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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I never liked Dr. Will either.  I cheered and cheered with he was voted off in the All-Star season.  (Of course Boogie ended up winning, so that negated all the cheering.  I can't stand Boogie. He's the idol of all these guys who treat women like shit.)



Just before all the love talk, Zankie also talked last night in bed about the order they plan to get rid of people. After this, they plan to pick off The outsiders, Nicole/Hayden, then Caleb, then Cody. The final four will consist of them, Christine, and Derrick.



I can't believe Frankie wants to keep Derrick around that long.  Derrick is maybe the biggest obstacle Frankie has to get around for a win at this point.

  • Love 2

I never liked Dr. Will either.  I cheered and cheered with he was voted off in the All-Star season.  (Of course Boogie ended up winning, so that negated all the cheering.  I can't stand Boogie. He's the idol of all these guys who treat women like shit.)



I can't believe Frankie wants to keep Derrick around that long.  Derrick is maybe the biggest obstacle Frankie has to get around for a win at this point.

This is another reason why TA sucks. Before it happened, I think we were headed for Frankie vs. Derrick and that might've at least been interesting. But now we just have these two assholes working together and using their grandfathers' deaths to get them farther in a game. It's all so annoying and disgusting.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just watched BBAD from last night, and yeeeeaaaahhhh...Caleb saying over and over that he has this mindblowing plan to scare Amber with the idea of possibly getting backdoored so she will remember "her place" and go running back to it?  Made me feel really stabby.  He even said it would make for such great tv and actually referenced "the world", not just America, being blown away that the romantic cowboy would actually put up his girl.  First of all, fuckface, YOU aren't putting up anyone because YOU are not HOH.  Secondly, the world doesn't care about you.  That he kept saying that "of course" the alliance would save her, like OBVIOUSLY, but that they would tell her while she was in danger that it was because of the way she has been treating Caleb is so laughable.  He sure does waffle between insisting that he hasn't spoken to her in days, and she hasn't spoken to him in days.


He also claims that during the POV, Amber chose to sit in front of Cody up against his legs or something, and that she only did it to upset Caleb.  It's not even in the realm of possibility that there was no hidden meaning behind where she chose to place her ass while watching the competition, because everything is always about Caleb.  I am fascinated by his stupendous level of narcissism.   There's a part of me that does not want him or Amber to be evicted because one of the biggest elements of drama will be over for me.  I feel bad for Amber, that he attached himself to her at the beginning and has been festering on her ever since, but for my own entertainment, this is serious "get the popcorn and settle in" stuff.

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Caleb is really a lot like Jessie. Both have serious delusions of grandeur. The main difference is that unlike Jessie, Caleb does not have a posse of minions falling at his feet and buying his crap. The question is, when he gets out of the house, will Caleb be in on the joke? Like, will he come back next season as a Pandora's Box punsihment, forcing someone to listen to him natter on about Amber for an hour while they're trapped in a room with him? Because, much like Jessie, that's about as "famous" as he's ever going to get out of this show.


I mean honestly, Jessie is much more famous than Caleb will ever hope to be. He is on an online soap, which I doubt Caleb is gonna get.


Jessie is also the host of an ESPN (maybe ESPN2) show.


For the record, I never liked Will as a person.  I thought that he was a talented player which means Zach should give up that dream.

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Last night on BBAD - Caleb and Frankie were talking about Caleb's plans for (once again?) rescuing Amber, but only after she'd dangled for a while so she'd "know her place".  He kept using that phrase - "know her place". What kind of Neanderthal Bunny Boiler is this guy?

Ugh, the master/slave mentality starts to rear its head. NTTAWWT if you're into that sort of thing but IMO there's a racial subtext in this situation which is extra distastful (though I'm still unsure whether Caleb realizes it). Whatever, Caleb is a walking bundle of delusional nutbaggery.

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Well, I know that Zach has mentioned (before the fish interrupts) that production has specifically told him to be 'meaner', whether that's just in DRs or in the house as well. He does show signs of being like Dr. Will but I also think he's much different from him too. He's definitely a weaker player compared to Will, but I do kind of like him because he's acting kind of insane and doing bold moves that nobody seems to be doing; he is also smarter than most of the people in the house (supposed superfan Nicole didn't even know who Will WAS). 


As for this Zach/Frankie alliance/showmance/bromance thing, it's really hard to tell where their heads are at with each other, but Frankie moreso. I think Zach genuinely wants to take Frankie to the end above all others, but Frankie's more difficult to read. He insults Zach to the other houseguests at every opportunity, to the point where I find it hard to believe that he is genuine with him. He trash talks him a lot and it goes beyond strategy, for me. It may be a good one if he is faking it, but he's gotten quite mean about Zach to others lately, so I don't know where his allegiances lie.

