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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Derrick and Caleb are talking in the honeycomb room.   They are plotting to get rid of Devin.  Derrick's plan is to wait and backdoor Devin after the veto ceremony.  On the day of the ceremony, they will tell everyone else to use it with the understanding that Derrick will put Devin up.  If Nichole figures in this convo I missed it. 


It doesn't look like Devin is involved in any conversations, he's just kind of walking around. 

Edited by Thalia

I'm not sure how I feel about this HOH. I love that Nicole won, especially since she said to Christine that she kind of wanted to throw it, which I bet she tried to do. Hahaha, Nicole, that's what happens with a crapshoot! But, she's not a "bomb squad" member, she took out Caleb - which made me jump up and down and cheer, not gonna lie - she will keep Christine and Hayden safe, and I kind of love her.

Derrick I'm a little more worried about. I really like him as well, but the Team America bullshit has me worried because he will protect Frankie. And I fear he's one of those people who will start really overplaying if given half a chance, and he's just been given a couple of chances.

But I think that Christine, Hayden, Cody, Zach and Donny are most likely safe this week, and that is great. Even better? Neither Caleb or Devin are HOH. And that is AWESOME!

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Frankie, nobody was on to Andy this early.  I have a feeling he's probably laughing at you right about now.


Which is why I really don't think he's similar to Andy. He's way more aggressive and showy (not as aggressive and showy as Caleb or Devin, but in their hemisphere), game-wise, than Andy was at this point in the game. Andy was a "stay in the background until I can't anymore" player and Frankie is the opposite of that.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Nicole doesn't trust Christine. Nicole wants Caleb or Amber out. I laugh how every person tells the person they are talking to they are the only person they can trust then they throw them under the bus. Everyone is onto Frankie so I think his days will be numbered. Looks like Brittany and Nicole are a team now.

Edited by kellog010

I just wonder how awkward its going to be now that Devin isn't HOH anymore and will be down among 'the rabble' and if he's still truly crushing on Brittany.  I just see some really "awww-kward!" moments in the near future.  Funny and cringe-worthy at the same time.


I have to agree.  This new twist about 2 HOHs.  Not wanting to be an HOH because you could get knocked off and then become a BD target in the same week.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36


This new twist about 2 HOHs.  Not wanting to be an HOH because you could get knocked off and then become a BD target in the same week.

What it seems to be doing so far though is forcing the two winners to work together. Derrick and Nicole have been running through all of the options for an hour - although there is a common target. Derrick is now going the Frankie route and forming too many alliances and also assuming Nicole knows a lot less about the BS than she does. That may trip him up later in the week because he's feeding her a fair amount of bull that you can tell she's not buying. 

Watching Derrick and Nicole hash out what they want to do is interesting because they really don't have any pull with each other and he wants Devin out whereas she really wants Caleb gone. I was happy to see that she wasn't a pushover and was holding her ground.  I'm not sure how this is going to play out.  I do agree with Steve that Derrick misfired badly by telling her that he wasn't in the BS.  She knows that's complete bull. 

Derrick was smart in finding out just who Nicole considers "untouchable", as of right now.  Pretty much anyone outside of Caleb/Amber/Devin/Frankie, she will not go after (right now).  Or at the very least, that's what she's telling Derrick.  I can't tell if she really considers herself 'tight' with Brittany, but she won't put her up and swore to Derrick that Britt loves and trusts him.  She's going to have to end up deciding between Victoria & Donny, along with Amber, if the other people are truly not going to be put up by her.    Sounds like Derr wants to convince Caleb to go up with Jocosta.


But as said above, I don't think she is buying most of what Derr is selling either, in terms of his denial in the whole BS involvement.  She could just be saying whatever she thinks he wants to hear, but will end up making her own picks as her choices of Noms, in the end.



She could just be saying whatever she thinks he wants to hear, but will end up making her own picks as her choices of Noms, in the end.



She really wants to nominate Devin and backdoor Caleb, and I think it's possible she might go down the road.   But I also think if she wants to nominate Frankie., Derrick should relent on that..

Edited by vb68

This could be so great.  Nicole puts up Amber/? and Caleb "the King will protect his Queen"+Jocasta on Derrick's side. 


Dream scenario if this occurs:  Caleb throws the BotB and then someone outside the alliance wins POV and pulls Jocasta down and Nicole (for whatever reason) goes back on her word of BDing Devin, and  puts up Amber or Frankie in her place.  Win/Win, whoever goes home, be it Caleb or Amber/Frankie.


And still leaves a big target for the next week, in Devin and whichever of the Noms survived the Eviction.


So Hayden is onto almost every single person in the house and discussed with Nicole.


