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S06.E18: Something To Sing About

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Educate me; what's a 'lifestyle' model?

At the older end think Viagra wives at the younger end think the women who grace the pages appliance and catalogues like Frontgate-where there is a family with children and a twenty year old "wife" just won't do.   Then of course there are these people Gary and Elaine from "Catalogue Living" http://catalogliving.net/ or http://curbed.com/tags/magazine-living.  I think it is a nice way to say you are over the hill but there is a still a future for you handing your model husband a glass of lemonade while he shows off his thrill of a new weed eater. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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How successful as a model was Kristen?  There aren't many photos on the net of her modeling days -- under her married or maiden name.  I'm sure she worked but I bet her success as a model wasn't as great as she makes it sound.

I dunno but she looks like she'd be in a JC Penney catalog.


I don't think Kristen doesn't know how to dry lettuce --- I think she doesn't want to.

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I wonder if Carole has any idea that the reason people are interested in her is because of her Kennedy connection? Not that being a news producer eons ago isn't interesting, but does anyone really think she'd be besties with Susan Sarandon and dating Clooney and Fiennes without that connection?

Like others in the limelight because of fame or notoriety, I think it is more of an onus put upon one than anything. You'd be forever wondering who was dating you for your name, and I'm sure she's had her fair share of suitors and friends like that, the same as her celeb friends. Perhaps it was something she could relate with them on, or who knows, but I think it's a bit unfair to accuse Susan Sarandon, Clooney and Fiennes of such shallow ideals. I guess I'm trying to say that it goes both ways.

But no, I don't. I don't really think about it though, she can't change it.

Edited by Souvlaki
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Thank you, Zoey'smom--I am a wiser person. I've always thought that modeling was the kind of career where they eat their young, I don't mean the model's themselves, but that--sort of like child actors--they have a nanosecond shelf life and are generally so young when they get started they can't really know what's in store for them nor that they'll likely be over the proverbial hill just when they think they're hitting their stride. Someone like Kristen, a very pretty (yes, she is pretty) young woman who is smart enough but hardly Mensa level, likely went through life being told how pretty/beautiful/attractive she is; that clearly became her identity, her reason for getting up in the morning. She put her eggs into being the next Christie Brinkley or whomever, probably thought that she'd beat the odds and work into her 50's or 60's. Then to be told at 30 or so that you're yesterday's news has to be an ego destroying blow, especially for someone who seems to have hooked up with her husband to be mutual arm candy.


Now the fact that he's bored with her and her career, while not over, is in serious decline, is hitting home. If she doesn't have or can't find the inner resourses to move on she's in trouble. No one wants to live in the land of denial like Sonja.


Much as I love me some snark, I find her sad.

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LuAnn has no storyline so even though she is many scenes she brings nothing to the table in the way of a storyline.  Her relationship with Jacques was either over, off limits or maybe what we saw at the park photo shoot was Jacques unwillingness to perpetuate a fraud.  I always think in terms of one playing to the end of their relationship and a year later the episodes air and one or the other has moved on and is left explaining what was going on back then when they were probably seeing someone new.  Best example is the silly scenes with Harry and Sonja-short lived and Luann couldn't wait to go on her blog and talk about how Harry was not into Sonja and that she knew Harry was dating someone else.


The scenes at Birdland-Luann sang but she chose a song that could not be aired.  She once again went to her favorite bag of tricks this season being offended by either Ramona or Sonja.  Her blogs are untruthful and basically she is trying to dictate what will be shown about her by not offering up anything personal or daresay "real".  She had so much humiliation during her recording session she is unwilling to risk having herself portrayed in an unflattering light.


Every housewife would like to be cast in a role where all they do is host events and then go back and critique select others' behavior.   Carole comes darn close and there certainly isn't room for two Greek Choruses. LuAnn put nothing on the line-not her relationship or her children's lives.  Luann can not tolerate criticism and because of that she holds back anything true going on in her life.  To further make her storyline irrelevant when Carole acted up on a date-crickets from LuAnn.  When Heather acted up both at her home and at her cancer charity crickets from LuAnn.  LuAnn couldn't risk creating adversity with her new dream team by offending Carole or Heather.  Luann's ridiculous fight with Aviva over whether or nor she invited a former Miss USA was just an extension of her desperation for camera time.


