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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I shivered when Stella mentioned cake. Baked goods are up there with Michael's girlfriends as to limited lifespans.

Ugh, sobbing Olivia is my least favorite Olivia. 

13 minutes ago, Daisy said:

HATE Trina not being Taggert's daughter. 

Now and forever.

"Is it something I said?" Yes, Stella, it was something you said. Trina was an official member of the family due to Portia being a member of the family. Trina didn't need another link. It's as if Marcus doesn't exist anymore. These people suck.

15 minutes ago, Desperado said:

[Olivia] claiming she believed Ned when he swore he wasn’t the leak, was beyond grating.

That was a bit much, given how long it took Olivia to finally believe Ned.

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11 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Sasha’s psychiatrist being a gambler who knows Gladys does not bode well for her.

It doesn't bode well for him either. If he reports to give Sasha back her money, all Gladys has to do is report him to the Medical Board as a big time gambler, and that he refused to recuse himself from her case in spite of knowing Gladys socially.

I liked Carly's earrings. But once again, she and Drew think that the only way get out of the charges is to blackmail Tracy. Maybe if you add the two of them together you might get an IQ of 100.

So now TJ, the ubiquitous intern is now shadowing the neurologist. I guess there were more complaints that an intern was treating the serious brain injury. What a penny ante hospital.

3 minutes ago, MarciNJ said:

for now....

I really hope so. Curtis and his grasping family (now including Aunt Stella) don't deserve Trina. and Curtis doesn't deserve this pain.

Nice body on Curtis.  I guess he spends a lot of time at the gym because we rarely see him working.

Why does Portia care who is helping Taggart? She gave up on him.


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Portia's big smile and giggles, couple with the flashback of her asking Jordan if she saw Taggert made me wanna throttle her. 

Olivia grew a spine. Still can't stand her, though.

Real Andrews for the win. His scenes were off the charts good. His heart break broke my heart. The gang at the pool really sucks, especially Portia and Curtis. 

I bet Taggert and Trina never share a scene again.

Zeke looked like he was dressed to go to a beach party, not to meet SEC lawyers. 

Carly and Drew still suck a whole lot of donkey ass.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

So now TJ, the ubiquitous intern is now shadowing the neurologist. I guess there were more complaints that an intern was treating the serious brain injury. What a penny ante hospital.

sure, sure....  I mean, he finished caring for his oncology patient, what was he supposed to do?

1 minute ago, YaddaYadda said:

Portia's big smile and giggles, couple with the flashback of her asking Jordan if she saw Taggert made me wanna throttle her. 

right up there with Carly's stupid laugh...

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this needs repeating forever Drew came in with his sole desire to be with Scout. he had her name scratched into the wall, it's what kept him sane. and I will say these writers deserved to be smacked because we barely saw any Drew making attempts to get to know Scout again (i can really only count two). now that she remembers him we barely see them together (or even the "I spent so much time w/Scout last night) 

and now this donkey is ready to go to jail FOR CARLY because DONNA needs her mother but whatever about his daughter our relationship is different? like just go away

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51 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Paragon of virtue doesn't feel guilty about that. If he felt an ounce of anything, he would have told Portia the truth.

Just wait until he finds out about Jordan and Zeke. He'll make more of that face.

I’m actually hoping Zeke tells Portia about tonsil hockey and Portia kicks Curtis to the curb before he has a chance to ‘explain.’ I have no love for Portia, but he’s jerked her around so much that she deserves a win. And then I want Trina to find out and tel lCurtis to FOAD

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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

this needs repeating forever Drew came in with his sole desire to be with Scout. he had her name scratched into the wall, it's what kept him sane. and I will say these writers deserved to be smacked because we barely saw any Drew making attempts to get to know Scout again (i can really only count two). now that she remembers him we barely see them together (or even the "I spent so much time w/Scout last night) 

and now this donkey is ready to go to jail FOR CARLY because DONNA needs her mother but whatever about his daughter our relationship is different? like just go away

I remember when Drew had no use for Carly and left the mob because he was prioritizing his children and his marriage over Carly and Sonny.