ETA: Nicole knows that Derrick, Cody, Zach are in a F3. Derrick made a F2 with Nicole in HOH room. Nicole called Cody sketchy. My head is spinning with all the double speak in this house.


I still can't pinpoint who the actual true alliances are.


ETA2: This plan is brilliant thinking about it. Nicole puts up Amber and whoever, Derrick puts up Caleb and whoever. End result is either Devin is back doored or if Devin wins veto somehow, then Caleb could go home. Either way it's a win.

Edited by kellog010
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What it seems to be doing so far though is forcing the two winners to work together.

I watched the feeds for about 30 minutes last night after the live show, and with the exception of Devin (brooding, pacing), the hamsters were chilling together on the sofas, in the kitchen, etc.  I thought about how different this was from last year when everyone went to their opposite corners to cry and bash the others.  


That may be what TPTB expected from this group.  Imagine the tension if Elysa and Aaryn had been duel HOHs.  Or if GinaMarie had been a nominee in one duo and Nick on the other?  


I prefer watching the majority get along with the crazies peeling off one by one, as seems to be happening this season.  But thus far it has meant we haven't had two HOHs with differing agendas.  I'm just glad a non-BS member is up there.   And that Derrick being on TA should save Donny this week. 

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Where do you see their weight on the Fitness website?

I thought Derrick was doing a terrible job last night with Nicole. The idea that the BS alliance was not an alliance according to his definition of alliance was such bullshit and that the fact that he was speed talking like a conman wasn't doing him any favors either.

I'd appreciate too some of examples of what Amber does to annoy people so much. I always see her just chillin' or doing her hair.


Why do they hate Amber, other than the Caleb association? She seems like a sweetheart to me.

Thanks so much to everyone who watches the feeds and posts in here. Y'all are life savers!


Victoria was complaining on the feeds that Amber used her makeup without asking.   It all seems so petty but when you are in the BB house, little things like that add up and so therefore you have Amber being disliked by alot of the others.  I think Jacosta is the only other girl that really talks to her--Victoria, Brittnay, Nicole all seem to hate her.

Edited by CindyBee

I think Amber is an annoying player. She's always running around trying to make sure no one thinks she had anything to do with anything. Plus, everyone knows she is a weak player who let Devin/Caleb/Derrick run her HOH. And she spent last week whining about getting HOH and saying all she wanted was pics. I can see why the other players would find her annoying.


Donny is throwing Christine UTB to Nicole right now. He thinks she should nom Christine. Brittany did this yesterday. I am so excited that everyone is on to Christine/Frankie. I was worried they'd Andy their way through.


I'm so happy that Donny is actually a pretty game smart guy. I was gonna love him anyway because he's so adorable and funny, but it's so great when people you like are actually good players, too.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Me too! It is so entertaining. Frustrating though, too.


Hayden just tried to get Nicole to put up Brittany. I feel like Nicole should maybe take a hint at all the guys wanting her to nom girls.


This whole week is gonna be what I thought last week's would turn out to be. Boring and just ending with another girl going home anyway. 


ETA: I just hate this 2 HOH twist. It just makes people play so scared and weak and basically guarantees that women will just get nommed over and over again.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Cody's attempt to piss off Caleb is awesome and I highly encourage it! Giving "his queen" a nice, long massage where "Daddy" can see it? Priceless! I had figured that the first Team America (fuck yeah) task would be the "get someone to kiss/spread rumour" one, because BB viewers seem to like their showmances. Now I'm kind of disappointed that the other option won. As creepy as it would be to have someone hounding another person constantly, telling them to kiss someone, the potential outcome would have been awesome. Especially if they had tried to get Cody and Amber to do it, and then spread the rumour. The fireworks in that house, especially coming from Caleb, probably would have put the fourth of July to shame.

So far, I'm more impressed with Nicole's HOH reign than I was with Amber's four hour reign. She's cute with Hayden, and she seems not to be falling for Derrick's lies. At least she seems capable of thinking and making her own decision.



Victoria was complaining on the feeds that Amber used her makeup without asking.

Could you imagine Victoria as HOH? "I nominated you, Amber, because you keep using my blush! Ugh! And I nominated you, Brittany, because I saw you using my lotion! That's not cool, that's my stuff!"



This whole week is gonna be what I thought last week's was. Boring and just ending with another girl going home anyway.

I think it has potential. I have a feeling that the backdoor Devin plan is going to fall apart somehow, or encounter some sort of roadblock. If he gets picked for Veto in the random draw and wins, their plan goes out the window. I want to see that so badly. But if that happened, yeah, another female would go home. If it's Amber, I won't mind too much. I wonder if she would try to save her bunny slippers, or if they're completely shot now by Caleb's larger (probably sweatier, ew) feet. You just don't wear someone else's slippers.