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IMO there's a racial subtext in this situation which is extra distastful (though I'm still unsure whether Caleb realizes it)​

Considering that Caleb called Obama a "muslim monkey", I'm pretty sure that he's well aware of his racist feelings.  Although, I have no idea if those feelings are at play with the Amber situation, or if he's just this way with women in general, regardless of race.  Either way, he's a major douche.  

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Although, I have no idea if those feelings are at play with the Amber situation, or if he's just this way with women in general, regardless of race. Either way, he's a major douche.

He is awful. Last night on BBAD he was talking about how he was excited to get back to his small town where all the "ho's" are all over him. He's just a bad person. Other people have bad qualities about them, but this guy is just a shitty person in general. I say get him out now just so he doesn't get the jury stipend.

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I just read somewhere else that Jocasta is sick AGAIN and she hurt her leg.  There was also mention of a slop penalty (and I don't even know what that means).  Can someone please tell me what's going on this time?

Jocasta is either the biggest physical mess to play this game, or she has a brilliant strategy. I'm seriously leaning towards strategy, because otherwise it's just kind of sad. Three weeks she's been nominated, and I believe this is the third week that she hasn't been feeling well. Hey, it worked last time, because Donny used the Veto on her. Maybe she thinks Hayden will use the Veto on her again? I don't think she's making herself sick, I think she just realizes it's an opportunity to keep her safe and uses it accordingly. Yesterday I can across an awesome .gif on Jokers of when Jocasta was crying about something (Brittany stealing her story about the piggy banks, maybe), and while she was being hugged she had cry face, went to a completely blank face, rolled her eyes towards the camera and just stood there like she was bored while someone comforted her. I think she may have some stealth gameplay happening. 


Who will be the first to finally nominate Derrick? Frankie & Zach are playing hard. Also, Caleb is way too creepy. I liked him to get evicted before jury so he could be told & shown how creepy & stalker-ish he is.


Donny. He's really the only one. He's got them all figured out, he knows Derrick is the head of the snake. The problem is that Donny needs to win HOH. There's a slight chance that Jocasta might or Victoria (she seems she would be easily swayed, but she'll probably want to get back at the mean girls), but Donny's our only hope. In a happy fantasy land, Donny would win, nominate Derrick and whoever, use or convince someone to use the Veto on whoever, and replace them with Frankie. Poor grieving child versus poor grieving child? Yes please!

At this point, I say keep Caleb to the end. He'd be perfect to go against at final 2. No one would vote for him. He's done nothing in this game. It would probably be a unanimous vote for whoever sits next to him. Plus, I'd love to see his head explode if that were to happen. 

As for this Zach/Frankie alliance/showmance/bromance thing, it's really hard to tell where their heads are at with each other, but Frankie moreso. I think Zach genuinely wants to take Frankie to the end above all others, but Frankie's more difficult to read. He insults Zach to the other houseguests at every opportunity, to the point where I find it hard to believe that he is genuine with him. He trash talks him a lot and it goes beyond strategy, for me. It may be a good one if he is faking it, but he's gotten quite mean about Zach to others lately, so I don't know where his allegiances lie.

Of course I can't tell for sure but I've always thought that Frankie really would like to be sitting next to Zach at the end because no one would vote for Zach - and all of Frankie's trash talk is ensure that people don't like Zach. 



I think Donny isn't even trying to win HoH during the dual HoH twist because he knows how shitty it is to win the dual HoH when you're not on the side of the dominant alliance. Please end this twist, BB!! Please!!

And the way the twist works, if his goal is safety he might be better off not winning HoH.  


BotB competitors have a 50% chance of being safe for the week.  HoH's have a 50% chance of being safe for the week.  At least with BotB one has a chance to battle in a comp for safety, and at this point with the way the alliances are formed anyone that wants to get out Donny will likely put him up in the beginning so he'd get that chance.   If Donny wins HoH with a Derrick follower but Donny's nominations win BotB (which is likely considering he'd probably put up two of the stronger competitors) then Donny would be backdoored and might not even get a shot at veto. 


The problem is one has a teammate, which is why I would be fine with Jocasta going.  She is useless at comps and I don't want her to drag down one my favorites and you just know Donny would be paired with her.  

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

For the record, I never liked Will as a person.  I thought that he was a talented player which means Zach should give up that dream.




I think she may have some stealth gameplay happening.

