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3 hours ago, izabella said:

Well, I'm glad Esther was finally freed from her laudanum poisoning, and I had a feeling she would end up with Clara's baby.  But, that just seem so fraught with peril.

Right?  He's not just going to give up and be Lady D's bitch forever.  Edward is going to do something to torture Esther further, and maybe steal George, when he finds out where he is.

I want Babington to come in and punish the bastard for doing this to Esther!! This was very poorly written!!  Babington was so in love w/Esther that - business or no business - had he: 1) NOT been receiving her letters or 2) been getting letters fr/her pleading for his response, his reaction would've been to move heaven & earth to get to her!!! Writes REALLY dropped the ball here! 


Edited by 4merBachAddict
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15 minutes ago, 4merBachAddict said:

I want Babington to come in and punish the bastard for doing this to Esther!! This was very poorly written!!  Babington was so in love w/Esther that - business or no business - had he: 1) NOT been receiving her letters or 2) been getting letters fr/her pleading for his response, his reaction would've been to move heaven & earth to get to her!!! Writes REALLY dropped the ball here! 

Absolutely!  I do not believe for one second that Babbington wouldn't have come riding out there to find out WTF was going on.   I know the actor wasn't available, but then they shouldn't have had Edward stealing his letters.

I can't even imagine how that conversation will go when Esther comes home with a baby.  "Where did this baby come from?!"  "Yeah, you'd better sit down.  That's a long story..."

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1 minute ago, izabella said:

Absolutely!  I do not believe for one second that Babbington wouldn't have come riding out there to find out WTF was going on.   I know the actor wasn't available, but then they shouldn't have had Edward stealing his letters.

I can't even imagine how that conversation will go when Esther comes home with a baby.  "Where did this baby come from?!"  "Yeah, you'd better sit down.  That's a long story..."

And I JUST read - Esther isn't coming back! Another reason not to watch S - at least for me!


20 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

...So Lockhart was a scam artist like many were hoping. I never wanted them together in the long term but I still think he was good for her in the journey of self-discovery sort of way. Oh well, won't miss that buffalo plaid looking coat of his. Poor Georgiana and Jolly Parker tho. He was a pretty solid friend even though it was all a ploy. :(

Georgiana and Jolly are the sweetest besties ever.

Season 2 overall thoughts:

Didn't miss Sidney one bit. 

A bit bummed that Lockhart turned out to be the bad guy (as many figured he would be). The three friends were indeed a fun trio and I wish it had gone some other way so he could still be in the story.

I too barely missed Sidney. LOL! At least the part of S2 where I was to become more interested in Charlotte's other suitors was successful.

17 hours ago, magdalene said:

Speaking of Edward, I don't like that the character is sticking around, he should be in prison for poisoning Esther.

And then of course there is Charlotte with her out of nowhere farmer fiance and the mess Colbourne made of things.  I don't believe for a moment that the farmer is end game for Charlotte.

And now we wait until 2023.

It seems like Lord B would bring charges against the man who so harmed his beloved wife. I just don't believe that Edward would basically be allowed to get away with it, though maybe to protect Clara it was dropped and Lady D passed the judgement and issued his "sentence". She did at least inform the Colonel who kicked him out of the Army, which Lady D knew would give Edward nowhere else to go.

13 hours ago, CattyK said:

Me too.  Colbourne is a very frustrating character.   Maybe he’s supposed to have what we’d know now as some kind of depressive disorder.  

They seem to be painting him as a deep introvert who is very uncomfortable around others and at the same time a broken-hearted man who is also filled with guilt. Maybe he's depressed on top to that! His character is just poorly written. The actor is doing what he can with it but it's frustrating for Charlotte and the viewers, too.

9 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I really disliked the plot with Tom playing cards with Lennox to get the money. I swear, for a while I thought he and Arthur were cheating. I don't know if that would have been worse than simply gambling for such a sum. I hated it.

We did see Ralph in the very first ep of the season at a dance with Charlotte.

