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S01.E01: I Was Flying


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When a malfunction occurs aboard the luxury space cruise ship Avenue 5, it’s up to engineer Billie McEvoy to warn Captain Ryan Clark, Avenue 5 owner Herman Judd and his right-hand-woman Iris Kimura that the incident may have a cataclysmic knock-on effect. As Rav Mulcair manages the situation from mission control back on Earth, Matt Spencer, the head of customer relations, tries his best to calm frayed nerves on board, and persistent passenger Karen Kelly discovers the crew may know more than they’re letting on.

Airing on HBO on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

This feels like a more expensive version of The Orville, and I'm not sure yet whether it's as good. I didn't know Iannucci had anything to do with this until the closing credits started to roll. Definitely a great cast, although I'm afraid Josh Gad's character is going to be painful to endure long-term. Definitely potential here, but still in a wait-and-see mode. 

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5 hours ago, raeb23 said:

Throughout the first half i was wondering why they didn't let Laurie use his natural accent. I loved that it was an actual plot point. 

I loved Veep and several members of the cast in previous roles. However, i haven't liked Kyle Borheimer in anything I've ever seen him in and so far his character here isn't helping me warm up to him.

Thought the Captain's voice/credentials reveal was a nice (didn't see that coming!) twist.  Til then, it seemed like your usual run-of-the-mill, central-casting-loaded, cookie-cutter-comedy.

Never seen Borheimer in anything before; but liked him.  He has a certain EveryGuyNess quality about him that women seem to find endearing and men nonthreatening. I call it the Jacob Kowalski Effect.

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I liked this quite a bit.  I especially liked the Zach Woods character who, even though he was supposedly in customer service, really didn't seem to give two shits about making the customers happy.

I do hope they get rid of the woman with the "I'd like to speak to your manager" haircut.  I know people like her in real life.  Don't need to seem them on TV.

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I'm wondering if and how they'll adress the supply situation. If they planned for an 8 week trip, there is no way they have nearly enough for 3 years.


On 1/20/2020 at 4:59 AM, kay1864 said:

 But really, we’re supposed to accept it’s a spaceship without any propulsion?

Propulsion will help you only so much in space. There is nothing to slow you down, afterall. They mentioned they missed their slingshot point, so that seems believeable.

What seems rather less believable is that they need like 3 rounds around the sun to get back to earth. You should be able to correct your flight path so that one max is enough.

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10 hours ago, Bulldog said:

I do hope they get rid of the woman with the "I'd like to speak to your manager" haircut.  I know people like her in real life.  Don't need to seem them on TV.

Rebecca Front has worked with Iannucci lots before, dating back to the Alan Partridge days and then the TV show "The Thick of It" (which became the film "In the Loop"), so she is probably here to stay.

I liked it when she called Zach Woods' character "Tony Macaroni", heh. 

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This feels like a more expensive version of The Orville,

I don't know about more expensive (though there are a lot more extras) but does it seem like some of the Orville sets are being used here? According to some quick research the shows are not related at all, either by production or distribution, so I don't know how Orville sets could be showing up on another show. Maybe the look of the two shows is just too similar.

Whatever, I like Avenue 5. Kind of a funnier take on the "lost in space" premise.

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Sure seems Orville-inspired, but often inventions and styles and memes pop up simultaneously in unconnected places. 

It was a little difficult for me to stream, so I’m not sure it will be worth watching for me.  But if it was on a streaming service to which I already have access or on an OTA network, I would tune in. 
I thought the way they killed off the real Captain Joe was a little grim for a comedy series opener. 
But Hugh Laurie should be able to carry it. 

14 hours ago, Bulldog said:


I do hope they get rid of the woman with the "I'd like to speak to your manager" haircut.  I know people like her in real life.  Don't need to seem them on TV.

Such folks, while annoying, are also useful.  They are like a dog with a bone when something goes off-beam...and won’t let go until something get done.  Not a bad trait to have. 

But, the writers have made her unlikeable…that’s what needs to be remedied.