So the producers decided to cut her out and the gave Aviva similar treatment by cutting her out of some of the credits.  Having watched the season I can see why.   I do hope she returns but she has to grow some thicker skin and come up with a storyline a believable one that doesn't involve her hawking her wares.

The thing is that she didn't need a storyline because she is a "friend of". Even with that, she made the more of her role than did any of the ladies on the show this season. She might not have had a storyline, but did anyone else? Ramona's daughter is going to school, but we have only talked about that in any real way for 3 or so episodes. I guess her story could be that she is the biggest bitch in the franchise, which she seems to be more than fine with. More than likely there were all kinds of issues with Mario when this was being shot, since the rumors started being mentioned last July that he was hanging out at the Hampton's house with his gal. Ramona didn't seem to want to air that dirty laundry, and pretended to be a happy wife who believed her husband would sing any song to her. Instead of talking about her personal life this year, she decided her story would be that she can actually be nastier than we have seen in the past, and went batshit crazy this season. Better than letting folks know her marriage was in trouble. How about Heather? She had big stuff going on in her life this year - both the lawsuit and her child's health. Both were mentioned for an episode or two, then nothing. Maybe she didn't want to show it, or maybe Bravo edited it out for various reasons (just like they did Lu's stuff). Carole had a few things going on with bookgate at the beginning, but nothing since. Aviva has barely even been on the show.  Lu has shown herself to be more charming, funny but still snarky in her TH interviews, she inserts herself just enough in all the drama, but then steps away before it gets ugly. She has played her role perfectly and quite frankly, I wish they would add more than these types of characters in the future. 

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I wonder if any of Josh's PR clients think why the fuck would I keep this guy on the payroll given his own PR sucks.  I think he may just be the most hated husband in RH history.

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LuAnn is perpetuating a relationship fraud...but Sonja isn't?  ("I broke up with Brian (....3-4 years ago)," "My situation with Harry is getting serious (....but don't ask him about it, okay?  I need someone with access to family money!)"   Ramona isn't (reportedly won't even address having filed for divorce during the reunion)?   Nah, mah friends.


LuAnn hosted Saratoga and a dinner, and has been light and amusing IMO during much of the season.  The 'no storyline' thing always puzzles me - it was used a lot to critique Kenya of RHOATL, and I don't get it in either instance.  The only time I see that as a problem is when it gets to the 'robot baby' place of Tamra/Eddie on RHOOC and their hellish predecessors, Gretchen and Slade, who fronted about starting a family though he had a vasectomy and she looks entirely composed of plastics.


^^ Good god, I watch way too much of this shit. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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I wonder if any of Josh's PR clients think why the fuck would I keep this guy on the payroll given his own PR sucks. I think he may just be the most hated husband in RH history.

I don't think he does PR anymore. Actually, I don't think he ever did PR - I think it was a marketing firm. He sold that to start this e-Boost energy drink co., and it's full-time. (And then some!)

Most hated husband? As much as I think he's a dick, I think there are a few who can give him a run for their money -- Joe Giudice, for starters, Slimey Slade, Jim Bellino...... But yea, he definitely belongs in the hall of fame!

^^ Good god, I watch way too much of this shit.

I was typing my comment above and thinking the exact same thing! Edited by LotusFlower
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I don't think he does PR anymore. Actually, I don't think he ever did PR - I think it was a marketing firm. He sold that to start this e-Boost energy drink co., and it's full-time. (And then some!)

Most hated husband? As much as I think he's a dick, I think there are a few who can give him a run for their money -- Joe Giudice, for starters, Slimey Slade, Jim Bellino...... But yea, he definitely belongs in the hall of fame!

I was typing my comment above and thinking the exact same thing!


