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David and Lana: The Seven-Year Ditch

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David, 60 (Las Vegas, NV) and Lana, 27 (Ukraine)


After swearing off American women, David joined a Ukrainian dating site where he met Lana. After speaking to one another online for seven years, David plans to make his fourth trip to the Ukraine. David, who has spent roughly $100,000 on Lana, has tried to meet her on three other occasions, but she backed out the trip each time. David is giving Lana one last chance to meet in person or he will end their relationship for good. Will Lana prove to David that she was worth the wait, or will he be left disappointed once again?

46 minutes ago, 7isBlue said:

I just learned that David is my friend’s brother! She’s not a close friend, but I’m thinking of connecting with him on Facebook. She says he won’t tell her how it worked out. Does that mean they didn’t? Hmmm...

Yes, bring on the tea. Seems like it things HAD worked out the family would know since he'd be engaged and at the very least preparing for the K1 visa.

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I just realized that I am FB friends with David and have been for 3 years. I don't know him offline so he must have sent me a request sometime back. He's commented on some of my pictures, but we haven't chatted or anything. 

As crazy as his hair on the show is, it seems to have always been like that. It's always looked like a toupee. 



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On 3/9/2020 at 9:13 AM, greekmom said:

Why do I want to call this guy Gary? He looks like a Gary.

Wow, now that you said it, I can see it!

On 3/6/2020 at 12:32 AM, Christina said:

In the comments to this post, David said he doesn't appear until March 15.


Has he been wearing the same toupee since the 80s?  Also, did he just do some random photo shoot with a Lamborghini in the 80s?  Specimen Mark did the same thing and it was equally confusing.  

23 hours ago, Christina said:

Some information has leaked on Lana, and I haven't read them yet

Multiple slides


LOL, her language is ukranian, but we're supposed to believe that she wrote that profile out in English.  It's not perfect English, but it seems a lot better than what a person who only knows ukranian could write.  

Also, that profile is so clearly targeted for a sugar daddy and if not that, than any guy who will pay a monthly subscription fee to be strung along.  

She wants a "fast relationship" and she wants to engage in a "quick relation" but conversely also wants a "love match"

She wants a man who will "appreciate all her advantages" and she will "pay him back" with her "eternal love"

She enjoys a wide variety of pursuits that would appeal to the rich man and the poor man, such as bowling and  equestrian sports.  I'm guessing the "bowlers" are given the monthly subscription service and the men who have access to "equestrian pursuits" can contact her by phone.  

She likes "yachts" y'all!!!! And I'd guess she has a lot of passport stamps too!

She could be in the lane between Juliana and Maria.  But no way is she interested in David.  

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The lambourgini in the picture is his. He collects classic cars. I also found out that I am friends with his sister, Robyn. The weird (okay A weird) thing is the despite the fact that he has supposedly been with Lana for 7 years, nobody in his life knows about her. And the "friends" he met with onscreen? They don't seem to be real friends. Not sure he actually knows them at all. Supposedly Lana's computer is a loaner from "the agency" and she can't put any other programs on it. Hell, with yhe $100,000 he could've bought her 100 computers... The RV thing is true, though. He really did retire and sell his stuff to live his RV dreams. 

I don't understand why he is on this show. He has no side business to push, didn't even have an IG account until last month, and doesn't seem to love being in the public My first guess is that he is friends with a producer who talked him into it. 

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8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

And the "friends" he met with onscreen? They don't seem to be real friends. Not sure he actually knows them at all.

Well, he said they had been friends for over 25 years, and the lady "friend" said they'd known him for about 20 years.  They weren't even sure of the timelines.

Not only that, but the man's behavior was old-fashioned "when you meet someone for the first time" behavior:  Stand up and shake hands.  And then the wife said very stiffly (as though it was her memorized line), "It is nice to see you again."  Wouldn't real friends have said something casual like, "Hey Dave . . . how's it going"?

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20 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I don't understand why he is on this show. He has no side business to push, didn't even have an IG account until last month, and doesn't seem to love being in the public My first guess is that he is friends with a producer who talked him into it. 

With friends like that, who needs enemies?!?

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So when I figured out that he and I have been FB friends for awhile (since before the 90 Day franchise was even a thing) I sent out some messages to friends in common. NONE of them had ever heard of Lana.  He was supposedly "with" her for seven years and spent all that money and went to see her 3 times yet nobody knew about her? The concesus seems to be that Lana is an online friend from that dating service and he talked her into going along with this for the show. She didn't stand him up in the past and he hasn't spent money on her. It's basically a Caesar and Maria situation. (Although Maria had no idea she'd be painted as the bad guy in the fake story.) 

According to David's sister, even she didn't know about Lana and says she has no idea if they're engaged or not. I could see him keeping the engagement a secret for NDA reasons, but Lana's existence?

