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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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So glad I didn't have the Feeds on.  


From BBLeak:

Frankie just walked into the room with his balls hanging out. #BB16


From Jokers:

Cody & Caleb staying firmly in the HOH bed drinking beer despite Frankie's asking them to join him in the bathtub. NT
Frankie: Victoria gave me boner. Cody: You couldn't have taken that further? Frankie: Maybe if I was drunk. NT
Frankie: I've been burned so hard by guys. Caleb: It's like you said, women who get burned hard by men become lesbians. NT
Caleb, Frankie, and Cody are talking about all 3 of them getting into the HOH bathtub. NT
Frankie: I'm proud of my balls being all over the internet. I'm so fertile. It's a shame I'm not impregnating girls.

  • Love 1

What the hell is the point of the have nots if the HOH just picks them? What value does it bring to the show? I mean, if they aren't going to have competitions to determine who they are, there is no reason to have it at all. It makes no difference to the broadcast show.


I agree it only serves to expose their game.  The HOH chooses 2 who are not in their alliance or who they dislike.  There is no adantage to anyone.  


As for Derrick.  I think he is playing a good game, not history making but it will get him to F4.   We don't like that he lies to us in the DR but from the jury standpoint he is a nice guy.  He has been kind and respectful to all of them.  They don't see what we see.  Nicole will definately vote for him if given the chance.  He has been the only one other than Victoria who has been kind to her this week.  Cody talks to her, Caleb ignores her for the most part and Frankie is mean. 


I don't see anything wrong with anyone, Derrick included, going for the money in that comp.  It was an option available to everyone.  If you know you cannot win it or are definately safe, why not?  He volunteerd for slop.  Done. That is not slimy, it is smart.


The only, ONLY interesting thing that can happen this week is for Nicole to win veto. 6 days of nothing.  And of course her winning the HOH would be exhilerating.  Her original plan of putting up Derrick and Cody would change to Frankie and Caleb, I think.  Cody has been nice to her, too.   


Groedner, give Nicole a steak and the answers for the veto comp in the DR.  THAT would be unexpected.  

  • Love 4


Frankie: I'm proud of my balls being all over the internet. I'm so fertile. It's a shame I'm not impregnating girls.


Turns internet off. Finds nearest bleach product and RUNS to the shower. Pukes. Scrubs my skin so hard it bleeds.


ETA: still feeling unclean :(

Edited by housecat
  • Love 9

Caleb doesn't understand how Donny could be America's Favorite Player.
08/29/14 11:54 PM

Frankie says that he was an underdog and was able to save himself. Frankie says that he may have a small leg up with his fans, but neither his fans or his sister's fans watch the show. He says that no gay person has ever won AFP.




The victim of persecution yet again. 




  • Love 7

So now Frankie apparently never expected to get AFP - gotta love his revisionist history.  However, the shock that registered in his eyes when he was struggling to understand Donny's popularity (and the way he was informing people that they didn't have a shot at AFP if they wound up sitting next to him) is on record forever.


ETA: Frankie, stating that your fanbase is primarily made up of 12 year old girls and then proceeding to walk around the house with your balls hanging out of your shorts is not advisable.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 7

I have not read that this group is clammoring for alcholol which is unusual.  Maybe I have missed it. 


Frankie is just a desperate, nasty, egomaniacle queen.  I am not shocked by anything he says or does, I have his number. 

From Joker's: Frankie: I don't have any representation, no agencies, I don't have sh*t! I wanna be famous like my sister! NT



Ahhhhhhhh yesssssss.........the real, desperate, famewhoring Franky is now coming out to play. This is gonna get ugly the next few weeks.



Wow, finally he says it.  He is cracking now.  If he is eliminated before F3 he will have a breakdown.  Though they tell audience members not to boo, we know they do because Aaryn got some.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

...and this helps his game how...?


Got any holy water handy?


They do not want to be the brunt of his anger so it is easier to keep him than to suffer a week of him being on the block.  Frankie has not thought this through; it happens to be the behavior that has gotten him what he wants thus far.  Well, everything but fame.



  • Love 1

Frankie: Victoria gave me boner.




I'm going to go ahead and bet all the money I have right now on the exact moment that this happened:  It was the time he announced that he is a "media mogul", then who his sister is, when Victoria squeeeeeeeed, and said, "OMG YOU'RE FAMOUS!!!".  Frankie pursed his lips in a knowing smile,  said, "I know", and THAT, my friends, is when he popped a boner.  Not for Victoria exactly, but because she happened to be the person who said the most seductive words in Frankie's vocabulary.   

  • Love 19

So glad I didn't have the Feeds on.  


From BBLeak:

Frankie just walked into the room with his balls hanging out. #BB16


Frankie: I'm proud of my balls being all over the internet. I'm so fertile. It's a shame I'm not impregnating girls.


