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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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With the talk about a potential superfans vs. recruits line-up for this season, I was paying more attention to the splashy pose-intro of the show tonight and seemed to notice that many of the pairs are in the order recruit-fan (ex. Paola, Joey, Victoria, Caleb are all firsts; Donnie, Hayden, Christine, and Nicole are all seconds - if I'm remembering correctly). Has anyone else noticed this? I don't know if we have a good handle on who are the recruits vs. fans, but it feels like maybe more than coincidence. I've always wondered how they choose the order of hamsters in the intro!

I was just reading in Wikipedia that Brittany and Hayden were both recruited, and Caleb and Devin each initially applied to The Amazing Race, but the producers deferred them over to Big Brother. Also, Victoria was familiar with the Israeli version of the show, but had never seen an episode of the American edition. Frankie, Nicole, Christine and Donny seem to be the only ones who declare themselves big fans of the show (that I can see).

Am I the only one who hates Frankie? How do the houseguests not see/realize what a snake he is?

Frankie is probably one of my least favourite HGs. The voices/accents annoy me, the constant need to be "on" and performing, and the way he'll run from a conversation with Person A, to tell Person B what they said about them, and then back and forth and round and round... I wouldn't mind if he goes soon. I want to like him, but then he puts on that ridiculous Rhinestone voice and I'm frantically trying to change the feed to get away from it. 


In other news, was this the most obvious Veto meeting outcome ever? Jocasta saved by Donny, Devin put on the block. On the one hand, I feel kind of bad for him because he's kind of just on his own, he's not really involved in the house antics, he's just there. On the other hand, he did bring it upon himself when he isolated himself in the HOH bedroom. I hope the house flips and we get some fireworks and Caleb ends up walking out the door. He seems like the bigger threat compared to Devin.


Honestly, I'll take any fireworks at this point. Even a sparkler. C'mon Victoria, call Amber out on using all your stuff or something. Anything. 

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Frankie, Nicole, Christine and Donny seem to be the only ones who declare themselves big fans of the show (that I can see).


Derrick is a fan.  He's been spewing out stuff on the feeds from past seasons that only a true fan would know, not some recruit that just watched a few episodes before they went on the show while in sequester. 


I can't see the house flipping at this point and taking out Caleb instead of Devin but you never know , its a long, long, long way to go to Thursday. 

Nicole mentions that to her bff Christine who then has gone on tear to bash Donny whenever.  The other sheep (amber, Victoria, etc) all nod their heads and then spread stuff as if it were fact.


Unless someone else has noticed anything on the feeds, I think Donny is just a victim of marching to the beat of his own drum.  And the others don't "get" him so it's easier to bash him.

I agree and would add that Donny suggested to Nicole that she put Christine on the block because she's a member of the BS. Nicole said she couldn't because Christine is her friend and Donny said "but is she really?" He then very wisely told her that if they didn't do something about the 8 BS members, they would continue to pick the rest them off. Nicole told Christine that Donny suggested that she put Christine on the block, laughing about it, but I think Christine was rattled and is now trying to turn people against him. I've heard her say a number of times over the past couple of days that she's Donny's target, he's got to go, he's done, he's creepy and he's scary. The other stuff that he apparently said to various females in the house were probably meant as jokes or as compliments and if they came from Cody, the girls would laugh or say thank you. But since they came from the "old guy," they were kind of grossed out. 


TresGatos, thanks for the good laugh over the KISS comment.

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Definitely obvious, but I'm glad they followed through on this one. With the way these things have gone the past two seasons, I wouldn't have been surprised if Derrick changed his mind ten minutes before the ceremony and put up Cody instead.


I'm not quite sure who's going at the moment, and I feel like this is one of those votes that could very well go back and forth for a while, but I'm happy either way. They're both entertaining in their own way, but I also can't stand them.

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Frankie, Nicole, Christine and Donny seem to be the only ones who declare themselves big fans of the show (that I can see).

