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Sanditon - General Discussion


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I am just starting to read the Austen version of Sanditon.

First chapter: The carriage overturns, Charlotte's father, not Charlotte, go to their aid.  Charlotte is not mentioned at all, except as "my daughters".

Difference number one.

Chapter 2 - All about Mr. Parker and his ambitions for Sanditon.

Chapter 3 - All about Lady Denham.

Chapter 4 - The remainder of the carriage ride to Sanditon.  At the very end, it mentions Charlotte being given the apartment where she will be staying.

Chapter 5 - All about the health complaints of Parker's sisters and brother.  Charlotte is mentioned only as being there while Parker is reading his sister's letter aloud.

(So far Charlotte is not a main character in the story; she is barely given any notice.)

Edited by treeofdreams
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Yeah, Austen really had only just gotten started with it, and it's impossible to know how much she might have gone back and edited those first few chapters when she got to the end.  Writers do that.  I guess that gives plenty of room for creative freedom to the new writers.  My only quibble is when they seem to take it out of Austen's universe, but that's just my personal preference, I suppose.

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I just re-watched season 1 and actually liked it better than the first time I watched.  As I never liked Sidney I am not heartbroken he won't be back for season 2. In my opinion Charlotte can do better than him - the reason and the way he spurned her was a real turn-off for me. I wanted Young Stringers story continued but Leo Suter got a starring role on Vikings Valhalla while this show was canceled, so there is that.  Lady Babbington will be back but they couldn't get the Lord Babbington actor back, since these characters were newly-weds this could be weird?

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10 hours ago, magdalene said:

I just re-watched season 1 and actually liked it better than the first time I watched.  As I never liked Sidney I am not heartbroken he won't be back for season 2. In my opinion Charlotte can do better than him - the reason and the way he spurned her was a real turn-off for me. I wanted Young Stringers story continued but Leo Suter got a starring role on Vikings Valhalla while this show was canceled, so there is that.  Lady Babbington will be back but they couldn't get the Lord Babbington actor back, since these characters were newly-weds this could be weird?

I liked it better the second time around also; perhaps because my expectations were lower.

I didn't like Sidney either; I never understood the transition from Sidney and Charlotte disliking each other to them suddenly being so in love.  Since I dozed off a bit both times around, just about the time this happened, perhaps I missed something.  Did I?  

I did like how Lady Babbington woke up and became free of her brother; I thought Lord Babbington was very insightful in how he recognized how Edward had been manipulating her and virtually held her prisoner.  I look forward to seeing her in her new life.  (Side note: throughout season one I kept seeing her possibly playing Queen Elizabeth 1, I think she would make a good fit.)

I think season 2 starts next week; I am looking forward to that.


Edited by treeofdreams
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15 hours ago, magdalene said:

I just re-watched season 1 and actually liked it better than the first time I watched.  As I never liked Sidney I am not heartbroken he won't be back for season 2. In my opinion Charlotte can do better than him - the reason and the way he spurned her was a real turn-off for me. I wanted Young Stringers story continued but Leo Suter got a starring role on Vikings Valhalla while this show was canceled, so there is that.  Lady Babbington will be back but they couldn't get the Lord Babbington actor back, since these characters were newly-weds this could be weird?

I liked it better on recent re-watch also. Though I will miss the hotness that is Theo James, the character was annoying and the love story didn't gel. It's enough for me that Charlotte got her heart broken yet will still be connected with the Parker family. Sadly she'll have to hear about his marriage, etc. but I heartily wish him unhappy in his choice! I guess the money he gets from his marriage will help save Sandition though. Will be interesting to see how that's handled. 

I will very much miss Lord Babbington and the newlywed couple interacting, I think they were my favorite part of S1, but don't think it will be  weird to see Lady B visiting her aunt on her own. Perhaps she will have come to Sanditon "for her health" while her husband must stay in town. 

Edited by RedHawk
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2 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

I will very much miss Lord Babbington and the newlywed couple interacting, I think they were my favorite part of S1, but don't think it will be  weird to see Lady B visiting her aunt on her own. Perhaps she will have come to Sanditon "for her health" while her husband must stay in town. 

There are several ways they could handle this.  Esther is now Lady Denham's sole heir, so she should be showing attention to her to maintain her favor.  If Lord Babbington is not there, he could be off visiting his (presumed) estate in Ireland or wherever; if Esther is pregnant, she might not be able to travel with him.  No doubt we could come up with more reasons they might not be together.