Between Tim and his fake story and Corey with his and Caesar (not to mention the others) I'm feeling pissed. 

Edited by mamadrama
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34 minutes ago, Christina said:

Any guesses why David is on the show? I'm having trouble thinking of one, unless he wants to join all the other 90DF-ers who want to travel by RV and make money off VLogs, which has not worked out for any of them. He just doesn't fit.

Yeah imagine him on Pillow Talk with his awkward friend who drove him to the airport.

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44 minutes ago, Christina said:

Any guesses why David is on the show? I'm having trouble thinking of one, unless he wants to join all the other 90DF-ers who want to travel by RV and make money off VLogs, which has not worked out for any of them. He just doesn't fit.

I still think he's friends with a producer, maybe via his sister Robyn, and he's either doing this as a favor (or lark) or he IS wanting to promote something that doesn't exist yet (like a vlog). Generally, though, he'd already have that out in time for his premier so that he could strike while the iron was hot. Maybe he's just really bad at it.

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On 3/27/2020 at 8:30 PM, mamadrama said:

The concesus seems to be that Lana is an online friend from that dating service and he talked her into going along with this for the show. She didn't stand him up in the past and he hasn't spent money on her. It's basically a Caesar and Maria situation. (Although Maria had no idea she'd be painted as the bad guy in the fake story.) 

I was thinking the unseen Lana was an owner or employee of the dating service and was getting kickbacks--a percentage of every dollar he spends on "her."   Also I have trouble believing he spent anywhere near that much.    I think your consensus view makes sense, too. I find him boring.  And stupid.  I can't wait to see him visiting her "address."

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12 minutes ago, Twopper said:

I was thinking the unseen Lana was an owner or employee of the dating service and was getting kickbacks--a percentage of every dollar he spends on "her."   Also I have trouble believing he spent anywhere near that much.    I think your consensus view makes sense, too. I find him boring.  And stupid.  I can't wait to see him visiting her "address."

Yeah just because it was in the same city means it had to be authentic lol.  It’s probably a sewage treatment plant.

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8 hours ago, Twopper said:

I was thinking the unseen Lana was an owner or employee of the dating service and was getting kickbacks--a percentage of every dollar he spends on "her."   Also I have trouble believing he spent anywhere near that much.    I think your consensus view makes sense, too. I find him boring.  And stupid.  I can't wait to see him visiting her "address."

Yes, that's certainly how the show is presenting the story-that she will only accept communication from the website because she gets a kickback. But while that is true in theory, I don't think it's true for this show. There's barely been a single storyline that has played out in real life the way it's playing out on the show. There are way too many holes in his story,as well as things that don't make sense. I'm starting to think the whole thing is a lie, there never was a "Lana" (or there was and they broke up a long time ago), or that he's made up the whole "we've never talked on the phone or video chatted or met in person" because he thought it would get them on the show. 

Tim and Jeniffffer met and spent time in mexico together before they filmed, yet they made it look like they were meeting for he first time when he landed in Colombia with the bear. Apparently Caesar and Maria had already broken up long before the show filmed, too, but he talked her into doing it with him because he was trying to become an "actor." The whole thing about her standing him up in Mexico was fake-she was never supposed to be there to start with. So I have little faith that any of this is "real."

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I wish we had some spoilers on him. The stupidity is making me antsy. He's not talking and it appears even those close to him don't know. The only thing he's said is that she isn't a catfish (ha) and that she couldn't write to him offsite because her laptop was from the agency (ha ha). I like the idea of Anya being Lana, but next week he really is in Pavlorad and I don't think Anya would've let it go that far. 

Maybe the entire thing is fake and Sharp just made up the whole thing. Maybe in addition to Lana not being real David (as we've seen him thus far) isn't either. 

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5 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Maybe the entire thing is fake and Sharp just made up the whole thing. Maybe in addition to Lana not being real David (as we've seen him thus far) isn't either. 

I'm wondering if Sharp is running out of genuine oddball couples. All of the couples this season seem fake, to a greater or lesser degree. Some of them for spoiler reasons (see the couples threads).  

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David answered some questions, and in my opinion, made himself look worse.

There have been several comments from the beginning that said he has an arrest record for hiring a prostitute in Vegas (it's not legal in the city), but no one has ever posted proof. I thought it was confusion with Geoffrey, but someone says it again in the comments of this IG, so I thought I'd mention it. 

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It sounds to me like he and Lana were never really"together" and that all the times she stood him up wasn't really as blatant as how he made it seem. He was already going to be in Ukraine and asked her to meet for coffee or something and she didn't show up. That's different than him flying all the way to see her and her standing him up. Also, if he's been with over 100 women in the Ukraine then that's not"dating." That's sex tourism. 

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