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S07.E05: Work on the Jerk

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Todd was spot on with Whit only being interested in the shiny and new things these days. Speaking of which, it’s interesting to me that we never see any of her new Instagram plus-size “model” friends on the show. Her profile is usually full of photos with them and she recently took a trip back to Paris with these new friends only. She can’t deny she’s trying to move on and up and leave the old behind. 

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I did sense a bit of trepidation when Whit was talking about meeting Chase’s family. She said that they certainly would not consider someone who looks like her the ideal girlfriend for their boy.  I can imagine that is embarrassing. He’ll feel bad if his family considers her too fat. We’ll see.


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I think Ryan is a dude dick bro, but God I loved him in this ep. He wasn’t taking any of her shit and I was here for it. 

43 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I did sense a bit of trepidation when Whit was talking about meeting Chase’s family. She said that they certainly would not consider someone who looks like her the ideal girlfriend for their boy.  I can imagine that is embarrassing. He’ll feel bad if his family considers her too fat. We’ll see.


I may not be able to stand her, but as a big girl myself I could totally relate and felt for her. 

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7 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I think she doesn’t want Heather to fall in love with Ryan because he is a douche and because she had to deal with Heather ‘s depression over Buddy for a long time.

Except for the fact that she moved Buddy back in to her house when she knew how much it would hurt Heather, then played kissy face with him and made sure Heather would find out. So much for best friend Whitney caring about Heather's depression. 

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You mean there are people who would not consider Twit to be as fabulous as she pretends on this show!!????!!!

It's one thing when an obese person is part of your family,  but as a mom of a son, I would not be thrilled... mainly because her weight is so unhealthy, and I want grandchildren.  

And I am about 40 lbs overweight myself.  

And my son has a cute girlfriend who runs 5 miles almost every day, and she's a reader, and she's nice, and has normal manners. 

No, I don't have sympathy. 


There's a disconnect or dysfunction that needs to be addressed when a person becomes obese, i.e., Twit's lack of self-care and self-awareness is another unhealthy aspect of her lifestyle. 

BTW, I lost 25 lbs 2 years ago,  and 15 lbs this year.  I swim.  I'm trying to be healthier, at least. 

Twit? Not so much. 

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59 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Except for the fact that she moved Buddy back in to her house when she knew how much it would hurt Heather, then played kissy face with him and made sure Heather would find out. So much for best friend Whitney caring about Heather's depression. 

That doesn’t change the fact that Heather doesn’t need another jerk that will leave her depression and crying for months on end, especially since she has young children to take care of. 

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10 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

My absolute favorite ever Todd shade...when Fatney was asking if he thought Chase was cute. And he said “he looks like his pictures”.’ I loved that. 

LOL - I didn’t see it but that’s hilarious. I do have to say, this is another example of her stunted development. Grown up women don’t ask their friends ‘do you think my boyfriend is cute’? They might talk about their significant other’s looks (or in the case of women my age their growing paunch and graying hair LOL) but ‘gee - do you think my boyfriend is cute’ is decidedly for 13 year olds. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
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11 hours ago, John M said:

Well that is more of a Heather problem. The world is full of assholes, Heather is an adult who can decide for herself who she wants to be a part of her life and to what extent, including assholes.

I think they all need to get out of each other's relationships.

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19 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Agree to disagree. I think if Ryan showed her one iota of attention she’d hit that faster than a beanbag in a hurry :).

Hush, chile! If Whit and our Kentucky gorl ever teamed up, the universe as we know it would fold in on itself.


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55 minutes ago, ZenMoonPi said:

Hush, chile! If Whit and our Kentucky gorl ever teamed up, the universe as we know it would fold in on itself.

Lol! I wondered if anyone would get that reference. I just started watching a YouTube reaction channel to her videos and I am hooked!

This episode really solidified my dislike of Twit. I think even being paid to be her barnacle would be exhausting af.

