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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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If Christine is such a super fan, she'd know that the only girl in an all male alliance is always expendable. Remember that alliance called the Brigade???

You'd think she would have learned from past seasons that playing a guys game will get you so far. But then maybe she is there to not win $500k but get to jury like most of the hamsters there.

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So, I did notice the big bandaid that they placed on Devin's left tricep area during the episode.  He whispered on the feeds that they asked him to cover his sobriety tattoo.  I know you guys have mentioned that Frankie is also sober.  Maybe that's why there's been a lack of alcohol this season compared to previous seasons.

Not sure, unless Grodner is just trying to hide how 'fragile' some of the houseguests are.  They've gotten criticism for houseguests being on 'meds' -- which Devin also is on.  Anyway, here's the full Joker's update on the conversation:


Devin talking about sobriety, and a tattoo he has with his sobriety date and an angel. He mentions that he has to cover his tattoo with a skin tone bandaid for some reason and when he describes it, he lowers his voice and then we get fish.

I was thinking Devin covered up the tattoo out of his own accord because he had relapsed. But maybe CBS doesn't want blow back for locking an addict in a house with alcohol? One of the hamsters said Devin didn't tell the producers about his addictions until after he entered the house. I think Zach. Everyone is convinced he is the reason they don't get enough alcohol, so I guess we will see if that's true after tomorrow.

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Christine keeps wondering aloud what her game would be like if she wasn't married. Then she and Nicole criticized Amber and Brittany's looks. Christine and Nicole are so unique, they shop at Walmart and can't stand catty girls...


Oh, this again. Second verse, same as the first with those two. And the fact that Christine thinks she would be a showmance target if it weren't for her pesky marriage is just laughable. I think she really wants to fuck Cody though for sure. Maybe that's why she hates Amber so much.


ETA: This Derrick/Cody convo right now is nauseating. Please let 2 women (not named Christine) get HOH and just put up 4 guys (not including Hayden/Donny). Come on, Production, please rig this shit and then tell them what to do in DR, dammit!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I get that the guys find this amusing because they are misogynistic fuckheads but what is Christine’s excuse?



Is Christine really with them, or just pretending she is to get information?  She keeps insisting in her DRs that her real alliance is with Nicole and Hayden.


Is the Outsiders still a thing?  Because I really, really need that to be.


Frankie's British accent sucks, but I'm just watching his Jersey Shore performance from last night's BBAD, and it's pretty funny.  (Caleb doesn't get it.)

Is the Outsiders still a thing?  Because I really, really need that to be.


Sadly, and dumbly, The Outsiders aren't a real thing. They all really need to get together and recognize that they have to stick together and target BS, but they haven't. Really some combo of Donny/Brittany/Jocasta needs to get HOH and then maybe something can start happening.

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Christine definitely has a thing for Cody. She talks about him a lot. I bet he is the best looking guy ever to give her attention, and I say that because her personality sucks so bad, not just that she isn't very good looking.

I'm not into any of Frankie's impressions, but maybe if I was trapped in that house and bored out of my mind I'd feel differently.

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OK, I have to ask. Why the intense dislike of Christine? I'm not questioning it, but I'm just confused. I do agree that her laugh is incredibly annoying, but one of my dearest friends has an incredibly annoying laugh, through no fault of her own, so that doesn't even register. I know she talks trash about other HGs, but that has never bothered me, because I talk trash about most of them without even being in the house, so I'd consider myself a hypocrite to judge them for doing so.

I know it seems ridiculous for her to be part of these alliances with guys, when she's obviously the odd woman out, but to me it seems smart to be in the room when the alliances are made, and at least have some understanding of their plans. I believe that her true alliances per the DRs I've seen are Nicole and Hayden, but if she can get in with all those guys? Why not.

Is it the washing thing? Yep, totally gross, but not what I'm watching this show for. Don't care if she never washes her face, that's between her and her skin.

I'm sure it's probably due to my lack of intense feed watching this season, but the times I do watch her, I enjoy her. And I like her and Nicole. And don't care if she wants to hug Cody for all he's worth, as long as her husband doesn't mind. Although that would be a deal breaker. I can not handle another Michelle who got stars in her eyes over (first) Jeff then the "fame" and divorced her husband and ended up pretty much going into porn. That is still the most ridiculous arc ever.

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I have no idea why you would bother lying about only 3 years.

Because if you are 28  you in category of 'playing' at being an adult. You are still cool and can drink, party, tweet and play at social media with no responsibilities and no one thinks anything about it. When you are 31 and do those things people start to question when you are going to grow up because you are an adult. It's time to be serious about a career and maybe finding 'the one' to get married and in a few years a family.