I think it has potential. I have a feeling that the backdoor Devin plan is going to fall apart somehow, or encounter some sort of roadblock. If he gets picked for Veto in the random draw and wins, their plan goes out the window. I want to see that so badly. But if that happened, yeah, another female would go home.


The thing is, I don't think anyone actually wants Devin to go this week. LOL I love it. I don't want him to go either. How boring. I think Nicole, Brittany, and Donny want Caleb gone this week. Hayden really wants Amber for some weird reason. Derrick, who knows, but probably any of the women would do for him.


Nicole told Derrick about her concerns that 'The 8' are still working together and that this whole thing is just a ploy by him/them to get rid of anyone but BS. She also told him that she doesn't really want to nominate any of her friends (Brittany, Victoria, Christine) and thought maybe she could nom Jocasta with Amber and he could nom one of the other 3 with Caleb. Derrick said maybe he should just not nom any of the BS since the others think they're still together and are trying to flip the house. I wish they were! Donny seems to be trying to get something going with all the non BS members (and Btrittany mentioned it too), but alas it isn't happening.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I think Nicole is torn. I think she knows she should/wants to target Caleb or even maybe Frankie, but she's scared. I get it.


Derrick is such a dick in how he's talking to Brittany/Nicole. I feel like I would distrust Derrick so much and immediately. I think Brittany being so enamored with him is gonna kill her game very soon.


Even with what was originally an all guys alliance outed, it STILL seems that the women in this show shoot themselves in the foot with their lack of unity.


Seriously. It's embarrassing.


Nicole just told Derrick she's gonna put up Amber/Victoria. Which, honestly, with the twist, it kind of a good idea. The only thing is, she should tell Derrick not to nom Caleb so that he can be a possibility for her to backdoor.


ETA: Nicole just told Victoria she's going to put her up. She said she'd be safe and the plan is to BD Devin. Victoria said but if he wins veto then I'm gonna go home. Nicole said that anyone would use the veto on her, which I doubt Victoria believes.


Derrick told Caleb that he's putting him up, too.


And Frankie made sure to bust into both of these conversations LMAO.


Oh, wait, Caleb is going to throw BotB. This is delightful! Hopefully this ends in Caleb getting evicted. Although I'm OK with Jocasta going because she's never going to actually play the game since her alliance is only with Jesus.

Edited by peachmangosteen

They play fast and lose with that rule. If you tell someone they're going to be nommed and it's someone Production likes/wants to save, then that's a rule. If Production doesn't give a fuck, then it isn't a rule. Oh, Big Brother!


So, most likely, unless something crazy happens right now, Derrick is nomming Jocasta/Caleb and Nicole is nomming Amber/Victoria. Caleb will throw BotB to save 'his queen.' The plan is supposedly to BD Devin, but I'm hoping that Nicole/Donny/Brittany's actual choice to evict Caleb ends up happening.

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Doesn't this make her ineligible to be nominated? I thought they couldn't tell them.

They usually get around it like Devin with his "I'm not saying yes, I'm not saying no, I'm saying be prepared", but for the most part, they never get called out on it. I wish they would start enforcing that rule. It makes the nomination ceremonies so much more fun when the people being nominated don't know for sure.

Derrick is becoming Devin.02.


Not really. Derrick talks a lot, and his denying of the BS was a little stupid because Nicole isn't that dumb, but he at least gives off the impression of listening to others and not being crazy. Nicole was the one who really wanted Derrick to put up Caleb, and Derrick is going along with it.


So far these two are my favorite HOH duo because, even though Derrick was a bit more dominating, at least their discussions with each other were pretty interesting and also I like them, though Derrick needs to tone it down a little. Though his whole argument about being worried that the non-8 would flip the house made no sense. How exactly is an alliance of 6, if there even is one, supposed to flip the house on an alliance of 8? Even if both nominees were from the 8. But then logic is never these people's strong suit.

Victoria was complaining on the feeds that Amber used her makeup without asking.   It all seems so petty but when you are in the BB house, little things like that add up and so therefore you have Amber being disliked by alot of the others.  I think Jacosta is the only other girl that really talks to her--Victoria, Brittnay, Nicole all seem to hate her.

I think Amber may be, for lack of a better term, a "guy girl" - one of those girls that just gets along better with guys than she does other girls. Not talking about flirting, or teasing, or romance - it's simply easier for her to pal around with guys than other girls.