Derrick is a fan.  He's been spewing out stuff on the feeds from past seasons that only a true fan would know, not some recruit that just watched a few episodes before they went on the show while in sequester. 

Also - I may be mistaken, so please correct me if I am - wasn't it Zak who was talking about reading Dan Gheesling's book about getting on BB? Sounds a little more intense than your run-of-the-mill couch potato fan to me. :)

Also - I may be mistaken, so please correct me if I am - wasn't it Zak who was talking about reading Dan Gheesling's book about getting on BB? Sounds a little more intense than your run-of-the-mill couch potato fan to me. :)

I just meant those are the ones who have declared themselves 'big fans' of the game.

Also - I may be mistaken, so please correct me if I am - wasn't it Zak who was talking about reading Dan Gheesling's book about getting on BB? Sounds a little more intense than your run-of-the-mill couch potato fan to me. :)


Wow, I remember Dan talking about that book and thinking "who is gonna buy that book?!??"  Well...question answered

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Since Nicole is dressed as a frog, Donny asked her if she tried to pee on anyone to see if it causes warts, since frog pee causes warts he said, which everyone laughed at, but when Nicole repeated it to everyone she intended to make Donny look bad. Donny also has complimented Veronica shorts and said that the cameras always catch him checking out Nicole. I've never really seen him do anything that bad.

I don't mind this being a boring week because I do want Devin gone, and I think he knows he can't change their minds (despite what his DRs have said). I mean, the most he can do is throw Caleb under the bus (and Amber) and try to sway their votes. I mean, stranger things HAVE happened. Last week we ad Brittany, Victoria and Zach as the targets and 'for sure going home'.


Also, I used to not like Frankie, I started liking him, disliked him and now I'm back to liking him. Also, did everyone catch what he said last night that tumblr literally blew up over? Ok, me too because it did change my opinion on Frankie. He did say that he was in love with Zach (or falling in love with him) under his breath, but the mic caught it. What does everyone think? I, personally, think it's genuine because it doesn't seem like he meant to tell America, he was just muttering it to himself, and it does make me feel bad for him because it could be a reason why he tried to get out Zach hardcore last week. 

I, personally, think it's genuine because it doesn't seem like he meant to tell America, he was just muttering it to himself, and it does make me feel bad for him because it could be a reason why he tried to get out Zach hardcore last week.

In what sense - Frankie wants Zach gone because Zach's presence is distracting and/or messing with Frankie's concentration?

Was it a candid "overheard" versus an intentional sound bite plant? Purely a personal impression, but I don't think a single word crosses Frankie's lips in this game which he hasn't given serious consideration. Which has no bearing at all regarding the truthfulness of the statement.

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Was it a candid "overheard" versus an intentional sound bite plant? Purely a personal impression, but I don't think a single word crosses Frankie's lips in this game which he hasn't given serious consideration. Which has no bearing at all regarding the truthfulness of the statement.



You do have a point. We've seen Frankie lie to various people and he has been going back and forth between them. I watched the clip a few times, but from what I see, it seems like a candid overheard. It was just after he was laying on Zach and the camera was actually stuck on Zach when Frankie started whispering, which caused the camera to quickly cut to Frankie walking to the kitchen while he was muttering those words, so it was a genuine moment and he didn't look at the camera at all; plus, it was so low you wouldn't be able to catch it without a mic. So it definitely seemed like he was dead serious about what he was saying. Although it's free to interpretation and maybe I see it differently than you would.


TA(FY) should have told the rumor to Zach first.  They finally told him after they completed the mission so he could stop any damage from it that might come to him.  But....he is totally running with it, having fun by saying it might be true and telling everyone in sight about it.  So much fun.  Christine then was talking about how Paola was saying that she (Pao) knew two folks from S15, so that is playing back to cover the awful, awful planting of the rumor by both Donny and Derrick.