Thank the Good Lord that this man is gay.  Can you imagine a man like this procreating??  Worst. Father. Ever.


You just know that if/when he took the baby out in public, and people fawned over it... he'd get all cranky and pissy; "but what about me?  Seriously, how can you not see ME here?!  My perfect loins produced this child.  Give me the credit I'm due!!"

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

I have not read that this group is clammoring for alcholol which is unusual.  Maybe I have missed it. 


Indeed. I also find it unusual that they cast sixteen people who don't smoke. Do they have a no smoking rule now, or am I the only one who lives in a world covered in plumes of cigarette smoke? I think I know, maybe five people-- including myself--who don't smoke. I am amazed.

  • Love 2

I'm going to go ahead and bet all the money I have right now on the exact moment that this happened:  It was the time he announced that he is a "media mogul", then who his sister is, when Victoria squeeeeeeeed, and said, "OMG YOU'RE FAMOUS!!!".  Frankie pursed his lips in a knowing smile,  said, "I know", and THAT, my friends, is when he popped a boner.  Not for Victoria exactly, but because she happened to be the person who said the most seductive words in Frankie's vocabulary.   



Bingo!  You got this, brilliant! 

Everyone's comments tonite are so on point. Thank you for expressing how *I* feel.


Ariana's 'people' must be having conniptions about now! lol


ETA: Jeebus Cripes? I smoke. *shame* :/


Yes.  You know her PR team is demanding she meet him in disguise at an undisclosed location when she wants to see him.   I bet she is quite the prima donna herself. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

When I actually stop and think about it, I kinda feel a little sorry for Frankie.


I don't know if maybe he was treated badly, wrongly, or neglected, or whatever the case might be, when he was younger; but this incessant need to be noticed and always be in the spotlight smacks of a coping mechanism to make up for something in the past.  I made the accusation before that he was too flamboyant, being a gay man, but that's a generalization and stereotyping, so I hate to just say that's the only reason.


And now with his younger sister hitting it big in terms of being a singer and "everyone" knowing who she is?  Can only imagine what that does to an already damaged psyche and pattern of imagined sense of self (if any of that is close to true about him).


.... or maybe I'm just trying to find an acceptable answer for his behavior, when he's really just a self-centered asshole who just needs his ego inflated (or fellated, take your pick) constantly.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

You know what wings707? I'm betting you're right. I wonder what Thanksgiving or Christmas is like in that family. Always trying to one up one another.... Being the mother of those two must be fucking exhausting.


SOOOO glad my son is just a mediocre construction worker who is happy to just game on the weekends.


I'm out for tonite. First, though, I'ma watch some kitten and bunny videos to get the desperation stink off of me.


'Nite all! 'til tomorrow evening.

  • Love 2

When I actually stop and think about it, I kinda feel a little sorry for Frankie.


I don't know if maybe he was treated badly, wrongly, or neglected, or whatever the case might be, when he was younger; but this incessant need to be noticed and always be in the spotlight smacks of a coping mechanism to make up for something in the past.  I made the accusation before that he was too flamboyant, being a gay man, but that's a generalization and stereotyping, so I hate to just say that's the only reason.


And now with his younger sister hitting it big in terms of being a singer and "everyone" knowing who she is?  Can only imagine what that does to an already damaged psyche and pattern of imagined sense of self (if any of that is close to true about him).

.... or maybe I'm just trying to find an acceptable answer for his behavior, when he's really just a self-centered asshole who just needs his ego inflated (or fellated, take your pick) constantly.


It's possible. I mean, I obviously don't know Frankie's past or upbringing, but I do know about my own brother's, and he is a classic narcissist. He had the same upbringing as me and my other sibling, and was never treated inferior or neglected in any way, yet his personality is very "Woe is me; the universe is against me; everybody, look at me." I see a lot of my brother in Frankie and Caleb.

  • Love 3

I'm going to go ahead and bet all the money I have right now on the exact moment that this happened:  It was the time he announced that he is a "media mogul", then who his sister is, when Victoria squeeeeeeeed, and said, "OMG YOU'RE FAMOUS!!!".  Frankie pursed his lips in a knowing smile,  said, "I know", and THAT, my friends, is when he popped a boner.  Not for Victoria exactly, but because she happened to be the person who said the most seductive words in Frankie's vocabulary.

This is awesome, as most of your posts are, but Nicole was the one who yelled "You're fricken famous". I know because it's fried into my brain as the most sickening moment in BB history.