One of Drew's many redeeming qualities back in the good old times of Drew was how much he loved his children, his wife, his mother.

Now that's gone and what's left is an aberration with the IQ of a rotten cabbage.

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Ugh, back off and let the girl breathe, Family Ashford.  God, they were one step away from invoking the Carlys 'one of us, one of us' attitude about Trina. 

Olivia acting like she always believed Ned was something else.  It's hard to cheer her on when she spent the majority of the last month on Carly ("she's my best friend!") and Drew's side over her husband. 

Speaking of the two criminals, I cannot believe they are still going on about how only Ned can save them from what would probably amount to a few months in a Club Fed prison.  And, yes, this Drew, who doesn't give a fuck about his own kid and is picking Carly over Scout, is just an abomination.  The character destruction of it all. 

Lastly, worst of all is my DVR didn't record, which I should've taken as a sign.  But, no, I had to go watch on Hulu.  Shame on me. 

Edited by Cheyanne11
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I saw the Olivia scenes on Twitter and was shocked (but happy) to see her yelling at Carly!! Someone needs to and more often!! LOL!! I watched that little blow up a few times! My sister told me Olivia got good news about Ned at the end of the episode. I’m not sure why they didn’t play out the drama a bit more. GH is clueless on how to maximize the limited drama they offer. See the whimper of an ending to that Jex/Sonny dilemma! The uncertainty re: Ned could have lasted a couple of days at least - give other actors and actresses who aren’t featured as much a chance to act. Oh well!! 

I also saw the Taggert scenes. RA was phenomenal! It really burns me up that - after having blown up Taggert’s entire life - Portia is all giddy and happy because she has her perfect family now with Curtis, the ass, as the daddy! She doesn’t care at all about Taggert! Portia is sickening!! 

Edited by lala2
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Carly and Drew came off real bad today, even for them. First Carly’s “Drew would save anyone” comment had the underlying message that Ned didn’t deserve it since he “betrayed” them. Then continuing to lament with Drew about hoping Ned wakes up because he’s their ticket to get out of jail and Drew still continuing with his plan to blackmail Tracy when her son is fighting for his life and she had zero to do with the insider trading. 

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Tracy should have been at the hospital to drop kick Carly out of there.  Olivia so quick to hold onto her was appealing after her and Drew treated him. 

Olivia didn't treat Ned much better, she's acting like she cares so much now.

Why is this Gladys and Cody story still here? I guess they could be dragging until maternity leave. 

What does Drew think he can do with what he thinks he has on Tracy? 

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12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Like the rest of you, I honestly don't understand how blackmailing Tracy gets Drew and Carly off the hook. 

It’s a giant reach. I think the general idea Drew is hoping that Tracy will put pressure on Ned to bail them out so she won’t get in trouble. However, Drew has no idea what she’s actually up to, no proof of anything, and Ned doesn’t exactly have a history of bailing out his mother, not to mention that Ned is in the hospital dealing with a brain injury.

I’m still trying to figure out how Ned became this major person that can get anyone out of federal crimes. He was a small town mayor for 1 year and him being ELQ CEO on and off can’t hold that much pull since Michael has zero influence. 

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8 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

It’s a giant reach. I think the general idea Drew is hoping that Tracy will put pressure on Ned to bail them out so she won’t get in trouble. However, Drew has no idea what she’s actually up to, no proof of anything, and Ned doesn’t exactly have a history of bailing out his mother, not to mention that Ned is in the hospital dealing with a brain injury.

I’m still trying to figure out how Ned became this major person that can get anyone out of federal crimes. He was a small town mayor for 1 year and him being ELQ CEO on and off can’t hold that much pull since Michael has zero influence. 

Honestly, I've always figured that the Q's are Nouveau Riche (Or as my friend likes to call it "Gilmore Girl" rich. I could be wrong but I don't think Edward ever came from money - he's basically like Palmer/Adam/Asa hardworking man, struck it rich, and away they go. 