At one point, he listed himself as VP of Public Relations for @RelativitySport.  

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Kristin doesn't have to work to have a nanny.  I would say in Kristin's circle, most of her friends have nannies running the kids around to all of their special lessons to make them superkids.  Luann had one for years.  Jill her first year had a woman cooking for them who mysteriously disappeared after Luann caught a ton of heat on the boards for abandoning her kids on taco night to go downtown. Alex and Simon had au pairs (but they both worked I guess).  It's not uncommon out here in the suburbs too for SAHMs to have nannies/au pairs/babysitters and not work if they can afford it.  It's a luxury, but I would wager that Kristin was probably still doing freelance modeling when she had her first child.  Geez, Camille on BH had like 4.  


And Kristin was looking for her salad spinner, so she isn't totally clueless.  It's not a crime not to like to cook.  


And for all her O faces, take a gander at Heather once and awhile and get a load of hers.


After that interlude of Jacques and Luann on the rock, I am glad they are over.  He seems to border on the dickish side too - even if he was peeved at the pirate still.  I am glad he got caught by the Bravo sub-titlers. 


Ramona is a vicious little cow, and I agree that she was probably trying to get back at Luann (and Jacques) for the wine tasting.  But karma is getting Ramona back in spades.  For all of Ramona's talk to Avery about not being stuck with a man for financial purposes, she sure is hanging on to Mario with death-grip talons.

Edited by jinjer
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Ramona who comes off bat shit crazy definitely has some smarts when it comes to keeping her marital woes off the screen.  In past years Jill Zarin went after her marriage and the psychic in Morocco started some stuff.  Where Ramona handles it well is she denies it just claims she believes in her marriage and does not complain about Mario.  Where she excels is- why would any of these women want to be caught dead gossiping about Ramona's marriage? I am sure off camera it was a hot button of conversation but no one wants to risk looking that bad.  (I think of Brandi and Lisa on RHOBH). If they admit to knowing Ramona is going through a rough spot in her marriage then they essentially are giving her an out, excuse or reason for bad behavior. If they push her to discuss and she refuses-what does one say-"I don't like Ramona because she won't talk to me about her husband or her marriage." Most everyone empathizes with a person whose marriage is jeopardized by a cheating or abusive spouse.  No one likes someone who tries to insert themselves in another person's marriage.  As far as talking about her marriage-didn't Ramona's counsel send a C&D letter to the other woman?  Usually those letters contain a provision that the C&D is mutual-perfect out for Ramona at the Reunion.


Ramona makes her own storyline by virtue of the fact she is not attending an event or leaves early.  Why the other women give it to her is beyond me.  Same with Aviva-so much made of her not going to Montana-did anyone really care?  They made it sound as if Aviva got a pass at seven days hard labor in a prison camp.


Sonja on the other hand has repeatedly sought advice of others regarding her business woes and financial drama.  First there was Jill's sister, the family law attorney, regarding her BK, then there was Heather with her branding project and finally Josh.  So in effect Sonja places her financial woes in play.

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Then why on Earth is LuAnn in the wrong for not wanting to talk about her relationship particulars?  She is smart.  She invented that game.  She doesn't owe it to us to get into whether her relationship was open and when it ended.  LuAnn is actually usually relatively discreet and subtle.


On the other hand there is Ramona, who absolutely has made her marriage an issue: bragging about it, bragging about not marrying an 'older' man, renewing her vows at 17 years.  Critiquing Silex and LuAnn.  Using her 'empowerment' line of argument to slam other women.  She's a scumbag or 'vicious little cow' (TM jinjer, love that.)  She also has brought up way, WAY off-camera stuff for years (Jill and alleged abuse of Saks return policies; the unforgiveable, deliberate retweeting of a video of LuAnn's daughter).  


Karma is taking care of Ramona, though.  Mario's relatively young enough that if she holds on, she will have to know that he will NEVER stop until he's physically incapacitated with his Kaseys and I'm sure his Kourtneys and his other kapital-K krazy other women.    If it bothered Ramona enough to file, it's obviously a problem, and not a situation of an open marriage.  No one deserves to be cheated on, but not everyone warrants universal sympathy because she's in a bad circumstance. 