Plus on BB 31 put you in the old category and you don't want to be old in the BB house.

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Honestly, I'm 28 and I see "kid zone" as under 25. I don't consider myself a young boy anymore, that's for damn sure. I still find Frankie really sad in the sense that he really is a genuinely talented guy with a load of charisma, but he insists on trying to stay Forever 21 instead of embracing his age. Which makes his contrast against Zach, the actual early 20-something guy, much sharper.


The other two times I can think of people lying about their age was some 25-year old woman who claimed to be 18 so she'd get underestimated, and Dani claiming to be 21 because she didn't want people to target her as the young girl.



Amber's a big girl, I'm sure she'd be alright in the jury house with Caleb.


Have you been following the live feeds? Caleb is downright scary, and the way he got the house to pile on Amber until she finally broke down and gave him a hug was fucking creepy as hell to watch.


I'd say Amber would be safe in the house, but this is the same show that let a contestant put a knife to another person's throat twice before they intervened.

Edited by methodwriter85
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OK, I have to ask. Why the intense dislike of Christine? I'm not questioning it, but I'm just confused. I do agree that her laugh is incredibly annoying, but one of my dearest friends has an incredibly annoying laugh, through no fault of her own, so that doesn't even register. I know she talks trash about other HGs, but that has never bothered me, because I talk trash about most of them without even being in the house, so I'd consider myself a hypocrite to judge them for doing so.


My hatred for her stems from her talking shit not just to better her game, but out of what seems like hateful spite. The way she continuously makes disparaging remarks about other houseguests is so petty and mean. A poster upthread mentioned how insensitive it is considering she's been bullied in the past, and ITA. She's a nasty piece of work. 

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I can't remember when the conversation happened or with who, but at one point, Caleb was talking about how going (back?) to his faith and church helped him see that he was treating women the wrong way, so now he treats women better. Obviously paraphrased, I think he may have also mentioned his mom or grandma or some other female figure in his life helping him, as well. I remember hearing that and thinking, "Well, damn, if this is the right way to treat a woman, what the fuck were you doing before this?" If this is the kinder, gentler version of Caleb, I feel sorry for the women before Amber.

Caleb was saying yesterday that he was going to fast until Thursday, because I guess he's a picky eater and is over the slop. Later in the evening, Cody and Amber were all cuddled up in the hammock while Caleb was in the backyard. He's gonna lose his shit soon if this keeps going on. I can put up with Cody's snot snorting if it means Caleb goes nuts.

Someone needs to check his basement  while he is away taping Big Brother.  I'm no Nancy Drew, but I watch a lot of Investigation Discovery channel, so I feel like I'm uniquely qualified to suggest it.

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Regardless of Frankie's age, he still acts like a 16 year old girl.  Listening to him giving shout outs to his family is normal.  But then he starts throwing shouts to Beliebers and doing that stupid heart shape with your hands and giggling like a teenage girl.


Who does Caleb think he is?  I died laughing in his conversation about finale night and hopefully they have tuxedos waiting for them, a limo, the whole thing will be a red carpet event.  I laughed.  He was talking about how his hair will be on the big night with paparazzi.  That's just a step more cringeworthy than Devin, while trying to tell Caleb to give up on Amber, saying when they leave the house, girls will be throwing themselves at them wanting to marry them!


Then Caleb bitching about his HOH basket.  And he went and complained.  It was supposed to show how awesome he is, Big Brother!  Get with the program!

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I wonder if there's a chance that TA will decide not to pursue the mission and just forfeit the money? If it would seriously mess up my game, I could see myself not doing the task. Also, it would be a great opportunity to sabotage your other TA members. Pretend to play along but let them be the ones really pushing the agenda, so they will get "blood on their hands" and leave you looking innocent. I wonder if there is some sort of stipulation that production can use to not pay them in that instance, especially if the task ultimately gets done?

The genius of TA is that at least two of the members will not win the big prize so that there is going to be an incentive to carry out all the missions because it is extra money on top of the weekly stipend they all get. You would have to be pretty sure that you are going to win to say no and cost yourself $5,000. It really would have to be something that you think would expose your game play or knock out an ally who you think will take you to the finals. This weeks mission is easy enough that they won't have a problem carrying it out and it won't hurt their game.

I have no problem with a person like Cody talking shit about Caleb's ego or that Caleb is scary, because I feel exactly the same way and those problems seem pretty obvious to me. But when Christine talks behind people's back she is making stuff up (She calls Donny a pervert when she herself talks about sex and asks people their number constantly), just being mean (whenever she talks about the other girls and their looks), or just in general showing how judgmental she can be over minor complaints and out of touch with reality (mad at Amber for pointing out that like her sister Nicole doesn't get ready much, how rude to point out Nicole doesn't wear much makeup!)

