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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Thanks for the answers about the glasses. I was also surprised last year to see so many of the women wearing false eyelashes. I guess I'm just really out of it.

It was the anal bleaching last year that got me.  I've never worn false eyelashes, fake nails, bleached my ass hairs (I'm black so I have no idea what black women do), worn hair extensions, etc.  I'm horribly out of touch - LOL

  • Love 3


I actually can see it being possible.  Mostly because he lives in NY and is "famous", and also because he is a very good looking guy 





and a "type" that a lot of gay men are really into.




I mean, Frankie isn't nearly as repulsive looking as Andy, or Regan, not yet anyway. But I would never classify him as attractive in any way and can't imagine a lot of guys would be into him, unless they know who his sister is, and their interest in him is based primarily on that.


I really don't dislike Frankie, but I'm sick of the way this show always wants to cast over-the-top queens in the gay houseguest role. 

  • Love 4

It was the anal bleaching last year that got me.  I've never worn false eyelashes, fake nails, bleached my ass hairs (I'm black so I have no idea what black women do), worn hair extensions, etc.  I'm horribly out of touch - LOL

You and me both. If that-all is what's required to be in touch, then I'm fine with being out of touch 'cause I didn't want NONE of that bunch touching me. Except maybe Elissa. But she wasn't bleaching anything.

You know, looking at that list... I do believe last season's cast may have hit on something.

By cracky, I think they found the one REAL way to use BB as a springboard to fame!

What we thought was obsessive narcissism was actually them prepping for their exciting new careers - in porn!


Are Amber and Caleb in any other alliances? They aren't in the "detonaters" and know that the BS had a time limit, so I'm trying to recall if they think they have established fall-back alliances for when jury time comes around.

I don't think either of them have any other real alliance. I think Caleb is too busying focusing on Amber to make any other alliance and the other HG know that the only real alliance that Caleb will care about is one with Amber. As for Amber, I don't know what she is doing in regard to alliance because it seems like she is not even trying to get other people to work with her.





HIS sexual orientation couldn't be reversed doesn't mean that it couldn't be reversed for someone else


Yes it does, Jocasta is full of shit. There's also a good chance she is just exaggerating her "crooked ways" to make her relationship with Jesus seem even more powerful similar to how many born again's dabble in witchcraft before they are saved. I wonder what her fee is for praying the gay away.

Maybe  I should specify; I meant that he is confident in his sexual orientation, but that doesn't mean everyone else is confident with their own sexual orientation.  Sometimes it takes awhile to figure it out.  A good friend of mine dated both men and women, then came to her own conclusion that she never really was a lesbian or even bi, but that she was living in the moment.  Technically she reversed her sexual orientation, but acknowledges that she wasn't born that way.  Frankie has made it pretty clear that he was, therefore he can't change that.  


I don't recall the conversation with Jocasta about her past on the feeds, but did she really say she "prayed away the gay" in herself?  I never really got that impression from her, but could be wrong.  To me it sounds like she changed her mind, and moved on with her life, not that she meant her relationship with a woman was wicked and evil.  (Please do correct me if I'm wrong though!)


But I do admit that she is 100% wrong in saying that Catholics aren't Christian.  They most assuredly are, present company included.

Edited by maraleia
please use sexual orientation, that is the correct terminology
  • Love 1

I'm not at all surprised that Frankie has been with 150 guys. As a gay man myself, I've also experienced that many gay men have a lot of sexual partners, and while I personally don't find Frankie all that attractive, he definitely fits into a certain mold that many guys are into. In a huge city like New York, Frankie could find several different partners a day if he wanted to. 


And... really. Frankie's had 150 different sexual partners. Zach doesn't think you need condoms for anal sex. Cody doesn't use condoms, period. What in the living hell is wrong with these people? I just want to run in there and shake them until they come to their senses, but I also don't want to even come within ten feet of them. 

  • Love 10

Frankie is definitely not ugly. With his pink, bleached hair and faces, he comes off as a character. If his look was more "normal", I think he'd be quite handsome.

He probably has the best social game. Everyone likes him. He knows how to play everyone. I'm curious to see how he does in the comps where you have to know the other house guests.