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I wonder if Carole has any idea that the reason people are interested in her is because of her Kennedy connection? Not that being a news producer eons ago isn't interesting, but does anyone really think she'd be besties with Susan Sarandon and dating Clooney and Fiennes without that connection?

I think it depends on the number of eons. Aren't they pretty much contemporaries? Given how New York appears to operate, it would make sense to me that she would have come into contact with any and all of them at different times in her life, or even around the same time, and it wouldn't have had anything to do with a minor connection to the Kennedy family. 



Same with Aviva-so much made of her not going to Montana-did anyone really care?  They made it sound as if Aviva got a pass at seven days hard labor in a prison camp.


I didn't think a big deal was made of Aviva not going. Aviva made it a big deal with her need to prove that she really does have asthma. Aside from the confrontation in the "cowboy store" where Aviva threw her medication at Kristen, I don't remember it being a major deal. They discussed it once as a group on the trip, and Sonja made a joke about having asthma when she didn't want to get up for another activity. I think the other discussions - aside from the blogs - were brought up by Aviva.

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I did not see this and have not heard about this. I'm at a loss for words, and that rarely happens with me. So those tears were for a storyline? She cried, " Just this one thing..." Like it was his last best hope. I'm pissed.

I don't blame you. That was really disappointing and I should know better, but that was like one of my favorite scenes and had no reason to think I was being mislead. I almost feel like she used her kid to tug at my heartstrings, they seem like a nice enough family, but come ON. That's wrong. I was genuinely happy for him and thought he was going to be hearing soon, speaking soon, surely, does she not get how big that's going to be to viewers? Holla, She dumb.

Amending this, because in hindsight I have thought of the ups and downs of getting good news throughout a difficult medical issue, the great news may not be, upon further testing, the right fit according to doctor, caretaker, or both. I have no problem believing her to be a wonderful parent, the scene to be real, In fact it was my respect for her as a parent that left me feeling bewildered by the sudden aberration, but I didn't stop to think of other factors, so much a cynic I've let Bravo make of me. After listening to others on the subject, Heather has my deepest sympathy. When the implant couldn't work, she must've been heartbroken.

Edited by Souvlaki
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But was it just me or did the chicken look heavenly? What was on it? Dry rub? Hmmm, chicken.


No, it wasn't just you, lol! After I saw the berry chicken, I immediately googled it to find the recipe. No luck though :( Hoping someone here will post it.

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Then why on Earth is LuAnn in the wrong for not wanting to talk about her relationship particulars?  She is smart.  She invented that game.  She doesn't owe it to us to get into whether her relationship was open and when it ended.  LuAnn is actually usually relatively discreet and subtle.


On the other hand there is Ramona, who absolutely has made her marriage an issue: bragging about it, bragging about not marrying an 'older' man, renewing her vows at 17 years.  Critiquing Silex and LuAnn.  Using her 'empowerment' line of argument to slam other women.  She's a scumbag or 'vicious little cow' (TM jinjer, love that.)  She also has brought up way, WAY off-camera stuff for years (Jill and alleged abuse of Saks return policies; the unforgiveable, deliberate retweeting of a video of LuAnn's daughter).  


Karma is taking care of Ramona, though.  Mario's relatively young enough that if she holds on, she will have to know that he will NEVER stop until he's physically incapacitated with his Kaseys and I'm sure his Kourtneys and his other kapital-K krazy other women.    If it bothered Ramona enough to file, it's obviously a problem, and not a situation of an open marriage.  No one deserves to be cheated on, but not everyone warrants universal sympathy because she's in a bad circumstance. 

LuAnn had her divorce as a storyline. . . I was married sixteen years. She had her new relationship with Jacque as a storyline when Jill was on the show.  She also gave Kelly some sage advice-'When they don't love you anymore they don't love you."  LuAnn talked about her relationship with Jacque when she got caught raiding the pirate's booty-the gossip is hurtful to him.  LuAnn is responsible for LuAnn's behavior but Ramona is not responsible for Mario's indiscretions.  Let's face it we would have never heard about the pirate had Carole and Heather not gossiped about it.


