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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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What a hot mess.

I don’t even know where to begin with Kristina. She’s acting as if she got knocked up by TJ and it was the plan to hand the baby over to him and Molly when the baby was born. She volunteered to be the surrogate. Does she even know what that means? So WHAT if Molly and TK break up down the line? It’s none of her business. Besides, Molly plans on adopting so even if they broke up, she would be the legal parent, biology be damned. And then her delusional statement about baby being raised by two mothers when Allie already told her she didn’t want that. And what if they broke up? The Stupid, it burns.

And Jason should believe this 54222893747473737473th promise of Cujo, why? When she’s broken every single one -but WAIT! None of it’s her fault! I cackled at her teary woebegone face. I’m taking what little pleasures I can while I still can.

Molly? You ever hear of inter-agency cooperation? Federal trumps local and since Robert okayed Jagger’s request, it’s your fucking job to give him what he wants, instead treating Jagger like some predator misogynist. Or find another job.

RIP, Jagger that was awesome.

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Kristina isn't wrong on the plans. They haven't been attending her appointments, so that have furniture? Clothes? Baby toys? Mat leave? Birthing plan when baby due in. 2 weeks?


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I understand Kristina's thinking. When she offered to be their surrogate Molly and TJ seemed like a loving, stable couple. Since she's been pregnant, they've treated her like an object that they are entitled to control, worse than one would treat an employee as they are always telling her what a screwup she is and freaking out over everything that she does, even attending Brook Lynn's wedding. Molly's speech to Kristina about how she knows nothing about a real relationship was very cruel.

This baby is something that Kristina had spent 81/2 months protecting and worrying over. As far as she can see, Molly and TJ have made no plans for after the baby is actually born (Alexis is foolish to say just because Kristina isn't privy to their plans that they have none), no nursery set up, no childcare arrangements. It would be irresponsible to hand the baby to the people that Molly and TJ appear to be today, what if they treat the baby like they treat Kristina herself?

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I don't know why they haven't done the standard birthing classes (sadly, without Epiphany), the omg Braxton Hicks contractions!, spiking blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc.  Does Molly even have a sonogram photo?

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On 7/25/2024 at 12:32 PM, jqdeco said:

The entire episode was appalling.  I had to mute Molly and TJ. So tired of everyone being such major hypocrites.

They’re just awful.  Are the writers just sadistic?  Or does this pass for good dialogue to them?

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I enjoyed the Cates egging on Sonny scenes. I’m curious to see how it plays out. I’m probably one of the few who like it when MB plays Sonny all unhinged. He got past security with his gun so that means someone is gonna take a hit. 

Also, Jonathan Jackson, Rick Hearst and Emma Samms are all returning. Did GH get cancelled and nobody told me? It seems bizarre that they are bringing all the heavy hitters back around the same time. I’m looking forward to seeing Rick Hearst. I know he started taping on Monday (yesterday) after their break was over. He’s always fun as Ric. They haven’t mentioned when Jackson starts taping. Maybe, they are waiting for Genie to return after her summer vacation. 

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12 hours ago, Daisy said:

Not to mention if Cates talked to Scorpio (where is Robert?) and that's what set up that meeting why is Molly  going all "well you don't have any reason to ask me for anything." like. shut up molly

None of that exchange made sense. If Robert did agree to release the records Wagger wants, why didn't Molly stop by the office first? Or why didn't Robert send someone who was at the office in the first place over to the courthouse? It was all to set up Wagger yelling at Molly to goad Sonny into taking a swing at Wagger. 

12 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

If the thirty-something boy wonder is so great why is Mommy asking Jason to take care of him if she goes to prison?

I laughed out loud when Carly mentioned Jason looking after Michael. Joss, too, to a lesser degree, given she has a father who may be absent but has never been derelict in his parental duties. And Donna has nannies (and Sonny, regardless of his current mental state), so Jason doesn't need to look after any of Carly's kids.

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

(Alexis is foolish to say just because Kristina isn't privy to their plans that they have none)

I disagree a bit with this. Kristina isn't entitled to know every thought Molly and TJ have about the baby. We definitely should have seen Molly and TJ talk about their plans, but the show wants to keep things so both sides can stay on their respective high horses, valid or not.


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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I laughed out loud when Carly mentioned Jason looking after Michael. Joss, too, to a lesser degree, given she has a father who may be absent but has never been derelict in his parental duties. And Donna has nannies (and Sonny, regardless of his current mental state), so Jason doesn't need to look after any of Carly's kids.

everytime Carly says something like this it just makes me mad all over again, because it's her pathetic way to continue to stay "connected" to Jason. She knows how much Jason putting her children above his own ticks off at least Sam. (I don't know if she and Elizabeth had this discussion). but she should have the sense God gave a gnat to at least consider it. 

stop trying to make fetch happen Carly. no matter how much you throw your kids at Jason he's never going to actually be with you. 