I certainly hope Tom makes that his final bet. It was dramatic but I understand why it was disappointing to see him put the whole situation on a hand of cards when he could so easily have lost and been deeper in debt. Poor Mary. I hope we see him turn down such temptations in S3.

Yes, we saw Ralph at the dance that began S2, and also early in the season Charlotte made a statement about how much she did not want to go home and marry Ralph. I'm going to say that maybe he should be her husband. Colbourne has so many red flags waving, and if his nature is so introverted as to be anti-social, then she is too young and lively for him. His first marriage failed because he didn't want to stay in London and attend parties with his new bride. Will he also deny Charlotte such simply pleasures? Also, I'm sure with his nature he'll be a really fun dad as he drags Augusta and Leo off to travel the world. /s

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5 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

Poor Mary. I hope we see him turn down such temptations in S3.

No way will he do that.  Certainly not after Sidney blessed his ideas for Sanditon from the grave, and encouraged Tom's risk taking.

I'm hoping Mary decides he shouldn't be in charge of anything more risky than choosing the wine for dinner, and takes over all financial matters.

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7 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

The Esther plot really suffered with the absence of Babbington. I mean, they couldn't actually commit her without her husband's say so. It was just a really poorly conceived story. And the doctor went from slightly experimental in S1 to straight up  quack in S2.

I loved the story line of Esther & Babington in S1 & was happy to see her character again, but this plot line was bad. I almost think it would've just been better to have Lady D say she heard fr/Esther & how happy she & Babington were & that they were joyfully awaiting the arrival of their 1st child. Just poorly done! If they'd wanted to keep Edward as a villain, there are many other directions they could have taken!

Edited by 4merBachAddict
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2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

The Esther plot really suffered with the absence of Babbington. I mean, they couldn't actually commit her without her husband's say so. It was just a really poorly conceived story. And the doctor went from slightly experimental in S1 to straight up  quack in S2.

Yes, he was definitely a quack.  I don't remember his diagnosis exactly, but I do remember that it included she was "receiving false messages from her womb".  The heck???

As for Babbington, did no one at Sanditon think to notify him that his wife was having problems and he needed to come take care of her?

This whole storyline was badly done.

And as an afterthought, how did Edward get at her tonic to doctor it, when she kept it in her bedroom?  He wasn't even living in the house.

Edited to add one more nitpick:  Laudanum is highly addictive.  You don't just stop taking it and go "I'm fine now".  But Esther apparently did not have to go through withdrawal and recovery.

Edited by treeofdreams
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6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I have to admit I was shocked and disappointed when Lockhart turned out to be a cad. I know many here predicted that, but I really didn't think the writers would have her fooled in this way. 

While it was nice for there to be one thing I didn't predict, at the same time I feel like it came out of the blue. It's not one of those things where you can look back at the season and realize that there were clues all along. I know his painting isn't highly regarded here, but in universe, it seems like they thought he was good and that he perfectly captured Georgiana's essence to her satisfaction. It's convenient that the cad relative who's trying to steal her inheritance just happened to be a brilliant artist who could capture her essence. And no one seemed to be aware of any connection to her or to Antigua. He never slipped and mentioned anything. There were absolutely no clues that I can think of, and that's not very satisfying.

My worry for Georgiana is that the portrait session without a chaperone went further than kissing and we'll find out she's pregnant. I really hope that's not her plot and she's going to meet an awesome guy next season. I guess our two primary heroines had to remain unattached for the final season. We couldn't have their plots resolved before the big finale.

6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I really disliked the plot with Tom playing cards with Lennox to get the money. I swear, for a while I thought he and Arthur were cheating.

Gambling is kind of my squick, so I couldn't really watch that scene, but I also thought they were cheating because weren't they using Sidney's cards? I had the impression that there was something about those cards that meant they weren't actually gambling and were beating Lennox at his own game by setting him up the way he set up Tom. Or was it just that this was their game, and he played something else he was more skilled in?

1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

But she got over Sidney so fast that she probably would have gotten over Colbourne with equal speed.