Edited by pennben


More like Derrick thinks Victoria will do everything he wants and then he'll cut her when she isn't useful to him anymore. Victoria's thoughts on it I don't really know.

That seems like most of the guys' opinions on most of the girls, including Derrick also with Brit.



Can they just get rid of this dual HOH twist? It's not making the game any better.


Seriously. I know what they INTENDED to have happen (conflict between the two HoHs) but it hasn't happened at all. If they REALLY wanted to do a dual HoH contest, they should have literally had two teams, where each HoH nominates two people on the other side for eviction and then the BotB would be huge and not just something people would throw the majority of the time. I am not even that pumped about that idea, but at least it is something that would actually change the game.

Cody, Derrick, Frankie and Hayden just spent a lot of time discussing the Cousin Zach rumor.   It IS getting traction.  On the other hand, no one seems that upset about it.  Frankie said that Zach even confirmed the rumor. 


Hayden, who I have decided IS smarter than he looks, doesn't believe it and thinks that "Paola" lied when she told Donny.  


I can't see the house flipping at this point and taking out Caleb instead of Devin but you never know , its a long, long, long way to go to Thursday. 


The thing is, at the beginning of this week a lot of people (Derrick included) seemed to be seriously considering Caleb as the #1 target, so I think there is a good chance that'll come back around before Thursday. I certainly hope so at least because I'd much rather see Caleb go.


Also - I may be mistaken, so please correct me if I am - wasn't it Zak who was talking about reading Dan Gheesling's book about getting on BB? Sounds a little more intense than your run-of-the-mill couch potato fan to me. :)


I've never heard Zach talk about it, but he might have and I missed it. I know that when Zach/Frankie were telling Derrick Frankie's recruits vs. super fans theory they were missing a super fan and Zach said it was probably him because he knew of the show and had kinda seen it. Wow, whatta super fan! I do know that Christine has read Dan's book and she has talked about it, but they always give them the "Don't talk about Production" message when it gets brought up.


Was it a candid "overheard" versus an intentional sound bite plant? Purely a personal impression, but I don't think a single word crosses Frankie's lips in this game which he hasn't given serious consideration. Which has no bearing at all regarding the truthfulness of the statement.


Much like @Nashville, I don't believe Frankie says anything without first thinking about how it'll affect his game. Frankie could very well love Zach, but everything he says/does comes off as phony to me.


That seems like most of the guys' opinions on most of the girls, including Derrick also with Brit.


You're sadly very right.


Donny and Brittany discussed that they aren't afraid to go after big targets and that if they got HOH they wouldn't go after any of the outsiders. So, DONNY/BRITTANY FOR HOH PLEASE BB GODS!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The thought of Victoria nomming Frankie and Derrick is so delicious. They would lose their minds.


If Brittany nominated Derrick he would be so nasty about it. Look how bent out of shape he is just by her not constantly telling him he's her lord and savior.


I fully expect that from Caleb re: throwing battle of the block for Amber.


Maybe it's because I don't have as much access to the feeds this year, and it seems much of the good stuff happens WAY after my bedtime, but after a promising few days last week, these people are really, really boring. I no longer have any rooting interest - every time I start to like someone, they turn into a lunatic or an ass - and I almost never find something compelling to watch. I'm hoping it picks up, but right now I'm just bored.

Partly because as I figured, this double HOH is going to be the worst thing ever. I desperately want one of Derrick/Cody/Zach/Caleb gone after this week. But how is that going to happen? I think Hayden might target them, I think Donny might target them, but I think all the women would be wusses, or have no reason right now to go after them and if there's two HOHs, it's pretty damn unlikely both Hayden and Donny would win an HOH. With any other combination of HOH, talk of "floaters" and "blood on their hands" and possibly having their nominees come off the block and them now being out of "office" with no protection whatsoever will prevent this happening.