I don't think either of them have any other real alliance. I think Caleb is too busying focusing on Amber to make any other alliance and the other HG know that the only real alliance that Caleb will care about is one with Amber. As for Amber, I don't know what she is doing in regard to alliance because it seems like she is not even trying to get other people to work with her.

Both seem to be playing as if the remaining BS members are still in an alliance - which is kinda true, except (a) it's the Detonators or Decorators or whatever, and (b) they're not included. But I'm certain the Dumbellators are perfectly happy to let Beast Mode Bunny Boiler and Amber labor under this delusion as long as possible. Kind of like a boss terminating an employee on paper, but not telling the employee so as to squeeze an extra week or two of free work out of them. After all, what are they gonna do? It's not like BB alliances are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act.... ;)

What in the living hell is wrong with these people? I just want to run in there and shake them until they come to their senses, but I also don't want to even come within ten feet of them.

If you do, wear rubber gloves - thick ones, up to the elbow. Still, it's better than last year. I would not have gone into that House without a Level A biohazard suit and guarantees on hazard play. I wouldn't be surprised if Amanda's and McCrae's shenanigans didn't qualify that part of the CBS lot for Superfund status.

ETA: correcting the autocorrect errors. Feh. :P

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

I hope they do a movie screening luxury comp this year. They didn't do it last year, probably because the HGs were so revolting and didn't deserve nice things. Looking at upcoming releases it would seem the obvious choice would be Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles. Maybe Megan Fox could show up to host a comp and get Cody, Hayden and Zach all hot and bothered.

Edited by TimWil

Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder -- I was just thinking the other day how unattractive Frankie is. He's lean and toned, but to me, he is not a good looking man.



I don't think so either.  He looks like an overly tanned old man with cotton hair.


I was reading on the PP about Devin being mad at Brittany for all her coffee cups laying around. Made me think, I don't think I've ever seen without a coffee cup!  And she wonders why she can't sleep at night.


P.S. OT: I can't stand the quote box here. It keeps getting stuck and shutting my pages down. Grr...

  • Love 1

Seeing the posts about Caleb's banana plan made me go to Joker's to see what else was posted about it and this line made me laugh: "Frankie suggests shaping aluminum foil into the shape of a banana but Caleb says that won't work because aluminum foil is not a banana."

Forget "Beast Mode Cowboy", I would kill for a t-shirt that said "aluminum foil is not a banana."

  • Love 3

I wish I knew where Donny truly stood. At times, it seems like he has a clear picture of the game. He tells Jocasta to pay attention to how Frankie, Derrick and Christine have never been on the block while the non-BombSquad-ers keep rotating around as nominees. He tells Hayden how he recognizes that Derrick and Frankie are the ringleaders of the other side and simply took Devin's place. This makes me think he knows he has to get one or both of them out to shake things up. But, this morning, again talking to Hayden, he seemed adamant that the best move is backdooring Amber. I understand Amber and Donny are targeting each other, and that he might not want to make a direct play against them because of the Team America thing, but all this move does is help Derrick and Frankie. It does nothing to shake up the power within the house. Plus, he'll have Caleb coming after him and, as this week has proven, Derrick and Frankie will do nothing to protect him.

Edited by no1skittishkitten
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Wait...why are Amber and Donny targeting each other?  This is what I get for FF'ing past a lot of the game whispering, sometimes there is an actual nugget of information that matters.  I was just thinking today that Amber, Donny and Victoria should team up together!  And I thought Donny didn't much care for Caleb and Christine, so I thought maybe they were his targets.

  • Love 1

I think he's just playing it smart.  He knows Hayden doesn't like Amber, he's telling him what he wants to hear.  He also knows Derrick runs the house and it wouldn't be smart to tell anyone he is going to target Derrick before the HoH competition.  


Judging by everything he has said ("they're the brains targets", and "you really should" after Derrick said he should go f*** himself), I think Donny would still love to get out Derrick over anyone else.  He was a little more open earlier in the week because he was trying to save Brittany and get Caleb out.  No point in risking it now.


