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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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To me, it seemed clear that Helen was playing the best game, by far, in the house. 


I don't agree. Helen's game play was really bad. The disaster of her being MVP would've been super entertaining though. I think Elissa got MVP every time mostly because of Rachel but also because she was like the only person who wasn't either racist or a racist apologist.


Brittany made some more racist comments recently. I really wish she'd stop because I wanna like her. At least she will actually try to get HOH. Than again she says she'd go after people like Pao and Victoria because they 'don't deserve to be here,' so I'm done with her I think.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't agree. At all. Helen's game play was really bad.

I thought that, save for being snowed by Howard and Spencer when the Moving Company was in power, Helen's gameplay was good.  It's after she got HoH and got an extreme case of HoH-itis really early into her stint that her gameplay started turning bad.  I mean, the big alliance she formed to take Nick and then Jeremy out ended up splintering and then cracking into factions almost entirely because of her incessant talking and spilling of others' secrets.


Though I will say that Devin's very close to topping her case of HoH-itis.  If he hasn't already.

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I don't agree. At all. Helen's game play was really bad. The disaster of her being MVP would've been super entertaining though. I think Elissa got MVP every time mostly because of Rachel but also because she was like the only person who wasn't either racist or a racist apologist.


Brittany made some more racist comments recently. I really wish she'd stop because I wanna like her. At least she will actually try to get HOH. Than again she says she'd go after people like Pao and Victoria because they 'don't deserve to be here,' so I'm done with her I think.


Interesting, Helen's gameplay seemed to intelligent to me, she always seemed to be straight up with people, and make them think they had a chance even if she had every intention of putting them on the block.  She never seemed to make a move with a personal motive.  Even though she was HOH, she put up two hated players, and let Elissa put up the stronger player, so he would be gunning for Elissa.  That trope of players was so invested in "righting wrongs" and some such nonsense.  I feel like she basically orchestrated Nick being booted,which seemed like a smart move.


This show depresses me, in that people, in this day and age are still rampant racists, they just manage to hide it better in public.  But when being taped 24 hours a day, they just can't help themselves but let racist comments fly.  I'm not sure what Pao is doing in the live feeds, but she seems like a weak link to me. If I were anyone, I would focus on getting Devin and Caleb out of the house ASAP.  They are in the middle of all these alliances, are super pushy and seem to be able to control some of the weaker players.  No bueno.


You're right, Helen's game play didn't get hilariously awful until later on. She was so fun to watch though.


I think it'd probably be easier to think of people who didn't get a huge case of HOH-itis. And the list is probably only like Dan.


This show depresses me, in that people, in this day and age are still rampant racists, they just manage to hide it better in public.  But when being taped 24 hours a day, they just can't help themselves but let racist comments fly.

It is depressing. I'm more depressed though by the ever present sexism/misogyny because it is in every single season and it always remains unchecked by everyone in the house and in the media.

ETA: Devin is talking to Pao so disgustingly right now. Ordering her to stay quiet and to do exactly what he says. It's really scary and gross. Although, it has me convinced that Devin is, in fact, removing Brittany and replacing her with Zach, so I'm excited for the POV meeting aftermath!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think America got it right, for once. The three Team America members are all different, with different styles of play. Frankie's been starting bizarre activites all over the place, and is able to persuade people to join in rather easily, so if one of the missions is to get X number of players to participate in Y activity, he's got that on lock. Derrick is an observer and behind-the-scenes manipulator, and Donny is so sweet and seems so trustworthy it's likely that he'll get away with some stuff before anyone figures it out. Also, no one with any sense will let Donny anywhere near F2, so if he gets a chance at some more money, that's great.


Devin was talking to someone in the HOH last night on BBAD, and I swear he was flapping his jaws so much and so fast he actually winded himself.

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Although, it has me convinced that Devin is, in fact, removing Brittany and replacing her with Zach...

I got the same impression and agree that it's going to get interesting! I think both sides think they have the votes in this case but I think Zach might actually go. I really hope he stays to make Devin mad and give Zach a reason to antagonize him. Both Paola and Zach have said they will blow up at the veto meeting if things don't go their way and Brit is still suggesting by the things she said last night to Zach and Cody that she might reject the veto save, so who knows?



Devin is practicing his POV ceremony speech in the HOH... on a pillow. The camerman is just zooming in and out on it, this is hysterical.

Whoever is controlling the cameras is having a ball. That poor bird pillow. How long does Devin think his speech can go on for? He's been at it for awhile. Doesn't he realize that it's just going to be edited down to thirty seconds or a minute? Feeds are going to be off forever if he keeps blathering on and on during the ceremony.