This twist basically guarantees that except for a Devin situation happening again, Donny, Victoria, Jacosta are easy bootees, leaving Brittany, Hayden and Nicole screwed, and setting up another brigade. I know I worry about another brigade happening every year, but y'all that sucked. I didn't even really dislike them as indivuals, but the whole guy groupthink was pretty disgusting, and it was just so freaking easy for them. It shouldn't be easy, that is boring to watch.

Eh, it can a still get good with no notice, but right now I am bored!

Edited by Katesus7
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This twist basically guarantees that except for a Devin situation happening again, Donny, Victoria, Jacosta are easy bootees, leaving Brittany, Hayden and Nicole screwed, and setting up another brigade. I know I worry about another brigade happening every year, but y'all that sucked. I didn't even really dislike them as indivuals, but the whole guy groupthink was pretty disgusting, and it was just so freaking easy for them. It shouldn't be easy, that is boring to watch.


Yeah, while I suspect that was their intent all along, whether it WAS their intent or not, the end result of the dual HoH twist is that strong men are given a lot of protection, as the odds that a strong man won't win at least one of the two HoHs are pretty slim (it was even worse early on when the men and women had their own HoH comps, thereby guaranteeing that a guy would win an HoH). My c-o-n-spiracy theory is that TPTB don't like strong men leaving too soon. 

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Either do away with the whole 'duo HOHs (for a day or two)' or prevent throwing of competitions.   Its not creating drama, its just creating stupidity.


Case in point; there isn't a single HG right now that doesn't know or believe otherwise that Caleb did not do his best to lose that BOTB.  And its a double standard, but everyone's ignoring it and letting him skate by because Devin has been a complete sh*thead of a player, until a couple days ago [where he's supposedly went into a "I know I'm going home and just want to enjoy remaining time" shell].  If whoever ends up winning HOH(s) next week - before and after the BOTB - doesn't target Caleb for doing the exact same as Devin [only worse, since he was the one actually doing the 'throwing'], then I lose a lot of faith in ALL these people.  Crossing fingers and praying that neither Caleb/Cody/Zach/Frankie/Amber/Chrstine win either of the HOHs this Thursday - Caleb can't put himself up and none of the other 5 will do it.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I really just can't, with this cast.


They only showed a snippet of it [Christine jokingly being a 'therapist' to help repair their relationship], but Cody/Brittany were (I guess) talking in bed for a long time.  And it was brought up a few times that something was going on, and Cody was "making the moves" on her.  But when Cody comes out after a DR session, he says they were just shooting the shit and still doesn't get her.  Goes on to tell both Der/Zach that he's been telling her straight up he doesn't like her paranoia about him (& 'Los Tres Amigos').


I think Cody is either trying to make everyone believe that even though he is attracted to her, he wouldn't actually do that (showmance) with her.  But I wouldn't be surprised if he is secretly planning to take her as far as possible; and really trying to start something with her as the game ages.


Who effing knows with these people.



ETA:  Wasn't quite sure before, but now I know what Derrick's real beef with Brittany is.  His alliance with Cody/Zach feels threatened by her.  He just admitted that their both blinded about her because she's hot.  Thinks that has to be their reason for wanting to not get Brittany out quickly.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Derrick has made yet another F2 deal now with Cody (leaving out Zach) and they will be thinking of an official name soon. If one thing will be Derricks downfall I think it will be all these damn alliances he is in. Derrick was really pissed at Zach because Zach told him that he wanted to throw the HOH competition. Zach needs to watch out these guys. I have no idea what is going on with Frankie and Zach because they spent almost the entire day flirting and cuddling and they just need to go ahead and have sex and get it out their systems. Even Donny told Brittany that Zach has a crush on Frankie so they are not exactly subtle. Brittany is onto a lot of peoples games and she could be dangerous aligned with the right people. I think her and Donny joining together is smart because Donny watches everyone as well and he's smart. Hayden is a sleeper in a lot of alliances, he keeps getting added to them like an extra value meal.