There is also this stupid 2 HoH thing to consider.  It makes it very tricky for Donny.  Say he wins HoH and he puts up Derrick and Caleb.  Chances are good they'd win BotB against the weak players the other HoH will put up (unless the other HoH is Jocasta, then maybe they could put up four members of the Detonators) and then Donny would be screwed.  He would need to put up one weak competitor (probably Amber or Christine because he knows they are targeting him and he can say they are his target) along with Derrick to minimize their chances of winning BotB.  Then he'd have to try and win veto himself or have the weak competitor win veto so he can put someone popular up next to Derrick (Cody or Frankie) so Derrick will be voted out.  Otherwise the weak player will just go.  It would be smart to say Derrick is just the pawn so he has some deniability if he or the weak player doesn't win veto.  If it gets out that he is targeting Derrick he will be the rest of the house's #1 target.


Or he could nominate the popular player with the weak player and try to use the veto on the weak player and backdoor Derrick.  Either way, a lot of things would have to go right.  


He's probably better off trying to survive one more week and targetting Derrick when there is only one HoH.  If everything doesn't go perfectly he'd be in big trouble.


At least, that's what I hope.  Maybe I am giving him to much credit.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
  • Love 4

I don't think either of them have any other real alliance. I think Caleb is too busying focusing on Amber to make any other alliance and the other HG know that the only real alliance that Caleb will care about is one with Amber. As for Amber, I don't know what she is doing in regard to alliance because it seems like she is not even trying to get other people to work with her.

Amber has spoken about trying to get with other women to form some sort of alliance, or at least she was talking to Christine about it.  Of course Christine pretended to be interested, but was true to her alliance with the Detenators.  Amber was ridiculous for not trying to get rid of Caleb when she had a chance.  Frankie had said something about not even really wanting to be involved with either of them because of their "crazy situation" which is unfair to Amber, because its really Caleb who is crazy, but they are both lumped together as being "too much drama" to work with.  


Both seem to be playing as if the remaining BS members are still in an alliance - which is kinda true, except (a) it's the Detonators or Decorators or whatever, and (b) they're not included. But I'm certain the Dumbellators are perfectly happy to let Beast Mode Bunny Boiler and Amber labor under this delusion as long as possible. Kind of like a boss terminating an employee on paper, but not telling the employee so as to squeeze an extra week or two of free work out of them. After all, what are they gonna do? It's not like BB alliances are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act.... ;)



Yeah, but do they get to keep the Swingline stapler?

  • Love 2

Isn't it obvious that Christine is spending most of her time with the HOH guy's group?  Seems every time I see her she's cuddled up in an HOH bed with a couple of guys.  So, if this is true, and observed, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume she's in an alliance with the guys? I'm wondering why nobody's figured this out.

  • Love 1

Yeah, but do they get to keep the Swingline stapler?

Of course! Bambi probably already has it wrapped up in Amber's now-despoiled baby blanket. How else is he going to cover his walls at home with pictures of Amber?

He better grab a red marker, too - so he can circle her in the pictures. And X-out any male standing near her....

  • Love 1

As someone who has watched every season and had the feeds since season five, this group barely registers to me. At this point, if you asked me any of their names this time next year, I might be able to give you Donny. Possibly Zach. I find them boring and mildly irritating, but that's about all the feelings I can muster. Certainly not the rage and intense dislike I've had in prior seasons. This season to me so far = "meh". Apart from that one awesome day when Zach didn't sleep, lost his mind, got himself nominated and the Bomb Squad blew up. That was kind of fun.


This season makes me nostalgic for other, crazier seasons, even if I didn't particularly like them. I know not everyone watches the show for the same reasons, but personally, I'm here to be entertained and to see people play a game. Last season some of the HGs were downright horrible people, but they were entertaining. Well, until towards the end when it was Amanda reigning from her dirty bed and McCrae laying next to her chewing his warts and trying not to get raped. GM's brand of crazy was a very special brand of crazy. It was hopping in the early days. This season's group? Barely a blip on the radar. It's all "I love you" and hugs, and then whispers behind backs about how horrible someone is or talk about how much someone does/does not deserve to be there. The most fun had on the feeds this year so far for me is probably Devin's BS meeting in the HOH bedroom. Everyone is so afraid of making waves or getting blood on their hands, and unless there's a major shake up, it seems like the season will continue on this path. It'll probably be known as the Pickle season to me. Pickles instead of flowers, pickles in tin foil hearts, pickles in banana peels. When you think you're going to remember pickles more than the HGs, there's something wrong. Bedgate 2013 versus Bedgate 2014? No contest.