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4 hours ago, RedHawk said:

I will very much miss Lord Babbington and the newlywed couple interacting, I think they were my favorite part of S1

I have recently become obsessed with Mark Stanley, and he was basically my sole reason for catching up with Sanditon on the recent PBS re-broadcast... The Lord Babington/ Esther storyline was by far the best. I saw someone online speculating that Esther would be widowed (based on her being seen in a black dress in one of the promos), and that would disappoint me greatly. Way to ruin the one happy ending of season one! 

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On 3/12/2022 at 8:13 PM, SusanwatchingTV said:

My only quibble is when they seem to take it out of Austen's universe

One way this series really differs from Austen's work is that Austen's stories are gentle with no major sad storylines, and generally happy endings all around.  Here we have Charlotte losing Sidney, Miss Lambe losing Otis, Clara and Edward being disinherited and Edward losing his mind over losing Esther, Stringer's father dying in the fire, the fire itself destroying a major part of Sanditon.  If Esther is widowed after having just won her freedom from Edward, as suggested above, that would be a real bummer.

I prefer happy stories, and I knew I could always count on Austen for that.  I don't like this departure from her world (just as I don't like the sexual elements in the story).  These just do not seem to fit.

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15 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Just to add to the above: Austen's work had a gentle humor to it, especially where the characters were concerned.  There is very little of that humor here - maybe a little bit with Arthur and his sister, but her whole tone on that score is missing.

A bit of Austen's tone is there in the dictatorial behavior of Lady Denham. At times she's similar to Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice. 

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57 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

A bit of Austen's tone is there in the dictatorial behavior of Lady Denham. At times she's similar to Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride and Prejudice. 

Yes, they are both autocratic old ladies.  But Lady Catherine was humorous, and Lady Denham is not.

Davies has tried to duplicate some of the characters/storylines from Austen's other books.  The above is one; Willoughby marrying the rich lady instead of Maryann Dashwood whom he loves is similar to Sidney marrying his rich lady instead of Charlotte whom he loves.  The early Charlotte/Sidney antagonistic dynamic is like Elizabeth/Darcy antagonism turning into love. These are the ones that come immediately to mind.

But when Austen wrote, she viewed her characters and stories with gentle humor.  The term "comedy of manners" is often used to describe her work, as is the designation of her stories as satire.  This is missing in Davies' story here.  

From here on in I will watch future episodes of Sanditon as period dramas by Davies but without reference to Austen.  I will no doubt have fewer nitpicks that way!

Edited by treeofdreams
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I have many...thoughts:

  • Charlotte saving Leo (Leonora?) And the carriage accident at the end of the episode had me laughing. Idc. 
  • Someone with historical knowledge please explain to me how becoming a governess is a step down from being a farmer's daughter?????
  • Ngl didn't mind one bit that they killed off Sidney. Equally pleased that young stringer took that apprenticeship in London like he deserved. Hope he makes it big.
  • Jolly Parker seemed less jolly at least in the first half of the episode :( probably just mourning his brother. It's so weird to see him without his sis too. 
  • Funnily enough, Georgiana brought up the very same idea I had last season: that she and Jolly Parker should get married (but in a sham-marriage sort of way, ya know what I mean?). They could continue on with their platonic bestie adventures ofc.
  • Esther has lost a lot of her bite :(. Kinda not the happiest that her storyline is gonna revolve around wanting a kid. 
  • Edward >:( with how things ended last season I'm surprised he wasn't run out of town so to speak. Like, Lady Denham actually allowed him to step foot in her house??? And he's up to no good.
  • Idc who Charlotte ends up with at this point, I just want her to wear her hair up properly for once.
  • The sis is gonna get annoying really quickly if she's going to spend all her time trying to shove her big sis into a relationship. No thank u.
  • Overall this episode felt very uninspired. I feel like half the actors didn't have their heart in it. 
Edited by HoodlumSheep
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When the show began with the necessary PBS-hawking ladies,¹ I was initially feeling like I was no better than Nero "fiddling" while the real world burns/seems nearing extinction-level events. But then Charlotte and her sister's carriage came within site of the seaside, and I was smitten with Austenian guilty pleasure.

I don't mind that some plot points were taken almost whole-cloth from other Austen works (the phaeton overturning, for example, I saw from a mile away). It felt like an homage to someone who died too soon.