I actually thought she was hung up over Sidney for way too long. Even in Regency courting terms, they didn't have much of a relationship and were never actually what would be considered "together." And then he ditched her and married someone else. Deciding never to marry and being hung up on him for nearly nine months seems a bit extreme. I guess she went to the other extreme here, so instead of swearing off marriage and being hung up for a long time, she rebounded hard and got engaged immediately.

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7 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

While it was nice for there to be one thing I didn't predict, at the same time I feel like it came out of the blue. It's not one of those things where you can look back at the season and realize that there were clues all along. I know his painting isn't highly regarded here, but in universe, it seems like they thought he was good and that he perfectly captured Georgiana's essence to her satisfaction. It's convenient that the cad relative who's trying to steal her inheritance just happened to be a brilliant artist who could capture her essence. And no one seemed to be aware of any connection to her or to Antigua. He never slipped and mentioned anything. There were absolutely no clues that I can think of, and that's not very satisfying.

My worry for Georgiana is that the portrait session without a chaperone went further than kissing and we'll find out she's pregnant. I really hope that's not her plot and she's going to meet an awesome guy next season. I guess our two primary heroines had to remain unattached for the final season. We couldn't have their plots resolved before the big finale.

Gambling is kind of my squick, so I couldn't really watch that scene, but I also thought they were cheating because weren't they using Sidney's cards? I had the impression that there was something about those cards that meant they weren't actually gambling and were beating Lennox at his own game by setting him up the way he set up Tom. Or was it just that this was their game, and he played something else he was more skilled in?

I actually thought she was hung up over Sidney for way too long. Even in Regency courting terms, they didn't have much of a relationship and were never actually what would be considered "together." And then he ditched her and married someone else. Deciding never to marry and being hung up on him for nearly nine months seems a bit extreme. I guess she went to the other extreme here, so instead of swearing off marriage and being hung up for a long time, she rebounded hard and got engaged immediately.

I guess that is the problem with these kinds of stories.  They fall in love too fast, and rebound too fast because the love wasn't really that deep, having happened practically overnight.  Alison rebounding from Carter to Fraser, Charlotte rebounding from Sidney to Colbourne, then from Colbourne to getting engaged to farmer Ralph.  Even Georgiana rebounding from Otis to the artist.  I realize they only have a limited number of episodes to tell the story, but it does create a bit of whiplash for the viewer - well, at least for me.

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Just now, treeofdreams said:

I guess that is the problem with these kinds of stories.  They fall in love too fast, and rebound too fast because the love wasn't really that deep, having happened practically overnight.  Alison rebounding from Carter to Fraser, Charlotte rebounding from Sidney to Colbourne, then from Colbourne to getting engaged to farmer Ralph.  Even Georgiana rebounding from Otis to the artist.  I realize they only have a limited number of episodes to tell the story, but it does create a bit of whiplash for the viewer - well, at least for me.

I think to the viewers, everything seemed to go very fast - the passage of time was not very clear. Sometimes I thought a scene was the same or next day, & a character would make reference to weeks gone by!! By today's standards, meeting someone,  falling in love & marrying within months does seem too fast - but maybe it wasn't for that era.

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1 hour ago, Shanna Marie said:

Gambling is kind of my squick, so I couldn't really watch that scene, but I also thought they were cheating because weren't they using Sidney's cards? I had the impression that there was something about those cards that meant they weren't actually gambling and were beating Lennox at his own game by setting him up the way he set up Tom. Or was it just that this was their game, and he played something else he was more skilled in?

Yes, I too thought there was something about those cards. It was all very weird, but since nothing was said about it, I guess Tom was just lucky.

I got the feeling Colbourne is now completely out of the picture since he decided he and the girls needed to have a change of scenery. To me that was the show's way of getting him out of the way for the next suitor. Maybe Charlotte and Ralph will actually get married, but she didn't really look too happy when she disclosed their engagement.