ETA: Forgot to add, Frankie demonstrating the use of dental damns was hilarious.


ETA2: Zach said the reason he likes Brittany so much is because she cleans and she cooks for him.

Edited by kellog010
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I didn't think the F2 between Derrick and Cody was anything new.  I saw them make that week one, and that's always been where both of them are most committed in my opinion from what I've seen.


ETA: Boy Derrick really did get heated about Zach last night.  So Zach said he was going to throw the HOH this week.  So what.

Edited by vb68

Victoria told the houseguests that when she was two and at the beach, a crow flew away with her (yea, I tried to write that with a straight face #majorfail).  I dunno, but aren't crows the size of pigeons and it would be hard for me to believe a crow would be able to lift (let alone fly away with a 2-year old).


More Victoria madness, she's never heard of the Goldilocks story.  Donny had to explain it to her.

Edited by duskyliterati

That crow story sounds like one of those family "tales" that get more entertaining as time goes by.   It's not like she would remember it herself.  Even a big seagull couldn't lift a toddler, but one time at the beach I saw one swoop in and snatch a hot dog right out of my friend's hand.  That'll wake you up!

Oh, Devin, I wish I understood your game. Hell, I wish you understood your own game.

So yesterday, I think it was in the afternoon-ish, Devin was called to the DR. When he came out, he pretty much said that the DR wanted him to campaign and fight for his spot in the house. Not really that much of a surprise. The thing is, he went around and said that's what production wanted, but he wasn't going to do that. He was ready to go home, he wants to see his daughter, second verse same as the first. I gave up on the feeds because they were boring, and now I hear that Devin started campaigning for himself. Yay! It's not much, but it's something. Again, at this point, unless Caleb blows his top and ends up doing or saying something he'll regret, I think he's pretty much of a lock to stay. But at least he's not just rolling over and dying.


Maybe it's because I don't have as much access to the feeds this year, and it seems much of the good stuff happens WAY after my bedtime, but after a promising few days last week, these people are really, really boring.


I really has been so boring this week. I'm hoping it's just the calm before the storm!


This twist basically guarantees that except for a Devin situation happening again, Donny, Victoria, Jacosta are easy bootees, leaving Brittany, Hayden and Nicole screwed, and setting up another brigade. I know I worry about another brigade happening every year, but y'all that sucked. I didn't even really dislike them as individuals, but the whole guy groupthink was pretty disgusting, and it was just so freaking easy for them. It shouldn't be easy, that is boring to watch.


I'm concerned about this, too. I really need for the HOHs to be 2 of Hayden/Donny/Brittany because I think that's the only way to really steer the game away from the boring place it's headed.

Edited by peachmangosteen

All the HGs seem sure this next HOH contest is going to be an endurance one, so it might end up being questions.  But if it is endurance, and its not divided up as guys/girls, then Caleb & any of Cody/Hayden/Frankie are the (nearly) sure locks as HOHs.  Zach is supposedly going to throw it, so I don't include him.


I think it would be beneficial, in terms of less boredom, less predictablity, and more interested viewership if most the duo-HOH comps were divided by genders.  All the guys, except for Donny, are pretty much together in terms of votes/game-play.  So there can't always be 2 male HOHs  (if one isn't Donny) before it would get really old, really fast.


I'm a male, but I hate the way all these guys seem to think the women are useless and want them all gone.  I know $500K is a huge incentive to do what it takes to win, but I personally would hate to to spend weeks in a house with the majority of it being a sausage-fest.  Even if the opposite genders aren't 'hooking up',  I still don't want to be surrounded by only guys.  Frankie would be in heaven, but I wouldn't. 



RE: last night & 'Los Tres Amigos' talking about Brittany:  Zach mentioned starting alliance between them (or just Derrick/Cody) and her, but they shot it down as being 'too late'.  I don't know who's more paranoid; Britt or Derr/Cody.  They kept going on about her paranoia of them, but they are just as paranoid - without admitting it - about her.   Thinking/knowing she's in an alliance ['The Outsiders'] and only being able to trust her about 90%, instead of 100, etc.  But they hear from others that she trusts both Derr/Cody a lot, or even the most, of everyone.  