Is it the fault of the HGs not acting the way they were expected or is it casting? On paper, some people seem like they would be entertaining. Devin was certainly bringing the crazy for awhile, Joey as Alex was just head-scratchingly bizarre. Frankie and Zach seem like they should be more entertaining. It seems like the potential was there. I honestly thought this one would be good, just less racist than last year.


I don't know if Jocasta could do it.  She's currently sleeping in the bathroom because she's been vomiting so much due to eating something she shouldn't have. 


For once Caleb isn't being creepy, unless you count him helping Amber give the kitchen a complete scrub down.  For the past couple of hours they've cleaned out the fridge, taken out the garbage, and removed everything from the counters to give the counters a good scrubbing.  Amber's talking about setting aside a special cupboard and having a special basket in the fridge so Jocasta can do a better job of keeping her food separate so she'll stop getting sick.

Conspiracy theory time! This is the second time that Jocasta has gotten sick right before a competition. Last time it was her own fault with the double (triple?) dosing of fibre and fibre supplements and not drinking enough water. Now she's puking in a bucket again. Is this her strategy? Get "sick" prior to competitions so that when she can't compete/loses horribly, everyone feels sorry for her and she's safe? Is she going to start wailing and praising Jesus when she's not put on the block and suddenly feel better? Yeah, I know, it's a long shot theory.

I do feel sorry for her since she's sick again, especially if it's due to that pigsty of a kitchen. I agree with those upthread that I never heard of an allergy issue for Jocasta, just Christine and Frankie. But damn, it seems Jocasta is either sick and planted on the toilet with her head in a bucket or talking about her bowel movements. I'm probably going to remember her as Poop Girl at the end of the season.


And the crazy continues...


Jokers - 07/24/14 06:50 AM

HOH, Cam 4, 5:57am. Frankie/Zach/Cody talking about Caleb/Amber. Zach: "Could it get worse?" Frankie says "He could propose to her"


Cody says "He told me he went into DR and said something." Zach: "Like what?" Frankie: "Asked if he could buy a ring." Feeds cut immediately to fish, for about 30 seconds. When feeds come back, the guys are talking about how much engagement rings cost in general.

I'm starting to lean towards the theory that while Caleb is attracted to Amber, he believes that it's all being shown in a positive light and that it's going to make him famous. He makes comments that just don't sit right sometimes. Like the backyard date he took her on (and poor Amber looked so uncomfortable), where he made a point of saying that he wanted to have a date in the house where "nine million people" were watching because no one would be watching if he did it when they got out of the house. I'm wondering if he thinks this is truly his springboard into fame. Talking about red carpets and limos, being on The Voice, wanting to do Survivor or TAR, and now asking about a ring? I wonder how he romances women outside the house. I would love to see some ex-girlfriend dirt to show up on Twitter somewhere. 

The season thus far seems like a bit of a bust for me. I haven't even watched the feeds for a few days, just kept up to date through here and through Joker's because they bore me so much when it isn't a competition or nomination day. I usually don't even watch much, just listen while I knit, but even that seems like a chore when all you come across is "Brittany/Amber is a bitch and has to go" and Caleb watching Amber and Cody. Last time I actually watched the feeds was for Brittany's 2400 goals. What I wouldn't give for Rachel offering to make Regan warm gooey delicious chocolate chip cookies while he's a Have Not right now.

...he believes that it's all being shown in a positive light and that it's going to make him famous.


I've always thought that at least 50% of Caleb's "obsession" with Amber was to get air time. He was talking very early on, like week one, about Julie asking him about Amber on the show. I think he wanted a showmance since it usually leads to more air time and now is OK with either being the guy who finally wins the girl or the lovesick cowboy who's really a romantic at heart.  It doesn't help when others egg him on and people like Frankie assure him that he's being portrayed well on TV. I agree that he thinks he's going to be famous. I think he really does have a crush on Amber and some of his behavior might be a result of not being used to girls turning him down or not liking that it's happening in such a public forum but the nonsense like the ring talk is purely for the show, in my opinion.