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5 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

He goes all cold and closed up to everyone.  His wife, the two girls, and Charlotte.  Plus everyone else in all these years (how old is Leo?)  That is his way of dealing with everything.  He may seem to magically transform at the end of the series and marry Charlotte, but I don't trust magical transformations.  He will revert to form whenever something displeases or upsets him.


5 hours ago, izabella said:

I agree.  He needs to grow up and use his words.  He is not fit to be a husband at this time and has piss poor communication and social skills.  At the same time, Charlotte also needs to use her words and stop being so black and white about everything.  She has the excuse of being so young, but she is clearly going to break that farmer's heart by getting engaged to him on the rebound.  Both of them should stay single until they learn how to be adults.


2 hours ago, RedHawk said:

They seem to be painting him as a deep introvert who is very uncomfortable around others and at the same time a broken-hearted man who is also filled with guilt. Maybe he's depressed on top to that! His character is just poorly written. The actor is doing what he can with it but it's frustrating for Charlotte and the viewers, too.

Colbourne has so many red flags waving, and if his nature is so introverted as to be anti-social, then she is too young and lively for him. His first marriage failed because he didn't want to stay in London and attend parties with his new bride. Will he also deny Charlotte such simply pleasures? Also, I'm sure with his nature he'll be a really fun dad as he drags Augusta and Leo off to travel the world. /s

Many good points about how Colbourne's personality isn't compatible with Charlotte.

1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

And as an afterthought, how did Edward get at her tonic to doctor it, when she kept it in her bedroom?  He wasn't even living in the house.

This last episode wasn't the first time I've had problems with how Edward seemingly has easy access to Esther's bedroom...which I can't imagine would have happened IRL back in the day.

41 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I got the feeling Colbourne is now completely out of the picture since he decided he and the girls needed to have a change of scenery. To me that was the show's way of getting him out of the way for the next suitor. Maybe Charlotte and Ralph will actually get married, but she didn't really look too happy when she disclosed their engagement.

Just my speculation:  I see Charlotte and Colbourne as endgame. I haven't read any spoilers, but that's just what I think will happen because OMG - show isn't going to have Charlotte fall in love with a THIRD guy, right!!??  [That would be entering Miss Smith from Emma territory!]

10 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Am I alone in thinking that Jolly is gay?

No, you're not alone.  I (and I think others) have speculated he might be gay, but of course, that was a HUGE no-no  (subject to prison or worse!) back then.

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I got the feeling Colbourne is now completely out of the picture since he decided he and the girls needed to have a change of scenery. To me that was the show's way of getting him out of the way for the next suitor. Maybe Charlotte and Ralph will actually get married, but she didn't really look too happy when she disclosed their engagement.

I hope it's okay to say this here - PBS had a preview for the final season after the episode last night and it showed 


Charlotte at a ball seeing Colbourne and his eldest and them looking at each other across the crowded room.

As much as I have liked the Esther actress I would prefer this last episode being her last appearance  if this final season is more contrivance without Babington and Edward preying on her again.

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I got the feeling Colbourne is now completely out of the picture since he decided he and the girls needed to have a change of scenery. To me that was the show's way of getting him out of the way for the next suitor.

Oh. You're probably right.
Colbourne & family riding away reminded of whichever Austen novel in which the heroine is invited to stay "in town" (I think for the winter?) and meets up with the guy who she thought it was over with? Sorry, can't recall which one, but I'm sure someone here knows.
Regardless. Your are probably right, @peeayebee, in that Colbourne and the kids are out of the picture now. 
The only reason they would not be is that seasons 2 & 3 were shot right after each other, so there wouldn't be any of the unavailability of actors shenanigans like between 1 & 2.



1 hour ago, Cetacean said:

Am I alone in thinking that Jolly is gay?  Have we ever seen him with a female other than BFF Georgiana?  Maybe that's why he doesn't want to marry her but can't give her the real reason.

I assumed Arthur being gay was a given, but then I often get in trouble with my assumptions. 
My favorite part of the season 2 finale was that final shot of Arthur and Georgianna silhouetted in the window, her head affectionately resting on his shoulder, some time after she had again somewhat teasingly offered to marry him. 