31 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Maybe because it's been so long since season one but I needed a score card to remember who is who.  So far.......underwhelmed.

And again with the twenty first century hair. A bit of historical accuracy would be appreciated.

23 minutes ago, HoodlumSheep said:
  • Idc who Charlotte ends up with at this point, I just want her to wear her hair up properly for once and not just for special occasions.

I agree about the hair.
But if there was an award for Excellence In Previously On, it should go to the rhyming intro to season 2 of Sanditon, IMO.

Perhaps more than Charlotte's hair, I was most bothered by the 2 PBS ladies speaking in American accents but pronouncing "Sanditon" with the British pronunciation for the "i." Pick an accent, and stay in your lane, ladies. Am I wrong? Probably. But it bugged me.


23 minutes ago, HoodlumSheep said:
  • Someone with historical knowledge please explain to me how becoming a governess is a step down from being a farmer's daughter?????

No "historical knowledge," but the argument here is that becoming a governess is a step down from being a farmer's wife, not a farmer's daughter, because evidently there's an as-yet unseen (by the viewers) farmer who has asked Charlotte's father for her hand in marriage. Charlotte is deemed marriageable, whereas becoming a governess is for an educated woman who is not marriageable. Actually, in an Austen book, I don't think Charlotte would really be considered likely to marry well, and perhaps being a farmer's wife might be deemed less preferable than being a governess. But, again, I am not up on sociology of that time. IDK. I suppose a governess could potentially be left penniless if her employers ran into hard times, but it seems the same could happen with anyone in the world of Sanditon. 🤷‍♀️


     1. Did any of you who streamed this on your laptops not have the PBS-hawking ladies at the beginning and end? Also, when I recently did my U.S. taxes, it seems even those of us who don't have enough income or property to itemize can still reduce taxable income by $500 in charitable donations. Again, I don't know that PBS is the best use of a budget of $500, but one could do much worse.

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Sidney getting the death treatment in the first five minutes? Okay, then. Guess they wanted to make it very clear that Theo James is never returning. 

Sad that the Babbington actor decided not to return, leaving Esther with this crappy storyline. She deserved a happy ending after last season. And now the shitty step-brother is back? Ugh, no thanks!

The Charlotte actress looked tired/worn-out and just generally unwell. And I don’t recall complaining about her hair in season one, but it looked messy bad most of the episode.

Not digging the new men that have been cast. Stringer was very cute, and I would have been happy to see Charlotte with him, but the actor probably made the right choice leaving LOL. Charlotte’s sister and the guy named Captain Fraser (not the guy who saved her after the carriage crashed) look like a couple I might be able to root for. Looks like it will be one of those “he secretly pines for her while she is clueless” type of storylines.

Arthur is sweet, and I wish nothing but good things for him.

Can’t believe this got renewed for two seasons!

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6 minutes ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

Sad that the Babbington actor decided not to return, leaving Esther with this crappy storyline

Oy. It does look like Mark Stanley (Babbington in season 1) is really busy. Well, at least they didn't kill him off. Do we know for sure he won't arrive in time to at least thwack the wicked step-brother across the face with his glove?

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I was looking forward to this coming back, but other than explaining why Charlotte’s 2 would be suitors were no longer in town, it felt meh.

So, Esther’s husband is “away” ( in other words, the actor has another gig), but her goal is to get pregnant ASAP.  But Esther is going to hang out some more with her aunt at the beach? Since we the audience know Lord Babbington is not coming back, I guess we will be getting another tragic death soon?

I hope creeper Edward isn’t a primary focus this season.  Why does Edward have facial hair when none of the other soldiers do?  I don’t know for certain but I think beards and mustaches weren’t allowed at that time period.  But, Charlotte’s messy long hair isn’t correct to the period either.  Nor is the idea of shirtless men wandering amongst women in public. 

The best character in Sanditon?  Is the Sanditon set.  I love the seaside colors and all the buildings.


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19 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

No "historical knowledge," but the argument here is that becoming a governess is a step down from being a farmer's wife, not a farmer's daughter, because evidently there's an as-yet unseen (by the viewers) farmer who has asked Charlotte's father for her hand in marriage. Charlotte is deemed marriageable, whereas becoming a governess is for an educated woman who is not marriageable. Actually, in an Austen book, I don't think Charlotte would really be considered likely to marry well, and perhaps being a farmer's wife might be deemed less preferable than being a governess. But, again, I am not up on sociology of that time. IDK. I suppose a governess could potentially be left penniless if her employers ran into hard times, but it seems the same could happen with anyone in the world of Sanditon. 