If this coming week is the final double HOH, I guess I just hope the HOHs are people who aren't targeting Donny. I don't think Donny would have has any potential HOH partner that he could rely on to work with him. Even if Jocasta was the other HOH, who knows who she would nominate or why. Or maybe if he did win and just targeted people like Amber or Victoria, he could buy a little more time from some of the guys. If he contented himself with targeting Caleb, most would be OK with that but he could inadvertently make himself a bigger target for Derrick and Frankie


I disagree that this is a "meh" group. Even Victoria is emerging as a distinct, amusing character. And the "bonding/affection" between the men is fascinating and might really be a promising sign of how far our country is coming in terms of sexual tolerance. Someone like Caleb ten years ago would have been a redneck who would look openly uncomfortable with the likes of Frankie.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 8

I only watch the show and BBAD, but actually find that I enjoy this kind of season more than the hate-filled drama-fests of more recent history. Listening in when the HGs seem to forget about the cameras and just shoot the shit feels almost like watching, in a way, gorillas in the mist. Catching the facial reactions when seemingly innocuous comments are made, watching the subtle competition among the men and women - feels like armchair sociology. If I want catfights and overly-rehearsed DRAMAZ (mind you, I don't!), there's an assortment of Housewives and Bad Girls and Real Worlders to watch. I'm liking that this season is more like true hamster-watching; reminds me of the S1 days.


*Posted at the same time as TimWil - glad to see a kindred spirit!

Edited by Dewey Decimate
  • Love 7

I think Caleb is doing a lot for the show too, but that is what makes it even funnier to me, he is so out of touch with reality he can't see how this character he is trying to create is being received at best a joke at worst a serial killer.

Even Julie hates Caleb! https://twitter.com/JulieChen/status/492466498896535553/photo/1

I kinda hope he wins HoH at this point.

  • Love 4

Oh, Caleb - is he now going for a CreepModeVampboy look?  


I'm sure Christine and her husband are very happy together (because anal sex!), but I'm not sure how I would feel about my spouse cuddling up in bed with other people and flirting with people all summer long.  Cameras or no cameras, gameplay or not, regardless of how much trust I had in my partner, I'm just not sure I would be okay with it.  

  • Love 5

So Frankie and Zach for the new HOH's. Let's see if they follow through with Caleb back door.


ETA: I wonder if getting a letter from home and seeing his brother might settle Zach. He's been so erratic I think due to boredom/homesickness so maybe this will refocus him just a bit.

Edited by kellog010

That might not be so bad.  Zach may very well target Caleb.  Frankie might be hesitant to target Donny this early in the game for fear of upsetting America.


Still, another boring week of the detonators.  Maybe Zach will go crazy and make it interesting.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
  • Love 2

Christine, Nicole, Derrick and Caleb are have nots. That is a good thing. Christine, Nicole, Derrick and Caleb did not win HOH. That is a good thing. There is a very good chance with both Zach and Frankie being up in the HOH room all week (regardless of who loses the Initial battle) we might finally get a little lovin. That is a good thing. That's about all I've got. I no longer have any belief in this mythical "we'll totally get rid of Caleb" talk. If anyone other than Amber, Jacosta or Victoria leave next Thursday, I will be utterly shocked. Unless it's Donny.

But finally a TA task I can get behind. Please, someone just fight with someone! Please, for the love of God let me watch people yell like idiots at each other. That's all I ask.

  • Love 5

Would Zach target Caleb?  I hope so, but I am reluctant to hope.  Zach does seem less under Derrick's influence than Cody, but Frankie sure pulls Zach's strings.  I don't know if the Detonators are ever going to put Caleb up, not until everyone else is gone.  That way they can rely on his sure vote every week, while also knowing that he's a likely target anytime they aren't in control of the house.  Plus, Derrick and Frankie might both be thinking about taking Caleb to the end, knowing he'll never win.  So, I guess I doubt Caleb is going on the block this week.  