I have been wondering for quite some time whether Jocasta is playing a very stealth game and after her fake crying/eye roll and the third time she was 'sick,' I am pretty sure she does have something in her. She's just not a competitor though and nowadays you kinda have to be able to win comps in order to make it to the end/win.


At this point, I say keep Caleb to the end. He'd be perfect to go against at final 2. No one would vote for him. He's done nothing in this game. It would probably be a unanimous vote for whoever sits next to him. Plus, I'd love to see his head explode if that were to happen.

I feel like Caleb would still beat every woman (except maybe Christine) left though. Because they're weak, icky girls and at least Caleb's a man. But yea he would be a goat for all the guys. And that's why they all wanna keep him!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Jessie is also the host of an ESPN (maybe ESPN2) show.


For the record, I never liked Will as a person.  I thought that he was a talented player which means Zach should give up that dream.


Jessie is a professional wrestler with Impact Wrestling on Spike TV.  I went to a live show a couple of weeks ago and he was there.


Yea weirdly enough Jessie did get a lot of work after BB. I personally think he's hilarious and always did. I love when he comes back for PB.

I'm hoping for some drama after the POV meeting tomorrow since Amber has no idea she's getting BDed. But it's Amber so she'll probably just be like, "Well, OK then, if it's what the house wants."

Edited by peachmangosteen

The funniest scene in Big Brother is after Jessie was eliminated the second time and Chima, Lydia and Natalie are crying over what a great person he is and Kevin is in the DR highlighting what a selfish prick Jessie was, too bad it led to a lot of ugliness that was never shown on air. Chima going through Michelle, Jeff, Russell Jordan's stuff and Natalie/Lydia trying to poison Michelle is probably the most disgusting thing I ever saw on Big Brother trying to put red m&ms in her food because she was allergic to red dye.


Natalie/Lydia trying to poison Michelle is probably the most disgusting thing I ever saw on Big Brother trying to put red m&ms in her food because she was allergic to red dye.

That was pretty bad, but I still say Dick was worse. Dick is the most vile HG ever and the way the show made him into a hero is so gross to me even now, 6 years later.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 11

I think Dick is the most disgusting house guest.  But the most disgusting incident was defiantly Lydia/Natalie trying to poison Michelle for me. they were pretty much squealing with excitement about the fact Michelle could break out in hives and maybe die.  At least production put an end to that so even Grodner has limits I guess. Speaking of Dick, Victoria reminds me so much of Jen Johnson on the feeds its scary. They both have no social game or know how to relate to people. And  I was a Jen fan during BB8.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Considering that Caleb called Obama a "muslim monkey", I'm pretty sure that he's well aware of his racist feelings.  Although, I have no idea if those feelings are at play with the Amber situation, or if he's just this way with women in general, regardless of race.  Either way, he's a major douche. 

Yeah, his comments about Obama are what I was alluding to. Does he know Amber is also biracial? If so, his fixation on her may be a fetish thing. What I'm not sure of is whether he realizes her being half-Black may be part of his pull toward her and his expectation that she should feel particularly honored for the attention.


There's a historical novel called Wench about a true-life resort in antebellum Ohio where well-to-do White slave owners would take their Black enslaved mistresses. Of course Amber's not a slave but I think Caleb's obssession with her (and his perception of her ingratitude) mimics some things in that book.

I think Jacosta & Victoria are taking up valuable space. That said, the are great goats. It appears everybody wants them out because they are useless & not worth having around since they don't do anything. They are weak players but I guess 3 plus months of those two girls is just too much to bare. LOL!!

I am curious to see how the Amber & Caleb soap plays out. It looks like Amber might miss jury & Caleb might go further. He keeps talking in circles about how she should be greatful that he's done so much for her . It's almost like he keeps trying to convince himself of it. Like the movie Frozen...........let it go, bro!!!


I think Dick is the most disgusting house guest.  helle for me. they were pretty much squealing with excitement about the fact Michelle could break out in hives and maybe die.  At least production put an end to that so even Grodner has limits I guess.


That's probably why I think Dick's stuff was worse. I mean Production kept them from doing it. Production loved when Dick would threaten to kill and rape Jen. They did absolutely nothing when he burned her with a cigarette.


I think Jacosta & Victoria are taking up valuable space. That said, the are great goats. It appears everybody wants them out because they are useless & not worth having around since they don't do anything.

Victoria has a veto and won 2 BOB comps. Hayden is using his veto to remove her now and that is partly because he likes her or he could just remove Jocasta. Victoria isn't the greatest player ever, but no one this season is.