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23 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Lol! I wondered if anyone would get that reference. I just started watching a YouTube reaction channel to her videos and I am hooked!

This episode really solidified my dislike of Twit. I think even being paid to be her barnacle would be exhausting af.

The high lights of this episode is Todd throwing shade at Whitney in his TH. Ryan not buying into Whitneys helpless act. Talk about crybaby.

Whitney needs to stop worrying about her moms Blood pressure and start about her own and her A1C, and cholesterol levels , I think we can all agree that she has high levels of everything.





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So many things to cover in this episode, lol

-I love how Whitney kept saying how scared Jessica was in the raft and Whitney was trying to keep calm for her, yet as always Whitney was the one obnoxiously screaming her head off. Why must she always be so obnoxious?

-Whitney now becoming a "bro" and referring to the guys as bro, not only is she acting like a teenager but a teenage boy apparently

-She's always complaining about her stomach being in the way, which is her excuse for not being able to do most everything in life. I would think if something bothers you so much that you complain about it constantly, you would do something about it. I get losing weight is hard, but at her size all she would have to do is follow a sensible 1,500 calorie diet and she would lose weight. But I guess it's easier to just pretend your life is fabulous and just complain all the time about how your weight limits you.

-I'm NOT a fan of Ryan but I am glad he wasn't putting up with her wanting to be coddled attitude at the end. She just expects everyone to help her and hold her hand through everything. I could understand his frustration, being completely exhausted and then being expected to tow someone who weighs almost 400 lbs who refuses to help herself. She seems to think her weight doesn't affect others.

-When she was eating Todd's pasta, I was like really? It always annoys me when people take food from other's plates without asking first, but of course Whitney always being extremely selfish she just takes from everyone else and doesn't care.

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1 hour ago, sara1025 said:

I get losing weight is hard, but at her size all she would have to do is follow a sensible 1,500 calorie diet and she would lose weight.

Actually,  at her weight (being  kind and using 300# for my calculations) she could  eat 2,000 calories a day and lose about 3 lbs a week.  And that's  just basal metabolic  burn. Doesn't  include  exercise. The fact that she's not  losing  tells me she's  consuming at least  4,000 calories a day. 

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42 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

Actually,  at her weight (being  kind and using 300# for my calculations) she could  eat 2,000 calories a day and lose about 3 lbs a week.  And that's  just basal metabolic  burn. Doesn't  include  exercise. The fact that she's not  losing  tells me she's  consuming at least  4,000 calories a day. 

True, it just baffles me that she refuses to follow a simple diet because she's so terrified of developing an eating disorder. She acts like the simple act of calorie counting means obsessive unhealthy habits. Every time she brings up how she lost 100 lbs (what was that, like 10 years ago?), she said it was because it was due to unhealthy habits yet I'm sure after losing that 100 lbs she was far healthier than she is now, even if she was still considered obese.

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Love how Whitney refers to herself as a "fat bitch" in this episode after last season's BGDC RV/Buddy and Chelsea's temporary home in the driveway was vandalized with the phrase "fat bitch" in pretty pink spray paint, because of course the fat bitch would.

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

Actually,  at her weight (being  kind and using 300# for my calculations) she could  eat 2,000 calories a day and lose about 3 lbs a week.  And that's  just basal metabolic  burn. Doesn't  include  exercise. The fact that she's not  losing  tells me she's  consuming at least  4,000 calories a day. 

We go thru this every year, so . . 

Twit needs to eat no more than 1200 calories daily to lose wgt & probably will need to go down to about 1,000 calories if she ever hits 200 #s. On a 1500 or 2000 calorie diet, she will at best be wgt-static, more likely, she will continue to gain.

Ask a dietician. Ask a nutritionist. Ask Dr. Now.

BTW, no one can sustain a 3-#  weekly wgt loss. It won't be long before your body sez, "Uh oh. We're starving, so time to change more of the food intake into fat."

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18 hours ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

My absolute favorite ever Todd shade...when Fatney was asking if he thought Chase was cute. And he said “he looks like his pictures”.’ I loved that. 

