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S06.E18: Something To Sing About

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To me, cooking is a basic life skill.



Yeah, I'm with you.  But Kristen seems fuckin' helpless.  I wonder what this woman does all day.  Sleep?  She can hire someone to cook meals or even get prepared meals delivered.  Like I said, she seems soooooo helpless.  The place is always a total mess, so obviously she doesn't clean.  But she can get someone to come in & clean for her.  She's got a nanny for the kids.  So what else has she got to do all day?  


Sure, Josh is a dick, but I think they both picked shitty partners.  I'm actually really sick of watching their shit.  I got it by now.  How many times, producers, are ya gonna show us he's a dickhead & she's an annoying whiner?  Is that it?  Is that all ya got with them?  Cuz I'm fuckin' bored shiitless with these 2.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Because she likes/eats pickles I think.


Actually, I thought it was because Sonja said that was all they had to eat for a period of time? And Pickles had previously been called some other type of food? Now, why ONLY this girl was named after the food they all had to eat, or why Pickles ended up sticking is beyond me....you can't really get logic out of Sonja. 

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Ok here's the piece of Josh and Kristen that can't be talked about that I can't forget. It's very likely that Kristen is supporting them right now with the Bravo money. And for all of their talk about Kristen the mommy and Josh the master of the universe, it sounds like Kristen was modeling really steadily in NY and LA and it was Josh's career that wasn't gelling. Soooooo is Josh actually successful? This water thing doesn't sound too impressive an idea to me (wrong time, market is too saturated) and I've NEVER heard of the brand he's promoting. Were the abrupt moves to LA and then back to NY really the mind of an entrepreneur (shut the fuckity, fuck up Heather) or was it a series of failed business that left him scrambling for work? Is part of the tension that Josh wants Kristen to be a SAHM, but one that brings in a substantial paycheck too. Got to admit that would bug me too.

The problem with this theory is that the Bravo gig doesn't pay well the first year. Maybe they had money in the bank from her previous modeling? I think I read somewhere that Josh's business was actually doing well (can't remember where).

I was thinking about Josh being late and it dawned on me that this was three times now that Josh was late for filming. The first - dinner date with Kristin and second being Kingsley's therapy. It's obvious that Josh doesn't give a shit about being late where Kristin is concerned, but you'd think he would be on time for Bravo to better promote his business. Also it is probably is best not to piss the producer off. So I'm guessing Josh really is that big of an arrogant asshole.

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On a reality show like this if you get on the producers bad side you really get the bad edit. You can see that over and over again. They just hang you out to dry.


Josh certainly gives them enough ammunition. He seem to be one of the most unpleasant husbands across the whole franchise. Verging on Slade territory.


Nobody wants to be there.

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I still can't figure out what Josh is an entrepreneur of!  Did he invent E-Boost, or is he a marketer of it?  I have a little more sympathy for Kristin after hearing the backstory of how they moved to LA and then back to NYC, and how he didn't include her in the discussion to do so.  That sucks!  Having said that though, they both share in the blame for the problems in their relationship. That's going to take some work, especially if Josh is looking for the "mediator" to tell Kristin that she's in the wrong.  Geez.  Talk about going into therapy with an effed up attitude. I think they're both in for a rude awakening!

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When Sonja was sighing to the new intern about reading some emails and how hard Pickle's job was because "Pickles has to pick up my dress. And then return the dress" I died laughing when the intern said "Sounds like a big job". The only thing missing was Leonard Hoffsteader holding a sign that said "Sarcasm!"

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Kristin's husband is working and too busy for the likes of something as meaningless as "fun"........

Except on Labor Day weekend at the Hamptons when it's the LAST WEEKEND OF THE SUMMER! (Which he can never have back).

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When Sonja was sighing to the new intern about reading some emails and how hard Pickle's job was because "Pickles has to pick up my dress. And then return the dress" I died laughing when the intern said "Sounds like a big job". The only thing missing was Leonard Hoffsteader holding a sign that said "Sarcasm!"


Right, the only thing funnier is that I think Pickles is returning the dress to the store where they bought it.  Sonja "borrows" from Bergdorf the way actual celebrities borrow from designers. 