Maybe it would play better if the crew had someone on their team whose verbal audacity matched her own.  Also, having that stereotypical, spineless “yes dear” of a husband doesn’t help.  

If what I saw in S1 is all the writers have her bring to the table, then I agree; I don't want to see her.


Edited by PentaHookUp

HATED IT!!! I absolutely LOVED Veep and I cannot believe that the same people are responsible for this dribble. Didn't laugh once...or even smile or smirk. 

Tuned in as I had high hopes it would be as hilarious as Veep and it doesn't come anywhere close. Won't be watching again.

Thankfully The Outsiders has saved Sunday night for me.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Sam Spayaid said:

HATED IT!!! I absolutely LOVED Veep and I cannot believe that the same people are responsible for this dribble. Didn't laugh once...or even smile or smirk. 

Tuned in as I had high hopes it would be as hilarious as Veep and it doesn't come anywhere close. Won't be watching again.

I'm with you!  I loved Veep (well, up until the last 1.5 seasons anyway), and I decided to give this a shot, hoping for some of the old funny.   I didn't laugh once - Hugh Laurie just seemed to be doing the space version of his Tom James character from VEEP, and I didn't love Tom James, the arguing couple got boring, the pushy lady was annoying, the cruise director I wanted to gag, and the Judd guy... ugh.  I will give it one more shot to grab me, but after that, it's adios.

  • Love 2

I have to confess I didn't really laugh much either. I can see potential with the premise but it has an uneasy balance of sci-fi and comedy, like it can't decide which side to land on. The Orville did much better with the humor. 

Veep was SUCH a smart show, it's hard to believe the same person wrote this. The writing felt pretty pedestrian. 

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1 minute ago, PentaHookUp said:

 It is not as good as… What kind of critique is that?  Means nothing to the 7,999,999,997 folks like me who has never seen whatever show someone is raving on and on about.

Never saw "Veep" (willing to bet I'm not the only one here); so can't send this show to "comparison hell"...just because.

Saw 1.5 episodes of "Orville" (maybe the only one here who saw .5 of an episode); even so, no comparison possible there either.

Like the premise of this show.  Also like enough of what I saw in S1 to want to come back and see whatelsetheygot.

Did I fall head-over-heels at first sight...No.   But, I'm interested.



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9 hours ago, PentaHookUp said:

Such folks, while annoying, are also useful.  They are like a dog with a bone when something goes off-beam...and won’t let go until something get done.  Not a bad trait to have. 

But, the writers have made her unlikeable…that’s what needs to be remedied.

She stopped short of being totally unlikeable for me because she did not become useless and hysterical when she found out that they were going to take 3 years to get home. I really enjoyed her final scene with the Captain and Silicon Valley Guy where she told the Captain to present a plan to fix the situation. The little exchange "Unless you want to run the ship?" "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." "She's my favourite." made me laugh and it kind of depends on her not being really likeable.

  • Love 2

Hello, my name is Ethan Phillips and once again,

I'm stuck on a spaceship floating around endlessly for several years.

Somebody please kill me now.

This time, that guy from "House" is pretending to be in charge of the ship, and I do mean that.

It turns out, he really IS an actor who was hired by the "real" captain (who is dead now)

because the real captain did not like "socializing with people".

The ship got knocked off course, and now we're on a long way course to nowhere.

If you get this message, please do me a favor.   Don't forget to feed my pet tribble.

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20 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

She stopped short of being totally unlikeable for me because she did not become useless and hysterical when she found out that they were going to take 3 years to get home. I really enjoyed her final scene with the Captain and Silicon Valley Guy where she told the Captain to present a plan to fix the situation. The little exchange "Unless you want to run the ship?" "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." "She's my favourite." made me laugh and it kind of depends on her not being really likeable.

Don't watch too many sitcoms so don't really have examples likethat to draw on.  But, was thinking more in terms of a “Claire” (Modern Family) type.  Claire is three-times the "I'd like to speak to your manager" sort that Karen is.  Yet, Claire is likable, a pleasure to see in action, and not at all unlikable. 

Don't consider it an actor-problem; consider it a writer-problem.