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Kristina should definitely be in birthing classes, and either Molly, TJ or both should be with her as her coach.  This whole thing has been written as though Kristina is expected to just drop the baby off when she’s “done” with it.

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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

He got past security with his gun so that means someone is gonna take a hit. 

I'm pretty sure he left it behind when Brick texted him that there were metal detectors. He locked it up when Dante came knocking on his door, but didn't bring it out.

Then again, it's par for the course for this show to not show that, and suddenly have Mooby with the gun.

50 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I disagree a bit with this. Kristina isn't entitled to know every thought Molly and TJ have about the baby. We definitely should have seen Molly and TJ talk about their plans, but the show wants to keep things so both sides can stay on their respective high horses, valid or not.


I agree. The whole story was set up to cause nothing but conflict. Kristina might as well be the literal vessel for Molly and TJ.

And NOW Kristina is wondering who will care for the baby? She knew that Molly and TJ have careers when she offered to do this for them. All of it so beyond STOOPID, I don't know why I'm trying to make any sense out of it. Because I really don't care. I mean, even couples who are adopting a child from a young teen who will be giving the baby up-spend time with her, go shopping, get sonograms, etc. (as I've seen on other shows), but here? Nope. Kristina is just there for Molly and TJ to try and control and criticize, as if the baby she's carrying is one she "stole" or something and they have to put up with her until she pops it out.

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Carly comes off so deeply mentally ill in her scenes with Jason.  I didn't know how long you'd be away from meeeeee Jason.  Totally whacked.  

I'm taking a break until the rumored reset in Sept.  I guess by then Jagger (who I LOVED when he first came on)  will either be dead, or be Sonny's biggest defender, having learned his lesson.  And I don't want to see that.  I swear these writers and Frank are on some kind of major league drugs. 

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16 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Who know doubt are the ones who told Carly when and where Donna likes her tomatoes.

what cracked me up was that both Michael and Carly thought this was weird. EVERYONE has weird eating nuances like that. and if you are going to tell me that SONNY doesn't know about Donna's tomato preferences it's like shut up. Sonny's pretty good w/that sort of crap. 

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It's not as if Donna is deathly allergic to tomatoes and Sonny is unaware. It's where she wants her tomatoes when she eats them. She'll survive if they're in the wrong place. Good grief.

ETA: And we all know Sonny does more actual cooking for Donna than Carly ever has. He probably knows Donna's tomato preferences. It would have made more sense if Carly said that Donna has recently started hating them and won't eat them.

But the writers are this show have no sense.

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 hours ago, CeChase said:

I'm taking a break until the rumored reset in Sept

what's this, now?

Also, all the baby drama can be over with a Tock.  Though no matter what reasons the doctors give, Molly and TJ will totally blame Kristina.

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11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Also, Jonathan Jackson, Rick Hearst and Emma Samms are all returning. Did GH get cancelled and nobody told me?

Tbh, it feels like they are throwing the kitchen sink in terms of stunt casting to try to improve the ratings. They hedged their bets on Jason’s return doing it but aside from his first week back, the ratings have continued to drop. 

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Jagger has really crossed the line trying to provoke Sonny after finding out his meds have been messed with (that's probably was Ava what hoping he'd do when she revealed that). Instead of being a stand up guy, they're writing him as unprofessional and taking whatever shortcuts he can to nail Sonny. Hopefully it also means the meds stuff will be more widely revealed soon because it's been going on too long

Edited by DanaK
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14 minutes ago, DanaK said:

Jagger has really crossed the line trying to provoke Sonny after finding out his meds have been messed with (that's probably what Ava what hoping he'd do when she revealed that). Instead of being a stand up guy, they're writing him as unprofessional and taking whatever shortcuts he can to nail Sonny. Hopefully it also means the meds stuff will be more widely revealed soon because it's been going on too long

This is just so, so stupid, just like everything else that's happening on this show right now. I can't believe there are people getting PAID to write this drivel. Has someone at Disney/ABC made them write it into the ground to drive down the ratings so much that it will give them the excuse they need to cancel this show?

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I would have more respect for Sonny & Co. if they acknowledged that they were breaking the law was part of the cost of their business, and dealt with it. All this "we've done nothing wrong, we're just victims"  is very annoying. Molly looked practically crazy today, not ad good look for an ADA.