YES! I just don’t get her taste in men. They’ve all been less than desirable, imo. 

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Random thoughts
📌 Does the episode title, "Work on the Jerk," refer to  a weight-lifting move? Or an obnoxious, self-proclaimed bro named Ryan?
📌 Twit really eats like a pig -- shoveling a huge forkful into her mouth, then chewing it with her mouth wide open. Where was that delicate Southern Belle, Babs, when Twit should have been taught table manners?
📌 Ryan's attitude about trainer education is appalling. It makes me even more convinced all his "certification" is phony.
📌 Again with the "when Buddy finds out [about Heather & Ryan kissing]." What possible difference will that make to Buddy? And who cares about his opinion about anything?
📌 And why all the emphasis in this episode about Buddy? Do we forget he exists when he is not in view? (We could only wish.)
📌 I liked the way Heather called Twit out for saying -- about Ryan -- "WE can't be in a relationship with him?"
📌 More boring weight lifting video. At this point I am only interested if she drops a 125 # weight on her toe.
📌 Could Chase have been more bored as Twit went on and on about Babs & Glenn? His eyes glazed over & I thought he might go to sleep.
📌 When Chase was naming the ppl Twit would be meeting in WVA, he mumbled something about his mom not being around. I have the feeling she told him "no way" was she going to be in this shit show he got himself involved in.
📌 So Twit can now add white-water rafting "to the never-ending list of things fat bitches can do." The problem with that list is she fails to add that all those "things" have required the assistance of other ppl to some degree.
📌 "I should feel proud -- not like a big fat failure." (New & better name for MBFFL?)

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

Random thoughts
📌 Does the episode title, "Work on the Jerk," refer to  a weight-lifting move? Or an obnoxious, self-proclaimed bro named Ryan?
📌 Twit really eats like a pig -- shoveling a huge forkful into her mouth, then chewing it with her mouth wide open. Where was that delicate Southern Belle, Babs, when Twit should have been taught table manners?
📌 Ryan's attitude about trainer education is appalling. It makes me even more convinced all his "certification" is phony.
📌 Again with the "when Buddy finds out [about Heather & Ryan kissing]." What possible difference will that make to Buddy? And who cares about his opinion about anything?
📌 And why all the emphasis in this episode about Buddy? Do we forget he exists when he is not in view? (We could only wish.)
📌 I liked the way Heather called Twit out for saying -- about Ryan -- "WE can't be in a relationship with him?"
📌 More boring weight lifting video. At this point I am only interested if she drops a 125 # weight on her toe.
📌 Could Chase have been more bored as Twit went on and on about Babs & Glenn? His eyes glazed over & I thought he might go to sleep.
📌 When Chase was naming the ppl Twit would be meeting in WVA, he mumbled something about his mom not being around. I have the feeling she told him "no way" was she going to be in this shit show he got himself involved in.
📌 So Twit can now add white-water rafting "to the never-ending list of things fat bitches can do." The problem with that list is she fails to add that all those "things" have required the assistance of other ppl to some degree.
📌 "I should feel proud -- not like a big fat failure." (New & better name for MBFFL?)

Love this Dot- you nailed it!

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23 hours ago, Tosia said:

It's one thing when an obese person is part of your family,  but as a mom of a son, I would not be thrilled... mainly because her weight is so unhealthy, and I want grandchildren.  

There's a disconnect or dysfunction that needs to be addressed when a person becomes obese, i.e., Twit's lack of self-care and self-awareness is another unhealthy aspect of her lifestyle. 

BTW, I lost 25 lbs 2 years ago,  and 15 lbs this year.  I swim.  I'm trying to be healthier, at least. 

Twit? Not so much. 

I am so glad you wrote this.  I passively watch This Is Us, which has a character who is (at this point, significantly) fatter than Whitney, and everyone just acts like she’s completely normal and healthy and it drives me fucking crazy!