It would be very un-Austenian, but I would like the series finale to end with the same shot, but with both of them gray and bent with age, each with a cane, supporting each other physically. There would be a chyron of text on the screen--looking like the caption of an old silent movie--explaining that both had experienced true love away from society's prying eyes, and now they were happy to still have one another as companions and true friends.

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6 minutes ago, Fireball said:

My theory on why Charlotte is engaged to the farm Ralph is her father made her. 

My slightly different theory is that Charlotte chose to accept Farmer Ralph's offer of marriage out of a sense of obligation to her family.
But also, I think it's a reaction to having lost Sidney and then had her plan to be a governess go completely off the rails. 

But, @Fireball, based on the look on her face when she introduced Ralph as her fiancé, your theory makes more sense.

Edited by shapeshifter
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7 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Edited to add one more nitpick:  Laudanum is highly addictive.  You don't just stop taking it and go "I'm fine now".  But Esther apparently did not have to go through withdrawal and recovery.

Good point! The times she was scratching her arms were meant to show that she was suffering withdrawl. Clara made mention of "poor unfortunates" she had seen on the streets of London doing the same. But as soon as all was revealed, Esther's addiction was miraculously broken! So much of that story line was badly written. I only enjoyed the growth of friendship between her and Clara.

7 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

I guess that is the problem with these kinds of stories.  They fall in love too fast, and rebound too fast because the love wasn't really that deep, having happened practically overnight.  Alison rebounding from Carter to Fraser, Charlotte rebounding from Sidney to Colbourne, then from Colbourne to getting engaged to farmer Ralph.  Even Georgiana rebounding from Otis to the artist.  I realize they only have a limited number of episodes to tell the story, but it does create a bit of whiplash for the viewer - well, at least for me.

Having the show be cancelled and then renewed caused so many problems with plotting! There was haste to write new episodes plus some of the main cast members were no longer available. For those who aren't aware, S2 and S3 were filmed back to back so S3  is done already but we have to wait until spring 2023 to see it. 

5 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Am I alone in thinking that Jolly is gay?  Have we ever seen him with a female other than BFF Georgiana?  Maybe that's why he doesn't want to marry her but can't give her the real reason.

It's been made pretty clear, not just in his talks with Georgiana but in his relationship with Lockhart. He admitted to Georgiana that he had been charmed by Lockhart; I think he had a crush on him. Lockhart knew or at least suspected and used Arthur's interest/attraction to him to gain G's trust and easier access to her. So not only was Arthur's trust broken but his heart was wounded as well. I got the impression that his attraction to Lockhart did confirm to him that he prefers the company of men and thus he should not marry because he would be cheating Georgiana of a proper marital relationship.

4 hours ago, Fireball said:

My theory on why Charlotte is engaged to the farm Ralph is her father made her. 

Maybe her mother threatened never to speak to her again if she refused Ralph. ;-)

Edited by RedHawk
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Aw, I'm sad we won't get any more Esther next season.  I was hoping for a Babington appearance to send my favorite couple off in style.  Guess fanfic will have to do. If the alternative was having her around on another nonsensical story line where she has to interact with Edward (ugh, I hate him), then I suppose I can settle for tidbits on her and Babington from Lady Denham (please show, give me this, a letter here and there isn't too much to ask).

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1 hour ago, magdalene said:


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As much as I have liked the Esther actress I would prefer this last episode being her last appearance  if this final season is more contrivance without Babington and Edward preying on her again.

According to JY, this is her last episode - she won't be back in S3. And without Babington, I am OK with that. Heck, chances are good I won't be back either... lol!


Edited by 4merBachAddict
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I would love to see a spin-off with Esther and Babbington as soon as he becomes available.  Was he wealthy?  I don't remember.  But Esther is Lady D's heir.  I would like to see them set up on the most fashionable street in London enjoying her inheritance.

Edited to add:  And no Edward please!!!