So just rich enough that yeah of course they have contents with the mayor and maybe other political movers and shakers in the area - because of good financial contributions, maybe in some other keyplaces in the area  but I would really have to side-eye if you said that any of these people would know THAT many people who would have that much cache that could swing a federal case like this. (but then we're supposed to believe that Michael has enough swing to have "contacts" and have someone be charged out of state with a made up crime and actually go out in front of a judge. 


TRACY I could buy knowing all these people who could make things happen  but even then maybe still a reach 

MY thing is and always will be, even if you thought Ned did it. why not just ask Ned/Tracy to help you. Tracy even OFFERED help the first day and Drew brushed her off.  and I think basically until he blackmailed her, Tracy would have. (not Carly, so maybe that is the rub).  but then again as pointed out. Drew has no idea (and how did he get there so fast, I must have missed that part). what/why Tracy is doing what she is doing and you just sloppily burned that bridge like the moron you are, Drew. 

like i don't understand why you would hire a lawyer (out of state even) and still double down on your blackmail plan which would get you in even more trouble if it comes to light. Drew's dumb ass is dumb. 


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28 minutes ago, Daisy said:

(but then we're supposed to believe that Michael has enough swing to have "contacts" and have someone be charged out of state with a made up crime and actually go out in front of a judge. 

Which, btw, if Michael, per Carly, has been "running ELQ for the last ten years" shouldn't HE have all these amazing contacts to miraculously make these federal, totally valid, charges go away?  

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Which, btw, if Michael, per Carly, has been "running ELQ for the last ten years" shouldn't HE have all these amazing contacts to miraculously make these federal, totally valid, charges go away?  

Michael managed to get Nina charged with a non-crime, so he should be able to make Carly's charges go away.

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Michael used Quartermaine money to bribe the DA to charge Nina  because he was running for office at the time. The SEC higher ups would require a lot more more and completely under the table since they are not elected.

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

MY thing is and always will be, even if you thought Ned did it. why not just ask Ned/Tracy to help you. Tracy even OFFERED help the first day and Drew brushed her off.  and I think basically until he blackmailed her,

One explanation is

On 6/13/2023 at 11:10 AM, Sake614 said:

Of course LW also said that if it had been Nina who was accused of insider trading, Carly would have turned her in and then walked away without a second thought and that Carly feels no guilt about all the hateful things she’s done to Nina.

Carly would not help someone unless it's one of her children or there is something in it for her, so she can't imagine that Tracy or Ned would help without being forced to. [/fanwank]

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Carly would not help someone unless it's one of her children or there is something in it for her, so she can't imagine that Tracy or Ned would help without being forced to. [/fanwank]

Carly, I can believe but what's Drew's excuse. (and ultimately, LW's reasoning about Carly is what ultimately hurts the character and why everyone being #teamCarly on the show doesn't work at all) 

we're basically stuck with this mess because I really don't think Chris and Dan realized that this was insider trading to a tee and Michael and Drew flat out should have known that.  they flat out broke the law, and are willing to break the law again, to avoid being persecuted and i'm supposed to root for them because Drew's dumb ass was dumb to simply not petition the court to get scouts shares back because he was, you know alive.. Im pretty sure that's what Ned meant not "let's do this ill advised merger"



1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

I think because she can cry on cue, they think she’s good because they have given her a lot of these moments. She overacts and chews the scenery every time. 

she was horrible  the last few days. she reminds me of the lady who played Eve Russell on Passions. she couldn't cry to save her life.  it really reminded me of this. (but at least LLo can produce tears. Eve Russel couldn't even do that she just boohooed really loudly)

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41 minutes ago, Daisy said:

i'm supposed to root for them because Drew's dumb ass was dumb to simply not petition the court to get scouts shares back because he was, you know alive

I thought he did do that but Ned and Lucy voting against him offset it. Ned should be one of the bigger stakeholders so they can’t win without him. The crux of the issue is Drew decided one day he wanted him and Michael to be the main ones in charge of ELQ over the rest of the family.

I still am not sure if they’ve ever fully explained why that was because, like you said, the merger wasn’t necessary to take back control. Valentin still would have owned a lot of the company but he only had 50% with Scout’s shares. If the Qs banded together on every vote, Valentin would have been powerless.   