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Is there any chance, going by the feeds, that the script will be flipped and Caleb will go home?



It seems extremely unlikely at this point, and it would be very last minute if it did.  But I guess you never know.  IIRC, the Nick vote flipped very late last season(the night before?).   Right now I'm interested to see if Christine/Nicole follow through on their plan to cast a couple of stray votes against Caleb to cause mischief and whatever fallout happens from that. 

Edited by vb68

I love that 3 people who have no trust for one another is in TA. It adds an interesting dynamic if option A wins, this weakens Donny game. If option B wins, this weakens Derrick game. Either way someone is going to throw Victoria up there.


Option B better win! All I want now is for Derrick to get screwed. But, also, yes, Victoria is going to be nommed for sure. And most likely the actual target, too. Sigh. If only someone would step the fuck up already.


But when Christine talks behind people's back she is making stuff up (She calls Donny a pervert when she herself talks about sex and asks people their number constantly), just being mean (whenever she talks about the other girls and their looks), or just in general showing how judgmental she can be over minor complaints and out of touch with reality (mad at Amber for pointing out that like her sister Nicole doesn't get ready much, how rude to point out Nicole doesn't wear much makeup!)


This. Christine is so nasty. I hate this kind of trash talk. It's the main reason I hated Shelly as well. I wish Christine would get evicted (which will not happen anytime soon) because I want to know if Nicole wouldn't be so "I'm not like other girls" if Christine wasn't around to egg it on.

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I'm really sick of all the Derrick and Cody conversations.  I kinda like Cody on his own, though.  I wonder how he would play without Derrick.


Same. Derrick is just really gross and he ruins Cody for me. I want Derrick gone so much because I wonder how pretty much everyone would play without him. He holds a lot of things together, I think, and there'd be a lot of scattering if he went.


@vb68, don't even put Caleb winning HOH into the universe!

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For TA I wonder what completing the challenge will actually entail. Do they have to get the HOH to say they are nominating someone because they are a physical threat/floater. Or do they have to identify a person as such, and then get that person nominated?  How does BB decide they completed the challenge: since surely people who are floaters and physical threats will both get nominated- how is TA's influence determined?

I'm so over Frankie with the stupid hair, fake crying over Jocasta and his whole comedy act . He dresses like a toddler.  31? needs to grow up and get a real job.

I'm also sick of the stupid hats. 

Is it just me, but is this season void of one normal person? They all seems like cartoons. I feel like I'm watching a Scooby Doo mystery. 

The girls are boring, and Derrick has beady eyes. 

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Yeah, the mission this week for TA is so vague I could easily see, "Well, America, you said you wanted a physical threat up, so we risked a lot but we managed to get Victoria nominated!"


LOL! I can really see Derrick doing this.


I'm gonna assume they have to all agree on whoever is the floater or physical threat (whichever one wins) and then they have to get that person nommed in order to get the money.


I'm sorta pissed about this TA thing because Frankie didn't really do anything last week but come up with the rumor and he got $5000 for it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ok, y'all, that was the least "random draw" in the history of random draws.  Christine/Victoria? Cannon fodder.  Christine doesn't want it, and Victoria is useless.  Nicole/Caleb?  A way to neutralize Caleb.  She tried to throw it last week, and sure as well does not want any part of HOH this week.  Brittany/Jacosta? Wildcard team.  Maybe they'll be good at this, and all the guys will have to sweat.  Longshot, but I'm rooting for them.  Zach/Amber?  He flat out said he was going to throw it, and she didn't like being HOH the first time.  I expect they're a non-factor.  So it all comes down to this.  Frankie/Cody, and its the status quo, and I don't even know if I can watch this week, or Hayden/Donny and maybe finally someone will make a power move.  Or they'll just be idiots and target Victoria.


But that was NOT random.  Also, I'm pissed the feeds aren't back on yet.  Why does it take so long?

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Option B won for TA. Who will be the physical competitor? When we went off the air, Zach/Amber and Cody/Frankie had 1 egg. I think Zach decided to not throw this competition yesterday. Not sure though. Would be funny if Donny/Hayden won otherwise Hayden is cannon fodder for TA. I'd love if Brittney/Jacasta could pull off a win.

Having to throw up a physical player is really going to fuck the "Detonators". If Zach and Amber won HOH that would be best for their game because at least Amber would have a reason to put up Caleb and come out clean. This is a good one for this week because any other combination winning shakes it up as Donny being left out of the loop is going to bite them in the ass. 

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