Edited by treeofdreams
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10 minutes ago, JenMD said:

Aw, I'm sad we won't get any more Esther next season.  I was hoping for a Babington appearance to send my favorite couple off in style.  Guess fanfic will have to do. If the alternative was having her around on another nonsensical story line where she has to interact with Edward (ugh, I hate him), then I suppose I can settle for tidbits on her and Babington from Lady Denham (please show, give me this, a letter here and there isn't too much to ask).

I agree! I'd love to see Lady D reading a letter fr/Esther & saying how happy she & Babington are! Baby George is healthy & growing and... surprise:  Esther is again expecting and this time, everything is fine!! (Just because her 1st pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, doesn't mean she can't have a successful one - it happens for many women!)

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"Young said. “I think Esther, where we leave her at the end of Season 2, I think she’s got everything she’s ever wanted. She’s happy, married, and now she has a child that she adores so I think that’s the end of Esther’s story as far as I’m concerned.”

Really, without Babington, where could her story go? And - she will be far, far away from Edward. 

Edited by 4merBachAddict
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15 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

but I also thought they were cheating because weren't they using Sidney's cards?

Yeah.  It certainly sounded that way.  Lennox was a fool to let Arthur deal.

13 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Am I alone in thinking that Jolly is gay?

Nope.  His relationship with Georgiana is so sweet.  I wonder whatever happened to the Parker sister?

11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Colbourne & family riding away reminded of whichever Austen novel in which the heroine is invited to stay "in town" (I think for the winter?) and meets up with the guy who she thought it was over with? Sorry, can't recall which one, but I'm sure someone here knows.

All of them?  (Hee!)  Marianne Dashwood runs into Willoughby in town with embarrassing results.  Jane Bennett runs into Bingley's sisters in town with embarrassing results.  Anne Elliot runs into Captain Wentworth in a couple towns with embarrassing results. 😄

11 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Esther's addiction was miraculously broken!

Once she came into her right mind she snarked it away.  

11 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Having the show be cancelled and then renewed caused so many problems with plotting! There was haste to write new episodes plus some of the main cast members were no longer available.

Yeah, and it shows.  This season was pretty bad.  Not one, not two, not three, but four ladies all have mustache twirling men (I'm counting Lockhart) preying on them.  And they are all oblivious to it.  And, actor available or not, Babington not coming to check on Esther made no sense.  It's too bad season 3 was rushed too so the writers didn't have time to plan a better conclusion.

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19 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

but then I often get in trouble with my assumptions. 

I think you weren’t just assuming. He didn’t use the more “modern” (by modern, I mean the next century from Sanditon era) euphemism: confirmed bachelor, but he DID say, “I’m not the marrying kind” in season 1. Given the consequences, I think he’s content merely to gaze from afar (and near), rather than act upon his interests. 

Edited by Daff
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33 minutes ago, Daff said:

I think you weren’t just assuming. He didn’t use the more “modern” (by modern, I mean the next century from Sanditon era) euphemism: confirmed bachelor, but he DID say, “I’m not the marrying kind” in season 1. Given the consequences, I think he’s content merely to gaze from afar (and near), rather than act upon his interests. 

I always assumed he was crushing on Lockhart himself.  In fact, before Lockhart turned out to be awful, I had a whole scenario imagined where both Georgina and Arthur were in love with Lockhart, and Lockhart was in love with (or at least had feelings for) both of them, with the three of them looking out for each other.

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Well, I'm hooked on the soap opera, but it is really unbelievable.   Lady Babington would have certainly had a ladies maid.   No way would Edward be able to go into her room and wander around upstairs.  The butler would have been fired with no reference from Mrs. D if he had given Esther's mail to Edward in exchange for money.   No card playing person would allow a used deck, and a brother of his opponent to deal.  Other arrangements would have been made.   I'm not sure if Clara is still to live in a house in Cumbria or not, now that she has given George to Esther.   She really loves George and is helping him to rise up in life by her sacrifice.   Others here have said she has no feelings for him, but that's not at all what she said.  Well, we have to wait a year to see what happens.  I hope I remember all this then!