LuAnn can't deflect all the negative and then complain about not holding an apple.  If they really are doing a cast shake-up I do hope LuAnn is reinstated but prepared to live a little on camera.  Let's face it not many were interested in listening to Bonnie Fuller's speech.  The audience did not know her or her mother.  I would be interested in seeing LuAnn's kids I always found them kind of fun.

Edited by zoeysmom
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That tummy pooch is due to alcohol bloat. She needs to lay off the wine.

Give me a break with Heather and Josh and the entrepreneur crap. So can anyone that is "bossy" and has their own business be labeled an entrepreneur?  I always thought an entrepreneur was a person that was involved in many different business ventures.  Like Trump. Or Sonja!

Kristen said in the "therapy" session that the kids weren't planned and that one of the problems in their marriage  was that they never discussed anything or planned anything out. 


How did I miss that therapy session? Was it on this episode and I totally blacked out?

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Well, finally saw the Harry chicken scene…he was really going to town on those wings(?) were they…then they cut to Sonja looking on like she wants some of that…ugh!

That was a great scene! I actually said out loud "damn! Harry loves him some chicken" lol.

Edited by imjagain
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Surprised that the women were unfamiliar with Birdland.  I can understand that they haven't been there, but not to have heard of it?  I'm from Iowa and I don't even like jazz, but I've heard of Birdland.  Assuming it's the same place -- 52nd & Broadway? -- opened in the early 50's (I think) and named for Charlie "Bird" Parker (saxophone).  Clint Eastwood made a movie about him, and Forest Whitaker won an Oscar as Bird.

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On Heather and the operation for her kid, it's entirely possible that after their first feeling of genuine excitement, they did some research and then came to an informed decision not to do the surgery.  Every surgery has risks. Perhaps this one was too great?  

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Did anyone catch how Josh said he actually doesn't mind take out when he came home and she was cooking? That was probably the most asshole thing he did in that episode.

This idiot cannot be so daft not to know that maybe instead of slowly enjoying wearing away at his wife and her self esteem (seriously, when does it become enough to be called emotionally abusive? I'm wondering because I've never known a relationship where a partner gets such clear & transparent kicks from belittling someone) his wife would be great to help market e-boost, far better than him and his dumb waxy face and tee shirts, she could have her workout videos, she looks fit and not intimidatingly so, and maybe they could cross promote a few things that would all tie in to the "brand" which promotes itself as giving one more energy, focus, and better mood, and helpful for recovery. Lol! I don't blame her for not looking to help though, and I doubt he even thought of them working as a team to support, well, what helps support their lifestyle. Does Josh Taekman drink his own product? Looks like it might turn me into a little diaper baby bitch boy, I'll pass. His partner has the same shaved-up peanut-headed look. You should check 'em out in their photo op, I wouldn't be surprised if they were related.

On Heather and the operation for her kid, it's entirely possible that after their first feeling of genuine excitement, they did some research and then came to an informed decision not to do the surgery. Every surgery has risks. Perhaps this one was too great?

Perhaps. I want to believe this is plausible. There was just too much love and joy in that scene for it to be faked ... but the way they were holding out for hope like that, just waiting on a (prescheduled) call... you would think that tons of research would have come first, especially with supermommy Heather. A change of heart and new info is always a possibility that got them to reconsider again though. It is after all a life changing choice. I just hope she can shed some more light on her (in)decision at the reunion. I'm still puzzled, honestly.