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If Kristen left josh she would probably just end up with another asshole just like him. His cocky attitude is probably what attracted her in the first place. WTF does Kristen need a live in nanny for?? I would be embarrassed if I were a stay at home mom with a live in nanny.


ETA: People rarely change much in personality in adulthood. If anything they usually mellow not intensify.

This is why Kristen needs a nanny-she and Josh like to go out at night after the kids are in bed. http://www.kristencarrolltaekman.com/about-me/

No wonder she has them in bed by 7:00 pm . Here is my guess-Kristen wants Josh home in time to feed and ready the kids for bed and then puts on her dancing shoes and goes out and grabs dinner with Josh.  She has said repeatedly that Josh is around the family all weekend.


I am at a loss why Josh would engage in the behavior he does and at the same time be trying to promote his E-Boost.  Sounds like it makes a soul a little edgy and cranky.

Edited by zoeysmom
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This is why Kristen needs a nanny-she and Josh like to go out at night after the kids are in bed. http://www.kristencarrolltaekman.com/about-me/

No wonder she has them in bed by 7:00 pm . Here is my guess-Kristen wants Josh home in time to feed and ready the kids for bed and then puts on her dancing shoes and goes out and grabs dinner with Josh. She has said repeatedly that Josh is around the family all weekend.

I am at a loss why Josh would engage in the behavior he does and at the same time be trying to promote his E-Boost. Sounds like it makes a soul a little edgy and cranky.

I think these types of shows feed on people who are arrogant and more than a bit delusional about themselves. If you think about it, anybody that conducted themselves like an adult most of the time is a little dull to watch (That chick on ATL S1, Quinn on the OC, 1/2 the cast of DC), a reasonable person is no fun to watch. But any reasonably self-aware person is not going to want to present themselves as an overgrown tween on TV, even if it is just for the show. Most adults would bristle at thier "brand" being that of an asshole. So you end up with people like Kristen and Josh. Immature, delusional people who think they come across as charming and will never believe anything else. I really think Kristen thinks she comes across as a zany and loveable and Josh thinks he comes across as a take charge, alpha male winner.

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OK, Heather and Josh are ridiculous. But apparently I'm not allowed to criticize because I'm not an entrepreneur. My new hope for this show is that Kristen starts a business so she can shut down Heather and Josh whenever they try that nonsense again.


Aviva/Sonja segment... boring.

Carole name-dropping segment... boring. I swear the editors don't even care.

Sonja/Kristen/Ramona ultrasound section... let's not even talk about it.

Harry/Sonja segment... what was the point of this? Though Sonja's attempts at flirting are hilariously awkward and obvious. It's a quieter type of flirting than the way she hangs over young guys and says overtly sexual things but it's no less obvious.


Kristen/Josh scene. There was some drama here but I feel like there's no point in overanalyzing it as they've probably had this fight hundreds of times. Kind of amazed they've managed to stay married for 10 years. None of them are really willing to concede or ever end the fight. Josh will try and play nice and then Kristen will just go back on the attack again. Kristen will say she does understand or she is on his side and Josh will pounce on that and try to dominate the argument and shut her down. 


Jacques/Luanne scene. I'm not sure why, but I found Jacques' pissy attitude hilarious. Also, dogs always cheer me up.


Ramona was pretty vicious going after Luanne. I think she might have seen it as payback for the Ramona pinot drama last season. Mario's singing wasn't awful but it wasn't anything to write home about. He's not tone deaf but he's not good either. The editors and I are having a fight now for the gross scenes of Mario and Ramona (which I didn't watch when they originally aired) that they inserted while he was singing. Heather was better than Mario in that she actually held some of the notes but there was still a lot of talk-singing and flat notes. Calm down, guys. Calm down.



I've always liked Jonathan, and I think he has enough confidence not to be intimidated by Heather. He was such a good sport at dinner.

Yeah, aside from the weirdness of the caviar thing, Jonathan has been on the show just enough to seem like a good (and stable) person.