  • Love 2

Wow, Ariana has a bunch of haters, too.  There is even an FB page "I hate Ariana Grande."    Seems she suffers from a big ego and bad attitude, as well.  She called her fans assholes because they tweeted her that Marilyn Monroe was not a good idol after Ariana had tweeted happy b'day to Marilyn.  Odd her fans would have reacted to that,  but I think those who hate her find more things to tweet that are negative.  Regardless, there is enough to hate about her apparently.  I just skimmed but got the gist.


Her PR team should get a raise. 


Her fame may be short lived and since Frankies will never be, they just might find themselves as roomates again their mother's house in Boca!  

  • Love 1

They should bring Zach back for 24 hours like they did for Rachel to stir the pot and cause chaos. But just leave Nicole alone.


I would pay large sums for this to happen, except Zach still seems to think FRANKIE IS AWESOME and I am not sure I could handle that.


Caleb doesn't understand how Donny could be America's Favorite Player.

08/29/14 11:54 PM

Frankie says that he was an underdog and was able to save himself. Frankie says that he may have a small leg up with his fans, but neither his fans or his sister's fans watch the show. He says that no gay person has ever won AFP.




The victim of persecution yet again. 


Wow Frankie.  I think he is realizing the power of Ariana Grande outside of the house isn't what he thought it was after it was an OVERWHELMING NO to apple pie.  Frankie now needs to sell it as her and his fans don't watch the show.  Yeah, sure Frankie, sure.  Or it is because you suck.


You know what wings707? I'm betting you're right. I wonder what Thanksgiving or Christmas is like in that family. Always trying to one up one another.... Being the mother of those two must be fucking exhausting.



Meh.  She created them.  

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 3

Form Jokers:

2:14 AM Derr: Honestly Nicole, the guy wouldn't even volunteer for HN when there are girls that have done it. That's not a man move NT

2:12 AM Derrick is now more or less blaming the fall of The Rationale alliance on Donny NT

Are you for real Derrick? How many times did YOU volunteer? Oh yea, after you didn't even bother trying for HOH, won some money, and then "sacrificed" yourself so people wouldn't get too bitter. Sure, you're a stand up "man" right there. Ugh I can't even with these people.

  • Love 7

So glad I didn't have the Feeds on.

From BBLeak:

Frankie just walked into the room with his balls hanging out. #BB16

From Jokers:

Cody & Caleb staying firmly in the HOH bed drinking beer despite Frankie's asking them to join him in the bathtub. NT

Frankie: Victoria gave me boner. Cody: You couldn't have taken that further? Frankie: Maybe if I was drunk. NT

Frankie: I've been burned so hard by guys. Caleb: It's like you said, women who get burned hard by men become lesbians. NT

Caleb, Frankie, and Cody are talking about all 3 of them getting into the HOH bathtub. NT

Frankie: I'm proud of my balls being all over the internet. I'm so fertile. It's a shame I'm not impregnating girls.

Frankie is depressingly ignorant. Ignorance dressed up as a know-it-all. Caleb is the same although he is unknowingly hilarious. Frankie is (to borrow a word) disgusting.

Indeed. I also find it unusual that they cast sixteen people who don't smoke. Do they have a no smoking rule now, or am I the only one who lives in a world covered in plumes of cigarette smoke? I think I know, maybe five people-- including myself--who don't smoke. I am amazed.

I don't know anyone who smokes except a few people I worked with.

Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 1

The no smoking thing was a puzzler to me too. Would have been funny if a non smoker pulled an Arlie and brought a carton as a bartering tool and have it be an epic fail. 


Does Frankie still not get that the only person that is (arguably) on his side is Caleb? Does he really not see he doesn't have the numbers or is his plan to just win every competition?

Derrick also volunteered when he let Frankie win HOH after his grandfather died so he could get pictures of his grandfather. He knew by doing that he'd be a HN. He's been very smart about both times because these idiotic HG's see it as noble gestures. 


ETA: Actually, I just looked at the elimination chart on Wiki, this is the third time Derrick is a have-not, he volunteered on week 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_16_(U.S.)#Have-Nots

Edited by willpwr

Derrick also volunteered when he let Frankie win HOH after his grandfather died so he could get pictures of his grandfather. He knew by doing that he'd be a HN. He's been very smart about both times because these idiotic HG's see it as noble gestures. 


ETA: Actually, I just looked at the elimination chart on Wiki, this is the third time Derrick is a have-not, he volunteered on week 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_16_(U.S.)#Have-Nots


And his conversation with Nicole is also really smart.  He shows how he is willing to be a Have Not and how Frankie is a selfish cow.  He knows that Nicole will be going to the jury again sooner or later and he is firmly looking to put that vote in his pocket as she heads out the door.  No matter what Derrick is doing, it is always working the game.  As a former undercover cop, it's not surprising to me at all.  He's always working the job, working the plan, working the cover.  