Edited by Souvlaki
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This idiot cannot be so daft not to know that maybe instead of slowly enjoying wearing away at his wife and her self esteem (seriously, when does it become enough to be called emotionally abusive? I'm wondering because I've never known a relationship where a partner gets such clear & transparent kicks from belittling someone) his wife would be great to help market e-boost, far better than him and his dumb waxy face and tee shirts, she could have her workout videos, she looks fit and not intimidatingly so, and maybe they could cross promote a few things that would all tie in to the "brand" which promotes itself as giving one more energy, focus, and better mood, and helpful for recovery. Lol! I don't blame her for not looking to help though, and I doubt he even thought of them working as a team to support, well, what helps support their lifestyle. Does Josh Taekman drink his own product? Looks like it might turn me into a little diaper baby bitch boy, I'll pass. His partner has the same shaved-up peanut-headed look. You should check 'em out in their photo op, I wouldn't be surprised if they were related.

Perhaps. I want to believe this is plausible. There was just too much love and joy in that scene for it to be faked ... but the way they were holding out for hope like that, just waiting on a (prescheduled) call... you would think that tons of research would have come first, especially with supermommy Heather. A change of heart and new info is always a possibility that got them to reconsider again though. It is after all a life changing choice. I just hope she can shed some more light on her (in)decision at the reunion. I'm still puzzled, honestly.


I can only say having gone through something recently w/the hubby (he's fine) that sometimes the surgeon's tell you something that sounds so promising and wonderful that your first reaction is elation.  Then you talk to a different surgeon and they give you a different take and makes you reconsider the option.


That said, I personally cannot imagine bringing cameras into a Dr.'s office with something so personal.  So I gotta question that aspect.

Edited by sasha206
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Whoever first posited that Aviva throws her own leg is entirely correct.  I can't wait to see it.  I did happen to read a blind gossip item thought to be about Ramona, and it stated that Mario is still cheating and she's just staying with him for the lifestyle and if it weren't for that she'd leave, basically.

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I read today that LuAnn is no longer under contract with Bravo.  The norm is they sign contract with a three year option.  If their option is not picked up they are in RH terms fired.  This past season everyone except Ramona signed seven week contracts.  It was reported over the weekend that LuAnn was getting a spin-off show.  Same article said George was getting one as well.  So I pretty much discounted it.  Much to my surprise LuAnn is taping another show.  http://www.examiner.com/article/rhony-star-luann-de-lesseps-films-fun-new-show


I don't know why she would have to give up RHONYC to do another show-her other show could make for a great storyline.  The show is billed as a lifestyle show-something LuAnn is certainly suited for.

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Ramona has been the same since pretty much the first episode. The only time she wasn't a raging lunatic was during S3, the Scary Island season. She came into the season saying she was changing her life and her attitude (I think this was the year she and Mario renewed their wedding vows - in year 17 of their marriage which continues to be one of the strangest things I have ever heard. I guess Bravo could think of no other reason to have a Season Finale Party). She started to rethink the way she had treated Alex and they became friends. She was extremely nurturing with Beth and tried to help get Beth and Jill back together again. It was the closest Ramona has ever been to tolerable or likable. She also looked fantastic - her body looked awesome that season. By S4, she was back to being the Ramona we all knew previously and have seen every since. With Ramona for a wife, of course Mario was banging someone else. 

Thank you for the info! I can't imagine season 3 Ramona after watching her this season. 

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Did anyone catch how Josh said he actually doesn't mind take out when he came home and she was cooking?  That was probably the most asshole thing he did in that episode.


I caught it.


I thought maybe he walked in the door to the smell of burning roasted potatoes and was making a preemptive strike at ordering a pizza.


I love fish and roast potatoes but damn, that meal looked positively dismal on the plate.  I think if I were married to Kristen and could afford it, I'd insist on takeout every night.  

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Josh needs to keep in mind that his minutes on RH are an advertisement for his company. Seeing how nasty, bitter and foul-tempered he is does not make me want to run out and try his energy product! He is the definition of negative energy every time he appears.

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Whoever first posited that Aviva throws her own leg is entirely correct.







Oh, this woman is vile.  Hopefully, the producers have finally realized she has no fans, she's horrible to watch & they'll finally get rid of her.  With 4 eps left, I'm wondering how involved she'll be in the rest of the season.  They gave her 2 minutes in this ep.  Will that change?  I'm hoping not much cuz I can't stand this horrible woman.