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Well, I was right that the artist was involved in the plot to destroy Georgiana's reputation; I didn't know why else they would introduce that plot unless they were connected to one another, and the early episodes made the artist look villainous to me. I'm glad Clara confessed in this episode to get this over with, I thought for sure this would drag over to next season with maybe a final glimpse of Esther in an asylum this episode. I was so hoping Lady Denham would send Edward to prison--it would have been a fitting end, with him having tried to get Esther locked away only for it to happen to him.

I suppose next season Esther will appear at Lady Denham's home again with a time jump, having become pregnant so that we know her and Lord Babbington are happy (and that Babbington still exists...) I was hoping Esther might invite Clara to live somewhere on her and Babbington's estate rather than leaving Clara stuck dealing with the horrid Lady Denham's pity. The resolution to Colonel Lennox's debts was hard for me to buy, tbh. I mean, if he isn't willing to pay people based on a bill or being accosted, why would he feel the need to honor a bet either? I'm glad Georgiana's plot next season will be to find her mother rather than another man.

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19 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I suppose next season Esther will appear at Lady Denham's home again with a time jump, having become pregnant so that we know her and Lord Babbington are happy (and that Babbington still exists...) I was hoping Esther might invite Clara to live somewhere on her and Babbington's estate rather than leaving Clara stuck dealing with the horrid Lady Denham's pity. The resolution to Colonel Lennox's debts was hard for me to buy, tbh. I mean, if he isn't willing to pay people based on a bill or being accosted, why would he feel the need to honor a bet either? I'm glad Georgiana's plot next season will be to find her mother rather than another man.

Just fyi: Esther & Babington are NOT coming back according to JY - feels her story is done.


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Well, that's dumb. The only characters whose story doesn't feel done are Georgiana and Charlotte, and yet I'm sure they're all coming back. Esther was probably the most interesting character / actress on the show, imo.

So in season 3 we lose Esther and Clara, and get an extra dose of Edward and his horrible mustache. Mess.

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18 hours ago, 4merBachAddict said:

Just fyi: Esther & Babington are NOT coming back according to JY - feels her story is done.


I hate that she (and the actress) isn't coming back and yet we'll be stuck with Edward for another season. I wonder what they'll do with Clara. It didn't seem like much resolution for her, just going off on her own although I suppose Esther and Lord B will be giving her funds. They don't want George to grow up and find they just cast off his biological mother to poverty.

18 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

The resolution to Colonel Lennox's debts was hard for me to buy, tbh. I mean, if he isn't willing to pay people based on a bill or being accosted, why would he feel the need to honor a bet either? I'm glad Georgiana's plot next season will be to find her mother rather than another man.

In those days "gentlemen" thought it much more important to pay "debts of honor" such as gambling debts than debts owed to mere merchants. 

I really really wish PBS would relent and show S3 in the fall.

Edited by RedHawk
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20 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

In the very brief preview, Charlotte is at a ball, Colbourne enters (with Augusta) and their eyes meet. IIRC, someone says in the background "Did you see who's returned?"

Thanks.  I had thought he would be the end game; it would fit the pattern, and a six episode season isn't enough time to create another whole relationship with someone new.

Edited by treeofdreams
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8 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Did Sydney marry the heiress before he died? It might be interesting if she showed up.

Yes, he did.  It has been mentioned that her money saved Sandition when he married her, and it has also been mentioned that she is now, through inheritance, a part owner of Sanditon.  Perhaps that will show up as a storyline next season.

Edited by treeofdreams
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29 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

Yes, he did.  It has been mentioned that her money saved Sandition when he married her, and it has also been mentioned that she is now, through inheritance, a part owner of Sanditon.  Perhaps that will show up as a storyline next season.

Can anyone help me understand what it means to be a part owner or owner of Sanditon?  How do you own a town?  Do they own all the buildings, so they get rent from the shopkeepers and hotels?

39 minutes ago, izabella said:

Can anyone help me understand what it means to be a part owner or owner of Sanditon?  How do you own a town?  Do they own all the buildings, so they get rent from the shopkeepers and hotels?