Jocasta though, yea, she's useless. You shouldn't wait until week 5 to start doing anything, even if you're purposely playing a low key game.

These people are straight up fools to target the two of them or honestly any of the women though. They have literally no chance of winning.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I hope to heaven that Hayden does take Victoria off.  Whiny voice aside, for someone who is so 'useless', she has won the POV and 2 BOTB so both Brittany and Jocasta can suck it.


Speaking of which, she's fucking sick AGAIN?!  What balls to complain about Victoria when all she does is spout the Bible and ralphs all over the place, she needs to go and now.


I absolutely hate it when people feel that such-and-such must be 'put in their place'? What in the bluedilly fuck is that?!  You know what my problem with Amber is? She's allowing this man to fuck up her chance at winning $500,000. All the dumb bitch has to do is go to the producers and threaten to put them/Caleb on blast (fuck a contract!) if they don't tell that stalker to back up off her. But instead, she whines and simpers so I don't feel sorry for her at all.


There has been some discussion here about Victoria's hair extensions but I have seen no discussion of her heartfelt admission to Cody last night on BBAD. 


Victoria explained that a few years ago she lost all of her hair. She refused to explain why. She said she hesitated entering the BB house because of this matter, but she went on to say one of the other women knows she wears hair. (I couldn't hear who) 


Then she said the weight of the constant wearing of the hair gives her headaches. It was a very sincere conversation she had with Cody... but I cannot speculate about what happened since she gave no clues.


In another matter, Caleb is so controlling it is cringe-worthy. He wants Amber put up so she "knows her place" and will go to him for protection. That is a very bad first sign of what could be an abusive man. It starts with subtle manipulation exactly like that.

Edited by DakotaLavender

I just can't fault Amber for reacting to this situation the way she has. It's made 10 times worse by the fact that she's trying to play a $500,000 game and is in a house full of straight-up misogynists.

ETA: I know for sure that Frankie and Nicole know Victoria has extensions. I assume Nicole told Christine and that they bitched about it together at some point, but I never actually witnessed it.

Zach: "We're literally the Brigade. But better!"

Sadly, no, even the Brigade was better than this shit, Zach.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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That's probably why I think Dick's stuff was worse. I mean Production kept them from doing it. Production loved when Dick would threaten to kill and rape Jen. They did absolutely nothing when he burned her with a cigarette.


Good point. Maybe that is why I can I watch BB11 over again and not BB8.



There has been some discussion here about Victoria's hair extensions but I have seen no discussion of her heartfelt admission to Cody last night on BBAD.


Victoria explained that a few years ago she lost all of her hair. She refused to explain why. She said she hesitated entering the BB house because of this matter, but she went on to say one of the other women knows she wears hair. (I couldn't hear who)

I think the reason why there is no discussion is because she said this story to Frankie the first week the feeds were up. I remember reading it, in someone's recap. I don't think it was during After Dark which could be why you saw it for the first time last night.

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I have been trying to keep up but it is difficult! My question is, has the discussion ever come up about putting Caleb up and voting him out and yes they will lose someone on their "side" but that they would gain a forever grateful Amber? I feel like if I were Amber, and the HOH came to me and was like, "I will get Caleb out FOR YOU and your safety" that person wouldn't be my first target. Have they discussed that? 

  • Love 2


Yeah, his comments about Obama are what I was alluding to. Does he know Amber is also biracial? If so, his fixation on her may be a fetish thing. What I'm not sure of is whether he realizes her being half-Black may be part of his pull toward her and his expectation that she should feel particularly honored for the attention.

Yeah he knows she's biracial, I'm pretty sure everyone does. He called her hair nappy once and got upset when Devin alluded to her preferring to date black men.


I mean Cody talks about getting Caleb out and they placate him with "next week" or "soon." But the fact of the matter is Frankie and Derrick want to use Caleb and the rest of theses idiots let those two run their games, so Caleb is gonna last a long time.

I really hope Zach doesn't go through with telling Amber she's a horrible, disgusting person for playing Caleb during the Veto Ceremony. It's SO gross. And it's really gross that Derrick and Frankie got him to do this. I mean I know they want the TA money but they're fucking assholes.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Amber's problem is that she is too nice. A few choice words to production and Caleb would put an end to this. The cattiness of the other females doesn't help the situation either. Just makes Amber nicer in the hopes to win them over. She is just in a bad situation.

Just goes to show you that killing someone with kindness isn't always the best solution. Personally, I'd like to see her bitch out them all. She will go home either way, but at least we get some entertainment.

Wonder if any of these guys will watch the show/feeds after they show is over and see how wrong they were about Amber and what jerks they were to her.