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The scenes at Birdland-Luann sang but she chose a song that could not be aired. 


In other words, Bravo was too cheap to pay the licensing/copyright fees to air the song. Cheap bastards. There was a reason Mario sang a song written by "Ramona's gay husband." Bravo either didn't have to pay or they paid a nominal fee.  There is also a reason Heather sang Camptown Races. It is a song in the public domain and anyone can sing it and no fees are owing to anyone. Sidenote, that is also the reason you hear a lot of HW singing Amazing Grace (looking at you Melissa Gorga) and other really old songs. I think the one exception maybe RHOBH which sometimes plays David Foster tunes which is because David Foster makes appearances and brings artists on the show. Bravo might get a discount or something. LOL!


I always hate when the wives go to a club or party and you hear this weirdo electronic background music that no club in their right mind would ever play. That is just Bravo dropping in some cheap music so they don't have to pay for whatever song the club is playing which is likely to be a hot track like Rhianna or Beyonce. Again, cheap bastards!


Surprised that the women were unfamiliar with Birdland.  I can understand that they haven't been there, but not to have heard of it?  I'm from Iowa and I don't even like jazz, but I've heard of Birdland.  Assuming it's the same place -- 52nd & Broadway? -- opened in the early 50's (I think) and named for Charlie "Bird" Parker (saxophone).  Clint Eastwood made a movie about him, and Forest Whitaker won an Oscar as Bird.




There is also a song called "Lullaby of Birdland" It has been performed by several famous artist but I think Ella Fitzgerald is the version I am most familiar with and maybe the most popular.

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I don't know why she would have to give up RHONYC to do another show-her other show could make for a great storyline.  The show is billed as a lifestyle show-something LuAnn is certainly suited for.



This is significant cuz I think Bravo has something in their contracts that rule out doing other reality shows.  So dat's probably the end of Lu on this show.  Nice knowin' ya, Lu.  Happy sluttin' around with more faux pirates!  Too bad, cuz I was diggin' her this season.  Never could stand her ridiculous pretentious crap & phony posturing before.  Oh well.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Oh, this woman is vile.  Hopefully, the producers have finally realized she has no fans, she's horrible to watch & they'll finally get rid of her.  With 4 eps left, I'm wondering how involved she'll be in the rest of the season.  They gave her 2 minutes in this ep.  Will that change?  I'm hoping not much cuz I can't stand this horrible woman.

This last paragraph is interesting:

Meanwhile, speculation’s swirling over which wives will be back next season. A spy says the whole cast is being let go “except Ramona Singer.” But another source close to Bravo says no decisions have been made and rumors are being spread by an ex-castmate who’s still sore about no longer being on the show.

Me thinks the little birdy spreading rumors is Jill. You know she's still pissed about being fired and talks shit about the show while acting like she's in the know.

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This last paragraph is interesting:

Me thinks the little birdy spreading rumors is Jill. You know she's still pissed about being fired and talks shit about the show while acting like she's in the know.

Aviva met Miss USA 2012 at Jill Zarin's home.  Teresa Giudice's prison consultant Wendy Feldman, came her way courtesy of Jill Zarin, there was a photo this past week of LuAnn, Jill and Marysol Patton (formerly of RHOM).  So I do think Jill has her hands in the pot-I just don't know how deep her inside source is.  I hadn't thought about it but I bet she is the one. 

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Me thinks the little birdy spreading rumors is Jill. You know she's still pissed about being fired and talks shit about the show while acting like she's in the know.



Silly Jillzy.  Tricks are for kids, Jillzy.  Yeah, it does seem totally like Jillzy's style, but it's all for nothing at this point.  Everyone knows it's way too early for the producers to make those kinda decisions.  Still, I think Lu's decision to do another reality show is a pretty good indicator she's off the show for good.  