If you have an adult child, and they bring someone who is so dysfunctional that they’re 5’2,” 330 lbs and they think they’re perfectly healthy, I think the parents have one bite at the apple to tell their child that this is a warning sign, and that they are worried.  I don’t think the parents should wait—give your two cents once, before they’re engaged—and then, it’s their life, so they get to live it, but at least you said your piece.  I would say the same thing about other dysfunctions.  If an adult child brings home a partner who smokes a pack a day or is exhibiting signs of substance abuse, I feel like their parents should say something if it bothers them.  But then they need to shut up.  

I don’t think adult siblings have as much of a right to get involved, because they didn’t raise the adult child.  I think they should stay more in their lanes and live their lives, unless their sibling’s partner is shooting up at the Thanksgiving table or something.

But I am sure that Whitney is hesitant to meet Chase’s parents, and rightfully so.  She’s dining out (pardon the pun) on her morbid obesity, because the show is about being fat and fabulous, with “fat” being inherent to the equation.  There is no incentive to lose.  She would never consider bariatric surgery at least until the show was over, and she’s already 35.

So if Chase’s parents found out he was serious about Whitney—and who brings someone across state lines to meet parents if they’re not serious—his parents would be within their rights to very respectfully and privately speak to Chase, and hell, in the interest of transparency, bring Whitney in on the discussion, and voice their concerns succinctly once.  

And I’m sure if they did this, the Internet would tear them apart for body shaming, but I would have a ton of respect for them.  

Slightly off topic, but this reminds me of people who don’t tell their friends and family that their partner is cheating, because they think it’s none of their business.  How is it not your business that someone you love might be exposed to AIDS?  If they fly off the handle and blame you and never speak to you again...oh well.  Honesty is the best policy.  

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23 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

That doesn’t change the fact that Heather doesn’t need another jerk that will leave her depression and crying for months on end, especially since she has young children to take care of. 

You are absolutely right but that is not what the post was about. It was about Whitney caring about Heather's depression. The answer is NO. If she did, she would not have even given a thought to having Buddy living back in her house and kissing him so that Heather would find out and trigger her depression again. Friends don't do that to friends. Whitney is no friend. 

Also, it was not Heather making out with Ryan that Whitney was so concerned about. She was jealous that Ryan never wanted to make out with her.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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So if Chase’s parents found out he was serious about Whitney—and who brings someone across state lines to meet parents if they’re not serious—his parents would be within their rights to very respectfully and privately speak to Chase, and hell, in the interest of transparency, bring Whitney in on the discussion, and voice their concerns succinctly once.  

And I’m sure if they did this, the Internet would tear them apart for body shaming, but I would have a ton of respect for them.  

Slightly off topic, but this reminds me of people who don’t tell their friends and family that their partner is cheating, because they think it’s none of their business.  How is it not your business that someone you love might be exposed to AIDS?  If they fly off the handle and blame you and never speak to you again...oh well.  Honesty is the best policy. 

I'm going to go with disagree on this. Chase knows Whitney is obese. Whitney knows Whitney is obese. They both know what the health risks are and what the impacts could be on her fertility. They are adults and they are choosing to marry. Chase's parents aren't going to tell I know what the risks are to having them anything they don't already know. I think Chase's parents would be within their rights to ask if he's happy and if he is - their job is to support him as and adult they have raised and that they love. 

I don't agree at all that it's anyone's business but mine and my husband's if there is infidelity in our marriage. We made vows to each other. We are educated adults and are well aware of the risks of sex outside a committed relationship; no one is going to tell me anything about exposure to HIV that I don't know already. So no, I don't owe it to anyone to tell them if there is infidelity in my marriage (except for my husband).


There's a disconnect or dysfunction that needs to be addressed when a person becomes obese, i.e., Twit's lack of self-care and self-awareness is another unhealthy aspect of her lifestyle. 