Unfortunately for Amber, though, "guy girls" are frequently misunderstood by "girl girls" - girls who prefer to hang out with other girls in a companionship. Girl girls tend to view guy girls as constantly trying to romantically/sexually play the guys, because that's their view of what happens in a guy/girl interaction. Even if the guy girl never initiates or reciprocates a sexual advance, the girl girls will react to her as though she's constantly on the tease, or on the make. At the very least, hackles will get raised. I think we're seeing some of that here.

Could you imagine Victoria as HOH? "I nominated you, Amber, because you keep using my blush! Ugh! And I nominated you, Brittany, because I saw you using my lotion! That's not cool, that's my stuff!"

Hey now. Victoria - I mean - Victoria's parents paid good money for that stuff....

I see that Nicole is trying to play her game, but she needs to not be so "oh gosh I don't know" with Derrick.  If that is her plan that she is doing it well, if it's not, then I worry Derrick is going to turn her into an Amber.

I don't think Nichole is being indecisive. She just doesn't trust Derrick any further than she could pitch a Buick, and she's going to feed him as little info as possible.

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The plan is supposedly to BD Devin, but I'm hoping that Nicole/Donny/Brittany's actual choice to evict Caleb ends up happening.


In this scenario, I really, really hope Jocasta wins the veto.  I don't know what competition that would be, but Caleb up on the block with Devin would be like a dream come true.  Nicole and the others could pull off what they really wanted to do, and Caleb annd Derrick would sweat it out to Thursday night.


Why do they hate Amber, other than the Caleb association? She seems like a sweetheart to me.


For one thing the non-Bomb Squad members know she's in the Bomb Squad. And for another thing she's sketchy. Every time I see someone asking her something she plays dumb and refuses to commit. It's probably the smarter choice, game-wise, to remain non-committal but she does it in such an annoying, obvious way. 


I really hope they manage to get rid of Devin because if they don't he's going to be a strong competitor in the next HoH, and I'm sick of this being the Devin Show. I'm sure the producers love him and think he makes "great TV" but I'm just tired of him. 

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Does anyone talk to Devin anymore?  I'm curious - don't get the live feeds.

He pretty much isolated himself in the HOH room, and last night, in the HN room with a Bible. He was saying that he had thought about DOR'ing at some point in the week, but it sounds like he's just butthurt that his HOH sucked so much.

ETA: he apparently got snippy with production, too. I seem to always miss the fun stuff when it happens, but I always seem to run into Jocasta talking about her bathroom issues.

Edited by Callaphera
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Unfortunately for Amber, though, "guy girls" are frequently misunderstood by "girl girls" - girls who prefer to hang out with other girls in a companionship. Girl girls tend to view guy girls as constantly trying to romantically/sexually play the guys, because that's their view of what happens in a guy/girl interaction. Even if the guy girl never initiates or reciprocates a sexual advance, the girl girls will react to her as though she's constantly on the tease, or on the make. At the very least, hackles will get raised. I think we're seeing some of that here.


I never think this about 'guy's girls.' I hate that term. It's so disappointing when women refer to themselves as a 'guy's girl' because it always comes with the connotation that women are just so catty and jealous. I'm fairly sure though that Amber doesn't think of herself like that and I haven't heard anyone really say anything about thinking she prefers the men. I think the problem with Amber is she's just a bad player and she has a tendency to let someone else (a man) make her decisions and then run around telling everyone she doesn't know anything/didn't do anything. I think that's what gets her hate. I wish Nicole/Christine didn't spend their time bashing the other women, but I can see why they'd be annoyed with Amber. Of course they've had a hate on for her since the beginning it seems, so it might actually be some pettiness/jealousy issues. Wow, this comment got away from me! Sorry!


Jocasta and Victoria seem to be so invisible and apparently aren't really socializing with everyone enough that they're probably considered cannon fodder by those actually playing the game.  There's a fine line between "under the radar" and "golly, I sure won't miss you when you're gone."


Actually, Victoria and Jocasta socialize a lot. The problem for Jocasta is she pretty much refuses to talk game with anyone, but everyone likes and respects her. But at the end of the day I think that won't be enough if she won't make any real deals. Victoria is very social and she seems to want to talk game and tries, but people just don't particularly like her/take her seriously. So, in Victoria's case, I feel bad for her because she tries but she can't really get anyone to be on her side. Jocasta just isn't playing the game, now whether that's her strategy and she plans to actually make a move at some point or not, I don't know.


Love it too! I also like how they all sit around and have dinner together. Sit around in the living room and hang out. They are 100 times more better than last years cast.


Which isn't saying much! But I agree, I like this year's cast. I mean they're no BB10, but they beat BB12-15 for sure.


ETA: I got sidetracked and forgot to mention this: Apparently Derrick and Nicole told Victoria that Caleb agreed to throw the BotB comp. Did they learn nothing from last week?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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