is on a number of people's radar and has been for a couple of weeks now so if he doesn't win when needed or doesn't have Zach or Christine's protection, he could go at any time. Zach is also on a number of people's shit list and I don't see him getting too much further.


I haven't yet heard anyone targeting Derrick except for Donny pre-TA (Donny may still have him as a target but knows better than to talk about it now) and Hayden's earlier comments about knowing Derrick is running things. Hayden may just be playing him, but he seems to be good with the Derrick/Cody/Nicole/Hayden alliance. Other than that, I don't remember hearing a thing. He doesn't win much, so that's good for him but even better I think many see him as a good friend. I think Caleb is much more loyal to Derrick than Zach or Frankie. Victoria and Cody seem very loyal and Nicole and Hayden have talked about how much they love him.  I know Frankie has Derrick's number but not sure at what point he thinks Derrick has to go. Have Zach and Frankie or Frankie and Christine discussed Derrick yet and when they think he needs to go?


It'll be interesting to see if the guys go after Donny during DE or if they're confident enough now to go after each other. Maybe evict Donny during first leg and save a strike at their old BS alliance for the second leg? And I have absolutely no idea what Jocasta thinks.


Nah, Derrick and Cody wouldn't use the veto; they know they have to protect their game and by getting others to use it, it takes the blood off of their hands,



I'm wondering if Donny gets picked to play for veto, how many would try to throw the comp to him.   No doubt in my mind that he'll save Jocosta.  He's already done it once.



I haven't yet heard anyone targeting Derrick except for Donny pre-TA (Donny may still have him as a target but knows better than to talk about it now) and Hayden's earlier comments about knowing Derrick is running things. Hayden may just be playing him, but he seems to be good with the Derrick/Cody/Nicole/Hayden alliance. Other than that, I don't remember hearing a thing. He doesn't win much, so that's good for him but even better I think many see him as a good friend.


To bookend on this, while so many comparisons get made between Frankie and Andy, I actually think it's Derrick who  is playing the more sophisticated and effective version of Andy's game.  He is everybody's friend and nobody calls him on it.  Frankie is a bit too obvious and comes off as fake a great deal of the time.  I'm not even sure how genuine he truly is with Zach.  I remember how nasty he was in week two, and it was Frankie who told Devin to put him up in the first place.  So I completely doubt his sincerity now and think the friendship/semi-showmance (or whatever) is strictly game.

Edited by vb68
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It'll be interesting to see if the guys go after Donny during DE or if they're confident enough now to go after each other. Maybe evict Donny during first leg and save a strike at their old BS alliance for the second leg? And I have absolutely no idea what Jocasta thinks.

I whole heartedly believe the guys will go after Donny during the double eviction. If he survives, I'll be shocked. I'm hoping for good blindside: Christine or Derrick. Because the comps are normally physical during a DE, one of the guys will probably win.

Cody being so touchy feely with Christine makes me think he is for sure gay and just extremely used to faking this type of attraction.

For me, I never think that he's trying to pretend there's an attraction. He's done the cuddling and stroking thing with most of the single women as well. I get the feeling that part of it is that he craves touching and being touched and the other part is that he knows which women like all that attention. The women feel comfortable because it never gets sexual and yet they like the attention and maybe comfort from someone as pretty and nice to them as he is. I don't have any idea if he's gay, bi or straight but I just don't feel like he's trying to fake romantic feelings towards any of them, including Christine. Maybe faking a closeness or affection but not attraction (OK maybe faking or real attraction at times with Amber and Brittany but not with Christine, Nicole, Victoria and can't remember if he was touchy with Pao).

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