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I am disturbed by Kristin and Josh,far more than with  Shannon and her husband. Shannon's husband seems to have some care and respect for her even if he has checked out of the marriage. Josh implies that Kristin is a bad wife because she doesn't  have dinner on the table, so she makes an attempt. She is a novice cook and timing is important. Then after he  makes it clear that he would "come home if she had dinner on the table" , he doesn't bother to come home on time, or even text her. Then she complains, and she's a "nag".  Josh  bitches just as much as Kristin but no one calls him a "nag". Frankly, It's bit sexist. I'm not saying Kristin is perfect but it seems like she is at least  trying.  He seems to take pleasure from putting her in his place. It reminds me of my first marriage. No good can come from this. Funny how much less of a "nag" I was in my 2nd marraige of 20 years, with a man who respects  me.   

Edited by JennyMominFL
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not only the walk, but the crazy eyes

She Never. Blinks. Once. She probably was scared shitless. Her eyes remind me of that horrifying scene in "Clockwork Orange" in which the guy's eyes are held wide open with sharp-;looking metal clamps. What is wrong with her eyes, anyway? Most of the time she looks insane. Oh, wait....


Thanks, ScoobyDoobs, for bringing back that clip. I had forgotten how hilarious it was. It has to be in the Top 10 Ho Hall of Infamy Museum.

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Just curious, is Birdland very famous?  Do other New Yorkers know it?  Cuz I've lived in Manhattan for 20 years & don't know it at all.  But I know nothing about & couldn't care less about jazz -- so maybe that's why?

I know of it. They sometimes book performers I like. I've never been though as cabarets aren't really my scene. I get the sense that it attracts an older crowd.


I need to go back and rewatch the singing part to see Harry eating, because that would amuse me.  I was distracted by Josh's inappropriate attire and Ramona's bitchiness.

Yes! The pink polo was so distracting. At least throw on a jacket. We didn't see a ton of the crowd though so I wasn't sure if the housewives were overdressed or Josh was underdressed.


Do you think they edited out Cash answering Kristen when she kept asking if he was eating or do you think he's starting to pick up habits from Dad?

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Oh yall missed a truly hilarious scene when Harry was going at it with the chicken wing. Hopefully someone can gif it.

As for the Kristen and Josh scene...PLEASE STOP! YOUR BABIES ARE BEING EFFECTED!

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Poor Ramona, she needs to realize that her tummy pooch is due to menopause and those pooches are hard to lose.

That tummy pooch is due to alcohol bloat. She needs to lay off the wine.

Give me a break with Heather and Josh and the entrepreneur crap. So can anyone that is "bossy" and has their own business be labeled an entrepreneur?  I always thought an entrepreneur was a person that was involved in many different business ventures.  Like Trump. Or Sonja!

Why does Kristen constantly make a face like she's smelled something awful? I really noticed it in the scene during their dinner while she was sitting there while Josh was talking. And speaking of Josh... he's no prize either, to be honest. How hard would it be to shoot off a text of "hey babe, running late. Be home in an hour"? I live and work in NYC. There are plenty of execs that I've been with on conference calls who can whip out their phone to text, and they do. He just really hates her (it's hard not to dislike her--she's so whiney and really seems unstable). They both seem like they never wanted kids, so why did they have them?

Kristen said in the "therapy" session that the kids weren't planned and that one of the problems in their marriage  was that they never discussed anything or planned anything out. 

Edited by demarti
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She Never. Blinks. Once. She probably was scared shitless. Her eyes remind me of that horrifying scene in "Clockwork Orange" in which the guy's eyes are held wide open with sharp-;looking metal clamps. What is wrong with her eyes, anyway? Most of the time she looks insane. Oh, wait....


Thanks, ScoobyDoobs, for bringing back that clip. I had forgotten how hilarious it was. It has to be in the Top 10 Ho Hall of Infamy Museum.

I've wondered if Ramona has a thyroid condition as I've known people with eyes like that who took medication for it.  It's almost a popping out of the eyes look.

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I agree with the posters who suggested that Kristen have her own set schedule.  Cook or order in some food at a set time. Eat with the kids, and keep Josh's warm.  Take care of the kids and relax until Josh comes home.  Heaven knows I did just that for many years.  Tell him "hi honey, dinner's in the oven....it's serve yourself," and continue what she was doing.  She's got to quit letting him push her buttons.  He loves it.  Ugh!




Again, as others have mentioned, it sounds like that *is* what normally happens on weeknights.  This was just a "special" night where she agreed to cook, and he agreed to be home at a certain time.  I highly doubt she sits around and waits for him to eat every single night. 