"They're out to get me/us" is running rampant already, and its only nearing the end of Week 3.


But if it is endurance, and its not divided up as guys/girls, then Caleb & any of Cody/Hayden/Frankie are the (nearly) sure locks as HOHs.  


It really just depends on what kind of endurance it is. They have ones that are targeted towards women/small guys or ones that are for bigger guys. But honestly I don't see it being endurance. They usually wait until the twist ends/jury begins to bust out endurance again. I think/hope it'll be questions, since they have yet to have one.


Jocasta was just trying to help Amber decide how to approach Caleb to tell him she doesn't like him like that or want a relationship with him. This poor girl. I don't care for her at all, but this whole thing with Caleb is just such a mess so it's hard not to feel bad for her.


ETA: Derrick/Brittany have been whining about Victoria for like 20 minutes. How riveting.

Edited by peachmangosteen

It really just depends on what kind of endurance it is. They have ones that are targeted towards women/small guys or ones that are for bigger guys. But honestly I don't see it being endurance. They usually wait until the twist ends/jury begins to bust out endurance again. I think/hope it'll be questions, since they have yet to have one.


Jocasta was just trying to help Amber decide how to approach Caleb to tell him she doesn't like him like that or want a relationship with him. This poor girl. I don't care for her at all, but this whole thing with Caleb is just such a mess so it's hard not to feel bad for her.


ETA: Derrick/Brittany have been whining about Victoria for like 20 minutes. How riveting.


Yeah, Amber is in a horrible situation.  Game-wise, she can't tell Caleb she's not interested, because he'll turn on her and target her in a second.  But the more she "leads him on" (at least in giving him a definite 'not interested' ultimatum), the worse he's giong to get with his obsession of her.  It's literally a no-win situation for her.


I have no personal problem with Victoria as a person, but I do agree with her ability to be very annoying.  Like last night/early morning, her loud voice and obnoxious laughing when it was clear that people were trying to get to sleep.  And those walls aren't keeping much noise in or out, so it would suck having to put up with it at that hour(s) of the day.  If she/they had been outside, fine, go nuts.  But inside, in the bedroom(s) area?   I know she was being goaded (by Zach mostly), but its called tact and manners, Vic.  Raised differently or not, its not a difficult concept.

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I have no personal problem with Victoria as a person, but I do agree with her ability to be very annoying.  Like last night/early morning, her loud voice and obnoxious laughing when it was clear that people were trying to get to sleep.  And those walls aren't keeping much noise in or out, so it would suck having to put up with it at that hour(s) of the day.  If she/they had been outside, fine, go nuts.  But inside, in the bedroom(s) area?   I know she was being goaded (by Zach mostly), but its called tact and manners, Vic.  Raised differently or not, its not a difficult concept.

I think it has more to do with the fact Vic is 22 and doesn't seem like she has lived on her own rather than being raised in a different cultural. At least Zach has lived away from home.

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I think my main reason for liking Victoria is just because everyone is always whining about her and they love to bring up the who deserves to be here thing a lot in regards to her. And they talk about her being whiny as they whine about her which provides me endless amusement. I just tend to like/root for the person (more like woman, because it's always a woman) that the rest of them are always bitching about. But also I just like the Hayden/Victoria relationship a lot and it's the only friendship that I continue to enjoy.


I change who I want to get the next HOH about twice a day, but right now it's Hayden/Victoria. If Victoria doesn't win then she's just an easy target for whomever does win and it'll be another boring/predictable week. I'm afraid she'd just do what Derrick tells her to, but maybe with Hayden in there too he could finally actually align with her and they could target the BS. They'll probably both throw it though anyway LOL.

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