Thnx for the quick reply! 


More thoughts:

At this point I feel like I'm in it only for Jolly Parker. 

Fav costume of the night is what I'll refer to as Georgiana's snow white-inspired outfit (aka the blue and yellow one)

Also...Sidney married the one gal for her fortune to help cover Tom's debts, but apparently even her money wasn't enough bc tom still mentions paying back a loan to Lady Denham??? Like geez I knew he sunk like a dozen fortunes into this place but you'd think the loan would have been payed off. Yikes.

Lastly, I am reminded of how pbs/bbc/whoever made the show blew it by not making tom the ultimate villain. The set up was all there last season and I remember I was mad that they basically decided to wave all his dirty dealings under the rug at the end of s1. It would have probably been the most well written thing in the show??? The obsession he had to build his resort, his marriage slowly falling apart, his ill treatment of Stringer(s) and Co....

Like it was all right there, but then the resort goes up in smoke and we get stuck with the Parker bros supporting and promising to stick by each others' sides and everything was going to be fine yadda yadda??? :/ 

Ultimately the writing just isn't what it needs to be.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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7 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

The best character in Sanditon?  Is the Sanditon set.  I love the seaside colors and all the buildings.

OMG, yes! I would abandon my new little grandson in a moment to live in Sanditon on the beach. I mean, we have airplanes now.
Well, maybe I'd just bring along my adorable grandbaby and his parents to Sanditon too so they can WFH in my cottage/mansion. Cottage/mansion 300 feet from the beach, of course. And I would also have an art studio in one of those pastel-colored townhouses in Sanditon proper. And I'd have another pastel-hued townhouse for a B&B so you can stay too, @BusyOctober.

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On 3/14/2022 at 11:18 AM, treeofdreams said:

I didn't like Sidney either; I never understood the transition from Sidney and Charlotte disliking each other to them suddenly being so in love.  Since I dozed off a bit both times around, just about the time this happened, perhaps I missed something.  Did I?  

I just did a rewatch, and I think what happened is Sidney originally thought she was just a silly country miss.  But then she proved herself very "capable" with Stringer's father's leg by making the tourniquet, and helping the doctor.  And then she braved going to London to try to find Miss Lambe, as well as the brothel and a carriage chase.  Afterwards, he told her he had underestimated her.

That was all I saw to give him a change of heart about her.  Maybe seeing her genuine friendship with Miss Lambe also played a part.

I'm not sure how I feel about Season 2 so far.  My favorite part of the first season was Lord Babbington and Esther, so I will very much miss him, and them as a couple.  I feel like I've been cheated out of seeing their married relationship.  I also don't like that Edward is back.  I guess they need a villain, but wish they could have come up with someone new.


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Bleh.  What I feared has happened - the show losing the actors I had really liked in their parts has dimmed things for me.  I never warmed to Sidney so I don't much care that they killed him off.  But I dearly miss Young Stringer and his earnest charm,  and Babbington, oh, Babbington, that actor also has that special "it" for me.   And obviously I am not the only one who thinks so judging by how busy the actor is.   I really did not want to see the icky step brother back and I am afraid they are going to kill Babbington off off-screen at some point.

So far all the new guys are meh! to me. Even Charlotte seems less vivacious and a bit faded.

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6 hours ago, magdalene said:

So far all the new guys are meh! to me. Even Charlotte seems less vivacious and a bit faded.

All of the new guys look alike to me.  I will have a hard time sorting them out, I fear.  I wasn't that fond of SIdney but at least he stood out.

I had to laugh at the soldiers marching through town, it was more like ambling.  The British army was very regimented (no pun intended) and they would be marching in lockstep not shuffling along like they were on a seaside stroll.

The whole "saving the child from a rearing horse" scene was so standard as was the overturned carriage.  I expected more from the writers.

Hate the kid (Leo?) and the smarmy, Snidely Whiplash, mustache twirling brother.  "I've turned over a new leaf, aunt" my ass.

Not sure this is going to be a Sunday night staple for me.  I will give it one more chance and decide then.

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The whole "saving the child from a rearing horse" scene was so standard as was the overturned carriage.  I expected more from the writers.