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Devin was talking to someone in the HOH last night on BBAD, and I swear he was flapping his jaws so much and so fast he actually winded himself.

This made me laugh out loud!



I was wondering if anyone saw the conversation between Frankie and Devin last night (I think) where Devin was talking about having a life-long friendship with Frankie? He was saying that he doesn't have many friends in real life (shocker) and really hopes that he and Frankie will remain close. He said he'd love to be involved when Frankie eventually marries and has a family. I was thinking that he's going to be very disappointed to learn that Frankie thinks he's an idiot. Devin first explained that he doesn't have friends because he doesn't match what people expect him to be and then a little later explained that he's just very selective regarding who he has as a friend.


I know it's just gameplay but I always feel kind of bad for people who fall for it when another player gets really personal and tells them how much they love and respect them, etc. and all the while they are bashing them. Devin's behavior would make me dislike him intensely but that was kind of hard to watch.


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I think that was more a process of elimination more than anything.  After Frankie and Donny, I don't know that there was a super obvious candidate.

I'd have thought home viewers would be up on the pair of Nerd Girls.



I was voting for the Nerd Girls, after my Donny was indeed, chosen. I also voted for Cody a few times, although I'm embarassed to admit I gave Caleb a couple of votes. (In my defense, it was late and they DO both begin with "C".) So happy nobody else accidentally voted for him - it would have been terrible if he'd been part of it.


I'm not a fan of Derrick myself. He just looks too much like a piggy, although I feel bad saying that. He obviously can't help the facial features he was born with...anyway, the more I hear about the feeds, the more unsure I am about whom I'm rooting for, besides Donny. So far, nothing he has done or said has turned me against him. I agree that he might be exaggerating his good qualities but I don't see anything wrong with that. We all do that, in specific social situations.

And everyone's pretty pissed at Devin right now, which is amazing. I feel bad for Paola, because she's actually suggesting that Zach stays to get Devin out, because she knows she can't beat him herself. And Zach's mad at Frankie and apparently called him out, so Frankie's also upset and this is truly glorious. I'm only watching the girls' convo right now, but it's pretty good so far. 

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Best case scenario tomorrow (or whenever it is) during and after Veto meeting;


-  Devin pulls Brittany down and puts Zach up as replacement Nom; but does it in his usual horrible people-skills way and everyone is on to him instantly (why he put up Zach - using the argument against him and turning it around on Zach, ie "the way he talks to the women")

-  Pao-Pao goes bonkers after seeing Devin not use his power to pull her off the block, thus meaning their 'throw the BOTB' deal went out the window, but the reason given for making the deal in the first place was to get Brittany out, and then he not only left Paola on the block, but took down the person he said he was targeting all along.  (can't wait to see her initial reaction on the next TV ep)

-  Brittany starts an anti-Devin/Paola campaign before Eviction (maybe doesn't, if Derrick/Cody/Zach say its in her best interest to keep Zach - assuming Zach is willing to stay)

-  I would like to see Paola gone first, but for the pure drama of it, Zach going off on the BS - and thus ensuring his leaving this week - could make for some epic viewing



I think if Devin goes through with his 'Plan A', which is looking very likely... that Derrick/Cody/(Zach?) get Brittany into an alliance with them.   I would suggest including Victoria, but they only need her as far as using her vote if Devin is up for eviction.  But I think we all know she's down for doing that, regardless.


*Giggles evilly and rubs hands together*


Shit just got real.  Real fun, that is.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Oh boy, and now Frankie is playing the martyr.   Why  did Zach  call me out?  Why did he do this to me?  Why?  Whhhhyyyy?  


I find that extremely unattractive and annoying.


Zach has already asked Frankie about ten times if he will vote to keep him, and Frankie refuses to answer.

Edited by vb68

What's really annoying about Frankie's martyr act is I feel he's the one most responsible for Zach being nominated in the first damn place.  He knew what Zach was planning on doing, and he STILL told Devin to nominate him.  Sucks for you, Frankie, but you should've taken your own advice, laid low, and let Victoria or Paola leave.

Edited by Katesus7
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Wow, it's chaos in the house as everyone reels from the drama that Zach unleashed. Looks like most of the house likes Zach but Frankie is really campaigning for Zach to be gone. Not sure why he's so vehement about it, that kid loves him for some reason. Derrick is the smartest person in that house. Dude is putting out fires, doing major damage control.