Frankie of all people, being both a fan of the show and in the entertainment business (peripherally), should know that a dominant alliance winning week after week and eliminating people in a predictable order is boring TV.  He's going to start losing the eyeballs he so obviously wants if he doesn't realize he has to mix it up.  But I doubt that he will.

  • Love 2

But finally a TA task I can get behind. Please, someone just fight with someone! Please, for the love of God let me watch people yell like idiots at each other. That's all I ask.

The way they fudged their last mission, I wouldn't be surprised if they just tried to get credit for the POV fight between Devin, Zach and Brittany.

  • Love 2


But finally a TA task I can get behind. Please, someone just fight with someone! Please, for the love of God let me watch people yell like idiots at each other. That's all I ask.


Well, Zach being in the house makes the likelihood of success here pretty good!


Derrick is making the feeds boring, but damn, he's playing a hell of a game and the way the threw he HOH to Frankie (when he obviously didn't want/need to win) was such a great game move.  I'm annoyed because it is making everything predictable, yet can't help but admire the level of game he has.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 2

Hmmmm wonder who the noms will be. Insert sarcasm.


LMAO. If the noms are anything but Amber/Jocatsa/Donny/Victoria I'll eat a hat.


The way they fudged their last mission, I wouldn't be surprised if they just tried to get credit for the POV fight between Devin, Zach and Brittany.


LOL this is great. I wouldn't put it past these douchebags.


The hate I have for Derrick's disgusting display during HOH is just astronomical. He's honestly one of my most hated HGs of all time I think.


I guess the only potentially interesting thing this week will be watching Frankie/Derrick steer everyone away from BDing Caleb.


And it will be pretty fun to watch Christine/Nicole be miserable all week.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I wonder if Caleb will stay up all night for the next however many days, to keep an eye on Amber & Cody, since neither of them are HaveNots and he is.....  while he's working on the whole pickle-wrapped-in-a-banana thing, along with planning his & Amber's next 'date'.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

Cody, Zach and Frankie discussed getting Caleb out next week followed by Amber, Victoria, Jacosta and Donny. They said once Caleb is gone, Amber is back on their side and not with the outsiders. They said Hayden, Nicole and Victoria are floaters and won't be able to rally anyone against the Detonators. Donny and Jacosta are an island. They seemed pretty confident about getting Caleb out. The only question is to put him on the block or take a chance to back door him (like if no one uses the veto). We shall see what happens because with this group things can change fast.


ETA: The best part of this week is going to be watching beast mode cowboy suffer eating slop. Finally Amber can sleep without him watching her creepily.

Edited by kellog010

I don't find games that a group (or individual) controls for extended periods to be boring.  I enjoy watching them put out fires, work with (and manipulate) allies, and make deals with adversaries.  Derrick and Frankie are playing a really strong game so far and I am having a great time watching them do this.  I don't really care about the drama of people having screaming matches -- I'm more about the drama of game moves.  

  • Love 2

Via JokersUpdates.com:


07/24/14 07:50 PM

Frankie comes in to beehive and hugs Zach. Z: "That was the best hug I've ever had in my entire life" and they hug again NT


07/24/14 07:50 PM

Zach telling Frankie that for this HOH, he's giving him 100% control. NT


07/24/14 07:51 PM

Frankie tells Zach to put up Donny and he flat out refuses. NT

  • Love 2

Yeah, I haven't seen any real work done. Joey, Paola, Devin and Brittany were predictable, easy boots. Again, there was that one day where Zach went off the rails, and that was fun. But the same people having the same meeting every night about how they have to get people who have no game out of the house isn't interesting to me. Although I could possibly compare this group to the Friendship, with probably Derrick in the Maggie role.

Derrick is working his ass off, and for awhile I enjoyed it, but now I find it repetitive and overdone. He talks a LOT. And uses about 5 times as many words as he needs to use. Not entertaining for me. Frankie is also working, but for some reason it's irritating to me. Hell, maybe it's me and not them, but I haven't found any really entertaining game talk. No game changers, nothing that made me sit up and say "oh, are they really going to try this?" I guess I want a flip of the house. That's the game moves I enjoy, not a bunch of dudes hanging out in the HOH, casually talking about which chick they're going to boot next.

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