There were several scenes I found especially groan-worthy and those were the worst. Alison opening her eyes to find her new love interest gazing down upon her - OMG. So cringe. Subtle as a jackhammer. And just the idea of her and Georgiana racing around the group of soldiers in a carriage on the beach made them look like they were about 12 years old. 

The other part was Charlotte, Georgiana and Alison just being allowed to casually stroll through the soldiers' campgrounds unaccompanied, nobody stopping them, and out pops Colonel Lennox stripped to the waist. He might as well have had a neon sign over him blinking "new love interest." 

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19 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Maybe because it's been so long since season one but I needed a score card to remember who is who.  So far.......underwhelmed.

And again with the twenty first century hair. A bit of historical accuracy would be appreciated.


19 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Funnily enough, Georgiana brought up the very same idea I had last season: that she and Jolly Parker should get married (but in a sham-marriage sort of way, ya know what I mean?). They could continue on with their platonic bestie adventures ofc.

  • Overall this episode felt very uninspired. I feel like half the actors didn't have their heart in it. 

It's strange...I enjoyed this episode more than the S1 premiere episode.  I suppose it's because S1 had to establish the work of who's who and what's what. I'm really looking forward to this season...which I didn't expect as the storylines of S1 unfolded. [Or maybe I just forgot how mad and disenchanted I was with Sanditon since I didn't rewatch S1 at all]

As for Miss Lambe and Jolly Parker, I know it would solve her issues if she married him since he doesn't seem like the controlling type, but I hope she marries for true love. 

18 hours ago, SonofaBiscuit said:

The Charlotte actress looked tired/worn-out and just generally unwell. And I don’t recall complaining about her hair in season one, but it looked messy bad most of the episode.


18 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

 But, Charlotte’s messy long hair isn’t correct to the period either.  Nor is the idea of shirtless men wandering amongst women in public. 

I've given up on the show adhering to how unmarried women wore their hair in this time period.

15 hours ago, magdalene said:

So far all the new guys are meh! to me. Even Charlotte seems less vivacious and a bit faded.


1 hour ago, sharifa70 said:

Considering she’s grieving Sidney’s death, I’ll cut her some slack on that front. It has to be hard for her to put up a front when she can’t publicly mourn him.

Yes, I too thought Charlotte wasn't as lively as S1, but when she & Mary had the talk about how Charlotte wasn't allowed to mourn Sidney (at least in public), the light bulb went off about why she seemed more subdued/downcast than S1.

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I think I'm going to enjoy the second season way more than the first. I never liked her love interest from the first season (Pamuk from Downton Abbey)--he was a huge jerk to her from beginning to end. I'm happy to find out he's dead in the second season and she has a hot colonel to go for now. Plus, I like the storyline of her becoming a governess... I just hope they aren't setting her up to be with the father, I don't think I'd be crazy about that based on the actor. Maybe they just want there to be a triangle with her having to choose between the two men at the end. I still think (and hope) she'll end up with the colonel since her sister is being setup with one of the men below him; it'll be like the sisters are still together at the end even though they're both married, if it goes that way.

I also like Lady Babington being one of the good characters. The character is interesting and the actress is really beautiful. But hopefully her husband will show up again, I liked them together--and no going backwards to the brother, ugh. Lady Denham continues to be hateful. Charlotte's sister is annoying.

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29 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I also like Lady Babington being one of the good characters. The character is interesting and the actress is really beautiful. But hopefully her husband will show up again, I liked them together--and no going backwards to the brother, ugh. Lady Denham continues to be hateful.

Lady Denham saying that Edward's remorse might be genuine seems like a hint that she is the one who might be taken in by Edward.  Esther had to remind her that he is never genuine.


Charlotte's sister is annoying.

It looks like they will be pairing her up with Georgiana when Charolotte is away being a governess.  I predict hijinks, and covering for each other as they have secret romances.

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2 hours ago, izabella said:

Lady Denham saying that Edward's remorse might be genuine seems like a hint that she is the one who might be taken in by Edward.  Esther had to remind her that he is never genuine.

I hope that's how it'll go, but I'm a little scared about her storyline being a baby plot with the husband often absent... I'm just imagining something very soapy happening like Edward getting her pregnant and then she tries to keep it from coming out. Really hope it doesn't go there.

But perhaps they brought him back for there to be more of a Wickham story here. Maybe he ends up ruining Charlotte's sister and the colonel comes swooping in to save Charlotte by forcing him to marry the sister or something similar.