Just guessing here...

I suppose it is like a real estate developer buying land, building houses on it, and selling the houses and the land they are on, only in this case they are building the shops and probably charging rent.  We know Lady D is an investor in Sanditon, as was Sidney; it was Tom's original concept so he probably bought the land.   We know he is building the shops, and probably the houses as well, which he may be renting out or selling. 

Edited by treeofdreams
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8 hours ago, RedHawk said:

I really really wish PBS would relent and show S3 in the fall.

PBS really needs to air S3 sooner rather than later because:

1) strike while the iron's hot:  if S2 got decent ratings, air S3 somewhat soon so you don't lose the audience;

2) the people who tuned in to S2 might forget large chunks of what happened in S2, and rather than try to re-watch (if that's even possible) before S3 airs, those folks decide to just tune out S3 altogether..

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11 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

I forgot whole episodes of S1, kept trying to remember who was who.  It will happen again, I fear.

When next season approaches, everyone can refresh their memories of season two with recaps from that season:  (These are regular recaps, not the snarky ones)


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3 hours ago, norcalgal said:

PBS really needs to air S3 sooner rather than later because:

1) strike while the iron's hot:  if S2 got decent ratings, air S3 somewhat soon so you don't lose the audience;

2) the people who tuned in to S2 might forget large chunks of what happened in S2, and rather than try to re-watch (if that's even possible) before S3 airs, those folks decide to just tune out S3 altogether..

I think the reason we won't see S3 sooner than January 2023 is because PBS hopes to use the show to "sell" their PBS Passport streaming app ($5 a month minimum though you can pledge more) which gives you full access to S1 and S2 and many other PBS shows current and past. They also use the show for the local affiliate stations' pledge drives. It seems PBS doesn't have any similar costume drama coming down the pipeline so they'll show S3 when they believe it will be most useful and gain the biggest audience for them. Why that is eight months from now, I truly don't know.

Edited by RedHawk
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11 hours ago, RedHawk said:

It seems PBS doesn't have any similar costume drama coming down the pipeline so they'll show S3 when they believe it will be most useful and gain the biggest audience for them. Why that is eight months from now, I truly don't know.

I think it's the Masterpiece rotation schedule, ever since they dropped having a separate Mystery show and combined most of the drama under the Masterpiece label. They tend to do the "literary" costume dramas (based on books) early in the year. In the fall, they lean more toward the contemporary ones. And then there are the mystery ones (Endeavor, Grantchester) in the later spring/summer. Of course, with big chunks in between for pledge drives. I don't know if they're as strict about it as they used to be, since they're mixing in things like Vienna Blood during the "Classic" slot, and they don't seem to be doing the hosts anymore. For a while, they had Laura Linney for "Masterpiece Classic," which was the costume dramas, David Tennant for "Masterpiece Contemporary," and Alan Cumming for "Masterpiece Mystery." They seem to have dropped the host intros, but you might still hear their voices for the "tonight on Masterpiece" bit. So they won't be showing anything like Sanditon until this time next year, after they do All Creatures Great and Small starting in January. I haven't looked at the schedule for this year, but my guess is we'll be getting Endeavor and Grantchester in the summer, maybe early fall, some "Scandinavian"-style gritty contemporary mystery/drama in the fall, and then we'll be back to cozy costume stuff in January.

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At this point, I sort of hope that Charlotte will find a way to support herself as a single person and not get married by the end of the show.  As short as these seasons are, there won’t really be time for her to meet someone new and *get to know him* before deciding to marry.  

Or maybe farmer Ralph will prove to have hidden strengths and to be capable of being a supportive partner.  

I was rooting for Colbourne thru the whole season, but the last time he spoke to her he showed how much of a coward he is emotionally.  He has such a moody/stormy personality and she deserves much better than that.  

To me, the fact that Colbourne shows up in the trailer for next season doesn’t mean that he will be her love interest.  Or at least I’m hoping not 😬

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