  • Love 5

Derrick also volunteered when he let Frankie win HOH after his grandfather died so he could get pictures of his grandfather. He knew by doing that he'd be a HN. He's been very smart about both times because these idiotic HG's see it as noble gestures.

ETA: Actually, I just looked at the elimination chart on Wiki, this is the third time Derrick is a have-not, he volunteered on week 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_16_(U.S.)#Have-Nots

Well, I take back part of my snark. Still think his comment was uncalled for, but I guess he's trying to win Nicole's jury vote.

  • Love 1

And his conversation with Nicole is also really smart.  He shows how he is willing to be a Have Not and how Frankie is a selfish cow.  He knows that Nicole will be going to the jury again sooner or later and he is firmly looking to put that vote in his pocket as she heads out the door.  No matter what Derrick is doing, it is always working the game.  As a former undercover cop, it's not surprising to me at all.  He's always working the job, working the plan, working the cover.  



He is playing a smart game.  We would love the guy if he shared his schemes in the DR.  He just doesn't get that part.   I love that he is feeding Nicole negative stuff about Frankie!  Way to go.  Let's hope she doesn't need it for anything more than seeing through him in the jury house.

  • Love 6

He's playing a very smart game, I remember when Jocasta was crying and he told her something about her not being alone and that she could count on Donny. I remember a few people thought it was weird because he was saying something nice about Donny and then they mentioned that Derrick usually had a few kind words for everyone. I don't think Derrick's a bad guy, he just has everything compartmentalized right now and is focused on the game. I agree that he should share his actual strategy in the DR but maybe he doesn't trust production since he knows they have favorites. I believe he still thinks Frankie winning BotB by himself was rigged so it has made him extra paranoid.

  • Love 3

He's playing a very smart game, I remember when Jocasta was crying and he told her something about her not being alone and that she could count on Donny. I remember a few people thought it was weird because he was saying something nice about Donny and then they mentioned that Derrick usually had a few kind words for everyone. I don't think Derrick's a bad guy, he just has everything compartmentalized right now and is focused on the game. I agree that he should share his actual strategy in the DR but maybe he doesn't trust production since he knows they have favorites. I believe he still thinks Frankie winning BotB by himself was rigged so it has made him extra paranoid.



Production sees what we do so they know he is lying in the DR talks.  He has to know they watch the feeds!  Production may be encouraging him to keep the viewers confused because it creates a better TV show.  ???  I hope an interviewer will ask him that question when he is out.  It will not be that idiot Jeff. 


Rob and his sidekick whose name I have forgotten will.  It was the side kick who brought this to our attention originally.

  • Love 3

Caleb doesn't understand how Donny could be America's Favorite Player.

08/29/14 11:54 PM

Frankie says that he was an underdog and was able to save himself. Frankie says that he may have a small leg up with his fans, but neither his fans or his sister's fans watch the show. He says that no gay person has ever won AFP.




The victim of persecution yet again. 


Crazy James won AFP in season 9 and while he wasn't gay it was in the media that he did gay porn before entering the house. Close enough?


We would love the guy if he shared his schemes in the DR.  He just doesn't get that part.


Production sees what we do so they know he is lying in the DR talks.  [snip]  Production may be encouraging him to keep the viewers confused


It's been suggested here before, that he's lying in the DR to keep Production's meddling out of his game.  Smart move.

  • Love 6

You know what wings707? I'm betting you're right. I wonder what Thanksgiving or Christmas is like in that family. Always trying to one up one another.... Being the mother of those two must be fucking exhausting.

Oh. I think their mother encourages their behavior. She probably thrives on it.

Hearing Frankie is cracking is glorious.

I bet the lack of liquor and smoking has more to do with Frankie and Devin being there. Considering Ariana was destined to be the breakout star this summer, getting Frankie was a catch for BB and met all his demands. No smoking, fish for dinner and limited alcohol was probably part of his rider. But like all BB's great ideas, it flopped. No one really watched because of Frankie and Ariana connection. Donny and Zach became the fan Favs.

  • Love 2

When I actually stop and think about it, I kinda feel a little sorry for Frankie.


I don't know if maybe he was treated badly, wrongly, or neglected, or whatever the case might be, when he was younger; but this incessant need to be noticed and always be in the spotlight smacks of a coping mechanism to make up for something in the past. 




.... or maybe I'm just trying to find an acceptable answer for his behavior, when he's really just a self-centered asshole who just needs his ego inflated (or fellated, take your pick) constantly.

"Everyone's home lives are unsatisfying. If it wasn't, people would live with their parents forever."

-- Emilio Estevez in The Breakfast Club

Form Jokers:

2:14 AM Derr: Honestly Nicole, the guy wouldn't even volunteer for HN when there are girls that have done it. That's not a man move

Was this a reference to Donny, or Frankie?

  • Love 1
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