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Given how hard they hit the thing about how Georgiana is being swarmed by all the fortune hunters and can't tell who might really like her, plus the cliffhanger revelation that Sidney was seeing to her affairs when he died, I'm guessing that her plot will involve her somehow losing her fortune. Then she'll be able to figure out who really likes her for herself. And then after that guy has committed, the good news will come that her fortune is intact, after all.

I'm amused by the fact that they're now not only borrowing plots from other Austen books, but they're pulling in Jane Eyre, as well. There were characters threatened with being governesses in Austen, but I don't think we actually had one have to follow through.

It was also amusing how they had to try to explain away the absence of all the characters whose actors became unavailable before they got the surprise renewal.

I'm iffy on how much I actually enjoy this, but I might get some fun out of snarking on it.

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2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I think I'm going to enjoy the second season way more than the first. I never liked her love interest from the first season (Pamuk from Downton Abbey)--he was a huge jerk to her from beginning to end. I'm happy to find out he's dead in the second season and she has a hot colonel to go for now. Plus, I like the storyline of her becoming a governess... I just hope they aren't setting her up to be with the father, I don't think I'd be crazy about that based on the actor. Maybe they just want there to be a triangle with her having to choose between the two men at the end. I still think (and hope) she'll end up with the colonel since her sister is being setup with one of the men below him; it'll be like the sisters are still together at the end even though they're both married, if it goes that way.

I also like Lady Babington being one of the good characters. The character is interesting and the actress is really beautiful. But hopefully her husband will show up again, I liked them together--and no going backwards to the brother, ugh. Lady Denham continues to be hateful. Charlotte's sister is annoying.

Maybe we'll see Lady Babington with Leo's father/Augusta's uncle once the writers kill Lord Babington off-screen and she escapes the clutches of her horrid stepbrother again.  

Maybe I'm giving the writers too much credit for that deft and creative of a feint with the show. 🤣

Edited by HighQueenEB
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23 hours ago, HoodlumSheep said:

Lastly, I am reminded of how pbs/bbc/whoever made the show blew it by not making tom the ultimate villain. The set up was all there last season and I remember I was mad that they basically decided to wave all his dirty dealings under the rug at the end of s1. It would have probably been the most well written thing in the show??? The obsession he had to build his resort, his marriage slowly falling apart, his ill treatment of Stringer(s) and Co....


25 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

Given how hard they hit the thing about how Georgiana is being swarmed by all the fortune hunters and can't tell who might really like her, plus the cliffhanger revelation that Sidney was seeing to her affairs when he died, I'm guessing that her plot will involve her somehow losing her fortune. Then she'll be able to figure out who really likes her for herself. And then after that guy has committed, the good news will come that her fortune is intact, after all.

I had been thinking, that since Tom has now been named as her guardian, perhaps he embezzles her money to use it for Sanditon.

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I miss Babington. Also liked Clare.

I like Alison so far. I'd be the same way! 

I Love Arthur. Love Esther. 

I wonder where this is filmed. The seaside buildings look so real!

This show is an escape for me big time. The costumes, the set, even the jewelry!

Charlotte's hair is even longer now. Ugh. 

Leonora looks like a young Princess Diana to me.

Edited by seasons
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I simply CANNOT with Charlotte’s military love interest (Lennox?). I had to stop watching “Dickensian” because that actor’s character was so utterly vile. I can’t shake that association.

I was bothered by Charlotte’s hair for the first time. It was a mess. And all the shirtless men was just NOT DONE around ladies. And unmarried ladies hanging around men unchaperoned. Anachronistic madness!

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

But perhaps they brought him back for there to be more of a Wickham story here. Maybe he ends up ruining Charlotte's sister and the colonel comes swooping in to save Charlotte by forcing him to marry the sister or something similar.

Ack! I was hoping Alison wouldn’t be a Lydia Bennett type character so I hope this doesn’t happen. 

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I suspect  Colonel Lennox may be more of a red herring of suitors for Charlotte Of The Pandemic Hair, with Charlotte and her new employer being the  romance-and-marriage end game, as a kind Jane Eyer-derived plot (as @Shanna Marie suggested).
But I really hope instead that Charlotte and Ms. Lambe both manage to maintain some independence of men.


2 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

But perhaps they brought him back for there to be more of a Wickham story here. Maybe he ends up ruining Charlotte's sister and the colonel comes swooping in to save Charlotte by forcing him to marry the sister or something similar.