Edited by ffwbe
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4 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I thought he did do that but Ned and Lucy voting against him offset that. Ned should be one of the bigger stakeholders so they can’t win without him 

did he? then how does Val have any power? though this stupid share dynamic Edward set up is so confusing.  Scout has her x percent (being a grandkid) & Drews. so if Drew got that back then why drama?

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1 minute ago, Daisy said:

did he? then how does Val have any power? though this stupid share dynamic Edward set up is so confusing.  Scout has her x percent (being a grandkid) & Drews. so if Drew got that back then why drama?

It was an extremely ill thought out plan. Drew wanted to be the main stakeholder instead of just getting Valentin ousted as CEO. I also don’t think Scout had shares of her own since they were only supposed to go to family members who were born at the time Edward died. The ones she had belonged to Drew, hence how he was able to get them back when he turned up alive even though Sam legally signed them over. There’s never been any mention of Michael’s kids having shares and Ned at one point was trying to buy shares for Leo so we know he doesn’t have any either. 

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1 minute ago, ffwbe said:

I also don’t think Scout had shares of her own since they were only supposed to go to family members who were born at the time Edward died.

Scout and Danny both have ELQ shares.

Do you remember that dumb storyline where Sam signed away the shares to Valentin until her kids turned 18 years old so that Valentin could get her away from her parole officer and she could see Jason?

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13 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Scout and Danny both have ELQ shares.

Do you remember that dumb storyline where Sam signed away the shares to Valentin until her kids turned 18 years old so that Valentin could get her away from her parole officer and she could see Jason?

Yeah but I’m pretty sure Scout’s shares were just willed from Drew along with Aurora. Otherwise, Drew would have never been able to get them back since Sam signing them over would have been legal. 

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Drew: what about your children, and your mom and michael and willow, you are the heart of your family they NEED YOUUUUU.  Honestly, please SORAS Scout just so Scout can tell him to drop dead. 

Nina is triggering major weepy face. girl just tell Sonny. 

leo citing. 

I'm so over Curtis.

Maura's hair is looking very frazzled. She needs some really nice shampoo   

Tracy has no time for Cody. heh. "I'm like the Wind. I'm Everywhere." LOVE. TRACY.  

Portia "if you met Zeke, he must have had you pinned down for hours." 
Jordan chokes, and Zeke looked so guilty double heh. 

well this Jordan/Zeke thing is over before it started

Spencer has no time for Portia. Good. Me either

Zeke "Trina shouldn't have to come second." okay. so hold the phone. If the baby was actually Spencer's (and not just his brother) are you & Portia saying that he shouldn't be a good father and put the baby first? (and what Spencer said today - since Nik isn't around to father the baby he wants to be a good example) is a bad thing? Both of you just shut up. 

And there it is. Drew is sacrificing himself so Donna can't live with her father. and Nina. because that would be horrible. We'll ignore the fact that Carly would happily be mob moll queen if given the chance.

Nina is going to go tell Sonny the truth and she leaves the ring behind. 

1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

t was an extremely ill thought out plan. Drew wanted to be the main stakeholder instead of just getting Valentin ousted as CEO.

Good to know they are in this situation because again Drew is dumb and selfish. 

Edited by Daisy
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Portia is such a hypocrite, bad mouthing Spencer to her brother and then telling Spencer that she's glad that he could make it to the party.

Portia, Spencer shouldn't be making Trina a priority, they're dating, not married, and Trina's priority should be her education. It's a healthier relationship if they both have things outside of each other.They both need space to grow up, not prioritize their relationship. Of course Portia, who doesn't have boundaries, is not going to believe that.

Zeke isn't going to make it as a lawyer if he doesn't know what information to tell and what to leave unsaid.

I'm supposed to believe that Hatman played with Miles Davis. Okay, sure.

I have closed captioning on and Drew said "Scout is in a stable" and I thought "She's moved in with Leo and the horses?" and then it continued a few seconds later "loving home". Oh, okay Drew. You are willing to leave Scout with Sam and Dante and be separated from her so that Donna doesn't have to live with Sonny. Wow, you are screwed up.