On 1/20/2020 at 2:01 PM, Lola82 said:

The 20 second delay had me cracking up, especially when the chaos caught up to earth. 

Was watching the news yesterday and it made me think of this show, and I had to☺️.  They were doing a segment on the weather (from don’t remember where) but, the delay in the feed was so long that it became awkward...twice. 

Poor reporter (you know they always send out some rookie to be blown about in ugly weather); here he was standing there trying to play it cool, even though it was obvious he was "uncomfortable" (and probably a little peeved too).

I guess the person whose job it was to let the reporter know when he was live had an extended brain f-rt…twice.

Edited by PentaHookUp

I never got interested in Veep.  I read a very un-enthusiastic review in the Washington Post.  I didn't know how much of Josh Gad I could take when he wasn't just the voice of a snowman.  I watched a trailer that seemed unfunny, and if you can't edit your best bits for the trailer, what hope is there for  the entire show?   I tuned in for a quick look based on Hugh Laurie alone.  

And surprisingly, I liked it.  I think it had the rough spots that any pilot episode would have, trying to set up the rest of the series.  But I smiled a lot and laughed several times, especially at the Captain's surprise twist.  

I'm in for a while at least. 


There was the typical exposition for a first episode but they got to the plot quick enough and introduced the cast smoothly. There's enough that I want to see more. I liked the twist of the captain being an actor. 

Nowadays shows are a mix - there can be drama in a comedy so I don't really care if it's not all jokes all the time. 

On 1/22/2020 at 4:19 PM, Twilight Man said:

Hello, my name is Ethan Phillips and once again,

I'm stuck on a spaceship floating around endlessly for several years.

Somebody please kill me now.

This time, that guy from "House" is pretending to be in charge of the ship, and I do mean that.

It turns out, he really IS an actor who was hired by the "real" captain (who is dead now)

because the real captain did not like "socializing with people".

The ship got knocked off course, and now we're on a long way course to nowhere.

If you get this message, please do me a favor.   Don't forget to feed my pet tribble.

Thought that was Mr. Noodle, or at least Mr. Noodle's brother.

On 1/21/2020 at 7:48 AM, Phishbulb said:

Rebecca Front has worked with Iannucci lots before, dating back to the Alan Partridge days and then the TV show "The Thick of It" (which became the film "In the Loop"), so she is probably here to stay.

I liked it when she called Zach Woods' character "Tony Macaroni", heh. 

I'd take her over that ball-breaking-“B” of a wife any day.  Not high praise by any means; but at least she isn't the most unlikable person among the cast.

Finally dawn on me what's wrong with this show.  So far, there isn’t a likable person among them.

I think that the reason the show doesn’t draw you in is that you can’t care about anyone on it…their predicament, or what’s going to happen to any of them.  

In fact, there isn’t one among them you wouldn’t do your best to avoid if you caught a glimpse of them coming down the hallway.

I’m asking…

Is there anyone you’ve met so far that you’d want for a mate, spouse, BFF, role model, or sitting your dog? I think not.  Every show, in order to engage fans, must have someone(s) they can identify with/care about/root for.

Anyway, that’s my take.

  • Love 1

I don't think that's necessarily true. 'Engage' doesn't necessarily = rooting for a particular character(s). I would say if a viewer is bored, then that's fundamental failure of a show. I don't think anyone here was blown away by the show based on my take from the discussion, but for me, the captain being 'hired' and the dilemma of an 8 week trip pushed to 3 years is enough to keep me tuned in.

The postmodern tv landscape, let's say from The Sopranos-present, is littered with unlikeable characters. This TPTB may not have invented it, but he perfected successful shows with highly unlikeable people. I don't see that changing here.

  • Love 2

Did not like this at all.

Josh Gad just bugs -- I was hoping that Judd would get sucked out of an airlock.
Zach Woods character, Matt Spencer, was just annoying and not funny at all.  Another candidate for the airlock.