I was referring to the argument they had a few episodes ago when Josh said he'd come home if there was food on the table.


Trying to figure out how to quote two posts at once....

Edited by jojomano
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Ramona had an eye job.  Bitch lies about surgery because bitch is a liar, an enormous liar, and oh yeah!  A trashbag liar.  The rude cow has crows' feet that slant up...thank you Dr. Sharon Giese!




^^ No condition other than 'an issue with her contacts,' straight from the ho's mouth, to Wendy Williams.  But she'd never, ever do something surgically invasive - just ultrasound fat-melting, and Botox, and whatever else she lies about to herself and others. 

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is Grave's Disease related to the pituitary


It is hyperthyroid.


That tummy pooch is due to alcohol bloat. She needs to lay off the wine.

Explain the physiology behind that. Do you think she is in end stage liver disease?

Edited by psychnurse
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Explain the physiology behind that. Do you think she is in end stage liver disease?


Depending on what she's drinking, alcohol can have a high sugar/carbohydrate content - so that can cause bloating while she is drinking. Also, excessive alcohol consumption can break down the natural lining of the stomach, which can lead to gastritis. My guess is that Ramona's bloat is a combination of all her drinking and her age/menopause. 

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Give me a break with Heather and Josh and the entrepreneur crap.


It wasn't so much Heather labeling herself an entrepreneur, it was her pronunciation. Like, "entreprenewer". Gah!

Edited by Lakewood27
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It wasn't so much Heather labeling herself an entrepreneur, it was her pronunciation. Like, "entreprenewer". Gah!


How is it supposed to be pronounced?  It's not a word that I commonly use and I'm deaf so I don't hear others using it.

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Heather's saying it with too many syllables. It could just be a regional thing, but I pronounce it "entreprenure".


It's like people who say "real-a-tor" instead of "real-ter".


 Yep, Lw27.

Makes me think of how The Countess writes "should of" instead of "should have" in her blogs.   (mentioned upstream)

God that stuff makes my head crazy (tm Shannon from RHOC)

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I watched last night, whoa how sad that episode was.


Kristen and Josh both suck.  Both of them should realize that everything you do in life has a price.  If Josh wants to have a family, he can't do whatever he wants and not have consideration for his wife.  He could have sent her a text, then again, the way Kristen is, she probably would have text back something like: WHEN R U COMING HOMEEEE, in all caps of course.  Speaking of Kristen, she too has to realize that she is married to a man who can earn enough so that she doesn't have to work.  I have no sympathy for her because I see so many single mothers in my neighborhood of NYC who have to get up super early, dress the children, dress themselves, get their children to day care, then go to work at a crappy job that doesn't pay enough; wash, rinse repeat.  Would Kristen like to be in their position, having to do everything herself, with no help, no nannies?  And it's a peeve of mine but why doesn't she know how to cook?  It's not that hard.  Josh shouldn't expect food on the table if he married a woman who doesn't know how to cook.


I would feel sorry for Sonja if she wasn't such a nasty person.  To me she seems stuck in the past, at a time when she was younger.  I can see that, I mean no one wants to get old; but there is such a thing as accepting what is and moving on.  Sonja just seems like she can't move forward, she feels her best days are behind her and everything ahead is a big wall of suck.


And I think Ramona's bloat is a combination of menopause and alcohol.  If she cuts down on drinking, she can lose some of the bloat, but never the menopause stuff; that shit's hard to lose, naturally that is, I'm sure the right surgeon can make her tummy flat.

Edited by Neurochick
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Who feeds Kristen's kids?  What are they eating?  She can't even make a salad.  Must be the nannies' job to make sure the kids don't starve.


They probably order out a lot. I'd bet that Kristen has a Seamless app on her phone.

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Because I am a grammar nerd and write a blog about anything/everything to do with the English language, I have to comment on something the Countess said in a previous season that caused my jaw to hit my knees. She was referring to something she and Jacques had in common and said this:


"Jacques and I's [vacation]" or whatever it was they both had. I's?! She may call herself a countess, but this countess has had minimal education (outside of reading etiquette books). She does wear her clothes well, though. I'll give her that.


Even the Vassar-educated, law-school trained Aviva still screws up I and me. In all 19 languages in which she is fluent, no doubt.