This "Cody stole the bracelet" is so stupid. All the evidence is circumstantial and there's a ton of reasonable doubt. All Cody needs to do is tell his lawyer about Gladys and the gambling.

58 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Carly, I can believe but what's Drew's excuse

Drew has lost any brain cells he once had once he got together with Carly. (I believe the term is succubus.)

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

they flat out broke the law, and are willing to break the law again, to avoid being persecuted

I think you mean 'prosecuted'(although I think they need to be both prosecuted and persecuted.)

6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Scott got Oscar's shares? Or did Oscar not have any?

I thought that Oscar's shares went to Dawn of Day and Nelle as Shiloh's widow.

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41 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Scott got Oscar's shares? Or did Oscar not have any?

Pretty sure Oscar left his shares for Shiloh. Don't know who has them now.

If these characters were really people, they'd be too dumb to live. I'm looking at you, Drewfus. So the whole thing with him about to go to jail is so that Donna doesn't end up with Nina? Well, Nina did a good thing by blowing you out of the water. Enjoy your life, loser.

Portia deserves to lose Trina. Let her make her mistakes and learn from them.

Zeke, not a fan of Curtis. I'm a fan of that.

Somehow, I don't think that Sonny will dump Nina over the SEC thing. I think he has grow a little since Nixon Falls.

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21 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm looking at you, Drewfus. So the whole thing with him about to go to jail is so that Donna doesn't end up with Nina?

The irony that Carly has, and probably will in the future, accumulated children that aren't hers with absolute disregard to their parents is something.  

And again acting like she'd be going away for 25 to life.  IF ONLY.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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40 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Esme doesn’t like or trust Spencer and he isn’t the father so why would he be on the list to pick Ace up from daycare?

She doesn't have a lot of choice.  She's working, so she can't pick him up when there is an issue.  Laura and Kevin are chasing Nik's ghost in Russia.  That just leaves Spencer.  The devil you know and all that.  


41 minutes ago, Daisy said:

well this Jordan/Zeke thing is over before it started

As is Ned being in coma.  Gotta hurry up story to get back to the ass dragging, riveting SEC story that's been going on for 9988 years.  


40 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

This "Cody stole the bracelet" is so stupid. All the evidence is circumstantial and there's a ton of reasonable doubt.

Especially since he wasn't wearing the jacket at the time.  It was hanging in a public place where everyone and their gambling addicted morther in law had access to it.  


9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Pretty sure Oscar left his shares for Shiloh. Don't know who has them now

They went from Oscar to Shiloh to Nelle, since she married Shiloh.  But then she briefly married Julian and I believe he was the husband on record when she died.  


10 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Somehow, I don't think that Sonny will dump Nina over the SEC thing

I think he will, at first.  There will be some whisper accusing and she'll be teary eyed, but I do think his bed will be cold and he'll come back sniffing in a few weeks.  

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8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

So the whole thing with him about to go to jail is so that Donna doesn't end up with Nina? Well, Nina did a good thing by blowing you out of the water. Enjoy your life, loser.

that one seriously blew my mind.  It's like they think Nina is the one who kidnapped a child, lived off the grid, pimped out innocent girls to be raped by a cult leader, murdered people to keep said secret that she kidnapped said child who got raped by said cult leader.


no wait that's the woman Her daughter actually misses and wishes was around. these people suck.  

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I thought that Oscar's shares went to Dawn of Day and Nelle as Shiloh's widow.

Oh, right. Did Nelle sell them back to the Qs? Or did they go to Drew? Eh, never mind; I don't care. 

Leo, your biological dad is dead because your mom's buddy killed him.

Ugh, the Ashfords are terrible: "My daughter," "How does it feel to say 'my daughter?'," "Family." They are creeping me out with their possessiveness of Trina.

Poor Scout. She's happy with Dante and Sam, so why should she miss her dad? Drew might as well sever his parental rights for all the concern he has for her. And that he's doing all this for Carly?! The mind boggles as the stomach churns.

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Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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