Edited by kellog010

Frankie's an idiot. I mean, Zach's done some stupid things this past week, but he would have been alligned to Frankie 100% for the entire game. Now he just ruined that by campaigning for him to not only be put up, but now to go home. Frankie's game is rapidly descending and he clearly hasn't thought about the long-term, only the short term just because he's pissed now.


Derrick and Hayden seem to clearly want Zach to stay, and maybe Cody and Jocasta. So I'm hoping they can rally 3 more people for Zach to stay, because I do want him to stay, become HOH and put up Devin and Frankie. I think that regardless of who goes home (personal bias for me is that I want Zach to stay), I think his blowup caused some serious drama that's going to have some repercussions. 

So much is happening so fast, I'm missing things trying to get it all. Frankie is frantically trying to cover his ass with everyone, but I'm not sure how much longer he's going to be able to keep that up. Amber is being thrown under the bus all over the place with different people blaming her for part of this. Paola's swearing she didn't throw the competition. The Bomb Squad is pretty much all freaking out.


This is pretty much amazing.


Frankie's an idiot. I mean, Zach's done some stupid things this past week, but he would have been alligned to Frankie 100% for the entire game. Now he just ruined that by campaigning for him to not only be put up, but now to go home. Frankie's game is rapidly descending and he clearly hasn't thought about the long-term, only the short term just because he's pissed now.


Derrick and Hayden seem to clearly want Zach to stay, and maybe Cody and Jocasta. So I'm hoping they can rally 3 more people for Zach to stay, because I do want him to stay, become HOH and put up Devin and Frankie. I think that regardless of who goes home (personal bias for me is that I want Zach to stay), I think his blowup caused some serious drama that's going to have some repercussions. 


Derrick and Cody are in a real hard spot right now.  If the majority of the remaining alliance decides to vote Zach out, and they vote to keep Zach, that paints bulls-eyes on their backs.  All the rest of the BS has to do is mentally count votes, and if it comes up funny, they know at least one of them tried to throw the BS' decision - although Cody is making it sound like he's going to vote to keep Zach, and be straight up about it with everyone.  We'll see how that goes over the next 2.5 days...


But if those 2 do vote to keep him, they only truly got Brittany's vote to count on for help [as of right now]; possibly Hayden, if he's already made up his mind to not trust Caleb.  That's a clear minority.


ETA:  I really think Caleb is going to let his emotions rule his thought process and as he see's Zach "making a threat" at him, he's going to get rid of a threat.  And until someone can backdoor him, he's essentially ruling the roost right now - people can complain and say otherwise, but he is.   So the majority of the alliance will side with his decision of who to vote out (& right now its clearly Zach).  I also believe that Donny & Jocasta are firmly in the 'keep Paola' camp.  I  see Christine pulling the wool over Nicole's eyes, plus bullying pressure from both Caleb/Devin to get rid of Zach.  I really can't get a real read on Christine.  She's so good at being totally agreeable with everyone, but never giving a true indication of exactly where her head's at, at any given time.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I can't figure out who Frankie is really loyal to....anybody?  

I like Christine but I had it in my head that even if she was in the bomb squad she was truly loyal to Nicole...maybe that's not true?

And...am I missing something because I haven't seen game play from Jocasta, Hayden, Victoria, Paola, Nicole, Brittany, or Hayden.  They are reacting to the moves of other people, but it's not clear to me that they have a plan or strategy.



Do any of these people have a plan? I'm trying to figure out if these people actually know what they are trying to achieve, or if they are just making random strategic decisions just do DO something in this craziness. Frankie especially is confusing the hell out of me.


Yes, this is pretty much amazing,


Not having watched hardcore until this season, I may not understand the term or what it truly means, so if I am mis-using it, forgive me..... but I believe what just happened, was Zach just totally flipped the house.  Just straight blew everything up by throwing the whole BS under the bus - everyone is going to be suspicious and paranoid of EVERYONE else. 


It was to just Hayden that Zach told him pretty much everything about the alliance, but you know he's going to Nicole with it.  Not that they'll have a chance to be alone much in the next few days, but...  If he's reeled in by it all, I could see him giong to all the non-BS peeps too. 


Hayden - to me - seems like a super crafty player.  Sure, he acts all "I'm just a laid-back California beach-bum dude that's here to hang out & chill", but I think that now that its time to ramp stuff up in terms of game-play; he's going to drop some jaws with LFs (& HGs).