Why is the judge telling Diane, the attorney in the case before her, how wonderful it is to hear her argue the case?  That should have got her kicked off the case. Why is Michael telling Diane she argued well when she straight out lied that Carly voluntarily turned herself in?

Of course Carly wins. yawn.  The case should have been dismissed without evidence. I had to mute the celebrations. So much smug.

Why are the only children at Wylie's birthday party James and his aunt Donna? What a cheap part?

6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I disagree a bit with this. Kristina isn't entitled to know every thought Molly and TJ have about the baby. We definitely should have seen Molly and TJ talk about their plans, but the show wants to keep things so both sides can stay on their respective high horses, valid or not.


I agree that SO MUCH STUPID.

Kristina isn't entitled to know every thought but it would have been basic decency for Molly to show the baby's room and talk about her plans to take time off work to care for it to the woman who turned her life around for 9 months to give her a child. 

Alexis was wrong today -- Molly is the one who got the genes that thinks she's right all the time.

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

All of it so beyond STOOPID, I don't know why I'm trying to make any sense out of it. Because I really don't care. I mean, even couples who are adopting a child from a young teen who will be giving the baby up-spend time with her, go shopping, get sonograms, etc. (as I've seen on other shows), but here? Nope. Kristina is just there for Molly and TJ to try and control and criticize, as if the baby she's carrying is one she "stole" or something and they have to put up with her until she pops it out.

 TJ and Molly are treating Kristina like a commodity. A bad, malevolent commodity. As past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour, why would they treat the baby any differently once it starts to inconvenience them?


3 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

Also, all the baby drama can be over with a Tock.  Though no matter what reasons the doctors give, Molly and TJ will totally blame Kristina.

God, I hope that it's a tock even though Kristina will be blamed. But I have no interest in a custody battle and TJ and Molly shouldn't have custody of a pet at this point.

2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Tbh, it feels like they are throwing the kitchen sink in terms of stunt casting to try to improve the ratings. They hedged their bets on Jason’s return doing it but aside from his first week back, the ratings have continued to drop

Justifiably. The writing is awful.

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24 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Of course Carly wins. yawn.  The case should have been dismissed without evidence. I had to mute the celebrations. So much smug.


to again. what was the point. like i am so tired of this show writing anything without serious consequences. Unless your name is Nina and then it's all about the consequences. 

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1 hour ago, norahs99 said:

Has someone at Disney/ABC made them write it into the ground to drive down the ratings so much that it will give them the excuse they need to cancel this show?

Doesn't matter what the ratings are, because ABCD doesn't have anything to replace GH. If they had something viable, I think GH would be long gone.

47 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Kristina isn't entitled to know every thought but it would have been basic decency for Molly to show the baby's room and talk about her plans to take time off work to care for it to the woman who turned her life around for 9 months to give her a child. 

We haven't seen Molly and TJ talk about any of this stuff, so it's not as if we can see they are deliberately leaving Kristina out of things. That's why I can't get too worked up about her not knowing anything. Viewers don't either.

Again, more stupidity.

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7 hours ago, JMO said:

Kristina should definitely be in birthing classes, and either Molly, TJ or both should be with her as her coach.  This whole thing has been written as though Kristina is expected to just drop the baby off when she’s “done” with it.

If that’s what Molly and TJ wanted then they should have gone with a stranger for the surrogate.  Not Mollys sister who is living in the same town and going to be in their lives constantly.  Kristina will be the baby’s aunt by adoption but also the bio mom.  I’m not against surrogacy at all but using a relative…it’s just very messy.

3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Also, Jonathan Jackson, Rick Hearst and Emma Samms are all returning. Did GH get cancelled and nobody told me?

I just saw the guy who played Zander’s dad is coming back too. It’s like every other day someone else is being added to this over inflated cast.  I like all of these people actually,  but are they all needed?   They don’t properly utilize the cast they already have.  It’s definitely weird.

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WTF.  I’m only continuing to watch this dumpster dive of a show for sightings of Brennan and waiting for Ric, Holly and Lucky. I have to fast forward thru most of the nonsense.

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7 hours ago, JMO said:

Kristina should definitely be in birthing classes, and either Molly, TJ or both should be with her as her coach.  This whole thing has been written as though Kristina is expected to just drop the baby off when she’s “done” with it.

You have a great point. They are writing this as if this was an adoption of a random baby of someone they don't know (and aren't allowed to know) or a very traditional adoption of an infant given up at birth. 