Well, we know Veevs is on the finale cuz we now know that's when she's gonna throw her leg.  The big question is how much will Veevs be in the next 2 eps -- and how big a part she'll play in the reunion.  I'm curious if Veevs' leg throwing crapola improves the ratings or sinks 'em.

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Since everything Aviva does comes across so calculated, it unnerves me that she was willing to throw her leg for the sake of the cameras. You just know that she was waiting for the chance to do something so "shocking" and "provocative" for the sake of being a viable cast member on a trashy tv show.

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Since everything Aviva does comes across so calculated, it unnerves me that she was willing to throw her leg for the sake of the cameras. You just know that she was waiting for the chance to do something so "shocking" and "provocative" for the sake of being a viable cast member on a trashy tv show.

Yea, I'm reminded of the conversation that Heather had with Aviva on the 2nd or 3rd episode. Aviva was going on with that "do you want to know", "do you want me to tell you" bullshit over and over again, and Heather issued the line that really says it all:  "You're so fucking dramatic". It is hard to find anything more dramatic than taking off your fake leg and lobbing it at folks at a dinner party. 

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Since everything Aviva does comes across so calculated, it unnerves me that she was willing to throw her leg for the sake of the cameras. You just know that she was waiting for the chance to do something so "shocking" and "provocative" for the sake of being a viable cast member on a trashy tv show.

Well we know who her father is. This is definitely a case of...........the turd doesn't fall too far from the asshole.

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How did I miss that therapy session? Was it on this episode and I totally blacked out?

It was on the last episode. They sat in chairs and the Doc was behind a desk and asshole Josh asked where the couch was. Obviously didn't make much of an impression on you, lol!

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It was on the last episode. They sat in chairs and the Doc was behind a desk and asshole Josh asked where the couch was. Obviously didn't make much of an impression on you, lol!

Actually, I think it was in the "first look" from the episode we will see tomorrow night. 

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Since everything Aviva does comes across so calculated, it unnerves me that she was willing to throw her leg for the sake of the cameras. You just know that she was waiting for the chance to do something so "shocking" and "provocative" for the sake of being a viable cast member on a trashy tv show.


They're all guilty of waiting for a chance to do something shocking or provocative to get camera time.  Every last one of them.  At least Aviva is giving us something to discuss.  She's the most talked about Ho this season and she's hardly even been on. This is why each show needs a villain.  The only thing I've looked forward to and has kept me tuned in is finding out how that leg ended up on the floor. 


If it weren't for that, there'd be one less viewer this season for Nielson to count.

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It was on the last episode.



No, they haven't been in therapy yet.  Their reason for going is really oddball -- and that it's the same reason for both of 'em makes them both seem like out-of-touch arrogant loons.  They both want to prove each other wrong -- that's their only reason for therapy.  Oy.  Um, could they be any more self UNaware?  Er, no.


Latest commercial says there's only 2 eps left.  And we're supposed to be held in suspense over Harry taking the "relationship" with Sonja "to the next level"?  Really?  Sorry, producers, but don't you read the Bravo blogs?  Lu already spoiled that one for ya by saying they're only friends.  Is this all ya got to give us?  Man, this show is sucking bad.

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here is also a reason Heather sang Camptown Races.



I think it was Bill Bailey -- but Camptown Races would have been much funnier!  


I'm very happy for LuAnn if she has her own show.  I love looking at her and her dishes looked nice.  I'd take style/decorating advice from her.  Grammar lessons, not so much.

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I really hope it isn't true that Aviva maneuvers her prosthesis off in the middle of an argument. I would find that absolutely and utterly disgusting of her to do. I already think she's a low human being. Please don't go any lower than that, Aviva! 

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She has several prostheses. More than likely she hurls one that is not attached to her at the time.

That is a formidable weapon. I hope she was aiming it at someone.


It wouldn't be great, but it would be a better alternative. When I first saw the season trailer and the prosthetic leg on the floor, I hoped that maybe it was one of the extras (not attached to her at the time) that she threw. However, Page Six is trying to make it sound like Aviva took off the leg she was wearing. It would be beyond the pale if she did actually do that.

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