- - - - - - - - - - - - -


Its not going to happen (yet)... but it would really be in everyone, minus whichever one of the Zach/Pao duo goes home Thursday (that's not Caleb/Devin/Amber/Frankie) to band together and go after that 4some.   Caleb is going to fight to the death for the next HOH on Thur. night, and will work it so he keeps HOH with noms and BOTB.  The only real chance the rest of the house has against those 4 is to work together and break that quad up.  They don't have to form a solid alliance, but just be on the same page in terms of nominations/backdoors/votes.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I don't think Zach did himself any favors by outing his alliance, if he actually does want to stay. Caleb was firmly on board keeping him yesterday, but that's done with Zach's 'betrayal'. Frankie seems to be completely overplaying this, but people are listening to him. The other people in the Bomb a Squad have no reason to keep him, because he totally screwed pup the heir game. If he had kept shut, they might have turned their anger on Devin instead, and kept him to spite Devin. The people not in the BS have no reason to keep him, in case the BS reforms. Basically, there is no good reason to keep him, and all kind of reasons to boot him.

It sucks for me, because he is way more entertaining than Paolo, but he absolutely lost his shit from being a Have Not for about a day, and only has himself to blame. Well, also Frankie. And Devin. But mostly himself.

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I don't think it's going to come out but I so wish that Devin would tell someone that Frankie encouraged him to put Zach on the block and that Frankie would get the votes to evict him.


This better happen. Although I don't think Zach himself would believe it, Derrick/Cody/Hayden would and it would just make them trust Frankie even less than they do know.


As it stands now you have Frankie/Caleb/Amber/Christine (but Christine is hard to read so I'm not sure) as wanting Zach out. Derrick/Cody/Hayden want to keep him. 


It is SO entertaining watching Frankie right now. He is so pissed at the fact that Derrick wants to keep Zach. After the talk Hayden had just now with Caleb/Devin/Frankie, I think Frankie thought Hayden was easily on board with them on voting Zach out and then Derrick meets with Frankie/Hayden and asks Hayden what he thinks and Hayden's like keep Zach. LOL. Frankie is fuming.


ETA: I'm hoping and praying Hayden takes all this info to Nicole/Brittany/Jocasta/Victoria/Donny. He could absolutely form his own counter army. But then again Jocasta seems up Devin's ass and Nicole is solidly attached to Christine's, but still, he's missing such an opportunity if he doesn't tell them all.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I love it because Caleb/Devin/Amber/Frankie are all scrambling like mad to save an already sunken ship.  Abandon ship, yo!


And trying to pull in Hayden and then basically telling him "join us or your an automatic target".  How does that work for or help you?!  What happened to "deny, deny, deny!", Devin?  Seriously, if he truly thinks he is crushing on Brittany... she's next on his personaal "join us, or else" list - and thus really digging his own grave with the rest of the blown up alliance and remaining HGs who want him out.


This is just effing fantastic viewing material, watching all the chaos and scrambling to survive the fallout.


 - - - - - - - - - - -

From Jokers4:57 BBT  Hayden to Christine: Caleb is like a 13 year old school girl when it comes to Amber. Get over it! God! NT


Preach it, bro! 


Unfortunately, that might not make it on TV, but it should.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Hayden and Pao were talking in the Beehive room, when Big Brother announced that there was an indoor lockdown. Hayden said that he hoped there was a reason for the lockdown, that they weren't just locking them in to create more drama in the house. It never occurred to me that production would do that, despite all the shit they already pull, but I really hope they did. I'm having fun watching everyone flip flop every few minutes. 


Never mind, Frankie is still trying to get Zach out. He's trying to get Victoria to vote him out now. 


ETA: It's awful listening to Derrick talk about Team America. "They want the honest people in the game." "They want me to go far because I'm playing an honest game." Bitch, you went in there lying! His ego is so overblown from this.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I don't like the fact that Derrick ASSUMES that America voted him, Frankie and Donny to be together as a team because we think they are the only honest ones to be trusted.  Derrick trusting Frankie is going to cause trouble, big time.  Him thinking they are the ONLY ones to be trusted, messes with the Derrick/Cody/Zach thing I was kind of happy to see brewing.  Plus, Derrick and Frankie have talked together quite a bit, making it out like they are gonna have to drag or pull Donny through this, and being a bit exclusionary, and I don't like that either.   

I think its really starting to sink in to everyone - other than the brainiac duo of Caleb/Devin - that with the bomb dropped today; its truly everyone for themselves now.  Its gonna be metaphorical cannibalism from here on out;  Eat or get eaten.