Other than complaining about Kristina for just about everything, Molly and TJ don't seem very engaged in this pregnancy - no plans, no furniture, no baby shower, even. They might as well be buying a used (but newish) car. 

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45 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

If that’s what Molly and TJ wanted then they should have gone with a stranger for the surrogate.

They did; she miscarried. So then Kristina offered.

45 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I just saw the guy who played Zander’s dad is coming back too

Lanie Davies was only on for like three days, and he played Neil's other brother, who didn't want Alexis to get her license back.

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

They did; she miscarried. So then Kristina offered.

They should have declined.  Maybe if they stopped bitching about Kristina for a split second they could actually focus on bonding with their child.

2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Lanie Davies was only on for like three days, and he played Neil's other brother, who didn't want Alexis to get her license back.

I stopped watching for a bit during all the Neil business.  So will this actually be Davies’ THIRD character on this show??

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17 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Other than complaining about Kristina for just about everything, Molly and TJ don't seem very engaged in this pregnancy - no plans, no furniture, no baby shower, even. They might as well be buying a used (but newish) car. 

honestly. if i were writing this. 
I would love if Molly said to Alexis in a quiet moment - I don't think i actually really want the baby. I THOUGHT i did. but the closer it gets i think what really bothered me was that i couldn't have babies and that choice was taken away from me so of course I rebelled  and i moved heaven and earth to try to get a baby just to show i could, and of course i got wrapped up in it - but i think the reason why i'm being so miserable is because i just don't want it.  

(and then honestly I would make the baby a tock because honestly i don't think  we need more babies). but that would be a serious come to jesus moment for everyone. 

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9 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I stopped watching for a bit during all the Neil business.  So will this actually be Davies’ THIRD character on this show??

Unless I missed it, this was only his second character on the show? The first was as Zander's dad, and most recently, Neil's brother.

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Ugh, Wiley and James. There is not enough I DON'T CARE in the world for those two brats. 

Again, Carly was in lockup at the PCPD. Everyone is acting as if it was the gulag. Of course her case was dismissed, because why eke out any drama from Carly being behind bars for less than 24 hours? And the US attorney apologizes? Barf.

But the best part was Sonny making it all about him, as always. Never change, Corinthos!

Anna had quite the exposition dump today with Brennan.

Tock the stupid baby and blame be damned. I HATE this story.


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Today On "Cates: World's Most Heinous Man"

First they have John literally snarling and grunting like an animal at Sonny. Next Anna bad mouths him to the WSB, while Dante does the similar duty at the PCPD. Next the judge totally dresses him down and threatens to hold him in contempt, while giving Carly and Diane generous tongue baths. Finally, the PROSECUTION approaches Carly to APOLOGIZE and assure her they will be looking into Cates egregious behavior.

Next Time: Agent Cates arrests a puppy for peeing on the carpet and vows not to rest until that puppy is put down. Later, it is revealed Cates planted pee on the carpet! 


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5 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Tbh, it feels like they are throwing the kitchen sink in terms of stunt casting to try to improve the ratings. They hedged their bets on Jason’s return doing it but aside from his first week back, the ratings have continued to drop. 

FV isn't a quick learner at all. 

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My favorite part of today's episode was the obvious Spinelli influence in James trying to say "Greetings and Salutations!"

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James and Wiley are obnoxious. Why does everyone have to go to the metro court pool for a party? 

Jason stayed away for three years and Carly going freee is the end of the story?  Cates said the fbi has been investigating Sonny for years and they still can’t arrest him?

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26 minutes ago, ljr said:

Cates said the fbi has been investigating Sonny for years and they still can’t arrest him?

You really have to wonder about law enforcement on this show. 

Why did they make Cates go off the deep end?

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14 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Why did they make Cates go off the deep end?

Because Frank didn’t like what Mulcahey was writing and he’s (Frank) a petty and vindictive ASSHOLE.

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10 hours ago, CeChase said:

I'm taking a break until the rumored reset in Sept. 

Can someone please tell me more about this?

Also, has the new writing staff taken over yet?  I'm not being snarky here, but in half-watching the second 30 minutes of today's episode, it almost seemed like one of the character's bizarre dream sequences. But it wasn't, was it?

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I think today was the best that Maxie looked this entire year. She looked great. The hair, the clothes and makeup.

The pool isn't even deep enough for Wylie and James.

I think Pikeman story is finally dead and buried.

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So Brennan I guess wipes the evidence. He back in charge. 

Jason recording gone in 5 mins so his deadbeat years of choosing Carly over his sons was worth anything?

Carly said Jason's free, Jason was always free. 

Sonny's "what is wrong with you people" was funny. 