I don't think the word 'Judd' was plastered all over the ship and mission control enough.  Needs more of them. #sarcasm

How exactly would the simulated gravity change inside the ship affect Joe who was outside the ship at the time ?  The simulated gravity was not affecting him BEFORE the flip -- he was floating in space -- so why would it affect him afterwards  Are there only 2 engineers on this entire ship ?

I would have laughed about the issues with the comms delay, but shouldn't they be used to that by now after several months in space -- since the original return trajectory was 95 days, it probably took them a couple of months to get to Titan in the first place.  Judd was acting like he just woke up on the ship and had never encountered the delay before (plus the time delay to Saturn should be more like an hour instead of 20 minutes, but I suppose they have to make some accommodations for a 1/2 hour show).

How come Judd didn't know that ship was driverless and the Captain was an actor ?  He micromanages everything else on the ship, he would have hired Joe as the real Captain.  Right ?

Setting this show to hate-watch status.

  • Love 3
On 1/26/2020 at 1:20 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

I don't think that's necessarily true. 'Engage' doesn't necessarily = rooting for a particular character(s). I would say if a viewer is bored, then that's fundamental failure of a show. I don't think anyone here was blown away by the show based on my take from the discussion, but for me, the captain being 'hired' and the dilemma of an 8 week trip pushed to 3 years is enough to keep me tuned in.

The postmodern tv landscape, let's say from The Sopranos-present, is littered with unlikeable characters. This TPTB may not have invented it, but he perfected successful shows with highly unlikeable people. I don't see that changing here.

I tuned in to this show for the pedigree--Veep was a hilarious comedy from Armando Iannucci and there wasn't really one truly likable character in the bunch. This show tries to use the same or similar template (ie. miserable characters, one gigantic failure after another) but it just doesn't work the way Veep did--nothing is coming together and all the comedic aspects just fall flat.

2 hours ago, Rahul said:

I tuned in to this show for the pedigree--Veep was a hilarious comedy from Armando Iannucci and there wasn't really one truly likable character in the bunch. This show tries to use the same or similar template (ie. miserable characters, one gigantic failure after another) but it just doesn't work the way Veep did--nothing is coming together and all the comedic aspects just fall flat.

True. The characters on Veep weren't exactly warm and fuzzy but the big difference between Veep and this steaming pile of dung, is that the writing on Veep was razor sharp. The insults and creative use of profanity alone elevated it to an art form. When I watched Veep I would have to rewind because I was laughing over the next joke. This show? Not so much.

  • Love 3
On 1/21/2020 at 12:01 PM, Sam Spayaid said:

HATED IT!!! I absolutely LOVED Veep and I cannot believe that the same people are responsible for this dribble. Didn't laugh once...or even smile or smirk. 

Tuned in as I had high hopes it would be as hilarious as Veep and it doesn't come anywhere close. Won't be watching again.

Thankfully The Outsiders has saved Sunday night for me.


On 1/21/2020 at 1:23 PM, patty1h said:

I'm with you!  I loved Veep (well, up until the last 1.5 seasons anyway), and I decided to give this a shot, hoping for some of the old funny.   I didn't laugh once - Hugh Laurie just seemed to be doing the space version of his Tom James character from VEEP, and I didn't love Tom James, the arguing couple got boring, the pushy lady was annoying, the cruise director I wanted to gag, and the Judd guy... ugh.  I will give it one more shot to grab me, but after that, it's adios.


On 1/21/2020 at 2:52 PM, iMonrey said:

I have to confess I didn't really laugh much either. I can see potential with the premise but it has an uneasy balance of sci-fi and comedy, like it can't decide which side to land on. The Orville did much better with the humor. 

Veep was SUCH a smart show, it's hard to believe the same person wrote this. The writing felt pretty pedestrian. 

I came to this board to see if other people found this show is dull, tryhard and woefully unfunny as I did.  I agree that the problem is the writing, which is just horrible.  HBO normally produces amazing content and these are such quality actors that I assumed it would be good.  

Zach Woods character is just a minor deviation from Jared in silicon valley....and not even an interesting take on the character.

Yikes.  Glad many of you enjoy it, but also glad I'm not the only one who finds the show unwatchable.  

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