In for a penny, in for a pound (so to speak) - I'm going to disagree with this too, at least in part. I think that in most, if not all cases, one doesn't get to be morbidly obese without having, at a minimum, a pretty unhealthy relationship with food. But I also think that it's possible for people to reach obesity, develop a healthier relationship with food but not necessarily lose a ton of weight. Plenty of healthy weight people could make other changes in their lives that would make them healthier but for whatever reason, they don't. Because their "dysfunction" isn't so visible, no one calls them out on it. People are always works in progress. If everyone waited to be perfectly healthy and living their best lives before they got married, no one would ever marry. We always have room to be better. Chase has chosen Whitney, in her current state. That's his business - not his parents' or anyone else's for that matter.

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53 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

You are absolutely right but that is not what the post was about. It was about Whitney caring about Heather's depression. The answer is NO. If she did, she would not have even given a thought to having Buddy living back in her house and kissing him so that Heather would find out and trigger her depression again. Friends don't do that to friends. Whitney is no friend. 

Also, it was not Heather making out with Ryan that Whitney was so concerned about. She was jealous that Ryan never wanted to make out with her.  

It was my post so I’m aware of what it was about. Buddy lived with Whitney way before Heather was in the picture. I do think Whitney is concerned that Heather would be repeating the same pattern with a Ryan. 

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22 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

It was my post so I’m aware of what it was about. Buddy lived with Whitney way before Heather was in the picture. I do think Whitney is concerned that Heather would be repeating the same pattern with a Ryan. 

Buddy moved back in with Whitney after he and Heather broke up and he got sober. Whitney knew it would be a sore spot for Heather and was worried how Heather would react once she found out. Heather did not take it well. 

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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Buddy moved back in with Whitney after he and Heather broke up and he got sober. Whitney knew it would be a sore spot for Heather and was worried how Heather would react once she found out. Heather did not take it well. 

I thought Buddy lived with Whitney while he was dating Heather and perhaps before that as well?

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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

He has lived with Whitney multiple times. 

It's not entirely clear to me where Buddy lived when he wasn't living with Whitney (in earlier seasons. I know he lived with his brother after rehab, in a sober living place and with a girlfriend). I don't think he has ever made enough money to live on his own unless he rented a room in a house with a bunch of other people.

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3 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

It's not entirely clear to me where Buddy lived when he wasn't living with Whitney (in earlier seasons. I know he lived with his brother after rehab, in a sober living place and with a girlfriend). I don't think he has ever made enough money to live on his own unless he rented a room in a house with a bunch of other people.

I think he lived with his parents until Twit suggested they rent a house together (S-2?) A couple of seasons later, Twit bought that house & Buddy became her rarely-paying-his-rent tenant.

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2 minutes ago, Dot said:

I think he lived with his parents until Twit suggested they rent a house together (S-2?) A couple of seasons later, Twit bought that house & Buddy became her rarely-paying-his-rent tenant.

I wonder where he lived all those years between high school and the pizza delivery of destiny that brought them back together?

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On 2/5/2020 at 8:07 PM, bichonblitz said:

Except for the fact that she moved Buddy back in to her house when she knew how much it would hurt Heather, then played kissy face with him and made sure Heather would find out. So much for best friend Whitney caring about Heather's depression. 

She is vicious. I am sure this is the tip of the iceberg in terms of what she is willing to do to manipulate those around her. To keep hurting someone over and over who is depressed and grieving loss of relationship is pathological.  Continuing to try and make Heather feel bad by having Buddy stay at her apartment. I swear she looks to see what her reaction is, always hoping to be desired above all. She was SO Jealous of Heather and Ryan making out...her eyes were turning green. Her entire motivation around friends is to be the director, have spotlight on her, try to have friends worship her, and to have free reign on any of their boyfriends. (if at all possible.)

and going on and on about "using tongue" or cutting Buddy down with the 7 min reference. What a serious POS.  