Sure, you'll have your 3-4 (even 5) person groups, but alot of those groups will be overlapping.   Frankie will be in most of them, Derrick in a bunch of them, Christine/Cody in quite a few, and some other side deals.  But everyone is walking around with eyes in the back of their heads now.


Worth it [as a viewer].


Derrick thinks he's gonna be a hero because of this Team America thing. Bringing up Dan. Calm down, Derrick. You're barely even on the show buddy! Honestly I think this is what's gonna fuck Derrick's game. It got him so cocky. I'm glad because I didn't wanna see him skate to the end.


ETA: Amber thinks she pulled Hayden into BS. LOL! Amber, honey, Hayden isn't even actually in BS and if he was, it had nothing to do with you and your terrible game play.


This is so fun. I have no idea how they're gonna edit this week's eps.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm going to give Derrick a day to deal with this team America nonsense, because a) I like him, and b) I assume the only people he's talking about it with are Frankie and Donny, and it's in his interest for them to be as on board as he is. Especially since I don't know if he and Donny have even talked game, and this gives him one more person to count on. And I do know he has not trusted Frankie in the past, and if he has an inkling that the feeling is mutual, playing up Team America helps neutralize that. Basically, I'll wait and see what Derrick tells me in the DR (after the obligatory "Thank you America!!! I won't let you down!!" Bullshit).

Although I do think there's something to thinking that America knows something you don't, and if they chose you out of all these people, there might be a reason for it, and there might be a reason for bonding with the other two as well. I do wish I could tell him that JOEY was their first choice. That might make him rethink matters.

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CBS needs to fire whoever presses the button for Jeff interviews. Nothing is worse than watching, and then having Andy suddenly pop on screen for thirty seconds, before going back to the feeds.

Hilariously, while a lot of people were gathering in the rock bedroom, Amber moved away from Caleb because he apparently gives off too much body heat. Who wants to bet he's going to go around talking about how that broke his heart. It's hard to tell, but it looks like he moved closer to her to make up for it.


The next few days should be interesting because the votes really could swing either way. So many conversations and flip-flops it's hard to tell where the dust will settle. These girls need to get it together and win some competitions to stop the boys from running the house.

Edited by kellog010
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Basically, I'll wait and see what Derrick tells me in the DR (after the obligatory "Thank you America!!! I won't let you down!!" Bullshit).


I think Derrick is very, very good at this game.  I think he is trying to use the Team America as a tool.  To test and try to neutralize Frankie, and to draw Donny in more closely to Derrick. Hell, Frankie agreed to have Derrick basically be the go between between him (Frankie) and Donny. He has been putting out fires all day, while simultaneously planting new seeds in the burnt ground of the Bomb Squad.


My weird concern for Derrick is that he may be too good and folks will pick up on that more and more.  Christine seems to be on to him, Frankie as well. 

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I really think that Devin's whole "I'm crushing on Brittany" thing was mostly show.  I'm not implying that he isn't (or wouldn't be) a little physically attracted to her - I mean, cmon, she is very good looking for having 3 kids - but I think he realized that he was going against the majority of the alliance by wanting her out [and mostly just for personal reasons].  So that 'show' to Frankie/Derrick/Cody/Brittany was to throw them off.  He didn't really pull her down just because he's hot for her, he pulled her down to save face - but for whatever reason - he's hiding behind the 'lovestruck' excuse.  Or he really is bi-polar, and that's one of his mentalities.  *shrugs*


I want to believe Zach did all of yesterday and today on purpose.  Even Frankie told him a while ago; "You got what you wanted.  You blew up the BS, and now have the chance to form your own alliance."  And Zach's been saying all day, "Sorry bro, but I'm done with them.  I gotta play my own game now.".   Its either going to work (for a little while anyways, assuming he survives the Eviction), or he goes home very early.  Huge move in the 2nd week of gameplay.  Boom or Bust.

Brittany is a liar. I'm so sad she's not going home this week. Her "I've always been a superhero" speech because she was a teen mom won no sympathy from me. She is crying poor and is worried her rent isn't paid but 15 minutes before said she uses Latisse for her eyelashes. That's $100 bucks a month! She's a lying liar who lies and who desperately craves attention as the hot mom. I hope people in the house are putting it all together with her.

Hee! I am so jealous of you live feeders, and thank you all for the updates! And here I was thinking during BBAD last night, "wow, massages and fake hottub kisses and beanbag tosses and dancing.... other than the couple mental weirdos, this is the summer of love!" The seeming complete lack of hetero discomfort around a gay man is refreshing, but damn I'd be lying if I said the self-implosion of the BS is not equally freaking awesome.

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