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I would feel sorry for Sonja if she wasn't such a nasty person.  To me she seems stuck in the past, at a time when she was younger.  I can see that, I mean no one wants to get old; but there is such a thing as accepting what is and moving on.


I don't think Sonja would mind getting older if she had a partner. To me she seems very lonely and full of regret. And I really think she is DESPERATE to make things work with Harry. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem like the kind to commit. She always looks wistful when she watches Ramona/Mario or LuAnn/Jacques. Like, she wishes she had a mate.

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Who feeds Kristen's kids?  What are they eating?  She can't even make a salad.  Must be the nannies' job to make sure the kids don't starve.

Yea, the very first episode when we were introduced to Kristen she had her nanny getting the kids dinner ready.  I had a WTF moment because I couldn't understand why someone was incapable of doing such a simple task. 

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Yea, the very first episode when we were introduced to Kristen she had her nanny getting the kids dinner ready.  I had a WTF moment because I couldn't understand why someone was incapable of doing such a simple task.

I personally enjoy cooking and grew up doing it. But, I don't think I have ever been fazed by someone who didn't know how to cook. I consider it a life skill, but plenty of people don't and they manage to keep themselves and their families fed. My sister is one of those people. She just does not cook. But, she and my niece have never gone hungry. 


So, I guess it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me that Kristen doesn't know how to cook or even care to cook. I'm much more bugged by her whining than I am anything else about her. 

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I think Sonja’s idea of a "breakup" is when they file a restraining order.  Or stop picking up the check for their “I haven’t seen you in ages – let’s grab dinner some night” get-togethers.


I believe Mario was singing about his vodka.


I think he was singing to his own sweet self.  And later he’ll play it back and use it as mood music... when he’s alone with himself.

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I personally enjoy cooking and grew up doing it. But, I don't think I have ever been fazed by someone who didn't know how to cook. I consider it a life skill, but plenty of people don't and they manage to keep themselves and their families fed. My sister is one of those people. She just does not cook. But, she and my niece have never gone hungry.

So, I guess it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me that Kristen doesn't know how to cook or even care to cook. I'm much more bugged by her whining than I am anything else about her.

I think Kristen can cook. The meal she made last episode seemed reasonably complex(Fish and potatoes?), I think she just doesn't like to cook. I get it. I don't like it either. I do it all the damn time because it's cheaper and less fattening than eating out , but if my husband was a super important entrepreneur like Josh the most interesting man in the world, I'd probably out source cooking too. Alas, I am single and I don't have many important conference calls that prevent me from cooking. Maybe someday...

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Because I am a grammar nerd and write a blog about anything/everything to do with the English language, I have to comment on something the Countess said in a previous season that caused my jaw to hit my knees. She was referring to something she and Jacques had in common and said this:


"Jacques and I's [vacation]" or whatever it was they both had. I's?! She may call herself a countess, but this countess has had minimal education (outside of reading etiquette books). She does wear her clothes well, though. I'll give her that.


Even the Vassar-educated, law-school trained Aviva still screws up I and me. In all 19 languages in which she is fluent, no doubt.

The I and me distinction is one of my pet peeves.....but, IMO, it's funny that it's the countess as she's always so busy correcting the others about one thing or the other.  Yes, she does wear her clothes well.  I've gotten the feeling through the years that the countess is perhaps a rather insecure woman who dwells on doing all things correctly to push her insecurities aside.  One reunion, though, I really felt sorry for her.  I think the others were "attacking" her, and she was so obviously hurt and cried.  Can't remember the details, but remember thinking Luann is not so bad after all.

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Because I am a grammar nerd and write a blog about anything/everything to do with the English language, I have to comment on something the Countess said in a previous season that caused my jaw to hit my knees. She was referring to something she and Jacques had in common and said this:


"Jacques and I's [vacation]" or whatever it was they both had. I's?! She may call herself a countess, but this countess has had minimal education (outside of reading etiquette books). She does wear her clothes well, though. I'll give her that.


Even the Vassar-educated, law-school trained Aviva still screws up I and me. In all 19 languages in which she is fluent, no doubt.


Huge grammar mistakes, spelling goofs and mispronunciations drive me nuts as well, but the truth is that those mistakes are so pervasive these days that it is hard to single out one target or culprit to blame.  I used to proofread and edit a lot of clients' documents -- they gave me permission to correct their errors most of the time -- and was surprised to see how often certain mistakes were made. 