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I'm going to go with disagree on this. Chase knows Whitney is obese. Whitney knows Whitney is obese. They both know what the health risks are and what the impacts could be on her fertility. They are adults and they are choosing to marry. Chase's parents aren't going to tell I know what the risks are to having them anything they don't already know. I think Chase's parents would be within their rights to ask if he's happy and if he is - their job is to support him as and adult they have raised and that they love. 

I don't agree at all that it's anyone's business but mine and my husband's if there is infidelity in our marriage. We made vows to each other. We are educated adults and are well aware of the risks of sex outside a committed relationship; no one is going to tell me anything about exposure to HIV that I don't know already. So no, I don't owe it to anyone to tell them if there is infidelity in my marriage (except for my husband).

In for a penny, in for a pound (so to speak) - I'm going to disagree with this too, at least in part. I think that in most, if not all cases, one doesn't get to be morbidly obese without having, at a minimum, a pretty unhealthy relationship with food. But I also think that it's possible for people to reach obesity, develop a healthier relationship with food but not necessarily lose a ton of weight. Plenty of healthy weight people could make other changes in their lives that would make them healthier but for whatever reason, they don't. Because their "dysfunction" isn't so visible, no one calls them out on it. People are always works in progress. If everyone waited to be perfectly healthy and living their best lives before they got married, no one would ever marry. We always have room to be better. Chase has chosen Whitney, in her current state. That's his business - not his parents' or anyone else's for that matter.

You make a good point too. I think it depends how far up each others asses families are. I guess I was (subconsciously) speaking about the expectations I have of my own family.

I think respect and honesty go hand in hand and if my sister, who is grown, brought around a man who was, say, on an oxygen tank, I would probably be able to support their union better if we were able to discuss (even once) the reality of the situation.

I guess I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy that exists when families think they can ostracize someone’s significant other if they smoke cigarettes or throw back a few too many scotches (and are tacitly applauded for it), but God forbid anyone should ever opine on a person’s weight when it’s a true health hazard.

I do respect the idea of talking about none it though. That’s a viable option. What is totally beyond the pale, though, for me, is if Whitney became part of Chase’s family (I know this is fake, but let’s just say) and then, during some crazy dust up, Chase’s mom or dad yells, “he should have known better than to marry that fat bitch!” Speak (respectably) now or forever hold your piece and all that.

Oh, and I wasn’t saying that a person in a relationship should tell outsiders about their partner’s fidelity or lack thereof!  I was saying if a friend knows that her friend’s husband is having sex with other women, the woman (the outside friend) should tell her friend that her husband is cheating so that she can decide what to do with that info. Like, if Heather found out Chase was banging some other chick, I think Heather should tell Whitney that Chase is getting his freak on, and Whitney can decide what to do with that info. It’s not “not Heather’s business” IMO. (Bad example, because I don’t think Whitney and Chase are sexually active yet. They both seem so lazy).

Ok, I’ve said enough lol. I just wanted to pay homage to the fact that every family is different. It’s likely moot though, cause these two have no chemistry. I am actually looking forward to her meeting his family though. So much more interesting than weightlifting competitions with Jessica or implying sexual liaisons with Buddy that go back to Whitney’s colllege days, ugh!

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17 hours ago, sara1025 said:

True, it just baffles me that she refuses to follow a simple diet because she's so terrified of developing an eating disorder. She acts like the simple act of calorie counting means obsessive unhealthy habits. Every time she brings up how she lost 100 lbs (what was that, like 10 years ago?), she said it was because it was due to unhealthy habits yet I'm sure after losing that 100 lbs she was far healthier than she is now, even if she was still considered obese.

Having been anorexic, I get it but also feel like it's an excuse Whitney uses to stay where she's at and do what she's doing--it screams "see I can't follow a diet", which is wrapped up into disordered eating anyways. She needs an excuse to avoid a restrictive diet and this is it. 