After she is gone, that place will look and smell like a pig sty. It probably will get so bad that we will be able to smell them through the feeds.

Edited by LGGirl
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I'm still holding a sliver of hope that Caleb will change his mind, freak out, and get himself put on the block.  Only way it will happen is if Amber starts talking to him regularly again or "apologizes".  Doesn't seem likely at this point.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

Amber's problem is that she is too nice. A few choice words to production and Caleb would put an end to this. The cattiness of the other females doesn't help the situation either. Just makes Amber nicer in the hopes to win them over. She is just in a bad situation.

Just goes to show you that killing someone with kindness isn't always the best solution. Personally, I'd like to see her bitch out them all. She will go home either way, but at least we get some entertainment.

Wonder if any of these guys will watch the show/feeds after they show is over and see how wrong they were about Amber and what jerks they were to her.

After she is gone, that place will look and smell like a pig sty. It probably will get so bad that we will be able to smell them through the feeds.


No Amber or Brittany to do the cleaning?  Yeah.  They might as well put out the welcome mat for all the ants in the 1-mile radius of the house/BY - not to mention the stench that will accrue from not washing dishes. 


I've seen Frankie & Zach do dishes a couple times before, they might have to be the new 'cleaning crew' after Amber is pushed out.

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And it's really gross that Derrick and Frankie got him to do this. I mean I know they want the TA money but they're fucking assholes.



The way the two of them were egging Caleb on last night was disturbing as well.  And that they weren't even doing for the TA money.  Whether they actually believed what they were saying about Amber getting what she deserved (by being put on the block) or whether they were doing it for game reasons, it was despicable.


I hope Amber says, you know what, evict me...Losing a chance at $500,000.00 is worth it to get away from Caleb.  They're going to evict her anyway,  I just hope she doesn't do what Caleb wants and suck up to them to stay.

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This Team America stuff is a bunch of crap.  The last mission was to put up someone who was a big threat and they put up Amber instead of a strong guy, and it was considered mission accomplished?  Now they have to get two people to argue for 20 minutes (which they failed at the nomination ceremony) so they decide to have Zach yell at Amber for 20 minutes at the veto ceremony.  If Amber doesn't fight back (and she won't), that is NOT two people arguing, yet Grodner will consider it a win.  So frickin' lame!  



Now they have to get two people to argue for 20 minutes (which they failed at the nomination ceremony) so they decide to have Zach yell at Amber for 20 minutes at the veto ceremony.  If Amber doesn't fight back (and she won't), that is NOT two people arguing, yet Grodner will consider it a win.

It's 20 seconds, and they won't get credit if Amber doesn't argue back.  Their target didn't argue back at nominations and they didn't get credit.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
He called her hair nappy once​

Ex-cuuuuuse meeee?  No.  Just..no.  That is unacceptable.  


Amber's problem is that she is too nice. A few choice words to production and Caleb would put an end to this.

Why should Amber be responsible for making some choice words to production?  Production obviously knows how creepy this situation is; they're playing it up on national tv!  They just don't care.  Misogyny is a-okay with this show.  Hell, even rampant racism was fine until the public/ media started making a big deal about it; otherwise, CBS and the show never would have done anything about it last season.  


I think that if Jocosta is in fact playing everyone, she's doing a pretty good job of it.  She keeps getting put on the block, but she hasn't been the target.  Everyone thinks she's harmless, and an easy evict whenever they're ready.  It might not be a terrible strategy for her.  

  • Love 6

Just looking at Amber, it's clear that this isn't the first time she's had unwanted attention and I'm sure that the way she's reacting is informed by personal experience.  I know someone who was physically sexually harassed at work and went to H/R.  Even though the offender had several documented offenses, some people in the workplace harassed my friend for making a report.  Similarly, Amber's in a no-win situation.  If she reports it, she doesn't have just a few people in a breakroom giving her shit, she's got nutjobs all over the country tweeting about how she's a bitch and a tease.  If she continues to politely deflect and try to avoid a potential scene, she's a pushover or worse. 


Since she didn't ask for this idiot's deranged affection, she shouldn't be blamed for how she reacts to it.  Victim blaming is just not ok.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 19

Amber isn't omniscient, while BB is. That's pretty much the entire conceit of this show, and the original Orwellian novel (though I get horrible shivers even mentioning those two things in the same sentence)! Production sees what Caleb has said, and what he does. If he really did kiss her in her sleep, that's fucking crazy, and she by definition isn't even aware of it. Amber doesn't have to feel threatened for there to be a threat.

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