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What I don't get about Kristen vs. Josh vs. food is why it continues to be an issue.  She whines that he's not home enough.  He flat out tells her that he would be if she had food on the table.  It would appear to be in her best interest to at least learn how to make some basic meals (without burning them), or I don't know, learn how to call for delivery?  Either way, stop whining.  We know that his schedule is inconsistent and that he apparently doesn't care enough to call.  What I'm wondering is, did he start to do behave this way before or after he figured out that, late or on time, he'd be coming home to a nagging wife who hadn't bothered to make dinner?  Watching them, you'd think they were newlyweds who are still getting used to each other.  I was shocked when he/she said that they'd been together for 10 years.

Edited by candy moocher
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What I don't get about Kristen vs. Josh vs. food is why it continues to be an issue. She whines that he's not home enough. He flat out tells her that he would be if she had food on the table. It would appear to be in her best interest to at least learn how to make some basic meals (without burning them), or I don't know, learn how to call for delivery? Either way, stop whining. We know that his schedule is inconsistent and that he apparently doesn't care enough to call. What I'm wondering is, did he start to do behave this way before or after he figured out that, late or on time, he'd be coming home to a nagging wife who hadn't bothered to make dinner? Watching them, you'd think they were newlyweds who are still getting used to each other. I was shocked when he/she said that they'd been together for 10 years.

This is one of those things you're never supposed to say in policy society, but I kind of think a big part of the issues is they don't like being parents. Not that they don't love their kids, but it sounds like both pregnancies were unplanned and I don't think either of them love family life. I think Kristen ended up being the one at home for practical reasons like breast feeding, but I don't think she's thrilled about it. To be fair I think Josh is SUPER BUSY partly because he doesn't want to come home and deal with all the kid stuff either. Neither of them really want to be at home with the kids so they get snippy with each other about it. This might get better when the kids get older.

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The I and me distinction is one of my pet peeves.....but, IMO, it's funny that it's the countess as she's always so busy correcting the others about one thing or the other.  Yes, she does wear her clothes well.  I've gotten the feeling through the years that the countess is perhaps a rather insecure woman who dwells on doing all things correctly to push her insecurities aside.  One reunion, though, I really felt sorry for her.  I think the others were "attacking" her, and she was so obviously hurt and cried.  Can't remember the details, but remember thinking Luann is not so bad after all.


Tulip, I agree with you about LuAnn. She may have been a countess, but she remembers her humble beginnings and hopes her emphasis on manners and correctness hides her lack of education and background. She still is insecure. I feel sorry for her. She's done well with what she has. I wanted to applaud when she snapped back at Dog-With-a-Bone Ramona the other night who was urging her to sing. What an evil bitch that bug-eyed phony is.

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So who the fuck in Mario's life is "effortless"?  Sure as hell can't be the Moaner.  If he was singing anything (er, that was singing???) describing the Moaner, he shoulda been croaking out "pain in the ass" or "thoughtless rude asshole" 50 billion times.  He could still close his eyes & think of his skank cuz he'd be describing her pretty accurately with dat too.


Avery doesn't exactly seem effortless either, but I do like her eye rolls.  Someone needs to be nearby to give the Moaner constant eye rolls.

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He could have sent her a text, then again, the way Kristen is, she probably would have text back something like: WHEN R U COMING HOMEEEE, in all caps of course

This could be easily resolved.  My hubby has a pre-programmed text that he sends to let me know if he's running late.  He works in retail, so the two words "asshole customers" lets me know that somebody walked in the door at closing time and he'll be late!   I commute on a busy route, so I let him know when I'm running late too.   It's a simple courtesy to let the other one know that we're okay.  No nagging involved!  

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Tulip, I agree with you about LuAnn. She may have been a countess, but she remembers her humble beginnings and hopes her emphasis on manners and correctness hides her lack of education and background. She still is insecure. I feel sorry for her. She's done well with what she has. I wanted to applaud when she snapped back at Dog-With-a-Bone Ramona the other night who was urging her to sing. What an evil bitch that bug-eyed phony is.

swimmingwithsnarks....I agree.....

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