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9 hours ago, TurtlePower said:
On 2/6/2020 at 1:59 PM, sara1025 said:

True, it just baffles me that she refuses to follow a simple diet because she's so terrified of developing an eating disorder. She acts like the simple act of calorie counting means obsessive unhealthy habits. Every time she brings up how she lost 100 lbs (what was that, like 10 years ago?), she said it was because it was due to unhealthy habits yet I'm sure after losing that 100 lbs she was far healthier than she is now, even if she was still considered obese.

Having been anorexic, I get it but also feel like it's an excuse Whitney uses to stay where she's at and do what she's doing--it screams "see I can't follow a diet", which is wrapped up into disordered eating anyways. She needs an excuse to avoid a restrictive diet and this is it. 

She already HAS an eating disorder.  You don’t reach her size without an unhealthy dysfunctional relationship with food.

She really is an insult to people that have struggled with anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating. And you are absolutely right, it’s an excuse. In other words eating one’s way into 350+ pounds is not an eating disorder but being bulimic is so no diets for her!!
The only difference now is, after she eats thousands of calories a day,  she doesn’t put her fingers down her throat to puke it all up.  Even she has to understand that,  at some level,  because she’s not stupid.

Edited by Kid
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Oh, and I wasn’t saying that a person in a relationship should tell outsiders about their partner’s fidelity or lack thereof!  I was saying if a friend knows that her friend’s husband is having sex with other women, the woman (the outside friend) should tell her friend that her husband is cheating so that she can decide what to do with that info. Like, if Heather found out Chase was banging some other chick, I think Heather should tell Whitney that Chase is getting his freak on, and Whitney can decide what to do with that info. It’s not “not Heather’s business” IMO. (Bad example, because I don’t think Whitney and Chase are sexually active yet. They both seem so lazy).

Oh - got it and totally agree, though I think it's good for (in this example) Heather to say to Chase "I'll give you a day to tell her and then I'm going to" before going to Whitney with the news herself.

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Oh - got it and totally agree, though I think it's good for (in this example) Heather to say to Chase "I'll give you a day to tell her and then I'm going to" before going to Whitney with the news herself.

No way would Twit act this way, were the roles reversed. She can hardly wait to deliver any bad news she hears to anyone about anything.

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On 2/5/2020 at 6:19 PM, John M said:

Well that is more of a Heather problem. The world is full of assholes, Heather is an adult who can decide for herself who she wants to be a part of her life and to what extent, including assholes.

Yes and Twittney is the last person I'd take relationship advice from.

She's made some pretty horrible choices and never learns anything from her mistakes.

She needs to stay in her lane. 🙄

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On the preview for next week, Buddy reserves 2 regular size folding chairs for Twit and Chase at his comedy show. 

So where is Chase going to sit? 

Also, the dude looks high AF when Twit is droning on about her parents, and Buddy and Heather, and Ryan, and oh hell, anytime Twit is around. 

I thought it was funny that Ryan could not tow Twit in. I noticed she kept blaming it on the current. Sure, Jan.


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I laughed out loud when after the paddleboarding, Whit was frustrated by not getting an apology from Ryan, then storms off like a pouty and raging toddler. 

I know this show is scripted, situations hammed-up, re-enacted for the cameras, but I really enjoy watching Todd slyly throw little barbs, and DimWhit not catching them at all. 

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It was really irritating that Twit was angrily blaming her giant pannicula or fat apron for not being able to life properly to Jessica.

Um, so whose fault is that? 

Twit was acting as though it was an issue unrelated to her control, or dare I say it , a disability that sh be given better consideration and treatment given her heroic efforts to lift more than she did before, which is also stupid stupid stupid of Jessica vs. getting used to a certain weight before increasing it too much.

Ridiculously delusional. 

All these idiots.

Call the whambulance.

Edited by Tosia
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Did anyone else hear Twit say "I have to pee" as she was walking down the stairs like a toddler to the paddle boards?   Ryan said "Are you gonna pee in the water?  Ew stay away from me" .  I guess he doesn't know that all Twit's friends must soak in her pee water at least once during their relationship.

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