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It was a FUCKING ARRAIGNMENT! NOT THE TRIAL!!!!! The state/government does not, I REPEAT DOES NOT present evidence! Have NONE OF these NIMRODIC MAROONS ever watched Law & Order??!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Angry Cat GIF by LEGO

All they had to say was Cujo is acussed of RICO and bail should be x $$$.

Then figure out how the evidence was tampered with or whatever.

And SHUT YOUR MOUTH, Cujo, with your “you were just doing your job”, something that Jagger was doing.

She, Diane, the stupid judge who came off as OJ’s judge, the spineless US Attorney, his weasel, Molly, Dante, and Anna, can all FUCK OFF AND DIE.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Also, has the new writing staff taken over yet?  I'm not being snarky here, but in half-watching the second 30 minutes of today's episode, it almost seemed like one of the character's bizarre dream sequences. But it wasn't, was it?

Do you mean the old new writing staff or the new new writing staff which is really the old writing staff?

Patrick Mulcahey was head writer for a brief moment which gave us John Cates the admirable FBI agent and some home truths for Carly and Jason. I guess Frank didn't like that and so Mulcahey is out and CvE back to steer with Elizabeth Korte.  Mulcahey's storylines are supposed to ply out through August but they've already been gutted as shown by today's show.

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13 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Can someone please tell me more about this?

Also, has the new writing staff taken over yet?  I'm not being snarky here, but in half-watching the second 30 minutes of today's episode, it almost seemed like one of the character's bizarre dream sequences. But it wasn't, was it?

I only meant that Pikeman, Sonny's meds, and the baby drama are ending.  Lucky is returning, and I read somewhere that's going to be a reset.  But honestly I don't know what it means at all.  And I don't expect better writing, or a better mix of characters, because, well, for obvious reasons.  I just can't what we are getting right now.  I can't watch.  So maybe it will get marginally better?  

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13 hours ago, nilyank said:

I think Pikeman story is finally dead and buried.

Another story that ends with less than a whimper. So I guess Valentin went on the run for nothing? Not that I care, but they made such a big deal of Anna giving him that two-hour head start, and if Brennan can erase all of his (Brennan's) records, he can do the same for Val's.

Whatever. If the story is dead and buried, yay. Maybe now Anna can stop crying over Val and Charlotte and toughen up to do her PCPD job. 

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25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Maybe now Anna can stop crying over Val and Charlotte and toughen up to do her PCPD job. 

I'd rather Anna go to jail and we never see her again.

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New ratings dropped this morning.  It's so bad.  I don't know how they avoid being cancelled if they keep Frank and Korte in charge.  I really don't. 

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11 minutes ago, CeChase said:

New ratings dropped this morning.  It's so bad.  I don't know how they avoid being cancelled if they keep Frank and Korte in charge.  I really don't. 

because they don't have anything to replace it with. and even though we only have 4 soaps left - GH keeps winning (how, i have no idea). so arguably they can go "I know our numbers are low but we keep winning accolades see."

and it's like they don't care about the numbers they care about the "Let's make Sonny/Jason/Carly crowd." happy.  There's so little actual romance, there's so little soapy moments. (and the soapy moments that we do get - gets like super zoomed by). the "bad" people are the ones who actually report things, and the victims are the ones who do actual bad things. 

honestly i feel that they feel  its better to keep the vocal minority happy then to just take a risk and write better soap and piss them off and the numbers still don't improve. which is stupid if you ask me.

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2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

because they don't have anything to replace it with. and even though we only have 4 soaps left - GH keeps winning (how, i have no idea). so arguably they can go "I know our numbers are low but we keep winning accolades see."

and it's like they don't care about the numbers they care about the "Let's make Sonny/Jason/Carly crowd." happy.  There's so little actual romance, there's so little soapy moments. (and the soapy moments that we do get - gets like super zoomed by). the "bad" people are the ones who actually report things, and the victims are the ones who do actual bad things. 

honestly i feel that they feel  its better to keep the vocal minority happy then to just take a risk and write better soap and piss them off and the numbers still don't improve. which is stupid if you ask me.

It IS stupid.  And if the reason is they don't have anything to replace it with, well, that won't last forever.  They may get highly motivated to develop something to replace it with if these ratings keep up. 

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13 minutes ago, CeChase said:

It IS stupid.  And if the reason is they don't have anything to replace it with, well, that won't last forever.  They may get highly motivated to develop something to replace it with if these ratings keep up. 

yeah. I don't know how much Frons is basically going "Everything is fine" here memeing but they really need to get their poo together. 

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