Esther's wicked step-brother is in debt, and Charlotte's sister has no money, so I don't think that plot works, but I do agree some variation of a Wickham plot is likely. I just hope they don't have him involved in any rape→pregnancy plot with anyone. 

Arthur (Jolly?) Parker + Charlotte's sister Allison seems like a possible match, so long as he and Miss Lambe remain life-long friends. But I also thought he might be gay, and perhaps he and The Artist would be OTP.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I think I’ll be able to watch this casually and enjoy it well enough for the scenery and costumes. Will sorely miss Young Stringer and Babington, though. I was trying to remember if both season 2 and 3 were filmed together? I believe they were? If so, I guess there’s not really any hope for even one scene of an Esther and Lord reunion?

There was an almost whiplash swing in tone between maudlin and...silly. Given some of the interviews I’ve read or seen, I think the powers that be are trying to make up for the lack of a happy ending for Charlotte in the first season by throwing in every entertaining scenario (read: tropes galore) possible. It was almost comical with all the callbacks and references but, then again, some were cliche and so unsubtle as to be eye-rolling.

I try to give characters 3 episodes to prove themselves, but upon first impression, Lydia-lite was predictably annoying. I hope they'll be able to play out a decent Eleanor/Marianne dynamic. The men were a lackluster bunch at first glance, though I could see Fraser winning me over. I also thought Charlotte’s employer’s niece could prove interesting. And the artist, since it seems he will factor into Georgiana’s and Jolly Parker’s arcs, which I’m always here for.

I suspect the biggest reveal will regard Georgiana’s holdings/fortune in the islands and Sidney’s dealings there prior to his demise. And I agree with the theory up-thread that she may have more to fear from Tom than any marriage hunter.

Esther's storyline, sans Babbers and especially with creeper Edward prowling, makes me sad.

At least, it appears we won't be in suspense long about anything. It moves along at a pretty fast clip (mixed blessing), so answers can never be more than an episode or two away.

Edited by Kabota
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10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Arthur (Jolly?) Parker + Charlotte's sister Allison seems like a possible match, so long as he and Miss Lambe remain life-long friends. But I also thought he might be gay, and perhaps he and The Artist would be OTP.

Arthur (some have nicknamed him "Jolly" since that's what he is) seems quite firm that marriage is not for him so I assume he knows he is not attracted to women and thus would be a disappointing husband in that regard. I like his friendship with Miss Lambe.

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Given how hard they hit the thing about how Georgiana is being swarmed by all the fortune hunters and can't tell who might really like her, plus the cliffhanger revelation that Sidney was seeing to her affairs when he died, I'm guessing that her plot will involve her somehow losing her fortune. Then she'll be able to figure out who really likes her for herself. And then after that guy has committed, the good news will come that her fortune is intact, after all.

Oh, I hope not. I shudder to think what they would do with the character if that were the case. The story of a black woman of that era, who is pursued solely for her fortune, suddenly finding herself destitute would be horrific to portray realistically and impossible to buy as a color-blind fantasy.

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Just an fyi - I have Amazon prime and a logon id for pbs, but not a paying one for pbs. But I was able to watch S2E2 in full last night! 😲 great episode! But I'd never spoil it for everyone!

I can't wait to discuss it!!



Also, why was there blood on Sidney's bed sheets?!? Beginning of S2_E1.

Do you bleed from yellow fever?

Edited by seasons
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I must have missed something.  Charlotte is a farmer's daughter; how did she become educated enough to be a governess?

Also, do we  know if Sidney was married at the time of his death?   Because whether or not he was would determine what happens to the rich lady's money- if not married, it is still hers; if they are married, her money became his and who will get it now?

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35 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

I must have missed something.  Charlotte is a farmer's daughter; how did she become educated enough to be a governess?

She's country gentry, about the same as the Bennet girls in P&P. Her father's a landowner. Her father may farm some of his own land (with hired help), but he's likely also a landlord and other farmers rent land from him. Depending on their rental agreement, the rent might be a percentage of what they get from crops rather than a flat rate, so her father would make less money if crops were bad. Property ownership makes him more than just a farmer, even if he works in agriculture. A more ordinary farmer would be a tenant who farms land leased from someone else (though some of those leases span generations and are inherited).

She was probably educated by a governess. With that many kids, it would have been worthwhile to hire a governess to educate all the kids, like having a private school of their own.

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